Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
Why were the ghosts mistaking players and Campbell as Mordrem? The only other ghosts that mistake living beings for something else would be Foefire ghosts, and this is an explicitly stated UNIQUE aspect of the Foefire – alongside their returning irregardless and personality changes. The closest we get are a small handful of ghosts who vehemently deny being a ghost due to hysteria – but they still view living beings as living beings (until the hysteria brought by stating they’re a ghost is brought to a new high, like Watchman Pramas ). So this makes no sense to me. It feels like they felt like the instance – which itself feels like a side-quest and not relevant to the plot – needed combat and so slapped this situation in. Could have at least made Belinda a fight…
Considering the Foefire thread has already been tugged this season, I’m thinking there’s far more to this than a simple ‘we needed an extra fight’. Its too similar to be mere lazy design.
Where did Magdaer and Solothin come from? Who (or what) created the Foefire curse in the first place?
Q: Are the Six [gods] really gone or not? Their power is still very much present. Players can call upon the gods’ power with prayers, NPC priests can summon Reapers of Grenth etc., and their statues are still stuffed with energy. So if they left, why are their power still here?
Jeff Grubb: The human gods still exist, and their power is still felt within Tyria. However, they have pulled back into the mists, leaving the humans to stand (or fall) on their own merits. There has been a tendency for the human gods to, um, meddle with their worshippers a bit much, and in the wake of the final battle of Abaddon, they have been trying to cut back. Also, the destruction of the big A and his replacement with Kormir in the Pantheon resolved one of their ties with physical contact with Tyria. So there are ties, but you just can’t ring them up to take on the Elder Dragons.
Given that this is just the most recent of dozens of statements by the devs that the gods stopped communicating because they want humanity to stand on their own/have lost the last of their physical ties to the world, I doubt it has anything to do with the Elder Dragons or the levels of magic.
I have always been under the impression that the Six realized they would look like a full-course meal to an elder dragon and split to someplace even they couldn’t find them. You and Jeff are likely right, but, well, nothing is entirely as it seems, perhaps?
(See also: Melandru / Melaggan )
Abaddon is dead. period.
Kormir runs the realm of torment now.
Now ask yourself, why the two sylvari stars of our show are both engineers?
‘Ever since I came out of Omadd’s machine, you’ve been taking credit for my ideas. They are mine! Not yours.’
Kormir, the Goddess of Knowledge
I leveled up my mes using Kai’s lazy guide, GS + Sw/F isn’t a bad combo to start with.
That said, I think the best way is to let her find her own way and hop in when she’s having trouble to offer suggestions. Hopefully, she will find mesmers as fun as the rest of us do!
yes, that is the definition of an MMORPG. i think you were trying to make a witty retort to my idea, but in an ironic and hilarious twist, you’ve just fully supported it instead
Here is the dream ‘MMORPG’ you have been looking for, then.
You can thank me later.
$15 month for VIP access = unlimited potential for gold, limited only by your dedication to ACTUALLY PLAYING the game content, which last time i checked, is the purpose of a video game. to actually play it. and you know, get rewarded for A C T U A L L Y P L A Y I N G I T.
‘A C T U A L L Y P L A Y I N G I T’ = no-lifers and bots pressing 1 repeatedly at the same mobs for twenty hours a day.
I’m still working my way through how to mesmer, she’s only been 80 for a week now. As it is, I am leaning towards GS/Sw+F for open world and WvW, Sw/Sw+Sw/x for dungeons, instances, and stuff like the Pavilion.
(It only took me nearly two years to finally get one to 80, why it took me so long I don’t know. She’s fun.)
I wouldn’t mind GW2 making me loose every now and then when I’m feeling too tight.
What’s with all the. MAKE IT SUBSCRIPTION threads?
Because there are those who are rather vocal about not wanting to play alongside poor people.
If you want $15 for extra gold, just gem to gold 1200 gems. Bam. Done.
Farm would not harm the economy, only pleasure players
Meanwhile, the gold ’n gem exchange rate has gone up by 35% over the past six months. Where in ‘pleasuring players’ does requiring hardcore farming or ponying up cash for gold fit in?
i don’t want gem, i want my 4th legendary
Farming = Inflation = Higher prices for legendary mats.
Farm would not harm the economy, only pleasure players
Meanwhile, the gold ’n gem exchange rate has gone up by 35% over the past six months. Where in ‘pleasuring players’ does requiring hardcore farming or ponying up cash for gold fit in?
Yep, the coin from champs got nerfed a few times over the last few months. Now you will see a decrease in crafting mats placed on the TP and the price on them will rise. So where does it pay off?
Going out into the world and doing other events?
I’ll likely use my remaining ticket for a pistol and then buy the rifle on the market.
Those gatling barrels~
I’m slightly of two minds about this, because it was fun to run into a big tough enemy so quickly on my first character (the Risen Monstrosity in Caledon Forest). Loot never mattered, it was about the experience of tackling something like that in a group with other excited newbies. So it’s a bit sad that will no longer be possible. Maybe these enemies could be upgraded to elites instead, as a compromise?
You’re being constructive and have a jolly good idea. I like that. I like the suggestion too!
$24.3 million on three months of what had to be all but cash shop sales. We could see somewhere between $75 to $100 million as an end of the year total, not including NCSoft’s cut of Chinese revenues. Not a bad job if you can make it, really.
Is the US people could also buy some less gems then we maybe get an expansion.
And if the Pope was Jewish, he could throw one heck of a Bar Mitzvah.
Psh, if NCSoft stock is going down, blame Aion.
The Lineage cash cow also seems to be teetering.
I found the explanation of the question about Nightmare Court involved in Toxic Alliance pathetically blunt.
“Because they wanted more chaos”. What the hell is this? That’s so simply lazy that I can’t even tell. Literally anything, giving any background and reason for them would be better. “Because they wanted to use Scarlet’s knowledge to steal the toxin later when it becomes deadly and use it on their own” – Literally, anything.
Its the Nightmare Court. Sowing chaos, pain, and terror for what they feel is the greater good is their sort of thing.
(And why the Mordremoth / Nightmare connection is tenuous to me. The Nightmare is adamant about hard ground making broken roots. And replicating human nobility structures. Stuff that’s rather extraneous to Mordremoth’s goals.)
Seriously, where did GW1 story developers go ? I miss them!
… Who wants to tell him that they’re still here?
I’m having trouble discerning your priorities. If this game is so boring to you and such an apocalyptic waste of your time (and from the sound of it has been for quote a while), then why exactly are you still here?
If you have to ask, the answer is ‘forum PvP.’ The answer is always ‘forum PvP.’
The CoH forums had extra sections, and I’ve come to realize that those did a LOT to improve both the forum and server communities. We had a sub forum for each server, where events were organized and even some general silliness took place. We had a RP forum, and one for “Culture” where things like movies, books, and TV shows could be discussed. Yes, there were rules (No religion, no politics, no abuse, no other games, ect…), and yes the mods sometimes needed to enforce them. But these extra areas helped forum posters to become a forum community. Server communities grew stronger, and in general the forums were a nicer place to visit.
Until ANet takes steps to help create an actual community here, I don’t think it’ll ever get better here.
I get what you’re saying, and having boards like that would go a longer way towards building an actual community. Also remember, though, that CoH was an older and much smaller game, especially towards the end. Don’t discount the effect of being initially subscription based did on weeding out the Forum PvPers, either. There were a good few thousand plus of us at Atlas Park at the end, multiply that by at least ten – and I’m fairly certain I’m underestimating the factor – and tack on all the ‘not playing but still has B2P access’ and, well, here we are.
There’s no community here, the forums and game haven’t quite matured to that point yet. We’re still at ‘open-mic complaint hotline at Cowboys Stadium.’
And to add:
Being able to re-trait on the fly without having to go back to a trainer or spend silver is a really good thing.
To try to use this constructively, I’ll say this:
I like the switch from a 70 point system to a 14 point system. Ten point stat boots were a nice little treat per level, but almost meaningless.
However, curving the traits so that Masters don’t kick in until 60 and Grandmasters at 80 kind of defeats using leveling to learn to play. As an example, my engineer started figuring out his flamethrower kit once he picked up Juggernaut at 40. Well, now I have to wait until 60 for Juggernaut to re-appear. That’s 20 more levels I get to spend with my Adept traits that really don’t help most of my kits.
You’re given more time to learn how to use your weapon and utility skills, and that’s good. As a trade off, though, you’re 80 before you even know what your Grandmasters are. And at that point, you’re led to believe you’re ready for Cursed Shore and Arah. I’m not sure if that’s entirely a good counter idea.
The wardrobe system and the dual two-handed sigils are fantastic improvements, and I rather like the new trait layout even if I think they could have done better in how they curved trait progression.
Ah yes. The gold nerf actually hurts the rarely dying characters more than those who die a lot – because those who die with an average of 1 death per hour vs. those who die 2.5 times per hour (both are real data) will now receive a ~22 gold punishment over the course of 1000 hours.
>~22 gold over 1000 hours
There’s nothing more I can say to this other than ‘Wildstar can’t start accepting your spreadsheets soon enough.’
I love this thread Konig mainly because you have pointed out the main reason I hate this game currently.
All if not most of the “lore” we got about Scarlet’s motives is dependent on the player base speculation, it’s not about fact. Look at Guild Wars 1, Prophecies, in that story we learned exactly why the Lich did what he did, and then later in Nightfall we got some more depth to it learning that Abbadon was behind that whole thing. But still, we got an open and close story in Prophecies alone. Yet here we are with Scarlet, big ol’ unfinished story a year in the making and all we have to go off of is…. speculation and assumptions.
I am totally with Konig here, until they definitively mention in game some things about Scarlet, you can’t just assume that what you “think” happened is lore, cause it’s not, this is not how the game can continue lore wise. ANet needs to start giving some answers and solid lore, not just speculation upon more speculation.
I hate to break this to you, but…
Prophecies was a stand-alone game, one game, entire story, Bob’s your uncle.
The Living Story, at the rate of a known dragon every other year, will take at least ten years to complete. If it completes. So Anet has to stretch this stuff out a bit so we don’t notice the filler as much.
To quote claymation Burgess Meredith, ‘Save some of that for the sequel!’ Well, Anet is. With Season 2 looking like Sinister Triad, White Mantle, and Jungle Dragons, Oh My, we finally will be getting some answers over the next year.
Hmmm, as much as I’d love to see this as a perfect example of the Mursaat naming convention, it seems a bit lacking to me actually.
The Mursaat were more fond of simple concrete adjectives and imposing titles like the Dire and Matron, instead of portmanteaus Dreameater or Feathered Death.
Now that I’m thinking of Twilight Arbor, I don’t recall a lot of titles there either. Yeah, you’re right. Ah well.
I still like to think there’s more to the Sinister Triad than ‘lets all team up against the good guys,’ though, but I’ll just have to wait and see. This is fun.
I pointed out in the theory that this was interesting because of the Mursaat naming convention of “[Name] the [Negative Adjective]”. Out of curiosity, are there any more examples of this type of naming convention being used for other NPCs?
Knight of Embers, Lania the Feathered Death, Soira the Dreameater…
The Nightmare Court does seem rather fond of similar naming conventions. And if the bandits are with the mursaat and the Inquest is with the mursaat, then that just leaves us one third of the Sinister Triad left…
And there’s also the point Sage made over on Reddit about Scarlet taking the third option between Dream and Nightmare, which kind of throws all of our theories for a bit of a loop.
I think it’s one of two possibilities. First possibility is Lazarus, the second is the Inquest.
Well, if the bandits are outed as White Mantle stooges, we take the Nightmare as Lazarus’s influence via the Dream, we take what you posted below, and then we take the Sinister Triad alliance, then the answer might just be ‘Why not both?’
…Is it possible that Ceara was somehow carrying an Aspect of Lazarus around?
Not just Ceara.
If we separate the Dream from the Pale Tree, that it is the Dream that specifically protects the sylvari from draconic corruption, and that the Dream inhabits a metaphysical location not unlike the Mists, its entirely possible that the Dream is a leftover from the ancient races fight in the last dragon war that said races may still have access to. Or perhaps even hiding in, whispering dark secrets to those sylvari willing to listen.
And if a certain capricious sylvari knocks down all of the protective walls the Dream and/or the Pale Tree set up between her and whoever else is in the Dream…
-What happened to all these mighty Scarlet alliances?
Ask Magnus. Scarlet died and the Lionguard had a field day with what was left. That said, has anyone seen Mai Trin recently?
-What’s up with Southsun?
The wildlife overran the island and the settlers left. That story ended a while back.
-Where are all this things belonging to Scarlet? Krait Obelisk?
Ask Steward Gixx. “Top. Men.”
-What’s up with Consortium
Likely assembling the troops now that Lion’s Arch is in ruins. The battle came as a surprise to them as well, though, so its going to take them time to properly set themselves up.
Still has an undead problem.
Still handling that undead problem. And the Icebrood problem. And the Branded problem.
-Where will the refugees from LA live? Outside of the city forever?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, Lion’s Arch isn’t going to be rebuilt in a day, and a refugee’s life certainly isn’t going to be rebuilt in a day.
To quote claymation Burgess Meredith, ‘save some of that for the sequel!’ And so Anet did.
Either Mordremoth has a thing for humans, wolves, and free will, or there’s more to the sylvari origins than dragons. I think the answer’s been with us all this time and
From the wiki: “What is known is that the Pale Tree was born of a fist-sized seed from a cave which Ronan, a human soldier, found. This cave was said to have been guarded by monstrous plant-creatures, though any details on them or the location of the tree is unknown, even to modern sylvari who have been looking for this cave since their race’s birth from the Pale Tree.”
Monstrous plant creatures sounds like husks and potential dragon spawn, sure. But they’re not the only monstrous plant creatures around in Tyria. Treants fit the description too.
Now, who was around 250 plus years ago that had (or were) treants, had an affinity for nature, had an affinity for nobility, and – at one point – had an affinity for the human body. And fall right in among the Arthurian themes permeating the sylvari race. I'm not saying its druids...
And in these four roles, support and control were king.
Brutes and scrappers would have had something to say about that.
/e pours another 40 for my SJ/SD scrap, she was so much fun.
If, while playing the game, the only way you can describe yourself is that you “do damage”, then you aren’t doing it right. You can do a lot of things. Why is it that you should have to sacrifice damage for utility, or vice versa? So many people insist that this must be the case, but I can’t think of a good reason why.
This. As for why, the DPS boat race meta is – from what I have seen – all about facerolling dungeon speedruns.
Obviously we need an expansion.
And the holy trinity.
And instanced raids.
And then complaints can turn into how the game has turned into yet another WoW clone.
Whether its further western Maguuma, the Far Shiverpeaks, or Elona, we’re getting new explorable content in Living Story Season 2. It has to be, we’re fighting a dragon and there aren’t any to be found on the current explorable map.
Someone also noticed the Tengu have new animations. If the threat of a new dragon reaches Caledon or they spy an opportunity in the ruins of Lion’s Arch, its possible our avian friends are about to pick a side.
And with new lands a certainty and a new race likely, then there’s not much reason for an expansion to go alongside Season 2.
GW2 and Wildstar will not be allowed by NCsoft to directly compete and in theory destroy each other. That would mean a weaker bottom line. They are targeted at different crowds they are set-up with different players in mind.
Exactly this. Its no skin off our backs if someone likes Wildstar’s more WoW-like experience better. They want trinities and traditional expansions and whatnot, well, now they’ll have Wildstar. Honestly, have fun over there!
And I also honestly have a hard time believing that TESO is anything more than a naked cash grab on the Elder Scrolls fanbase.
(And how soon before this thread winds up in the bit bucket?)
The problem I have with your theory is, why would an Elder Dragon go through the effort consuming action of creating intelligent life, just to break their will and corrupt them. Why not create obedient minions from the start. Primordus does the same while all the others don’t even bother with spawning their own minions (though I don’t know if that is true, because the Claw of Jormag and The Shatterer look pretty artificial).
There’s also the other $64000 question as to why create two seperate forms of minions – sylvari and fern hounds – with different levels of intelligence based entirely off of species that aren’t even dominant in the region.
The real answer to the sylvari origin, IMO, has been staring us in the face since GW1.
Druids evolved into treants and then spirits. What if they evolved beyond that?
(I’ll explain better once I’ve had time to organize my thoughts and write it all down into a new post.)
(edited by Uruz Six.6594)
As the sylvari appear to have wiped from historical memory, it is reasonable to consider that Sylvari may have fought on the losing side. They may have been dragon minions in the past.
This is contradictory.
The dragons have always been the winner. So if they fought on the losing side, they would have fought dragon minions and be wiped out by them – hence the lack of records, as dragon minions don’t write.
Also, did you ever consider the possibility that they’re not mentioned in historical records because they didn’t exist in history?
Well, there’s also the point where the sylvari are blatant copies of humanity. Humans didn’t start showing up until well after the last dragon war. If we were to believe there are still proto-dragon minion sylvari around from the last round, they would have to resemble the ancient races far more than they would modern man.
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
So one IC account means all IC accounts are backed by devs? Sweet, I should start a Kralkatorrik IC account of my own and see if Anet will send me a paycheck.
I’d hardly call Logan & Jenna a “relationship”. It’s more someone trying to impress someone else who doesn’t care.
Logan and Jennah are definitely a relationship, a relationship with a massive hitch called ‘duty and responsibility’. Jennah has a kingdom to lead and an image to project, Logan has a kingdom to protect. They can still love each other while recognizing that keeping Kryta in one piece must always come first. Sometimes these things just don’t work out like Kas and Jory, life isn’t always that easy.
I definitely agree the writers seem to have a disdain for females loving strong male characters. They seem to love to have females put down male characters, since they do it regularly. I don’t know, people seems to feel the same way here. kinda scary.
I know, its like they create actual living characters and write for actual people instead of outright aiming for undersexed heterosexual male teenagers like the good ol’ days of vidya games. Odd how that works.
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
Other than it being an obvious fan parody account?
I would argue yes.
I would argue further. I would argue that the sylvari are immune because of the Dream. We were told that after the machine, Scarlet was disconnected from the Dream and it wasn’t a maintained meditation like the Soundless.
This would mean, therefore, that Malyck and his tree – which hold no Dream of Dreams experience – can be corrupted.
Mm. If Malyck’s tree has been parked next to Mordremoth all this time, the question to ask is if it has or hasn’t been corrupted for a while now. Not to mention that, in a sense, there are sylvari that have been corrupted: The Nightmare Court.
If we go with what’s been already theorycrafted: That the Dream has a physical base and not an inherent one with the sylvari and that Mordremoth is the source of the Nightmare, we’re left with only the Dream-connected sylvari susceptible to draconic influence. It almost sounds to me that its not Malyck’s people that are in horrible danger – its the Dreamers and courtiers.
I repeat: Why is Malyck not espousing the joys of Mordremoth when we meet him?
Maybe because the dragon was asleep when you met him. Only time will tell whats happens now.
Caera broke through the Pale Tree’s warning and found Mord himself. Malyck and the people of his tree have no no such protection, even a sleeping Mord would therefore be able to talk to them as easy as he did Scarlet.
Yet, Malyck heard no voices in his head. No people of his tree have popped up shouting ‘Mordremoth!’
The sylvari are not that special, they’re not. The $64,000 question still lies in the sylvari’s origins, the Dream, and the Nightmare. And we are a little closer to those answers today.
Its Mordremoth for sure. Its also make total sense with the lore. Just as Sylvari as Mordremoth minions make total sense.
- Ronan a human Soldier discovered a seed in a cave guarded by plant monster. He bring it to his home destroyed by the Mursaat 250 years ago. He decided to plant it and nurse it with the help of a new friend, the Centaur Ventari. They both influenced the growing Pale Tree with Human and Centaur philosophy until the Pale Tree began to grow Sylvari.
- In GW2 we Capture the Sylvari Malyck and we bring him to a Sylvari Seer that say that he’s not born from the Pale Tree, but another tree. This Malyck is from the Nightmare Court. He claim to have no knowledge of the ’’Dream’’ and Traherne think that maybe the second tree have no dream.
- The Nightmare court is a group of Sylvari that reject the Ventari Table (AKA the Human/Centaur philosophy that Ronan and Ventari gave to the Pale Tree).For me its all clear that these seed that Ronan found was the to create an army of Sylvari, an army of Modremoth minions. The only reasons, why some sylvari are not minions of the dragon right now is because of the Dream. The Pale tree was corrupt by the teaching of Ronan and Ventari and the Pale Tree decide to protect her children from the influence of the Dragon. The nightmare court mission is to remove the protection of the Dream so that all Sylvari fall under the influence of the Dragon.
I repeat: Why is Malyck not espousing the joys of Mordremoth when we meet him?
You know who else was led to obsession and madness?
Well, we know now there’s a draconic connection but it ain’t what you think.
Vorpp: I surmise she was directly exposed to a part of her own psyche that had been carefully walled off. Perhaps for her own protection?
Which is why Malyck was espousing praises of Mordremoth, having had nothing walled off by the Pale Tree.
- Scarlet was the one who created the steam creatures in Lornar’s.
They’re related to the asura personal story.
In the “Infinity Ball” line an alternate universe/timeline version of your character took over the world using them, and some are appearing through inter dimensional portals afaik. I never played that storyline, but I’ve seen people mention it a lot.
That looks like it might be a case of the Personal Story team re-using assets.
Interacting with Steam Creature Wreckage
Marjory Delaqua: If you examine the steam creature closely, you can identify similarities to Scarlet’s clockwork machines in its design.
Kasmeer Meade: It’s like she modified the Watchknights with the same engineering.
(Vorpp speaks to you)
These steam creatures have been around for a while, and we’ve pondered their origins with no success. Now, it seems we have our first clue. They share many of the qualities of Scarlet’s designs.
Scarlet was able to seize control of Queen Jennah’s watchknights and twist them into similarly threatening minions.
Are you suggesting that the human queen… What exactly are you suggesting?
That the queen modeled her watchknights on the steam creatures.
Vorpp: The Watchknights and the steam creatures use common parts. That would explain how Scarlet gained control of the Watchknights.
Vorpp: Their obedience makes them perfect infantry units for assaulting a fortified location.
It was stated Scarlet’s actions during Queen’s Jubilee was done on a whim. There was no grand scheme to her targeting Jennah. She saw the theme of the Jubilee (humanity can withstand any test) and decided to test humanity herself – this included targeting Jennah..
More than just a whim. From what I gathered from Edge of the Mists:
- Scarlet was the one who created the steam creatures in Lornar’s.
- The Krytans took the technology from the steam creatures and improved on that to build the Watchwork.
- Scarlet said ‘thanks for doing my work for me’ and stole the upgrades to create her Twisted Watchwork.
I think unleashing magic into the open world would just draw the Elder Dragons’ attention, and result in its devourment being faster rather than slower.
I was too under the weather to properly theorycraft answers for you yesterday, but…
“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me.”
“Are you afraid of dragons? You will be.” (or something like that?)
“But I reject that call. I reject the notion that that I must choose the Dream or be lost to Nightmare. The forces that push us this way or that can be redirected. They can be set against one another to the detriment of both, and now I know how.”
“I have a great deal of work ahead of me. I don’t know what the world will be when I’m through, but I will very much enjoy finding out. Empires will fall, continents will burn, and when the conflagration is over, I’ll be there to put my stamp on whatever new world this one becomes.”
A giant dragon on the ceiling over her lair. One of her scribbles resembles the eye of Primordius from GW1. Another shows two rows of what look like giant teeth. Thumpers placed all across Tyria just so she can find the right junction of ley lines to re-do Thaumanova in the way she sees fit.
(And let’s throw in the console screen of what could be Jormag’s hideout in the northern Shiverpeaks.)
Breach the biggest junction of ley lines in Tyria, which will then summon all the dragons to Lion’s Arch. Once that’s set, she flies off into the skies and lets chaos take its course. Once the dragons have had their fill and/or beaten each other senseless, she can return from her lair in the skies / Mists and put her stamp on what’s left over.
All Scarlet’s missing at this point is Chauncey von Snuffles III purring in her lap.
Mine, it doesnt cycle. Just this one with pulsing probe spots. It could just be decoration but I really think this is a weird decoration if it was one. This only raises more questions really. So it must have a meaning, right?
‘Tyria needs me’ and ‘Breachmaker’ just made a whole lot more sense.
I noticed something strange on the screenshots of the interior of the Drill.
Dont read if you dont want to be spoiled in any way, I warned you. It isnt a really big spoiler but anyways:~~SPOILER~~
~~SPOILER~~In the Drill, there is a projection of a map with the spots of the probes on it, like we saw in Scarlet’s lair. Only this map, is not of the playable area of Tyria it seems. It looks like the Northern Shiverpeaks.
Was this your screenshot or someone else’s? ‘cause I’m wondering if it cycles through varying maps, like, say, Cursed Shore, Crystal Desert, the Maguuma Wastes…
Also of note: The stick figure to the right. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the marionette.
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