Showing Posts For Tavastia.6527:
I have some suggestions for the trap and spirit skills, I am sure the dev’s will love these:
-Moving activates all untriggered traps.
-Attacking causes all spirits to sacrifice themselves.
-Each time player takes damage, all trap skills go on a 4 second cooldown (max: 10 stacks)
-After spawning a spirit, player is dazed for 2 seconds. If player uses a break stun, spirit sacrifices self.
-Using a shout roots pet for 5 seconds
-Activating celestial avatar sacrifices half of players health pool
-If player has all 3 trait lines filled out, player is constantly “in combat”
-If using a shortbow or longbow, players projectals have a 50% chance to be “Obstructed”
-Equipping a 1-handed sword disables players Healing Skill
I have no regrets.
i’ve never seen a dev team with such a widely used product be quite this terrible.
OP sounds high maintenance af.
$50 for the privilege to grind for the content you thought you were paying for.
Wish I could get a refund. These dev’s seriously suck. The maps a great looking though.
supposed to kitten-talk all the other players and make a mroe toxic environment than it already is because there has been 1 pvp mode for 3 years.
These dev’s are such fail. Jesus how can they even show up to work in the morning.
Everything that was good about GW1 was not implemented in GW2 because fail-devs.
Everyone just uninstall. Game’s long been dead.
you sound like a fail-anet dev
There are NO ranger lines that synergize with Druid meaning they made this spec very recently and the lack of work shows.
Are you saying an office full of Seattle-millennials who grew up watching ITT Tech “GaMe DeSiGn” commercials on TV put out a bad product? no way jose.
too bad you guys game them $50 for a few new, terrible skills
Anet / ‘the devs’
Crippling Shot needs a much longer Cripple (9s) because a 3s Cripple on a 12s CD is not a good reason to call a skill Crippling Shot and Ranger applied torment, not pet bleeds as they are useless. CD reduction to Concussion Shot to 15s instead of 25s. Would be quite good then imo.
In GW1 Crippling shot was an Elite, and it applied 8 seconds of cripple on a 2 second CD. But that was back when rangers made sense…
The hell do you want them to do about that?
There is so much junk in your reward system. Its all clicking. so much kittening clicking. kittenmit it’s a lot of kittening clicking. Whey should I have to click 5+ times to get rid of the god kitten blue piece of kitten you rewarded me, a pvp player, with? If you’re gonna give kitten skins just give me an extra 2 silver in lieu of the blue/green, that way i can buy what i want and not have to click 457 times to clear out my rapidly cluttering inventory.
What you see is what it’s going to be. The owners have washed their hands of PvP in this game, it should be obvious by now.
Here are some deaf ears to cushion the fall of your plight.
ITT: people who grossley mismanage their money.
IGN to the right
PvP, dungeons, urrthing
To be honest, implementing a “Save build” would make me spend more in the gem store on skins/gold for different weapons as switching weapons would then become the most time consuming factor (only 2 seconds) of switching builds and I would buy a lot of different skins to do this. I would also shorten future sentences. With build templates, I would have multiple condi specs, multiple power specs, etc all which require distinct weapons and armors that require gold (which requires gems cause i’m rich ho).
But minis are now in your wardrobe!
After the 17 friends on my FL (from GW1 pvp) who played for no more than 3 months after GW2 release heard of this revelation, they promptly reinstalled the game and started buying gems.
Is there an option to place player names below the character model? It is a much cleaner look.
Or is this just another one of the many great features from GW1 that were not brought over to GW2?
Wish i read this before crafting ascended PVT armor =[
stop crying. its a cyber 50% boost in a video game. seriously why are people winge-ing about this so hard?
Well, if you ever get a lot, you will understand.
and do explain this… why should someone play pvp when there are no rewards? I’m sure your comment made sense in your head, but you really need to think before replying.
Because you play a game to have fun. this is not a job, its recreation. christ – the whole reward mentality has ruined gaming and games in general.
stop crying. its a cyber 50% boost in a video game. seriously why are people winge-ing about this so hard?
The area on the other side of your front door is vast and wonderful. Don’t let their sub-par PvP game ruin your life man.
best post in world
—add a ‘resilience’ stat that mitigates condi damage taken
—condi clears are reworked to clear a certain # of stacks of conditions
—remove pre-set amulet stats and give players a pool of 2000 attribute points to allocate to whatever stats they choose
—put limitations on stat allocation – 800 max per attribute and no more than 1500 total offensive (power, prec, crit, cond) or 1500 defensive (tough, vital, resil, heal)Now you have unlimited build possibilities. You can virtually create a counter to anything. You can build to passively mitigate condition damage. Condition clears remove stacks instead of entire conditions. Example 25 stacks of bleed your condi clear may remove 10 stacks. Duration-stacking conditions would be entirely removed as they would count as 1 stack. This is important because we wouldn’t want to nerf the ability to clear immobilize, cripple, chill, poison, etc.
Some builds would be extremely susceptible to condition dmg, while others would be extremely resilient against them. Just like we have with power vs toughness currently.
Lastly, I would animate condition application so that it can be just as easily dodged or blocked as direct damage, so those without resilience stat could use their skill to hopefully outplay condition classes, since their condi clearing has been nerfed.
This guy knows what to do.
Not seeing this work on swap.
Am interested. Played HoH and GvG for years – and this game for a month after launch, but just came back a few weekends ago. Been reading forums and trying out all the different build;s to sort of play catch up. Rank 21 so far. Could use some guidance and structure.
Let me know
Why not just use the GW1 system? Why try to reinvent the wheel.