And since when was derb (with a P! lol) a bad word?
It simply refers to the state of being temporarily brain dead, it’s not like it’s an insult to the mentally handicapped or anything, since that’s completely different o.O
Ok yeah so what you said wasn’t working, so I just relogged and then they all started to show up again like they used too.
herpy kitten …. but idk if I kitten ed or my client did lol
but anyway thnx
3. No changes to sPvP trinkets and condition mechanics force all professions into cookie cutter AoE condition spamming builds ?
Play a warrior, guardian, ele with good coniditon removal, GG.
4. The wak-a-mole Profession revamps to Nercos, Warriors, Thieves when professions like the Elementalist, Ranger and Engineer still have mechanic and bugs issues from Beta that not been fixed.
Maybe that’s cause eles, rangers, and engies have at one time or another (sometimes multiple times over) been incredibly OP and simply needed to be slightly toned down and necros, warriors, and thieves have always in the past been the very bottom tier of sPvP classes that severely needed some buffing to bring them up to par.
So I’ve been away from GW2 for a while, the LCS hype brought me and my friends back to LoL for a time lol
But anyway I’m back and I’m looking to respec my warrior seeing as how they’re have been changes, but I cannot find any runes on the trading post at all!
Have runes and sigils been made so they cannot be sold on the trading post anymore? and if so does that mean the only way to get the runes you want is to break down a piece of armor/weapon with that specific rune?
If not though, how do you find them on the trading post, cause i searched the exact name of the runes I wanted and just got a long list of items not even relatively close to what I wanted, and ofc, not a single rune.
If this has been a frequently asked question then I apologize, as I said I’m just coming back therefore am a bit out of the loop is all :P
Yeah out of curiosity I gave it a shot in hotjoins, and I have to say jumping in and stun locking with a hammer, then backing out to aoe with a longbow, only to fully heal without having to use a healing skill was quite hilarious lol
I still need to try it in tourneys ofc, since people can actually focus correctly in tourneys (i constantly target enemies in hotjoins and im still the only one attacking them lol but then again i expect that everytime :P).
But Im glad I asked, thanks all for the info
I searched it and couldnt find the exact info I needed, so I just made a new one and asked all the questions I had at once, sorry if that inconveniences you or something.
But yeah ty for the info, I figured it would be bad against burst, but I had forgotten about poison making it less effective as well.
And with the massive amount of damage coming from bursts or conditions (that include poison most the time) I don’t think I’ll be using healing sig anytime soon lol
So ty for the info
So yeah when I left the game a while back using the healing signet was laughably stupid, like you basically were signing your death away if you tried to use it in s/tPvP.
But I’ve been seeing it all over the place now and I’m a bit trepidatious about using it myself, so I ask all of you, was it buffed to the point where it can be used? Or are people just using it more now cause the other signets were buffed?
And finally, if it is usable now, is it mainly for warrior tanks or can dps/hybrid warriors effectively use it as well?
I had no idea these were on this site, I searched and searched but couldn’t find it, so either I just wasn’t looking in the right places or I’m blind! lol
But anyway thnx all for the information, it’s exactly what I was looking for
No one can help me? Or does nobody know atm?
Another one of these topics of other classes trying to get us nerfed. Again. Seriously, after that last deathly patch you aren’t satisfied? Not like we can fight against it either since Anet favors all BUT necros.
Apparently you didnt even bother to read my OP…..
Good job…… -.-
But it is nice to hear condition removal was nerfed! Makes me wanna play condi necro again lol
However someone said warriors are OP? I mean against necros and other condition focused classes/builds I could see how…. but warriors still feel far from OP to me… but thats just out of what ive experienced first hand in only a day lol :P
Maybe you didnt see it but this has been discussed alot on the forums its on the first page.
I did see that, and if youd read my OP then youd understand why that thread doesnt help me too much.
Im asking for people to help me out in understanding which builds are the “OP” ones and what exactly about the necro is more powerful now then it used ot be.
That thread is people QQing about certain aspects of the necro class and others arguing against them. Doesnt exactly help me when it comes to builds lol
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
I’m currently maining a hammer dps warrior, until I find something better at least, and I have to say it’s always funny running into MM necros and watching them scramble after I demolish their entire army with a couple attacks lol
But yeah I used to goof around with builds like that in tourneys, was usually the home point guard (idk if thats even part of the meta now though lol), was fun just avoiding the enemy roamers while my minions wrecked his/her noob face! However good aoe players that roamed ruined the fun
And I must have missed the burn in spite! So essentially necros can now easily apply EVERY condi with ease over and over again? Well I can see why they’d be good!
How do they do against guardians and eles though? Cause before I left condi necros almost didnt exist in tourneys due to guardians and eles instantly removing ALL conditions for their ENTIRE team just by simply dodging around :P lol was that nerfed or can necros just reapply them fast enough now?
Ok so I’m just coming back to GW2 after like 6-7 months of not playing AT ALL, and I’ve been testing out the “new warriors” and I’ve noticed there haven’t been too many necros around, but whenever I bring them up everyone in the rooms QQ about them being OP…. which is the complete opposite of their state when I left those months ago lol
Necro was my secondary toon, with guardians, but when I played and I decided to test some sPvP builds out to see if I could find this “OP necro build” everyones been complaining about I couldn’t
So idk if I just haven’t gotten the hang of things yet (been playing LoL…. cause EVERYONE plays LoL…. but it kinda screwed up my muscle memory for GW2 lol :P) or if I just can’t figure it out.
So could you guys be kind enough to inform me on the current state of necros in sPvP? Are they actually OP like everyone seems to be saying? And if so what about them and what builds are OP?
Thanks in advance for any helpful information
Hello fellow warriors!
I’m returning to this game after like 6-7 months of not playing (I left roughly when quickness was nerfed and warriors had their banners buffed to try and balance it out…. kinda lost faith for a while there lol) and I feel a bit out dated or at least uninformed.
So could you guys be kind enough to let me know what builds are mainly being used in s/tPvP and WvW by most people?
I mean my hammer/longbow/stance warrior seems to work well in WvW still, with knight’s equipment on at least (the power/precision/toughness ones, I’m pretty sure they were knight’s gear, forgot to check :P), but I’m a bit lost in s/tPvP….
I mean the GS/frenzy warrior seems to still be around but I’ve always hated that build, so are there any others that have come out into viability since I’ve been gone?
Like hammer/signet warriors or Axe/adrenaline warriors maybe? I’ve been testing some out in random sPvP rooms but that hardly seems adequate considering I’m doing decently with most builds after not playing for so long lol
So any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you
So hey everyone!
I’m just getting back into GW2 (quit back when warriors were nerfed into nothingness in sPvP, but after trying them out again today seems as though they may be at least viable again lol), but I’m looking into getting a server transfer, a change of scenery if you will.
I’m currently on Fort Aspenwood and was a part of one of the major guilds there, [HOPE], but most likely due to my absence from the game and website entirely I was removed to make room for others willing to put more time into the guild, which I can understand. But FA seems to be falling off, WvW is still “ok,” PvE seemed more difficult to find groups in, and sPvP is….. well…. dead lol
So I tried googling server status in WvW, PvE, and s/tPvP, but could not find anything resent, or at least after late january for some reason. So could someone be kind enough to give me the run down of how each server seems to be doing?
Like which are doing good in WvW? Which have the most guilds? Which are still into s/tPvP? How are the Trading Posts in each? And which ones are moving along in PvE?
Thanks in advance for any helpful information
I still can’t believe there are actually people attempting to argue that eles are fine the way they are……
I mean have you people ever tried fighting AGAINST one in a tourney? Based on most your reasonings as to them “not” being OP, I highly doubt it :/
but it still won’t cut it for the top tpvp lvl sadly :S.
I’ve given up on trying to make a warrior build for top lvl content, a warrior simply has no place there atm at all :/
And yeah I used to do shield as well and it’s better for survivability but mace helps keep high vuln stacks (which ups damage output A LOT, great way for breaking bunkers, only way for a warrior I’ve found in fact). The knockdown on mace is buggy, like 25% of the time nothing will happen and you’ll get the CD for it, idk why and it’s incredibly frustrating >.<
If you do get it off though it can crit from 2-3k plus the knockdown which is PERFECT for landing heavy evis hits, where as the shield stun isn’t quite long enough when fighting good players.
Also I like having the empowered trait simply cause it’s such a HUGE damage boost with Lyssa runes that you can cause even good players to panic lol
I play hammer+LB cleansing shouts in WvW.
It’s a very powerful and well rounded build that I have a lot of fun playing.
That being said it’s horrendous in s/tPvP. Anyone using blinds will COMPLETELY nullify your hammer CC and anyone with stability will be all but immune to your easily predicted moves (or even just one guardian using SYG will nullify hammer CC on a full team scale, so you can’t simply switch targets :P)
And as I’ve said before shouts just don’t do enough fast enough in s/tPvP, but I still don’t think they need any sort of buff cause they are good in larger scaled content.
Also, if as a warrior I could put 30 points into a tree and get anything I needed for either an offensive or defensive build I’d be perfectly happy lol
Ele’s do not have the highest DPS as DPS. Nowhere near tbh. They do not have the highest sutain either. They can do both moderately well which is what makes them so good. On top of their mobility/group support of course. Ele’s aren’t really all that OP. They are powerful, and are currently the best class, but OP seems a bit of a stretch. IF you ever lose to an Ele in 1v1 combat its a L2 kitten ue on your part. It should always be a stalemate unless you are the squishiest of the squishies. My warrior can sit and tank an ele all day with no issues what so ever. and if a warrior can do it, anyone can.
Also HB is still one of the best ways to down an ele. Especially in teamfights. Any ability that can effectively drop his hp from 100-0 is a fantastic way to prevent healing. You just gotta bait out all of his 3 stun breaks in a 34 second period. Hard, but not impossible.
Freaking seriously?
Sure I’ll agree that eles do not have the highest damage output but it’s FAR from lack luster. If you’re not doing a lot of damage as a d/d ele then you’re simply playing it wrong.
Also 100B will never fully hit any opponent who isn’t a total scrub now that quickness is 50% speed increase, and if a warrior actually still uses that combo you can still take the knockdown and then move out of the way of the end of it, avoiding AT LEAST 25% of the total damage. On top of that you can literally 3 shot a warrior on frenzy as an ele due to the remaining 50% increased damage debuff.
Right, that means the warrior has no more utilities once you avoid his easy to avoid 100B combo and he also has near to none condi removal (if he actually just doesn’t have none, cause that’s very common as a warrior for many reasons).
Basically saying an ele can be killed by a 100B is a total lie, at least if we’re talking about the same lvl of play that the OP is.
Also did you seriously say an ele shouldn’t win a 1v1? Eles are THE BEST 1v1 class atm besides MAYBE mesmers.
If you’re tanky you can’t do enough damage to the constantly healing ele, if you’re condi damage the ele will almost instantaneously remove your condis, if you’re high burst the ele can stun break an insane amount of times plus squish you cause you’re a glass canon.
Eles are by definition Overpowered right now, everyone knows it besides people who only play ele or only play against bad players.
I hope so, simply cause I find the skill annoying and not cause it’s OP or anything.
I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve gone into a hotjoin to test a build and have some thief pop out and go “backstab,22222222222222222,stealthrunaway” and do very little damage.
I just think the homing in is a bit unfair, reduce the distance a bit and I think it’ll be a perfectly balanced skill.
Was chatting with a few people in game. I’m still pretty new, and trying to get a handle on the game. All 3 of them however had just rolled Warrior, because apparently “if you want to PvE, you need to be a warrior”.
This just feels…squiffy to me. Is there any truth behind it?
Is it an issue of the class being too strong or others being too weak?I’d hate to find myself in Burning Crusade v2 and realize at max level that I screwed myself out of endgame by making a wrong choice at the character selection screen…
Warriors are strong in PvE but no they aren’t any better then the other classes in a general sense of balance (yes they can do SOME things better, but they are also worse at others). However they are probably the easiest and fastest levelers in the game.
They are also good in WvW cause they have high AoE potential and good on-demand damage mitigation (which doesn’t last long at all, being the reason it’s horrible in sPvP).
But….. warriors are THE WORST sPvP class atm however so if you do role warrior just stay out of it for the time being :/
So let me understand this correctly. You want the options to do all of those things but not all of them at once. How is that even possible? If you implement that through specific utilities and traits, how is it not possible to have it all? Yes, this will take a really in-depth look on how you can explain this but giving you strong options for everything and allow you to choose what to pick doesn’t always work.
I can’t have boons on my guardian and still go with consecrations. I can’t have super burst while keeping high uptime on protection without losing something. There obviously is a give and take and I understand where you’re coming from when wanting the option to choose like the elementalist does but warriors just can’t. They are given heavy armor (which honestly means jackkitten) and high base health designed for offense for a reason. That’s what the dev’s were shooting for. If they gave options for defense you might as well have merged guardians and warriors together and balanced it more evenly.
Omfg….. no……
Is it seriously THAT hard of a concept to understand?
I can’t have boons on my guardian and still go with consecrations. I can’t have super burst while keeping high uptime on protection without losing something.
That, we want THAT!
Warriors can’t even choose between options atm, we’ve been pigeon holed into specific roles simply cause every other class does everything better then our very few realistic options.
We want to be able to say “I’ll sacrifice my damage output to be more tanky” while actually becoming tanky, which we can’t effectively do atm. Or even “I’ll sacrifice some stability options to get more condition removal,” which we also can;t do without FULLY respeccing into a build specifically built JUST for condition removal that is only even with every other class.
And eles are simply OP as crap and need a major nerf ASAP, nothing more to that lol
So I have gone through the suffering of playing a warrior in s/tPvP cause I admit it, the warrior is my favorite class, and I think I may have finally found a build that I enjoy and is rather effective in a general sense as a damaging/burst build WITHOUT relying on Frenzy and EP just to not instantly die while using it.;TsAg0CnoKyUkoIbRuikFtsYYxMCA
(for those who don’t know, you have to copy & paste the link to see it, this site for some reason doesn’t link directly….)
It focuses Primarily on the Axe with a heavy focus on vulnerability from both the Axe MH and Mace OH.
As my previously posted build a few weeks back a quick Bull’s charge —> Axe#2 --> Mace #5 —> Mace #4 does lots of damage alone but applies a lot of vulnerability for continued damage from Axe#1 spamming, which in and of itself does a lot of damage.
The differences with this build are as follows:
- The longbow is the secondary. This can ofc be interchanged for GS or MH+Warhorn for more mobility or even rifle if you prefer more single target damage. I personally find the LB the most useful simply cause LB#5 is an amazing skill that can lead into many combos as well as stop runners, while LB#3 does a lot of damage to anyone on a point and LB#4 is an AoE blind, so EXTREMELY useful in team fights as well as 1v1s. The bust skill is mainly just to force people off a point and give your bunker some support or a break, you shouldn’t use your adrenaline in this build on this skill simply cause it’s way to easy to avoid.
- The condition removal is actually… adequate, for once. With mending you can remove 2 condis, which isn’t a lot against condi classes/builds but for most cases it’ll save you from high stacks of w/e. On top of that is both the Signet of Stamina and Signet of rage with the Runes of Lyssa, both being full condi wipes. These methods ofc aren’t the best but they’ll save you from being roflstomped by the most basic of conditions like most warriors naturally will be.
- The strongest part of this build in my opinion is the combination of the Runes of Lyssa and Empowered. With those specific runes for 5 seconds on the use of Signet of Rage you’ll have EVERY boon in the game. That in and of itself isn’t bad at all, but put that together with Empowered and you’ll get some incredible results. You’re damage output literally sky rockets.
I’ve gotten 10k Eviscerates on semi-bunkers, 8k Arcing Arrows on multiple targets (averaged out ofc), and I’ve even gotten a 21k Tsunami Slash in a hotjoin against a necro with little toughness but a lot of vitality (I know underwater means nothing in tourneys, just that number was so high I couldn’t leave it out lol). Ofc this takes timing and you need to save Signet of Rage for your burst, or at least use it early and save your burst for when it comes off CD (48 secs).
There are obvious weaknesses with this build and your burst is quite predictable if you always save it for Signet of Rage usages, so you’ll have to hard a bit to fool your enemies.
So all in all I’ve found this to be a very effective warrior damage build with decent survivability, for a burst build that is (23k-ish health, 2.3k-ish armor, stability, and decent condition removal). It’s stil not AMAZING but as a warrior we simply can’t get to that point anymore, not until Anet gets their butts in gear and fix us.
Let me know what you guys think, I’ve only run a few tourneys with it so far so I don’t have extensive play time with it, and atm it’s Spirit Watch so you won’t be able to get all that accurate of a feel for the build anyway.
Any suggestions or tips I’m all ears.
Thnx for reading
So what is the trade-off you are asking for then? Because if they fix everything you ask for it seems like you’re an upgraded version of a guardian.
You want better burst, defense, mobility, condition removal and protection/healing boons… It sounds like you just want a guardian with 18k+ health and very little weaknesses.
In other words, you can’t have it all.
Why does everyone always assume warriors “want it all” with no trade off? No one ever seriously says they “want it all” in the same build at once……
What he’s saying, and I know this cause it’s obvious since I and most other warriors feel the same way, is that he wants the ability to actually do all that in some build or other. Right now we CAN’T DO ANY OF THAT at all in any build what-so-ever in sPvP. He doesn’t want to be able to do all of that at once but instead to have the option to be able to do each of those things in some way in some build.
EDIT: Yes I know there are “shout warriors” that can do good condition removal but you sacrifice EVERYTHING else important to sPvP just to do it, making it kind of pointless to bother. Not saying it needs to be buffed, cause it’s amazing in PvE and WvW, just that there should be some other way at all to remove conditions like almost every other class can inherently do in every build.
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
Maybe in PvE, but you’re on crazy pills if you think you can do this in PvP.
I actually see infinite stealth thieves more often in PvP then I do in PvE…….
I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve sat on home point as a necro and fought off a single thief, basically he turned invisible and bailed.
But I’ll use Axe#3 and EVERYTIME I do it for like 2-3 mins I’ll get the retal buff from HITTING A TARGET which means that freaking thief would still be there either waiting for CDs or waiting for backup to help him kill me.
Also I’ve been forced into duel positions with thieves A LOT in PvP and when I start winning they ofc go and hide in the “shadows” as thieves do and they’ll just sit there while they get initiative back and heal themselves with that “gain health in stealth” trait, coming back at full health 15 secs later.
So yes I know it’s how they live and avoid getting squashed, otherwise I’d never have any issues with thieves, but that doesn’t make their “insta-escape” skills and abilities any less frustrating. Any good thief can essentially continuously avoid getting killed for an entire match, as long as they avoid strong bursts which is only other thieves now that warriors can’t get off a full 100B combo on anyone lol
Of course I meant sigil of speed, anyone actually reading the sentence I think could figure that type-o out.
sPvP is already dead, it’s not just the warrior class, it’s dead on it’s own. I’m not going to cry over not having a good spot in sPvP for my warrior when I don’t even do it with any other class – as most don’t. If it upsets you that much, maybe time to go back to wow? Was that the point you were looking for?
But for WvW which is actually populated, nothing wrong with hammer and regen that I see. Yes even various food buffs. Cry me a river?
How ignorant…..
Sigil of Speed does almost nothing for you and you’d be MUCH better off with a better sigil, and no most people wouldn’t be able to figure that type-o out cause no one freaking uses sigil of speed anyway.
sPvP isn’t dead, fast queues in tourneys and always 20+ full rooms for hotjoiners. Just cause no one wants you on their tourney team doesn’t mean there isn’t anybody to join, it means you suck.
And why bring WoW into this? It’s a horrible game, end of story, moving along?
In WvW regen is fine cause you can actually distance yourself and let it work, but AGAIN this is an sPvP warrior discussion and in sPvP regen for warriors means NOTHING, it won’t save you from anything at all. And there IS NO FOOD IN SPVP so please stfu about food already, I thought you’d have figured that one out by now…… guess not.
Yeah a reset would be nice, but only AFTER this week of people abusing the hacks and glitches of Spirit Watch to get high rankings.
The devs could say this was a “trial week.” lol If someone complains about it then it means they used the hacks or cheap tricks to win Spirit Watch matches, cause if they really do deserve top ranks then they can simply get them again.
Oh noez, limited stealths? Good thing you can pop clones out your butt to cover your escape, stealth or not it’s confusing enough! lol
But anyway I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard anyone legitimately complain about mesmer stealth, I’ve only heard several mesmers complaining about people apparently thinking it :/
that’s really sad
:( spvp is really taking a hit because of this… and right now the leaderboards are less about who is good and more about who has a premade
It’s actually more about who can abuse the broken as crap map Spirit watch… cause it’s BROKEN AS CRAP! lol
So yeah another person here annoyed with spirit watch making another thread out of frustration, if you’re tired of SW threads then just don’t read any further.
But anyway WHY is this in the tourney rotation!?
I mean not only does it PROMOTE ZERGING but it’s still quite buggy. Idk how but I ran into a ranger today that somehow glitched up the first set of steps while holding the orb then somehow scaled the hill afterwards instead of going around to the second set of steps. We tried jumping up after him but it’s a solid freaking wall so ofc WE had to go around, through the enemy zerg that was previously with the orb carrier.
Just to prove it here’s a video from youtube, thnx to AUG for recording it!
and here’s his thread about it, I don’t want to take any attention on this specific issue away from his thread specifically made for it:
And yes I KNOW there are work around strategies to “nullify” the zerging strats, but why do we have to actually work harder just to survive against these zergarific scrub teams while all they do is run back and forth, win most of their matches, and ofc move up in the leaderboards while we all move down.
I mean I’ve stopped giving a crap about the leaderboards cause it’s based on such a broad spectrum that completely BAD players can rank really quite high. But that’s another topic I won’t get any further into.
So yeah, please Anet remove this zergtastic hotjoin map or make scoring the orb worth less or something, or at least make it so if the base is owned by the other team you can’t jump in, decap it and contest it, AND get 15 points. Would make working around zergy nubs much easier and reward the players who can actually think.
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
Check out my warrior pvp build….3.5k views, good feedback! works well!
Good luck!
I don’t mean to belittle your build or anything but you just showed us footage of you in hotjoins winning matches that you either joined late and your team already had in the bag or you greatly outnumbered your opponent(s) anyway.
In ever single one of the instances your video showed the warriors specific build would have zero impact over any other build at all.
That being said if you show me footage of you in a LEGIT tourney match winning in 1v1s and/or making an impact in 2v2s up to 5v5s then I’ll gladly say you;ve got a good build, otherwise I remain highly skeptical.
But anyway thnx for all the info Vanthian, I’ll prob try this build out. I know, I know….. I’m probably just about to go torture myself some more with warrior gameplay but I CAN’T HELP MYSELF!!!!!!!! I just like the warrior class too much… no matter how much Anet screws it over… and over… and over…… ;-;
EDIT: Also ummmmmm… what amulet are you using? lol
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
I steamroll people with my warrior pve AND pvp. It might just be the fact you play multiple classes or have little interest in the class.
Then you don’t competitively play pvp….. or you think wvw is the same as pvp……
I’m guessing your warriors was a DPS/glass cannon. Focusing on bursting people down.
Warrior is not that class anymore. Hate to be the one to tell you that!
That was my warrior role in my tourney team, yes, cause at high lvls of play it is the ONLY thing a warrior was to effectively do better or as good as any other class. Playing ANY other kind of warrior was gimping your tourney team.
So yeah I know warriors aren’t that class anymore and that’s part of the issue, cause THAT WAS THE ONLY CLASS THEY COULD BE. Without that now warriors are literally completely useless to a team.
I play hammer in hotjoins still cause there’s less blinds and AoE stuns rock the crap out of hotjoiners, but again hotjoins mean nothing.
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
Really though, played 1600 games of spvp, about half as mesmer. Now I’m rockin the sword/longbow bleed warrior and loving it. Doesn’t feel weak at all even after so much time as a so often called OP/faceroll prof
You obviously haven’t played any tourneys against any decent players if you think a condi warrior build is any good at all.
And yes I have personally done it myself, a lot, and it still sucks.
Mobility? Easy: signit of speed into a hammer. Problem solved. (bout perma speed even with minor in regards to pve)
Defense: Easy: health regen + added regen food. Problem solved.
Offense: Easy: hammer AOE’s while running is great. Switch to GS on focused attacks.
Hard to go wrong..
Mobility: There is no signet of speed and hammer is the slowest moving melee weapon a warrior can use, maybe besides a mace, but I still don’t see how switching to it would equate to more mobility….
Defense: Warrior regen is absolutely pitiful AT BEST and won’t help you live through ANYTHING in sPvP, and yes I’ve tried full healing regen warrior builds, they’re horrible. And you’re talking about food? really?………
Offense: Hammer has two aoe’s that are blinded 80% of the time you try to use them and now with frenzy being a death sentence GS can’t get off it’s full damage and attempting too usually results in the warriors death before his 100B is even up.
So what was your point again?
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
Wait, what? Since when? BL only stacks if you get the kill using the weapon set that has it on it unless it changed drastically and I missed it.
Sannhet is correct, stacking sigils only give you the stacks if you are using the weapons they are in at the time of the kill.
I run with a bloodlust sigil on my secondary, which I only use to move around the battle field quickly thus never getting any kills or finishers with it out, and I still get the bloodlust stacks, no joke.
At low lvls all you need to do is get a GS and use all signets then get the “Deep Strikes” trait in the Arms tree as soon as you can.
You’ll kill everything so fast that you won’t even have the chance to die.
Ofc once you hit lvl 60 signets stop scaling and get worse and worse until they’re almost all useless, so I’d recommend switching somewhere in between 60 and 70 lol
I can’t really be of assistance in WvW but in sPvP I have tried evis specific builds before and they aren’t bad.
I’ll warn you though, if you have as much luck as me you’ll end up buffing to the point you have a 80-90% crit chance on evis and you’ll get 10 non crit evis hits in a row….. and I’m not lying or over exaggerating btw! It actually happened and it’s why I don;t use it in sPvP anymore lol
But if you aren’t as unlucky as me then I say it’s a good build and you should stick to it!… I just can’t really help you for WvW building though >.>
The Howler is perfect for necro’s in my opinion, it coats the user in fog
That combined with The Incinerator would be pretty freakin awesome!
Even cooler would be Frostfang!!!!!!! They’d match together SO WELL! Too bad necro axe is horrible >.<
But aside from those three all the others don’t match at all and would really ruin the whole “necro look,” equating to a lot of wasted time.
You don’t need two sigils of bloodlust cause it’ll proc even if the weapon with that particular sigil isn’t currently in use, it’s a complete waste to have two.
Aside from that though I’ll probably try your build out none the less, I’m looking for my fav necro role still anyway lol
Looks like the Mr. Freeze build that was popular back in betas.
Basically if I remember correctly you’ll kill almost every warrior and thief you ever come across, won’t be able to kill mesmers, guardians, or eles, and you’ll be on fairly even footing with engies and rangers.
But it’s been a while since I played that build and there have been lots of changes, so only thing I can say for sure is it’ll be even easier to kill warriors….
Aside from that I couldn’t say lol
It’s a nice concept and could prove kind of humorous in hotjoins.
But you’ll be finished off in tourneys just as fast, EVERY decent team runs people with stability and invulnerabilities simply for quick finishers.
Sorry to say but for sPvP it’s just not really gonna work out all that well.
EDIT: Also siphoning health doesn’t actually heal you all that much. Again in hotjoins it might help in 1v1s and smaller fights, but it won’t save you for the hoards of glass canon scrubs smashing their faces on their keyboards or any sort of large scale fight (cause necros are almost always focused due to lack of stability and healing).
Might be a decent build for PvE though, I’ve never tried that though so I couldn’t say for sure.
(edited by Vicarious.3047)
Lol yeah I completely agree.
That’s why I usually don;t like playing my bunker guardian in hotjoins simply cause everyone will focus you like mad cause they almost always tunnel vision on the big heavy armored charr shining in the middle of the fight and in any decently sized fight instead of standing in my symbols to heal themselves and me or even get into my bubbles they’ll ALL bail out of the fight to live and go try to cap another node.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been left alone to fight a full team of 5-8 people for a couple minutes or more just to come away with zero points while my team runs around with their heads chopped off looking for more cap points :P
Ofc I get lots of praise and rage alike in hotjoins…. “THATS a bunker build!” all the way to “GUARDS ARE OP kittenING CHEATERS!” lol
But yeah anyway as I said in the OP it’s usually after a few tourneys cause I won’t bring my warrior into hotjoins for those reasons. So I get ya.
I just want to add to this the ranger point of view…
As a ranger you get 0 down skills, that prevent you from getting finished off. I am REALLY ticked off by this. It takes forever for the pet res skill to become active, by that time I am 99% of the time already finished off >.> Compared to all other classes, that is just a complete disadvantage.
But….. doesn’t the ranger have an AoE stun that not only stuns the person(s) trying to finish them off but also everyone else in the area?
If anything it’s far better then what engies and necros have, obviously a thousand times better then what warriors have, and at least almost on par with guardians.
This puts rangers in the middle of the pack when it comes to downed state, so stop complaining about something that isn’t all that bad. Play a warrior and you’ll feel better about your ranger.
I mean I got on to try warrior again tonight cause it’s been a while and warrior WAS seriously my fav class.
But idk why I torture myself like that….
I mean playing this broken as kitten class is so ungodly frustrating that after maybe one or two tourneys (one match in hotjoins dealing with the massive about of morons on both my own team and the other team would be enough as well) I give up again and go to one of my other classes.
And I’m LITERALLY worse at them….. idk if it’s just my muscle memory from the warrior kicking in when it shouldn’t or if I’m just so frustrated from the warrior play that I can’t properly play any other class…..
If I START as another class I can steam roll hotjoiners like it’s my job and perform my role in tourneys like I should (don’t always win but hey, as long as I did my job the best I could then all I can do is admit the other team was better, I don’t necessarily find losing in general to be frustrating), but only if I haven’t recently played warrior.
Guess I’m making this thread to make a plea to Anet to PLEASE FIX THIS FREAKING CLASS! There have been THOUSANDS (maybe not that high…) of reasonable suggestions just on these forums on ways to make the warriors viable again without making them “unstoppable forces” as you all seem to freaking worried about! But hey don’t bother nerfing eles cause they aren;t unstoppable at all!…..
I guess I’m also making this thread to vent…. yeah I’m definitely venting… again….
I should really just quit GW2 in general if I can’t seem to stop myself going back to warrior for whatever reason…. :/
This may be a bit off topic but I’ve seen a couple people in this thread now say some things like “ele has low hp” and “ele needs to be able to last longer” etcetcetc…
REALLY!? IT’S THE FREAKING ELE! The class that can bunker, support, burst, sustain, and fully heal multiple times all at the same time, giving them more ways to just annoy you after they go down is like kicking an injured dog……
Wel I object greatly to you in return, cause as you said in your opinion.
I personally found kit swapping to be an easy task where as DS jumping takes more finesse. And not all necros are ranged, mind you, the most difficult necro builds are the DS jumping dagger melee necros, which are very powerful if played right.
And understanding how to react to each class isn’t an exclusive engineer requirement you know, every class aside from eles maybe need to be good at that.
But you’re obviously set in stone on your OPINIONS as I am mine, so I won’t push this any further, it would be pointless.
point is that i can give similar class/build description (perhaps even more sophisticated) for any class you want..:P
True facts.
(edited by Moderator)
Well you don’t seem to be focusing primarily on sPvP like your OP leads to believe.
I won’t continue to point out the flaws in your beliefs on your build when considering sPvP until I see a video of you using this build in a tourney and actually showing this extremely high AoE damage you seem to be doing.
Cause frankly there are reasons why you don’t EVER see those kinds of warriors in high end tourney teams, but again I’ll let you figure that out first hand, or prove me wrong with actual proof and not Lion’s Arch numbers…..
Hello necro community, I’m coming to you as a somewhat new to necro PvP player :P
I have a max lvl necro and I do WvW with him and I think it’s great fun but I have never seriously gotten into sPvP with him cause my tourney team already has a good necro.
But recently there have been some changes, first our necro quit GW2 out of frustration and I can no longer effectively play a warrior (my previous role) in tPvP since the 26th.
So essentially we decided I could bring my necro into s/tPvP as either the support wells role or as a high burst/damage build. Which lead me to this forum in the recent past asking about builds. I got a lot of great help and came up with a build that I would like your opinions on.
It’s a “burst” build, not insane like a thiefs output or warriors former burst, but it’s still quite high and has more utility and survivability to back it up.
It’s a roamer so I have the warhorn and I’m not using it as a support so no need for staff. The axe is great for two things, the first being that using the AoE cripple stacks retal on me, and with that alongside my DS jumping retal applications and how a lot of teams auto focus necros it does quite a bit of damage. Secondly it’s good for figuring out if theres a thief in the area or not, since retal is applied if it hits invisible targets as well lol
The dagger speaks for itself really, high single target damage with a self healing skill that does a decent amount of damage to people trying to run away, then the immobilize that I use to deal lots of WoS damage.
I guess I just want your opinions on the utilities and runes mainly, cause I don’t understand too much about runes, having used the same kinds on my warrior for so long and never having to change the ones on my bunker guardian lol Then the utilities, I like spectral armor but is spectral walk better? And I like spectral wall so far while testing in hotjoins, the long protection for my team and high vuln stack on enemies does WONDERS, but is it worth it?
So ty to anyone who reads this and provides any constructive comments
But seriously, engis are not easy to play. God kittening kitten
… i know the engineer has an incredibly high skill cap in general…
As I said, I know.
And I just personally found HGH engie builds to be kinda easy to play where as necros with their DS management and, as you said, lack of stability/stun breakers makes them fairly difficult to no only do their job but live while doing it. HGH engies have it easy in that regard cause once again AS YOU SAID they do everything at once.
I guess I just view necros as “better” for teams cause someone who is good at necros and can do all that stuff I mentioned will wipe an entire team in no time, you just don’t see those necros around all that often, where as it’s EASY to steam roll people with the new engie builds making them a more common appearance.
I never said engies are easy to play, just with those builds it’s easier to be good, as you have said yourself.
First off you can get higher damage if you use signet of rage instead of banner (but I do understand the rez on drop is very nice).
Other then that both those signets suck, as most signets besides rage and stamina do. Using FGJ over signet of might would be better, and you can use something to improve your survivability other then the useless signet of fury.
As for making a high damaging AND survivable build…. you can’t, that would be over powered as crap. Only thing you can do is get good at dodging and use food that heals you on crits (I think those are still in the game at least o.O), besides that if you want to add to survivability you’ll have to sacrifice some damage output, that’s how balancing in an MMO works.
I don’t get the complaining, sure if you’re playing glass cannon warrior you don’t have condition removal. I’ve been running Shouts and have plenty of sustain and condition removal. If you refuse to change from 100% Berserkers GS then you’re not going to get condition removal and sustain.
Shout build is horrendous in PvP and you’ll get instantly and completely squashed by any team worth a crap.
Also, just to expand a bit, warriors can’t bunker in PvP. Not enough regen, not enough healing, no protection, and toughness means almost nothing.
Condition builds are also useless cause warriors can’t build them up fast enough to sustain any sort of damage cause EVERY class can easily remove all the warriors conditions before they get to any decent damaging level.
CC builds are great but add one guardian with “Stand Your Ground!” on the other team and you’re now utterly useless.
This leaves high damage, which we could do before with “berserker” gear you said, making me think you don’t realize this is an sPvP focused topic, but now that using frenzy without also wasting endure pain is a death sentence we cannot do that either. We’ll be dropped before we can get off any decent amount of damage.
THAT’S why STRUCTURED PLAYER VS PLAYER warriors are complaining.