Showing Posts For kai.4629:

New players are at a disadvantage!

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


hopefully anet will do something about it. as you mentioned this was one of the issues highlighted by pvp players before the patch.

Please stop with the sPvP unlocks

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


agree with OP. this change basically goes against what pvp was promised to be. it might not have a big negative effect right now but it’s the wrong direction to take.

Stop pushing far

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


don’t really have problem with people pushing far in opener. I do get annoyed when people get greedy and push far when you control 2 pts.

Rangers in SPvP: Entangle

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


rangers with entangle in pvp = free kills

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


“Overall balance is pretty good”. No it’s not. GW2 is the most unbalanced MMO I’ve played when it comes to PvP. There’s not even a hint of balance between classes.

" warrior sustain is a little high." – A little? They can tank just about everything, unless they get ganged up on (read 3+ people).

“These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt.” – Forums are negative for a reason, and in this instance it’s the horribly, horribly broken class “balance”. There is no balance to speak of at the moment. PvP in GW2 sucks, and those who are looking to this game for that reason should steer clear. Unless you like running around in zergs in WvW.

your post just proved brigg’s point on forums being excessively negative. gw2 worst game ever!!! pvp horribly horribly horribly horribly broken! warrior super OP and needs 3 people to kill OMG

Zephyr's Speed: Beastmastery suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


i have to agree with OP. zs is not a grandmaster trait especially after the quickness nerf.

autobalance (never going to do spvp again)

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


so me (guardian) and a thief fighting two warriors at capture point ,
we manage to kill one and before killing the second one i switch teams with autobalance and check the roster , warrior that died left.
i live to kill op classes but before succeeding my cause to game puts me on other team because the warrior that died ragequited.
and i never join warrior teams or joining the teams with fewer ones.

gg with autobalance Anet , griefing the players that actually try to play good.
your spvp is a soulless GARBAGE thats all i have to say.

totally dude! good job for killing an OP warrior.

good for you on never joining a team with fewer players. why would anyone ever want to do that?

I love decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


i eat engineers for lunch on my zerker ranger.

more vids please!!! that lb5 was awesome

Game crashes on log off

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kai.4629


anything new on this? i get error report every time i log off too

Dishonorable due to lost internet connection

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


um… if your internet is having issues then go take a break or don’t join a tournament match which requires stable internet connection. you are being a bit over dramatic here.

Too easy, Too hard.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


find another game. gw2 just isn’t that good of a game to play for an extended period of time.

Jebro's Ranger Spirit DPS/Support Build

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


title is a bit misleading… as pointed out by others, this is a standard spirit range build for spvp.

Grind, and more grind.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


welcome to grind wars.

there wasn’t enough end game material when the game first got released so the dev decided to add all these ascended gear grind so players have something to play for. obviously it wasn’t very well thought out and only got added because players were getting bored and leaving the game.

Blobs, Schmobs ahievement not showing up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kai.4629


Finished the achievement for “Blobs, Schmobs” in The Queen’s Gauntlet earlier and saw the achievement icon appeared on lower right corner of my screen. However, the achievement showed up as incomplete in my achievement tab. Not sure if other people are having the same problem.

So you want us to use Deathshroud?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629



Against a good team right in the beginning, we like to stealth ontop of their necro (or mesmer) and just 100-0 them before they can react. This is the scenario they are worried about. You’re inferring combat takes place in a slow fashion in the beginning. People get gibbed pretty quick in the first fight.

Sure, but then we’re just talking about opportunity cost. You’re dedicating a player to finding a necro to take them out, which pulls that player out of the game. Counter play is something that cannot, and should not, be prevented in the game. One could argue that it’s the whole point of competitive PvP, or what sets competitive PvP apart. You analyze, and adjust to the other teams strategies. Am I wrong?

Also, I was not inferring that combat takes place in a slow fashion. Just fyi

No no no, we’re not dedicating one player to killing a necro. We’re stealthing with 3-4 people, with 10+ seconds of stealth. Targeting the necro. Walking past their team, and gibbing him in under a second.

This is fairly common play in tPvP and is why Necros are freaking out about their survivability in the early game.

If their team comes to res, they have to sacrifice an instant res immediately, or take a ton of cleave damage early in the game.

This isn’t counter play, it’s just the way high level tPvP is if you have a thief on the enemy team.

The only real way to counter this right now is to have your squishiest players sit very far back (which is a bonus for the offensive team anyway to gib your frontline) or for you to also run stealth and see which team pops out of stealth first.

Really? Allie made an agruement about opportunity cost and having to dedicate 1 player to focus on a necro and your counter agruement is “No, we have to use 3-4 players”?

If you feel the other team is coming to gank you, why not adjust your gameplay or have your teammates around you to counter instead of asking Dev to buff your character?

500 AP for GW1 Hall of Monuments Intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


So I was lurking last night and this thread caught my eye. I read it and had a good chuckle. Came back read some more and had another good chuckle. Hopped on TS told my friends, we all had a good chuckle.

Seriously, you guys are crying over Achievement Points? Really?!? Something so insignificant that doesn’t say anything about player skill what so ever you have the nerve to complain about it because, “boo hoo my place on the leaderboard got taken”? That leader board says nothing about you the player other than how much more free time you put into the game, that’s it.

So GW1 vets get an extra 500 APs. So what? If you want them so badly then go buy GW1 and get it yourself. I’m sure you can get a bundle with all four games for $60 now, which is mad cheap. And don’t give me that BS argument that GW1 and GW2 AP’s should be exclusive to each individual game. GW1 and GW2 were to be linked games since before release. Furthermore, if you are going to talk about what’s unfair, it certainly isn’t the 500 extra AP’s but rather the temporary Living story AP’s. The difference between the two is that GW1 AP’s are always obtainable and LS AP’s are temporary and never can be obtained again. So if you’re going to kitten about what AP’s aren’t fair it’s those.

On a final note I’m sure the boost in GW1 AP rewards was to give the vets an extra AP chest, that’s it. The fact that it stirred up complaints over the leaderboards was probably unintentional. If this really bothers you to the core so much then I really feel sorry for you that your lives aren’t exciting enough that all you have to look forward to is some silly AP’s on a video game. That being said there is a simple fix to all of this. Either get rid of the leaderboards, or reset them. Simple. Children these days!

let them QQ. this thread is pure gold for most of us.

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kai.4629


got uverse here and everything started to work about 10mins ago

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kai.4629


Can anyone actually get to the login screen, or is it just me that’s stuck at this screen?

stuck at this screen too

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kai.4629


u-verse, nor cal

Ranger Patch Notes - June 25, 2013 - Official

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


well at least longbow feels better now…also my axe can pull things now :I

give it couple months… i’m sure anet will nerf longbow soon

Leaked Patch Notes

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


You are aiming at BM here, and I agree with pets (cats mainly) doing silly dmg as BM. But … that is one pet in one trait, and at the expense of being an asset for team-fights.
But if this leak is true, they (rightfully?) diminished pets role, but “forgot” to compensate. I can’t see power-rangers being viable, and even if I agree with shortbow having a range-decrease, it is going to affect weapon-choice in a negative way when it comes to the secondary set.
Nice to see the buffs for spirits, but are they going to be viable with all the AoE still floating around?

i agree with this. BM ranger does needs to be balanced better but let’s also keep in mind BM ranger is the only viable build right now. there are no other good builds for rangers and things are gonna get worse if this patch note is true.

leaked/unconfirmed Trait changes.

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


What I’m more concerned about is this:

  • Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s.

Did they mean that Zephyr’s Speed is now a GM trait? O_O

first quickness is nerfed by 50% now we are losing zephyr’s speed unless you put 30pt into BM? this is gonna hurt if it’s true

Why do undermanned matches start?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


yeah, i have the same question as OP. with all the effort that’s being put into PvP, you would think there should be a simple check to make sure both teams have 5 players before the match starts.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


i don’t mind having low rank players on my team and i understand matches are set based on ratings and not rankings but anet needs to at least set an exception for rank 1 players. it’s ridiculous playing in a match against lv40+ and have a rank 1 player with no experience on your team. anet should consider requiring new players to play hot join matches until rank 2 before joining a tournament match. this way new pvp players can at least learn how each map works before joining a tournament match.

tp sell section not working?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


anyone else having problem with trading post sell section? all other tabs for trade post work for me except the one to sell stuff. i get a blank page there even though i have tons of items on me

Target an opponent while not in a party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


Considering how easy it is to accidentally clear your target via mouse clicks, being able to call a target when roaming solo would help a lot!

yeah, not to mention casting an aoe attack that aims at the ground clears the target too.

Target an opponent while not in a party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


in pvp fights i always like to call out a target even in 1 on 1 situation. i find it much easier to keep track of my opponent when there’s a target sign on him.

is there any way to target another opponent in wvw/pve while not in a party? if not it seems like an easy thing to add with not really a downside to it.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


personally i would like to see better balance on all the events in gw2. the main reason why we have an overflow issue is because dragon events are incredibly easy to do and still offers good rewards. why go to a different map and do a different event there when all i have to do is wait for a dragon, get few hits in, and collect a chest with yellow and sometimes exotic pieces.

most players are ignoring other maps/events and focusing only on farming dragon chests and that’s why we have overflow issue.

Too many forms of currency in the game :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629


i just want to start off by saying i enjoy almost everything in this new patch and a job well done to Anet. i do have one concern and that is there are too many forms of currency in this game.

this game starts off like any other games where you complete tasks to earn gold. besides gold you will need gems to buy certain things in the game. well, no problem so far since we have gem exchange to exchange gold to gems. after those two you have karma which can also be used to purchase items. then you start doing dungeon and fractal and start collecting all these different tokens and relics. oh and if you jump in to wvw you get badges. now with the introduction of this new patch we have laurels.

the problem here is that if you want certain items you have to collect all these different forms of currency. also, whenever a new currency is introduced to the game it also makes all the old currencies less useful. now i need to have as much laurels as i can to buy the latest gears and all the gold and badges just gonna keep sitting in my bank. i think at some point this also hurts Anet since the more forms of currency we have in the game, the less reasons for people to buy gems with real money since gold and gems can’t get you some of the latest gears and items.

the couple suggestions i have are 1) stop adding different type of currency in the game. try coming up with ways to use what we already have. 2) instead of gem exchange, lets just have a general exchange shop. if i have too many badges, let me trade them for karma or something else. you can some extra fees to keep the exchange balanced and so people don’t abuse it but at least provide people the option of trading. this way every playrer can just play the aspect of the game they love and still be able to obtain different items in the game. hopefully this will make people stop complaining about the new daily as well

Why does gear and food affect rangers less

in Ranger

Posted by: kai.4629


very good point OP

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: kai.4629


trial was better.

world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kai.4629
