Showing Posts For Wriith.6581:
Please keep this in the game. Honestly, this is just too good to use as one time or seasonal content. Running this minigame with my friends has been the most fun I’ve had on GW2 since launch and its potential to be expanded upon is just phenomenal.
Would have purchased it as a stand-alone game, no joke.
Has an easy mode, scales with the number of players, and can be soloed in under half an hour fairly easily… why do people complain?
It’s intended. Steal can be cast during any attack and while stunned, much like warrior shouts or traited meditations. Personally, I think it’s fine, but to each their own, I suppose.
Amazing. Keep it.
I’m prettttttyyyy kitten sure they didn’t have RNG on any of the past miniature packs?
Wintersday and Lost Shores, unless I’m mistaken.
Seriously, got two of my RL friends who quit GW2 ages ago to hop back on just for the Super Adventure Box. They LOVED it!
Much love for [HOPE], seriously; they’re a great bunch and I’m glad I made the decision to join up with them a few weeks back. The community is great, there are always helpful players on, and their WvW game is excellent (not to mention a whole ton of fun).
Go. Now. Check it out. Seriously.
I’ve been running dungeons regularly with my friends since the start of October, and average between 4 and 8 dungeon paths a night. Drop rates were decent for a good while (about 3+ rares a night), but seemed to fall off around mid November. Recently the drop rate seems to have gone down the toilet, however. Over the past couple weeks, my guild group and I have been lucky to see 1 rare per night, even with magic find food/banner/guild buff. I’m not sure exactly what the deal is, but it is kind of insane going from 1 rare per path to not even 1 rare in 4+ paths, across a group of 5 people.
I’ve gotten used to just expecting a bundle of blues from the chests in dungeons. It’s supremely disappointing when you don’t even get so much as a green from an entire dungeon’s worth of chests.
Same problem on my 80 necromancer. Really, really irritating.
As someone who played the heck out of both EQ and EQ2, I totally support this idea (loved the class specific mythic chains in those games). Fabricate some lore around the precursors or legendaries and add a very long, difficult chain that rewards an account bound precursor. As it is, grinding for money to get a precursor is rather boring, but an inventive, extended quest chain could be rather fun, depending on its implementation. Besides, anything is better than flushing rares down the mystic toilet hoping to be blessed by the RNG gods.
Note: I think this thread should go in the suggestions forum, not the Lost Shores one.
I found the event to be extremely fun, but there were several aspects of it that took the wind out of my sails. My favorite part about the event was the fact that we fought the boss with so many mini events and environmental mechanics, instead of your standard tank and spank. I’d LOVE to see more events and permanent dynamic event chains like that.
That being said, the extended combat mini events were extremely boring and seemed to annoy most folks. The bomb escort part was interesting and entertaining the first time I ran it, mostly due to the fact that the zerg in my overflow didn’t actually expect to get beaten back by the karka several times. After that though, the two wave events were dull and uninteresting. The champion and vet mobs seemed to have too much HP and felt like a gigantic time-sink, one which the event could have benefited from not having.
That being said, I enjoyed the event thoroughly and ran it three times with friends in their overflows (no, I didn’t get any precursors, so don’t even go there). I wish something akin to this event would be added as a permanent addition to the game, minus the go-make-a-sandwich-while-reinforcements-attack bits. The devs really just need to understand that bags of HP and long auto-attack fights aren’t appealing to most people. Dynamic, creative fights are golden though, imo.
If you run a signet build on a warrior, you’ll absolutely wreck at low levels. The class balances out pretty well at 80 though, and healing signet ends up being pretty trash compared to the other heals when you’re facing tough content. Mesmer by contrast is a late blooming class that is dreadfully boring for the first 40 levels (at least in my opinion). Mesmer picks up towards end game, while warrior loses its huge edge. They’re two very different beasts.
I’m not going to change the way or amount I play because of the patch. I like GW2 as it is, and I imagine I’ll still like it when ascended gear gets added in. Yes, I will get the gear, because it will be available, the best, and something to do.
That being said, I don’t think a new stat tier was needed. But no, I won’t lose any sleep over it. I just don’t really have any strong feelings either way. To me it’s just an update like any other and I’ll wait and see how it plays out.
I’d like to see the good folks at ANet take a page out of Shadow of the Colossus’ book for fights like the elder dragons. I think it would be epic for future fights to have the party moving along the dragon taking parts out in stages (akin to maneuvering the bodies of the bosses and destroying weak points in Shadow). Heck, it even fits nicely with the devs’ love for jumping puzzles.
The elder dragons are massive forces of nature. Treat them as such. Make their fights almost like an instance in and of itself.
EDIT: Also, related; compare the FFXIV cinematic to the actual quality of the fights in that game. Most bosses in FFXIV are dreadfully boring, as is the combat. Who knows how it’ll shape up after the revamp, but currently it falls very short of the epic feel in the cinematic. FFXIV is currently prolly one of the last games you want to look at when talking about actual combat design or fight mechanics.
(edited by Wriith.6581)
I’m still sad about not getting chronomancer in Utopia. Maaan, those concept sketches looked so awesome.
More realistically though, I’d like another plate class. If we were to get one, it’d make it even across the three armor types. No clue what it could be though; depends on where we go for the first expansion, I suppose.
Yeah, how evil is it for a company to make money, anyway?
So you like for your car dealer to lie to your face about what the car has, just to get more money out of you?
Horrible analogy.
Actually it’s a good analogy. Would you think positively of that car dealer and buy your next car from him?
Last I checked, cars don’t evolve after purchase. MMORPGS however, do. Not saying I agree with the changes, just saying that the myriad analogies being tossed around the forums are relatively weak and in many cases totally off-base.
Both my necro (1 set) and my guardian (2 sets) each have full exotics, including accessories and alternate weapons. Right now I’m working on getting the skins I want, which is much harder than racking up a few pieces of exotic gear. And no, I won’t mind working for the new gear that comes out, provided they’re not legendaries v2.0; if they come with that kind of a grind, I’ll be sorely disappointed. I hope they won’t be that agonizing, however.
Yep, I’m excited for the new items.
That being said, I’m also slightly concerned that they’re adding a new stat tier already (even if it is only a 5% stat increase or something). If the items aren’t immensely difficult to get, I’ve no complaints; if they require some massive grind, I’ll be a little butthurt. No point feeling too strongly about the items before they’re out though. We don’t have enough information at this point, imo.
I just encountered the exact same problem. Turned off my firewall, made sure my net was running fine, everything. Seems like I’m stuck between 0 to 30 kb/sec, when usually I get 400kb/sec – 1.2 MB/sec or so for GW2. What gives?
Asura necro, Sylvari ranger, Sylvari guardian, Sylvari Engineer, Sylvari Mesmer, Sylvari Thief, and Norn warrior. I love the jumping puzzle.
Truth be told, I was sorely disappointed in the Halloween event before they added the Clocktower. Without a doubt this is my favorite jumping puzzle in the game and I seriously hope they plan to do something similar for future events. Yes it is difficult, yes it is imperfect, and yes it is a pain in the rear for some players, but personally I love it.
That being said, I hope they learn from their mistakes next time around and make it individually or party instanced; the tower’s difficulty is just right, but it doesn’t benefit at all from the added frustration of having your character stuck inside some hulking Charr for half of the puzzle.
1. Will you or will you not be buying black lion trading company or random number generation materials again?
2. Did you buy them in the past?
3. If you would not buy trading post material/gamble, would you support direct to buy weapon skins and what general price do you find acceptable from a business standpoint both as a customer and realizing that they must make money as a business?
Yes. I would buy them if they were priced between $1-10 for an armor set, $1-5 for a weapon. I’d prefer they be given via quests, but I’d still likely make purchases if they were appropriately priced.
4. Do you believe that future events will also be handled with random number generation to make profit based on limited time item acquisition?
5. If you believe that the future events will be handled in the same manner, does this realization negatively effect your trust of Arena Net in regard to handling micro transactions for permanent content?
Yes, quite a bit.
6. Did you obtain a skin or whatever it is you were looking to get from the black lion trading chests? From the Mad King Chests?
No, I got nothing of interest to me from either. Next time I’ll be saving my dollars and gold and buy the items via the TP if future events follow this business model.
7. Have you bought any of the direct purchase, set priced halloween items. If so, will you be buying more?
Yes, I purchased the Mad King costume, the Witch costume, and the hood town clothing. I will likely buy items from direct purchases in future events; I will however be less inclined to spend money in the gem store because of the bad taste this halloween event has left in my mouth.