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Something’s wrong with Livia’s hair. Here’s an album with picture how it looks in the kit and how it looks ingame. Also standing next to other characters with the same hair color but different hair for comparison.
I was really hoping for a sword and dagger.
I played 3-5h raids a day last week and I keep seeing this happen to other people and me. This is the only screenshot I managed to quickly take since you don’t really have time to slack during a raid but it’s really frustrating on top of battling the rng in general.
Wide rim glasses
The school outfit town clothes that were never released.
Various swim suits that you already have on Southsun tourist NPCs that make me extremely jealous when I see.
[Spoilers] Story thoughts after completing it
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: iriyabran.6218
As your average player with no experience in writing what I can say is that it was great, had good pace and was well compressed up until the last quest.
I felt like the ending happens fast and suddenly. I spoke to a few random players and they too thought there was lack of build up to the ending. The final story itself is great but it felt isolated.
I still have not seen the Dragon’s Stand open would meta and I had no idea that that’s supposed to be the epic physical fight that’s happening while I’m breaking Mord’s mind from inside.
^I read this somewhere on the forums so I’m not sure if it’s just speculation or official so correct me if it’s wrong but if it is official it did not convey that to me and a few story steps with guiding purpose and explanation about the meta event could’ve acted as a build up.
P.S. Cutscenes are love and rewards were cool.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Instead of delayed burst skill why not rework Shatterstone into pulsing AoE. Something like Smite on guardian scepter or Lava Font. Applying damage and vulnerability on every “pulse”. At least that way you could land some damage.. Also shorter delay on Dragon’s Tooth?
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Does anyone ever get hit by Shatterstone?? or tooth for that matter. If you get hit you must have fallen asleep.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Why does Anet always go so drastic with nerfs. It’s FGS nerf all over again. Just fixing the trail stacking could’ve done it but they had to do 70% dmg nerf too. Now Ice Bow – just nerf the dmg what’s with the targed nerf?
Dam take a nap. Why not just nerf the dmg to enemies and add a healing effect on allies by Ice Storm.
Also nerfing vigor on one of the two classes with lowest base defense
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Too bad it’s a trenchcoat
I want to see some sexy male butts darn it.
Yea it looks a bit like TERA armor but next time we need pants! Like this
Is there any chance this female human hairstyle will ever be added to the game.
Real beauty queen quality. I’ve been wanting to use it on my main badly.
I am all for all the cute animal minis.
Like look at this cow
Aetherpath is probably closest to what dungeons should be like but with that droprate… there was a time I used to do Aetherpath almost every day and I did not see even one of the unique end chest skins drop for anyone in the party let alone for me. The carrot is too high to reach and you lose interest. It’s like with the Fractal skins after Fractured patch. I saw them drop a lot less often and I lost interest even though I still want the axe and the mace.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
A way to tell what dungeon paths you’ve done… Need more dungeon love tbh. Seems like Anet have completely given up on them.
I love a thief blasting my fire field with shortbow pre fight tbh and the blinds can be life saving for squishies like us.
I just want a badas* face for femvari not one that looks cute or insane.
You guys I’m talking about cool not creepy and tbh I don’t even find those sparkly cute animu eyes creepy at all.
The only faces I’ve ever managed to work out something with by shrinking the eyes to minimum is 6 (which simply looks insane and not cool) and 8 which is cool but has really weird chin/jawline and bad coloration of lips and redness around the eyes which makes it look bad with cold colors. And the new ones look like baby faces with those cheeks and tender features.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
I was checking male faces yesterday and some of them look great like this new one
or this older one which is one of the popular ones with those beautiful wolf like sharp eyes
and then there’s the females
Females somehow can’t look “cool”. Mostly big round eyes that make them look borderline insane or cute. Even the deformed ones.. d-d Tried pretty much all of them.
Shiro and Glint will make me happy enough as long as their build isn’t something useless you get kicked out of the party for xD
More hair accessory colors or make them dyable!!
More tatoo/glow color choices…more ear types??
Just throwing this out there.
An item that shows all gatherables on the map you’re in (not just those in range of your character).
Anet I don’t care if you copied some aspects of Marionette for the Vinewrath my most favorite boss event is still and may always remain the Marionette and she’s gone q—q
^ lol so much this
I too resent the “boss” thing. I’m guessing all the Trahearne haters got to Anet with their complaints about not feeling important and that’s the result? To me it’s completely immersion breaking. It sounds out of place and forced and make me wanna play the game muted.
More hairs without accessories….or make accessories dyable/add more colors for them too :|
Sooo…sylvari saved your soon to be RISEN kitten by defeating Zhaitan and now that they need help you’re out.
0/10 worst team work player ever , would not ally with again.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Same problem here. Error 58 then changed to 42.
I thought they did a sequal bit called Guild Wars beyond. It bridges the gap between Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2.
This might be what you are looking for. was meant to be an ’’expansion’’ and it was cancelled.
No, Utopia was the cancelled expansion. Beyond was created as the bridge between GW1 and GW2
Both right and wrong. Beyond was supposed to cover more. An Elonian chapter and other things but they decided not to work on GW1 anymore.
Especially on light armor. Why?
I really like the carapache set and I don’t care if armor is symmetrical or not but is it possible to have better proportions or scaling?
I’ve played 2 mmorpgs that marriage wasn’t a problem people are just kitten cause it’s not what THEY want. I personally support the idea but if I had any say at all I’d rather we expand on housing first. Come on Anet I’ve been carrying around Scarlet’s Journal and a lof of other LS crap, can’t I put them in my house like trophies or something? HoM v2? I’d like to decorate and have a reason to visit my instance too. You can even put an entire new class of drops from open world and dungeons to use for housing which will make them even more worth revisiting.
I think LA would make a great housing map if we had any housing..
Imagine this. We receive a housing system in our personal instance BUT (since Anet demonstrated they can destroy and rebuild maps) in LA you could have a limited numbers of “open world” houses which can be held by individual player which ofc is mostly about showing off and will cost a lot. This will be a huge gold sinc for people with tons of gold (like if you have over 10k gold or something) AND it will be for a limited time. Like for a month for example. People will bid to own a house and the one who wins owns it for x time. It’s like a PvE version of holding a keep in WvW except with money not PvP. Hell you can make it guild wise not player wise. Like enter in the map and you get a message Crazy Kittens [Purr] currently holds LA. And maybe they can put merchant discounts or something.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Sylvari armor is very limited. Sylvari look best in planty armor. The only thing that’s close in the gems store are the toxic gloves/shoulders…but they’re not even dyeable? Need more sylvari based armor and one that shows off glowing body areas too.
Especially now that the LS is about the plant dragon. Please Anet.
Throws my arms up in support. I think TERA did it right when it comes to making sexualized males and gender equal armor choices. From what I’ve seen FF IV does well too.
I only have 1 male character but I felt really bad for my friends who were looking forward to wearing some butterflies on their mesmers only to find out male carapace has no butterflies at all.
This idea has been around since pre release.
I’ve played 2 mmorpgs with marriage system and they both worked well. They had little bonuses for the married couples like +xp% when they’re playing together in party. There were marriage packs which contained wedding clothes and you could port to an instance where wedding events happen (like the guests pick up flowers for the bride for example). It worked well, items were popular when they were on sell and it was not a problematic feature. Whoever suggests it’s some kind of abomination of a system is overreacting ignorant and hasn’t played a game with it.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
If you don’t choose white/black or cold color your lips always turn unpleasant green. I really hope to see more skin colored lips combined with a glow maybe like this face which I really love.
One of the newest faces has a lighter attempt at lips but it looks kind of artificial. Like it has a lot of lipstick layered on it.
Just wanna drop this here.
Seems like buying a precursor is starting to get meaningless. Better sell your mats and buy the finished legendary, huh..Do you realise this sudden spike is due to the new changes to Eternity? People are taking advantage of this.
People were “taking advantage” when the legendaries got updated few months ago but I don’t see any precursor prices going down since then.
I bought Storm shortly before the update for 280g. Now it’s 650g. your argument is invalid.
Just wanna drop this here.
Seems like buying a precursor is starting to get meaningless. Better sell your mats and buy the finished legendary, huh..
Elementalists are the only profession who is unhappier in 2014 than they were in release year.
No kidding. I wonder why, lol.
The only reason ele aren’t down with the ranger is cause the last patch they were thrown some candies and it feels like a kittening bday cake cause before that they were only eating bread crumbs.
In gw1 we used to unlock skills with balth factions. This doesn’t bother me. The lack of different game modes bothers me tho.
I’m using exactly the one with the flowers but I assume the rose pigtails will be quite popular ^^
The new sylvari hairstyles are so amazing I could cry especially after I saw the one I wanted few months ago among them. <3 you t_t
WvW crowd ask Anet for alternative ways of obtaining something outside of PvE.
WvW crowd thinks that Anet is ignoring them.
WvW crowd gets angry.
Anet try to force the PvE crowd to do WvW.
General uproar from the PvE crowd.
Anet decide to temporary revert the change.
WvWrs redirects their agner against PvE crowd because they feel ingnored.
WvW crowd: if we are unhappy,carebearPvErs should too.I think this sums up the discussion. Is it possible? °-°
Ascended crafting was handled worse. I don’t know why it’s suddenly about legendaries.
I am on desolation in a guild that runs wvw organized regularly. I can stand it for max half an hour before I get completely numb and bored. Please don’t give me advise I’ve played for a long time. Anet set some standards for me with gw1 and now they wanna force their watered down pvp.
Lvl 19 and you run regularly, I’m calling BS? Sounds like you’d rather be playing gw1.
I said I’ve been playing for a long time in general not wvw specifically doesn’t mean I don’t know what wvw is. I’ve done everything there is to do in wvw cause I have a well organized guild. Don’t tell me I don’t know kitten just cause I didn’t grind 400 levels. If it takes you that long to get the idea of wvw I’d be concerned in your place.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
I am on desolation in a guild that runs wvw organized regularly. I can stand it for max half an hour before I get completely numb and bored. Please don’t give me advise I’ve played for a long time. Anet set some standards for me with gw1 and now they wanna force their watered down pvp.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
We will be removing all rank requirements for the Gift of Battle in the February 18th build and further evaluate what those requirements will be. We do not currently have an ETA for when rank requirements will be reinstated.
Why? There is so much PvE that is required out of a legendary. Now you don’t have to step foot in WvW longer than to buy your gift of battle since you put badges in achievement chests. I thought this was a great move to make a legendary actually have you try more game modes before getting a legendary. Now you just have to PvE for the whole thing :-( Ever since adding the badges into AP chests the gift of battle no longer is a sign of trying out WvW, which is what it was intended to be when you could only get badges from being in WvW.
I’ve been playing since release and my character was barely lvl19 the other day. Coming from GW1 (which was also my first mmo) I find wvw disappointing and repulsive cause it reminds me of open world pvp and zergy sieges in standard mmos which I hate apart from the performance clusterpoop it comes with. I don’t know where anet got their “inspiration” trough the years but it wasn’t from their own game and the fact that they love wvw is proof that they can never make pvp as good/fun/competitive as gw1 which was extraordinary even though it had it’s own flaws.
Now gw1 and many other games had “elite” armor that requires pve. In fact the legendaries are a pve thing in general. They can add wvw exclusive gear (even though we all know how many years it took them to allow pvp characters to unlock pve gear in gw1) but to force pvers to rank up in wvw when they already have to wvw for map exploration seems desperate. I feel like there’s one thing like that in almost every patch and some of it gets reverted only if there’s enough crying about it.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
Funny I logged in just to post a topic about this. I’ve been a mad sylvari armor fan since release. I have all tiers cultural and all TA sets but to a player who doesn’t play a sylvari 1 set is simply too little. Here are some clumsy sketches I tried to make. I’d really like to see sylvari armor based on roses (including the thorns), water lilies and lily of the valley. It would be nice if they’re a bit more flashy, a bit more flowy, a bit more ~~~ but tbh I’d be simpy glad if I see any new sylvari armor at all. MOAR sylvari armor please SO much potential.
(edited by iriyabran.6218)
I wish Anet would make a broken-hearted Black Lion Weapon Skins set too, for those of us like myself who are #foreveralone :-(
Play a mesmer
Someone please please make a Cutey Honey cosplay with the Lovestruck Sword