Showing Posts For ankdarkwolf.1487:

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Obviously I go into this knowing that some players will be very upset. That’s why it’s such a tough decision.

Ankdarkwolf, Darkmikau, Ballads, Spira, Caerbannog, Cysgod, you each posted a variant of an accusation I’ve seen many times over the past few months on the forums, something along the lines of, “AN shipped half an expansion with HoT.” I take issue with that. We shipped a new region full of content, a new mastery system, gliding, guild halls, a new profession, nine new elite specializations for existing professions, and more. Then we shipped precursor journeys for existing legendaries, and said, “We’ve been working hard on new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be introduced in Heart of Thorns, with more to come in subsequent updates.” While I fully get that you’re disappointed today, this is not about us shipping half an expansion pack.


The story is left pending, waiting for “next episodes”
Raid wings are being delivered in parts, waiting for “next episodes”
New legendaries delivered in “episodes” (and now stopped)
PvP balance and tourney is being done (?) in “episodes”
WvW update after you yourselves blowed it up is.. in developement…
Dungeons? What are they?
I don’t talk about Fractals because i simply don’t do them so i have no knowledge in that aspect of the game.

Also you have to consider that pre-HoT you left us pending for months and months without even a drop of content. No dear Sir, i do not accept the “we offered what we promised” shiny words. If i did something similar to the customers of my company i would lose both work, money (because i would have to compensate them) and especially reputation.

If i look at you as a company my opinion is: unprofessional, and quite a step towards false advertising.

Ps. im starting to think too that this is just a bad taste setup for an april’s fools. I sincerely hope it is.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Well honestly this is a real disappointment. Being a main WvWer i have no real interest in other parts of the game, but (since WvW is the less rewarded aspect) I’m saving mats, doing daily gatherings and trying to do some HoT content daily just to be able to build one new legendary when it comes out. Now you take away even this feature… Honestly I’m extremely disappointed. You keep hiding organizations fails by playing the blaming game “we take away things from here only to develop there”, but still everyone of us payed HoT full price, with all your promises, developers and expectations included.

I’m not one that usually complains on forums etc, but seriously, the only reasons i still commit to this game are my guild and the fact there’s no real competitor in the mmorpg panorama atm (especially RvR). And you, anet guys, seems to know this well and pulling the rope really too much.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


All in all i’m really pleased by druid, it’s quite a versatile class and i can’t wait to see the potential in HoT raid (you said you’re gonna revert the berserker meta, crossed fingers) and the more in wvw. Sure it’s not perfect, but i still think other classes are in way worse position. The idea of making glyphs ground targeted could be good, even with lower range like 600 instead of 1200, just to synergize better with the ranged play.

One thing really makes me cringe: please change staff stance and auto attack animation… It’s one of the worst and clunkiest movements i’ve ever seen (and the head of my toon often becomes creepy…)!


Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I agree with Elia. I put my weekly savings in my personal guildbank storing money for a legendary or another big expense. Now if I’ll find a good occasion for a precursor or something… it will take like 3 weeks to retrieve my own gold :\ I understand the reasons behind the gold tranfer changes but they’re so restrictive that they end up hindering normal players too

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

LFG bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I don’t usually write this kind of posts but… PLEASE FIX IT!!!! It’s destroying my eyes! Ç__Ç

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Red lines all around the armors/outfits

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Lately i’m noticing a lot of bright red lines appearing on different armors and outfits, someone told me that it was Abyss Dye’s fault, but i tried different dyes and the weird red parts didn’t change. I tried to change my settings to high, the lines are less noticeable but still there.

Someone else having them or is it something weird on my part? Know if i can do something to fix them?

Example screenshots, to be honest the lines are way more evident ingame by moving, they seem like some sort of “untextured” parts:


Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Feels Like GW 1 - Thank you!

in Living World

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Yes, i was stunned. This living story, the new map, the different game mechanics added are totally awesome! I can’t wait to see more!

I played GW2 first, and the hints of the Lore that i found around slowly drawed me to play GW1 to know the past of the game, at that point i fell in love with the world of Guild Wars. The magnificent history of GW1 heroes, and the connection between the past and the present were so cool. I was sad that in the actual story only small hints were remarked, it was feeling so “disconnected”.

This LS is joining the two worlds again, and i’m so satisfied and so eager to wait for new discoveries.. Maybe one day the roads for other places will be open again and we’ll be able to see what happened in all those years to the cities and races of the past <3

Great job ANet, really great job. Keep up the awesome work!

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Gandara EU Primetime is FULL

in Looking for...

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I won’t say anything about the PT guild because i don’t know you and i have no particular feelings about you. Just a simple fact, borderlands already have queues now, the addition of such a big guild during the season will only hinder the fun for the guilds already established on Gandara and the more for your own guild because you simply won’t be able to play. I suggest thinking about it while you have time to make a better choice for free.

ot: in any case facts proved that bandwagoning servers in the end never do well :P

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

my Selfless Potion is not full

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Awwwwww, such a sad screenshot, Anet should be ashamed to make such cuties cry :<

I really hope they’ll fix this for asuras soon, i saw that kind of clipping on many helms/hairstyles.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

100 Map Completion and no gift

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I got my 2 tokens tonight…
Too bad in the time support needed to solve this issue i decided to challenge my willpower and i managed to bring another toon to 100% and already got my legendary :P Too late, too late! <3
I’ll just store the Gifts in my bank for the next legendaries i guess xD

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Another 100% Map Completion no reward thread

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I got my 2 tokens tonight…
Too bad in the time they needed to solve this issue i decided to challenge my willpower and i managed to bring another toon to 100% and already got my legendary :P
I’ll just store the Gifts in my bank for the next legendaries i guess xD

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

100 Map Completion and no gift

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Ticket #385713
Had the bug on Feb 21st with the toon Maeeve Spiritwolf
Followed the suggested troubleshooting twice.

Still no gifts, nor updates to my ticket. I was patient, now i’m starting to feel really really disappointed.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Race: Sylvari
Sex: Female
Profession: Light armor
Armor Set: Phoenix Armor (gemstore)

Image 1) There are 4 points where the chest skin stick out from the armor
Image 2) Zoom of the clipping issue that seems related to the physique selected (last one in the top row)
Image 3) As you can see using other physiques the clipping disappear
Image 4) The same issue seems present (but less noticeable) with Twilight Arbor medium armor
Image 5) That same physique create a strange clipping with “Outlaw Coat” (craftable level 25+ medium armor) also.

As much as i could check, these issues appear only using that physique.


Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Another 100% Map Completion no reward thread

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I have the same issue. I tried all the suggestion given, and now I’m patiently waiting for an answer to my support ticket. But how about sending a gift of exploration to the ones that have 100% map completion while they fix the reward issue? I have everything ready for my legendary, i had to wait 11 weeks for the color rotation in www (that didn’t happened!!! so in the end i had to “summon the zerg” XD) so i’m quite disappointed

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Color Rotation Plea

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Agreed :P for the 10th week my server isn’t green. We’ve been blue for like 4 or 5 weeks consecutively. A bit of variety would be good.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Tyria Beauty Contest [EU+NA]

in In-game Events

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


It was really difficult to decide the toon, i love them all too much. I hope it’ll be ok if i present 2, i have no preferences between them

Maeeve Bloodwolf – thief
During her adventures she joined the Order of Whispers. Badly injured in one of her missions she was saved by the engineer Tybalt Leftpaw who brought her to the order secret lab in Black Citadel and used charr engineering technologies and Whisper’s secrets to save her life. Quite ironically, a human female is the first charr-engineered cyborg.

Following this storyline i mixed Viper, Magitech and Aetherblade armors, and gave her Whisper’s weapons and a rough and big monocle to create the steampunk cyborg effect. As for colors i like to change them a lot, my favourite ones are the combination of the screenies (white gold, cream, tarnished silver, buttercream, burgundy) or working around sage green hues.

Maeeve Spiritwolf – necromancer
She’s not a pure blood sylvari, she was once a human necromancer who developed a ritual to join the powers of nature, once the ritual was complete her body changed, taking a shape really similar to Sylvari’s one. Embraced by the Pale Tree she acquired her own glow.

A mixed look, a bit elegant, a bit dark, a bit shamanic. TA chest, cultural shoulders and legs branch (she wears no shoes to let the energy for her ritual flow through the earth), whisper legs, acolyte forehead deco and pact staff. I loved the colors and effects of ascalonian ghosts, so i recalled it mixing midnight ice and teal (glacial dyes would have been the best but they’re a bit too expensive :P). Other weps are ascalonians, but for the screenies i liked pact more.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

(edited by ankdarkwolf.1487)

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Tbh I wouldn’t say the PvD was extremely fun I was hoping a GH zerg would come to defend their border, but they didn’t and if that’s the case, then, well, we’ll take it all.


At least back in the day there was some interesting trolling or bragging in the threads. Now it’s simply a pathetic display of pompous self-adulation. How will we continue living without knowing which zerg was more successful at getting dat loot? Or which roamer has lost his honor, uses an evil build and ran into a tower?
Oh, the drama we will miss out on!

Talks the one who brag about his kills in his signature… chuckle
Yeah, I’ll miss your kind a lot! XD

@Cowgurl: don’t feel bad, cutie <3 even with that build you’re still as noob as i am >:)

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Dunno what the hell has happened to AG, but all I see is D/P thieves and GS/Sword+X warriors with occasional PU mesmer.
I know AG has lots of thieves, but I recall they gave good fights in the past. Now they just throw one backstab and run.

It’s not a single server thing, everyone and their mothers are abusing the meta fashion now. Every mesmer is a PU mesmer, every necro is a condinecro, every engi is condinade spammer, every ranger is a spirit ranger, every warrior healingsignet-hambow, every thief condistealth. There’s no variety, only watching a youtube vid and copypasting the actual OP trend, waiting for the next nerf and the next new OP meta. Add to that a total no respect for duelers (i’m not a dueler, but i respect fair fights) and a kittenton of runaways inside spawns/camps/towers searching for pve help. I don’t remember the last week i had good fun roaming tbh, lately imo it’s absolutely boring.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Second Law on a break

in In-game Events

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


News like this one are always sad. Good thing we managed to have a couple matchup against you, i longed to fight you since when we parted from Piken

Too bad i didn’t manage to backstab for good Sylas and Soulori – maaan i hate you soo much, you’re a dobermann >:)

Wherever you will end up, wish you all good luck and long hours of fun gaming together.


Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

The End

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Basically moderators are whining because they have to moderate?

Omg i’m so tired to design, i need to tell mah boss i don’t want to work on customers files anymore (and yes, i’m going to get infracted for this but it’s definitely worth it :P ).

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Suggestions for using a keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


After a looong time i finally managed to buy a gaming keypad (Razer Orbweaver). It’s only 5 days since i’ve started to use it but i’m feeling quite uncomfy with gw2 (prolly because my muscle memory is kitteny tho) XD

I have Naga Hex also, and i’m totally in love with it, using 1-6 and shift+1-6 to cover the skillbar functions but you never stop learning, sometimes changes are good?

Anyone willing to share their experiences with their keypad? What mapping do you like more in gw2? Do you prefer using the joypad to move, to skill, or to dodge/jump/actions? (any pov welcome, but i’d like to get some from www/pvp experiences more).

Ty for any advice, have fun in the game

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

PvE ascended armor in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I’d really don’t mind about ascended if i could have balance with the currencies.

From www we have basically 2 main useless currencies: karma and badges. The issue is that compared to other currencies, like gold and dungeon tokens our two currencies are quite useless and not convertible, not only about ascended things but also about general game needs.

In 3-4 hours of dungeoning you can get 30-70 gold + salvageable gear + tokens, all 3 of these basically cover the whole game needs and allow you to craft to 500 and your ascended in about a week (depending on the time limit craft of course).

www currencies instead:

- Karma: no ascended things for karma, you can’t buy weapons, you can’t buy exclusive runes, exotic trinkets stats available are limited, exotic armor stats available are limited, all the items bought are not salvageable so you can’t use them to get some globs or dark matter or to recover a rune you had (except by transmuting but i guess even a divinity rune is cheaper than that :P), no skins available.

- Badges: to get ascended/exotic things with badges you still need gold, globs of ectoplasm and laurels, no exotic trinkets except pvt, no exclusive runes, only 4 kind of skins that you can get everywhere else and again… all the things you buy with badges are not salvageable.

We can understand that they want www players to be, compared to a pve pro: poor as hell, less stats, shabby dressed, rusty weapons… And do not joke around! Town clothes and toys are OP, do not fix them, remove them, this is zeriouz biz.

Like this? o.o

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Thrillers Sound/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Thanks GD for the GvG and the scrims after, you are a real challenge and give us big motivation to improve

Hope to find all these epic guilds on our roaming a lot more.. This week seems so short.. i’d like for this matchup to last for at least a month before we get paired with some boring servers again ;_;

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Überworld vs Fort Panik vs Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I apologize for Quecc’s way of saying things, i’ll make sure to slap him when i’ll come back from work ;D , but i can assure it was not put in an offensive way. Just a statement of the fact that spawncamping is not “unblockable”, for sure it’s also not admirable (general statement, i don’t know and i don’t care about this single episode tho).

I selected this week to start my “solo roaming adventure” and tbh i couldnt select a worse matchup, the general attitude was quite meh from all three servers (i hated gladians also for adding to any single fight i got even in the middle of nowhere as much as i rofled seeing zergs going totally out of their way just to steamroll one player killing raptors xD), i guess boredom makes ppl act strange :P

Thank you for the fights btw and good luck everyone for the next matchup.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Human Cultural Armor in the Gem Store [Merged]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I don’t really care about the price, but i’m quite sad that the lack of creativity of designers had to bring to low cheap choices like this one. Cultural armors were made to be unique for each race, and now only the top tier human is not unique anymore? That’s quite racist (to make a silly joke)

If my sylvari can get the human cultural then i want the sylvari cultural for my human, and norn, charr and asura’s also, for each profession and every tier. Because race at this point don’t matter anymore.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

[Merged] Skill lag issue

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Some time ago, regarding a feature of the game requested by players, a Dev said something like “we don’t want to release something if we’re not sure it’s made carefully”. Quite a bold statement after seeing the mess of these days.

- Why trying to bring more people in maps that can’t contain them? It was obvious the queues would have been insane, not everyone can play 5 hours per day while waiting a 2 hour que (and for the brilliant pre-made answers: i’m actually on a rank 14 server, not on a T1)

- “We’re working on queue issues and we’ll bring a new map”: ok nice, maybe it was better to work on that first?

- Insane skil lag: is it a a server problem? did anet broke something on last patch? is it only related to the increased number of players in www? Well, as a customer, i’m not obliged to care about the reason. The only presence of that amount of skill lag and rubberbanding after 2 hours que is absurd.

- All complaint topics on forums deleted (and now merged in a blobtopic) just to try and hide the discomfort of customer: quite a nasty choice. The dev tracker is demoralizing, not even a “we’re checking on it”.

When you work kitten happens, that’s true. But I think everyone of us who’s a professional in their work would agree on what would be done.
- check
- analyze
- officially reassure the customers if the problem is real
- work on it as fast as possible
- next time be more careful before releasing something (as that Dev said “theorically”)

Waiting to read something from devs. Good luck in your work.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

A More Visual Mouse Pointer During Battle

in Suggestions

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I agree, i love using fast casting but with the actual pointer i always have to pray that faint cursor shadow i saw in the middle of enemy group is my pointer
(and sometimes my marks appear in the middle of nowhere -.-")

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

AG/MS/UW (27/09)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Hello AG again, has been a while – WB MS! Have fun everyone!

PS. Realta we are comming for you. The bounty on your head is big.

whisper “Quecc” ingame and i am sure we can arrange something.

Don’t listen to this midget troll.
Realta is under Maeeve’s protection atm and he’s safe with me…
-cough- Exactly… How big the bounty is? -cough-

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Abaddons mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Unfortunately you guys don’t seem to be able to stage big huge numbers like AM or Kodash (at times) – Speaking for myself and my fellows, you are the ones, who make this match worthwhile for us. You offer the challenge in small to midscale fights and skirmishes, which AM could not provide yet. Please keep it up!

Just my point of view: “to not be able to go with big numbers”, and “to not WANT to go with big numbers” are 2 different things. Seeing how nowadays every server has a community ts/mumble and the quality of the pugs has increased, everyone is able to roll the zerg and start to pvdoor running in a circle on the opposite part of the map to avoid the enemy zerg. But that’s so dull and boring that i wonder why i should do that. When on a group you past the 30 numbers, you become totally useless, your presence as a player don’t make a difference, your build don’t care to anyone, your level is useless, your skills not needed, even the supplies you carry don’t make a difference. You are absolutely no one… I’ll never understand the fun in that as a player i want to be useful, and i think that’s what a lot of AG players (like some other servers and guilds) think.

Thank you for cheering for us maeegle, i hope we’ll be able to smash zergs around a bit, as always we’ll try

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Aurora Glade vs Gandara vs Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I had so much fun, ty JDGE!! Cheers from your cute ball
Kick meh! <3

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Aurora Glade vs Gandara vs Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


TUP looking for some GVGs, PM me here or mail me ingame. Ideally 20v20.

To the guys that fought us, kudos you made it entertaining.

o/ Gandara.

Actually, if you want GvG JS guilds, you’re on the wrong map. Gandara has been decreeted the GvG free map this week by our server organisation. All the JS guilds on Gadara map are supposed to be against GvG, and are entitled NOT to respect any GvG there (ie : red = fight). You’ll likely have more chances on AG’s map where GvG matches must (at least, should) be respected by our guilds.

PS : A gardian-necro-mesmer blob, TUP style, is quite old fashioned by now

Bro, you’re not ok, I suggest for you and your friends a nice BBQ with iced cold beers and a lot of cute gals. You need to relax a bit.

And now the epic debate, gas or charcoal for your BBQ?

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Aurora Glade vs Gandara vs Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Ok fun on Gandara BL, got the lottery pick of Blue Border and amused to say the least.

If you didn’t notice Gandarans we saved your Garrison at least 6 times from the Dirty French. Who just probably happen to be so far the most cowardly dogs I’ve ever seen. 40-60+ Waypointing away from 16-8 was the true highlight. Having an enemy guild plus pugs totalling over double sometimes triple our number constantly waypoint out made me chuckle.

You made it hard to have fights. A points obsessed server, so Gandara and AG prepare to have a bad score in comparison due to coverage and the nature of their server. I look forward to farming your zergs.

Look forward to adding to my kills this week.

TUP looking for some GVGs, PM me here or mail me ingame. Ideally 20v20.

To the guys that fought us, kudos you made it entertaining.

o/ Gandara.

actually you guys TUP were just sticking on us every time. if you didnt noticed you werent focused at the beginning of the reset, but since you were always on our kitten we started focused your spawn tower and your bay. call us obsessed, dirty , dogs as much as you want.
we will meet again for sure this week

Really, a lot of ppl answer without even reading what the other wrote. You want to focus us? No one will call you obsessed or dirty dogs, it’s what we want, please do it <3 what makes us disappointed is seeing ppl running away, waypointing or go to the other side of the map to pvdoor

For example we were waiting for JS at bay again, when the inner wall was nearly down and we were so outnumbered there, it was challenging… Seeing that big group going to pvdoor to NW tower made us sad pandas

So thank you for the fights we’ve got, but please give us more and more

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

GVG needs to be changed

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


As much as i agree with the idea of implementing some roaming areas for organized guildgroups, and a proper gvg system, i don’t really understand some kind of whine i often see around about gvg.

Having on your server some dedicated www guilds means they work for you, your objectives and your precious points all the week. Does it really bother you that much to give them a couple of hours to do something fun and a bit different? Does it really bother you to pay… how much? 10 silver? of repair costs in those 2 hours if you don’t have the Outnumbered buff? Once the gvg is done that guild will come back to fight with you again, and don’t forget that their opponents will be also back on the field to hunt your players.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


@Krato you cannot improve gameplay of Pug agains bigger group.
So it is better for pug to go hide to tower/keep. This way, organized group can improve their siege skills:-D

There is no fun agains enemy with double numbers. Or more.

Imo the only problem with the bigger number is the kittening skill lag and the fps drop. It’s really strange how Anet wants to attract more ppl to www while they don’t even set up a decent playing environment.

Apart from this i agree with Krato, different conditions can teach the player different way to act: it’s not like you always have to throw yourself like a ram in the middle of an enemy group. RoF showed really good strategies on sunday night, and also in the last weeks Miller and Gunnar. And it was really fun to be in that kind of battles.

There’s always space for improvement, look at how pugs’ playstyle evolved in time. For example i’m not a fan of duels/spvp and i don’t do it at all: this end up in being bad for me, because i don’t know how to react when ppl try to gank me (ye, i’m a noob and easy prey :P ). Obviously after some trying ppl has all the right to feel exausted and leave/retreat in defensive place but the important thing is that you tried and next time you’ll know better what to (or not) do

P.S. my pov, don’t hate meh because i love (nearly) everyone. <3

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I think everyone clearly saw the differences in numbers and coverage there are in this matchup, but really, kudos to RoF because of their “never give up” attitude
We often saw groups with a lot more numbers than you leaving the map or bunkering behind the walls. You instead are not afraid to come and fight, using some diversion or trying different things, fighting with nails and teeth, giving your all. Thank you for the action you gave us

@the RoF mesmer that was killing our dolyaks in north-east DL border: thank you for /bow to me even if i was so drunk that i didn’t even gave you a decent fight. Sorry about that :P

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Millers vs Dzagonur vs Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Aaaaaargh Ç.Ç so envious of Dzagonur. >.<

Take care of my cute little Miller and Gandara. <3 have a nice week everyone!

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

Get your own Sacrx

in WvW

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Really nice ROFLMAO tribute Queccy! Fun xD

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Uuuuh i got a Mya overdose tonight!!! So happy!

You guys are really top quality opponents: so steady and fast and really adaptable to fights. One can’t slack even 1 second that you steamroll like a boss it was really a fun fun night! <3

Thanks QQ for coming to say hello, you crazy kittens <3 can’t wait to fight you too.

@VoragoUmbra: don’t be mean with our WarDad, you know he’s not a beast, he’s only a big fluffy kitty.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Man, you crashed my very sofisticated joke :-(.

Hey, i’m a gal, i can’t openly say that that kind of foreplay makes me orga…… nize my agenda to have moar (whoops :P)

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


So plenty of foreplay but nobody got a happy end?


The last wipe was in MYA favour, if this is what you’re asking, when we came back again they were busy at inner door against AM and our raidleader called the night.

For me every good battle with quality opposition is a happy end, to wipe or get wiped makes no difference

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


How did it end yesterday at the bridge in AM bay?

Had to port, so I just saw, how MYA pushed at ya TUP-guys and couldnßt see the end

It was a long quarrel MYA played as good as always yesterday, very tight, really steady. On Bay bridge we got pushed, we retreated, then we pushed again, then we moved on outer wall, then MYA went under us to kite, we pushed, we lost some and retreated, they pushed us on the wall, wiped us, so we regrouped out of bay, then we came again, met near the plateau, we pushed.. we got pushed… battle on the outer wall… and on the plateau we hit them hard, then we got hit back hard… it was a nice picking on each other until both our raid called for the night (sorry if i don’t remember every moment but we had a lot of clashes <3 )

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


<3 TUP !

nice evening on abba bl!

I’m becoming greedy i want MOAR of QQ and MYA… Moar moar moar moaaar!!!! :Q_

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Can everyone stop bickering with no end, please?

Each one has it’s own ideas, we have different definition of fun, and they’re all good for ourselves but not that good for others. Each matchup we can talk about it, but when the other side doesn’t want to read/understand/try (and you can see the attitude after a couple of posts) then it’s time to stop the talk and start the ignore. And i’m talking to both sides.

C’mon kiddos^^ go to play your game, i don’t have enough love to spread for everyone. <3

@Mya… Confess that you hate me!! Ç_____Ç i wanted to fight you soooo baaaaad!!! Meeeeeeh! T_T

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


A really really nice night on GH bl!

Thank you so much [QQ], [SOE], [MM], [PRXM], [BOTS], [DC] and some [ARMY] for that load of roaming clashes!! My memory for tags is really bad so sorry if i’m forgetting someone.

You really sandwitched us nicely at wurm, you definitely caught us totally unprepared at Bay outer door (kitten that action was really fast and hit like a truck! nice one! ), you gave us an awesome long battle at north camp and an a-m-a-z-i-n-g war near nw tower. No brainless zombies, balls of steel instead and never afraid to try again. Kudos to all! <3

@QQ: you’re a cute bunch of crazy guys <3 luv ya more and more!

@MYA: it seems this week is really unlucky for us to meet, i really really hope we can fight at least a bit before the new matchup. Ç_Ç

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


I usually login a bit late so i’ve lost some clashes with you Mya… Sad Panda!! Ç_Ç I really hope to find you around some other night (golf Wam for me again pls <3 )

I want to thank [SOE] for the fights in AG bl, we had some good scraps tonight even if we were slacking a bit :P
From my side, thank you for your fair-play in waiting for us to finish some fights, and a special thank because you didn’t stomp me even if i was downed at your feet (yes, i’m that noob and supercute fashion necro <3 )

Cya on the battlefield <3

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


Looks like we’ve got another double thread :P we’re pro idols.

Thank you for the fights tonight ^__^ was really a nice reset.
Nice to see QQ running as usual with their “balls of steel”, also that double push on south camp bridge gave me the goosebumps i love seeing this kind of tactical coordinated actions. Can’t wait to have more of this week. Kudos

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


MILLER!!!! YAY \(^_^)/

hello guys, and good luck everyone

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


awwwwww [QQ] !!!
omg luved ya too! kitten , i really love too many ppl… guildies will be jelly!!

there are so many guilds i’d like to fight again, like you and MYA, but i’d really like to clash with our dear old Piken’s guilds and also with some other that we still have to meet (yes Sylas, i want your head <3 )… i really hope this lottery will give me and you a lot of cute rewards ^_^ crossed fingers for everyone!

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


[TUP] pls we want AG and you guys back!

Awwwwww cute Mya <3
If you want we can send Wamgor in your LA, i’m sure he’d love to play with you all!

Talking for myself but i think my opinion is shared by my mates, we miss you too guys, our roaming clashes were really really hard and fun! Hope to meet MS again soon!

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3

28/6: GH vs AG vs Dzag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ankdarkwolf.1487


It was a fun night, we had a really unlikely raid, that brought us a lot of laughters and chaotic & silly actions, and we also learned some good things. So thank you for all the fights in DZ bl, it’s always a pleasure to find servers with ppl that fight in the open field with a definite identity.

Maeeve – The Unlikely Plan (TUP) – Cute! <3