Showing Posts For Tyeme.6589:
I played the last day of last season. I was looking forward to this pvp season. However, the matchmaking has ruined the experience for me. I’m in sapphire (started in amber) and being teamed with ambers by the matchmaking system.
I was really hoping to be teamed with and against people of my approx. skill level (unlike unranked). I’ve dueled black diamonds and diamonds from my guild and I’m not at their level. I have however dueled and consistently beaten the rubies in my guild. The pvp league was not what I expected and is extremely disappointing. I just do my 3 a day for the achievement now.
If you don’t like what your seeing, maybe you should discuss what your side is going to do before the match starts. Playing the sides (203) can be successful as long as everyone knows that’s the plan. If your not discussing how to approach the match beforehand, you really don’t have room to complain when people don’t do the things you expect.
“a low tier emerald is exactly the same as a high tier amber” “As far as the MM is concerned there is literally no difference.”
That is exactly why these matches are fairly predictable and unbalanced.
“People often forget how meaningless the divisions really are. Currently they are an indicator of the combined factors skill, luck and invested time.”
Luck shouldn’t be such a large factor. Divisions should have meaning. Someone should NEVER be forced teamed (by the system) with someone 2 divisions below them.. A low diamond solo que should NEVER be forced to team with a high sapphire. The solo que diamond didn’t not volunteer to try to carry.
A good matchmaking system should make balanced teams. People are complaining all over these forums because the matchmaking is making UNbalanced teams.
Team A – Team B
Sapphire – Sapphire….balanced
Sapphire – Emerald…..unbalanced
Emerald – Emerald…..balanced
Emerald – Amber …….unbalanced
Emerald – Amber …….unbalanced
The system heavily favored team A, who actually won. All of the unbalanced matchups are against one team (Team B ). The system is consistently doing this.
The system should not have placed ANY sapphires in Team A against the premade 4 with 2 ambers. 5 emeralds against the 2 emerald + 2 amber and a low sapphire (me) or another emerald would have been a nearly balanced game.
A good ranked MM system would balance teams, not stack teams to grossly favor one side.
It’s horrible. It’s frustrating. I don’t think it encourages people to participate in PvP or ranked.
My teammates and I were just discussing this. We thought there should be a kick system. 4 votes to kick after the match starts (if your team is losing by x amount…say 100) and the offender gets loss of match and 15 min dishonor. Your team has to continue 4v5, but that was probably the case already.
LOL, like others said, if you felt the need to make this post it shows that warrior is OP.
Yep…it’s the immob bug, it’s consistent, persistent, and annoying. Use /dance to break the bug until it happens again.
If you have an hour of dishonor, you deserve it and more imho. There’s an obvious pattern if you’ve reached the point of getting an hour for abandoning a match. Now, if the people who sit at spawn the entire match throwing insults at their team because they are down 40 points could get a days dishonor, I’d be super happy.
Ok, thx. I thought I might be missing something. Only happens when I’m in a fight in WvW or PvP so I’m going to assume this is some sort of hack like the millions of other hacks people use.
Funny guy.
Besides being moa’d, what causes shroud to drop? I pop shroud and am often being dropped out of it (full shroud) in PvP matches. So, I was wondering what is causing this.
I voted bad. Not because of the game. It’s the “pro’s”. They are vain, whiney children with absolutely no respect for anything. They disgust me.
Had someone join our squad tonight (reset) who had never been in the DBL’s. Long time WvWer, but only came to the DBL because of the EBG que. He said when were done he had a great time and wished he’d tried them sooner. Go figure.
So what’s the solution? Base ppt on population per map. Your server has max population you get the full tick. Your server has 0 population on map, you get 0 points…even if you own everything on the map? Of course someone will afk bot. Servers with more bodies will be at an even greater advantage.
Close the WvW servers from 3am-11am? Make different servers with different “primetimes” since there are different time zones players are from?
Any rigging of the scoring is going to cause more people to leave WvW and probably the game. If a server doesn’t like the fact they are losing the zerg wars during “primetime”, what do they do? They recruit more people! If a server doesn’t like losing the “night capping” war, what should they do? Whine at Anet to change the rules? No. They should recruit more people!
So the OP’s argument seems to be that “Prime Time” which is about 3-4 hours long period where most of the players seem to be online, usually facing resistance. On any given server and in WvW. And “Night Time” which is about 6-9 hours long period where the minority of players are in WvW thus facing less resistance. Then we could add the day “off time” where there may or may not be action but not guaranteed, lasting from end of “night time” till the start of “prime time” Equal the same amount of points in the first place.
Now clearly anyone should be able to see that “night time” lasts longer with the added effect of “off time” continuing the momentum gained. Meaning there is more points to be had during night and off time.Now you can call me crazy but I don’t think matchups should be decided when the majority of players aren’t playing. I’m not saying to remove “night capping” all together but just reduce the effect it has on the points and outcome of MU’s.
Except, don’t player kills count toward ppt? So, players at primetime, who are getting more kills + objectives are already counting more that the “night cappers” who get few kills.
Also, “night cappers” tend to hit all the maps. They bounce around, defending when they can, capping, recapping, some open field…very comprehensive. “Primetime” players fill ebg to the que and beyond while pretty much ignoring the bl’s. Linking the servers has caused a bit more action in the bl’s, but only because of big long ques for EBG.
If “primetime” players want their efforts to have more impact on the ppt, they would spread out across the all maps, hitting and pressuring in the bl’s as much as EBG. Instead, they super blob in EBG and roll over objectives in a swarm. Sometimes they run into an enemy swarm. If they are the bigger swarm, they pat themselves on the back as the roll over the smaller swarm. If they are the smaller swarm, they hole up in the nearest objective and defend until the bigger swarm moves on or breaks in. It’s all very predictable.
I also think there are a few terms for when the majority make special rules to marginalize a minority.
I keep seeing people say that night capping or uncontested capping is somehow unfair or worth more points. It’s not. This is just a false argument.
The big zergs during primetime often run into undefended towers and keeps. They throw down 3-5 siege and are inside killing the lord inside 30 seconds…start to finish. Also, a lot of the big zergs spend time looking for other zergs for fights and seem to not care about the ppt, they just want fights.
At night, the groups are small and often capping upgraded keeps and towers. They build one, maybe two siege, often having to run back to camps to resupply to finish building. They bang away at the walls for 3-10 minutes, giving a lot of time for defenders to get into position. Taking a keep is a 10-30 minute ordeal which is often thwarted by 1 or 2 defenders.
Being on a middle population server, and someone who plays at different times (depending on schedule), I’ve seen the completely different styles between big zerg “primetime” and night play.
Some servers are organized and responsive during “primetime”, but their night crew all stick in EBG, don’t communicate and have no leadership. So, it seems to me these servers want Anet to skew the scoring to cover their deficiencies. They want the scoring to be worth more when they are more likely to dominate, and worth less when they are at their weakest. They scream long and loud to try to make this happen hoping the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It’s basically a “my game time should be worth more than their game time”.
If you don’t like the other servers flipping objectives at night, get organized at night, get some leadership at night, and get better coverage at night. Stop screaming at Anet that is unfair that when your not playing other people are and they should be punished for it.
I just voted on the WvW poll and saw the reduce impact of night capping. So I guess we’re going to marginalize the contributions of WvW players who don’t play during “primetime”. They don’t play within the prescribed timeframe, they are not worth as much.
So, server A has 100% of it’s population playing during the prescribed hours, and server B (who has the exact same total population) has 50% of it’s population play during prescribed hours, and 50% at non-prescribed hours. Server A dominates during “primetime”, but server B comes back each night. Except, the rules are going to change so the night peoples efforts don’t count as much and Sever A gets to win every time because they all play during the prescribed hours?
And this is suppose to improve WvW? Sorry, I just don’t see it. If people don’t like losing their towers and keeps when they are not playing…they can stay up all night and fight it. Punishing people because their normal game time isn’t “primetime” would be poor game management. I think you’ll lose a lot of night people as players.
I never hated DBL. I’ve spent ALOT of time in them. I think the changes were mostly great. I’m not sure if the fact that towers and keeps can’t treb each other is a bad thing or good thing. They function much differently than they did on the alpine maps.
The old alpine maps were not that great either. Trying to defend bay was no picnic. Scouting was too easy because it was so flat. Garrison was quite exposed being in the middle of the map. The alpine maps were also very empty most of the time.
I’d like to see bigger tags over the commanders heads. Hard enough keeping my own commander in sight. When another commander is running sidecar it’s too easy to lose track of where he’s at. You know….since were making wish lists here. ; )
I see people got on fast to complain. I’m liking the paired servers. WvW matchups were to stale before. Pretty much knew who was going to win week to week. Now everything is uncertain and is going to take effort.
Maybe ques in EBG will force a few people out of their comfort zone and into the BL’s which they have never bothered to learn. Most will probably come here to complain or go to EotM to kill uplevels.
I think this is a nonissue also.
It’s pretty much impossible to respond to attacks on your own lower BL when the WP’s in Fire and Air Keeps are unusable to the owners of the BL. Is this now a permanent feature?
The event needs to be removed altogether. It’s a PvE event in the middle of WvW.
It can be solo’d. So 1 person can log in, do the event, then log out. Three hours later they can repeat the process in the same bl. People rarely check the bl doors, especially on the northern towers since they are so out of the way. The lower the servers population, the less likely anyone checks the bl’s or have coverage.
So, after a few Oasis events, the doors on even fortified structures are wide open and the whole bl can be taken by 2 people with minimal effort. No siege needed, no fights against other players. Just complete PvE in a WvW area.
Solo defenders who might have responded to crossed swords on the structure have no time to respond since the doors are open. Plus it takes FOREVER to get from one part of the map to the other.
World vs World players are not happy. It seems no matter what Anet does, the situation just gets worse. The biggest thing WvWers asked for was new maps. Anet gave them new maps and WvWers screamed louder.
Here’s the problem, the WvWers just wanted something different to look at. Anet gave them something bigger, grander, more complex. WvWers don’t want features that keep them away from the fights.
My advice when designing new WvW maps/content for the big overhaul is to adopt a K.I.S.S. policy (Keep It Simple Stupid). No convoluted or movement restricting paths, no raid style keep bosses, no multilevel maps and an absolute minimum PvE content. If the words neat, or awesome, or grand come out when describing and idea for WvW, trash that idea.
Instead of going bigger, grander, more complex; give WvWers something relatively one dimensional. It can still be visually impressive, just don’t make it complex. Then, take those resources you saved by making a one level map instead of four level map and getting rid of all those neat PvE features WvWers hate and fix technical glitches instead.
I don’t think any real changes will be for the better. It’s apparent the ANET crew simply does not understand WvWers. There is a vid of someone from ANET saying that WvWers enjoy PvE. So, we have scribing for WvW upgrades and a PvE event dead center of the borderlands.
People tend to ignore (or actively dislike) things they don’t understand. I think WvWers feel ignored and disliked by ANET. There may be a few on the WvW team at ANET that “get it”, but they have to answer to people who don’t.
In the end, I think 2016 will be just as bleak for WvW as prior years, and most likely worse. We now have borderlands maps that are anti-WvW and it will stay that way. Instead of 1 active map and 3 semi-active maps, we have 1 active map and 3 empty maps. I don’t see how Guild Wars is an appropriate name for this game anymore when all ANETs efforts go into PvP (single/small combat), and PvE.
Completed 13th to finally finish the meta. Just MHO but anything that doesn’t count toward the meta shouldn’t be listed under the meta.
I have 12 “completed” events and the bar still says 10/11. That’s not counting repeatables which don’t get marked as “completed”.
Completed 12 Wintersday Festival meta events. They show “completed” and are blocked out. The festival counter shows 10/11 and the meta will not complete. I am not counting repeatable achievements as completed….just the blocked out ones like Grawnk and Star of Gratitude.
Ah yes, the thrill of waking up to your entire BL and EBG keep waypointed by an enemy server, and hoards of everything condi roaming with siege disablers ready to call in a zerg if you do have the audacity to attempt a recap with pugs.
These matchups may as well be called don’t play our game for a week, or transfer to a server that can roflstomp every week with no danger of moving up a tier because the ratings are so messed up. Most of the NA silver tier matchups are pretty much a disgrace at this point.
Funny, I didn’t see anyone from DR complaining when they were rolling over HoD and BP. It seems people are only upset when their server is getting rolled over, not when their server is doing the rolling.
For the other 2 servers, upgrading is pointless since the higher server can paper your keeps and towers at will.
“At will” is a relative term since most servers only paper things during off-hours… Even while Eredon Terrace was at the bottom, a T3 keep would hold through the prime time despite facing superior numbers. A paper keep surely wouldn’t.
Have you looked at this weeks match-ups in NA? Four are already complete blowouts.
Unless your in a close match-up (which there rarely are), spending gold on upgrades is worthless. The top server in the match-up can upgrade once, and pretty much not have to upgrade again.
For the other 2 servers, upgrading is pointless since the higher server can paper your keeps and towers at will.
This is why I hardly play GW2 anymore. WvW is endgame content, except it’s stagnant and completely unbalanced. Anet can be as secretive as it wants, but they have failed to improve WvW in anything resembling a timely manner. As a result, they have bleed customers/players who want a competitive WvW endgame. Perhaps Anet is afraid that the changes they need to make will cause players to leave. Caution doesn’t seem to be working in Anet’s favor.
I was curious why the leagues are broken down the way they are for NA? Gold – 6 servers, Silver & Bronze 9 servers each. Sure, Europe has 27 servers, 3 leagues…so 9 servers per league. NA has 24 servers, 3 leagues….so shouldn’t there be 8 servers in each league?
If it’s because of the 3 servers per map, why does gold get the smallest server sample? Shouldn’t bronze be the 6 server league…..where there is greater population percentage difference?
(edited by Tyeme.6589)
WvW is a sport. Your team scores points, points are tracked to determine a winner, there are tournaments, and there are divisions. Merging servers, changing scoring systems, or transferring servers doesn’t address the underlying problem with WvW. One team can bring more players than another.
Football, rugby, soccer….I can’t think of any team sports where one team gets to field more players than the other. In WvW, one side is allowed to bring/field far more players than the other. Until Anet decides to address this issue, WvW (and to some extent the game) will continue to bleed players who no longer wish to participate in one-sided, unbalanced match-ups.
I think the disablers are great just the way they are. The complaints about them are really just different ways of saying most people can’t adjust to a different way of attacking.
I liked that the season was short. I’m in WvW a lot normally, but the tourney’s bum me out. When I was on a server that won the league, it was usually boring. After the 1st day each week, the fight is usually kicked out of the less populated servers we faced. When I was on a low placed server, getting rolled by servers that could field 3x (or more) our numbers wasn’t fun at all.
You don’t see sporting events in the real world where one team gets to field 50 players and the other team 5. It’s not that hard to pick who’s going to place where in the tourney…overall or week to week.
As for the reward tickets….I don’t really care about them much. I can get equipment with the same stats with rewards earned in my normal WvW shift or elsewhere.
I’m stuck at Summit Invitations and can’t advance my living story. Coiled watch is being farmed and intentionally failed. Once the event is scaled for the 30+ people farming it…no way can I alone defeat the waves and advance the meta to breaking the ice.
This is frustrating.
Call us when your jaguar can hit a moving target.
The issue has never been that pets are useless, the issue has always been that they are far less useful than they are required to be. We need them to hit moving targets, to be alive in dungeons and alive in zergs and alive in team fights are they can do none of that. Their survivability is reasonable for 1v1’s and open world pve and thats about it.
There might be some leeway if you are full on BM and running SotW, or if you are super bunker and sharing your regen with the pet, but really, the state of pets is pretty unacceptable. 2 years in and we cant hit moving targets, mitigate aoe damage, mitigate insta-death boss mechanics or save pet names? GG.
This hits the nail on the head. It doesn’t matter if you pet can hit for 12k or 120k if it never hits. Pets are great in PvE, and are even useful in a lot of boss fights if used well. However, any fair to good PvP/WvW player will completely avoid the pet by always moving. I’ve run into a ton of wolf pets and only ever been knocked down once.
Personally, I think sic em reveal should be a non-targeted AoE. Stealth is way over powered. There should be a counter to all the stealth.
Move to a less populated server
I think cheaters and the lack of banning them completely changes the game.
1) Others see cheaters getting away with cheating and decide to cheat themselves.
2) Non-cheaters quit roaming and stick with zergs.
3) People quit the game rather than compete against cheaters or cheat themselves.
4) Cheaters force people (non-cheaters) into fewer build options.
IMHO, Anets refusal to address WvW is hurting their bottom line. For me, WvW is the endgame content. Except, it is stale, completely unbalanced, and a breeding ground for hackers and exploiters. I rarely play anymore for those very reasons.
If Anet really wants to make more money, they need a broad costumer base. For that, they need a game that is interesting over the long haul and fun for more than just the people who want to load servers or hack their way to victory.
Catering to the “cheaters” might seem profitable in the short term, but is detrimental in the long term. They tend to be the least loyal players….scurrying off to new releases at the drop of a hat. In the meantime, they chase off players who are looking for an honest and balanced game.
I also said, " I run fully leveled ranger, necro, mez, and thief…but prefer my necro. My ele is lvl 78 currently, mostly leveled in WvW. However, I expect my ele to get stomped because she’s not geared up yet."
Yet you ignored that info Jim. I think your just a troll attacking anything and anyone.
Oh, and here’s a post of blantant hacking that has been reported repeatedly and they still can’t get rid of this guy.
If you are winning 1v1 less than 30% of the time on a necro it really is a learn to play issue. I main a ranger and outrun people all the time. Perma swiftness and leaps make that pretty easy to do.(and he outran a mesmer? Really? Like this is hard for a ranger to do?)
I switch to my necro when I’m tired and playing sloppy because it is easy mode compared to my ranger.
Wow!!! Your just picking out statements and changing them to fit your assumptions. I never said I win less than 30% of my necro 1v1’s.
You also picked out the mez and ignored the warrior in the ranger speed hack instance.
You seemed very determined to underrated the hacking that’s going on. Do you always use the “learn to play” card to try to discredit people you don’t agree with?
Your first statement said, “We all know there are hackers in game but I rarely run into any while roaming. They are usually snagging keeps and towers or trolling zergs.” That statement admits there are hackers and they are affecting gameplay. Why is it so difficult for you to believe that hackers are roaming also?
Why does my ‘“When people say “roamer” I think “hacker”’ statement bother you so much? I’m just giving an opinion. Roaming is where the hackers don’t have a crowd to hide in, so are more easily spotted.
I probably only run into 1 in 30 who I see hacking. It’s so blatant it’s very recognizable. Some of those are probably the same people I spotted before since we WvW against the same servers over and over and over. But those hackers cause a lot of damage. Why are they still playing and why do we have to put up with them?
It amazes me how people are making assumptions.
The eng didn’t stealth…..he was blinking in and out like a xmas light for 4-5 minutes and defeated a group of 2 war, a mez, a thief, and a ranger…. twice.
The zerg runner was a necro and he did not switch forms. Just dropped some marks and wells.
The speed runner was a ranger. He out ran a mez and war.
The popcorn jumping downed player was another ranger.
The downed player who’s body kept going like he wasn’t downed was a thief. I’ve also seen a mez and ranger pull this, but under water.
I’m in WvW 4-5 hours a day either roaming or defending since I’m not a fan of the zerg unless it’s with my guild. I run fully leveled ranger, necro, mez, and thief…but prefer my necro. My ele is lvl 78 currently, mostly leveled in WvW. However, I expect my ele to get stomped because she’s not geared up yet.
I probably only win somewhere around 30% of my 1v1’s (some classes win more than others). This does not count the many thieves or mez who ran off. I don’t count any of the times where I was defeated in my hacking observations….I was to busy fighting to really observe. Every instance I mentioned above are cases where I watched what happened without being in combat, usually from a wall, bridge or hill.
When I started WvW, I attributed a lot of what I saw to skills or builds or classes I was unfamiliar with. However, I now run different classes and know there are certain things they can not do.
I have also taken the time to look up the gw2 hacks to know what people are cheating with….and are capable of. You might be surprised by how much is available if you take the time to look it all up. It’s discouraging. I notice it now more than I use to because I didn’t know what I was looking for.
I actually lose gold in WvW unless I refuse to place siege or upgrade. Even then I wouldn’t call it making gold. If I want to make any gold….I pve.
There are hackers around but they are a relatively minor nuisance. The bugs and lack of any meaningful changes to WvW over nearly two years has been the real problem. At this point, I am pretty convinced ANet is just going to let WvW die on the vine so to speak.
I don’t disagree about the bugs or lack of remedy. I do disagree that hackers are a minor nuisance. They are nearly impossible to spot in a zerg unless they are zoom hacking while using siege. That’s why I mentioned roamers = hackers, since they are much easier to spot when not lost in the crowd.
I rather expected the noob calling and defense of hacking by people saying such and such is possible. I’ve seen people fighting a hacker 5v1 and not realize the reason they all lost was because of hacking, not skill or equipment.
Engineers don’t constantly blink in and out, downed players don’t keep moving or jumping around like popcorn. Players don’t run at a constant +50% speed. The skills that allow different abilities have limitations. Hackers remove the limits and/or assign abilities to classes that should not have them.
Most of the hackers are subtle, while some are blatant since there is no evidence that anyone is doing anything about it. I think hackers like to brag about their prowess while hiding the fact they are cheating. They are the weakest is skill and willpower however. They must rely on cheats in order to claim victories they could not otherwise obtain.