Showing Posts For Xenotor.1350:

New keep idea

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


- Water, there should be water around the keep (like bay) only that you won’t be able to cross it.

Hmm, water that you can’t cross. Sounds like molten LAVA!

would be epic if you could upgrade your keep to have lava around the walls

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Honestly the ONLY reason i bought GW2 was for the 3 sided WvW that was billed as the next DAOC.

Im not interested in killing ai mobs, im not interested in grinding dungeons or “farming” loot/pixels forhours/days/months..

I just want to WvW.

Is there any fixes/work coming to WvW at all?


I can just sign this.

In the Old games there was allways long term progresion like the"Godlike Equipment in Ragnarok where you had to keep your carstle no matter what.
This keept the game running for over 10 years. Most MMOs nowdays die in less then a year.

Was it FFXIV that MMO without PVP. It failed after the first 2 month. The thing that keeps most player is PVP or spezific RVR. Large Battles with huge numbers where also small groups can do good is what a game keeps running but seeing A-net supprised at how “popular” WvWvW was i doup that there are any real DAOC players in A-net.

My list of WvWvW Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


most people can Solo supply camps so at the moment they are realy far to weak

Wierds moves in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


looks like speed hack to me

Is WvW Forum being ignored by ANET?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


well if you yell long enough for a good amount of time then someone will come and see whats all this fuss is about. Like it did with the Orbs. People yelled at the forums for weeks and they got removed.
I would call a-net slow at reacting to things. They have to come up faster with temp fixes like the orb removal.

Firing a Catapult at Your Own Door

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


reinforce oil (200% more life, more range for players to use it (like Balistas), give players who use it protection buff)
same goes for cannons just not more health.

My list of WvWvW Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i can just sign this.
I would also add the:
There is a reward for killing dolyaks both personal (exp, karma, silver) and points.
But escorting one does give nothing but the supplys.

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


great idea the player designs are what keeps games like WC3 , SC or CS running.
I remember that in an old MMO named Ragnarok some privat servers had more players that the official only because they had more player made content.

The Solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


there should be of corse restriktions like rams only gives points if they are build in range of an enemy door. Defending is a must for gaining points.

If badges where a good personal reward than support players should have endless of them.

Bring Back Dolyak Farming

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Instead of rewarding karma and/or gold, escorts could instead be rewarded with experience. Useless to bots, but very useful to people who are leveling in WvW =)

thats still not fair for the lvl 80 players like me who escorts a lot of them so the upgrades can finally get through.

While Escorting a dolyak im often attacked from 2 – 4 enemys while i never see more than 1 at best 2 players escorting and even that is rare.

Dead WvW Boaderland maps

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


no mater what you say here its not gona happen. A-net statet that allready in the “night capping and you” At the moment the system is working as intended.

The OM buff needs rework togher with new orbs and rewards for upgrading tower , placing siege, using siege to bomb enemy walls.

The Matchmaking system needs also work but what the Topic Creater said is not gona hapen anyway so no point arguing over it.

Sanctum of Rall, T2 Server LFM Oceanic/Asian/EU

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


yah i came from europe and we still need a lot of people or Guilds to get into T1

Badge Farm Prices?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i can just sign this. i got 3 sets of exotic gear befor even getting half of the badges for the WvWvW set.

Bring Back Dolyak Farming

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


you gain exp, karma and money for killing dolyaks but gain nothing for escorting them. See the problem? killing them does not give mutch anymore so giving the same rewards for escorting should not hurt.

Also its better if the bots escort dolyaks instand of just doing random PvE in WvW. At least they are not completly useless space takers that way.

The Solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


If something like this was to be implemented, i would hope that it is server based where upon should you change server you lose that title and have to start again.
Even a small reward could be implemented for achieving each rank, like one Lion key per rank the higher the rank the more keys you get or even Badges of honor like 2, 4, 6 Ect.
As for rolling it back to the very start of the game, I don’t think that would really matter nor is needed.
Points wise this could be done with a combination of Kills = 1 point, Capture = 2 points and Defense = 3 points.
Ranking could even use a similar structure to a game I used to play, I will place their Wiki page on this but is not an inducement for the game as I urge people not to play this cash hungry game but the ranking system would work very well with GW2.
But remove the 5% attack bonus they have and you have a very good base for ranking

So many ranks would be epic

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


naa if all wvw and pve players start active using the Candy corn to speed buff, then the supply is gona be drained very fast.

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


I’d like to see the orange swords gone. We can already see when something is contested, that should be enough…. I would really like if people would need to gather information on enemy movements by scouting and cummunication instead of just pressing “M”

Also, arenanet stated so often they wanted us to look at the game rather than the UI… atm the UI wins, but if they’d remove the orange swords then looking around would win, which would fit with their statement.

Sign even if its just for a week to test.

What siege would you like to see next?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


I was thinking siege towers that have to be built at a supply camp and rolled to a keep by groups of players.

I like the idea of mobile canons, airships, and pact tanks but I do not think they would work with the current WvW maps.

Same goes for the turtles.

But maybe we can get them in an expansion or a new WvW zone if they are ever added.

Adding in airships that attack / drop players from above, or tanks and airships that can operate as mobile siege platforms could add a lot to the metagame of an individual map.

Especially if releasing an airship completely drained a keep of it’s supply or cost full supply to build.

I mean there would be tactics to defend against the airship, as well as risk versus reward. If your keep is out of supply it is vulnerable. So if your attacked while the airship is away it could cost you your keep.

Airships, ships, and tanks could easily be part of a new map. Picture 3 keeps in a triangle like like on EB but with mountains and a large lake / bay separating them. There would be land paths and islands along the way, but arranged to favor more open battles. Have the tanks and ships be slow moving between the keeps so you can get ship / tank battles often.

They could be unlocked as upgrades at the keeps, with the final being the airships that take you directly to an enemy keep.

i can just sign this +1

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Crossed Sword should go. This is WvWvW = Word versus World versus World not PvE
If you make all things Easy people will not get any better. Old games showed that difficult content keeps people playing it. And under difficult content i mean that A-net should not hold the hands of new players in every aspekt of the game.
Just let them go in and have to ask where the action is. Befor they know it they are the one helping the new players.

I played MMORPGs for the past 12 years and 10 years of them in GvG, RvR.
All games that made things easy Died quickly because Hardcore Guild will leave and when they leave, the normal once will follow. This is how games died the last 10 years.

And why do normal/Casual players follow the Hardcore? Simple because they want Action and action is where hardcore Player are.

Removing the crossed swords will be the first step to get the Hardcore Guilds back that allready left the game.

[Idea] The Pigeons of WvW and the Defenders of the Keep

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Two things:

1) Even I think WvW is getting a bit stale now so I think Urrid’s idea will help switch things up a bit.

2) I think you should just bump your post shamelessly every hour or so. Or you should make multiple threads, each with different eye-catching titles. Then you’ll get onto the mods’ blacklist and become infamous at Anet. Then they might actually see what this random person making loads of noise has to say. It’s foolproof!

Yah just like Garus of ME said: “Just make a lot of noise and eventually some higher up comes down and looks whats all this is about.”

What siege would you like to see next?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


your are right about that enos. but you can also ask your team for info or your guild / party to scout.

Trading Post Pick Up

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


It seems to me that the only option you have to pick up your money and items in the TP is to “Take All”.
But i would like to only get to mony or certain items and let the rest be.
I buy things in quit some numbers and sell them later but parking a 100 full stacks of items in the bank is imposible for me.

please give us an option to take certain items and just the money out of the TP.

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i allways wonder why people sell candy corn. Look you can stack a 10% Movement speed buff for about 1 min. And you can use that even in areas where the use off skills doesnt work.
Candy corn is the WvW / PvE consumable and you can no longer farm them.

Think about it it takes at least 1 Yeahr befor you can refarm the candy corn.

What siege would you like to see next?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


It would be epic if being on a wall would help defending. At the moment the Zerg with the most range AoE Wins the Wall fight. So it would be realy epic if the player on the wall had a higher range with there skills as the player on the ground.
Or give us a infantery shield upgrade for Tower and Keeps that put something like the Guardian buble on the Wall for X amount of Dmg and then recharges.

[Idea] The Pigeons of WvW and the Defenders of the Keep

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


This Sir would be epic

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


remove sword not only the orange but the normal one too.
Remove AoE cap even if its just for 1 week test period.
Doors and Walls should be more difficult to kill maybe +25% health per upgrade.
More siege wapons. Movable siege like a Golem Dog with a Balista on the Back.
And remove the “player can dmg Doors” its just not right.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


I startet to have 1 – 3 sek lag after loging in 30 mins ago. I did not have any lag during my playing 3 hours ago.
I play on SoR connecting from EU.
Changing the map from high pop to low pop doesnt help.
I also have no connection problems in any other games.

guild Transfer? a-net please answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Dra Keln is that offical? do you have a link to the post where a-net stated that?

guild Transfer? a-net please answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


My guild and i think many other guilds would like to know if the current transfer system ( guild upgrades are lost after transfer) is working as intendet or just a bug.

Depending on the anser my guild will transfer right now or wait for the bug fix.

How to repair an orb altar?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


you know that thunder strom that starts after taking the quagan camp on the island in the center of the borderlands map does also dmg the altar?
The Altar will repair itself slowly but if the quagan camp is perma under controll of the enemy then you will loose your orb after some time.

WvW: My Praise, Criticism, and Recommendations.

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i can just sign this. All the current problems listed very nice

scritt respawn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


as the titel sayed the scrit (little rat things in the north west of each Borderlands map) have a realy low respawn timer. Sometimes it takes 20 -30 sek just to find 1 of them.
Please fix this.

Now befor ppl say do pvp in wvw and not pve.
the scrits will constant attack 2 supply camps and this will show on the map. As you look on the map you dont know if the supply camp is realy attacked or if just skitts came.

Also please higher the save time after doing the event. 30 mins save to is not enough please make it 45 mins or 1h.

Dragons in Orr drop down and attack please?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


that sir would be epic. But as orr is a constant fight between the pact and the risen, the dragon should try to destroy the camps of the pact.

Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


i agree with Massacrul. My guild did the transfer allready and lost a huge amount of influence and upgrades. (had all bank and politics upgrades)

Also i know a lot of guilds who justn wait for the paid transfer.
So A-net you said that you want to wait until things balance out but they will only balance out after you activate paid transfers. Or is it because of the “guest system” that is not working that you dont activate paid tranfers?

The “No WvW until matchup is done” shoud be applyed fast. this will at least stop the temp winning team joining.

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


The skill Sanctuary should knok back any melee and protect you from any projektiles but instant melee can still hit you if they know how to position themself and Balista shoots get right through it instant of beeing absorbed like kata and treb rocks.
There are some more skill that just go right through it but this 2 are the major problem.

Siege Weapons Despawn when you leave WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


they vanish i tested it.
I builded 2 trebs. while i used 1 the other wanst used and vanished after around 45 mins.
i testet this in EB in our fort next to our champ so enemys could have not come there.

The one i used did not despawn until i joined a assult on sm and got back 1hour later.
I also saw siege vanisching in other cases.

In the first beta the siege did not vanish and people started complaining that to many siege wapons are used to defend a keep. (i think it was around 15 arrow carts defending 1 gate at sm).

Siege Weapons Despawn when you leave WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


thats a great idea Kuishen. The repair shoud cost only half of the original supply cost .

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


DBs where fun cuz you did not know what monster comes next. It could be trash but it could be a verteran too.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


if the guards are that strong than why can 1 player solo a not upgraded camp?
And 3 player can nearly insta cap a fully upgraded one. Just pull them all together and burst AoE them.
Killing a Veteran is like killing a Moa no chalange at all.
Champs to dont do mutch and can be killed quit fast with range DDs.

In my option the HP of all NPC guards and Champs should be double and the dmg +30%.
Also give them more skills like poison and freeze fields.

The Champs in the Fortresses should have a skill to pull all enemys within 1500 range to him and than cast a havy burst AoE of 600 range (2 sek cast time).

Tl.DR: NPC veteran guards and champs are to weak and to easy to kill give them more skills , HP and DMG.

"Dead Branch": Summons a random creature on your location. [Black Lion/ Cosmetic]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


griefing is allready a problem so adding DBs would not make mutch of a difference.
Just give them a Reset range maybe around 3000 at from the spawn and everything is ok.
They should also vanish is no one kills them in at least 20 mins. And a max limit of active DB mobs per map

Teleports/ShadowSteps should work like Rocket Jump

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


the rocket jump has a flaw. with speed buff you run fast than jumping the distance even with the trait that upgrades the rifle range. The point is that you have the animation delay at the begining and at the end of the Rocket jump (you stand still). Teleport or shadow steps dont have that delay if i remember correctly.

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Merciful Intervention
You teleport to the next ally (npc pet or player) the ammount of Hp from the ally plays no role. So even if an ally is in 1200 range with low heal you will teleport to an ally with full heal if he stands closer to you.

@Apraxas that should be the mace skill 3.

(edited by Xenotor.1350)

Reward for Escorting Dolyak, please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


no CD just give the same reward as you get for killing them.
At the moment there are groups of 2 or 3 people who just perma farm dolyaks while no one is defending them shince they give no rewards.

Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


seems like you edited too.

Yes 3 hours per day defending and attacking means you do something for your server in WvW.

1 player can hold many using siege but 20 people using siege can hold and army.

(edited by Xenotor.1350)

Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Note: I apologize for the state of this text. As english is not my native language and i have problems with spelling. I hope you can still understand my suggestion.

Current Upgrading a keep does not give any reward beside the % Boons.
How about a Mist Chest for each 6Hs a point is kept. The size and items will of course differ from supply camps to SM. Also the Chests can be open bye everyone and you gain badges and Siege Wapons from them.

In addition to that a Guild chest is given each 6Hs that only Guild member from the Holding Guild can open. But this chest will be only available after t3 walls and Waypoint is made as t4 upgrade, Towers t3 walls and mortar and supply camps have to be fully upgraded as well.

The guild chest should be like the one you get from killing the ice Dragon in the 70-80 Norn Area. In adition to that there should be a small changse (like 0,0001%) for getting a Legendary pre Wapon and 0,5% changse for t6 crafting goods.
Towers and Supply depos get of course smaller chests with less rewards.

Guilds then have a reason to upgrade and hold a point as well as any other player from your server.

Now befor you say "everyone will just spam “Claim” after you capture a Fortress there have of course be a limit on who can claim.

supply camp: Art of War 2 and at least 5 active WvW member.

Tower: Art of War 3 and at least 10 active WvW member.

Fortress: Art of War 4, Politics 2 and at least 15 active WvW member.

Stone mist: Art of War 5 Politics 2 and at least 20 active WvW member.

active WvW member = someone who spends X time per day active (defending, capture, killing enemys) in WvW and on the same world for at least 2 weeks.
And not beeing a member of a guild from another world.

This is just what i could think of at the moment so im grateful to any criticism and improvement suggestion.

(edited by Xenotor.1350)

Guardian Sanctuary bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


The skill Sanctuary should knok back any melee and protect you from any projektiles but instant melee can still hit you if they know how to position themself and Balista shoots get right through it instant of beeing absorbed like kata and treb rocks.
There are some more skill that just go right through it but this 2 are the major problem.

encourage Support over DPS?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


seems like this thread has been forgotten and i would realy like to have an A-net statement to the problem..
I play full support Guardian.
If im correct there should be Dmg, Controll , support and all of them should get around the same rewards.

I play permanent with a tank controll Guardian and a full dmg Worrier.
At the time the Worrier had 1000 WvW Badges
the tank controll Guardian had 700
and i as support 300.

If i Dmg an enemy for 200 i get loot but if i heal an ally for 5000, Schield them or put a lot of Boons on them i dont get anything.
So while dmg and controll still get a lot of loot the suppoter are forced to do little dmg instant of helping your team mates.

A-net please give us Assists and the Reward for them. Of course not for over heals etc.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


I know my spelling and english in general sucks but please bear with it.

Its about time you get rewardet again for escorting dolyacs. It was OP befor but you should have just lowerd the reward instant of completly removing it. Now nearly no one is escorting them.

And at least make the guards stronger.
Its easy to take a fully upgraded supply camp with just 4 ppl and you can take a not upgraded one alone if you are good.
The Guards are to weak they have to be stonger. Make them lvl 82 standart and let them go up to lvl 85 with the buff.
It costs 70 silver witch is a lot of money to fully upgrade one supply camp just to see 4 ppl killing all the guards without a problem.

NPC Camps in the borderlands are also to easy to destroy. The one in the Center ok but the one in the water can be destroyed without the need to fight even 1 enemy. Just go down and fokus the Orbs and the job is done.
Change it so that ones you attack the orb, all the Quaggens around it will attack you or place some Veterans there to defend it.

Experience (XP) in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


yah but not only in the defense but while attacking too. I attacked Stone Mist with my guild and it took us 3Hs to take it just to see that about 30% of our member (me incl) did not get any reward -.-" please fix this bug.

Siege Weapons Despawn when you leave WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


yah i spend 5 gold in buying sige enginge to keep our fortress defended just to see them disapeer without beeing attacked -.-