Attended the initial event on friday. Did not even log in saturday. Attempted to log in sunday for the final event, but couldnt get past the patcher. Logged in after the event was over for my server, and did not get into an overflow still running the event.
I recieved a mail with the Karka chest.
Very generous, but then I would have attended the event if the servers had been able to handle the loads and not stick me with the login screen. – Either way, happy they gave me the chest, unhappy with the overall event.
I play very little, not even every day at this point sometimes not even once a week.
Why: Because every content option for my lvl 80s aside from map completions involve serious grind if Im to actually have a purpose to it. – I dont mind grind if it has an intrinsic reward such as; Fun?! – but I do not have fun grinding t6mats while battling the anti farm code, and I dont have fun in Orr because frankly, the events scale horribly – lastly I refuse to get in the fractal or token gear mill because they are also mindless grinds. Doing a dungeon 10 times is ok, if its fun – but grinding them, taking the fastest routes possible because of mindnumblingly boring trash encounters; something a large majority of dungeon runners ended up doing. Im not going to do something I actually would classify as boring and no carrot is going to make me do that.
The sad fact is that once you cut out the content that doesnt give any intrinsic rewards in and of itself after the first 2-3 times let alone the first 50 times, this game has nothing to offer but grinds. Artifically slowed down by either anti farm codes, or by repetitive use of same mats in many recipes to hike up prices (encourage gem purchases I suppose) – Its just such a hollow game when you get disenchanted enough by these facts. – Killed it for me.
I spent hours and hours and days and weeks and months in EQ1. I grinded AA’s – and I had fun. The game was social, it had gear grinds it was grindy. But it had intrinsic value even as content was repeated. GW2 does not to the majority. – Only the ones who have found golden guilds with enough outofgame social banter to carry them through in game activities can enjoy the game longterm, considering the direction it is heading.
I have absolutely no doubt that GW2 is in trouble, unless it gets out of this grind hell its sunken into. And that goes from material grinds to stat grinds. It cheapened the game from the very first mystic forge discoveries.
(edited by Sorry.6741)
Something is off on DB main channel atm. – Some of The Karkas on the beach are the big egg laying types that belong in the event. The main map says Lionsguard are still trying to wrestle controll back – and I lost some WPs from pre-build patch. Some said that the bridge was gone as well as some of the vendors from post event.
they also killed Dragon Blight main map where the event had been bugged for hours. Now there are charred remains and noone on that map actually got to kill the ancient due to the new build being pushed during the event.
well the DB main map channel never got to complete the event. The charred remains are there now, but they didnt actually get to kill the ancient because of the new build.
OP maybe you dont realise that a lot of people already spent 2-3 hours doing this event, only to be disconnected or lagged out and thus missed the reward. Almost none of the many thousands of players complaining were asking to get to repeat that horrible lag fest. They asked for their earned rewards, and Arenanet already replied that they would find a way to get them the rewards for participating in the event.
What you are saying is that for some reason, those people should do the event again, lag and dc’s and whatnot again. Why? – alot of them didnt enjoy it the first time around, let alone have any reason to bend over backwards in order to find themselves in an overflow so they can repeat it.
I am sure there are those who are repeating it infact, since the original thread has 600 replies or so. But that came about without the tone of your OP, and without the condescension and lack of empathy you show.
Edit: Just read Vigils post above. Realised OP is majorly trolling. – /sigh
(edited by Sorry.6741)
I read the dev post about compensating those who didnt get to loot the chest at the end. – Im just going to comment here that it is going to be incredibly hard to do this without really pissing off a lot of people. -
Please consider these things in your solution: Many players were disconnected early on in the event chain, and were unable to log back in due to several overload factors out of their controll.
Others were disconnected and relogged into overflows where their contribution was registered as zero, eventhough they did participate for hours in their original server.
Others were unable to log in entirely during the last 2 hours of the event due to server loads out of their control.
Its obviously up to Arenanet how they implement their solution here, but I humbly request that you consider more than just which players registered damage on the end boss in your distribution of end rewards, or treat everyone equal as it were. There is really know pretty way to do this.
I think it is hilarious that trial accounts may have gotten precursors, I mean you either giggle or cry.
And I just want to point something out: this is one of those scenarios, at least for me, where I don’t care so much about the loot I missed. What I want to see is a clear explanation from ANET about what went wrong from this event start to finish and a VERY clear explanation of VERY SPECIFIC steps that are planned in the future to prevent this sort of complete disaster.
The loot is a one time thing. After this event, I’m so incredibly disappointed that I question whether or not this is a one-time screw up or if we can expect this kind of crap in the future. Because if this is how ANET is going to run this game, I really see no particular reason to keep playing it. If it’s going to be this frustrating, I can find other things to do with my time.
This is also my most pressing issue with what happened this weekend. MMO players need to be able to trust the mechanics underlaying their game works and that they are reliable. It is the most basic foundation we need for justifying the time we invest in the game.
Its a shame the feedback thread was deleted. A lot of valuable feedback was there for you guys at arenanet to avoid alienating so many of your consumers. Now you have to hope and pray people will iterate their misgivings about this event yet again, or you’ll just keep going with the same problems you have this time around.
Maybe the most important issue is: You cant have limited one time events when you are unable to provide a lagfree/disconnect free, gaming environment during those load times. – It is unforgiving to most people who spend upwards of 3 hours doing todays end events, to be disconnected or lag out and stand in lava, when they then have the chest despawn before they can get back to the event. Alot of people were unable to res due to insane load times, and depended on others to res them. And yet others ended up in other overflows than they had disconnected from, and lost all contribution – and in some cases, the events were finished in those overflows.
So buttomline is: Have the gaming environment fit your event, and dont fit an event type like todays end event onto a laggy, unstabile gaming environment.
In the future Arenanet might consider; mailing rewards based on contribution, and eliminating the risk of players missing the chest, due to disconnects or lag issues of some kind. – Maybe it would also be preferable to not have these locale focused events untill you are able to provide an overflow technique that distributes people in such a way as to eliminate server side lag.
I couldnt log in at all. Was very much like the early headstart days. The login just hung there untill it error’d to a grey screen. Tried a few times and just kinda dropped it. – Im not going to give any special attention to Arenanets events in the future, it just makes me annoyed that I wasted time trying to play the game today at all.
I think that it would have been a very good idea if the end reward was a mailed reward rather than depend on people reaching the chest in time. – Im only saying this because lag itself kept many people from ressing in time, and many others disconnected during the end fight. – I dont think it is very smart to have such issues while running an event that requires players to be present for a limited 2-5 minutes before a chest despawns. Not when Arenanet cant secure a lag free/disconnect free game during the event.
That is all.
In all honesty, I mostly log on for events now. I havent really played since the halloween event and so I logged in today about an hour in advance anticipating the events opening battle. For me, the events are important, because I find the dungeon token grind no fun, and I dont want to grind the same events for karma either so, a lot of the “endgame” isnt my cup of tea. That leaves alts, and events. I already have 2 toons at 80 and alot of the maps completed. So events are the main reason GW2 is still installed on my pc.
When the event started and the lag was so bad it felt like autoattack wasnt working, mobs kind of warped out of the blue either away or towards you, and you had no way of actively dodging away in a timed manner, it stopped being fun. – I handing 11 samples in iirc, and then spend another 20+ minutes looking at the event timer hoping whatever came next would be better.
Problem: Events are a major part of gw2, its also something we anticipate (for now) and log in to participate in (on your encouragement) – Massive lag due to the amount of people there should not be tolerated by Arenanet. – Either distribute players differently or put the events in several places at the same time so people can travel by themselves to lesser populated cities, instead of this massive Zerg fest in LA.
After the Karka events timer went out, a cutscene with the boss Karka went across my screen, and I watched him jump into the harbor. – For about 5 seconds I thought: Great! Water boss battle galore – but no, apparently he jumped out of the water to wave at us, then back in the water to go back home, and this was the culmination of the fight.
Problem: The event seemed anticlimactic. There was no heroic sense of anything. The lag didnt help but more importantly we didnt get to even dent out weapons on this big guy. Why not? even if we dont get to kill him, you could make the event much more interesting by letting us experience a true culmination, rather than watching an event bar timer run out. Thats not very good storytelling imo.
After the Karka boss cutscene, we werent going off to fight him in his little dungeon aka halloween event cutscene, instead we went back to the Piazza and chat with the scientists there. This is fine, its actually not a bad idea at all to have scavenging like quests.
Problem: When your events run over 2-3 days, you have to design them and respect the knowledge you have about the player load through the various quest steps. Players will flock to them to get them done in time. – It isnt acceptable for a quality title to have so many important npc’s bug out across all servers effectively cutting off player progress. – It can be very dissapointing to people who cant babysit the event the entire 3 days to see when the bugs are fixed and jump in before they bug out again. – In my opinion you absolutely MUST quality test your event chains better than you did for this events day 1.
My opinion is that the game overall hasnt got tons of content to attract steady game play – I have played 300 hours or so since release and Im bored. I dont consider all content apropriate for me, and my sense of a great time in game. So, what keeps me paying attention is the promise of monthly events/content patches. Big or small, that sounds interesting to me. – If you dont do a better job at ensuring the lag issue doesnt reoccur on your end, and if you dont bug test your content better before releasing it, that incentive for me (and the others like me, you know how many there are of us better than I do Im sure) is lost, and the game just sits there till the SSD needs a little more diskspace cleared.
Anyway, gluck with the rest of the event, Ill see you on the christmas one, – thats the deciding one for me I reckon.
yes she sends me this everytime I zone.
I subdued Noll, but didnt have to chat to him. I got a mail with 3 new location leeds. Went to one in kessex which was bugged (no star npc), so I went to caledorn again and did a couple of handins for a Magic Scroll. On it is says to go back to LA to the head researcher and hand it in.
Im unable to do so. She doesnt acknowledge that I have the scroll and wont chat about it. The Noll step also reads incomplete altho I got a medal in the subdue event, and recieved the mail with the next step. – I lost interest after this. Its too annoying if the scroll says to hand it in at LA, then thats what Ill go do. If it requires that I do X,Y and Z first, then dont give me the scroll yet. – and leave me with no idea about X, Y and Z.
I expect the november content update will slip in some balancing on the availability of these lodestones.
If I had enough money to do anything, I’d purchase a lot of glacial lonestones/lodestones, and sit on those till the november patch just to see if any new recipes involving those come out. I would probably not hoard the charged ones past that date. It seems to be obvious that the current situation cannot hold without Anet intervention.
For the duration of that cutscene I was envisioning The Mad King on a rampage in LA, and us all fighting him off, with all sorts of his minions wrecking havoc around the square. A real big event for everyone who showed up.
Instead he chickens out and retreats to his lalaland?
End cutscene; – and I have just decided not to “wait” around for special events like this one in the future, because honestly that was a bit of a letdown, and so my expectations are way lower now, and thus dont warrant the anticipation I had today. The dungeon is great, but I can do that whenever I want to for the duration of halloween, the 5 second cutscene was not worth the hype (what did the forum banner call it, a one-time event? experience?) whatever.
I dont understand the OP but Im guessing he meant the cutscene was overhyped same as I do now that I’ve experienced both the waiting and the actual cutscene :P
(edited by Sorry.6741)
it is just the rare /yellow level 80 dagger skin. – the craftable one. It looks like a sickle.
I like the destroyer dagger. The way the handle curves over on itself and the heat effect on it. Its a personal preference, but I dont like weapons with obnoxious effects. Just slight ones. The destroyer daggers have a great design, so the effect is just slight enough to not be annoying.
well, I think it is possible and realistic to aquire quite a good looking character without grinding or farming. The issue is that to access the part of the game that does give you either legendaries or it seems event crafted weapons, it is a grind.
I dont have any issue with the legendaries being extraordinary, although I do think it could have been done more elegantly with regards to the precursors.
I do however think it is a shame and a missed oppertunity to make the event weapons versions of the legendary grind. It means those who cant or wont stomach that effort, are put in front of another wall with regards to the content in the game.
For us it ultimately boils down to discussions where matter of opinion outweighs levelheaded discussions about what is best for the game. By excluding a big portion of the players, simply by railing the content in a direction they dont want to head in (the grind for materials in such a degree) you end up with exasperated players. – Its not smart buisness. But I worry this doesnt translate well in view of the gemsales that are seen during the event.
I think the legendary grind is apropriate and caters to players who do like this sort of thing. I am simply pointing out that there is little to no reason for making a similar grind – when it only caters to that same part of the player group. Anyhoo, thats my opinion.
Its turning out to be a lot less fun than I thought it was going to be. Sounds a little dumb I suppose but I am a bit dissapointed with this particular part of the event. – Everything looks gorgeous and there is a great ambience in game. Kudos to the people who worked on that. – But I am really surprised and dissapointed to see that only a small part of these crafting goals actually require event specific items. – That infact the major chunk of the value of each item comes from a dungeon gift, lodestones (which are incredibly expensive when you take the amount needed into account) and the massive amount of ore. – It seems like any old grind, and not very halloweenie :P
I question the decission to not have rare or even exotic drops from the gate events or similar in the world, to be used for the gift creations. – I worry that this is a sign that Arenanet is a little out of touch with the majority (I believe) of their players when they went with this farm or grind, call it what you will. But collecting the same items for every major undertaking where the forge is concerned is getting a bit annoying. The event was a perfect oppertunity to spice it up in a wholehearted way. Not this slightly skizoid inbetween Anet went with.
and these weapons can be sold to other players correct?
I made the recipe for the gift of the moon. The previously stated ingrediants are correct.
There is no way Im going to chuck all those lodestones into creating the weapon however. Its too much of a gold farm for me to be doing during the holiday LOL. – I like the costumes though, so thats something.
Im not sure we need all those gifts to create 1 weapon, and I dont think it will require more than 1 gift pr weapon either. – But then again my outlook is allways to aproach things from as sane an angle as possible. Maybe thats my mistake.
stuck at 99% – download speed went from 1.6mb to 0.00kbs ugh
It has no particle effects or glowing.
Glacial Lodestones are currently misslabelled as Lonestones, and their cores do not produce Glacial Lodestones from the mystic forge, rather they give corrupted Lodestones back.
I noticed this is mentioned on the wiki already to aid people trying to purchase them from the BLT, however it means there are currently two different types of cores producing corrupted lodestones, and none with which to create Glacial Lodestones, please fix.
It is just a travesty that the system is so open to abuse. I would like to see a system implemented that discourages this kind of behaviour. If someone is votekicked, then surely it shouldnt be possible to invite someone else in for 5 mins work on the last boss and get full rewards?
How about the further into the dungeon you votekick someone, the larger the penalty in terms of the substitutes token rewards? – if you can put up with someone for 90% of a dungeon run, only to kick him right before the last boss, that is fishy. And if the substitute only gets 10% of the token reward then fewer people would bother with this. Diminishing returns should count that as a full run btw.
I wouldnt mind to see votekicking applied to players history as well. It should be possible for someone joining a group to see/check if how many players they have kicked in the past 36 hours. That way, you could simply opt out of the 4 man guild runs, where you’re running the risk of being abused like the OP was.
You probably need to be a little patient with this. If its only been 4-5 hours then maybe hope to have it solved before the weekend?
Im not sure if your ticket is tied to your username? or hers? – in any case it is probably allways a good idea to put your ticket number in your post if you want to hope for someone taking up your issue straight from the forums.
Recipe Bugged, Lost 70g+ in mats, A-Net says oh well, sorry? Lindsey Help!!!
in Crafting
Posted by: Sorry.6741
That really sucks!
I can recall someone experiencing the same thing, but with a staff – the one with giant eyes. They also got a mystic staff instead. That recipe has since been fixed to reward Melandrus staff.
The response she got was the same as yours. They cant return the items, and they have no way to track that you did infact use those ingrediants and got the mystic staff, although Im sure they can reproduce it and confirm the bug is there.
I know it is disheartening, and it is very unfortunate that there are these bugs still.
Someone asked about the torch a week ago – I have an elefants memory. I dont know if this is the answer to your question but you can check out this old post by a dev.
The tailor npc next to the tailoring workstation sells all the rare and exotic recipes for karma. There isnt a recipe vendor for the various dungeons, rather you purchase already made sets from those vendors with tokens. (this has nothing to do with tailoring)
The mystic forge is only important for a tailor in so far as you can learn to craft boxes of the full armor sets you previously purchase from the karma vendor next to the tailoring workstation.
Well because the dagger isnt worth 35g. Its not worth 30g either. The mats (non weekend prices) would allow you to craft it for far less, so rather than saying STOP IT, maybe settle for a profit margin that isnt quite as high as that.
So normal players/players that do not know exploits before they are nerfed does not have a chance to get legendary...
in Crafting
Posted by: Sorry.6741
The only issue I have with the precursers is that those who used the large skull rares (lvl 65s) before the error was patched, did not have their precursors removed. As some had several made this way I find it very strange that it didnt occur to Anet that it would make a very few players sit on a very large pile of gold, eventhough, Anet had previously stated over and over again, to report exploits and bugs to them and not abuse them. (Qeue the debate about what constitutes and exploit again will ya)
Agravating this point is also their swift call on the karma exploit from Ebonhawk, but it baffles the mind that they didnt actually go in and remove all the rares and precursors those who abused that exploit were able to create in the forge (this was before the forge was fixed to not accept these weapons) – I know they asked people to destroy any gold and items they had gotten through the exploit, but they didnt actually go in and take that choice out of the hands of the players. Im sure they probably pooled some, but not everyone, and thats an issue.
Since the decisive method of dealing with exploiting the game mechanics in the case of the Karma debacle, we have had limb responses to the gate jumping extra chest hoarding, exploit running dungeon racing, as well as the complete lack of action with regards to the godskull debacle, except a big thank you for reporting it, to that player who sat with 900g after selling precursors. That player had the social savy to understand when to report it and how to do it in a way that didnt land him in trouble with Anet, and surely that is impressive. Their lack of fair action is not.
Anyway, I have been surprised at the way the gamers have argued about the priced of the precursors and not been more angry about the pms’ing standards of Anet with regards to how they deal with these players who exploit weaknesses in the game. – What made the Karma debacle more outrageous than the guy with 6 dawns and 4 dusks in his backpack. – (and the others like him) – Im just wondering if an exploit is ok to abuse if its just you and your 5 palls? If they had invited the whole server to the party then it wouldnt have been and the precursors had been removed – or not? To me the answer is obvious, which is why I dislike the inconsistency in the reactions to this type of behaviour.
Anyway, bla bla bla.
The duelist armor is what the summoned thieves wear, and so it is probably what your thief toon wore at creation. It is a relatively cheap skin. – The named armors are not worth purchasing if youre just looked for a skin, so dont waste gold on them.
Its been a while, but iirc you cant feed the devourers as they are not green, but yellow cons. You can only feed their queens. The larger ones that con green to your character. They are on the nests. Sometimes they have been killed by thieves and non are up. At those times you simply pickup eggs or kills thieves to progress the heart and event missions.
well color me happy. Those are some pretty nice effects. Not obnoxious like certain legendaries, but really cute!
/eyes Giant eyes soar in price.
Iron is a good black on leather armor. Fog is a great metal color, somewhat like tin, on heavy armor, definately beating out steel and gunmetal for that metal effect. It does not look white imo on any armor type.
Supply was going to rise naturally, even without contribution from bots, as more and more players reached the lvl 80 areas where the rare materials drop. If you spent 80g 2 weeks ago on those materials, and expected that the supply wasnt going to change then ofcourse it would be a nasty wakeup call for you.
I do feel discouraged whenever I see those large bot groups, but I report them and hope they get dismantled sooner rather than later, however I dont expect the crafting mats will ever be in short supply while the game has a healthy high lvl population, and neither should you.
I’m playing less and less, but that has more to do with the state of Orr than the trading mechanics in my case.
trying to stock up on them isnt a bad idea, but purchasing them to do so IS a bad ideal. Sugar Pumkins are one of the harvestables you literally have farms of. So place yourself there with an alt or three, and harvest them this week, or whenever, and youll have alot of them in notime, at no cost.
I’ve reported obvious bots, when I run across them. I have not seen them again, however, considering that many were in low level areas, they probably just “matured” to new areas of farming. – ALl the bots I reported, were also teleporting across the areas with such a short cooldown, it was not in any way shape or form possible to achieve with a weapon skill.
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Zone: Gendarren Fields
SP bugged: Quaggan – fight a quaggan in the water near the only underwater WP in the zone.
I bug reported this in BE3, and again the second day after retail. Dont hold your breath for them to fix it.
Aside from the bugs i like that it takes so long and is difficult. If i see someone in an arah set i have more respect for there level of commitment/ and even skill co.pared to someone in Flame legion… heck its to the point where i respect the karma grinders with their set more then the CoF set. The state of that dugeon has been a let down:/ I really wanted the set at launch but refused to exploit/ ignore half the content in the dungeon to get it and now its almost a mark of shame to wear the set in my eyes.
The point im getting at is i like that there is easy sets to get but also hard ones.
When I see someone in full Arah I think: Oh they rode the first two bosses hard, first couple of weeks after retail /yawn.
^ so true. There shouldnt be jumping glitches, or scalable walls. Bosses should have summons mechanics if you leave their designated areas (oh yeah I went there) and they should not be pullable in such a way that other parts of their mechanics can be ignored i.e fighting in a corridor or entrance to the tunnel. Any dungeon trash worth a kitten should come equipped with roots, snares and most definately scorpion wires(summons) so that you cant just race through them waiting for the agro reset to kick in.
Or if thats too much coding, make it so any trash you agro in the dungeon stays agro on you till its dead. Easy fix.
Now since it gets so boring grinding tokens (terrible mechanic), make it so that trash drops something worth while. A chance of tokens or whatever. Or make it so the most packed areas had rich Ori veins.
Oops just checked, those are cayenne pebers. My bad.
I am certain I harvested from a node called Chili peber in the first orr zone. It wasnt a ghost peber node, but a chili one, it had more branches than the ghost one. Maybe you can also get them from herb ones as you guys mention, but Ive harvested them in Orr in the swampy parts.
Ah I see. He was jumped to the part with the skritt queen, because the step before bugged for him. However, imo its a great for him, since he can choose another order and new skins with the step you reverted him back to. Thanks
You arent the only one this happened to. My husband was at killing Zhaitan, since like a week after headstart, but yesterday when we logged in, his was reverted to the lvl 26 one as well. This was weirder and weirder even since he had obviously recieved the quest reward for the entire forging ahead into the Orr zones when we completed the questline together in the later phases. So he got his trooper items, and the mastercrafted backbrace which is from very late in the Orr storyline. Now, he is going to do it all again, and perhaps get to chose some other skins from the quest rewards. Personally I think its great, but I do wonder what on earth made them prompt this strange mechanic. I did all the questline (we are both humans and chose the same storyline points) with him, and I wasnt reverted – all I can say is weiiiiiirrrrrd!