Now that you will remove any liquid experience I’d like to know which WvW rank I have to be in order to have all WvW traits completed.
I’ve been earning badges and laurels this far so when HoT releases I can get to the exact rank I need, but if WvW liquid experience is removed I won’t be able to do so… So, do you know any number?
I completely agree on this.
Imagine a player (called WvW) that never did more PvE than leveling up to 80, and then stayed playing WvW and went rank >>>1000, and another player (called PvE) that made all of his chars 100% map completition.
Why does the PvE player have more Hero Points (i.e. easier access to specializations) than the WvW player?
Yup, we’re 10 players stuck in a ended match. When we press exit match we go to the heart of the mists and then back again to the match. No way to get out, even relogging.
I have a video proof – I have to upload Q.Q -
From my part, please stop the drama.
As I said, I have nothing against Anet or those who pre-purchased, as I wanted to buy it but couldn’t afford it / was too expensive for what I get. In this thread I was just saying that the ability to participate in a Beta testing event should not be “sold” as a reason to pre-purchase.
Now I got an account upgrade and a second GW2 core account from a retailer for just ~4 more bucks (payed in euros). This is the point where it became “worth” for me, and so I bought
I’m not sure I follow the logic. If you plan (have no doubts) on purchasing anyway, what difference does it make? Why turn your nose up at free bonuses? Or is your planned purchase so far away, it will be after some kind of cost discount…like after a year or so?
Maybe I don’t have 50$ to spend on games now? I rather spend them in food…
Also, I think you don’t care anyway, but I’m in a big loan, so that 50$ is about 90$ if you think about the interests I’m paying in the long term, so if I use them to redeem instead of wasting in games I’d save 40$.
If it were cheaper, or at least if it included something usefull for veterans, I’d really pre-purchase it. But beta access? No ty, I can wait. Another char slot? that’s worth ~6$ when they’re on sale (In my case I was as smart as getting that extra slot in the last sale). I’m looking for something at least with 2/3 value as the GW2 core game (that was 40$ before HoT)
So again, for other people, if you are planning on walking into the beta to just play, think about the above.
Yup, that’s why I’m complaining. I’m complaining that you’re not paying an early access so you can play before other players, but you are paying to help them develop the game with that beta event.
In my company we hire people to run QA. This guys just sell it as a bonus for the pre-purchase. I don’t really feel like paying to work for them, sorry.
(edited by blackoil.2673)
So don’t prepurchase. I don’t see a problem with that.
Yup, that’s what I said. But I just couldn’t reply the automatic email, so there’s that
First I looked over if someone also said something like I did to not double-post (as a nice user that i am, I really don’t want to hurt this game, although there are some things that I disagree with them :/)
Just got an email from Anet asking me to prepurchase HoT to play BWE.
Sorry, but no. I’m not prepurchasing it to even take part in something that you will even get more profit (beta testing)
This doesn’t mean I won’t buy HoT, but seriously, I won’t pay to play a buggy weekend where I will probably loose my progress, I can wait
Not sure why it was hard to find as it clearly a topic on the same page.
“To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.”
As I said, this sentence is also confusing
Read my lasts messages plz .-.
You are not getting my point.
They made it to make it easy for new players. But they made it for everyone.
Kinda repeating the same sentence…. Can’t you spot the difference between:
“Do something for someone to reason”
“Do something to reason” (where reason is for someone in particular, but only the reason, not the something. But that something is something done, for everyone)
“I’m donating food to kids in africa because they are hungry”
Here it’s clear that i’m giving food to kids in africa
“I’m donating food, because kids in africa are hungry”
Here is not that clear. Maybe I’m donating food to an ONG that distributes this food between Africa, Middle-east, etc?
(edited by blackoil.2673)
Now don’t go to “the free bonus is only for new players”. They say they include the core game as a free bonus, and I really don’t care the reason. They just do
The quote from Regina says “make it easier for new people to get into it” this part is quite important to the sentence.
Again, it’s really not important, because it’s explaining the reason they put the free bonus GW2 core game. Again:
“We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.”
It would be important if it were something like:
“We included the core game as a free bonus for new players to make it easier to get into it.”
As this “for new players” goes with “we included the core game”, meaning that the core game is only for new players. Then again, the “to make it…” it’s not important, because it’s also explaining the reason.
There’s a huge difference. In the way they said it, they included the core game for everyone, and the reason they did this is to make it easier for new players. This “for new players” goes to “to make it easier”.
My point is still valid. I’m considering now buying HoT and suing them "giggle*
not really ;P
If you have an issue with the price as a whole, that’s a different issue, but they are not handing out free core games.
From Regina Buenaobra:
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
My point is really valid. Although I know it’s a mistake from their part, because it leads to misinterpretation.
Now don’t go to “the free bonus is only for new players”. They say they include the core game as a free bonus, and I really don’t care the reason. They just do
(edited by blackoil.2673)
Well, if you ignore the OR there I can see how you’d get confused. All the words are important.
Their use of “A game serial code” should make it obvious that don’t get two separate serial codes. Similarly their use of OR should make it obvious you can either create a new account which will have both the base game and HoT OR upgrade an existing account to HoT.
Anyway, lots of people have already pre-purchased the expansion and there was only one key.
Yup, now i’m sure we don’t get an extra account…. I still have to rethink if I should or not buy the expansion then ;p
However, let’s analyze their text. The thing that really gets to their balance is that “A game serial code”, but even that “or” and “and” mess that up:
(A serial code for account creation or upgrade for HoT) and (the award-winning GW2 core game)
- Then I choose the serial code for account upgrade (and i get the core game as well)
If you put the parenthesis the other way… it’s still wrong
(A serial code for account creation) or (upgrade for HoT and the award-winning GW2 core game)
- Then I choose the upgrade for HoT and the core game.
Maybe I can buy it and ask them to give me as well the core game, because their purchase page it says it includes both? =D
I’m just not taking that risk
I think it’s quite clear:
You get one code that can be used to create a new account or to upgrade an existing one.
Lemme just put in bold just a bit more:
A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the GW2: HoT expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game
It seems like it says that it includes the GW2 HoT and GW2 core game
Now, I’d like an official source :/
The screenshot provided comes from an original source (
I’m sure this has been asked before, but I can’t find it back.
If I pre-purchase HoT, can I get my account upgraded and a “core game” account?
I’m sure I’ve read that no, we don’t get that extra account. However, taken from the pre-purchase page:
A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the GW2: HoT expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game
What do we have left to clean conditions now?
I’m using Signet of Renewal, but if the pet is too far then this skill is plain useless.
Hint: Healing Spring is so bugged it’s also not usable.
Seriously, I’m getting tired of reporting these gold sellers, but they just keep popping out.
They are spamming people in starting areas. Like 1 whisper every 10-15 seconds.
Isn’t there anything you can do to stop them? or just banhammer whenever they pop?
Also, if they do this is because they get profit…. That’s really suspicious, like it seems they don’t get banned.
They’re selling 100g for 3$. One GW2 account is worth ~30$, they need to sell at least 1000g for each banned account just to not loose money…
(sorry about that topic, I reached the 45 max characters per topic and I can’t really make it smaller)
I’m really more a PvP guy than PvE, and I allways do dungeon tracks because I feel like those are the most profitable.
Now, I’ve been wondering… If I would like to get dungeon gear, doing dungeons should be the fastest way for it, right? Let’s do some math:
A full PvP dungeon track gives you:
- 3 weapons (you can choose which you want. Worth from 210 to 390 tokens)
- 1 armor (you can also choose which you want. Worth from 180 to 330 tokens)
- 180 tokens
That’s a total of 990 to 1680 tokens (depending on which weapon/armors you get)
Each arena gives you between 1.7 to 3.5% of a full track, depending if you win or loose. Assuming I win 50% of the times, that’s about 2.6% per arena. Then, we need about 38.5 arenas to complete a whole PvP track.
Each arena is about 15 minutes (that’s actually the “max” time, but we can also count queue time). This makes a total of 557,5 min, that’s 9:37 hours
Then, each path gives you 60 tokens once a day, then 20 tokens.
If you want to do this in one day, say those 9:37 hours, you’d get:
3 paths x60 tokens = 180 tokens. We’re left with 810 to 1500 tokens
Then 20 tokens per run. This makes 40.5 to 75 runs + 3 initial runs = 43.5 to 78 runs
So to last the same as the PvP reward track, you have to complete each path in between 7 to 12 minutes. (CoE… maybe. But go Arah, lol. Also, count party-making time)
Let’s say you go the “efficent” way and do 3 paths each day.
This leaves us with between 5.5 and 9.3 days, and we would do between 16.5 and 28 dungeons, leaving us between 20 and 33 minutes per run. That’s “better”
But then, to make it fair, we have to also take into account that with 5-9 days we have dailies in PvP, which if you finish all 4, you get 6 PvP pots that fill your reward track a total of 7.5%, then with 5-9 dailies we have 37.5-67.5%, so we only have to do 32.5% to 62.5% by winning/loosing arenas, that’s between 13 and 24 arenas. 15 minutes each = 3:07h to 6:15h
So those “20 and 33 minutes per run” now becomes from 6 minutes to 22 per path. Nice.
Isn’t this just a bit broken? I really won’t like PvP Dungeon reward tracks nerfed, but maybe they could buff a bit the initial 60 token per path per day? .-.
I changed computer so… I don’t have the very first screenshot.
But the first screenshot for this PC is this one:
Spoiler Alert! (Living Story Season 2 stuff)
Poor belinda :/
Idk if I’m late or this has been stated before but, from Hidden Arcana: Designing the New Lion’s Arch:
“The original Lion’s Arch design didn’t serve the purpose of a social hub for players as well as it could have, either. Services were sprawled haphazardly across the city, and there were few places to gather freely.”
“The new Lion’s Arch was created with easier navigation and accessibility in mind. Rather than scattering important locations around the map, thought was put into grouping them based on how players make use of them.”
Can you tell me please how you put things grouped?
Most of players use 3 things: Bank, Mystic toilet, Merchant and Trading Post
Bank and Mystic toilet are ok, one next to the other.
But merchant? 13 seconds from WP with swiftnes and city travel
And the TP? 26 seconds from WP… I almost run out of my staff ele’s swiftness.
Seriously? Do you think this is “grouped on how players make use of them?”
At least don’t put a blog post saying how great you did it, keeping in mind players, or just add a Waypoint next to the TP… the merchant can often be saved with Myiani <3.
What’s even worse… I think the old Lion’s Arch was better in this sense… The TP was on the other side of the square of the bank…
What I really wonder is why did it took so much time to make such an easy solution…
“Hey! With the new condi dmg bosses die really fast”
“Lemme think for 6 days…. Got it! Just double World bosses HP!”
Can’t they see the effect this has?
Why double? Why exactly 2x? Why not 1.4694839x? Or why not 2.409239x?
Couldn’t you just re-adjust condi dmg (not stacks, that’s perfectly fine), add condi resistance or see (test) how the boss HP should be scaled (also for small/big pools of players)?
And sorry for another price-rant thread, but this is made from a different point of view.
1. Are you telling me that we have to pay the same for a game that took 5 years to develop (GW2, from 2007 to 2012) that for an expansion that merely took 1 year?
2. You changed your expansion policy. Taken from wayback machine
Q: Do I have to own Guild Wars 2 to play the expansion?
A: Yes. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is an expansion to Guild Wars 2 and not a stand-alone campaign, and therefore it requires the base game to play.
Taken from updated FAQ:
Q: Do I have to own Guild Wars 2 to play the expansion?
A: Yes, but Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns includes the Guild Wars 2 core game.
Seriously? And you even made base-game sales like saying “Hey buy the base game, we are just selling it for 15$ so you can get the expansion when it comes out” and then giving it for FREE? You were selling one product telling people that they will NEED to upgrade to a newer version, but then on release date put the base product for free.
Isn’t this a scam? Can’t it be sued? Can’t it be considered tying?
I know the price can’t be changed right away, and I feel really sorry for you. Why wouldn’t you put something like 30$-55$-75$ tiers? It’s a way more fair price, that’s still not cheap. Couldn’t you realize it probably had sell a whole lot more, with way less people complaining?
Ha, duplicate! mine was first :P
Yup, fun getting all 4 PvP dailies in one match <3
@chygnet: You don’t have space for just 1 more char?… I just created one so I could try if they get completed at the same time.
Apparently, today if you are an Engineer, capture and defend a point you can get all 4 daily achievements in a row (hint: Engineer is on both “Daily X or Y winner”)
Jackpot or Bug?
I’ve played the new map a few times, and noticed how spending all supplies in door breakers and killing the guards “by hand” is way better than splitting between tengus and skritt.
My suggestion here would be to make the guards almost invulnerable from player attacks. Tactically, a team could still choose whether to send a player as a decoy or not, so the door breakers can do their job, or if just send archers to kill guards and let skritt in.
That is nothing. This item went from 1 gold to 20 gold.
from 1-2 copper to 1,6 silver is way bigger profit than 1 to 20 gold.
If you had spent 1 gold in BLT by then, you would have 5-10.000 BLT. Now, if you sell this for 1,6 silver each, you would have 80-160 gold. AFAIK, 80-160 gold >>>>> 20 gold.
Woops! sorry for the double post….
Why suddenly the Black Lion Chest has doubled it’s price? We haven’t had any update these days, 4 days ago it was half silver and now they’re more than a silver each.
Seriously, I’m really wondering why these kind of things happen. How this makes any sense?
Gosh… If i bought them when they were worth 2 coppers…. now I’d have 96 times what I had then….
I know this might seem like a simple question… but…
Did you buy the balthazar costume (or any other costume, for that matter)?. You can check gem-store purchases on the right side of the gem store (like Rose mentioned).
This would make up for the 700 gem deficit. This would make sense, considering this costume is advertised on the main page of the gem-store and could easily be clicked on.
I hate to sound condescending, but often these kind of issues are usually down to user error. Either you mistook the initial quantity of gems you have, made some kind of mathematical error or bought something (accidentally or forgot about it). The gem-store doesn’t just eat up gems, and I doubt somebody would hack your account just to buy a 700 gem item and gift it. :P
Your suggestion (although kind of camouflaged by your initial problem) is a good idea though. When I was buying gems very frequently I made an excel document to write down the quantity and exchange rate. It was a way to monitor the gem economy as well, after they removed the exchange rate graph. It’d be great to have something like that in-game.
Awesome reply, nailed it.
Arenanet putting that balthazar costume in the main page… it’s a trap! You’re right, I bought it and I was even using it when I wrote this.
And yes, this is why I said it’s not worth filling a ticket, because I was almost sure that it was my fault… but at least yes, it would be nice to have a gem transaction history (just like we have for TP). In my case it’s not to keep track about gem <→ gold exchange, but just for this kind of things. Something like:
Initial balance – 0 gems
Bought gems with gold => +1000 =>1000 gems
Bought balthazar costume => -700 => 300 gems
Purchased gems (with $) => +1000 => 1300 gems
Bought gold with gems => -530 => 770 gems
(and so on.)
It would just be like TP.
Do I have any history of gem transactions in my account? If not, I really think we need one.
In my case, last week i got a precursor drop. I sold it and spent that gold in gems… then I had a bit more than 7.000 gems in total.
Now, yesterday I bought the deluxe digital upgrade for 500 gems, so I should have arround 6.500. However, now I log in and find that I “only” (double quotes here) have 5.800 gems left.
The thing is that I’m not sure if I bought anything else since i sold the precursor, so it’s not really worth filling a ticket, but I think it would be nice if there was some gem transaction history (both getting and spending gems).
Not sure if it’s too soon to ask this… But will the digital deluxe have any other extra stuff after the expansion?
If so, will current deluxe users have to pay an “upgrade”?
Or no any “new” edition in this expansion, and current editions remain unchanged?
So… the post first talks about “unique” mechanics for the revenant, and says two:
- Unique profession mechanic
- Unique resource system
The “Unique profession mechanic” is referring to the hability to swap between legends to switch the right-side skillset?
Doesn’t that look similar to ele mechanic, where you switch attunments to change the left-side skillset?
And the “Unique resource system” doesn’t it really look like a mix of Thief’s (having a pool of something that regenerates over time, and skills take some resources of this pool) and Necromancer’s? (necromancers also go to Death shroud, draining their “Energy”)
Do you consider this really unique?
I’m having some doubts about this tournament rewards. The Announcement says:
To be eligible for rewards for any given matchup, you need only earn that match’s weekly World Contributor achievement. Then, all you have to do is talk with the Battle Historian NPC during the next week’s matchup to earn your rewards. It is important to note: You must claim your rewards in the week following the matchup in which they were earned. Rewards that are not claimed during the following week will be forfeited. Please refer to the table below to make sure you don’t miss out on your rewards!
But then it shows a table of rewards – cost in tickets.
Then I understood that I have to claim my “rewards” in this next week. But what I don’t know is what will I get as “reward”. A “reward” of my choice or some “tickets”?
And if I get some tickets, do I have to spend them in this week, or I can keep them until last week? (i.e will the tickets expire after each week?)
I think the way you wrote that is a bit ambiguous.
ANet: I really believe you.
But the only problem is that it really feels like you’re ignoring the playerbase. Posts that have so many people posting about an issue to the game… it feels like it’s being ignored because no dev is participating.
I can understand that you can’t participate in it, for all the reasons you said… but wouldn’t be any way to flag a post as “Hey, we’re reading it and we’re talking about it back here”?
From my point of view and by now, I only see these posts as the ones that have the ANet tag in it (i.e., a dev made a reply).
edit: Or at least, when you make the decision that you won’t change a thing because all the playerbase has gone crazy… just tell it?
TBH, I never played Warrior and now for the first time I did.
I can tell, at least being a low level and PvEing that adrenaline is almost useless now. By the time you have your adrenaline to 1 bar, you allready killed all mobs and it depletes to 0 until you can find the next mob.
IMO it’s a great balance fix, but the depleting is too fast. From one mob to another there’s at least 5-10 seconds. You can’t let the adrenaline deplet with only 3 seconds.
Seriously… If silk is high is because it’s necessary, so two easy ways to fix this:
1. Make it less necesary (not going to happen…)
2. Make med/heavy materials more necesary (just make another sort of ascended (or legendary!) crafting, and it will get balanced.
I NPCed lots and lots of silk before it went straight uphill, as long time before you’d get more profit from NPCing it than Auctioning it.
I feel really sorry for what I said in the last few posts. It really looked like a ragequit (see “So Disappointed”, about that new Feature Pack), but the fact is that I still love this game (in fact I said this in one of my posts, so it’s not like I’m changing my mind)
And I really love how you (devs, CMs,…) explained everything you could. That silence is what killed me, but now I can understand it perfectly well. And also, the last 2 features in the blog were awesome (Also the writing/detail on it) which fully compensates the 1st week’s.
So here, take my apologies and happy 2nd birthday!
[If anyone wants to apologize as well, feel free in here!]
That’s it. NEW awesome FEATURE: new WvW Tournament.
Don’t put it in the same bag, kitten.
You are assuming:
1: That the majority of the player-base actually watches all interviews and so on and thus knows everything about this already.
That is not the case. For someone that does not follow the forums/reddit/twitter/facebook this is completely new information.
No, I’m not.
2: That writing the blogs are done by people that would otherwise build new features.
No, I’m not. If you made any degree in business you’d know what I mean when I talk about resources.
3: That building new features takes as little time as writing a blog post.
No, I’m not. I’m a developer and I can guess how much resources/time does a change take. And I’m sure it’s way way way longer than a blog post that takes, at most, 2-3 hours (that’s what I said)
4: That people will accept being told nothing at all about the Feature Pack before it is released.
No. But for me what would be better is either:
→ One “short” blogpost saying “Hey, we have a feature pack that will address all this issues so far”. You know, one paragraph for each “feature”. Then I know that in those 4 weeks they’re working on that, and will be expecting much more the day the patch notes are released.
→ Each post get more in detail about the things that will change. And don’t make 2 posts for the same feature (i.e. WvW """"""overhaul""""") but one. This way I will be expecting each day to get an overview for each feature, and will be expecting what’s to come next.
The first way would be for guys who just want to know what’s happening.
The second way would be for guys who want to know what will be released exactly.
I can perfectly adapt between these two profiles, I really don’t care. But not some kind of useless hybrid in the middle, where you get 20 posts of bullkitten.
Since you haven’t actually seen the patch notes, one would think your ire is a bit premature.
My “ire” comes mostly for the 3-week blog post schedule to say absolutely nothing new. For that, why don’t they just spend these resources in making more features? Why WASTE the time in making useless blog posts?
If “casual players” just don’t read the blog (as the example you just said of your guildmate) and “hardcore players” are the ones who read the blogpost and get disapointed by it, it really doesn’t work.
If you want a updated blog post it will cost you 400 gems.
Does buying belinda’s great sword count? Just did haha.
I have no problem spending gems as long as this game is awesome, which it is. I’m just complaining about this """""Feature""""" pack management.
I am being really disapointed for this """"""""Feature"""""""" """"Pack""""
Big Changes to WvW system? a new siege mastery and another trap that’s “controversial”. Plus commander colors (wow yay, they just had to change the icon…) What about all that has been discussed in CDI? I know that thing is not official, but making a """""Feature""""" Pack for changing the tag color feels way too weak for me.
Balancing: Was that post even serious? What did you say that we didn’t knew before? do you really need 24 HOURS to write a post saying what are the current “OPneses” and “UPneses” of each class in 1 paragraph per class?
What about getting into the matter and saying what will EXACTLY change? No “we will improve this class mobility while mantaining it’s damage output” bullkitten.
Seriously. How can you call this a feature pack? For me it looks only like a regular patch, but instead of releasing 2 patches in 2 weeks, just one big patch in 4 weeks. Great.
Seriously, I’m getting really kittened off with this patch. It’d be way better if it weren’t any of this patch at all. This game is awesome, but the way you’re managing this patch kills me.
Why do you need 3 weeks (i repeat 3 WEEKS) to make blog posts that you can write with what? at most 2-3 hours each? SERIOUSLY. You build so much expectation and every post so far (but one, the PvP) was a big big big (x100) disapointment. I don’t think this is the best way to generate Hype.
(edited by blackoil.2673)
The rumors were true. \o/
Command the Rainbow —> Different colors for tags.
In spanish it’s translated as “Be a true commander” (Sed verdaderos comandantes)
edit: from spanish website:
→ Do you want to feel the glory?
→ Balance law
→ Tricks and Explosive Finales
→ Be a true commander
→ Prepare to fight
(edited by blackoil.2673)
I mean, I can understand you take 3 weeks to release a major “feature pack”. But why to keep it “secret” for two weeks, and just comment what will be new day by day?
Why not you just say “hey, here’s the list of features we will release in 4th sep. Enjoy!”
I’m dieing to know what features you will implement, and from “past packs”, most comunity guesses out of the title were wrong.
When we’re on the 3rd week I will just forget what you announced in the first week.
I just thought of a way to patch it. Not sure though if it might get me banned.
What about I have a macro that when I press one key on the keyboard, it right-clicks and presses said key? I think this would temporarily fix this issue and let me record my game without too much problems.
The thing is that “One key per action” rule. Is this considered two actions? (right clicking and pressing the key). From my point of view it’s only one action because effectively what I’m doing is just moving forward, casting a spell, whatever.
In fact, more info that tells me this is not only NVIDIA related, but also GW2-related:
When writing to chat, with Shadowplay on, none of the keys miss. I can chat without problems.
It’s just moving my character arround, casting spells, and opening windows (Bag, Black Lion, etc.)
edit: Also, double-click to use doesn’t work. I have to right-click and then select ‘use’
(edited by blackoil.2673)
This bug is really hard to debug, because it happens only in some laptops with NVIDIA Shadowplay and some games, one of those is GW2.
The problem is that some keystrokes are ignored by the game. I.e.:
- You press W to go forward and your character goes forward
- You release it and press it again and it doesnt work
- You release it and press it again and it goes forward
- You’re also lucky and it goes forward the next time
- But maybe this time not?
The probability is about 50%, here’s a 32-try that was excatly 16/16 (Y means it works, N means it doesn’t)
It’s absolutely random. BUT! And this is why I decided to post it as a GW2 Bug.
If you hold mouseclick (doesn’t matter which one) and rotate a little bit the camera (right when the mouse disappears) then all keystrokes work perfectly. 0 Missing.
Will you try to fix that? Can I help in any other way? Or do you know any “hack” I can use to make it work?
(edited by blackoil.2673)
#CatalansWantToVote !
Jokes aside, I think Belzebu gets your answer. It gets really frustrating when you see that the thing you vote didn’t win, and people would complain like “Why is everyone so stupid that voted yes to that thing?”, thus making those players to enjoy less the game.
And I’m really sure the dev’s get in this forums to check what people think of the game/releases. But:
1. The player’s opinion is not the only point they have in mind when developing new stuff. Remember that they’re a company so they have to make some profit, not only by encourage players to pay, but also spending less resources on it, while keeping a good playerbase happy (which takes us to the second point). If they only took the player’s opinion, I can tell you this game would be dead long time ago.
2. The big problem about a MMO is that you will never have everyone happy for something. There are so many players that’s practically impossible to have everyone agree. So everyone has reasons to “why GW2 is not as good as they said”.
I would say if you don’t agree with something, just write it in here. The devs come check it once every while as feedback and it helps them. There are F2P games that if you try to complain in the forums you get your post deleted (they think that’s a better solution…)
(edited by blackoil.2673)