It better not happen. Could you imagine the uproar if they did it.
Sorry, not interested in either PvP or WvW. Not going to spend my time bothering with it. I’ll find something in the real world to do that’s more useful.
Simply put…as a PVE player this weekend’s demo is a bust for me.
I will just skip it.
Well, I wish it was easier to access all (43) of my characters. Only showing 8 at a time is a pain for those of us with lots of (too many?) characters.
I must say that I hope PoF isn’t as annoying in this regard as HoT has been. I do enjoying gliding but all the rest of the movement skill stuff that they introduced in HoT seemed nothing more than an annoying gimmick to me.
Well, I for one, don’t like the entire organization of HoT (multi-level jungle growth) that pretty much demanded the stupid mushrooms and updrafts to get anywhere. I do like the gliding but you can keep those other means of transportation. As for the mounts in PoF, for me it’s too early to really tell. I did enjoy the long jumping of the raptor mount and that fact that it ran faster than my character can.
As with the HoT demos of several years ago, I feel that it’s really too early to be certain of much regarding how I will like PoF. Back during the HoT demos I thought I’d like HoT. Not till I had played there for some time did I grow to really dislike it.
I would argue that, although some champions can be soloed, not all of them can be. I’ve certainly run into some that can’t be soloed by me.
I simply find HoT to be boring, stressful, and basically no fun to play. The only reason I have ever played a video game (mostly a waste of time) is for relaxation and to forget the stress of real life. HoT is more stressful to me than real life!
OP, I’m not near my game machine right now, but I have a 32" 4K display (and old eyes) and don’t have any trouble reading it…maybe I’m not trying to read the same text??
Uh, don’t defrag SSDs. All it does is add wear to them. They don’t need to be defragged.
Years ago there was a company named Valve, and they made games. Now they just make money. Has Anet caught the same virus? Guild Wars 2 has been launched in August 2012. It has now been 3 years and a half and what have we had since then to chew on? Living Season and a small expansion which received its fair share of critics. A lot of people vent their frustration on a lot of things; PvP, WvW, Fractals and such but what troubles me most is that after all this time there are enormous regions in Tyria still blurred and inaccessible among which are the Deldrimor Front, Blazeridge Mountains, Blood Legions Homelands, Far Shiverpeaks, Woodland Cascades and so forth. Some say that it’s a lot a work but see, in the same time frame within the original game scope we got Factions, Nightfall and Eye of The North. Core was fun but now it’s getting a bit stale if you ask me. From the looks of it we’ll get to Primordus when I’ll be in a retiring home…
So, how about getting to work Anet?
Well, as they say “Other people’s work is easy”.
Then don’t buy it!
Just try them…what’s to lose? Of my 32 lvl 80 characters, I enjoy playing my 7 rangers the most…but YMMV!
Well, I never noticed the clipping problem (not sure why, maybe I’m just not that sensitive to clipping), but I surly don’t like the new bell shaped skirt!
I find the new system much more usable than what we had to deal with before. Easier to understand and to change. All good to me.
Well, a quick review of the responses here seems to support more like the changes than didn’t. So, OP, who exactly were you speaking for in your original post? Seems like it may simply be the minority from what I see here.
It’s so refreshing to know a company cares enough about my characters to see them without any traits or skill and decides to go fix that up for them without consulting me. Because, well, let’s face it, I just can’t be trusted with the responsibility of setting up my characters’ traits without a corporate hand. Ar they going to continue to select my traits and skills me for me? Because I’m still that untrustworthy fellow you couldn’t count on to pick the right traits a couple days ago, so I think they should make sure to spend those hero points for me lest I fail to do so myself. Nothing makes me feel more like it’s an RPG than having my skills and traits picked for me, yessiree boy howdy!
I think you are missing the point that the autobuild did actually work for some people. Apparently not for you, but life can be like that…
Hmm, frustration is a feeling whereas inconvenience is having to do something that you’d rather not do.
Actually, since being frustrated is a reference to how one feels, no one can tell you that you aren’t frustrated (can’t tell you how you feel).
From what I read elsewhere, there was a claim that the developers chose to do the autobuild as the lessor of evils. On the surface, to me anyway, I would expect that simply resetting everyone’s traits would have been considerably easier from a programming standpoint. I assumed that they chose this path as it would wind up “inconveniencing” fewer people. I don’t know though.
I believe that for those of us with lvl 80 toons the autobuild was the best compromise. If less than 80 (I didn’t have any) it sounds like an inconvenience is all. If they had offered an option to relock traits and refund the hero points that may have reduced the inconvenience…but they didn’t. Pretty much leaves playing the game as the best option.
I have to agree. I have lots of lvl 80 characters and was dreading having to reconfigure all of them. So far with the ones I’ve had a chance to work with the default settings have been quite ok. I’ve made some small changes, but had I needed to start from scratch it would have been really painful. As it stands, I suspect that all of my characters are playable as is. I likely will tweak each one as I play it, but that shouldn’t be too bad.
I just deleted my little ele and remade her since I knew that would be the outcome. Really stupid decision on Arenanet’s part. Should have just reset everything and let us spent points as we want.
yea i am being honest here when i say that i haven’t really seen anyone be like
“YES!!! my character is autobuit!!! earth specc i always wanted!!!!”it’s too bad really!
Well, I’m happy with the autobuild of my 31 lvl 80 characters. It got them (at least the ones I’ve had time to investigate) at or close to what they previously were.
Of course all of mine were already level 80 so I was able to add all of the traits to them. For lower level characters it sounds like they didn’t (always?) hit the mark with their auto leveling.
Nah, you can keep the old Lion’s Arch…I never thought much of it, even before Scarlet destroyed it.
Well, I for one, have a different opinion from yours. I have 31 lvl 80 characters (multiples of all classes and races, except for Sylvarie…not too crazy about them I guess) that are mostly all configured differently from one another and found the previous trait system to be a big pain. No matter what I did to configure my toons I felt that I was forced into serious, unwanted, compromises.
For example, having the stats (power, vitality, etc) tied to trait lines always seemed like an undesireable setup. If I wanted to increase vitality (for example) I had to put trait points into the necessary trait line for vitality even though I might not want most or any of the traits in that line.
Personally, I feel that now I have greater flexibility, not less, and not so compelled to make those undesirable compromises.
Umm yes, I made a decision to buy a package based on a slot that I could have got for free ,
You decided to pay 25$ more because of something you can buy for 10$ ?
You have no right to complain here.
No, I decided to pay the additional $25 to get the $50 worth of gems. I tend to use gems over time and have bought alot more than 4000 over the past 3 years. Seemed like a bargain to me.
So, why to you bother to waste your time to come here and post that you’re leaving? Indeed, why does anyone do that? Why not just go?
Actually if you run the host command against the full name you’ll see that it is an alias for which has an ip address of This ip address resides in the Guangdong Province of China. I wouldn’t visit it if I were you.
Yes, I also noticed this. I particularly noticed it with Divinity’s Reach. Seems something changed to slow loading down. Nothing on my system has changed either.
The map I was in was still quite full. Also, some guildies in another map got disconnected before Shatterer was killed.
Same thing happened to me last night…kind of a bummer. I won’t have an opportunity to try it again before reset today.
I have leveled 31 chars to lvl 80 and mostly enjoyed it. Must be something wrong with me.
What resolution display will you be using? That can certainly affect the video performance. The more pixels that need to be updated the more work the graphics adapter has to do.
Just offering up what is the most likely reason why it won’t ever be done by Anet is all.
Sorry, not worth arguing over to me. I really don’t care. Good luck with this.
Simply put, there are more pressing matters to attend to.
Hmm, fun is enjoying what you are doing…at least that’s my definition.
Well sorry, but I do do them because they are fun. I’m there, they happen, I do them. I don’t particularly find grinding is SW any more fun, just more frantic.
I don’t sense that people are necessarily against it. It’s just that most people in this thread are saying that it’s not really needed and extremely unlikely it will happen.
Also, where are these “so many people” that are asking for this? Not in this thread as far as I can tell, so where?
When HoT arrives and huge, sweeping changes are made to core aspects of the game that will make some of our alts unplayable, will we be able to get a gold refund for the gear that will now be useless?
The least ArenaNet should do is allow us to repick the stats of our gear. Just like people can do all the time with legendary items, and just like ArenaNet did when they removed magic find gear from the game.
They pretty much have no real reason to not do that.
If they don’t announce it, simply vote with your wallet. Don’t buy HoT or gems until ArenaNet implements it.
Why. It doesn’t look like they are invalidating any of the stats on the gear. So what would be the need for them to do that? As has been pointed out numerous times in this thread, the magic find change made those stats in the gear obsolete…that’s not happening here as far as we know so far.
Well, I for one, prefer the warning. I salvage lots of blues and greens but usually sell rares on the TP. Since there is no undo on salvaging, I would have accidently salvaged quite a few rares by now. If it is decided that the warning is to be removed, please also implement an undo option at the same time.
Well, all programs (of any significance at all) have bugs! Take that from a software developer that’s been in the business for 50 years now.
Saying that, I find this game to have no more bugs (actually less) than others I’ve played. These are complex programs with complex interactions…there will be bugs.
Reminds me of a plaque I once saw on a colleagues wall in his office. It went something like this:
“There’s no such thing as a bug free program. Just programs where the bugs haven’t been found yet.”
Lots of truth to that.
Hahaha, good one!
Why will alts become useless? Can you please explain?
Never seemed to me that 3 copper per salvage was all that much to worry about. Admittedly, I’ve not done the math to know how much more it is costing me. For me, it’s all about the convenience of never having to worry about running out of salvage kits again.
Meh, I’ll probably just wait for the open betas. Not a big fan of disappointment (which is likely to be my result).
Why not wait till we see it, or at least know more about before all the hand wringing? At this point, this is pretty much all just speculation.
I know you’re trying to be helpful, but “why not wait and see” is never helpful. We need to express our opinions, whatever they might be, at the earliest possible opportunity. The longer we wait, the longer it will take them to act upon those opinions. If we’re completely wrong here, if they already have a solution in mind, then no harm done, but if they were laboring under the delusion that they could remove currently unlocked skills from characters and not catch trouble for it, then we’re giving them fair notice in advance and they can get to work on the inevitable solution sooner rather than later.
It’s never of benefit to procrastinate.
If what you are doing wasn’t mostly just speculation I’d probably agree. But from what I can tell, that’s all it is at this point.
Why not wait till we see it, or at least know more about before all the hand wringing? At this point, this is pretty much all just speculation.
From what I’ve seen of screenshots, reading the UI at 4K can be a problem (the UI does not scale up at those higher resolutions).
I’ve never paid any attention to anything 3D…..pure marketing gimmick, IMO.
I play on a 4K 32" monitor and don’t have any problem with reading the UI (I have it set to max size).
I found the old dailies/monthlies system much more stressful than what we have now. If you don’t feel like logging in, don’t. It’s no big loss, next time you login you get the same reward at that time. With current system, you get rewarded for logging and playing the game on your schedule, not on some arbitrary calendar timing.
Also, the bogus URL that they are telling you to visit.