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All this cool stuff in gem store

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Makes me kinda sad.

Why can’t we get stuff like this in-game by killing bosses? Seriously, most of them don’t even drop rares, let alone exotics with unique appearances.

You can: Sell the stuff you get from bosses and save the gold you earn, then convert gold to gems.

Reading what you wrote has me scratching my head. Whats the point of the game if the entire design focuses on either

1. Spending Real Money for Gems
2. Farming for Days or Weeks for in game currency so you can convert it to gem’s

all to achieve the goal of getting the items you want? What are you really working for? What is the purpose behind that? There is no real achievement there other then to say you didn’t go crazy. Really you have nothing even remotely special to show for your time.

I guess when you think about it makes the entire game pointless as long as drop rates are so poor and you can buy gold from Anet directly.

Immersion in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Yea I agree Immersion died for me also for a few reasons listed bellow

1. The Heart system in the game does not really immerse you into anything. There not even a reason to go speak with the NPC’s that have hearts other then to see what Karma items they offered. This made the zone heart completiion become just a leveling exercises.

2. The Story in the game up to Claw Island was simply amazing I felt a deep connection to it and enjoyed every min of it. Sadly after Claw Island the story goes from being yours to another NPC’s which completely ruined it. Seriously who wants to go from playing Batman to Robin.

3. The living story it comes it goes and it has minor effects on the world its self. Except one thing all the living stories where bundled togeather so missing one of them left a huge gape in what was going on.

These things each killed Immersion in there own way.

Make soulbound items accountbound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


it isnt a glitch its transmute a soul bond item to a white item

Hellfire Greaves (boots) 21k AP!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I hope they understand which I don’t think they do if you put the carrot to far out on the stick people will lose interest.

I am not even sure what there thinking with garbage yes garbage like this. It’s like the Halloween event where it required like 40k candy corn to get a mini or something. The numbers where just ridiculous unless you bought the material to get it.

Really if you sit down and think about it the game really is P2W… I like to see if there are even 100 people in the entire game who have literately farmed every single piece of there legendary. Buying nothing but the Icy Runestones and Recipes with gold. I bet there isn’t even 10.

I hope they understand by making the carrot so far out of reach they bring down the value of the game tremendously.

I didn’t think the “P2W” conspiracy theorists could possibly bring that argument into this thread. I guess I was wrong.

/clears throat

Unfortunately, you have no idea what Pay 2 Win means. You’re taking a term that has a perceived negative aspect to it, and have incorrectly attributed it to this game because you’re unhappy about something. But don’t worry, maybe around this weekend I’ll be making a post to educate the masses on what P2W really is. That’ll help you understand that throwing around that term is as silly as fishing with your big toe as bait.

I think your just extremely closed minded and cant think out side of the small box you have setup for your self. Why dont you try thinking outside that box and maybe what I am about to say will make more since to you.

Pay = give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred.

To = approaching or reaching (a particular condition).

Win = be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).

(all definitions where gotten from goggle)

The reasons I decided to post definitions of the words P2W is simple. To help broaden the realm of peoples understanding that P2W does not necessarily mean paying real money for virtual items. In fact no where in the definition of Pay can we find anything about real world transactions.

In fact the only thing we see is the word money (a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively) used.

In this case the P2W system I speak of is the fact that a large sum of items in the game are impossible to get with out some type of monetary medium (gold) being exchanged between multiple players thus making the game a Pay2Win system.

This same system was used to ill effect in Diablo 3. Where drop rates on gear where extremely low. This made the only logic way to progress in the game the AH. The game pretty much died off after the first few months because of this system.

I truly hope I have helped broaden your understanding of what words can mean and how they can truly hold more meanings then just the one people choose to associate with them commonly.

Hellfire Greaves (boots) 21k AP!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I hope they understand which I don’t think they do if you put the carrot to far out on the stick people will lose interest.

I am not even sure what there thinking with garbage yes garbage like this. It’s like the Halloween event where it required like 40k candy corn to get a mini or something. The numbers where just ridiculous unless you bought the material to get it.

Really if you sit down and think about it the game really is P2W… I like to see if there are even 100 people in the entire game who have literately farmed every single piece of there legendary. Buying nothing but the Icy Runestones and Recipes with gold. I bet there isn’t even 10.

I hope they understand by making the carrot so far out of reach they bring down the value of the game tremendously.

Lovestruck Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


It sure would be nice if they could add a few items to the game that don’t require PAY RNG to get. I wonder why I even forked over 59.99 for the game original when everything cost real money to get anyway.

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


All this will do is introduce a new level of player who could careless about WvW who does not listen and does there own thing.

This is a major point that all the “QQ hurr durr” trolls will completely miss, and then they’ll be back on the forums raging about people who don’t follow commanders orders, or do things completely out of order, and so on.

Forcing casuals into WvW will have a detrimental effect on a servers ability to hold objectives and maintain status.

I have seen this done in world of warcraft when they introduced exp inside of Battle Grounds (Think wow’s wvw). Once they did this battle grounds became slogged with people just there for quick exp. Those people didn’t follow directions, didn’t care, and in some cases even hacked to get what they wanted. Wow Battle Grounds where never the same afterwards. It really did show because a lot of the community ended up moving on to other aspects of the game or just leaving. I can see this having a similar affect.

I also feel like anet is bullying the community at this point to boot. This change screams you will go to the new pvp area we created regardless if you want to or not. Personally I have pretty much moved on there is nothing left for me really in this game. I only stick around waiting hoping Anet turns around and does right by the community before something better comes out. Sadly I don’t think that’s going to happen.

(edited by angelpaladin.7921)

Rank 30 WvW Required for Gift of Battle Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


WvW and Legendaries always goes hand to hand since the big bang. This will require people to participate more in wvw to get their shiny legendary, which is a good thing for Anet to do.

Forcing a player to do something they don’t wanna do is never a good idea or a good thing. All this will do is introduce a new level of player who could careless about WvW who does not listen and does there own thing.

I am seriously starting to think there trying to alienate there customer base cause there obviously not listing. They kinda do what they want I hope they understand there jobs depend on us players enjoying the game. Otherwise lucky few will get transferred to other projects while the majority find them self’s looking else where for new jobs. I just cant understand this at all special after all the outrage that getting map completion in WvW has caused.

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


First it was rage how the first one was terrible and now the second one is terrible. Can’t win.

Well, they were both terrible for different reasons.

The first one was “terrible” because it was “stealing” an exclusive skin, because God forbid players not feel like quite as special of a unique little snowflake (for the record, that same fury was why previous buyers of the Flamekissed skin were simply NOT going to be allowed to keep what they had… it was a explicitly expressed demand of that first group of protesters).

The second one is “terrible” because people who liked the look of the first one had it changed to something they like a lot less. Now that second group of people are righteously kittened off and are setting the forums alight like the first group did earlier.

Whats the point of the game if its not for the unique armor skins???? Seriously you cant be so naive to think that the game would survive with no purpose. That’s what taking away unique skins does it kills the entire purpose of the game.

In World of Warcraft the purpose of the game is to grind gear to ascended to higher levels to beat more difficult bosses. Guildwars 2 does not have anything like that. I understand they released armor that’s 5% better then what we had but for what? There is no newer harder content. They could have released armor that was 100% better and it still be pointless unless they upped the difficulty. That leaves Guildwars 2 as a Dress up game. Taking away someones ability to be unique makes the game pointless and even if you don’t agree it kill the game faster then the living story has.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Best way to prove it’s a bad idea, is to boycott the new pick. If no body buys it, they’ll most likely not pull this kind of stunt again.

I pretty sure that’s what got us the pick to start with. Sagging gem store sells so instead of fixing the things players don’t like. Things like the living story and the fact everything is a gem store exclusive lately. I have a feeling if Gem store sells continue to decline they will continue to release more outlandish P2W items. Until they ultimately destroy the player base leaving a few to play.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Looking over some of the more recent post has made me come to a conclusion. That Anet is following in the foot steps of other giant company’s. Company’s like AOL, Blockbuster, Circuit City, Kodak, yahoo, etc.

The player base has spoken we are not happy with the direction the game has gone in and continues to go in. We have not only spoken on these forums but with our wallets also.

It’s obvious gem store sells have slipped that’s why they feel the need to charge extra for more storage, charge extra to re trait on the fly or to remove upgrades from items. These types of things are commonly found in MMO’s for free and are only cash options in F2P mmo’s which this game is not. Most recently they have been testing the water with P2W items such as the new mining pick. Which at the moment is extremely minor but what happens when sells continue to drop? How long before they start putting up full armor sets or perhaps weapons. Maybe they decided to limit how many dungons you can run per day like some other MMO’s. Unless you buy a pass that gives you a week of unlimited runs?

At this point we have spoken and Anet has chosen to ignore us. Sadly where at the point of no return this is there answer to sagging sales and unhappy customers. Then its time to pick up roots and move on. Protesting in game isnt going to fix the issue. Really posting on these forums will do nothing more then warn new comers to avoid the game.

Guild Wars + AMD Mantle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


There was another thread like this that I assume was deleted? I am not sure what happened to it. In a nut shell no they are having a hard enough time keeping up with the current game.

The servers and game client both are in dire need of optimization. They need to go thought and sort out the many bugs plaguing the game. Things like Orr temple event’s and the weapon swap bug have been in the game since release. Also there is the Mac client that’s been in beta since release.

These are just a few of the issues plaguing the game right now. This does not even touch on the fact the game is horribly unbalanced in PVE borderline broken. The AI is also broken being able to back a boss into a corner and then melee it down is not proper AI.

Plus in general I think mantle is dead in the water anyway. Think about it only works with new generation AMD video cards. Why would any company sit there and spend time and resources programing for it unless AMD is going to give them a kick back. Right now AMD does not have the money to do that. What I have read mantle is for desktops/labtops only. There will be no mantle support for Xbox One and PS4.

I think I am starting to understand why the other thread might have been deleted. AMD is not pertaining to GW2. Then again I might have just missed the post earlier today when I was scanning the forums… there new “system” no longer alerts you when a post has been deleted. We all know how delete happy they get at ANET.

A focus on micro-transactions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


If you read various articles around the net, you’ll generally hear that 2014 is the year of FTP- largely thanks to GW2 being so successful at it. At the same time, I see the exact opposite as being true: GW2 has NOT been successful.

Sure, it’s been a financial success; but it’s been a gaming failure. Even with the living story, it just doesn’t develop over time the way other MMO’s have. Nightwulf said that both models (f2p and sub) influence game design- this is undoubtedly true. The difference is that f2p encourages short term gimmicks, if not outright requires them. A subscription business model allows (note: “allows for.” not inevitably results in) for gradual development of a superior product that keep customers simply by being awesome. F2p is fighting an uphill battle to accomplish the same thing.

A successful game, regardless of business model, has a long term upward trajectory as it fights for subscribers. The difference is that monetizing must be included at all times with a F2P system. Quality considerations aside (even F2P has to make good content- if they don’t, noone will play and the number of shinies in the shop won’t matter), this means that the shape of content is subtly different. GW2 is full of gimmicks and doo-dads- special effect finishers, special harvesting animations, quaggan backpacks. Like a mall during christmas, it’s positively packed with stuff. The F2P shop doesn’t just distract from development, it distracts from gameplay as well.

To sum up, if GW2 is an example of F2P’s great success, then I prefer subscription development hands down. F2P is simply too intrusive.

I couldn’t agree more with this person but want to add. Guildwars2 has taken free to play to the next level from a business stand point. They not only get the best part’s of a F2P game (micro transactions that can generate a company serious profit) but they also get the standard buy-in to even give the game a try. They get to double dip per say. This gives them a system that generates huge profits in the short term. The problem is quality suffers and overall retention rate of players is lower. This can also lead to the company’s name being tarnished and upcoming products not doing as well. This is truly a double edge sword. I think soon we will see how tarnished ANet’s/NCsofts rep is when Wild Star Releases.

Personally after playing Guildwars 2 I prefer a P2P mmo. my experience with those is simply they focus more time and effort into the game then into a cash shop. When they have a choice between making a quick 20 bucks for a mount vs 15.00 × 12months. Its pretty easy to decide which one is going to be more valuable to the company.

Amd Mantle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I don’t see it happening OP and I explain why. Anything this year has taught us the GW2 development team is not good at multitasking. They ended up doing away with there dungeon design team to put them on living story.

They have ignored major game breaking bugs since the release of the game (Half the temple events in Orr are unplayable).

The Apple client has been in beta since the game released with no true support in sight.

The game (windows) client and the server’s them self’s are in dire need of optimization. Great examples are Lions Arch on one of the 3 populated servers. On average it takes 1-5mins to login to Lions Arch. WvW any medium-large zerg not only causes frame rate spikes but also skill lag showing the server cant keep up with the calculations.

There is also the fact recently (last 6months) they seem to be more focused on bringing items to the GEM store then the game its self.

Before I forget the game is in dire need of balancing and AI tweaking. The way the game plays right now there is only one type of viable player DPS. Any other roll is a hindrance to the team and holds them back. Please dont take me as a elitist when I say that. My stance is bring what you want play as you like. Personally I have a Mesmer and Necromancer I occasionally run dungeons with. I just understand when I do run with them vs my warrior I am holding back the team some what.

Another nail in the Mantel coffin is that it only works with newer Radeon hardware. Chances are there not going to spend valuable resources and time to program for something that maybe 5-10% of the player base will be able to use when they could be spending that time on Living story or Cash Shop.

All NA servers are very high pop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Those population levels are NOT that of the active population. The Very High to Full is an indication of how many people have selected that world as their home world.

So even the player who bought GW2 and only played it for one day and will never play again is counted.

This pretty much sums up how it works. I think its a little underhanded my self. I have a feeling if they showed us the true numbers there be 2-3 full servers, 1-2 high pop servers, 1 medium pop, the rest would be extremely low pop. That does not exactly paint the game in a positive light plus they cant milk people for transfer fee’s. 1800gems to transfer = roughly 35 dollars since there is no 25 dollar gem amount (according to the wiki). They end up charging you over half the cost of the game to move servers.

can My mate give me gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


What I have heard read and seen its a toss up to what will happen. I know someone who gave his brother 2k gold to help buy his legendary. They both ended up having there accounts suspended while Anet looked into the matter. I think it took a few days but they both got there accounts back.

My understanding is the entire system is automated and any time its sees any unusual transactions it flags the account and blocks it.

I have also heard of people on these forums having there accounts blocked after large sums of gold are transferred. I have also heard of people having no problem sending large amounts of gold.

I guess its kinda a roll of the dice to what will happen. Chances are thought if your blocked the account will be unblocked in a few days you gotta just wait for them to look into it.

Also don’t bother contacting customer support. I posted a ticket last month some time. I am still waiting on my response.

Also if u do what the above poster said there is a 2 message per hour limit.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I think its pretty much obvious Anet being silent on this for the past 3 days shows they really don’t care about us or the community. Take from that what you will but I will personally take it as a massive slap in the face and a sign of things to come.

The silence means this isn’t an “oops, we never thought of it like that” problem.

It likely means they think it’s perfectly ok with P2W and are hoping silence will cause people to give up discussing this issue. At best it means they are internally debating the issue, but that’s even bad because it means some people think the item is ok.

I am getting the same vibe except I am starting to wonder how healthy the game really is. I wonder if Wildstar (a P2P mmo) does well will they semi abandon GW2. Meaning fewer updates and more P2W items like the pickax showing up.

I think when they release this huge QOL update they been hinting at releasing when the living story is over, will be the make or break moment for the game. The game will either perk up with new players and older players. The game will just die off slowly as fewer and fewer new people buy into the game while current player base moves on.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I think its pretty much obvious Anet being silent on this for the past 3 days shows they really don’t care about us or the community. Take from that what you will but I will personally take it as a massive slap in the face and a sign of things to come.

POLL: Do you like the new Watchwork Pick?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Personally I think its a fine line Anet are walking. Right now its pretty harmless. Ill it is is a time saver. The sprockets are mostly useless and a player who buys the pick has no real advantage over one who doesn’t, aside from the obvious time saving.

However Anet need to very careful what they do next. Say for instance in the next patch they add gear that you can buy with sprockets that doesn’t have crappy stats? What happens to the price of sprockets then? Who then denifits from that?

Right now it don’t see it as a problem but Anet needs to make sure it stays that way or very quickly the economy becomes broken and we are all paying to win.

That still does not make it any less pay to win. My bet is there testing the waters to see if they can release other items that will add value and benefit to paying players.

I bet in a few months we see a new salvage kit that has a much higher chance at returning ecto’s or perhaps a new mystic forge item that increases precursor drop rate

Another thing they might start looking at is selling armor on the TP. Why not special with so many people saying the game cant be P2W cause of the Gold to Gem conversion. I bet those same people wouldn’t be thrilled when suddenly you can get a entire set of Ascended armor for 3000 gem’s. This has not happened yet but whats to stop them? Personally I feel they could careless about the community and are just trying to maximize profits at this point.

still no official response about this anyone else feel like they have abandoned the community? The only games I have seen run in the fashion GW2 has been run are free to play Koren MMO’s very sad indeed.

(edited by angelpaladin.7921)

POLL: Do you like the new Watchwork Pick?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I think this has been one of the most enlightening threads I have seen in a long time. The poll is a super small number when compared to the entire player base (300 vs millions). I would think it would still give you a basic idea with how people would feel. Special when the numbers are not even close 34% who don’t care/like it vs the overwhelming 66% who are against it.

Given these numbers where gotten at 1/30/2014 at 1:33pm Eastern time.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I wanted to point out something I have seen mentioned a few times in this and other topics. I think people are getting mixed up on the ability to convert gem’s to gold.

People need to understand that someone somewhere had to buy the gems they buy with gold. Making all Gem store transactions real money transactions. That’s why the gold to gem conversion ratio keeps going up.

The only way this wouldn’t be a real money transaction would be if Anet had a set cost for gem’s 25 gold = 100 gems type conversion. They would also have to do away with the ability to convert gem’s to gold.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Have we gotten a official answer on this? This one of those subjects they hopes dies off in a few days to be buried so new players don’t see it?

Sad that I think that’s how they operate but I do. They some times ignore threads like there doing now, or they stand behind the forum code of conduct like its a shield to protect them. Weeding out ideals that don’t mesh with there’s or paint the game in a negative light.

Either way I only post cause I am extremely upset at the state of the game. I really enjoyed GW1 and thought GW2 would be just as epic but was sadly let down.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


In my eyes the pick is simply p2w giving someone a advantage over others is not ok. I agree the sprockets are meaningless. What happens in a few months when they decided to add something meaningful thats p2w into the Cash Shop. Maybe a precursor drop modifier or a modified salvage-o-matic that gives a increase ecto return rates. Maybe at that point people will finally understand the purpose of this thread and its overall outrage.

I will say it again that I am getting really disheartened by as a company. I have heard some people say the true problem is NCSoft. I am sorry but I don’t buy that. I feel everyone’s is responsibly for there own actions.

Dangerous precedent: Watchwork Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Anyone saying this isn’t pay to win… what happens in 6months when they decided to release a item… that gives a %+ chance at getting a precursors?

Its not so much about the sprockets but the direction the game is headed that is upsetting people. Sprockets are 100% useless. The fact there making a gem store item not only more convenient (which is OK) but there also adding in extra value to the item that cant be gotten in game (not ok).

I am sorry to say the flimsy excuse of you can get a home node is sad. That would work if you could get one or the other. When you have access to both your given a unfair advantage.

Who is to say sprockets in the future what command a huge premium. I wonder how much different these forums would look if sprockets could be used to speed up ascended crafting times. How about if they are suddenly needed for the precursor crafting that’s “Coming Soon™” Possibilitys are limitless to where ANET could go they shown a willingness to throw caution to the wind if they think it can be profitable.

I bet if this flys in the next 1-2 months we will see a enhanced silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic that gives a enhanced chance at ecto….

As far as them not responding most likely there pulling the numbers to see if there profits are out weighting the outrage and potential lost profits.

Anets already proven to me there not a very sound moral company. They silence those they dont like. They sadly ignore support tickets on subjects they dont care for. There just not a very user friendly company anymore. I would even go as far as saying there as bad as Comcast and Bank of America.

Sadly this is just another nail in that coffin another once great company that will fall by the waste side in a few years when there flagship product slowly loses support of the consumer.

Dangerous precedent: Watchwork Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I fully agree this new item is a pay to win item. I understand its just “Sprockets” but what happens when next time its something like Charged Quartz Crystals? There is also the fact this item cost real money and gives players a advantage over none paying players (Gem’s even gold bought gem’s still cost real money).

At this point the game is becoming less and less desirable to continue to sink time into. Maybe its simply the fact I personally don’t like the direction the story has gone in combined with poor gem store decisions (Flaming T3 Gemstore Reskin).

Friends just started, my server full = $35?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


My understanding server population is not controlled by people logged in. Instead determines server population by how many unique accounts are associated with the server (including inactive accounts).

I know this because we had a guildy who tried to transfer from Black Gate to Dragons Brand during the reduced price transfers. Sadly he never did get transferred over at a reduced fee. He even went as far as staying up 24hrs Tuesday-Weds. Trying to hit a off peak time when he might could transfer.

Chances are your friends are either going to have to get lucky or your going to have to eat the cost to play together.

On a side note

I have seen many forum threads asking why a server can be at High population yet no one is around. That’s simply because there are no active people on the server but there are plenty of accounts associated with it.

Why not address real issues?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Unshakeable/defiant will not be removed because they dont want 5 hammer + mace/shield warriors going into boss fights in places and just stunlocking it permanently.

This is really no different then how the AI works already in the game. Basically almost every single encounter can be trivialized into back boss into corner. Then DPS boss until his health reaches zero making sure to dodge the 1 hit kills. Sadly the AI in this game is whats making zeker’s so dominate.

That said I still think they need to rework the rest of the stats also.

The game is reaching the 2 year mark there really isn’t anything special about it. I am not really sure how to say this so I guess I say it it the best way I can. Its like playing half a MMO. Dungeon AI is extremely simple, stats are extremely simple with very little complexity, and the damage mitigation are extremely simple.

The living story over the past year has in my opinion kinda fallen flat. I am excited for changes coming up after March if I am still around to see them. I am kinda at the point where if I find something new or better I going to move on. No point in holding my breath for changes that may never come.

Zerker nerfed, allow us to swap asc gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


It’s an easy decision to make, when you’re not the one signing the paychecks.


As a consumer, you lack the perspective that the management of a business needs. Your focus is on what you want from the product (the game, in this case), while management needs to balance what their customers want with what the staff can deliver.

If there are two proposed solutions, and one requires many times more resources (money, staff, time) than the other, it’s a manager’s job to decide whether the results justify spending more resources than the simpler solution. The devs do not just come to work and do whatever they want to do, they have to follow the orders given to them by their bosses. When someone above the devs tells them that they have three weeks for a team of four to work on a project, they can’t just decide to take six weeks and draft two more members to work on it.

It’s management’s job to make these kinds of decisions, not the devs’ nor the players’.

I disagree its up to the consumer (players) ultimately what happens. Company’s like to think there in control but there really not. I am sure some people would argue stockholder’s play a large role in company’s but thats not true either.

The absolute truth of the matter is company’s needs consumers to want there product. The moment the consumer stops wanting there product. The company stops making money and goes out of business. There is zero gray area here its black and white company’s simply exist to fill a desire that a consumer wants filled. The moment they stop doing that they have no reason to exist.

example of this is me.

I am not pleased with the way the company treat’s me as a consumer/customer/player. I have completely stopped supporting the gem store. I still log in and play and talk to friends but as far as transactions go. I no longer use the gem store period. I don’t convert gold to gems or buy gems with real money. That is my way of showing my displeasure to as a company.

I have some really mixed feeling’s about the up coming changes. I am not really sure a reduction in stat’s was the proper way to go. I really feel like the best way to handle this issue would have been to make the other stats more desirable.

They still have not presented even a hint at how they plan to fix condition damage which might have been something they could have used to wing people off the zerker meta.

[Merged] Twitch stream presentation feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I thought the developers at today’s live stream could have been more professional. I am glad they enjoy what they do but at the same time. There representing a company that people pay money to. A bit more professionalism would go a long way in the future.

They need a example of how to have fun while staying professional take a look a blizzcon live forum panels. The developers have fun while giving off a attitude of professionalism.

New World Bosses

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I am little worried this will be like Teq. where you have to be in a special guild and basically glitch (create a overflow for just certain people to join) the game to be able to complete the content.

Server-wide Disconnect While in tPvP

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Add Dragonbrand to the list… me and other guildes are having the same problem.

Please fix the human female left leg.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I prefer they spend the resources on something more worth while like a dungeon or some new content… instead of fixing something that 99.9% of people will never notice.

You mean like living story, and more scarlet? Or perhaps, you meant more resources towards quaggan backpacks and other useless vanity items. Go visit the various threads, such as, dungeons, suggestions, etc., and you’ll see things that haven’t been fixed for well over a year.

Character models should be the #1 focus for any MMO. It’s the main controller to the virtual world. It needs to be flawless, and this is why WoW is generally considered to have the best in the industry. I’m not talking about graphically either, but actual physics, movement, rotations, camera-views, jumping, server-client response time, etc. It blows GW2 away in those respects.

No I was thinking more like adding real raids and new dungeons things of that nature. They where really that concerned about character models why not fix Charr? They have maybe 3 armor sets total that do not clip horribly on them.

Please fix the human female left leg.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I prefer they spend the resources on something more worth while like a dungeon or some new content… instead of fixing something that 99.9% of people will never notice.

´Are you one in a million?`

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Maybe its just me but it screams the game is dying when they come out and say there will be no reward.

There seems to be a HUGE issue with money at…. They always seem to be lacking funds to do anything.

Will these PC specs support ultra settings?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I just wanted to point out to the op that playing the game on Ultra settings is a crapshoot.

The game is so poorly optimized that having the best setup money can buy does not guarantee the performance.

my current setup is a beast

I5 2500k @ 4.6ghz
16gigs DDR3 XMP Memory
Z77 motherboard
Samsung 840 Pro SSD
Nivida GTX 770 4gig

Them are pretty beastly specs and my computer still lags like crazy in Lions Arch. This is because the optimization in the game is so poor. That’s why you will see people who say the game runs fine on there lower end system while others will say it runs terrible on there high end system.

Game could use some polish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I was wondering does anyone else think the game needs some serious polish?

Yup, I sure do, but this goes far beyond just polish.
Look at the mess with the ranger pet. This was such a poorly designed mechanic, the Anet lead dev admits they cannot fix it.

With the new games coming out in 2014, I can see many players fed up with this moving on.

I can see this too. They’ll move on. they’ll be disappointed because almost every new MMO that comes down the line will be just as buggy and they’ll either be back or move onto the next MMO. It’s been happening for years, I’m not sure why it should stop now.

Two things I want to point out

One Buggy is not broken… like the guy said Ranger pets are broken there is no way to fix them with out a serious over haul of the game. At this point in its lifespan the only way that will happen is if there is a expansion. They cant do a expansion cause there to focused on Living story and a Asian release of the game.

The second thing is yes new MMO’s will be buggy but they will also be new. has had a year to fix some of the major bugs and imbalances in GW2 instead they focused on living story content. They also manged to show they only really care design wise about certain classes, races, and armor/weapon styles.

When you sit down and look at the over all game there is not really much hope to them fixing anything. I think Guildwars 2 will go down as one of the biggest gaming flops just like D3 will. Where there was lots of hype a decent sized player base but at the end of the day the company dropped the ball and came up short.

Sadly it happens and sadly unlike blizzard does not have the capital to continue to expand on this game. They also dont have the capital to start a new project either. Chances are NCsoft will just milk the company for every dime they can then cut ties with them. I have a feeling 2014 will be the year of the Gem Store where its expanded while game content is slowly dwindled down and people are let go from the company. I am speaking on pure speculation but we will know for sure what the future of GW2 is . They have a luke warm reception in Asia then the game is pretty much toast.

Who's excited for 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I know I am, can’t wait to see what Anet have for us in 2014.

Yeah, it wil be the year that will decide whether the game will improve or fail. The CDI topics do give a hope for first option – on the other hand, Anet has yet to show that they can actually make good on it. Unfortunately, so far their record in that regard is abyssal, so if i were to sum up my feeling about 2014 in one word, it would not be “excitement”, or even “hope”, but “dread”.

I dont even trust there coming soon messages on the front page anymore. After Fractured my trust in Anet is gone. They basically lied to us saying content was coming that was not.

Who's excited for 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


My highlights for 2014:

  • Everquest Next (+Landmark)
  • Accountbound WXP in GW2 (there isn’t much else I look forward to, cause there simply is nothing known yet what is coming next year, except the end of scarlet)
  • Archeage (Hopefully?)
  • Black Desert
  • Phantasy Star Online

Not Wildstar/ESO cause they’re sub-based.

Whats wrong with sub based??? At this point I want sub based thanks to Guildwars 2 and Starwars the Old Republic… Both games started out as F2P model’s but ended up becoming over zealous and greedy. I mean sure World of Warcraft has a cash shop but its extremely small and humble compared to GW2’s and SWTOR’s cash shops.

Unsatisfied with Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Sadly the development team plays favorites a lot so if its not there favorite race/class expect no love….

Dungeon Frustrations

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I think people use the Anet has only had GW2 out for a year excuse way to much. That excuse worked for World of Warcraft up to Wraith of the Lich King because they where pioneering new idea’s. had a very solid foundation to run the game off of. They had the original Guildwars, World of Warcraft, Rift, and Starwars the Old Republic to pull ideas from. Instead they decided to focus on one area of the game (living story) and that was just straight poorly done.

I think that’s whats leading to the toxic environment the game is starting to form. People feel lied to about the direction the game was suppose to go in. The game was meant to be casual friendly instead its extremely casual unfriendly with extreme RNG’s and new time gated items (from crafting and vendor’s).

That does not even mention the fact they have blatantly lied to the community as of late. I am sorry if you don’t like that anet your deserve to be called what you are.

Where are the fractal boxes with skins you can pick?
Where are the fractal leader boards?

We had a huge content wipe for these amazing fractal leader boards that where advertised as part of a patch that never manifested.

This does not even go into broken class system in the game that seems to show untold amounts of favoritism in design.

I don’t do dungeons often (not generally my thing,) but the times that I had, I didn’t have any issues with people. Just steer clear of “experienced only/speed clear” runs, and, if you’re worried about getting kicked, there’s the old standby of starting the group yourself. Hopefully your future experiences will be better.

Except it doesn’t matter if he/she starts the group. It only takes 2 people to kick. What kind of idiocy is that? Who at A-net thought that a minority should have the leverage over the whole group? It boggles the mind. Not only that, but the person who starts the cutscene of the dungeon is the leader, and so if he/she is kicked, or leaves, the rest of the group gets kicked.

Who ever enters the dungeon first is the owner of the dungeon not who ever starts the first cut scene.

Web based ads for GW2 = Shades of Evony

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Those are real adds? I thought they where fake steal your info add’s… I gotta agree who vettes this stuff? Those add’s look over the top shady along with the one with the quggan.

Who's excited for 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


Personally looking forward to D3 RoS… I know I know it should have been the game that released originally but hey better late then never. As far as GW2 goes I given up on it pretty much. I feel like I am playing a Indi game with lack of content, lack of servers, lack of polish, lack of quality.

Sure I keep a eye on it next year but I dont see my self being that active which means no spending money on the gem store for me.

Game could use some polish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I was wondering does anyone else think the game needs some serious polish? The game has been out over a year now.. Things like the Trade Post are still hard to navigate with no option to search for certain items. The Trade Post also lack’s the ability to refine your search.

Dungeons are swiss cheese with broken mechanics, bugs, exploits, and more. Event’s bug out all the time in fact its not uncommon in Orr especially.

Living story updates typically come with bug’s and exploits but rarely get fixed due to there short time frame.

Boss fights in open world have almost zero avoidable mechanics either due to server lag or the inability to track the bosses movements due to the insane amount of particle effects.

The game does not seem to have gotten much in the way of optimizations load times can still be a few min’s.

To me it some times feels like I am playing a extremely low budget indi game then a multi million dollar product.

Also does not help when the techs throw up server limitations about some of the game breaking flaws.

Such as limited to 25 stacks of condition per boss for everyone or the server lag issues that cause skills to be kittened 2-5secs in big zergs.

Money is such a huge issue why not throw on a 10 dollar optional sub fee people can pay for better optimized servers?

What do you guys miss from release?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I miss the lack of grind for Best In Slot gear, only having to work really hard for cosmetics.

The game feels like login make your time gated materials log out. Then pay real money for those gem store Cosmetic armor sets that cant be earned.

What do you guys miss from release?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I miss having faith in the developer.

I think this sums it up better then anything…. GW2 will be the last product from or NCSoft I buy as it currently stands.

Dredge and Cliffside feel like Punishment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


What mechanic is there in dredge bomb door? I am curious cause unless your full zerker you cant clear the dredge out before they re spawn…. unless your tankie you cant live long enough at the door for the bombs to go of?

If you have a mesmer or a thief
Mass invisibility and run there,
then having a guardian is a god given, sanctuary or wall of reflection the bombs.
Other than that tanks or any other damage sponges work to try and distract the dredge. The only real problem with the bomb run is that it likes to bug and then bombs disappear without dredge even being near them.

That still is broken and poor design that relays on luck more then anything else.

Dredge and Cliffside feel like Punishment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


As part of the Fractured update, many fractals were supposed to get a tuning pass. Many players (myself included) were pretty excited about the possibility of their least favorite romps through the mists being shortened or made much more comparable to other fractal levels. Instead, Dredge was actually lengthened by the addition of random dredge mobs patrolling about, while Cliffside was left relatively untouched. Both fractals (some Mistlock instabilities excepted) are not difficult, and are only a time wasting slog through the mud.

Both fractals have an instant demoralizing effect on the group. I have been in fractal groups where upon the beginning of the Dredge fractal people have left without a word within seconds of being plopped in front of a million dredge. The other three tier 3 fractals, Aetherblade, Volcanic and Thaumanova all have unique, interesting mechanics that can be challenging. However, the modus operandi for Dredge (and in the past Cliffside) has been to get by with as many exploits and ways to avoid fighting the legions of enemies as possible. Neither are fun, and getting either honestly feels like a punishment for trying to enjoy Fractals. Both are in need of actual adjustments to bring them in line with the other tier 3 fractals in terms of length, fun and difficulty.

So it’s bad now since you can no longer exploit it? All of this just means that people will have to actually learn and use the true mechanics. The only thing that I have felt that could use a change would be the dredge car.

What mechanic is there in dredge bomb door? I am curious cause unless your full zerker you cant clear the dredge out before they re spawn…. unless your tankie you cant live long enough at the door for the bombs to go of?

Face it Dredge was a poor design extremely poor design with no thought placed on mechanics. Instead you run at a door and pray you get lucky …. and even when you do get lucky the instances takes over hour to complete.

Regardless of what others say the game is not healthy at all. I give it tell Q3 next year to get its self on track. The game doesn’t your looking at another Starwars the old republic floop

RNG is just killing me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I think the original idea behind legendary’s was not a bad idea and it semi worked.

But at this point in the game I don’t think RNG needs to be removed just toned down a bit instead of a .001% chance at a precursor maybe have a .01% chance that way its still rare but not impossible.

Sadly legendary’s have lost most there meaning anyway and I can understand why some people would be upset about not getting one after so many hours of play.

Devs and Players Unite(Please)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


I disagree with you OP while I do think some people come off a bit vicious lets get one thing clear. is not my friend they are not my family. They are a company I pay to provide me a service. I do not feel like that service is being rendered I will complain about it.

Why all of a sudden people think company’s are there friends or family is beyond me. Company’s could seriously careless about you or me. In fact the only thing they care about is $$….

Given some of the people that work for company’s are pretty cool… Looking at you Gaile Gray. That still does not make them friends or family.

Here is another stunner companies don’t care about there employees much anymore either. I guess some mangers do and some HR departments but that board of directors could seriously care less about Joe Smoe in accounting.

What happen to Fractals Leaderboard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: angelpaladin.7921


WildStar is looking better and better with every post I read from Anet.

Anet keep shooting yourself in the foot. Those of us who spend money on gems will gladly toss a mere $15 at WildStar.

a game i have to pay a sub for with weekly raid locks? no thanks.

Or a game that deliberately makes bad design decisions in order to promote the sale of overpriced gem store items, and doesn’t release new rewards in the game but instead puts them in the gem store. Also pushes a constant stream of ever removed content at an unsustainable pace (bug and quality wise) in order to keep releasing themed gem store items.

I was all like yay B2P when this game came out… I will never play a game without a sub again.

I agree Guildwars2 and Starwars the Old Republic are two of the best reason’s free2play does not work. Micro Transactions are great and all but when content lacks and gem stores get none stop updates its gets old.