Henge of Denravi Server
Because wvw pop status use a fixed threshold which is itself full of flaws for 24 hours pvp content.
u came late, is already over and to be late for every single poll, i don’t know what to say.
i personally find anet polling in a way that lead people to certain direction while giving people a sensation that their voice matters
unfortunately, im not that naive and im sure there are many not too.
dont stack server then….
Tell that to anet who does the server linking. They link top tier servers. It’s so silly.
but ur top servers r so casual that it doesnt has pop at times
now ur casuals all come out to grind the gears
blame ur casuals?
but u cant blame either, they are the reason why ppl stack anyway, cus they are the population
The issue is…..previously the voice on population balancing is much softer than the voice of scoring. It is not that there isn’t anyone mentioning about population balancing but a lot more people on the forums were celebrating and show more concern about scoring than population balancing itself. To put it in other words, there were more people who care about night capping scoring than actual population itself.
In that perspective, anet not giving population balance as priority is logically understandable though at the same time, short sighted.
Regardless, a lot of people have given up the hope there will be even any population balance, those voices have gotten smaller, anet actions towards WvW are simply depressing.
Problem is you can’t speak your mind too much here. You’re instantly silence via a deletion or thread closed. Some are justified, others speak the truth and yet are closed for some unknown reason whether it be a PC move or they just don’t like hearing concerns from their customers.
I logged in this week and you can see it, the groups just look different and smaller.
I have made a lot of posts over the years, many of which are debates and arguments. So far, there were only a few posts deleted due to breaking the rules. I also had a post that was wrongly deleted which the mod team admit it shouldn’t violate the rules.
I used to often participate in many different debates and arguments in this forums, I can say that they don’t delete every negative posts because I have a lot of negative posts
Honestly speaking, many WvWers often could not participate in this kind of forums of debates and arguments without resorting to personal attacks and insults. This naturally cross the line and get deleted. Also, WvWers often derail from topic and changing it into a matchup topic.
To give a recent example of what anet took note of from my years of posting. A few months ago, I made a topic questioning about the scribing cost of guild sieges. I think a patch or two later, the scribing cost for those guild sieges are reduced.
There were also the dolyak suggestion made by another player, suggestion to put upgrade into number of dolyaks instead of timer.
For a game mode as big as WvW, suggestions that require drastic changes, a few logical or reasoning voices will not be impactful enough for anet to perform any actions. It need to be majority voices supporting the idea to move anet into actions.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Your idea of P2W is so very different from mine, which gaming era did you come from?
I find it absurd and laughable that you are complaining that you are not able to access expansion content while not wanting to pay for the expansion content. Self-entitlement is too strong.
Well, you can always disable gliding in JP area.
However, the thing is that, anet has and must implement all the features across guild wars 2 and not restrict to one part of the game. Otherwise, that is wasteful development and not consider a expansion if you are not expanding the whole game itself.
That NE corner with all the Centaurs. There is no way that I see to complete it. Surely they don’t expect me to be able to beat dozens of Veteran Centaurs at once, right?
I’m just a casual player and I like the new zones for exploring. On the whole this zone seems MUCH better and more friendly than Bitterfrost was. There are actually way to AVOID the enemies – imagine that.
I kept standing on the hill opposite the centaurs watching, waiting for some “meta event” to happen there that causes a zerg of players to storm the Centaur base, or something like that. Never happened. Is there one? Did I miss it?
I never saw ONE character go more than 10 feet up that hill before getting creamed, like I was.
How/When are we to get those remaining spots on the map? It looks like there are at least 300% more enemies there than there should be
Please advise. Thanks for your help.
There are a few ways to go up the POI.
1. The normal way. Go through the crazy amount of mobs to the top. Usually you will die in the valley of snipers.
2. Via Watcher’s Hollow. There is a small path east of watcher’s hollow which can only be jump to when you reach the tree. Jump onto that path, head out the small exit and walk your way around to north east. You will see a pile of rocks, those rocks can be jumped to reach the POI.
3. Via Centaurs Camp. North east of the base camp, there is a pile of rocks which you can climb up to reach the Watcher’s Hollow. You can read second half #2 once you have climbed up.
There are technical and philosophy arguments over repping, one need to understand the two differences before arguing about the needs of repping.
The technical arguments on repping is simply the programming perspective, for the system to identify which guild the user is currently utilizing the guild services. As a added bonus, gw2 dev added features like favors, commendations, guild tag etc. to build around this limitations. Likewise, players argue the needs of repping exactly base on this technical limitations.
To ask repping to be removed technically is to ask the system to recognize the guild not as a singularity but as a collective, it will not happen because every guild hall are different in many things. Likewise, are you going to show all 5 guild tags?
The philosophy arguments have nothing to do with the technical arguments. Philosophy arguments goes along the line like
Philosophy arguments can be way much than technical arguments but at the end of the day, there is only one thing people need to absolutely know and that is…..
Guild leaders can decide what kind of people, rules and etc. for their guilds. Players can decide to join or not join the guilds and if they do join, players are all subjected to the rules of those guilds. If players do not like the rules, start their own guilds and perhaps, one day, you will become wise enough to see why different guild leaders do things differently and come to understand their decisions.
It was mentioned that the guild runs late NA aka PST so not gonna put in other guilds in but down the list I see two guilds that run primarily SEA time, unlikely to see them during NA monday to friday . It gives me the impression that the creator runs out of names for the last two slots so they just squeeze them in.
It was also mentioned that it was meant for new or returning players but the list lack servers and the point of contacts (some youtubes don’t have those). Furthermore, it also lack timezones, I am sure not all of them are PST.
It seems to me like the typical youtube’s “my top 10 songs” while getting attentions for their own channel, in this case for their own server and guild.
HOD has a ocx guild called [STRM].
LoL. Kinda defeat the purpose of massive pvp, gw2 will break the lowest maximum player record.
I have more than 10k AP….
Being playing since pre launch.
Done all the living stories, dungeons, ermmm, basically, all the contents possible. Now, I am just trying to practice all the classes and master them, in term of pvp.
Yes, there isn’t any update that really blow your mind off, at least, to the old players.
People will say that WvW is the only reason to play gw2. Well, tbh, WvW is boring for me. It is nothing more than the usual zerg kill zerg, you stack here or there, you dodge left or right, you either smack them or be smacked. While people are panicking over incoming, I am playing PvZ2 on my hp. It is not hard to notice that the number of WvW players has been declining since launch as well, it just simply prove that WvW is boring as well when you play long enough.
PvP is fun, but that fun-ness don’t last. What keeps people going is that competitiveness but even competitiveness don’t last.
Anet don’t seem to care about old players, they just want to sell more copies and gem items, satisfy the newer players, since that’s the source of the revenue anyway.
For me, it is about the long term well-being of WvW.
Numerous server full doesn’t means is a good thing, it all depends on the actual designs of the game. As for now, I am sure many already know that server full doesn’t equal in populations between each other. This in reality can and will become demoralizing factor for servers that have lesser populations which in turn can and will reduce the overall wvw population when people rage quit due to imbalance. This is in fact not good for the wvw overall if we continue to lose players over this.
I continue to believe blowing all up and implement well thoughts rules is still the way to go. I fail to see how one can hope to solve imbalance issue with 24 servers that varies in base populations, wvw populations and coverage accompanied by players’ behaviors and real life complications.
I will rather it to be a additional reward than a total replacement.
FFA will never be truly FFA
politics will come into picture and people will form alliance
there is no rule that u must kill your “enemies”
i seen it happen in many mmorpg that consist of multiple fractions, the fractions leaders always do something like that. at some point, all except one fractions might even gang on that one fraction.
So you’re saying my thought process is logical? I can live with that. And you can maintain a relationship with multiple guilds at different times a lot like you can 500 people at different times. Do you think the 50 people you see in prime time are consistently the same you see during off hours? You’re still maintaining relationships with different people.
linear thinking is a systematic step-by-step kind of thinking and many people call this way of thinking logic
while non-linear don’t follow the step-by-step thinking and many people call this way of thinking creative and innovative
creating a community, relationships aren’t something you write from A to Z, in a step by step manner. theoretically, you can do certain things in certain ways but in practice, it doesn’t work perfectly so. a community isn’t compose of just logic but also human factors like behaviours, thinking, culture, emotions etc.
a guild can be built by luck, got lucky and recruited a good group of nice people who are repping and not only that, also contributing to your guild. a guild can also be built by hardwork and bad luck, recruiting bad group of people who don’t bother to rep or even when they do rep, they don’t bother to contribute and create troubles instead, filtering through different kind of people to get the right people. a guild can also be built by backstabbing another guild and taking their members away, even if is a small portion.
there is no one answer to everything because the world is such a big place. non-rep guild can be successful with the right situation, right timing, right members, right places but that doesn’t happen for every guilds in every regions.
by not accepting and disagreeing with certain things even if these things are logical in another perspectives, you are limiting your views to just a few perspectives like everything is this perfect in this world.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
if anet do balancing every month instead of 3 and with each balance as minor balance instead of major. it will be more acceptable. i do not understand the logic of 3 months major balancing with no minor balancing in between, it is like doing a large experiment without any fine tuning. i thought anet decided to stop doing experiments.
WvW ranks have been in the game for about 5-6 years, plenty of time to get the rank 2000 required
The problem here goes beyond just the atrocious requirement in place. The problem includes player’s mentality, like yours.
Sure, there’s players who grinded EOTM during its glorious period or grinded WvW since day one, but that does not validate a poorly implemented and thought out cost.
You’re basically wanting to exclude newer players, or players who do not enjoying spending their days in WvW/EOTM only, from achieving something unless they spend half their life in a game that is already nearly 5 years old.
Do you think this is something a new player would enjoy? I HIGHLY doubt it. If anything, it will turn them away. Playing catch-up on achievement points is bad enough, let alone locking skins behind something that takes A RIDICULOUS amount of grinding in a mode they may not even enjoy. This is borderline a JRPG grind.
It’s counterproductive for MO to ask vets who enjoy the game to recommend it to potential new players, while introducing something like this in the game.
It is pretty double standard since your post history shown no complain about legendary armor tied to raid or legendary pvp backpiece tied to spvp. If you want cheat codes then play single player game.
Base the costs on the capacity of the guild. Start guilds at 10 people with upgrades for 50, 100, 250 and 500. If you upgrade your capacity, you lose access to whatever, but are discounted what you’ve already paid. Basing the costs on zerg guilds is silly. It’s the zerg guilds that should be heavily punished.
So the large guilds are supposed to be punished or heavily taxed for the works and dramas they had to go through to become large. I see, sounds fair.
On a side note, which part of it is fair if a guild that paid lesser can get to access the same amount of things as a guild which paid more? In reality, a lot of things can be fair while a lot of things can also be unfair. However, a rule remain, a small factory can only produce a limited number of things while a large factory can produce a larger number of things. If scaling had to be done, it has to be done with this rule in mind.
You need to take a math class
If you have 300 members donating materials, the cost for each memeber will be very low compared to if 10 members of a guild must donate the same things. Add to that the 300 members will be able to finsih most things in the guild hall within a month or two (guilds already have gvg arena) whilst small guild with 10 people looking for a year or more with nonstop farming materials and not playing anything else.
There has to be a way to make it worth while for both big and small guilds. I don’t know how it would work, maybe make it about kapacity, as in active members. If you want to add more active members that can use the guildhalls, then you have to add more donation to add the new limit. This way you can scale how much it cost and add more if you want to have more active memebers being able to join in.
I think you need to do a reality check. You have taken for granted that every single person in a 500 guild will donate, likewise, every single 500-guild has 500 active people. Theory and in practice are very different things. You might think theoretically, scaling is fair but reality is, it will never be fair because not everything will behave like what you think it will.
dont let the free accounts spoil the current server status!!!
If you are saying to develop a system to merge the two guilds together, accumulating their influences and upgrades, that sounds reasonable.
But, if you are saying to develop a system for your own convenience, I think that too self-centered. Whatever you mentioned are nothing more than your personal dealing with other individuals which can be easily accomplished on your part. Developing a system that will only be used once a while is not realistic.
Given that there is a squad commander bonus, what if people want to run tagless, how to take advantage of this bonus then?
why would you expect a bonus? If you want to be exclusive and not show the map where your group is running, then you do not deserve the bonus. Generally if you want to run closed with a tag, most people respect that, and if they dont, learn to shake pugs and they’ll leave you alone.
But, tagless still doing their part for the server….why are you so mean to tagless?
Then, what would be the difference between a capable commander running tagless with his guild and say… me, running around “tagless” with my little noob-casual-friends guild? Would I deserve that reward as well?
The tag reward is not meant for some form of participation but for showing up on the map (and being an orientation/help in some form to other players).
Your noob casual friends are still helping the server in their noob casual ways.
If you are saying it is to encourage tag up, do note it is 5 minimum, that will encourage a lot of tags. If people are saying it is to reduce blob, then I have to highlight that if multiple tags chose not to defend let say their t3 keep, it will cause conflicts with other players, is that also anet’s intentions?
From the comments, it is clear that the dev team has considered several possible solutions. However, it also clear that their main concern is community acceptance to the solutions. In other words, there are solutions that can really solve population unbalance issue but it might not be a popular one. It is quite clear the the dev team has to go a roundabout way of doing things because of the community barriers.
So you are suggesting gem item that allow people a one-time transfer, a gem item that you can gift to others. It sounds like a sweet idea actually, such item is common in cash shop in mmorpg.
However, here is the problem, transfer cost come at different costing (1800/1000/500). That would means you need one item for each costing :O
equal score doesnt mean much
it can means equally dead
Like I have said before in other threads I see no pros to this. none.
Can the people who like this change explain these things to me. I am genuinely interested in these answers.
Why, if you love big fights, did you not transfer to a server that had these?
they have existed in the higher tiers. and transferring is not actually that expensive at all. You can get enoug gold/gems with a couple of days of silverwaste farming if you are even remotely willing to put a little time into it and not want to spend a couple of bucks.
It is a matter of solo transfer and a group transfer. Also, you have to factor in the amount of time taken to farm those and the amount of gaming time a players have. Likewise, you also have to factor in financial level of the players in real life. And, you have to factor in the thoughts pattern of the players, thoughts such as but not limited to “why should I pay for something that anet is responsible of fixing”. Finally, you have to account for the super casuals.
Why do you like queues?
While I get that they represent a map being full and having a fair fight.
it also represents people not able to play where they want to play(the red number to me is people wanting to go somewhere they are not allowed). First and foremost this is a game people play to have fun in some way. Red numbers to me look like people not having fun, or not having as much fun as they want to.related to this: Prime time is not there because people only like the big fights. It’s there because that’s when the most people have time to play. If that’s when there are massive queues. That means that prime time players lose a significant chunk of their gaming time waiting to play.
It is unfortunate for you but not all servers are packed full after the link. TC might be the only server that is packed really full, afterall a number of guilds of decent size decided it is a great idea to transfer there a week before the patch. Ah, BG might be also another server that might be packed full.
Why is playing in smaller servers not a valid choice?
Many like the more focused smaller fights. Some of us transferred away from the big servers to the smaller ones for their own reasons.and more practically. It can be a way to avoid problems.
We have lost guild mates to the simple fact that their computers or internet cannot handle the big fights now dominating even the borderlands. And they have computers above the recommended system specifications.
Why should the wasteland servers be punished due to declining population? As for your point about computer spec, it doesn’t make sense technically because anet has never release such thing as recommended spec, only minimum spec.
why do you think it’s a good idea to change the server linking every three months?
Communication among team speak and community guilds is already at risk of being spied at. We have people joining guilds and TeamSpeak servers of people we might fight against in a couple of months.
Right now i am in the community guild of another server. If they don’t scrub their guild the next time we’re against them. We can just casually follow their every move.
This concern is raised in another thread, way before the link occur, right after the patch, raised by me in fact.
It really depend on how your ts3 admin manage it. Teamspeak can create multiple different permissions and it is relatively easy to remove the permission altogether.
And the biggest question of all. What it all boils down to for me.
Why do you think it’s a good thing that we lost the ability to choose how we play?
Ranking, skill level, community thrown aside. All feelings of how you want to play thrown away.
How can you call it a good thing, that a way of playing the game, available for years now is shoved aside and removed.We had the choice how to play. And now we don’t. I can not think of a single reason why this is good. Not as a player, not as a consumer and not for a company.
I don’t get you. The only choice you had was a highly populated server or a low populated server. The only thing that affect you is your playstyle, it doesn’t change your ranking and skill range. Also, when you made transfer from one server community to another server community, did you ever care about the server community you were in? =)
Zerg nerf = single player
i was really happy that i finally got out of the emerald last pip and winning streak my way to ruby, only to find half of the ruby players are worst than sapphire players.
edit: not to mention, i remember beating a team of ruby with a team of sapphire, it really makes you wonder how they get up there, it really makes you wonder if MMR truly is working as great as other claim. i will see how good the players in diamond are once i get there. who knows, maybe they might be worst than ruby.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
I’ve played the game since LS1, quit a month after HoT released, and now I started playing again, and the more I played the more I realized how changed the game is now.
And by changed I don’t mean content, features or mechanics being shifted around or added, but the core of what GW2 used to be seems lost.I came to GW2 after years of hardcore raiding in WoW, it was something new and different, and altho it wasn’t the “WoW killer” everyone expected it to be, it was fresh and interesting enough to be unique and have its own place in the crowded MMO world.
Everything was focused on cooperation, I was literally shocked by how nice the community was ingame compared to WoW, the content was designed for large numbers of players, etc…Now, I don’t know anymore, it just feels like all those things are just there in the background, with GW2 now focusing on raids, and the community shifted massively with this change. That old content is still there ofc, but it’s just that, old content, that…it’s there.
- The amount of salt, elitism and player base split makes this game no different than any other MMO now, especially with meters being introduced to the game. Players will always choose to be first in a numbers competition over helping someone else. It’s the nature of competitive gameplay.
- You also now have mandatory holy trinity as well if you want to succeed in top tier content. Not needed for open world content, but like I said that content it’s either old or not really relevant. You don’t really need a holy trinity if you do old content in WoW either for example, or for mindlessly killing horses to skin them for leather.
- You don’t have any gear treadmill, but you now have the mastery treadmill if you want to succeed in end content, it’s like potayto/potahto, still a treadmill that will get obsolete eventually. Tell me how I can use the Itzel mastery in LS3 please, or the Exalted one, or the Nuhoch. Doubt they will be useful in any new content ever again. But you needed to get them because Anet gated some content behind those masteries, so they weren’t really optional. It’s the same as farming for a tier of gear that will get obsolete when the new fancy one appears, e.g. the new LS3 mastery track.
TLDR; What makes GW2 different than any other generic MMO right now?How would you convince a WoW player for example to come and play GW2 today? Because I can’t think of anything else but “well it’s like WoW, but different…it has asuras instead of gnomes, and you don’t need 100 addons to be able to get into a raid…yet”
Didn’t expect this to have 500 posts!
Anyway, I get what you are saying.
Gw2 at the beginning was really interesting with so many events, I still remember the epic opening event for Southsun Cove, it is the first and also the last for guild wars 2. Living story 1 was interesting because there were a lot of maps changing events though many complained that it wasn’t persistent which I do agree to a certain extend but it is indeed more epic than the other living stories.
I do agree that HOT have bought tons of changes to PvE though many of those don’t interests me. When they expanded FOTM to level 100, to me, it was like I have to grind another 50 levels again? Grind more sets again? So troublesome.
Then for raid, to me, I don’t get that epic feelings. I favor 20-men raid than a 10-men raid because 20-men just feels more epic. Also, I think 20-men is more reasonable number for a guild while a 10-men is like a clique. The main issue is just the epic feelings is not there.
I don’t feel as excited any more for PvE contents after HOT. In fact, I have cut down my PvE activities so much. Just for your info, I have 28k AP and PvE was really interesting so I keep doing the APs but for HOT, other than the stories, a lot of things are just meh.
Race change involve personal storyline change and that storyline has a huge impact to your character progression. Unless, they reset your storyline entirely when you do a race change.
Yes, the system was doubling NSP PPT and currently it seems fixed.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
When FULL at T3/T4 is equated to FULL at T1, things appear to be a bit wonky in the universe, to say the least.
What could be worse than the slow, painful, demoralization of all the host server communities so that they join the linked servers, an already demoralized group? Why try forced re-colonization? Why not try exploration? I argue the later is far, far and away more positive.
Isn’t it more obvious than ever that it’s time to activate the nuclear option? Let’s blow it all up and start over, so that we can begin to build our brave new world(s).
This could be one of the most exciting things to happen in WvW. It will be fresh, challenging, and risky. To go where no one has gone before….To march off into the horizon to form new worlds and conquer the unknown.
This story: All bandwagon to T1, Locked down, Not enough population, Lost Community Identity, Imbalanced Matchups …. is old, tired and needs to be shelved. No one… and I mean no one… wants to read this story any more!
“….That’s what exploration is all about. Going to places where others haven’t been and returning to tell a story they haven’t heard before. " J. Cameron.
Let’s do it! What say you?
You need to be much clearer than “blow it all up and start over”… You’re going to have to think this through, explain the entire process and how exactly we end up in a better place… instead of being completely vague and not offering any well thought out ideas to discuss.
I have made one in the past and it was so well thought that people don’t want to discuss about it because most don’t want to discuss something that has too much substances. Most people in the forums just want to post count and not really make constructive comments.
Question: When will the update come?
You should change your topic to linux
As for support on linux, I haven’t try it myself but you can install dx9 on linux, maybe it will work. Otherwise, I doubt anet will add opengl since the market segment is small for that.
Edit: just run game via wine
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
hohoho, if the patch contains no bug fixing, i guess HOT rating on game sites gonna drop.
Like other mentioned, megaserver so….
Your other other option is to create a niche guild that recruit realistic fashion players and hopefully they all will show up in your megaserver due to same guild.
There are several problems in the current world linking.
1. Population cap halfed
This on one perspective, seems logical since there are 2 servers. On another perspective, it isn’t logical since all the host servers population differ from one another. To put it simple to understand, BG was a very high server, half the population cap, is full. DH/NSP/HOD are high server, half the population cap, is full too. Adding on the guest server that are not full, this create a unbalance population issue that can never be fixed as the high server can never ever catch up to the very high server while the very high server is very unlikely to destack from it.
2. Numerous server
In favor of server identity, world linking instead of world merging is introduced. There are numerous servers which are the primary reason of why population unbalance became worsen in the first place. There were never enough inflow of people to all the servers. Adding on problem #1, this further aggregate a greater unbalance issue. Furthermore, the more servers there are, the harder to control the flow of players and naturally, harder to solve balancing issues.
3. Full server
There are guilds with influence of their own, to their regions or great popularity which enable them to recruit players from the higher tiers, like T1. Ideally, these guilds are helping to destack T1 but the full servers are preventing them so and getting their members to a guest server seems like a unreliable long term solution due to possible relinking.
4. Players psychological
It is human nature to stack on greater populated server, there are many benefits to do so such as safety in numbers and assured gameplay at many timing. Like what OP mention, when one stack a server, it destack another and when you combine this with point 1, it become a big problem.
5. Relinking possible backlash
There are already players and guilds intentionally transferred to certain guest servers so they can join up their guilds or compete in that host server environment. Relinking will break those and result in possible backlash which then may cause players to quit.
There are possible solutions that base on world linking but the number of solutions and its effectiveness can be quite limited.
1. Let players choose their server ingame instead of start of the game. Players need to be given a chance to understand what they are choosing for and the dialog at the start of game does not do that. Also, its more beneficial for both the players and the guilds as guilds of players’ choice might be of different server and this will avoid that since they can choose after they chose their guilds. Guilds too won’t be heavily restricted by the nature of megaserver.
2. Dynamic capping and dynamic gem transfer costing
As mentioned in the problem #1, current full servers have different populations and problem #4 where stacking continues on the guest server. Thus there is a dilemma, is it faster to reduce the population like what half pop is doing or is it faster to raise the population? How can we get players to move willingly to redistribute the population?
What I suggest is to slowly and dynamically reduce the highest populated servers over time instead of a drastic approach like half cap. To do this, implement a dynamic costing for transfer to determine the appropriate cost for every single server instead of a generic cost like what we are using now. Doing this, some servers (depending who they paired with and how much total population there are) will be low cost or even free of charge which encourage people to move to. At the same, accompanied with dynamic capping to slowly reduce the cap while giving a chance for the lower higher populated server to balance its population against the higher tier populated server.
This involve a lot of maths which is slightly complicated. Even then, this proposal isn’t foolproof and in long run, world linking will still end up being more problematic than now due to problem #2.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
What is the difference between 2 3 4 and 1 2 3, can you explain OP?
what did you do to have 13k hp gone just because you atk one single person?
i dun believe retaliation can hit up to 13k just because you hit a single person
slimike.1693 let count how many complains vs how many ppl love this patch , ( there are MORE complains ) also did you waited 1 to 2 hours ? will you be happy waiting 2 hour per day from now on ? if you say yes u don’t mind , transfer to my server lol ,
I will give u a week in my server waiting for 1 or hours to get in wvw , then you will be posting complain lol
if you wanna use the word majority , if there was a majority of you ? why do I see more complain then ppl posting they love this patch ?
also majority of us , who work , got family
and just wanna spend an hour or so in the game to relax
for the people who want to fight in high population servers , let they pay to transfer
that is best its a win win for everyone
Of course there are more complains, can you tell me which game actually has more praise than complains threads? The fact that you continue to see the map queued, you continue to see a lot of people playing WvW already prove that the changes are welcomed.
lol, anet just admit they spent 3 years not polishing the game.
well, there are a lot of dx 12 games releasing this year and plenty more the next year with unbeatable graphic and more interesting gameplay. personally, im looking out for those new games.
honestly…..some of the things mentioned were expected to come with the expansion but anet come up with some excuse like it is too big for the expansion. /shrugs
edit: anet also admit they have been doing experiment…loool
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Yes, we encounter this issue as well.
Carrying timezone is pointless. People need to step up.
Gw2 is a declining game, nothing innovative new.
if a mob can fight like half a player….im pretty sure many will ask for nerf…literally
guild loyalty is hard enough to find…
and now talking about server loyalty…
thats like super rare…
Yea, pretty sure they nerfing for expansion just like what they did for hot and how it screw so many things up. Let wait and see the skills balance changes, that’s what really matters. Afterall, pre-hot did that and made a lot of mess.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
OMG, that thread so triggered me. It literally reminds me how anet revamp the entire server population calculation just because one server complains about it for just ONE month but did little to population imbalance when people from different servers complain about it for YEARS. Gosh. kitten . Argh! I need to get my dose of hello kitty online.
But, it isn’t just the population calculation issue now. The overall population boosted due to the reward patch, pulling a lot of PvE players from base populations. We all know every server base populations are different and obviously, some are hugely bigger than some. This is a huge population imbalance and the fixed threshold is not helping, it is nothing but a growing discontent for servers that are at the bottom of the “full” servers.
again….and again….and again…….
quit misinforming people that anet balance the guild hall with 500 people as basis
anet for the record did mentioned that it takes 10 person (iirc) to max a guild hall in 6 months. the target highest guild hall level is 80, current is around 70. however, looking at the upgrades, most small guilds wouldn’t even use 3/4 of them.
if u recruit a group of leechers into your guild, then suck it up or kick the leechers out of ur guild or force them to contribute or make them feel guilty or whatever. gw2 is made up of large number of leechers anyway.
Some of us suggested deleting everything every X months and remake X number of servers, let players choose new server then. That suggestion is considered controversial by many though the number of people accepting that is gradually increasing as people are realizing the limit of linking and merger.
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