Showing Posts For calankh.3248:

Devaluation of mini carlotta and prince thorn

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


I don’t really care about the candy corn I lost with Carlotta, but I would like the three gemstore minis back or the gems. I only bought one pack and transformed them to make the spider. It makes me sad that if I’d have waited I could have one this year pretty cheap.

I don’t mind other people have access to it, it’s a cool mini. But I wouldn’t have transmuted them if I’d known it was going to be accessible this year.

Infinite Gathering Tools: Some Info for you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calankh.3248


This was the release page for the molten mining pick:

nothing about the last pick you’ll need to buy that I can see.

WvW - Three Likes & Three Hates

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


coordinating with other players – I keep trying to come up with others but they all fall into this category. the draw of WvW is strategizing with other players.

almost-perma-stealth thieves that 5-6 opponents can’t kill
weeks when one server is steamrolling
flame ram trolls

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


I greatly prefer horizontal to vertical progression. However, I’d like to ask that you keep in mind that it’s very easy to make a horizontal system too complicated, especially with regards to skills. I started playing Guild Wars 1 about 5 years after it came out. Bought the combo pack that had all the expansions at once. There were WAY too many skills. I never got to the point where I could create my own build without consulting a guide website.

I don’t think GW2 is too complicated on the skill front right now. Having skills tied to weapons helps with that and greatly simplifies that aspect of things. The part of GW2 that mirrors the complexity of GW1’s skill system is the trait system. I can set up a trait build on my own at this point, but if you add many more it will become very difficult, especially for new players.

I do think there are things you can add to mitigate that. Highlight or otherwise ‘suggest’ traits that help weapons or utilities a character has equipped. Once a trait is selected, highlight other traits that synergize with that trait. This can be as simple as showing highlighted traits in a different color on the dropdown box and putting a colored border around their trait slot hexagon to indicate that’s there, or as complicated as adding a line to the tooltip that says ‘this trait synergizes with x that you currently have equipped/active’.

Just to repeat, I greatly prefer horizontal progression in whatever form, and I would prefer a complicated skill system to a vertical progression system of any form. But I’ve seen adding horizontal skills mentioned a few times and wanted to toss my two cents in. Personally I’m very motivated by minis (thrilled with my yak from wvw season 1), and while I like skins I would much prefer more skins like the zenith ones, where I can use as many copies of them as I want. As it stands I have most of my LS skins stashed in my bank because I don’t know for absolute certain which character I want them on…so for fear of having them on the wrong character they sit in my bank.

Wait What?

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


I’m in favor of this change, but I got really sick of being steamrolled during season 1. Until Anet can figure out how to convince people to spread more evenly across servers this seems like the best solution. By providing steamrolling opportunities they would just encourage people to bunch up on the winning servers.

Santa Gnashblade offering 40% off Gem Store!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


The news announcement directly contradicts the patch notes:

“My promotions manager would like me to clarify that this is a one-for-one basis. If you send the same gift to three friends at once, your next three personal purchases of that item will be discounted by 40%.”

I’m not sure what Anet’s definition of ‘any quantity’ is, but it seems to be different from mine. Very confusing.

I have no interest in black lion keys, but I was planning on gifting a mini pack and then getting two for myself so I could make the yak as well. I was iffy on it but with the discount would have gotten it. Oh well.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


Sure. Rewards were what I expected. As long as there’s a neat mini involved I’d probably do them.

Charr T2 Light armor has no shoulders?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


Just bought my charr elementalist the T2 cultural armor….and there is absolutely no difference between having the shoulder armor visible or hidden. Is this a bug or intended? I know it’s just a gold but it kind of irks me. She looks unfinished.

Tixx’s Toybox Is this a bad joke ?

in Living World

Posted by: calankh.3248


They specifically stated last year that they were coming back. Which is why I did not buy them in the gem store.

December gem rewards question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calankh.3248


This could be avoided by announcing these kinds of promotions a week in advance. Most stores put out sales fliers in that kind of timeframe.

Also I’d like to respectfully disagree with you on the “you won’t get that at your local retailer” comment, Gaile. If I buy a product at a store, and open it that day, then the next day it goes on sale, I have three options. One I live with it. Two, many stores have ‘price guarantee’ where they will credit you the difference between the sale and regular price if you bought it within X days of the sale (usually a week to a month, I believe, but this is something that is set in advance and you agree to with the purchase, etc). Three, if the store does not offer such a service, I return to the store, buy another copy of the item at sale price, and then return it using the first receipt. I believe it is this last practice that spurred stores to offer price matching, as it cuts down on the work for them (one visit to customer service vs someone having to check you out, then the cs visit, then restocking).

I think it would be nice if ArenaNet considered a ‘bonus offer’ guarantee window for future purchases. The issue with this particular promotion is that a LOT of people are going to be put out by the two days of black friday sales which took place right before the promotion started. If it were just regular sales, you would have far fewer unhappy customers, but the fact that there were sales actively encouraging gem purchases increases that pool by a bit.

I bought gems both before and after the deadline during the black friday event, so while I’d like them to count, realistically it doesn’t matter much for me. It’s just the principle of the thing.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


I don’t think commander spamming is a big concern, assuming we’d still have the individual ability to ignore them. If someone decides to troll, everyone ignores them and then they can’t lead at all anymore. I suspect most servers already have commanders for whom this is done, I know mine does.

I don’t want more channels to have to keep track of in chat. map chat and team chat are already pretty redundant. If you could add a voice chat functionality, that would be useful, but I realize also probably very difficult.

I do think some tutorial for squad functions, for both members and commanders, would be useful. A WvW version of the PvP tutorial, maybe? Could cover commander stuff as well as supply, siege, etc.

Suggestion - Giveaway for Gem purchases

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


I admit, I would appreciate this. It’s not necessary but would be a nice gesture to include all gems bought for the black friday sales. On the other hand, people who bought gems those days benefited from the sales, so….might be a wash.

(full disclosure—I purchased gems for the salvage o matic on saturday and again today for a bank tab. so I’m set on getting the backpack, iffy on getting the mini)

I am curious if this is going to be a regular thing. I enjoyed getting the dragonbash minis and kite for buying gems. Nice little perk for spending cash instead of converting from gold.

Connecting the dots DO NOT TOUCH towers.

in Lore

Posted by: calankh.3248


Alright, I get why there aren’t any in the complete map in starter areas. Why none in Fireheart Rise, though? Assuming the second map is actually complete.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


I don’t know this would help. There was clearly a lot of gaming of points right before this season started, so that some servers (FA, I’m looking at you) would drop a ranking so they could faceroll people instead of being stomped themselves. I think a preseason would just extend this period, and it has nothing to do with population.

I think the whole league system isn’t working; they need to do something else.

wintersday gathering tools?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: calankh.3248


I’m excited about the permanent gathering tools being account bound finally. I’d like to get a set, but I’m not wild about the halloween themed ones currently available. Any speculation (or dare I hope, dev confirmation) on winter themed gathering tools? Or really any theme that’s not spooky/creepy, that jack in the box really freaks me out.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


Regarding some in game mechanism for players to catch up with missed Living Story releases, could you use something like the PvP system’s observer mode? Stick a new NPC in Lion’s Arch. This character would be a ‘hero’ in the vein of player characters—they have been participating in the LS elements all along, and boy are they full of themselves. Really love boasting and telling stories. However, instead of a wall of text to read about each encounter, how about some combination of relevant cut scenes and observer mode views of events? The cut scenes can provide background just as they did for the story when it was live in game, and the observer mode gives the player watching a taste of what happened. (possibly while throwing in flavor text—Marjory could NEVER have found the Aetherblade Retreat without me!)

Obviously not all the older LS events would be able to be repeated this way (and I don’t want to repeat the Karka Queen, in all honesty), but things like Canach’s lair and such should be pretty easy to record bits of a run through.

All of this would be framed as the recollection of an NPC, so I think that would fit in pretty seamlessly. And whatever point in the LS you decide you can do this, that’s the time the NPC started ‘playing’. It would probably get unwieldy to have one player recount all stories eventually anyway, so one of the ways to incorporate this could be to co-opt the patrons of one of those bars in LA, give each a few stories to tell.

(edited by calankh.3248)

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


Well one way to adress server transfers without interfering with the rest of the game (like forbidding transfer to high population servers, which might be something bad in some rare cases) would be to make it FREE to transfer AWAY from overpopulated WvW servers (maybe only to low populated WvW servers). This would allow people that are stuck on servers with long queues (that don’t transfer because of the cost) help in a big way. Also let guild leaders take their guild (with all upgrades!) to another server because most active WvW players are part of a WvW guild and this would allow guilds from overpopulated servers to transfer the whole guild for free and without any drawbacks to low populated WvW servers!

This would allow players and guilds to leave overpopulated servers without loosing anything.. and there are no major drawbacks (at least none that I can think of) for any player…

Making the transfer free would also allow to forbid transfers to that servers! Let’s say a player (in most cases a PvE player I guess) wants to join that server for the only reason that some friends are playing on that server. If transfer is forbidden he obviously can’t do that but his friends can change severs for free! So they still have the possibility to play with each other and if you implement guild transfers they can also take the guild that they made with them!

I like your idea but how would you define a what a low-populated server and a high-populated server is? Base on rank? Where do you draw the line? What about mid ranked servers?

-truncated for space

As the issue at hand is WvW population, not rank, I think a logical definition of ‘high’ server here would be queue length. I don’t know where the threshold would need to be, but that’s arguing details. Maybe based on peak queue for the past X days or something, any server with an average peak queue above Y minutes can’t be transferred to and is free to transfer off of.

I would agree with the sentiments that the only purpose of server ‘identity’ is WvW. PvP is not server specific and PvE has guesting.

In the vein of spitballing ideas which may or may not be good: Was just discussing with a friend the ideas regarding adjusting score based on population. I’m unconvinced it gets at the root issue, but here was our logic train: Make ppt based on population ratio. So set up scoring something like (raw ppt) * (fudge factor) * (enemy players/friendly players) , per tick if possible. So if the player numbers were 60v50v20, server 1’s player scaling is 1.17, 2’s is 1.6, and 3’s is 5.5.

Ideally what this is intended to do is to make number of quality players matter more than just flat zerg size. And possibly punish winning by zerging a bit, though I don’t know if that’s a goal.

I have no idea if something like that’s even codable with the current system, but there is clearly a way to kitten how many players are on the map in order to send people into the queue, so maybe it could query that.

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


I’m slowly coming around to the opinion that it’s less a server population issue and more a timezone coverage issue.

I’m on Maguuma. While we got 2nd the first week, we’re most likely going to lose every other week this season. Which is fine. I don’t really care where we place, I just care that WvW is fun when I play. Last night in EBG was a blast. We had enough people, could hang onto our (upgraded) section of the map, and even took stonemist a couple times. To do this we had basically no presence in any borderland. Some karma trains I think, but we weren’t holding anything.

When I got up this morning, we owned 2 camps. total. If this week follows last week’s pattern, we’re never going to be able to hold anything for a decent length of time again. We’re behind because other servers are camping in our keeps and fortifying them. So while Sunday play is fun, the rest of the week is kind of a loss.

If there were something that could be done to negate or lessen the advantage gained by overnight caps, I think that would go a long way toward evening things out. Maybe a daily reset of ownership for all areas before primetime? So the maps revert to the initial layout they have when the week started, but daily instead of weekly (without the score resetting daily.)

Even if my supposition about coverage isn’t correct, I think this would make things more interesting for the servers who are doing the blowing out, as they’d have things to capture at least once a day.

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


I think this would be a fantastic and fresh change for season 2:

Where instead of 3 servers fightin the servers are split by 3 colours and fight each other with WvW guesting allowed to servers within your colour.

This seems a bit complex but I think it would really help address the fundamental issue, which is people clumping on certain servers. If suggestions to penalize large population servers are non-starters, you need a way to get people to move to lower population servers, and this would let that happen in a way not even free transfers off high tier servers would.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


1. skill/build variety
2. friendliness to casual players
3. event enjoyment (how to make things challenging but still fun)

these aren’t in any particular order. I actually think the last one is what would benefit most from some collaborative brainstorming.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: calankh.3248


1. server imbalances (population/timezones)
2. zerg v zerg
3. rewards for defending

"Key Maker" Daily Meta Achievement Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


Bugged for me as well. I was in lion’s arch.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: calankh.3248


Tab Targeting Improvements

  • Now prioritizes Champs/Legendary, then players/clones, then everything else
  • Deselecting your target now resets tab selection history (aka, you’ll start tabbing through from the beginning if you deselect)
  • Can now tab target if your character can see the target (Was dependent on camera before)

Any chance this can prioritize actively hostile (red text) enemies over non-hostile (yellow or white text) creatures? My character always seems to want to kill the wildlife that’s not attacking rather than the stuff that is.

Issues with creating characters?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calankh.3248


also having this issue. Decided to reroll a character and now can’t complete the process. Not cool.

Scarlet now afflicted by kill credit bug

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: calankh.3248


Yep, just had this happen. I got credit, achievement, and reward for killing scarlet, my friend got nothing. We got to her at the same time, and he was definitely hitting her. He’s pretty kitten ed, I hope this gets fixed soon.

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


While on the subject of what’s being worked on, are there any plans to even out matches? My server (Maguuma) is getting stomped most weeks, I think there have been 3 or 4 weeks since the matching change that haven’t been complete blowouts (where the top team has more than twice the points we do). All these changes sound interesting, but if WvW isn’t fun, I’m not going to see them because I’m going to do something that is.

Forgot old password

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calankh.3248


I’m not seeing anywhere that I can see my characters. Can you log in to the game client on the old computer, or did you uninstall?

My suspicion is you are going to have to submit a support ticket to reset the password, as long as you have proof of account ownership (serial code, etc) they should be able to take care of you.

Hint Completion achievement broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


Sadly I have no open character slots and no characters I’m willing to delete on the chance it would work. Though I’m pretty sure I only went through the pvp intro with my first character, I don’t think I had the option to do it with more.

If anyone does have a spare character slot and feels like testing it for me, I’d love to hear if it works. If it does I’ll find someone to remake, I guess.

Hint Completion achievement broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


the handy new achievement panel pulled this one to the top of my pile as ‘almost completed’. it seems I need to get the F player kill hint (finishing opponents). however I already went through the mists tutorial and I can’t figure out how to access it again. Is there anywhere else for this hint to pop up? I don’t play pvp but I have gotten the finisher dialogue in wvw. Would playing a pvp match (and having someone be downed) make this hint pop?

How long will the Bazaar last?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: calankh.3248


No really, why does it not say in the patch notes how long the temporary content (and achievements) will be around for?

I’m going on vacation in the middle of July. If the content is around for a month, I should have time to do it. If it’s only here for 2 weeks, I will not have a chance at all. I would like to know if I should spend time trying to do the esoteric stuff for the meta achievement or just play as usual.

How long will the Bazaar last?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: calankh.3248


Haven’t been able to find this anywhere. How long will the Bazaar stuff stick around? And when will we see the promised shift toward less temporary content?

edit: please do link to your source.

(edited by calankh.3248)

Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: calankh.3248


Just wanted to add my support for this never ever happening again. Apparently it’s not enough for the server that’s currently mopping the floor with the other two of us in our match to have more than twice each of our points. No, they have to camp the JP so we can’t get this achievement either.

Seriously, don’t every mix PvP and the story again. It’s awful.

Aetherblade Retreat: an alarming trend

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: calankh.3248


Thank you OP. I am one of the casual players you mention, and I couldn’t have put it better myself. Just to emphasis: Hard, temporary, and story related. Next time please pick 2 of the 3, Anet. I attempted to do this with a pug and we did ok until the 3rd stage of the midboss. Tried it several times and wiped every time. If I had a couple months to keep giving it a shot over the weekend, I could probably get to the point of being able to do it with a guild group. As is, I have no chance.

Ask me questions about the Basics of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


why should I play WvW when my server keeps getting tossed into matches where it is completely outclassed?

Living Story IMO Isn't Good for GW2

in Living World

Posted by: calankh.3248


I’m getting frustrated as well. I’m a casual player, and it feels like if I take just a week off I will miss significant content now. Especially with this new two week release schedule.

Where to find Ascalon Aetherblades?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: calankh.3248


well this is depressing. I somehow thought we had the whole month for these achievements. I can’t do the dungeon, so was hoping I could find all the caches and kill enough aetherblades in the open world to get the meta-achievement. If this is bugged that’s really not going to be possible :/

Content available for a limited time

in Living World

Posted by: calankh.3248


As I have been seeing the dev posts promising they are taking into account user requests for more permanent content, I have been reassured. Today’s announcements have blown all of that away. Instead of less temporary content, we have 2 week releases now? With account bound permanent bonuses (tied to both story and number of achievement points)! In the middle of summer while people are going on vacations.

This game seems to become less and less friendly toward casual players with each update. I feel like I have to play more to just stand still and that’s not fun at all.

Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


Just wanted to update. I just used a total makeover kit on my sylvari and I lost my glow. It shows in the equipment pane and in PvP, but not in PvE. I have attached a screenshot of my sylvari in lions arch, you can see the glow highlights in my hair and eyebrow in the equipment panel but not in the world.

Really hope they fix this soon. If there’s any info I can collect that will help figure out where the bug is, please let me know!


Moa Racing not paying consistently

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


I have been playing moa racing with a guildie this morning. We both bet on the same bird. Three times now, one will get winnings and the other gets nothing (no medal, even). We’re both standing next to Tigg, haven’t moved anywhere. It seems to happen in about 1 of 4 races, in all the others we get the same reward for betting on the same bird.

Is anyone else experiencing this? It’s very frustrating.

free dragon bash mini pack

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: calankh.3248


Shouldn’t be surprised by people being upset about a gift, but I’m happy for my minis. I’ve not bought a ton of gems, and I just wanted to say I appreciate that they are including everyone in the giveaway.

As a side note because somehow this has people complaining about RNG stuff—no one’s forcing you to do anything. I don’t like them, so I don’t buy them. Saying they’re forced on you is like saying they’re forcing town clothes on you, it just makes you sound silly. They’re an option for you to purchase, if you don’t like them, don’t get them.

Dragon Bash Mini Pack not available

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


“The Dragon Bash Mini Pack is now available in the Minis category of the Gem Store for 500 gems. The Dragon Bash Mini Pack contains three exclusive holographic minis to commemorate the Dragon Bash festival. If you place all three minis from the Dragon Bash Mini Pack in the Mystic Forge along with the Mini Holographic Risen Knight (which can be obtained from either Rich Dragon Coffers or Dragon Coffers), you will receive a Mini Holographic Colossus.”

This mini pack is not currently available.


Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


So if I have a glow now, and use a total makeover kit, my glow will probably stay? I can’t quite tell if this is an issue only with for kits that were used months ago, or if it’s still a current one.

GW2 on sale, but not for current players

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


By that logic, why are they adding new items to the gem store? That caters to current players. From Arenanet’s perspective, it doesn’t matter if I buy with gems or gold, someone still has to pay $ for the gems. I’m not asking for anything for free, merely for the current price rather than the 7 months ago price.

I maintain this would be a logical thing to offer.

GW2 on sale, but not for current players

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


I think it’s great that the game is on sale through the Arenanet website again. However, I do think it excludes current players. A new player getting the deluxe edition during the sale is only paying $15 more than the regular edition. If I want to upgrade now, I have to pay 2000 gems or $25. Well, more, because I can only buy gems in $10 increments. Would love to see the upgrade go on sale in BLTC again, please.

Molten Pickaxe soulbound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


I was interested in this item until I saw it was soulbound. I switch characters a lot (variety is nice!) and since this is soulbound the item is useless to me.

Sorry to hear to you got stuck like this, seems like they should be able to do something.

Armorsmithing: "Darksteel Gaunlet Plates"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


just noticed this today while crafting. it’s still misspelled.

Down the Hatch BROKEN (Personal Story, Whispers mission)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


I did this with a friend a few days ago. Worked fine for us. Though I think people might be getting stuck on the mission end—you just run out of the instance area to end it. At least, that worked for us.

Binding 'dodge-jump' on programmable mouse?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: calankh.3248


I was trying to practice this after it was mentioned, and got it to work maybe twice while jumping around lions arch. Hitting them at the same time, rolling my thumb up from space to v, hitting one then the other…didn’t matter, mostly I just jumped, no dodging.

just logged back in to test again, and got it to work a bit better hitting the buttons at the same time. It seems like unless I push down on V fairly hard, it doesn’t actually trigger the dodge. Practice helps, I guess, but I do wish it was more forgiving.

"D3 AH bad for game" What about BLT?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


The ‘goals’ for each game are very different. D3’s items are unique, each randomly rolled. So when you play, you’re primarily looking for new and better stat combinations. GW2’s items all have identical stats (at a given level) in set combinations. You’re playing for how they look, or to explore new content, not to try to improve your gear. So a way to buy gear is going to affect the games differently because they are fundamentally set up differently.

Plus, GW2 is just better. I was bored in D3 within a month, and then I hit the gearcheck level of progression, so I stopped playing. My issue with GW2 is generally more of ‘well I want to do x, but also level y, and what about trying builds q and r for character z?’

Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: calankh.3248


Ew. Alright, I’ll hold off on using it yet then. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.