Showing Posts For SweetPotato.7456:

10+ loss streak, dev feedback required

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I was at 1650 yesterday, Right now I am at 900, I think I won approximately 3 matches within the last approx 24 hours.

I have players on my team trebbing walls, I have players on my team talk nonsense nonstop and then turn a perfectly good match to hell, I have players who zerg around off the cap point, not capping anything, I have players zerg around who after kill left the point uncap, I have players who dont know what they are doing but still giving bad plan at the beginning of the match, and yet every brainless players think if someone say a plan that it must be follow without thinking and without reading the mini map, I have player ran away from the best only to be kill, any possible scenario that humiliate the hell out of me is already played out and i am reliving them in every match now.

the matching system is wrong somewhere. I dont know what it is but its not right. Or please, please just dont let me think that i’ve work my ass off, solo queuing from nothing to high gold rank to be humiliated in every match be be kick off to low silver now, I dont think I am going to stay in silver either, because the players are getting worse and the familiar “bot” player are starting to surface again.

Humiliation is what is left and if it wasn’t for the chest. I dont think there are anything left in gw2 thats worth playing.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Been playing bunker druid since start of season. First 50 games were played between 1500 and 1560 rating, solidly. For once, things felt balanced. Win 500 to 450 or lose 450 to 500, games were good. Suddenly upon the morning of 8/24/2017, there was a distinct shift in match quality. Went on a 15 game lose streak where losses were looking like 200 to 500 or worse. I 1v2 or sometimes 1v3 far, the entire game, usually never even die. Yet my team mates cannot cap/hold home OR mid in 4v3s and 4v2s.
This is no embellishment, my matches are complete kitten every single time I que.

I saw the same thing happen to Chaith on day one. He was put on a team that simply couldn’t do anything to our team. Chaith carried hard but it didn’t matter because his teammates were exploding on contact. So I don’t want to hear anything about “getting good” because it is true that bad enough match making can create impossible to win situations for even the best players.

Furthermore, I find it odd that during the first three days, the matches felt real. Every player was communicating and trying hard. It felt like an inhouse or scrim. I could tell the players were real and every match was try hard balanced scores between 500/450 for wins or losses. Then suddenly… 15 games in a row of questionably real players. Where people never communicate, they almost seem like bots at times and I wonder if they are throwing or if they are handicapped one armed players. They aren’t just losing matches no, they do questionable things:

  • Example A: I am far point 1v1ing an enemy bunker druid on my team’s color. My thief comes to + me but instead of actually DPSing the bunker druid “which has no damage to threaten the thief” he dances around, dodging and only striking once every 3 or 4 seconds with #1 auto then goes back to random dodging and won’t leave when I tell him to. Is he making it look like he is doing something but in actuality is just throwing? He is either throwing or he is actually a handicapped player with one arm.
  • Example B: I am literally “1v3ing the far point while holding it neutral for 4 minutes or more”, I look at the mini map and see home and mid as the enemy color and 4 of my teammates on respawn. Yes, that has happened multiple times during this 15 game loss streak. How is that even possible? I’ve been training new players for years now and I can say that 4 intermediate or even new players can kill 2 veteran players rather easily in 9/10 situations. So what the hell is going on here? Is there still UBER mass amounts of match manipulation going on or do anet devs secret play in matches and like to screw with certain players? Because let me tell ya, Always seeing 4 players lose to 2 players, has got to be throwing or purposeful placement with handicapped players who only have one arm, but the match making cannot possibly be that bad. I don’t believe it. Either way you look at it, something is up that isn’t being talked about.
  • Example C: Having the same exact people on my team over and over and over and over, yet the enemy teams are always different players. What is that and how is it even possible? It often feels like these players are being put with me to make 100% sure, that I lose the match every time.

My question is, why is this suddenly happening to me for 15 games in a row? Why do other players I talk to always tell me that their full season experience is more like my first 50 matches?

If anyone in that anet office cares to figure out what is wrong with this, please sit in and view my matches. I know you can do it and I think you should see this. Because when you see that I am not over-exaggerating the stories of 1v3ing far while my team losses 4v2s at home and mid, it just may inspire you to figure out what is going on here.

But, maybe you already know why. Maybe I’m just being screwed with. Sometimes I really do question it. Don’t take this as the usual idle rant about losing. I’ve played 10,000 matches and have personally trained 100s of players, some of which who went on to form ESL teams. I know the difference between players who are trying and theatrics.

Exact same thing is happening to me. My case scenario is worse, much worse. However mine didn’t happened as early as yours, my started yesterday, all losses with 1 wins. and it continues today. There are players on my team that does not even know the map, where to go or what to do, 2 players ran pass the beast, get kill mid way to the Keep point, MID GOLD rank and there are player who is clueless about the map, players who melts on contact, players who don’t kite, dont konw what to do on different maps. Terrible, just terrible.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Disconnect Timer and Rating Loss

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Why you punishing me for your fault. ArenaNet

Yesterday was my first disconnect, I immediately got a 15minutes dishonor wait when I relog back into the game.

“I load into a match, told everyone I am getting home, then bam! disconnected, I immediatedly load into the game as fast as I could managed, but the game send me to lion’s arch. 1) why did you send me to Lion’s Arch? I am suppose to load back into the match without dishonor because I reconnect as fast as I could.

Nevermind, I thought, I quickly load into the pvp lobby, still I am out of the match even then, by that time, I already gotten the dishonor, while I have no way of getting back into the match, at no fault of mine.

Okay, nevermind, maybe I dont load back in since I did attempted not to disappoint my teammate, with 15 minutes dishonor, I loaded another toon for wvw, what do you know,? I am loaded into the match at which time I am being attack by one team mate calling me trash, forcing me to DC so they dont lost ratings, at which time, I told them I don’t cheat like that as it wasn’t my fault and the name calling carry on, reasulting in me having to report them for verbal abuse. All this while, I am the one getting punish. Why?

I dont get to play in match
I get 15 minutes dishonor
I lost ratings.

How is this fair?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Authenticator Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I am not sure what the problem is, it has to do with the authenticator.
I am thinking this need to be reported, could be big could be nothing. Because its just acting funny, and I certainly do not want my account stolen.

The last 2 days I have been encountering this situation where the game cannot identify a CORRECT authenticator code. How I come to know I did not make a mistake keying in the code.

First time this happened, I have to restart the client for it to work again. I didn’t pay attention to the code, but then today, it is happening again, and I was using the same exact code because the timer hasn’t run out. And the second time it did work with the exact same code.

So why am I encountering this ?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

[Suggestion] Changing Landscape

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


This is a suggestion

For adding
1) more challenge and more defending capabilities
2) living world
3) helps low population servers by making it harder for zerg to take their tower by moving around breachable point of towers/keeps and reinforcing them from players response and initiative to help keep their server safe.
4) incorporate moat since now we have gliding and maybe mount in wvw in the future.

Ever changing landscape in the WvW map also will fit the ‘living’ part of GW2 perfectly.

the Method (roughly thought out but along this line)
locations of towers, camps, keeps are to remain where they are, while the surrounding landscapes change from week to week. sometimes you have a high ground/point at X, sometimes you don’t, sometimes you gonna have a moat in front of your keep extra where effort need to be made to cross the moat to attack a keep. And players don’t just go to the same wall everytime they try to take a keep or flip a tower. Now these attack location changes every week according to players investment in the wvw.

How is this changes to come about. From players respond, if a place is being cata alot in week 1, the next week this place will be reinforced, its wall becomes harder to take down, on top of that, defending servers can “pay” with a kind of WvW currency, to have this wall be unbreakable the following week and another breachable wall will exist elsewhere for that tower/keep and the attacking servers need to find them before they can take that tower. This currency is awarded to every wvw players and they have to take the initiative to talk to a special NPC for the changes to take effect.

Vice versa, if a keep was never flipped/taken by another server the whole week, the following week the wall will be less guarded and it will be easier to take/flip said keep/towers. Players on this server can also try to “buy/bribe” the npc from making their keep reinforced, but the chance of this “bribe” is lower then that of a weaker servere.

make mapping in WvW more fun and siege usage more rewarding/fun. I and I think everyone else already know most of the places to drop a siege, it gets a bit boring!

Thank you for reading.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Aesthetically Failed Raised Land on Ebg

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Login to WvW EBG to find one of my favourite tower – Veloka has been blocked by a chunk of ugliness. Please removed them, thank you. If you are having trouble assigning which air space is forbidden to whom, raising the land is a failed attempt, and its making the landscape ugly.

If it was up to me, I make it so that one can glide everywhere, one can drop into a keep/tower (provided if you can find a point high enough to glide from) that is under their server’s control. If the territory isn’t under their server’s control, one can still glide outside a tower/keep/castle and not drop into them – provided they have the stamina to stay afloat and not fall into —->>, remember I said NET TRAP/Gliding Prevention Trap. It’d be really fun if you can see enemy SPLAT and fall off onto the ground or get stuck hanging on the sky while one can shot at them.

BTW, you have also made it harder to defend veloka since now everyone can hide behind that giant piece of ugliness to take down Veloka’s Cata wall.

Please revert the landscape to how it was, its so ugly now.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

You shouldn't lose rating when teammates DC

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I just got kicked from a match again, and I dare not log in , how to show my face in the lobby, when you keep kicking me from a match.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Everyone is going invisible these days

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


why is everyone going invisible these days. use to be thief, then thief and mesmer, then thief, mesmer, ranger, engineer now, its thief, mesmer, ranger, engineer, guardian, warrior and elementalist all of them going invisible … come on, what in the hell is this

someone tell me please.
thank you

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


There is going to be a net trap ya?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

How to get the amorsmith station at pvp map?

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I suggested to have crafting station in PvP lobby, never would I thought Anet would do this …. woe is me.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Today, anohter bot in my match (opposite team) got into a bit of a problem, first this bot warrior went invisible before attacking, then my ranger pet chase them into a corner and they couldn’t get out. The bot just keep on running facing the wall, suddenly they disappear and then reappear in the middle cap point. This is the khylo map. and theres stairs and ram up the middle point, there is no way this player just magically jump up into the middle cap point. BOT! picture 1 (salty sea dog title player)

picture 2 another suspicious player (slayer title)
the warrior just keep running into the wall for a lengthy amount of time, at least as long as it took to cap a point because my enemy was capping the point and we were looking at this player’s weird behaviour, they reported them for botting LOL it didn’t even occur to me then.


Guild Wars 2 Forever

Remove PVE armor stats from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


please make it so. keep the look, not the stat.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

[Suggestion] Permanent Siege Blue Print

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Awarded to players who have dropped appropriate amount of x type Siege meaning every type of siege you need to drop that above amount to acquire the permanent siege blue print crafting liscence.

How to go about getting this permanent blue prints after you have dropped x number of blue prints.

Step 1 Drop sieges, reach a certain amount, go to

Step 1-1
craft the blue print container
note: i seriously do not want to be carrying around a lot of different permanent blue prints, thank you.

step 2
drop more sieges, get to max amout

step 2.1
craft the permanent blue print.

i) help building sieges get a small amount towards objective progression
ii) ticking sieges/using gets a small amount towards objective progression

I am sorry, please move this to WvW. I put it here by mistake.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

[Bug]-Ranger Pet

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Full health pet think they are dead.

visible animation on screen when this happened was

1) Pet stands up and falls to the ground repeatedly when you execute the F1 attack skill
2) F2 skill is unavailable

Guild Wars 2 Forever

You shouldn't lose rating when teammates DC

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Yes , please ArenaNet,

help me feel less guilty, i ust got the black screen of death (infact i have the blackscreen of death alot this season) , you may think this is a fake screen but when i screenshot there was a cursor pointer thing on it, but it didn’t get capture.


Guild Wars 2 Forever

Server Population

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Server population NOT WvW population.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Arenent mistakes Making empty server full

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


This is what I think the thread is saying, the population of WvW is not base on the Population of the Server.

This is what I think outnumbered means
I am on TC, we were outnumbered before, we are outnumbered even more now. And the server linking is making the situation worse, we have other servers who linked, recruited active WvW players from TC and then they left. Taking away even more away from our server.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Suggestion - Please don't lag me to death

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Emergency Waypoint has a timer once the tactivator is pulled.

It will appear on the map for 1 minute which is short enough and reasonable, Since ArenaNet has taken the trouble to let team chat be across map so that we can communicate and get to needed map and for better coordination, transferring players to spawn because the server is lagging due to blob/zerg is unacceptable, small servers need everyone that is willing to participate!

Often, when EWP is pulled,.

it is either
1) on a non laggy day, you get killed instantly because the ewp is camp by enemies zerg/blob
2) on a laggy day, game port you to spawn instead.

Suggestion to rectify this please. thank you
1) let player assign their our own location for EWP – the tactivator will be at the same location, player however can choose 1 of the 3 location for the EWP

2) dont port player to spawn, please, if a player takes the troubel to use EWP, no matter how long my internet load me or the zerg/blob lag me, just port me to the ewp.

off course if the objective have been flipped then we get port to spawn.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

ranked horror story share time

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


4 players went to cap home base at the beginning of the match. true story happend yesterday.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Suggestion - Siege to Zerg ratio

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


We receive bullying from big servers on a daily basis, they come, they cata, they take, today its getting ridiculous.

We have a T3 langor tower, fully sieged with tactivators, the tower melted from at least 8 guild catapults and several shield generators. (could have been 10, I couldn’t get the exact numbers but there were way more than what they usually drop)

How can this be a balanced and fair fight when the richest server that can buy an obscene amout of sieges and use it to bully smaller server everyday.

I suggest there to have some kind of Zerg to Siege ratio control, big zerg can only drop x number of siege etc*, just come up with a good solution, arenanet, its ridiculous that you allow players on small servers to get bully until they dont even feel like going to play in WvW anymore. I stood in a fully sieged up tower and are unable to do anything. I jumped into the mob to deploy a siege disabler, PRACTICALLY STANDING INSIDE the sheild bubble next to the catapult , deploy it, and didn’t work, because they have shiled. HOW CAN THEY SHIELD IT WHEN I AM STANDING INSIDE THE SHIELD? Unless if I am standing on top of the wall to deply the disabler, then I have no complain, but I am there, next to the catapult, how do you explain the shiled …. its my only defence to slow down the attack until help arrive, you just take away all enjoyment from me who have been playing guild wars for more than10 years. At the end the enemy were all laughing too, because I stupidly jumped into a mob to deploy a siege disabler and failed, thinking it would work, all because you don’t balance your game.

This is the next suggestion, if someone jumps into the shield bubble and are standing next to the siege to drop the disabler, no matter what type of shield they have, it should be activated if they dont die first.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

SO MANY bots! sPvP unplayable!!!

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Another behaviour I notice from playing against the alleged bot, When you down them, they never try to use any other downed skill except 4. this is a necromancer, and they dont fear you away, never once did they use any other skill except immediately go to skill 4.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Enable Blocking to Work for Team Matchups

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


That means I can block everyone who is better than me and win all the time!

Stop stealing my totally original ideas that I got after reading your post!!

This is not your totally original idea. I suggested it already. :P

yes I support this because it is my idea :P

Guild Wars 2 Forever

ranked horror story share time

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


This match started like all my other matches, no one is reacting to my captcha “Human X up please”, in the midst of my despair, a thief responded, “I’ll home”, relief, a thief who wanted to claim home point, can’t all be bad. The gate opened, 3 players went to home point without swiftness except the thief…, thief who already were stading at the home base had to leave but were killed mid way to enemy base, meanwhile at mid point, me and one other player were overwhelmed by 4, at which time, I still was hoping the 2 who are still standing at home base would move and come help mid, they were intercepted by the enemy thief who already reach our home base…, our thief who had now been revived and has started to ran to enemy base was killed again mid way … at 45 (my team) vs 300 (enemy team) point, the elementalist on my team who tripple capped home base decided they want to cap Defensive Inspiration, success, they came towards mid point, Yay! finally, help arrive…, they ran through mid point, not stopping to help, maybe a littlke, I was healed a tiny bit as she was in a bubble sort of floating pass my down body, and they successfully capped Offensive inspiration, as they jumped out of Offensive Inspiration and landed outside, enemy thief finished them off…. …

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Help with players teleporting

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Definitely need to check on these teleport thing,
I have had Ranger, Warrior, Ele and Guard teleporting all over the place. They usually teleport when they are about to get Finisher.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

SO MANY bots! sPvP unplayable!!!

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


These bots they exist. I usually type a joke and see who reacted, sometime I do a captcha, like Human X up please. Usually players do not type X to respond, instead you can see some players respond by jumping up and down etch, dance, sleeps or shoot / hit you with their weapon, then you know they aren’t Bots.

But there is this one toon, that I think is 99% a bot, I was in 4 matches in a row with them and they did the exact same thing in each of the match. They follow the player who start the game capping home base, following them where ever, I need to be in match with them again to see exactly what happen if the player they follow died.

anyway: captcha – please consider adding this in the beginning of the match

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Disconnect when accept match pop up

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Didn’t get a chance to click accept, immediately disconnected from game. report submitted.


Guild Wars 2 Forever

what is the best 1v1 class right now

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Ranger – Prebuild
Necro – staff/ sceptor/warhorn
Rev – staff/ i cannot remember

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Downed Ranger Hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Either he had another ranger trying to rez him or he is lagging (ever seen swimming corpse effect xD?).

cannot be anohter ranger, theres only 1 ranger on the other team. what is this swimming corpse effect?

When player is lagging and went down while moving or being knocked back, his corpse starts to basically swim around on the ground. Effectively his corpse is actually lying somewhere but issue is you get stomp promp only when you are next to visible corpse while physical location of the corpse is somewhere else. It is not a hack, it is just side effect of lag. They also can’t be rezzed by normal means but can be attacked by ranged attacks or you can use teleport skills to port to their actual location and just spam AA to finish them.

I see what you mean, that is not the case. he teleported from location A to B like thief would, and I couldn’t complete the stomp because they are now at B, I went to B, started to stomp again, at the final moment, he ported again, up to the a platform on top of the tower. Its in battle of kyhlo.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


For those able to get in with the workaround, great. For those that are still unable to get in, we are actively troubleshooting the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

please reverse my dishonored from the bad work around. thank you.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Fix this problem please,

i used the work around and got 2 more dishonours …. i am at 45 minutes waiting now. THANK YOU FOR THE WORK AROUND THAT DOESN’T WORK…


Guild Wars 2 Forever

Downed Ranger Hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Was there a Necro? Transfusion trait can teleport downed bodies.

They have necro on their team, but none that I notice near where the ranger teleported to, that #4 skill has 600 range and it teleport to the player executing it with a 40 second recharge, I can’t see how that could have happened.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Connection vs Dishonor

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456



I am keeping my calm. I am keeping my calm

Please fix PvP disconnect.

Everytime after a patch, I get disconnected, I have no idea why, I don’t want to know, I think arenanet needs to find out why because it is getting annoying.

Before you even say get a better IP, I can run in wvw Zerg with minimum lag. thank you, I upgraded to 5G connection and this still happens.

Please fix. Thank You

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Downed Ranger Hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Either he had another ranger trying to rez him or he is lagging (ever seen swimming corpse effect xD?).

cannot be anohter ranger, theres only 1 ranger on the other team. what is this swimming corpse effect?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Downed Ranger Hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Last week,

Nevermind, I must tell you first, how much I dislike players who stand at a distance, shoots arrows at you., the minute you get near them, they died. Okay, now that is out of the way.

There was this one Ranger who did just that, I Rapid Fire them while they are doing the same to my teammate, I then Point Blank Shot them off the high tower, I then “swoop” at them, they are downed, I started the finish move and low and behold, he teleported to another location, not far away, I thought fine, I will run over and restart the finish move and he will be dead, what do you know?!, he teleported again back up to the stairs from where I shot them down with Point Blank Shot.

What do you think? Hacked or not?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(Request) The Loner Guild (Hall)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Please let my 1 person guild have a guild hall.

Thank You very much.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

[Suggestion] - Siege off limit location

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


We have a siege troll today, I don’t know what trigger them to do it. This is a long time players that you see day in and day out since the beginning of time, wait, beginning of WvW.

They decided that they wanted to troll players with sieges blocking the Repair and Banker NPC. Created unwanted grief on the map.

To make the atmosphere more pleasant, please don’t let players drop sieges on npc, or players (while i am already making this suggestion), especially the downed ones.

Thank You.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

[Suggestion] Walking Yak-version 1

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


There was an incident near my house when a roti seller had an accident, his motorbike was overturn outside my residence and I went to help him, picked up his roti while he sat to mend his injury.

He offered me roti for helping.

Yak walking in WvW is the most boring thing ever! There is no immediate reward that one can expect, except for the individual to get the title “Yakslapper.”

My suggestion is simple, get 10 supply if you walk the yak to and form a destination!

Thank You.

Max at 3-5 players getting the reward if say a zerg/blob were walking the yak.

10 supply is just a suggestion, it should vary depending on the distance walked.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Does anyone miss the old rivalries?

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Server pride died when players left or get bought and defected to the big servers.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Rev knockback

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


What are you talking about! Rev is one of the hardest to play profession! do yous see many who play it!?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Unique Server Armour and Gear

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


It’s good if the servers weren’t filled with players from other servers to begin with. What you gonna put on the biggest server’s armor, I came from X server?

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Team channel spam

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Put team chat in a separate tab.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Disable invisible/offline whisper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


[Suggestion] cannot put in topic as it is too long

Please addess this invisible/offline whispering.

If a players choose to go offline or invisible, they shouldn’t be able to whisper another person with insult.

Please fix thank you.

Players goes offline, its only normal, I am always offline during league seasons, I know some of the problems mentioned below.

After review feedbacks below, tweak this:

If I go offline, I whisper anohter player, this give this particular player the ability to whisper me (the offline player) in return one time, even if I am offline, but not other players whom I have not send a whisper to, unless I whisper them. I think this is good.

thank you.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Thank you Anet :)

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Add a thing to tactics so if someone pulls it it shows the name of who last pulled it.

this ^^ thank you

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


No, you want, you work for it and dont be leecing pip idling.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Outnumbered not fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


My feedback, report of the new wvw patch in hope the problems will be fixed.
This new patch is suppose to address the problem of outnumbered servers but it actually created new problems.

1) Players looking for outnumbered map to leech on, players standing around to let the pip collect itself by doing the minimum possible amount to help the server. While the other players are busy keeping stuffs in check they also don’t get to enjoy the outnumbered created to counter the outnumbered problem in the first place because these idle leeching players are taking up the space. And the outnumbered servers are still outnumbered, just not in numbers this time.

2) Players not reporting on possible attack as they want the map to stay outnumbered

3) High population maps means they don’t get as many new players into their wvw population compare to the Low populated ones. Even if they did get a new influx of players the odds are with them always. Because they already have the stable number of players who know WvW enough to carry the new players around.

4) Low population maps has lots of new WvW players who came in the hope to get pip /rewards resulting in a new kind of Outnumbered, now the low populated servers are Outnumberd by newbies vs veteran from high populated maps.

5) Players actually sabotages own server by pulling tactivator in the hope the keep will be taken so that they can flip it later for the Daily Keep Capture.

6) Any players with a tag is happily taggin up in WvW so that they get the Commander extra pip earned. Resulting in various dramas and griefings. (suggest: rank 2000 and above only can tag or come up with something good)

7) And then theres is the ever presence problem of players not keeping the sieges alive on low population servers, simply because they don’t care. There is no co operation what so ever resulting in 2-5 persons alwasy have to be on the same duty of dropping/building/ticking the sieges because big servers attack constantly, and without this sieges, when your are shot on players, towers and keeps are gone in an instant. Please check out my siege change suggestion on my other thread. (cant find thread: read here, Paying the sentry npc to tick sieges)

Thank You.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

How to fix Pip system.

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


If you don’t help build siege and keep them alive for 10 hours you don’t get pip. You also don’t get to jump on my sieges and get pips when enemies are attacking. If you use the sieges I dropped and kept alive for 10(sometimes more) hours all the pips from those siege goes to me.

The current pips system doesn’t reward loyal players. It is rewarding all the players who left for big servers. My servers with all the new players coming in doesn’t even goes outnumbered now. and we are still “Outnumbered” in a new ways, as is pro wvw vs new pip hungry new comers. The new system need to be rework, its making old players do more work, getting less reward, while getting even more headache and not getting any pips.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Super Legendary Champion Keep Lord

in WvW

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I am Asura !

Super Legendary Champion Keep Lord.

When I asked about this on my WvW map, players said Asura are too small and lack the size to be a Keep Lord. But I beg to differ! We have Golem, infact we Asura must build a GIGANTIC Size Golem for this purpose. We will be the Super Duper Legendary Keep Lord, if ever there is one.

Please, may we Asura have the honour of being a Legendary Keep Lord.

Thank You

This is a Suggestion/Request. Title does not allow me to include the word Suggestion as I have exceeded the max characters.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

Guardian when alone goes invisible.

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I am wandering what build gives a guardian the ability to go invisible in PvP , what runes or sigils? thanks in advance.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

ALMOST Reaching 1 MIL damage in Ranked match

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


what build are you using to get that much damaged done?

my highest so far isn’t even half that , on my necromancer


Guild Wars 2 Forever

can we please have team que back

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Only if it is seperated from solo queuing. Thank you.

I only do solo que, I dont like to meet up with a premade.

try it for one season, like this and I am sure everyone will want back into solo queuing

Guild Wars 2 Forever