Showing Posts For Truthbearer.9708:

One Million Damage

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


You might not be aware, but there’s minion/illusion damage added up to that. It’s not hard to reach those numbers when there’s minionmancers around, necro’s with rise shout or mesmers.
I’ve gotten at least 1 million damage done on multiple occassions and classes. It’s especially easy with DH traps, as just putting them down on point you’ll have plenty of minions walking into them.

So no, those numbers don’t say anything at all about the class or build. The only thing it shows is the viability of the build in PvE. So far, every non-bunker DH build has been a free kill in ranked.


HOT boost to lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


No such thing as separate PvP and PvE gear anymore. Your PvE armor is is used without its stats in PvP. To set your PvP build, click on the helmet in the top middle of the screen.

Unless you’re saying you lost the armor you had gotten from the boost, while fully committing to its consumption. If that’s the case, could you post a screenshot of your inventory? You might be missing something.

Revenent. Biggest Liability in Ranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Stop kidding yourself, you’re still in ruby. You just posted 3 days ago you’re stuck in MMR hell. If you want to make a point, don’t present it along with BS. And no, revenant is hardly a liability. Even a bad rev will bring more to a team, than a bad thief or bad warrior.

Ranger Pet Botting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Wow, didn’t expect AFK farming to be endorsed by Anet. With the state the game is in currently, I guess they’re now doing everything they can to boost those player-time spent ingame metrics. Quite sad if you ask me.

Goodbye My Lover; Goodbye My Friend...

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I’m an auramancer tempest and mesmers kill me all the time. Though my original character in this game was a Mesmer, I stopped playing with her because she is too weak to do anything anymore and I’m struggling too much with her in pve. I don’t know what hit me. I don’t know all the stuff they did to nerf the Mesmer, but mine is virtually useless.

She’s full power build, ascended armor and weapons and the prospect of rebuilding her and gearing her is too expensive.

She is retired for lack of functionality. She is no longer any fun to play.

It’s the second time I’ve seen you post about ascended armor here on the PvP forum. Not sure if you realise this, but stats in PvP are completely separate from PvE. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing ascended or level 1 white armor, it’s all the same. The stats can be easily selected in the PvP build tab. If you aren’t running a build in PvP, I’m not surprised you feel useless.

Stuck in spvp map selection screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Same here. If you’re on EU it might even be the same game.

How about a fix for this issue that has been in the game for over 2 years Anet?

Edit: It’s gone now after being logged off for 5 minutes . Match checks still need to be looked at.


(edited by Truthbearer.9708)

Ride the solo que 3-4 man

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Just want to add that a team tag on the scoreboard doesn’t mean it’s a full premade. A few days ago I was matched on one of these teams, it seemed to be a 3man premade.

But I agree 3 or 4manning seems the best way to go, especially with the way MMR seems to work this season.


After patch my win ratio went to 20%...

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Something is definitely up. Was pretty consistent before, but now I’m having losing streaks like crazy. Heck I got matched with people I lost against 3 times in a row. I mean, shouldn’t the MMR at this point be too far apart for this to happen? The first and third game were almost the exact same teams facing each other. It felt like groundhog day and this happened during prime time.

[GANDARA][EU] Vanishing Legacy, Casual Mature

in Looking for...

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Hi Agaetis.

I’ve been having my eye on this guild for a while. I haven’t been too active lately, but planning to change that now that HoT’s released. The last few months I’ve been looking for a guild in Gandara and VaLe looks promising. The things this guild stands for are pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’ve seen VaLe members in all the game’s modes, so as someone that plays all of them as well, this looks really good.

The problem with a lot of guilds in my experience, is that there’s a central group of close friends and other members are just considered filler. I was active in my old guild for at least 2.5 years helping new and old members alike, but was always considered a secondary member. I’m more of quiet person, but I’ll be the first one that’ll pick you up when you go down and always help out anyone that’s struggling.

I didn’t really see the point of being part of a guild since, but I’d like to give it another shot. I’ll be applying on the website and see you ingame if you’re having me.

Im going to miss the current bark skin

in Ranger

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I know most longbow berserker rangers are really happy with the new bark skin, but I’m going to miss the current bark skin. One of my rangers has a tanky melee/survival build for WvW skirmishes, and using dragonfish candy and oils/stones made me have quite a burst as well. I loved how being under 25% of HP as a ranger tended to aggro half the thief population from my group to me and yet still be unable to kill me, only to have me switch to GS and instagib them.

My longbow berserker ranger will most likely use the new bark skin in PvE, but sadly my melee ranger’s build will disappear. I wish we’d get an alternative for the current bark skin so tanky rangers wouldn’t lose interesting options.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I like the name, and I like the way it fills the void of guardian backline support. It’s funny how people are whining about the name, ignoring other existing profession names.

Warrior? Isn’t everyone a warrior? All our characters are brave and seasoned fighters?
Guardian? Isn’t everyone a guardian? How many escort events have we done already?
Ranger? Aren’t all our characters armed and roaming lands? And for the “other definition”: Aren’t all our characters able to use ranged attacks?
Thief? Isn’t everyone able to be a thief? I can’t count how many bandit supplies I’ve taken from Queensdale and never brought them back.

This naming argument is as stupid as people whining about the name Guild Wars and asking where the actual guild wars are.

Isn't Everyone A Dragon Hunter?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Ranger. All more generic and cliche than Dragonhunter. And all of our characters could be a warrior (fighter), guardian (protector) or ranger.

Dragonhunter revealed... meh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


This looks actually good. The guardian didn’t really have a real ranged weapon unlike every other class in the game, so this is a welcome addition. Not sure what people were expecting, perhaps paragons with spears or a melee longbow and a 1hit button I guess.

Vigor-symbol on demand sounds very strong in a WvW and PvP environment, can’t wait to try it out. The virtues look interesting as well. Dragonhunter sounds good enough, it’s not any more generic than Warrior, Guardian, Thief or Ranger.

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


“I’m naive and living in my bubble full of butterflies and rainbows!” Contrary to what you believe, people don’t always tell you the truth. You can point and pull the “conspiracy-card” all you want, it doesn’t make your argument any stronger.

As someone who has studied psychology, I can tell you when we perform tests, we don’t tell the participants the testing conditions they are in. My theory, which is complete speculation, is that Anet (randomly) selected their beta participants and enabled the drop for those accounts. At the same time, they’re testing whatever they’re testing with people filling up SW and DT maps. Feel free to e-rage some more, though.

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Seeing as some people are getting multiple portals drop with just a few hours of grinding and the abysmal droprate and people that have been at it for 30 hours or more still don’t have one, makes me think they flagged selected accounts to be able to get portals dropped.

Is profession MMR active?

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


These questions are always ignored by Anet. Here’s a few of them for you .

It’s safe to assume there is currently no profession MMR in place. When beginners are getting matched with veterans, it’s highy unlikely there is any sort of MMR at all.

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The duration of the AoE Moa was pretty short in the stream (no more than 3 sec) and the radius wasn’t that large, so I’m not worried about its strength. They’re still looking at the numbers anyway. It is a shame it takes away from mesmer’s identity, though. But, what bothers me more, is that engies will effectively get 2 elite skills.

Feeling helpless in PvP...

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The problem is you OP. You’re a thief, so use your mobility to 1+ your team’s fights. Make sure home gets capped safely and help your team at mid. Focus squishies, stomp with blinds/stealth, interrupt enemy stomps, share boons with allies, ress them with stealth, etc.

If you’re going to mid after half your team died, don’t bother. Most likely your team is losing all team fights, because you’re off somewhere wandering around and it’s a 4v5 or 3v4 at mid. Also, keep in mind you don’t need to fully cap a point, just decap and go help your team.


in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


A few points that need attention:

  • Lane guards need a damage reduction from players. As it is right now, archers are useless. People can just rush the guards and spend supply on doorbreakers instead.
  • The minimap should be rotated about 45°, so the lanes appear diagonally like in MOBAs. This will make it possible to have it more zoomed in, because it’s pretty small at the moment.
  • Minimap icons for doorbreakers and archers need some work. They’re a bit small and sometimes one icon can cover up another one, which should not happen. Perhaps they could be a bit more generic too, so players new to the map can distinguish them more easily (e.g. a bomb icon for doorbreaker and bow & arrow for archer).
  • Channels aren’t fun imo. It breaks the flow of combat and certain skills like armor of earth are just insta-win buttons in these situations. I’d rather have it be a capture point.
  • Lord AI needs to be improved. If they get stealth, they should stop attacking. The lord’s downed mechanic is pretty useless at the moment, because of the abundance of safe stomps. Would be great if they had some dodges too or stepped out of focused AoEs.
  • Teleports/blinks/shadowsteps are a bit wonky at certain areas. I wasted plenty of those even though we had a fix not too long ago. If the teleport fails, the skill shouldn’t go on full cooldown.

does GW2 have matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Last few days seemed even worse than before. I was even getting first-time PvPers in my team and got pitted against full guild teams during the Stronghold beta. I think I’ll be staying out of PvP again, until a proper soloqueue and/or MMR are implemented.


in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I’m still getting used to the mode myself, but one big thing that bugged me was when our lord was down. I dropped a Shadow Refuge on him while he was getting stomped and either he kept attacking or didn’t gain stealth, as the stomp still went through losing us the game.

Profession specific rating

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


So that’s a no then. Thanks for the answer.

Profession specific rating

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Some time ago (must be a few months now)I think I’ve read on this forum profession-specific rating was disabled for the time being. I was wondering if there’s currently profession-specific rating at the moment, as I’d like to practice my bad professions. Can anyone confirm or deny? And if it’s in, is it for both ranked and unranked? I tried asking this same question to Evan in a different thread, but got casually ignored.

PvP Leaderboards/Points/Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Here is the info on the ladder point system:

I have a question about profession specific rating. I might be wrong, but I think some time ago (must be a few months now) I’ve read on this forum profession-specific rating is disabled for the time being. If I’m reading that link correctly it should be enabled. I was wondering if it is indeed enabled and if so, how does switching profession affect this rating? This is regarding both unranked and ranked modes.

Please let us queue from open world

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


That, and a ranked soloqueue would be nice.


in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I gotta agree with Sorel. Adding a forfeit button would only give us situations where people are forfeiting right after a lost teamfight. Just keep fighting and give it your all. It’s the only way to get better really.

Streaming Stronghold Tuesday

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Are you even sure PvP will be enabled in this stress test? Not sure if there are even enough people interested in doing PvP this upcoming test.

I doubt the new WvW borderlands will be in, so PvP might get the same treatment.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


  • When someone tried to solo Magg’s search for magmacyte and everyone WPed to the entrance, the npc joined us at the wp. We all had to cross the magma field to continue. Not sure if it’s an anomaly, or a fix.

NPC’s follow/port to the closest party member. So if he was closer to someone at the the WP than the person doing the run it would do that. If you have to make sure that when people waypoint Magg is always closer to the guy running the magma. People often forget this and screw it up.

Thanks for clearing that up. I’m usually the one crossing the field, so I wasn’t aware of that.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Two things I noticed in my last CoF p2 run:

  • When someone tried to solo Magg’s search for magmacyte and everyone WPed to the entrance, the npc joined us at the wp. We all had to cross the magma field to continue. Not sure if it’s an anomaly, or a fix.
  • At the last boss, the Eternal Flame’kittenboxes seemed broken. I had trouble getting a hit in with melee and it took me a while to find a spot where I could hit it. I noticed other party members were having trouble as well, since I didn’t see their autoattacks chaining either.

(edited by Truthbearer.9708)

Improvements I’d like to see in the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Here’s a bunch of QoL improvements that I think would make life easier while playing GW2.

Remember this? :
The Guild Wars 2 Live Response Team decided that it was time for a change when it came to the various tokens and badges clogging up your inventory bags. Wouldn’t it be nice if they all existed in one location, shared amongst all the characters on your account?
What happened to that idea? Ever since the wallet got released, none of the new currencies made use of it. Tokens like Found Heirlooms, Geodes and Bandit Crests all ended up taking valuable inventory space, where the wallet was created to combat this issue. I’d like to see the wallet reintroduced in HoT and get updated automatically with any new currencies.

(Guild/Party)Chat history
An issue for people that have ever been in a party and a big problem for altoholics in guilds. There’s multiple occasions where the game decides it’s time to clear your party or guildchat. Party chat getting cleared happens after leaving a party and going to the login screen or changing maps and if for some reason you wanted to read what was said, you’re out of luck.
The worst part about it is the guild chat. You never know if you missed anything important while switching characters or someone you were talking to didn’t see it because they were switching. I don’t see why party and guild chat can’t just stay on screen like mapchat or whisper.

Use all/open all option
Bags bags bags, a bag in a bag in a bag, etc. I’d really like to see a use all option for the expansion. The amount of clicking just to open a few boxes and perhaps use the stuff that comes out of it is really frustrating. A big part of the time spent playing the game, I’m just opening stuff and managing my inventory. On a related note, an undo sort button would be nice as well.

Raid UI
The commander tag became account bound some time ago, a bunch of new colours were added, but still no dedicated raid interface. I think if we’re going to get challenging content, we should at least get some organization tools.

More UI customization
I would like to see more options regarding the UI. I’m thinking about free movement of certain UI-windows, like the chat window. Also the ability to turn off specific parts, like the daily checklist.

Tone down the effects of level up tomes and skill point scrolls
Nothing against people using them, but I find it incredibly annoying when someone near me starts spamming those things. The effects are really obtrusive and I’d like an option to hide them partially or completely.

Downed state information
Currently there is no way to tell if you have any conditions on you while downed. You could be having a bunch of confusion stacks on you and auto-attacking yourself to death without knowing. It would be great if we had the ability to see our conditions in downed state.

Human female animations
Sneaked this one in here. I hope the expansion brings back the animations that were removed about half a year ago, but I doubt it’ll happen. Just like the change to the running animation a long time ago sadly.

(Sug) More units to fight in Silverwaste

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Most of what you suggest is already in there. Husk Slingers and Smashers are siege. Groups of mobs consist of healers (eles), high damage flanking wolves (thieves), minionsummoning trolls (mesmer/necro), condition damaging or ranged attacking trashers (engineer/ranger/necro), frontline teragriffs and husks (guardian and warrior).

Enemies that get hit by playersiege will instantly target the siege that hit them if possible. During attacks, tendrils will spawn in the fort to attack any players, npcs or siege inside.

Sure, tactics aren’t that important when there’s a zerg at a fort just before the breach starts. But when it’s just a couple of players defending the fort at the start of the event, certain mobs are better taken out in a certain order (i.g. Slingers asap).

I want to play *my own* characters

in Living World

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


It’s really interesting to read the various thoughts on the story and the role that we, as players, played in the update. We’ve highlighted this thread (and a few others) so that the developers can see the various opinions about the Living World updates.

Just want to say I enjoyed playing a different character with unique skills. It’s refreshing and a nice change of pace from the same old ‘get in the instance and bash some baddies with the skills you’ve had for 2 years and a half’.

I also liked the personal stories with Caladbolg and the Avatar of Balthazar when I first played them. I guess I’m not one of those players that gets anxious whenever I get new skills to play with.

I’m liking all the different gameplay and boss mechanics you guys have been throwing at us (like in Glint’s lair) so far. It looks like in this episode you guys even toned down the boss’ hp bar compared to other release, which was my only complaint in previous releases. Take the nitpicking with a grain of salt and keep up the good work.

Want the human female animations back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


why they had to change the running animation.

Thanks for mentioning this. I’m really sad we haven’t had any answers about this and the lack of attention it gets.

Wait.. what????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Trading posts were hurting too many people’s feelings and were just too complicated to figure out. The word “trading” doesn’t tell you anything at all about the NPC’s function so ANet graciously removed this headache from a town that apparently makes its business by not existing.

oh no they are removing them from towns as well now?

Don’t worry, new players won’t enter into any of the cities. Cities are too confusing to navigate in, so the game will make sure to protect the player from those evil monstrosities. If any player does happen to stumble upon one of those cities, the content arrow will swiftly guide them out.

A simple solution to the levelling drama

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The new system is not just a downgrade to veterans, but also to new players as well. Remember when we started playing? Exploring Tyria was what made the leveling experience so fun. A living world with events happening all over and around every corner there was a new secret to find.

Now even if you find a skill challenge, you can’t even take it until you “unlock it”. Remember your first diving goggles? Now imagine replacing that memory with a “you can not use that now” dialogue screen. It’s a boring linear experience now where you follow an arrow until your next unlock. This is not artful game design, but mobile phone 0.99 cent game design.

Instead of attracting players with this new system, you’re just going to drive them away.

Oh... my ... Wow! Great Job Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Just watched the human commoner one and it’s exactly the same. Thanks for wasting my time.

Please give me the old login screen back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Not sure why you consider this a big deal. Sure that login screen was awesome, but you won’t be seeing it more than a few seconds a day anyway. And let’s be real, your friends won’t be impressed by seeing a login screen if they ask you what game you’re playing.

What Anet should bring back, is the ability to appear offline before logging in.

Target dropping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Certain bosses happen to have phases were they drop their targets. I know at least the golem boss and the dragons are guilty of this.

When a dragon like tequatl or claw of jormag go in their weak/idle state, they seem to get new target areas, which is why your target there gets dropped. When they move back into attack state, they get the old ones back, dropping your target once more.

I noticed this while fighting the old tequatl on my mesmer. The phantasms just stopped attacking tequatl or started attacking random risen every time he went idle.

This also happens with the golem, where the base of the boss can’t be targeted for a while but is still able to be damaged there.

New battle music?

in Audio

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I agree completely. A lot of RPG’s get a new battle theme after a big story event occurs.

Would be fitting to have some new battle tunes now that season 2 is running and to go along with the new area as well. Perhaps some drum-based music (like Aion) to fit the desert/jungle theme.

I think it’d be lovely if Anet’s audio wizards cooked something up before the season ends.

Spoiler : Women in Refrigerator Plotline

in Living World

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I didn’t even realise she was dead at first, she looked alright to me. I thought she was doing the new hot Tyrian thing. You know, just like planking and whatever else came after it. “Vining” seems to be all the rage now among youngsters in Tyria.


Naming Mordremoth

in Lore

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I was surprised as well, looks like a major oversight to me. I wonder how long it’ll take for the writers to think up some ‘lore’ again to explain how the name “Mordremoth” was scribbled down on some stuff in Scarlet’s lair or on the walls or something and that our character picked it up there.

Where's my money?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The TP seems bugged at the moment. I kept placing offers thinking it was lagging and they didn’t go through since they didn’t show up. But later on I noticed I was actually missing money.

I checked my TP history and the offers actually went through. There aren’t any items for me to pick up though. So right now the TP is eating money.

LS2 teaser! (Trailer Link Incl) [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I was expecting a “Directed by Michael Bay” after the trailer.

Seems like everything in Tyria will eventually be blown up.

Tara Strong Voiced Scarlet?

in Living World

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Pretty sure the Asura announcer next to the Queen’s Gauntlet platforms is also voiced by her. But yeah, she’s one of the greatest voice actors around imo. Tara’s acting is most likely the reason Scarlet actually managed to get fans among the playerbase.

I’d love to see her return for another major role, though.

Overuse of Braham's voice

in Audio

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Pretty sure it is.

I got this problem with Taimi’s voice, though. She’s got a really distinctive voice compared to the rest of the voices used in GW2.
I keep noticing her on random NPCs with every single living story. First the lighthouse keeper’s daughter, then the healer in Gendarran Fields and now the barkeeper at the bazaar. Those are off the top my head a few of the more notable NPC’s she’s voiced.

Do want this outfit, ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Great, a schoolgirl outfit. Now we just need angel and demon wings and we’re set for a Korean release

PvP Mystery Coffer

in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Looking for advice. I got 96k glory left to spend. Since Anet refuses to tell us anything about PvP skins (besides dungeon skins), I crafted the plated rifle and dwayna’s longbow just in case they become unobtainable. I could try going for runic blade, but I don’t see myself getting that lucky. The other skins like fiery gladius don’t interest me much really.

I still have a lot of open spaces in the PvP locker, so would spending all that glory on those coffers be a good idea? Maybe I should use my leftover mats on dyes first, before I spend it all on coffers?

Exciting News Coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The Hyping of the Hype.

The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708



I said find me a SUBJECTIVE title that DOESNT follow the subjective, for example a game called mariokart where you ride horses, it just doesnt EVER happen, if you can find a game (other than Guild wars 2) that breaks this rule ill accept youre right, oh and yes you should expect elements from sequels thats why we refer to them as sequels, otherwise its just a different game, hence the argument of why people say anet should of given gw2 a different name

Already gave you one. And yes GW2 has plenty of elements of GW1, that’s why it’s a sequel. You obviously missed the point, though.

I think you need to reread my posts, since you’re going in circles. Like I said, there are plenty of MMORPGs that don’t list a feature in their title. Maybe you should calm down, all this rage is not helping you read well.

The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


The first game was well known for the GvG mode. There were big tournaments with much bigger cash rewards than in this game.
It’s reasonable to expect the sequel to have similar features and content as in the original game.

And lets be honest, most people don’t care about the lore.

GW1 =/= GW2. Saying you expect things from a previous installment is hardly an argument. For starters, GW1 wasn’t even an MMORPG. The classes are different, the combat is different, etc etc. There’s plenty of games out there where the sequel differs plenty from the original.

How can you say my argument was Non existent, i provided quite a lot of examples
the fact that you chose non subjective titles shows youre just clinging on
If guild wars was called something like tyria online id understand but its not, its called Guild wars, so i expects some guild wars,

Find me one very subjective title that doesnt give you what it suggests and i will accept that you are right

What? The games I listed don’t tell anything about the game, just the universe it’s set in (e.g. Azeroth and Tamriel). Just like how Guild Wars 2 tells us it’s set in Tyria. But since you really need an example of an MMORPG that doesn’t tell you anything about the game, how about Perfect World.