Showing Posts For cadmiumgreen.8712:
Okay… and what does any of that mean? Explain it to me like I’m 6.
It means if you’re male that not only were you born with all the typical male parts, you think of yourself as male and are attracted to women. Cis is your inner idea of your gender is the same as your physical sex characteristics, het is short for heterosexual.
I hope no kitten filters have been invoked by this post.
I always get this odd feeling when I’ve been friends with some one for a long while and think they’re male or female b/c they play those characters, only to find out they’re the opposite gender. It makes me think, oh gosh, have i said the wrong thing to them at some point. Then it creates this weird feeling as it’s shifted your perception of them. It’s just an uncomfortable feeling i get having talked to someone for a long while thinking they’re female, only to find out later they’re male, especially if you’ve discussed female related things.
To be fair, they probably understand when you make that mistake and probably don’t care that you did. Just make a mental note that Betsy McStabStab is actually a guy and move on.
This is driving me crazy, so I’m glad it’s not just me and may not even be an issue on my end.
No. But I also don’t identify with my characters or see them as an extension or representation of myself. They’re kind of like tools or like action figures to me. Like Curunen I also tend to go for nonhuman characters when given the chance.
There was this time years ago in WoW when some random person began hitting on me while I was playing a female tauren warrior. After staring at the proposition in disbelief for about 30 seconds I ignored that user. Your guess is as good as mine.
You really have problems understanding english.
The poor soul said he just wants to have fun in game because he has enough problems in RL, managing his company.
And what we’ve seen in this thread over and over is different people bring with them different ideas of fun, different expectations of those they group with, and different goals. Harper seems to like his games when treated as srsbsns. Not really anything fundamentally wrong with that or Astralporing just wanting to relax in game.
That might solve some of the problem ,but I’ve seen players in top gear still be kitten bad at the game and their classes
I’d be one of those players. I built a nice ascended Viper’s set, maxxed out my AR, and am waiting on a couple buy orders for runes to come in. It was a nice long term goal so my GM had someone who, while not a good player, could meet the minimum requirements of following directions and not being locked out due to agony resist. Now that it’s pretty much done though I’m in the awkward position of having a set that others probably don’t think I deserve to own. If nothing else, I’ve confused people with it.
I don’t mind DPS meters really; they’re useful tools for troubleshooting and progression. But I know I’m not suitable for the company of elite players because I’m an NFG player. They’d probably be ticked off at me for existing.
Get a bucket and train yourself bro.
Video games aren’t worth vomiting over.
I play GW2 from a portable HDD via USB3 cable when I travel. Never an issue since thru-put. So there’s that too
Hrmm, if it’s working fine for you I’ll grab a new USB3 thumb drive and try move GW2 to it this week to test it out. Worst case scenario it doesn’t work out but I have a new back up drive.
~lol!~ Nah, I didn’t mean put GW2 on a thumb drive, although you did make me smile there. I was more thinking of whether they could move off, say, a bunch of saved photographs (or even screenshots) and not a game. Photos take up a lot of space but are easily stored off the comp, right?
AHHAHAHAH, no. I have nothing like that. I’ve got a work partition that I will not sacrifice, and scratch disk I cannot sacrifice, and a small windows partition. At 50gb, if GW2 is not on a thumb drive there will be no GW2. Look on my photoshop files, ye mighty, and despair.
Maybe get an inexpensive external storage device and move a few things there??
How well does GW2 run from an external thumb drive? My windows partition is not getting any bigger, but external storage is cheap.
Of course, they can craft it…
I’m a garbage player and I managed a Vision Crystal without any drama. The mats can be gathered out of the special nodes in S3 maps and karma to buy the Obsidian comes from doing the map dailies. The soul shards to buy the Augur Stone came from just doing Daily Completionist. You’d have to have a profession, but I used guides to manage costs and maximize my laziness.
Charr necromancer in beserker gear- Caterpillars. Because it’s fuzzy and squishy!
GW2: More Cats for Your Home Instance
1) Improving racial skills and making a racial skill slot makes your choice of race feel more impactful and meaningful in general content as you can actually make use of your racial skills without sacrificing build performance.
The problem with doing this is race then becomes part of the meta, breaking what is, at least to me, an important part of ‘play your way’. The OP suggestion that race should affect stats and build has the same result. Instead of sacrificing performance by choosing a flavor skill over a class skill you sacrifice performance by picking the wrong race for the class and content. That’s the ‘impactful and meaningful’ choice that this will create- pick the meta race for the class and content rather than the one that appeals to you the most.
And let’s face it, if you’re in a situation where you’re chafing because you can’t pick the flavor skill because you’ll sacrifice performance you’re probably in a situation where you’ll chafe because playing the race you want sacrifices performance.
Also, imagine the drama over, “I got kicked from my (content) group because I wouldn’t make a (race) to play (niche) (class)! Fix it ANET!”
12. Experience data loss, resetting progress back to step 7, thus undoing all the hard parts I just did
13. Experience crushing demoralization and wallow in sadness for days while numerous people try to help recover work. This is why you should never save your docs locally and nowhere else.
14. Acceptance of lost data and thorough avoidance of redoing work while advancing through stages of grief
Data loss sucks, and I don’t know your infosec/IA plan, but do you guys not do nightly offsite backups or was there a backup failure? O_O I mean, I can see full revolt in the art department if a server failed and several days of paintings were lost in the mist. They’d come for your CIO armed with styluses and cintiqs, thirsty for blood, demanding revisions to your BC/DRP.
Sale Ending Soon:
Ghostly Outfit: 700 gems
Jack-in-the-Box Scythe: 1000 gems
Home Instance Node Pack: 2800 gems (includes cloth, leather, harvesting, lumber, and ore home instance nodes)
Available for 2 days only:
Bloody Prince’s Outfit: 700 gems
Available for 3 days only:
Shield of the Goddess: 600 gems
Raiment of the Lich: 700 gems
Furrocious Cat Ears: 400 gems
All this fish mini tells me is that ANet is running out of ideas and has terrible resource management.
Isn’kitten preexisting model with preexisting animations used for an ambient creature that they’re charging $5 USD for? That’s actually pretty good resource management.
I caught the kitten filter for typing ’isn’t (space) it (space) a’. All hail the forum kitten!
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
How does everyone know I crossdress?
Because whether we are male or female, in Guild Wars 2 we all get to be pretty princesses that trounce eldritch abominations that threaten all of existence while wearing fashionable evening dresses and angel wings.
Let’s make it do the same in this video then . As an FYI Mudskippers can breathe outside of water, some hop, some flop, all gasp for air like a fish out of water, even though they’re grouped as a fish they’re considered terresital not aquatic, just saying :\
See, the thing is the other name for the Krytan Floppy Fish is the Lungtuna. While most of us think of tunas and jacks as a strictly oceanic fish, the Lungtuna is a freshwater species that developed the ability to use its swim bladder as a gas exchange organ in addition to providing buoyancy in order to survive dry seasons and dam failures. Thanks to this spectacular adaptation the Lungtuna is the most widespread freshwater fish in Tyria as it also allows them to flop from water body to water body in much the same way walking catfish and snakeheads do, albeit in a more comedic fashion. You think the migrations of wildebeest and zebra in the Serengeti is impressive? Then you have yet to witness the wonder and majesty of a school of magnificent Lungtunas flopping their way across the Crystal Desert! I’m sure the BBC has footage of it with David Attenborough narrating.
I think it’s hilarious, so I guess I have no pity for pixels. I’m sorry you had a negative reaction to it Flesh Wound.
As far as nobody comparing it to raids, you’re wrong. See quoted post below.
I said the difficulty leads me to believe the encounter is aimed more at a raider audience than at a casual one, not that this is a raid or of raid difficulty. As in one that is more skilled, more knowledgeable, and likely better geared. One that may also be more interested in doing the story as a group and fighting through bugginess.
Mordremoth barely does any damage to you as a glass cannon.
I wasn’t talking about the damage Mordremoth did to me. He actually did plenty when he hit me or I mistakenly stood in the bad. I was talking about the damage I did to him- I hardly touched him during the entire fight. The NPC’s could have handled it while I just ran circles kiting the adds… which is more or less what happened.
Aside from the bugs and poor design choices, Hearts and Minds seems to represent a disconnect between the audience that the content is designed for and the difficulty level. Who was your audience for this? Seems like it was made for raiders despite your story generally being billed as casual solo content designed for all players.
I did this as a zerker necro knowing that it’s intended for sturdier characters and expected to die a lot. I was expecting to die because I can’t face tank for long, there’s only so many times you can dodge, and because you’re supposed to have an elite spec, not because I kept getting dropped clear out of the air into AoE because of broken updrafts. In the end the boss fell over of his own accord, seemingly without needing my help to die. What happened, salad-dragon?
Paypal, yo. Easy to log into when you want gems, but it doesn’t save the data, so you still have to authenticate.
The billing info and email are still saved in the client unless you go back and save over it with fake info by going halfway through the purchase process though. Yes you still need to authenticate, but your information is still hanging out visible to anyone with access to your client. The email address isn’t even obscured.
So a checkbox for remembering the info and a delete info button is still useful for Paypal users.
I think another major issue is that there’s no easy way to clear our payment information from the GW2 client. As near as I can tell you can either enter fake information and save it over your real info or ticket CS to get it removed. I get that there is a trade off between convenience and security, and easily saving info but making it difficult to remove keeps that information there to grease impulse buys. But this is a game, and there’s a RMT business out there that hacks accounts. There really needs to be a delete payment information button.
We need adorably tiny ram horns that curl around the ears too. Just because. These are probably so close to the skull they’ll interfere with getting a helmet on though.
I’m getting disconnects about every 30ish seconds in LA and Queensdale. Just enough to try to reach the daily mini dungeon and alllmoooost make it before getting kicked back to character select.
I’ve got everything but armorsmithing and scribe maxxed out, but declaring an all or nothing on having them all maxxed means you like it and not having them maxxed means you hate it doesn’t reflect reality. I’m eh on crafting and don’t mind doing it, but I don’t have a plate wearing character so I haven’t bothered with the time/material investment. Scribe is also a large investment to level from what I understand. Like or dislike of crafting may have very little to do with whether or not players bother with it if there are other areas they’d rather invest the gold into.
Why in the world is the Wings of Love glider skin not also a backpack? There are three other variations of it which are both, including a brightly colored parrot version. In a game where we fight eldritch abominations in kittentail dresses vomiting out snowflakes and followed by miniature people I’m pretty sure a pair of pink and white hawk wings is not too silly.
Edit: ‘Kittentail’ Perhaps ‘evening dress’ will not end up kittenified.
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
In the end, they play the way they like and unlike WoW players, they do not feel entitled to “Purple” gear. In WoW, they had to make entry level tourist raid mode after a lot of the player base cried because they couldn’t get their epic gear. Less likely to happen here.
How about some context for this passage here:
In the expansion the ‘entitled’ got their ‘tourist raids’ you could purchase a near full set of purples, including tier, from points gained by killing bosses in both raids and five man dungeons. At exalted reputation vendors would sell you purples for a handful of gold. You got the rep mostly by running those dungeons that gave you points for the other vendors. These purples were the same level as those dropped in the launch raids.
That was launch. The first patch featured a two five man remakes of old raids which used to require 10-20 players. Purples dropped from every boss, though they were 6 ilvls lower than what was in the current raids. These dungeons were slightly difficult, but still casual content.
The final patch of the expansion is the one that brought raid finder. This same patch also brought three cakewalk five man dungeons that were mostly about story and looking pretty. They dropped purples of the same level as the second raid tier of the expansion.
There are a lot of reasons why WoW would introduce raid finder. Like trying to get more than about 10%-15% of their population to do the content that dominated post-launch development. But because the unworthy were selfishly crying to the devs about how entitled they were to purples is probably really low on that list. Purples were plentiful from other sources.
I also got Lake Doric map completion earlier this year. I figured it was a world completion requirement that had been removed and for whatever reason was lingering as a ghost achievement/requirement.
Cold weather? What’s that — oh, like under 70 degrees, right. (I live in Arizona)
Come shovel my snow. In return I’ll give you 5 achievement points, a core Tyria mastery point, and a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows. This will be the next part of Living World Season 3.
Friday began midnight though, but I suppose maybe Americans are too lazy to get up that early :p
We’re still recovering from our turkey comas.
I want this thing. I can’t use a shield on my necro and I don’t have or want HoT, but I want this thing. This glorious, glorious thing.
My character is a charr, you know this means nothing will get done. I’m just going to try to drink all the water out of the shield to get to the meaty quaggan center.
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
Only if it’s the tiniest pony, and if charr and norn have to carry it instead of getting to ride it.
Sorry, but aren’t you both right here? In that Wow has many mounts that require grinding to receive, but some are given away for free?
My silly beef, due to mount collection trauma, was that the poster I was originally replying to seemed to suggest that mounts come grind free in WoW. Your first basic race pony? 1 gold at a vendor. You want TLPD? Your life will likely be boredom and suffering as you camp the floppy, yellow dragon. It’s not unlike what GW2 offers you: A chance at a skin from your the key you get from your level 10 story line. Simple, easy, fast. Nevermore? Prepare to grind.
Objection to your objection. Since you haven’t played WoW in awhile, I’ll update you. Upon logging into the game as a new player, you receive a shadow horse… which already disproves your point. There’s quite literally a plethora of various ways to earn mounts in WoW nowadays. Achievements, PvP, the in-game store, tournaments, quests, and heck, you can even craft some mounts. So, essentially, the guy above you was right. You earn mounts by playing the main story and completing your choice of any of the listed items above.
Here’s a list of all the mounts and my source:
Your list of mounts is a list of all mounts, not a list of mounts by how they are obtained. It also includes mounts that are no longer obtainable (Gladiator mounts, launch swift mounts, AQ event mount).
I haven’t played the current expansion due to vomit cam, but I had 285 mounts before WoD launched. Obtaining mounts has not significantly changed. But since you seem to be talking about boosted characters, let’s address that. Upon boost you receive a swift faction flying mount (200g, never required reputation). I think you also get a swift ground mount for your race (10g, not rep required), which would be where you got your ‘shadow horse’ from- boosting an undead character. If you play Hearthstone you may have the Hearthsteed from winning 3 games against other players (free, and not from questing or story). First login if you only bought the base game or are using a starter account gives you bupkis, as you start as level 1 and can’t ride until level 20 unless you’re using the heirloom chopper or the Riding Turtle.
Even if everyone received a ‘shadow horse’ when they create a new account, this does not change the fact that obtaining most mounts in WoW requires exalted reputation, currency, and RNG… or I guess you can make a DK of every race and and level it out of the starting zone to buy every race’s basic and swift mounts. The plethora you claim is limited and pretty much always has been: occasional quest rewards (vanilla class mounts, cloud serpents, garrison, sea horse from Vash’jir, upcoming order hall?), open purchase, purchased at exalted reputation, RNG drop, RNG spawn, PvP grind. Crafted mounts has been expensive and a grind since their introduction (Looking at you, Sandstone Drake). On top of that I guess you could include the cash shop, eBay, and Black Market Auction house if you want to include real money ways of obtaining mounts or paying gold cap.
Keep in mind open purchases can also be a grind: 16k passenger mammoth from Wrath, 150k passenger yak from Mists, 50k basic hippo from WoD, 2million spider from Leg. Even DMF open purchases are a grind- 500 fish or however many tickets from the bear and tallstrider (150? I don’t remember). The tournament mounts are 500g plus something like 5 tokens, 100 tokens, and 150 tokens. Tokens have to be ground from daily quests (14 a day once all quests are unlocked, I think, maybe 3 from the instance), and the mounts require exalted reputation on top of quest progress and god forbid you changed faction at any point since doing any of the quests because you are kittened.
I also expect the new class mounts to require several weeks of order hall questing combined with raiding and mythic dungeons to obtain, and probably a bunch of expensive mats too if they’re going to echo to original class mount quests.
Edit: Actually, I really shouldn’t include RNG spawn as a ‘common’ mount source in WoW. I admit to being particularly bitter about it after camping Aeonaxx. It’s pretty bad game design when obtaining something means sitting at one point for hundreds of hours tabbed out waiting for NPC scan to go off.
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
Games like WoW and FF14 have grinds yes but not all their rewards require heavy grinds in fact you can get mounts and mini pets just for playing the main story through.
Objection, your honor. Mounts in WoW are primarily given out through reputations and RNG. Nearly anything outside of the limited selection immediately available to your race or faction requires a reputation ground to exalted (usually daily quest or strait up mob grind) plus a currency cost which may also require grinding, grinding a boss until RNG submits at droprates of less than 1%, or waiting at a spawn point until RNG decides it’ll spawn TLPD instead of Vyragosa and hoping you’re first to the target. The lion’s share of minipets are obtained through pokemon, which is a grind.
You could equate the mounts and minipets you get through story or leveling in WoW to the basic skins you get as common drops or from basic profession patterns in GW2. Very limited in number, scope, and look.
I collected mounts until WoD bored me out of WoW. I know the grind. I know it intimately. The end result wasn’t pride or joy, it was relief that the stupid thing finally dropped or when I no longer had to grind reputation.
A Trick or Treat Bag is millions of times more useful than a Trading Post Express or Bank Access item.
Doesn’t the ToT bag replace the booster, not the ‘convenience’ item?
Impossible to keep it out of the game but it’ll blow over as usual. Though tonight its probably time to mute WvW teamchat again for a week or two.
I think I’ll just mute all chat for a while. I pretty much play GW2 like a single player game already so it won’t be all that different for me. It’s going to be rough for the social and role players, or anyone who enjoys friendly map banter.
I agree with the people who point out that always getting a seasonal bag from the chest is a let down. Seasonal bags rain from the sky. Seasonal bags can be pulled from moa entrails. Why would I see one in a gamble box as anything other than a lost chance at something not so easily obtained?
This is probably the wrong place to ask, but Bloodstone Glider for backpack skin please.
It also let me buy one without the expansion.
Edit: There’s no lock in the store for players without the expansion on this item. I went through with the purchase without notice. The glider was delivered, and I was allowed to add it to my wardrobe. I think I’ve seen gliders available to me in the past, but I went through with it this time half believing that at some point the game would stop me.
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
(My “Tyria” wouldn’t be caught dead with bunny ears.)
A long time ago my father took me to see an exhibit on MASH at the Smithsonian. There on display was the most ludicrous dress I had laid eyes on at that tender age and I asked my father just what kind of woman wears that kind of dress. He replied, “A woman with a very hairy chest.” Later I learned that he meant Max Klinger. But today I learned that he might as well have meant charr.
Obviously the paper bag has a deep history steeped in esoteric symbolism with the charr. If anything is sacred to them it the paper bag (and the cardboard box). To don the paper bag and bear the smilie face visage into battle is an honor and privilege that can only be bestowed by those acknowledged by the Tribunes. That they would share their stash of paper bags with the rest of the races of Tyria can only been seen as a sign of great respect.
Until you hear them beating up those bags in the dead of night at least.
(edited by cadmiumgreen.8712)
Like when I try to type ‘dwarves’ and it auto corrects to ‘dwarfs’.