(edited by Torasan.6029)
Showing Posts For Torasan.6029:
I play on Gandara. About a year or so ago WvW was pretty good with Gandara. We had a medium to high population. Most nights every borderland had an active commander and day / nights you could still find active groups on the home border and eb. Now sadly our population has dropped and finding a decent fight has become extremely hard. The past 3 weeks we’ve been set against SFR who just end up dogpiling us because they outnumber us so heavily. This isn’t fun for the people being dogpiled, and I can’t imagine its much fun for SFR either. I remember dogpiling some low pop servers back in Gandara’s more active days. It felt so empty. We spent more time dps’ing doors than fighting.
Population disparity is a huge problem in WvW, but I have the solution!!!
Step 1: For 2 weeks ArenaNet make server transfers FREE.
Step 2: Players can only enter a WvW map if their server has <10 players more than the opposing servers have on the map.
Step 3: Have free transfer windows at the start of each WvW season.
This would obviously make it extremely difficult for players on high population servers to join WvW when fighting medium or low population servers. However, with free transfers these players can easily move to lower population servers for guaranteed access to WvW.
I am sure within 2 weeks the player base will have transferred to even out the active WvW players across the servers. Then we’d have competitive battles every match up & little to no dogpiling.
There’s far too few savage or sexy armour sets in GW2. Please return this set. I am planning a wild beast of a necro and this would have been an epic looking character set when combined with godskull slayer greatsword.
For anyone whose gonna moan about ‘elitist guilds’ i suggest you join a wvw guild for yourself & experience first hand the fun of fighting not as an individual but part of a team. Its great to work as a guild and fight overwhealming numbers or just fight vs other guilds.
Truely this game has amazing group combat mechanics and when you work with others the results can be staggering
So don’t hate; integrate! Join a wvw guild today ;-)
Why don’t we get WXP for capping/defending these.
It’s far too easy to flip them just to farm WXP. One thing that is coming soon is an addition of WXP consumables to the player loot bags, which should make a pretty big addition to the amount of WXP you get from being in the area, assuming you are killing players. As to adding it to the general capping of the points, we’ll have to consider that pretty carefully before we make any changes.
That was awfully good of ANET to respond so quickly to one player’s concerns over easily aquired wxp.
Now can we get a full responce from ANET to the numererous points regarding the complete mess that’s been made of balance in wvw?
Why has ANET so brazzenly attempted to destroy the thriving and growing GvG communitty?
Can ANET please consider the implication this has on wvw ‘guilds’ in ‘Guild Wars’? For most GvGers their GvGs are the highlight of their week and the reason they continue to play wvw & ultimately GW2. I honestly fear many of the most regular wvw players (who also GvG) may move on to alternative games.
Please ANET change the buff to anything but stats!
(edited by Torasan.6029)
no stat bonus IS NOT A GOOD IDEA… haven’t you been reading the other 9000+ posts in this forum.
we want fair fights not unfair fights. that means NO STAT BONUSES whatsoever in wvw!
OP has done a great summery but surely we have to ask how did this buff make it onto the game? didn’t the devs foresee this. atleast one must have said: ‘this is a stupid idea’. afterall we had this same crap before with orbs.
serious questions must be asked of those involved. the devs must not make such terrible decisions as reintroducing a failed idea in nearly the same fashion.
ANET WE DO NOT WANT UNBALLANCED COMBAT BUFFS IN WVW. now go remove the stats buff and make it magic find or something, till you can make the new central locations contribute to the score in some way.
ok so since my previous post was merged i see we have many more. this one has staff responces too! well i’d like to say that often at this time (midnight) i’d log my main, throw up my commander tag and lead the fight vs the enemy in a brave effort to hold onto a few towers in wvw.
tonight i’m not going wvw. why would i deliberately seek an unfair fight vs a more populated server with extra stats?
can’t answer? nor can i.
i would like to ask who thought this bloodlust idea was good and who allowed it to be implemented? then i’d like to ask that these people NEVER be allowed to contribute to balance or development of game mechanics ever again.
you should have learned from the orbs. guild wars is supposed to be the mmo based on the idea of a fair fight. this is anything but fair. fix it; remove the stats bonus ASAP.
often at this time (midnight) i’d log my main, throw up my commander tag and lead the fight vs the enemy in a brave effort to hold onto a few towers in wvw.
tonight i’m not going wvw. why would i deliberately seek an unfair fight vs a more populated server with extra stats?
can’t answer? nor can i.
i would like to ask who thought this bloodlust idea was good and who allowed it to be implemented? then i’d like to ask that these people NEVER be allowed to contribute to balance or development of game mechanics ever again.
you should have learned from the orbs. guild wars is supposed to be the mmo based on the idea of a fair fight. this is anything but fair. fix it; remove the stats bonus ASAP.
…game over.
GvG’s ruined.
Chances of fair fights ruined.
Chances of fighting vs higher ranked servers ruined.
making one server’s players stronger ruined wvw when you had orbs, why did you think its gonna be different now?
gg anet.
p.s. the map change isnt bad at all. the buff would be fine if it contributed to the tick or something score based instead of stats based. also after a year we still only really have 2 wvw maps. making each borderland different would help a lot to make wvw more interesting; certainly better than giving one side an advantage to the others.
Simple game mechanics question, do Superior Rune of the Traveller 6 set bonus and the trait ‘Power Shoes’ stack?
trolls troll to get reaction. if you give them a reaction beyond the common sence comment ‘dont build the treb at the gate’ then they will feel success.
deny them their fun, dont react and ignore them. they soon get bored and wander off; not unlike Towlie. They are probably in a similiar state to Towlie come to think of it.
Since when are we forced to craft ascended weapons? Every source that drops ascended mats, also drops ascended weapons. and since ascended mats are aquired in every part of the game wvw camps/tower/keeps/sm/jps. pve champs/jps/world events/temples/dragons/dungeons/mini dungeons. You can get ascended weapons with almost no effort absolutely anywhere. No need to cry so much
Ascended weapons aren’t a choice. If you were to tell my guild master in a month you don’t have an ascended weapon or any progress towards it, he’d laugh at you and tell you where to go.
Ofcourse you are forced. You can’t be competitive in wvw if ur gear is 10% less effective. Everyone is seeking for; to use a WoW term, Best In Slot gear. Anything less is incomplete.
What bothers me so much about this patch is that my time used to be mostly spent killing things or messing about with dyes (i love to make my character’s look good) but now I spend a lot of time salvaging and fiddling about in my bags, its NO FUN!
Honestly people will be sueing you over RSI and arthritus medical problems developed from playing Guild Wars 2. This latest update has players constantly having to double click litterally thousands of times.
Please for the love of my right hand, add a ‘Use All / Open All’ function!
There’s now a lot of meaningless busy work. Its bad enough they’re forcing us to craft now for ascended weapons. I honestly can’t wait for my luck bar to max so I can go back to spamming sell at the vendor. I spend so much more time clicking in bags instead of fighting. I didn’t buy GW2 to click on boxes thousands of times, its NOT FUN!
My guild’s downtime in wvw has increased a lot thx to this update making everyone need a 10minute break to salvage, use and sell the loot we’ve collected. Previously a 30sec stop at the merchant was enough and we were back in action, actually playing and enjoying the meat of this game; its excellent combat!
Every MMO’s least attractive and frankly; to me atleast, off putting feature is crafting. In GW2 I was able to avoid it till I wanted a Legendary. GW2 is; or rather was, good for not forcing people to craft.
Please don’t force us to craft and for our finger’s sake please dont make us spam click. For your sake too, if our fingers stop working we wont be buying or playing more games you make will we?
Honestly meaningless busy work is never meaningful. Its bad enough they’re forcing us to craft now for ascended weapons. I honestly can’t wait for my luck bar to max so I can go back to spamming sell at the vendor. I spend so much more time clicking in bags instead of fighting. I didn’t buy GW2 to click on boxes thousands of times, its NOT FUN!
My guild’s downtime in wvw has increased a lot thx to this update making everyone need a 10minute break to salvage, use and sell the loot we’ve collected. Previously a 30sec stop at the merchant was enough and we were back in action, actually playing and enjoying the meat of this game; its excellent combat!
Every MMO’s least attractive and frankly; to me atleast, off putting feature is crafting. In GW2 I was able to avoid it till I wanted a Legendary. GW2 is; or rather was, good for not forcing people to craft.
Please don’t force us to craft and for our finger’s sake please dont make us spam click. For your sake too, if our fingers stop working we wont be buying or playing more games you make will we?
(edited by Torasan.6029)
Why oh why don’t we have this?
Honestly people will be sueing you over RSI and arthritus medical problems developed from playing Guild Wars 2. This latest update has players constantly having to double click litterally thousands of times.
Please for the love of my right hand, add the ‘Use All / Open All’ function!
Why is this still PvE only? Didn’t you say WvW players would be able to get the same level of gear as PvE players? It bad enough WvW players get barely any achievement points compared to PvE players but as thats not terribly important compared to balance issues.
I do hope this is a priority, and this disparity in gear between WvW and PvE won’t be repeated in future.
try guesting on a low population server, might not be spoiling the fun of more people then
not true either devildoc, i’ve had occasions where i’ve hit a champ on 10% only 2 or 3 times and recieved loot and other timers where i’ve dps’d from its spawn to its death and recieved nothing.
i thought it was todo with culling but even when staying ontop of the mob i am stilling getting the loot bug.
Ok so I don’t wanna get into the merits of farming or this resurggence in Orr farm. I just wanna talk about this event.
IT GIVES ME A HEADACHE! My eyes litterally hurt during this event. Theres soo many glowing mobs floating in the air being hit by glwoing spells cast from glowing weapons, weilded by glowing characters….
This wouldn’t bother me if I felt I could avoid it, but as its the most rewarding financially I am compelled to endure. Which I could cope with if I was reliably recieving said reward. However the loot seems to be bugged when theres a large number of players. Some champs i hit only 2 or 3 times yet i recieve loot and others i attack numerous times and recieve nothing. Getting a headache without the compensation is not worth it.
Please change these mobs so they dont burn my eyes or if not FIX THE LOOTBUG!
I have 11 now, had 9 but because the dragon ball ones were bugged; no wings :<
So happy to have them now
I saw some muppet link his wings earlier and he’d transnuted them over the southsun flower . . .
Sometimes they are super annoying but today I witnessed an awesome jam session at LA with bells and horns. Just to list some melodies people were playing: silent night, harry potter theme, LotR theme, happy birthday, some of the Star Wars themes and many more
(btw I am not defending people making random noises)
I was there too, or maybe people on my server were doing the same? Either way, I’d like to give the [TDA] band 3 cheers from me: ‘’Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horah’’
Why is she named Mai if she’s not asian?
Arenanet excels at misinformation….
To be honest its not going to be changed from 10 to 8… you might as well go bite the bullet and finish it out to 10.
Thats exactly what they want! ’Go on, gamble on moas, do it. You might like it ;-) ’
Ofcourse your more likely to lose vast quantities of gold than make any before your done but hey, you can always Buy more right?!
Ty again, its working now. I’ve posted in the forum you linked too ;-)
I’ve started commanding recently and I must say its an extremely challenging role to play. Theres a huge expectation to know all and yet maintain a fast pace and fight hard. I lead from the front; first in, last out. At the same time I’m expected to know where we need to go next etc…
I’ve been using an excellent program called Wuverlay to help me make decisions when commanding. It uses your API data to update a pie chart representation of the map which enables users to clearly identify when locations have been captured and if locations have the immunity buff.
I’m posting to request that you add ‘contested’ data to the API so that commanders and others using Wuverlay or other map alternatives can see this vital information.
Using the in game map for this is slow and cumbersome. The Minimap needs to be relatively zoomed in to aid combat and its a pain to pull up and zoom out of the full map regularly.
Yes, most people buy $2000 game PC’s then choose to lower the graphics to the absolute lowest setting. They do this because they feel that 300FPS is much better than good graphics.
Look, this person is trying to make a post that might add some extra fun into the game. I’m sure the last thing they need is to be lectured about their graphics settings. Lets assume this person is doing the best with the PC they have, and focus on the post ya?
you won this argument, congrats and +1.
@OP great idea, i’ll try it out soon.
Anet’s fix: ignore the issue, make people have to wait longer.
wait as long as possible to draw more people to the gold sink moa racing. man i hate gambling >,<
i would dare suggest something very bold… just make me chose the quantity of item i want to buy, than ask me for confirmation and done!
you sir have won this argument. congrats and +1
please fix this… i’ve spent serious gold in preparation for these wings : shiver sea dye, glaacial sea dye, white dye and new t3 items… thats into 3 digits.
tyvm, your program has aided my efforts in commanding no end <3
p.s. i know this is cheekey but is there plans to add ‘contested’ data to this?
‘’ TextBlockLoading API data… Make sure you have a valid connection.
If this persists for a long time, WvW may be down. ’’
After this message appears, Windows pops up [Gw2Overlay has stopped working]
Obviously WvW was has and is up.
Anyone else getting this?
For those unaware of Wuverlay I emplore you to read about it : http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/api-spotlight
I’m running gw2 on Windows 8, my pc is an i7 Sabertooh x79 with 16gb ram and an AMD 7970. I run gw2 in full screen windowed mode.
what chance? any gambling should be and probably is required to detail the odds…
either way, i hope you learned your lesson OP. don’t gamble, ever!
any chance a fix could be confirmed?
I’ve bought gems a few times, early on to get bank space / bags slots & later after a break of a couple months to gear a new character.
I’ve also bought cosmetic items, pirate outfit, boxing gloves & different glasses.
I too would happily contribute for content. However, I wont gamble.
Quote from the wiki: ‘Currently neither Dragon Ball Boss nor Dragon Ball Devotee increase the counter for The Dragon Bash Experience.’
Will this be fixed soon?
I’d like to know if your going to force me to gamble on moas to get the meta.
Having tried it once and lost serious gold for nothing, I’ve regained my resolve not to gamble. Don’t make me, please!
Anyone else feel this way?
(edited by Torasan.6029)
pinatas were sooo dull, especially as theres a cast time…
same problem here. hope its fixed soon. i dont wanna bet on moas…
OP be glad you got one at all. I’ve opened over 100 coffers and had 0.
I’m still to see someone using one of the Scelerite weapons on Gandara… I myself spent dozens of hours in Southshore and didn’t recieve one. It was a carrot on a stick and frankly it put me off playing. I’m glad to see theres more people who have been lucky with the jade weapons.
I too have battled through Dragon ball (found it much easier on an asura character than my charr) to find it not counting.
I dont want to waste more money on those meeping moas to get my wings. Please fix this bug >,<
P.S. – Anet its really not very responsible to encourage gambling . . . though i suppose the moas may provide some people with some valuable experience of the harsh reality of gambling.
P.P.S. – Please less RNG, more Achievement earned rewards & / or token based rewards (and by token i mean a guaranteed token for a set task, NOT a 1 in 10,000 drop token).
oh dear, your spot on. my bad. sorry for making a fuss.
Earlier today I bought the [Reading Glasses] and I’ve still not recieved them.
Please send me the goods i’ve paid for!
that concept art of 3 charr on the brown background is awesome. yes we need this armour.
7/10 funny and certainly appropriate but somehow too detatched from the game.
My Charr is a white tiger stripey male warrior : T O R A S A N. Tora is japanese for tiger and is also a japanese battlecry
No doubt this has been said before but these are the changes I feel would best improve WvW in an easy to implement way.
1: Remove siege despawn. Its ridiculous that every 30mins (well less than as you need to travel) someone has to enter siege to stop it despawning. Its a thankless boring job that’s 100% necessary for success in WvW. It’s just spoiling the fun, especially when there’s fewer players on.
2: Change the way location upgrades are paid for. Right now upgrades are a big expense on kind and generous players who really should be rewarded. It’s like a ‘nice person’ tax. Make guilds able to pay for upgrades.
3: Add a guild tax, to pay for location upgrades (& guild halls?!).
4: Change location names to that of the guild who claimed it. e.g. If my guild captured [Ogrewatch Cut] it’d change to [Malicious Mischief Cut].
5: Repairable Siege… why the hell not?
6: Make it possible to drop supply so players can play as dolyaks This would also enable guilds to speed up castle upgrades.
i was just linked here from another post and all i can say is – ‘ohh thank f!’
I have noticed some nasty clipping issues on my asura.
Attached pic 1 shows my character’s head detaching from his body since your ‘head size change’.
Attached pic 2 & 3 show my weapons locked at my wrists instead of my hands as they should be.
I dont have a screenshot, but the guild backpack regularly falls back 90degrees on my asura too.
(edited by Torasan.6029)