Ugh when i log out i can see everything but for some reason whiles i am logged in i cannot see anything this is quite confuseing.
But lets not get too offtopic
Quaggens Must have Must want Must love
In one of my post
Something weird happen the post seems to have dissapeard it hasn’t been deleted neither has it been locked just all the posts and everything about it has been deleted?
Is this some sort of bug im getting?
Ummm what happend to my thread its gone? wtf i think im getting bugs
The infomation you got this from is completely wrong
and not enough evidance
Quaggen underwear 2012
Raging Bull.5048:
I’m not giving ANet another dime until they make my already spent 60$ worth. Fix the game. I’m not buying expansions/gems/stuff until then.
The game is only out for over 1 month aslo
I wouldnt really care how broken a game is if i got a bby quaggen plush toy i woundt care
to much clipping would happen.
It would look very horrable
I guess the point I’m trying to get to is this has been done before, and the world didn’t break apart.
I want a baby quaggen in BOTH worlds (rl / gw2 world) <3
This has been done before in a different setting with very different mechanics. There was only one option in WoW you had to pay in real hard cash because there was no in-game currency like gems. There was also a different outlook on in-game items that could only be purchased with real cash.
Arenanet have to be careful with implementing items you can sololy buy with real cash and not gems, and as discussed the plushie has to be sold for real cash. They have an ethos of items in game being earnable in-game and if they start to deviate at all from that there is a backlash. I believe having the mini come with a real cash only item even if you coul the sell on the mini through the BLTC would be too much of a deviation as it would mean not everyone could buy the mini for the same price or it being reliably in stock in-game.
So what about haveing The plush with a bonus mini pet for reallife cash and then have the mini by it self at the gem store?
With people Regarding useing gems to buy both Digital and Plush version i think is impossable.
Many cause as the other person said the money had to be certain.
Digital version can easly sell for 500gems on the Store however i think that the possabilty of haveing a plush for 1200 gems would be a bit hard.
God i want PLUSH Quaggen its all i need anymore and then i can die happy
So if alot of people would gladly pay a bit of money for a Baby quaggen plush toy and a Mini baby quaggen why dosnt anet give us it?
If Gw2 added Baby Quaggen plush toy with a Bonus Digital Mini baby quaggen.
Would you pay?
And how much would you pay for it?
I would buy a Baby quaggen plush toy which came with a Digital version of a baby quaggen mini
And im sure alot of other would as well
But if your farming blood Powerful blood will probly reach in more cash for you.
Killing snow trolls i say would be better
Try ori ore farming
the ore reset about once a day and there are about 20 ore to be found and sometimes you can get rich ori ore.
You can easly make about 2g a day from doing a round of ori ore farming
Low level Mats
if you are a low level person and say you got 5 blood 20 lute scraps and other items Sell it thats there is instant 10s which will pay for alot of your fares at low level It really is not hard to earn enough money to get by
you must be blind if you just checked and high is 30 low is 25….
None of them are raids
i think you gotta go somewhere to get the Rewards did you get a mail i think that might tell you were to go
Wvw Supply runs
Orr Zerg groups
Its random i think you can get from 5-50 ori ore you were just a bit unlucky
Looking at a few locked threads i see this next to there name
(User was infracted for this post.)
What dose this mean?
All races have there own lvl 1-15 area and then a few races start to mix up to 15-30 then its more of a player choice where they lvl from 30+
Well since your name is Fdfd i dont think it will ever be fixed
Cause ara is totaly a dungeon…
Im wondering is there gonna be a patch to fix this and is there a comfermed date to when this would be fixed
It’s bugged.
I doubt they’ll refund them either.
In here a mod said they will give a refund to all who open/finshed the quest and they will be fixing the loot table for it
Soo… um when dose i get my loot and stuff?
Ah thank god
Well that is good to know.
I now no longer atm wish to punch anyone in the face
I really wihs there was a Gm ticket system like wow had cause its just so hard to get any response from a Gm or anything like that regarding stuff like this
I got 5 Lvl 40-60 blues From completeing the final story quest
ost? what is that?
Ugh im sokitten off i was thinking i would get some exotics or rares and some other nice stuff and in reality i get nothing…
so what was i susposed to have gotten?
Cause all i got was a kitten load of kitten
I really dont have any words to say how annoyed i feel when i got my reward from completeing Victory or death ( the last personal story quest)
I got 1 alpha thing for pvp and 1k influence and 5 boxs
These 5 boxs all gavem e lvl 40-70 blues………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Im trying to finsh the stupid personal story but there so many cuts scenes i keep dcing for no reason i keep getting error 7 it is annoying as kitten
15552 gold messages in 9 hours. why can they keep doing that? (constructive)
Posted by: minikiller.8475
And that 90% of bots are hacked accounts
there is the north you can go to…
WHINE! I’ve been playing since before the official launch and I haven’t seen a thing of bots and most especially an army of bot disrupting my game. But, then again I don’t really pay attention to what OTHERS are doing in the game I’m playing MYiii game when I’m playing and don’t really CARE what OTHERS are doing.
Sigh Fanboyizm…..
I dont get why people say abyss is dark the previews on that site clearly show midnight ice is alot more darker
i want to find the blackest dye there is and i found that useing the little sample they give you when you hover the mouse of the dye that Midnight ice is darker the abyss but everyone says that abyss is darker?
for about 3 days now i have been Dcing and lagging alot!
My internet connection is fine and i have a ok compter
I dont under stand all my graphics are on low and stuff but this is getting abit annoying.
Lol i must have been lucky cause i hasnt logged into day probly lost so much would of made me rage
Go to every map where there it isnt 100% and the one that is like 98% will have a heart there look around and talk to the scouts they will most likely show you the way
Get 100 people to report you name and have them say it offends them.
then they will force you to repick you name
These are the thing i hate the most about Story quest
1. If you dc you have to repeat the entire bloody thing (i have dced so many times when i was at the like last 1min-5secs of the quest left)
2. Cutscenes Like seriously why are they even there they just my god there horrable ( not the prober cutscenes just the random ones you get which just twist and spin around the room for no point or purpose)
3. Loot the loot you get from the stroy should be a upgrade not a item you sell at a shop or slavage the secound you can.
4. Npc…. How useless are these npcs Tbh its annoying how worthless how weak how everything that is bad. they have so little use the best thing they can be used as are meat shield but there useless at that as well.
is it just me or is it ironic that the helm that appears to be the only one of the set and the name of the item is called Lone
Well it’s colorful so no.
Is that susposed to be racist?