Showing Posts For leungclj.4915:

The build that does everything

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


help me understand why you bring deceptive evasion?

and so i gave solo arena a try

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


hey deimos, you on GMT +8? me too, may be we should hook up and play together, I havent played in ages (3 months) and only just came back and played a few matches~

Supcutie's Comprehensive PvP Shatter Guide!

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Hey Supcuite~! I love you, no kitten =)

Make Heart of The Mists Multi-Server: Massive

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


you cant really call it “Heart of the Mist” when you have multiple “heart”, where heart means the center.

should call it “Valve of the Mist”

PVP rewards bug?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I think I have a solution to satisfy everyone.

Have the option to pick what reward you would like to get after the match, just like in PVE personal storyline.

kitten solo arena 4v5 glory farm better

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


actually, last night, i had an enjoyable 4v5, of course i am in the 4 man team, and we managed to get up to 300pt before the enemy team catch up from <100pts.

at the end of the game, the other team said if we had 5 players, we could have won, they knew how terrible their team was.

and then the next game I had, we had the exact same 4 players again, we all got in game, timer start ticking, still no sight of the 5th player… until the last second…

then we just annihilated the other team.

I some what wish the system where if you win, you carry on the next game with the same team, and may be after 5 wins in a row, you get to play against player from pre-made, just like in GW1.

Dishonor BROKE the GAME constructive fix

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


the reason for this is becasue there are not enough players to pair up with, so you could either:

1) make PVP more appealing in terms of better incentive (like rewards) so more player comes and play (like add other game type, i really want to see MOBA style, capture the flag, NO TDM)

2) lower the number of players required to play (this is unlikely due to the current maps are designed for 5v5)

Solo queue is really balanced.

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


doesnt matter how your matching system works, when there is only a few people queuing, you will not get desired results…

Can we PLEASE get new game types !!!

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Just to confirm, we are working on new maps. I can’t give too many details, but a few things:

I want a tower in the middle of the next map please. 50% fall damage might be a useful trait.

You know what just throw in the mad kings clock tower into the center of Foefire please, thanks. Cap point at the top


Q times & MMR NeW code/algorithm pls ANA

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


can not agree more

Suggested changes to sPvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: leungclj.4915



Feedback: Set on your position if there is not a target selected

Arcane Thievery: Reduce the cooldown to 30s

Mimic: Blocks the next atk and change echo to the blocked attack

Decoy: Activatable a 2nd to kill illusion and swap to it’s position

Signet of Inspiration: Change passive to give 5s of swiftness every 10s out of combat and 2s of protection every 10s while in combat, Change active to copying boons from all nearby enemies to yourself

Chaotic Revival: Rename it, Make it trigger when you are disabled, cooldown 15s

Mirror of Anguish: While they are alive, Phantasmal Defender and Disenchanter receive incoming disables for you.

Bountiful Interruption: Steal a boon when you interrupt

Veil: Make it apply revealed debuff for 2s to enemies

sounds good~!

But I think the way Bountiful Interruption now is ok, no need to change.

Spvp QoL, Monetization, Barrier of entry

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I totally agree on MOBA style gameplay, I just watched some SMITE gameplay, and I thought GW2 can SO do this~!

Hi what is heart of the mist?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


The heart of the mist is a place of relaxation, where PVE players meet up to plan their PVE adventures. Once they have tried on the clothes they want to obtain they step back into the PVE world, free of charge!


4v5 keeps me losing hard. hotfixes soon? pics

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


or add for each leaver, buff each remaining team member by 25% in all status….

Mesmer greatsword sound

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I love the sound from the original presentation of Mesmer skills.


PvP changes ? :)

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Haven’t you noticed the huge change ? Check the amulet names – that took at least few months to develop, so appreciate it.

yup /15

First place Trophy finisher video

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


the SAB finisher is far better

MLG mesmer results

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


is it a rule that they are not allowed rune or something? I just check the link in the OP and most build said “No runes checked by casters”

Why does ANet allow 5v4 matches to start?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


they should apply a temporary solution to this 4v5 situation, such as buff all party member (including AI) in all aspect by 25% for each team member missing.

Yes I know this is not gonna help to win the game, but at least it may make it balance a little more. At least you feel you can have a chance to win in 1 v 1 and take a point.

Naga razer keybinds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


default /15

Rant of the week: Counter Play

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


i dont think anet even care anymore…

I know am not the best play out there, but I seriously do not find any fun in playing in this meta at all. I remember someone from Anet post on the forum saying “fun / not fun” is a very broad term and its not very constructive criticism.

I dont know, you tell me why its not fun.

I loved PVP, ever since GW1, i hated killing monster, killing AI is not fun, they are not alive, you dont feel “good” about owning a computer really. That’s why I play PVP, but the way the meta is now…. I dont even know how to explain.

I went back to Diablo 3 a week ago, I think I will do some mindless spamming there, less stress out.

5 Things Anet Could do to Address 5v4s...

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


8. Buff the remaining player in the smaller team

Favorite GW1 game modes?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I love RA, and still do.

Played quite a few HA too, but too bad team is always look for R6+, hard for newbies to start without some cheese at the beginning. Anyone ran ELEBALL before? that was so much cheese it was fun.

What does it really mean to be balanced?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


the three comments above me are gold, dev take notes.

Living Story (seasonal) PvP and sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I love playing the southern survival, I wish they just add the NPC in the mist, instead of me having to travel to LA and lag like a mother kittener just to find out its not the mini game i wanted.

"we're losing so i'll sit in spawn"

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


just add /resign all will be fine, or more game mode

The definitive guide to winning pvp in gw2

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Thanks SOOOO much for the guide, it works like a charm~!

Cheer up i'll show you my build.

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


personally speaking, I am a little sick of playing mesmer right now. My main character is Mesmer too, been playing since launch. I have used OP’s build before, MH sword for both, simply because specter does not hit hard enough, Sc#1 is slow, Sc#2 just meh, Sc#3 probably the only useful but not worth taking just for it.

The reason to take MH sword for both really because of the OH, both OH pistol and sword phantasm hit really hard and fast, thats the main reason really.

But to be honest, I started using spirit ranger (omg what am i doing) since yesterday, and I have beaten any type of mesmer, shatter was easy to destroy, Phantasm since hitting target just no good against spirit ranger.

Also, probably I played so much mesmer I can read every move the mesmer does…

well, I will just wait for the next update….

The true problem with animations and asura

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


there is still sooooo much more the game need to fix….

Mesmer newbie, solo pvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


If you want to make a descent burster in spvp and be viable in tpvp in current meta you have only the following build working:

Hope this will allow you to avoid loosing time.

I thought he wanted a memser build =/

[Brainstorm] Phantasmal Mage

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


something like, iMage attack apply torment if moving, chill if not moving, burning if not attacking, confusion if attacking.

Mesmers are no longer viable.

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Build diversity is actually not bad for the mesmer. There are basically a lot of possibilites, burst (shatter).

Note viable in the current meta.

dps (illusions/phantasms)

Not viable in any meta.

conditions (shatter)

Not viable in any prior metas.

support (mantra)

Not viable in competitive arenas.

deception (cc, glamour).

Not viable at all.


I can't be quiet anymore . . . (suggestions)

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Sid I would like to make a remark on your comment about blurred frenzy. The skill is not an immunity at all anymore and any retal taken will damage you severely (when 2+ enemies you take more dmg than you deal, considering they all have retal). Also on-hit triggers will activate because it is no longer an invulnerability but an evade. So stun aura for example will make the attack stop.

Now on to the whole meta. I think the risk:reward is in the wrong spot at the moment. S/d thieves get to evade almost every attack while they do their damage (low risk, high reward), you can compare this to blurred frenzy, but it will root you in place and is only a fraction of the time. Necromancer can use their marks from a great distance and all aoe (low risk, high reward). Now for elementalists for example, when they engage in a fight and launch their combo they become very fragile. Once they get focussed and no longer have a disengage they’ll be downed almost 100% of the time (high risk, high reward). Same thing counts for mesmers, if they have to engage in the fight and get either a big burst or conditions on them, there is no way they can cleanse them off and are very fragile (high risk, high reward).
Also when the necromancer do get focussed they have an elite and death shroud to stay alive and survive the burst.

I think anet should take a look at this


I can't be quiet anymore . . . (suggestions)

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Focus pull got a 1 sec delay to allow for counterplay.

i also agree the delay was kind of necessary, I play mesmer as my main class, i also think the pull was too fast, but… i think 1s is too long. Why is it that only focus 4 was the only CC skill has delay? what about GS#5? You will never see that coming. Or Guardian or whatever other instant CC skill.

May be reduce the delay by 0.5 seconds?

How to fix mesmers for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Mesmer downed and thief downed and ele downed are the only downed states that can stop stability/stealth stomp.

Mesmer downed 2 does not block a stealth stomp – it requires a target.

In a team fight you can target any other player. And you can still prevent a stealth stomp by starting to mash 2 when you are expecting to go down.

in situation such as 2 v 2, enemy team with a theif, blinding powder or shadow refuge their teammate then you will have no target to cast downstate #2….

perhaps make it so that down #2 doesnt require a target…

The illusion of syncing

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


i have tried syncing, it doesnt work. thats all.

Why blinds why?

in Warrior

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Blinds already a strong condition? I know, lets buff it! Logic, it does not exist here.

I remember GW1 blind. 90% chance to miss for ~10 seconds. GW2 blind isn’t op.

Exactly!!! (i actually wish GW1 blind is back)

Bodyblocking... is it real?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


even if body block exist in GW2, it will make no difference since there are so many different way to get out of that situation, such as CC (fear, push foe away), teleport (blink) or stealth.

Unbreakable Choir Bell in Heart of the Mist

in Suggestions

Posted by: leungclj.4915


So the horn just came out, I loved it, but why can’t I use the bell in Heart of the Mist? This is where I spend 99% of my time in.

SOAC NA Prof Tourn - Live 1600 PDT

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


i would love to join, if only it wasnt on a weekday (time zone difference….)

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I have a mesmer and i cant find the bug, in pvp the berserker just eats people and in pve aswell, what is the bug, i dont understand, it seems well for me.

Hey guys~! I have found their “testing environment”!

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


please please please fix this~~~~~

Horns of the Dragon - not usable in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


please also fix the Unbreakable Choir Bell not usable in heart of the mist

Right click target toggle!

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


this should be on by default

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


illusionary fix: a phantasm that fix the damage of iZerker

Fear Me! 80s Recharge time NOT reasonable

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915

as for aegis, a boon, the text reads:
“Block the next incoming attack; stacks duration.”

it states there block the next incoming attack.
“An attack is an action intended to cause Damage on a specific target or area.”

Fear Me! does not cause damage so it should not be blocked !!!

Good catch, I give you that~!

Yea, i found it funny that if you are blind, you can “miss” your shout, LOL

4v5 has to stop!

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


I would like to see tPVP MM system like this:

1+1+1+1+1 vs 1+1+1+1+1;
2+1+1+1 vs 2+1+1+1;
2+2+1 vs 2+2+1;
3+1+1 vs 3+1+1;
3+2 vs 3+2;
4+1 vs 4+1;

Reward Solo Queue Tournament Players

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


just separate the groups.

5 vs 5 only
4 + 1 vs 4 + 1 only
3 + 2 vs 3 + 2 only
2 + 2 + 1 vs 2 + 2 + 1 only
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 vs 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 only

now we got 5 different groups. dun mix them together now.
the problem is to find enough players for all groups.

the situation we have now is that, often
its like this:
5 vs 4 + 1
5 vs 3 + 2
5 vs 2 + 2 + 1
5 vs 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

so the teams on the right side usually get treated real nicely.

but sometimes
4 + 1 vs 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
does not mean the right side team will lose also.

what he said

The Dream sPvP Patch

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915



Pets HP split from PVE

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


next patch is here soon~ what am i expecting? this thread will still be alive after the patch xD