But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Shared inventory slots normally hide any contained items from a sell window, however this does not seem to be the case for items exchangeable for magnetite.
It’s a minor issue, but you have to be extra careful when selling mini drops as you can’t recover an accidental sale.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Well at least said person isn’t in TS anymore as of now. I just wonder if he even cares since nobody seemed to know him.
But man, are we having a good laugh at some of these stories.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Actually, it’s an armor set reserved for only the best commander ever.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
It’s pretty amazing really. I tried it in 2 different ways:
(both with berserker gear and runes of strength, 20% boon duration food, using FGJ and warbanner and sigil of strength/battle)
Longbow fire field blasting (banner, stomp, arcing arrow, warhorn) basically how we used to stack might before phalanx. Still great for stacking might, but keeping it up takes a lot of attention and causes your own damage to suffer. Probably better for wvw might stacking (if you’d want a warrior for that though?) since you can pop your might stacks anywhere.
Greatsword (forceful greatsword) now this is just crazy. Your own damage is still really good despite having to drop the adrenaline 15%crit/dmg grandmasters and you just stack might on the party passively as you kill stuff. You get your party to 25 stacks in a matter of seconds and stays there for a whole boss fight. Downside is that it doesn’t help vs. structures since you need to crit, but that’s a minor issue.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
(edited by nowitsawn.1276)
So then on a related note …is there anything in the works for having an in-game ability to open 250 bags without having to click FIVE HUNDRED times?
I use mousekeys myself (for those that don’t know, it’s a standard Windows function that turns NUM5 into right click when numlock is activated). You can also set it to double click with one press but I guess that’s against the rules (but since it’s just a native Windows function I kind of doubt they could even know). It’s still a lot of key mashing, but it’s at least slightly better.
Bind your mousewheel to click and all you have to do is roll the wheel. I believe this is allowed.
…is pretty clever too.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
The thing that makes it rather difficult is the tight space you’re left with, meaning you have to stay rather close and when he stomps it’s guaranteed to hit the whole group (if they don’t dodge anyway).
What you wanna do is kill the wolves and lure the troll from under the bridge (is this some kind of metaphor? anyway…) to the more spacious area with the wooden stage on it. Allows the group to spread out and makes things soooo much easier.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
As well as it does not have to be a program that interacts with or modifies anything in GW2.
Well, there you have it. If that’s the case there isn’t really anything they could do about it.
If you make a program that can read the specific part of your screen where your signet skill is located and start a timer whenever the icon matches one that is not on cooldown and stop it when it goes black, you’re in no risk of getting banned. They’d have to do some serious spying on players to know what other unrelated programs we’re running.
It would be a bit more difficult with traits because those have no visual queues at all. Even if you manage to time it on a random enemy and then just keep it going, it would probably still get messed up by waypointing.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
(edited by nowitsawn.1276)
And yet there are people that have already crafted their first entire set of ascended gear….without spending a dime of real life money….
Sure, real life money can speed up the process by giving you gold which you can use to purchase:
- the materials needed to level your crafting up
- some of the ascended materialsFor a single set of ascended gear, you still have to play to acquire the 1500 bloodstone dust, 1500 dragonite ore, and 1500 empyreal shards. You need laurels, fractals, or karma for shards. You also need skill points ( few ways to get obviously) None of which can be acquired via a credit card, not to mention the conversions of the first three are timegated, which also cannot be bypassed by a credit card.
Having the convenience of a credit card only helps people with less time keep on par with the people that play extensively.
I think you missed the last line of my post there.
People having already crafted an entire set of ascended armor without using real money doesn’t really matter in this case because you had plenty of time to stockpile materials/gold beforehand. Fact is, if you’re making it from scratch, using real money will make it a bit easier.
But is the difference big enough to matter or not? Well, that’s up to you to decide. I’m a bit in the middle myself.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
This is just one of those arguments where nobody really wins (or pays to win, har har) because both sides have a point. I’ve seen some games that are undenyably p2w (perfect world, maplestory…), but I feel that in GW2 it’s a bit more nuanced (for now).
Let’s take a look:
…money gets you gold, and gold gets you equipment. Therefore someone with money can get more (different sets)/better (ascended) equipment easier. Therefore, real money gives you an edge.
…money gets you special services that take non-cash players too long to grind to effectively make use of (e.g. grinding gold for an hour to buy a single repair canister). Therefore, real money gives you an edge.
…money gets you gold, and this gives you an edge in general.
…the difference between exotic & ascended is quite small and not very noticeable. It is also obtainable for regular players, given enough time.
…these services are rarely useful or even needed. Res orbs tend to be useless for ressing in the heat of battle due to revival sickness, instead of a repair canister there tends to be a repair station within reach (except fractals, which you leave and rejoin by relogging). You also get a fair stash for emergencies from achievement chests.
…playing the game normally tends to make you enough gold to be self-sufficient (without being incredibly inferior to someone who has a lot of gold).
By saying these are objective or subjective I’m not implying one is less valid than the other, however. So which side is right? Both, I guess. But I’m not sure what the purpose of trying to convince others is.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
3. First Person Camera (plz
Funny enough, the Edge of the Mists client has this. It’s listed as a developer option though, so who knows if it will ever be put in the main game (it’s not exactly useful outside of making screenshots).
I’d personally suggest the ability to set a home waypoint that always remains at the corner of your minimap/somewhere on your UI so you don’t have to flick through the map to port to the Trader’s Forum or whatever you use as your main hub all the time.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Does transmuting always make the item acc. bound? and does the quality always have to be white?
I have an ascended Fractal Capacitor (upgraded fully), and was wondering if transmuting to a 80 exo/rare back instead of a white would work. Pretty sure I read it was not possible, but maybe it was before splitters came out. Thanks
If the item you transmute onto is soulbound, the result is soulbound. Most people just don’t know that there are also white backbraces that come from BLTC backpack skin sets.
Just go on the TP, buy e.g. a Tiger Charr Backpack Set for about 2g, open it and get an account bound white backbrace with no stats and a plush backpack skin. Use the white to transfer using the above method and sell the skin back for 2g.
It works fine on getting an engineer backpack on another class, would assume it works for capacitors too.
Does the Legendary gets back its original name when splitted ?
Yes, it is the exact same item as it used to be. Retains its stat-switching ability too.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
More convenience is always nice (only having to whip out your mini at every kitten corner, not so much), but I just assigned both AoE loot and auto attack to the same button on my mouse (scroll wheel click). Never had issues looting ever again.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
The only collectibles that ever go above 250 for me would be bloodstone and empyreal. So to me this is pretty much equivalent to saving 2 bank spaces for 800 gems. I’mma have to pass.
Do people really stack that many materials?
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
The world isn’t out to get you, brah.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
(edited by Moderator)
Can we remove the enemies from PvE maps too, then? They’re just bullying people for no reason.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
On the upside, maybe the influx of gems through this offer will bring down gem prices.
Oh, who am I kidding…
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I’d have to agree.
It’s no catastrophic failure or anything, just… meh. Achievements were also a chore, especially for the servers getting dominated. And they get lower rewards to boot, go figure.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Wouldn’t even call splitters a viable method for that. The ~20g a splitter would cost per piece might as well be used to buy a new set entirely, even if you use divinity/traveler runes.
Unless you use celestial armor, then you’re (even more) screwed.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
But when you take those rose-colored glasses off…
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Maybe have it reset your virtues immediately after casting? If you cancel the invulnerability then that’s just too bad.
Or just a small suggestion without caring about balance too much:
Signet of Focus (CD 90s)
Passive: 25% movement speed increase
Active: Gain 4s invulnerability and reset virtues.
Where the increased elite duration trait would not affect this anymore, but you can pick up the signet cooldown reduction instead.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Yep, EU playing on NA servers myself.
It started with insane chat lag so I figured I’d relog, getting errors now.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Because they hit harder than one handed weapons. Basically a 2-hander already comes with a buffed up Sigil of Force on it (within it).
Well then, let’s take a look at the damage formula first:
Damage done = (Weapon Strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
So a percentual increase in weapon strength increases damage by the same percentage.
And if we look at an ascended 1h sword:
Weapon Strength: 965 – 1066 ~ 1015.5 avg
And an ascended greatsword:
Weapon Strength: 1061 – 1173 ~ 1117 avg (+10%)
This isn’t even counting in the fact that the base skill damage from 2h’s tends to be a little higher than 1-handers on average as well.
edit: could have saved myself some typing, you can find it here as well.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
(edited by nowitsawn.1276)
I must have missed something. Did they say everything that was in the reward chest? If not, then there will be plenty of time to complain after they have failed to meet expectations.
I was wondering the same thing, but since the chest data is already in the game, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone figured it out already.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
From Master Chief-ish to stormtrooper-ish with just a simple change of dyes.
Such versatility!
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I noticed this too when playing around with a makeover kit, but it’s actually not unique to male sylvari.
You just tend to not see it on female sylvari because it only happens when you pick one of the huskier physiques (which isn’t usually done on female characters), your shoulderpads get upscaled along with your character’s shoulders.
I use the first option for body type and it looks relatively normal to me. Might still be a bit bigger than on humans but at least it doesn’t look as weirdly stretched as in the OP’s picture.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Sadly, the answer would be no. The only items with a vitality main are Sentinel or Shaman, both of which have no ascended trinket variants (plus I don’t think you’d want Shaman gear as a guardian in most cases either).
Soldier isn’t too far off, though. A full soldier set with ascended trinkets/weapon is about 2k hp behind a full exotic sentinel set with azurite trinkets. Not quite the same, but I’d say it’s worth holding on to your ~500g for.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Blind doesn’t make you miss dodges lol
And I think attacking once to clear it will be just as fast to cleanse blind, if not faster than to stop attacking and start channeling a cleanse.
But disregarding how #rekt your hypothetical is, I would love to see priority systems. I’d sooner remove a 30 second Chill than the 5 second bleed spams that bury it.
Indeed, blind doesn’t make you miss dodges. Bind, however, does make you unable to dodge. Perhaps you could use some condition removal for blindness after all
Either way, a priority system would indeed be very nice. Perhaps one for removing boons as well?
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Except you forgot the part where you’re not buying AP, they come as a bonus on a purchase with badges. You still get the item you’re spending badges on as well, so what’s the big deal?
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I’d have no problem with saving multiple spec templates, then using a respec item to change when needed, but not an item linked to real money transactions. bad-bad
Not only that, but ~1$/~2g per use of this fairly simple feature seems a bit hefty as well.
It’s a rather big convenience in some situations (being able to switch traits in dungeons for example, nobody leaves a dungeon halfway through to reset their traits), but ‘’pay to win’’ implies far worse than this.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
These are not finishers, they’re emotes based on your sPvP rank.
You do them with the ‘’/rank’’ command
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I don’t think there is anything in this game that really proves you’re a good/bad player in general and I quite like it that way.
If you’re looking for stuff to judge people with, you’re probably not having enough fun.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Or instead make it a cage.
It does need something sealing it off, though. Otherwise mesmers would be able to port people into their fights.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Be nice boys. Some people just like to share.
And other people don’t like reading not-so-subtle requests for attention and, as the big blue DONATE button implies, money.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Some of the item links without name have been in the game for quite a long time now (like the Archdiviner’s Hammer, the link is about as old as fractals themselves). I can recall a dev stating that the rapier would be a champion drop, but how can we be so sure about the rest?
EDIT: Unlike before, the links actually have stats + a sigil now. I guess that says enough.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
(edited by nowitsawn.1276)
So you can browse the trading post for them. Level 80 Exotic weapons, sort them by # listed (since they’re new, they have a low supply).
A lot of them seem to have no special effects. Most notable find for me was this green torch , Occultists Flame:
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
And another. Reskinned Infinite Wisdom.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Areas count toward the title, Been there. Done that.
To get the medal by your name you need all hearts, pois, wps, skill points, and vistas, but not all areas.
Not quite. I only recently unlocked all the areas for some extra AP, but have had the title for ages.
Areas only count towards their respective explorer achievement.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
About 10-12 different ones. Many hours were spent trying to find the right combo…
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
You can use the scroll wheel to increment any number field up or down.
(I’m not against adding the buttons, but I like the mouse-wheel functionality better.)
I have been living a lie for the past 11 months.
Then I guess it doesn’t have much use. Apart from the arrows for increments of 10, maybe.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Not sure if this got suggested before (can’t really give it a name, so it’s a bit hard to search for), but this popped into my mind while buying materials to level my crafts earlier.
Image says it all.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Kind of sucks for both sides, if you ask me.
-You feel like making money and decide the best place to do that is at the giant event, only that isn’t going to happen because another group wants to open/run a Arah.
-You want to open Arah, but need to wade through the rabid farmers flinging insults at you.
So yeah, do whatever you feel is right; either just do the event or have someone guest to let the party enter. Until they inevitably fix it, that is.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
The tag you are talking about is the Superior Sigil of Ice, which the Frostfang comes with it. When you transmute you will keep the skin/effects, even after switching that ice sigil for something else.
That’s not really what he means.
Some weapons (I only know of some legendaries and Fiery Dragon Blade) have an element assigned to their damage. Like frostfang in this case has 857-1048 (ice). This causes a death animation (electrocuted with Bolt, burning away with Incinerator etc) when you kill your enemy in the same way skills of the corresponding element do.
Only I also have no idea whether or not this carries over on transmuting…
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I think having a lot of extra titles would be a nice addition. A handful of examples:
-Titles based on your achievement points (1000, 2000, 3000 etc).
-A title for each jumping puzzle.
-A title for each world boss achievement.
-A title for completing the storyline.
-Titles based on your Fractal level.
-A title for crafting a legendary.
-New achievements and titles for dungeons (completing it without dying or killing X boss X amount of times etc.)
Etc etc.
Too many titles? I don’t think so. When almost everyone has ‘’combat healer’’ or ‘’southsun stalwart’’ already, what’s so bad about creating a little diversity?
Right now they hardly signify anything (except for wvw titles which nobody seems to have yet). 500 revives? Alright, then. Southsun achievements? Who hasn’t? The achievements are simple (as most should be), but the choice of titles is so low that many have put them on just for the sake of having a title.
If, say, we have 100 (relatively easy to get) titles to pick from, being a ‘’combat healer’’ suddenly becomes a little more interesting. Why would you pick especially that title? Do you like saving people? Now they can actually distinguish you rather than ‘’eh, I have one so I might as well use it’’.
The ability of toggling your own name & title above your character on/off would also be nice.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Not sure where you’re getting the 1500 gold from, it’s always been above 2500-ish on the sell listings.
Are you sure you’re not looking at the TP main page? Because those go off the highest buying order. They’re so far below the crafting costs that the chances of those ever getting filled are pretty much zero.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
“Without having to grind for all that money”
There is no easy way out. Simple as that.
Grinding for lodestones/cores is the same as grinding for money. The only difference is that you don’t sell them. So if we just look at lodestones as currency here, CoE and CoF will get you the most for your time spent.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
People tend to refer to them as ’’elitists’’ here. How do you deal with them? You don’t. Simple as that. Just avoid them by playing with people you know whenever you can.
Unless you have friends that are online at the exact same times as you and always want to do the same things as you, though, you’ll probably get into the PUG scene sooner or later.
Luckily, from my experiences, they’re not nearly as much of an issue as people on here make them out to be (usually because they’re mad that they were kicked one time out of the hundreds of groups they’ve been in). If you make a bad draw, just leave and try again.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
You got an expensive precursor after all and you’re still not happy?
You could sell it outright at about 255 gold (after all fees) and at the very least break even from all the greatswords you dumped into this. That’s a lot better than most other gamblers end up with.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
I think that issue wasn’t pressed anymore since two handers were said to have a greater damage output versus the single handers having greater utility. I do remember that being in question.
Yeah, but they still have double the stats on everything but Magic Find. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, if you ask me.
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