Showing Posts For proviticus.4183:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


You guys do realize how this may just make them NEVER bring it back. If they cave to this kind of “pressure” (not that it in any way matters to Anet), it sets a precedence they likely don’t want to make….

Just clean up the mess a week from now when this dies down and I’ll be sure to wave as I pass thru Rata Sum….good luck.

that’s the thing, if there’s enough pressure (large enough riot) they probably should cave, especially if it’s a tiny change like reenabling existing content.

If people want to try and protest over anything that’s fine, but it probably won’t have as large of a following as this, and thus might not deserve attention (or the request might be more complicated to address).

And if a future protest is just as successful or more, why do you suggest ANet shouldn’t fix it? It should be in their interest to have a game without protests, and that’s not achieved by ignoring your constituents.


Wreath of Coop. has green even when dyed

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I’m colorblind and also not a dye expert, but if you’re trying to neutralize the green towards white (as opposed to black) you could try a light purple dye.

The textures would be blended in RGB colorspace, so what you currently have is something like G only, so adding R and B will make it white. That’s assuming gw2 does an additive blend of the colors. If it’s not additive I’m not sure what you could do.

tl;dr: try a light purple dye, it couldn’t hurt to try.

Choosing world

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: proviticus.4183


if you’re in NA I’d suggest BG, it seems to have a better zerg during NA high hours, where the best of JQ seems to come during SEA high hours, so you may be disappointed with BG rolling you every time you get on even though your server keeps winning (or getting close).

from a former JQer (I left tier 1).

Can you swap between two wardrobe looks?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: proviticus.4183


there isn’t a completely free option, but you can just make multiple gears sets and trasmute each once to the looks you want, and swap gear when you want to change looks. This will be a lot cheaper in the long run.

Started working on a legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


for all the things to craft sunrise, orichalcum is what’s got you concerned?

Just keep salvaging your gear you find and harvest any nodes you find. I didn’t spend much time in orichalcum zones when I made sunrise, and I had plenty of ori before I finished collecting everything else. Not to mention, just outright buying the orichalcum would be one of the cheapest ingredients in the list.

Legendary Dye

in Crafting

Posted by: proviticus.4183


how about instead of legendary armor having a fixed skin (which will be super lame when we all start looking the same), instead the provide some other visual cue?

Perhaps legendary armors have exclusive dye options, like certain skybox textures similar to what we see with the greatswords? you can apply them to certain areas if you want, but to any skin you apply to your armor (as long as it’s legendary).

Or maybe they don’t change the appearance of your armor at all, but instead create new auras? they could give the player a trailing effects similar to the foefire gs or the legendary gs’s.

I’m just spitballing here. I’m sure there are plenty of ways they could make legendary armor still a status symbol without making it confirming all classes to a single skin.

However, if we just want stat-switching but no visual cues then they might as well just add that functionality to legendary armor, or maybe allow armor to be infused and weapons too, and add that ability to infused equipment.

I had almost exactly the same idea today, the main difference is my idea requires you have legendary armor (which uses any normal skin) to be able to use the special dyes.

edit: my point was to say I support your idea :P

Best way to add new items to the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


my suggestion:
make legendary achievements, a new category. Though they may be similar to existing achievements in some cases. Make the items needed for the new legendaries come from doing some achievements.

I’ll make an example with greatsword so you can understand what I’m talking about:

1) Greatsword Champion: Kill X champions with a greatsword. Gives “Champion’s Greatsword Token” as achievement reward
2) Greatsword Fanatic: Unlock X greatsword skins. Gives “Designer’s Greatsword Token” (could be transmute X greatswords for more infinitely repeatable option)
3) Student of the Greatsword: Gain X XP from kills with a greatsword. Gives “Teacher’s Greatsword Token”
4) Greatsword Masterforger: Craft X exotic greatswords. Gives “Forger’s Greatsword Token”

(Note, all of those achievements are meant to be reproduceable [though they don’t need to be, necessarily, if you want one legendary of each weapon per account]. They are also meant to be doable by both PvE and WvW players, though I’m not sure how to include pure PvP players.)

Finally, upon having your four tokens you can take them to the Greatsword Grandmaster. Seeing you have the four tokens you can enter a liadri-esque dual with him where you must use a greatsword. If you win he gifts his legendary weapon to you as the prize. Tokens could be consumed when you enter the fight, regardless of if you win, for extra legendary glory (but only if the achievements are repeatable).

just came up with this idea but I really like it!

(edited by proviticus.4183)

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


brainstorming would be a good result from a thread about an “unrealistic suggestion”

For the gold/iron situation perhaps it could be resolved by changing them from gold ores to nuggets, simply to suggest the volume mined is much lower.

In fact, that’s how I’m going to start justifying it in my head. Every time you’re buying an iron ore I’ll imagine a truckload, and every time some gold I’ll imagine a nugget :P

This, however, doesn’t really address silk vs cotton, as they are used to craft the same type of items, and using the same quantities.

In real life cotton is much more abundant than silk.


Legendary Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


how about instead of legendary armor having a fixed skin (which will be super lame when we all start looking the same), instead the provide some other visual cue?

Perhaps legendary armors have exclusive dye options, like certain skybox textures similar to what we see with the greatswords? you can apply them to certain areas if you want, but to any skin you apply to your armor (as long as it’s legendary).

Or maybe they don’t change the appearance of your armor at all, but instead create new auras? they could give the player a trailing effects similar to the foefire gs or the legendary gs’s.

I’m just spitballing here. I’m sure there are plenty of ways they could make legendary armor still a status symbol without making it confirming all classes to a single skin.

However, if we just want stat-switching but no visual cues then they might as well just add that functionality to legendary armor, or maybe allow armor to be infused and weapons too, and add that ability to infused equipment.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


brainstorming would be a good result from a thread about an “unrealistic suggestion”

For the gold/iron situation perhaps it could be resolved by changing them from gold ores to nuggets, simply to suggest the volume mined is much lower.

In fact, that’s how I’m going to start justifying it in my head. Every time you’re buying an iron ore I’ll imagine a truckload, and every time some gold I’ll imagine a nugget :P

This, however, doesn’t really address silk vs cotton, as they are used to craft the same type of items, and using the same quantities.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


The price for iron is higher because the demand is higher because the usefulness is higher.

In real life the price for iron would be higher too, due to its usefulness compared to gold, but in real life, people like to wear gold as jewelry – something that in RL other people see, but in GW2 is useless as a status symbol.

Maybe a tiny factor could also be that iron is far more abundant than gold … in the real world.

which is exactly the “problem” I’d like addressed. Iron should be far more abundant than gold, but it shouldn’t be the heroes of tyria’s jobs to make that happen, but instead regular workers, which would be NPCs in this case. I guess they should let us heroes do it too, but we shouldn’t expect more than a standard worker’s pay for the work.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I don’t know how to respond to you because I don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying anyway. I clearly understand what you’re saying and said it way before you did in this thread. I even had some suggested ways to solve the issue. Thanks for the lesson though.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I’m sorry, but you lost me. What does usefulness have to do with this discussion? How useful something is is a single (albeit major) factor in demand, which would ignore supply entirely.

so, the inevitable counter to your statement:
Gold is more expensive than iron, in real life.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


yeah, the current system definitely does serve a purpose in keeping the lower level zones populated with higher level characters. I don’t have a counter for that point, but perhaps a modification of drop rates could solve the issue?

If cotton is supposed to be more common, yet we want harvesting it to still be worthwhile, why not just increase drop/salvage rates by a ton? Salvaging gives you 20 scraps, suddenly they’re worth much less, but you’re getting many more. It’d be about striking a balance such that demand doesn’t get completely satisfied because of the new supply, but such that supply is high enough that prices drop to more realistic relative levels.

Probably not the best solution to the issue with lower level zones that would occur with my original suggestion, however I still believe in my original suggestion and think different solutions could be found for the lower level zones that don’t create an upside-down (in some cases) economy.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


true, but that playstyle is arguably less realistic than killing dragons. There’s no way you should get rich farming what should otherwise be common materials (that is unless you farm a literal kittenload, which isn’t actually the case).

as for the p2w question, I don’t see how buying mats of the TP with gold from gems from dollars is less p2w than buying mats off a vendor with gold from gems from dollars.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I respect your opinion, and believe this is just a case where we have fundamentally different beliefs. I don’t think we need to worry so much about low level income, I didn’t need money until I hit 80, I just used gear that dropped. I even did a fair bit of crafting, but I can imagine if you try to do too much you’ll get money hungry early.

by my suggestion low level materials would have a constant supply, justified as coming from the actual Tyrian economy. In such a world abundant supplies should be cheaper, and it just doesn’t feel right to me when the abundant supplies are the luxurious ones, I don’t care if it makes sense. It makes perfect sense, I know how we got here, and I know some people have built play styles around it.

That doesn’t make it right to me, it seems like a fundamental flaw. Now, don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t upset me, doesn’t make me feel like quitting, and doesn’t make me lose sleep at night. However when I do think about it I see it as a flaw. I however do recognize my ‘solution’ as unrealistic because the market has already molded itself around the way things are now, but in an ideal world I think it would work the way I mentioned, and probably from launch so players don’t get used to a playstyle that doesn’t really make any sense.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


@Rouven while that seems nice, I don’t think it makes sense for low level players to be able to gather the most expensive materials. It doesn’t seem bad if the system changes and only high level players can collect the highest value materials, at least not to me.

@Beldin true, and if they were to find those avenues weren’t giving the economy enough gold they could just boost those sources.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


Cons :
some people hate dungeons but also want to make some money

What about we do something like that for dungeons ? The more people that play
dungeons the less money they get ? Say for example there is 1000g available per day
for dungeons .. now if 10.000 dungeons are mad a day everyone only gets 10s

But that would stabilize the creation of new money, and so it would also bring more
people to harvest / farm mats instead of everyone always says : go dungeons to earn
gold then buy the mats. What in the end leads to higher and higher prices.
the mats.

if you ask me these are separate problems, though yes, they could affect each other in this way.

For all I care you could seriously decrease the gold rewards for running dungeons, so long as you compensate it with some guaranteed materials. This would increase the value of gold and decrease the value of those materials, while not affecting people who enjoy running aroud harvesting to their heart’s desire too much.

But this leads naturally to: where does gold get generated? The basically dungeon only solution in place now isn’t optimal, but they do need to lock gold generation behind some kind of content. I’d be open to suggestions.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


one can deduce, though, that from the usage of golds and silks in luxurious places within the game world, and cottons and linens among the poor, though, that they are indeed supposed to share similar rarities to the real world.

unrealistic suggestion time

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


So every now and then I chuckle because in gw2 cotton is more expensive than silk, or iron more expensive than gold.

This isn’t a problem in itself, it’s just market forces causing this to happen. But this took me down the somewhat obvious path of wondering why?

And the obvious answer to the obvious question is the world of Tyria produces absolutely nothing (come on, let me have this small exaggeration), and only the heroes actually produce anything, hence the imbalance of supply since no mine operations or casual workers are producing anything (read: NPCs).

So, my unrealistic suggestion is to add basic resource vendors that sell things like the various ores, woods, and cloths with prices set similar to how the gem ratio is set. The system could be started with a set amount of gold and a set amount of ore/wood/cloths/etc for each resource type, and the prices could use a similar algorithm to the gem system to stabalize around a good price.

The main difference between this and the gem system (you know, besides not dealing in gems) would be that the supply wouldn’t be a one-time thing they set up at the beginning, but would receive artificial boons at somewhat set intervals, to simulate economic activity within Tyria. The amount of each resource added to the system would depend on its abundance in Tyria, so things like iron and copper would recieve more supply because theoretically they are more abundant in Tyria than gold is.

Ideally the supplies would leak in constantly to prevent large price variations when supply is added to the system or when it drains.


  • better simulates economic activity in Tyria
  • provides more realistic price differences between basic materials
  • improves supply of resources which come from player levels/zones less played


  • it will never happen
  • whatever the comments below say

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


There are just as many who do not want to hear anything positive about the game. When people mention something positive they are attacked just as much. So you have people on both sides of that spectrum.

Oh yeah.. Don’t dare say something positive or beneficial around here. You’ll get labeled as a “white knight” or “carebear”.

not sure if you’re being sarcastic but I wouldn’t say you get exactly labelled, but you do get negative responses, generally insinuating you’re a scrub of something…

“I like fractals” → “psh. yeah, if you like wasting your time and getting no rewards” = someone not playing for fun to begin with
“I like dungeons” → “dungeons are boring and easy” = elitism
“I like WvW” → “wvw is stale, and hasn’t been updated nearly enough” = failed expectations. Maybe we’d all hate chess today too if someone had promised to keep improving it, but the fact of the matter is it’s still a good game (for many of us) today. Manage your expectations, and if you have to ignore the false promises (that way if they’re true they’re welcome surprises).

The point is, yes, there is almost always a negative reaction to praise on the forums. Keyword: almost.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


can I just point out that in this stupid contrived metaphor the pastries have never actually gotten any worse? Sure the owner create the shirts or whatever the hell your analogy is but the pastries remained of the same quality. The correct analogy would be that the owner started making new shirts but never made new pastries.

I respectfully disagree. The new pastries (Living Story) are, in my opinion, of significantly lower quality than those available at the grand opening (Guild Wars 2, circa launch).

dude, the ‘pastries’ that came out at launch are still in the game and are the same. This means your point is even worse. Because there are new pastries, but they’re not as good as the original pastries. So the owner isn’t only wasting their time making shirts. They’re also making new pastries. But you still prefer the old pastries. That’s ok, because the old pastries are still there. You said the pastries had gotten worse, and that’s false. There are only new pastries you do not like.

O really?

My favourite pastry was “Townclothes”
Do you want to keep going?

Yes, let’s keep going. I accept your townclothes argument, but don’t find it significant enough to cause the uproar we’re talking about. I also accepted the fractal reset, but I don’t find that significant enough either (even though that wasn’t a pastry in the original shop).

So my blanket statement of all ‘pastries’ still being in the shop is honestly false, but the point I’m making is not. Because 99.9% of those pastries are still there and if you think townclothes and having to run more fractals again are what’s causing all these QQ and rage quit threads you are mistaken.

If you stood all day in town repping your town clothes I don’t have anything against you, but most of us were running dungeons, playing the personal story, doing events, wvw, pvp, all things that are still here and 99.9% the same. The only other example of something that’s gone that comes to mind are certain PvP rewards, but they’re still available to those who earned them, so also not really an issue.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


You can actually say that the pastries didn’t get worse, and then talk about the trait system? How can you hold those two things in your head at the same time? Because my trait pastry has absolutely gotten worse. The first halloween had glorious pastries, but the second one was terrible. The infinite continue coin pastry is literally inedible. Town clothes? That pastry is just repackaged from the grocer down the street. All those people who worked for their Fractal pastries having them just taken away? That’s not good business.

Some pastries have gotten better. But to say nothing has gotten worse is laughable.

while your general statement is true, and would be true about just about anything, I actually disagree on your specific examples. Trait system should have been like it is now at launch. We all tell noobs to level to 80 the normal way instead of EotM because you have to experience it, yet we’re all too spoiled to realize the new trait system is what a lot of people had been asking for? Then you have several references to content known to be temporary. Whether it recurrs and how often is irrelevant as it was known to be temporary. Your infinity continue coin serves the same purpose as it always has, and I’m sure it will still work when worlds 3 and 4 are released. They made no promises of timetables for SAB, so I’m not sure what you expected.

The fractal reset was lame, it didn’t affect me so my opinion that it was the best option at the time doesn’t count. So you can have a point there.

Go unlock builds on 2 or more characters, and then tell me this is how the trait system should have been since launch.

I know what people asked for; I was one of those people. This is not it.

In gw1 you had to unlock elites in a very similar fashion. Maybe since you need 7 traits per build it’s a bit more of a pain, but I enjoyed tracking down elites in gw1. It feels similar to me, and in both cases you had to repeat the process if you wanted it on another character. Now, if you’re spoiled and want to unlocked them all it will feel like a wasteful grind, which it is. Unlocking all the elites in gw1 would be even worse.

EDIT: i’d like to add that not all the trait quests are well done, I personally think the map completion requirement for some is too much of a time sink. The system isn’t perfect by any means.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


You can actually say that the pastries didn’t get worse, and then talk about the trait system? How can you hold those two things in your head at the same time? Because my trait pastry has absolutely gotten worse. The first halloween had glorious pastries, but the second one was terrible. The infinite continue coin pastry is literally inedible. Town clothes? That pastry is just repackaged from the grocer down the street. All those people who worked for their Fractal pastries having them just taken away? That’s not good business.

Some pastries have gotten better. But to say nothing has gotten worse is laughable.

while your general statement is true, and would be true about just about anything, I actually disagree on your specific examples. Trait system should have been like it is now at launch. We all tell noobs to level to 80 the normal way instead of EotM because you have to experience it, yet we’re all too spoiled to realize the new trait system is what a lot of people had been asking for? Then you have several references to content known to be temporary. Whether it recurrs and how often is irrelevant as it was known to be temporary. Your infinity continue coin serves the same purpose as it always has, and I’m sure it will still work when worlds 3 and 4 are released. They made no promises of timetables for SAB, so I’m not sure what you expected.

The fractal reset was lame, it didn’t affect me so my opinion that it was the best option at the time doesn’t count. So you can have a point there.

Non mandatory subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


hope you took a picture of the old one, because you about to be ripped a new one.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I love it when people ignore what you have to say… I said constructive criticism is good, and all I corrected was the analogy, as the pastries are just as good as they were at launch. Sure, the new pastries aren’t as good as the old ones, but the old ones are still good.

I agree and also hope for more expansion worthy changes. I like constructive criticism and it’s important. But we get a lot of complaints that aren’t constructive criticism and instead they’re usually ideas that don’t have a place. They tend to get vocal support from the same minority and the point of this whole thread is that that group doesn’t represent the entire community. fin.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


can I just point out that in this stupid contrived metaphor the pastries have never actually gotten any worse? Sure the owner create the shirts or whatever the hell your analogy is but the pastries remained of the same quality. The correct analogy would be that the owner started making new shirts but never made new pastries.

I respectfully disagree. The new pastries (Living Story) are, in my opinion, of significantly lower quality than those available at the grand opening (Guild Wars 2, circa launch).

dude, the ‘pastries’ that came out at launch are still in the game and are the same. This means your point is even worse. Because there are new pastries, but they’re not as good as the original pastries. So the owner isn’t only wasting their time making shirts. They’re also making new pastries. But you still prefer the old pastries. That’s ok, because the old pastries are still there. You said the pastries had gotten worse, and that’s false. There are only new pastries you do not like.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


can I just point out that in this stupid contrived metaphor the pastries have never actually gotten any worse? Sure the owner create the shirts or whatever the hell your analogy is but the pastries remained of the same quality. The correct analogy would be that the owner started making new shirts but never made new pastries.

But i think the point here is not the discourage constructive criticism completely, but instead is talking about those who constantly want game changers and complain that gw2 is lame without them. Like open world pvp, mounts, etc. These are the squeeky wheels that I don’t want to be greased.

Those that provide constructive criticism like saying how the trait system could be improved or how wvw could be more fun are always welcome, and I don’t think you see huge arguments spawn off those threads.

The little pastry shop down the street

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


though I have a strong dislike for your delivery, I agree with your message. Angry people are always the loudest, but let’s hope the squeeky wheel doesn’t get the grease this time.

Skill points hard cap?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I don’t think you should ever let your extra skill points go over 339 (in case you suddenly want a legendary, for that fateful day a precursor drops). Skillpoints are too valuable when converted to gold to just hoard.

However I’m sure there are the super rich who have more gold and skillpoints than they need, and it would be interesting to see how many points they might have accumulated.

Unlocking precursor's skin

in Crafting

Posted by: proviticus.4183


also, all precursors share skins with cheaper exotics. Dawn being one of the cheapest alternatives, sharing the skin with khrysoar (however that’s spelled), the golden sword. You can get it for like 5g.

I got an unlock for khrysoar when i equipped my Sunrise btw.

haha I had no idea it would do that :P

I had unlocked khrysoar way before I finished my sunrise, as I forged my dawn, and in the beginning when I got a new skin I would reforge the exotics that came out if they were a skin i didn’t have (otherwise I would sell to get more rares).

[Suggestion] Exotics full use...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


how about you just run fractals 1-9 and you’ll have 9 pristine relics. Run any one of them one more time and you’ll have 10 = guaranteed ring. 5 AR is enough to surive unavoidable agony until you get another ring as a drop (quite common) or another 10 relics (run 1-9 and 10-19 each day = 5 more days for another ring).

I don’t see a problem here, it’s working in a likeable fashion. I’m doing 30-39 fractals without a single piece of ascended armor (only have wupwup stats, screw that) and no infusions in my weapons.

The FotM AR progression is slightly slower than your personal reward level progression, but if that bothers you you can compensate with laurels. Play how you want. I did it by mixing in previous tiers while leveling my reward level, and I never had an issue when I unlocked a new tier.

Unlocking precursor's skin

in Crafting

Posted by: proviticus.4183


also, all precursors share skins with cheaper exotics. Dawn being one of the cheapest alternatives, sharing the skin with khrysoar (however that’s spelled), the golden sword. You can get it for like 5g.

Dumb question about Legendary Weapons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


no and yes, respectively.

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I have to wait until my server changes color (1+ month and counting)

not sure if I’m being trolled, but I definitely know about it being a month since we changed colors and mentioned it in my “QQing”.

I also mentioned how i’ve spent twice as much time in that month in wvw as I did doing map completion in PvE, and I completed PvE map completion a week ago (though I started at 30% a month ago).

I started my legendary process when I got dawn (you guessed it, a month ago). I immediately started WvW map completion at that point, having read that advice many times.

Spending two times the amount of time in WvW than in PvE and still not be done certainly seem like something QQ-worthy, if that’s how you want to interpret my posts. I would prefer you see them as I intended, however, which was rather that perhaps we should admit it’s worth changing to something more balanced and consistent.

In game marrige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: proviticus.4183


not if there are perks, no thanks.

I don’t think i’ll be able to convince my wife to start player gw2, and I wouldn’t like to marry anyone else, not even in a video game.

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


It is called a LEGENDARY for a reason.

Are there any hardcore WvW players going into the PvE forums griping about PvE map completion?

1) yes, there are people complaining they have to do PvE map completion. There are always people complaining about something.

2) they probably represent a smaller percentage, but that’s because PvE is painfully easy (as you lot like to constantly remind everyone… mash 11111111 is a super common comment here). You can be a complete scrub with any class and still get PvE completion easily. You can be a complete master of your class in WvW and still never get world completion if you’re stuck like I am as always green in tier 1.

Hopefully JQ isn’t green next matchup, or hopefully they capture the garrisons at a time other than my work hours (watching gw2score while I’m at work makes me sad). But our complaints come not from it being hard or whatever you think. It comes from the powerlessness we feel. No matter how much I want to do it I can’t do it. I have to wait until my server changes color (1+ month and counting) or until a good guild does it for me (which I won’t have any warning of anyway).

Hopefully you now understand where the complaints come from. With enough time anyone will get wvw completion on any server, but how long it takes varies WILDLY, and not based on any factor you can control. Seems a lot of elitism is going on here like we’re not trying hard enough or our concerns are invalid. I personally have been trying very hard for a month, spending 2+ hours a day in WvW. Maybe that’s not enough for you, but I spent 1 hour a day in PvE doing world completion in the same month and finished a week ago.

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


No way 50 WvW scrubs can take blackgate’s garrison.

Probably not with BG (T1), but I guess even 10-20 are enough to do that in EU-T9 (or NA-T8), maybe not between 20:00-23:00 CEST, but very likely at any other time.

lol I like how you cut my quote right after I said “at least on my server” to pretty much make the same comment (though with an appreciable amount of added insight) :P

I definitely agree, though. So that’s a good potential solution for people in bad servers. Any good solutions for people in good ones?

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


When I first started playing all I played was PvE, hated the wvw map completion task, would only jump in if we had a specific tower or keep. Fast forward to today…all I play is wvw. I just jumped in there and followed the dorrito, got the points of interest, but at the same time didn’t even care about the points of interest…because I started to have fun. This may not relate to op’s specific situation per say, but to all the pve players that need map completion, take a risk. Step outside your comfort zone a little. You never know you may find a game mode that you really really really enjoy.

this is what I did and I do play WvW for the fun now. I’ve gotten a lot better at not dying and at contributing now, too. Only issue is a month later I still don’t have the map completion, and I still want it (even if it’s not my only reason for WvW anymore).

I do wish the earlier post about making a guild was more feasible. It’s a great idea but I think a bunch of WvW scrubs will definitely fail to do anything and the idea will fall apart rapidly… at least on my server. No way 50 WvW scrubs can take blackgate’s garrison.

(edited by proviticus.4183)

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


OP has picked to wait, just like you said. He’s complaining that the system sucks because both of his options suck!

I suppose you never get even a little upset when outside forces delay you from doing what you want? That extra long red light, or stuck at a stop sign because traffic is never ending? Wanna close up shop at the end of a long work day but a customer comes knocking on the locked door and your boss tells you to let them in? Go to your favorite restaurant but it’s packed and you have to wait an hour? Come on man, nobody likes waiting on other people.

We don’t like WvW completion because we can’t influence it. It’s just luck. Some people are on servers that regularly change colors or regularly capture major objectives, but not all of us are. And the alternative for us is to fork out money (gold or $) to switch? Both options suck and that’s OP’s point

I wish developers had as much understanding as proviticus.4183 has.

well I am a developer, just not for ANet :P

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


Do you think I will grind every day till I reach 220 gold to pay for transfer? Not going to happen. I am not insane.

Well, you rather wait until your server get these keeps/tower for you? Then why you are complaining in the first place?

Jeknar… what is with you? All your responses are useless and show a complete lack of empathy.

OP has picked to wait, just like you said. He’s complaining that the system sucks because both of his options suck!

I suppose you never get even a little upset when outside forces delay you from doing what you want? That extra long red light, or stuck at a stop sign because traffic is never ending? Wanna close up shop at the end of a long work day but a customer comes knocking on the locked door and your boss tells you to let them in? Go to your favorite restaurant but it’s packed and you have to wait an hour? Come on man, nobody likes waiting on other people.

We don’t like WvW completion because we can’t influence it. It’s just luck. Some people are on servers that regularly change colors or regularly capture major objectives, but not all of us are. And the alternative for us is to fork out money (gold or $) to switch? Both options suck and that’s OP’s point

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


PVE forces you to complete the hearts, so is it really that different to WvW having you actually take a tower or keep.

As soon as they can give me a way to do map completion without PVE, sure make changes to the WvW requirement.

a total scrub can solo any heart out there. I’m really sorry if you despise PvE, but if you’re doing it for a goal instead of fun, I don’t see the issue. Totally in your power.

WvW map completion is different. I do find it fun, but if I didn’t I would still be there trying to get the completion. And it’s not in my power. It’s just a test of patience when you’re in a server that never changes colors, against 2 other servers which do massive call-outs for defense whenever the garrison comes under attack. I can’t influence it. I’ve tried bribing commanders and offering siege. Nothing I can do can influence it.

That’s not like a heart at all. Not even a little bit. They could add actual hearts to WvW, with things like kill enemies in this area, or attack supply carts in this area. That would be more of a correct comparison, as it would be completely within your power. (Note: this isn’t an actual suggestion)

WvW for map completion? Worst idea ever.

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


Are you building a legendary? If not you dont need world completion.

Also, if nobody is on the borders just go up at oh around 03:00 in the morning, build a golem and take it with a class that can use stealth to bypass guards.

Lol well hopefully his character is a stealth class. Hopefully he’s not like me, a guardian with 98% world completion. Because, you know, it would do me 0 good to switch to my thief to get a keep. I need it on my guardian. OP probably in similar situation.

@OP I sympathize completely. I was in Ehmry Bay (NA worst server) and the exact same situation as you. I transferred to Jade Quarry like a month ago because I could afford it, but I was definitely a bit bitter about it. Worse yet, I seem to have overcorrected. JQ (and their enemies) are so hardcore about WvW the garrisons never seem to flip, at least not during hours I’m not at work. So I’m still missing world completion (and yes, I am building a legendary, and yes, wvw completion is the only thing I need anymore).

Honestly they should just make the points all obtainable without captures. PvE works this way. Some locations are locked behind doors that are event based, but if you walk up to the door even when it’s closed you still going the PoI. If PvE doesn’t force you to do the event, why does WvW? Especially when you can almost never solo the associated event in WvW?

HELP! Foefire's Power or Mjolnir?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I’d vote for juggernaut as its really not that common of a legendary and you may nejoy the stat swap functionality. If not I’d go with foefire’s power since playing ele has made mjolnir look common and trivial to me.

Isn’t there a pretty significant gold differential between the 2 the OP is asking about and Juggernaut? I’m thinking he could make both for the price of just the Silver Doubloons needed.

that’s quite the overexaggeration right there…. mjolnir requires 350 charged lodestones, at over 3g a pop. juggernaut require 250 doubloons at just over 1g a pop.

so mjolnir requires MORE of an ingredient that is 3 times more expensive… though juggernaut is more expensive when you consider all ingredients, just your level of exaggeration is extreme.

2 Greens for Rank 1000... seriously?

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


there should be no progression with rewards, as the amount of wxp required per rank doesn’t change. If rewards improved you would be unfairly rewarded for the same amount of work as a lower rank.

If they want to scale up rewards they’d have to continuously scale up xp required too, so instead of rank 1000 you might only be rank 100. It’s not a bad idea, but they’d have to have mastery points rewarded on a scale too, othewise it would be impossible to get your wvw masteries.

no more exotics from 4 rares

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I got none from 20+ tries.
Chance was a lot higher before the patch.

the chance of getting no exotics after 20 rare forges (80 rares) is about 1.2%. If you think that couldn’t have happened to you, then you should forget forging because that precursor you probably want is a lot less likely than the odds you got an exotic-free cold streak that long.

Pre-reset Garrison flips

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


great, thanks for the advice guys. I am definitely willing to spend time on friday (well, after work) and also willing to bribe the commander to improve my chances

I really hope this works. It doesn’t make me feel good to be so close to completing my legendary, after overcoming the t6 mat hurdle and the precursor woes only to have a goal that I’m not in control of stopping me from getting what I want. So wish me luck!

Pre-reset Garrison flips

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


and these karma trains often capture the garrisons?

When does WvW tend to start to switch from serious to karma-train? an hour before the reset?

thanks for the reply!

Pre-reset Garrison flips

in WvW

Posted by: proviticus.4183


does nobody have an answer for me? Is it a reasonable thing to hope for, that we flip the garrisons before reset?

Is there something I can do to improve the odds, such as donate siege or omega golems? Really any option is better than forking out 100s of gold to make multiple server transfers…

any advice is truly appreciated.

[Suggestion] Precursor Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: proviticus.4183


I think the only fair way to change this system is to not change the system. Like ensign clearly pointed out, you can’t keep increasing the odds without a supply shock, unless you decrease the initial odds (screwing normal players, benefiting rich players).

The only way to fix the precursor system, in my opinion is to do nothing with the current legendaries. They should release new legendaries with new precursors (or no precursors) that have more straightforward methods of acquisition for those that prefer it that way.

That would still shock the market, because then demand would go down for the regular precursors, and then the price would fall off of a cliff. That’s the same thing that would happen if we made it easier for people to get precursors.

That won’t happen.

Why not? If you divide the demand by two, the price is gonna drop.

You’re making the assumption that demand will drop significantly when it likely won’t. They will still be high in demand. It’s just that there will be more legendary weapons to choose from. If you followed the demand for other weapon skins, you’d see what I was talking about.

Demand is not mutually exclusive. There’s a better way to phrase it but it’s more easily understandable the current way used.

You’re making the assumption that it won’t drop. If these new legendaries looked as good as the previous one and had a guaranteed way of getting a precursor, around 50% of people could go for it because it looks good, and however many more will go for it simply because it has a craftable precursor not to mention all the people who already have a legendary could go for it. There are countless factors and I’m assuming the worst whereas you are assuming the best.

you’re assuming the supply is free of the demand. Precursors very rarely drop in the world. Most supply comes from forges. This isn’t like some basic crafting mat like mithril that supply is constant. If demand drops people will stop producing. The precursor market is protected from price drops because it has very low stock at any given point and the supply is only created when demand is high enough for people to warrant it worth their time. This equilibrium will control prices, not players’ goals.

Your world would mean any time any new expensive item, legendary or not, is introduced we should expect price mayhem as people will decide to reroute their funds to the new item instead of the legendary they were gonna craft.