Showing Highly Rated Posts By jihm.2315:
how else im going to tell to warriors that flee like superman that they are cowards since i cant touch them?
what the kitten is wrong with people this days?
the expansion price is good and fair .
simple as that.
i liked it i can play healing guardian and be viable well done to Arena Net
for the love of god make the cutscene skipable we have other things to do than wating for it to finish
so now everyone visits metabattle and get ready op builds , people ended up playing exactly the same traits and skills , for example 95% of guardians are medi guards.
is arenanet thinking of countering this issue in any way so we could have more build diversity?
i really hope new expansion fixes a part of this
two thiefs killed me today and started jumping on my corpse, thats the psychology of an average thief
(edited by jihm.2315)
that unskipable part grrrrr
perma daze, confusions and damage that will eventually wear you down even if they play a survival build ,
also dissappearing and spawning clones all the time, real gods of space and clowns at the same time.
what is the theory behind this irritating class?
i think they are gamebreaking beyond limits and in need of big changes especially at their cc, they should be able to confuse you visually not having you perma stunned confused with stacks of bleeds .
sorry for my english
(edited by jihm.2315)
seeing a guardian running anything in wvw than renewed focus?
i change it sometimes out of boredom but its always a bad move since besides immunity i loose elite cooldown aegis regen on my allies
there is no reason to run anything else in wvw than renewed focus
no esports have drained all the soul out of pvp
Please explain. I hear this argument so often, yet nobody ever feels the need to elaborate on it.
Its simple the game plays like a moba rather than an mmo,
i have never played any other mmo with so much burst an so little counter play,
it took the esport path.
an mmo is usually more chaotic with more counter classes , in gw2 almost everyone does the same thing.
(edited by jihm.2315)
the game is better than ever for sure
mesmer is powerful propably the best class for small fights (excluding warriors because they are the best class for almost everything).
others not so good at the moment
i hate mounts i dont want mounts
is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian
while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?
virtues are absolutely nothing if you dont add points to them so you cant say i have a lot access to protection and regeneration .
guardian is an ill version of warrior at the moment.
dont say anything about pve it doesnt count.
issues are firstly wvw and then spvp.
a warriors bet to survive is by moving around with superior speed and mobily dragging enemies from all directions and regenerate with healing signet while guardian has to pop all the cooldowns and then eventually die.
(edited by jihm.2315)
as a returning player i want to say congratulations for the changes ive seen so far,
world dragons are tougher now and crafting ascended gear is kind of difficult task that is giving us something to aim for than be gear capped and stay in lions arch.
from what i see the game is heading towards a more epic road.
thank you for making the game more amazing than it already was.
Guild Wars 1, because nothing says fun combat like being locked in place whenever you do a skill.
better than action combat pinball in my opinion
why did i pick warriors..
because warriors are the problem and since they dont receive any critical nerf i think that classes should start balancing around them so the game becomes fair.
do i belive that guardians will get extra health ?
i think not .
but that does not stop me for expressing my opinion.
guardian does not completely suck but its getting more medicore with each patch and i dont think its very logical to have the lowest health on a heavy armored class that is mele oriented and takes beating.
(edited by jihm.2315)
Virtues have been said to help balance the guardian; for example, they have a lower base health than the warrior profession but compensate for this with their higher health regeneration granted by Virtue of Resolve
lol thats a lie warrior has more health and more regeneration
Guild Wars 1, because nothing says fun combat like being locked in place whenever you do a skill.
better than action combat pinball in my opinion
Because your love of forcibly stactic combat is only your opinion of fun combat.
while your is dancing around capture points and spam lol
best tank PvP,
engi says hi
ill say it again , give us more base HP, as a class that has to outlast enemies we deserve it .
gw2 is about rerolling the most op class because there is no quick fixes to the classes and there is no point in staying in the class you wanna play.
in few words its a game for fotm rerollers
(edited by jihm.2315)
say what ever you want once it lands its an i win button , outplaying a mesmer for the whole fight suddenly he stealths or switch position or what the hell they do and he wins because he landed a single skill.
give to all classes a skill that turn others into a useless animal and i will be ok.
The game needs to slow down. Reality is, THIS IS NOT MOBA, the player base does not want a game where you from 100% to 0% in 3 seconds flat.
That and class balance is and always has been, atrocious due to the lack of commitment on class build archetypes.
i would trade some balance for a new beginning with slower combat
Guard does great damage, it’s not a support only class for group content. It’s a L2p issue here.
guardian is a great support class just the HP on a heavy wearer does not make sense
how does guardian makes great damage to anything that is not standing still?
scepter is the worst ranged weapon in game if u get kited and no one uses it except for pve.
aslong as people are still picking skyhammer, i’m still quitting!
This is why we can’t have nice things. One player can ruin the experience for nine others.
the experience is already ruined when you pick skyhammer or courtyard
lets say that next patch the game is still unbalanced and 1-2 classes dominate will it take 6 months again to try and balance the game out?
roll a necro and pretend you play a ranger
what killed pvp is bright and clear its the poor combat system.
if people dont enjoy something they will stop doing it,
by the way the games selling point is pve and armor skins now so i dont expect them to give much attention to pvp and i dont blame them they are a company and companies want profit.I think GW2 combat system is good, its really fun. I always felt pvp could use more indicators….like casting bars. Which Anet refused to add. Overall it has a lot of good things going and bad. But so does every combat system.
its too fast ,too spammy ,too much damage, cant stand still for a second and the aoe hurts like hell.
i can deal with it to an average level but i see why a lot people dont like to play.
also i was born in 1982 my processor is getting old for this kind of tension ,2-3 pvps a day and im done its just not relaxing at all.
pvp should not mean move and spam all the time.
the game is nice but that pvp just isnt.
(edited by jihm.2315)
tower of nightmares was simply awesome hope we live something similar again
so will they put the old running animation back?
i cant find anything lately without youtube in new areas and i dont think it a good thing , i wanna play the game not search for the exact paths of story npcs and vistas.
the good thing is that its beneficial to the community that does guides, but as a player i find it a bit tedious.
i hope new expansion has simple maps and directs the challenge somewhere else like more difficult mobs or something.
the less dulfy i will watch to find stuff the better
(edited by jihm.2315)
I would imagine he is means the current state of warrior and DH. Portion of the community seems to believe these 2 classes are OP. While war is in a very high point of balance atm its still countered by enough to negate that concept…. and DH is countered by like…. half the meta.
DH becomes god if your team is inexperienced, counter him all you want if you team doesnt know what they are doing he will destroy everyone around and theres nothing you can do.
in therms of me having fun while playing?
too much damage , minimal reaction options , it doesnt feel like an mmo to me.
maybe because i grew up playing lineage 2 and arenas in wow after but i bet id like gw1 pvp 100 times more also from the videos i watched.
killing people in two seconds aint my thing.
(edited by jihm.2315)
more guild activities also the game feels very alive when doing guild missions
two thiefs killed me today and started jumping on my corpse, thats the psychology of an average thief
Unfortunately the Thief class is one of the classes that holds in high competition and rivalry with other Thieves. You want to be the best there is. That’s the mind set of a Thief. And you are never satisfied until you get your name across.
i play guardian not a thief hehe
Guardian – Sanctuary (very long cooldown)
enough with living story theme parks.
make dungeons more interesting and not places for just one trick pony zerkers.
balance classes and give them unique and cool abilities that make the difference.
attract more people to pvp and make it fun for everyone.
stop giving all your resources to living story, its cool now and then but the game should be the focus.
tower of nightmares was cool but i feel its moving too fast from there and on .
pls start making the game awesome, its a great game but it still has crazy potential to be even better.
what the kitten, battles last 10 years in this game… You don’t know what a “glass-cannon” is. Have you played any other game but GW2?
a lot games this one is bursty as low level wow pvp
(edited by jihm.2315)
when i play ranger with marauder and air sigils sometimes i instant kill people
the damage in this game is too much sometimes and it makes seem like a hack
pug teams have also more afkers.
if you are a solo player prepare to get destroyed.
dont know what where they thinking when they removed solo q.
i got sick and tiered of blobs and im thinking to move to a low pop server to have fun in smaller scale battles its always fun until the massive blobs arrive
Guardian : weakest = shield,
most overrated =greatsword,
best = hammer and staff
They shouldn’t have stopped development on GW1. It probably got to the same point as it’s becoming with GW2 though, it’s more cost effective to make 10$ costumes than it is to make 40$ campaigns.
yeah would of played gw1 any time of the day if it was updated
breaking the balance is welcomed from me as long as they increase the combat uptime and give more options to tankier and support builds at the time 90% of the good players run glassy builds because defense is not really that important in this game
i wouldnt mind seeing some nerf on guardian for base HP tradeoff for start,
there HP difference with warrior is a mockery, guardian is a “soldier” class like warrior its unacceptable to have almost the half HP, i dont want to comment on class power comparsion people have said it a million times on the forums and its pretty obvious by now.Guardian used to have the same hp as warrior but arenanet figured they was too strong and nerfed it. You can always just make a warrior or necromancer if you want high hp thats one of the pros of playing those. If all was the same and equally good at everything there would be no point of professions.
then now that warriors are too strong they should drop there hp to the ground aswell
reduce their power and reduce the cooldown aswell , tomes are very fun to play with but the cooldown is brutal .
its pretty obvious that since launch every guardian runs renewed focus even if you have nerfed the immunity duration
pls investigate a way to make tomes viable either way i dont see renewed focus coming back to 3 seconds
(edited by jihm.2315)
the norn is a softie
we need more manly men in the living story like Logan
it shows the rank of the class :
warriors are the best class so they have the best armor and best hp thats why they added them the best mobility and very good damage and condition cleansing and traits that automatically work on their own like half autopilot mode