Showing Highly Rated Posts By scerevisiae.1972:

Ele PVP finished for me

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Yeah, that’s what happens when you build a class around the traditional “wizard” archetype of a low health, low armor magic user, but then give them a weapon set with melee range, give them no effective way to maintain distance due to the large number of gap closers available to everyone, build the PvP game around holding and fighting on very small points, give them no exceptional burst and no additional survivability in terms of skill utility in comparison to what the classes with high hp and armor have.

Typically, games that attempt create a magic user around this type of archetype give them superior damage or superior, but short lived forms of mitigation. It creates a risk vs reward scenario.

But the low hp and toughness of the elementalist really kitten all when it comes to balance as none of the changes to how elementalist work or how other classes work take this into account.

It’s just an arbitrary, unfair penalty against the class for no real compensating value and just something we have to deal with.

If there was any kind of compensation for that low hp and armor ever, it was the celestial amulet, since the jack of all trades skill style of the elementalist meant we could effectively use every stat and get value from it.

This. Ele was balanced around celestial. Add in the horrible elite spec that tempest turned out to be and Ele is finished for me as well.

downed state is bad for PVP

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


This the first and only game I’ve ever seen, where people would see a bunch of AoE coming their way and yell “AoE’s are coming! Quick! Everyone stack together!”

Does that make any sense?

It’s funny because it’s true.

downed state is bad for PVP

Get hyped lads. This could be the one.

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Still the same crappy game mode. Still the same crappy mandatory downed state.

Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

downed state is bad for PVP

Changing "We don't rez the dead" mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


The “don’t rez the dead” rule exits to encourage players to not be lazy, and to obey fight mechanics by actually dodging/not standing in red circles, etc. It’s the GW2 equivalent of the “don’t heal people who stand in fire”policy in games like WoW.

This. Please don’t res people mid-combat.

downed state is bad for PVP

Smokescale F2 now switched back again

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


thx for listening to player feedback. it’s definitely a more interesting pet to play this way.

downed state is bad for PVP

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Skirmish idea is very clumsy. A far better solution would be to dynamically calculate and adjust score per tick based on a moving average of the number of active players per server over the past hour as a proportion of the active population of all 3 servers per tick.


  • server A has 2K active players, B has 1.5K, C has 1.8K. PPT.
  • server A is currently ticking at 300 PPT, B 100, C 200.
  • actual awarded score is scaled as follows:
    # A = 300ppt * (5300/2000) / 3 = 265ppt
    # B = 100ppt * (5300/1500) / 3 = 117ppt
    # C = 200ppt * (5300/1800) / 3 = 196ppt

This is using a basic linear scaling whereas actual performance vs population size probably scales geometrically/logarithmically but you get the idea.

The rest of the changes are good.

downed state is bad for PVP

WvW Poll 27 June: Simultaneous Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


This is really a vote for whether I’ll keep playing GW2 or not. 3 months of DBL == not playing GW2.

I don’t understand why this needs to be a 75% majority. The UK just decided their future in the EU based on a 52% majority…

downed state is bad for PVP

Gems from real money too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I prefer sub-based games for the simple fact that the content and updates are much better.

The biggest flaw in the B2P model is that once they get your money, they have no incentive to keep you playing, they just need to keep the cash shop turning over. Whereas a sub-based game has to earn your loyalty every month.

Eg balance update frequency in GW2 is appalling.

downed state is bad for PVP

How To save our PvE

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I don’t know anyone who uses conjures, and I am yet to meet a good player who uses conjures.

the OBVIOUS fix for conjured weapons being crappy is make them work with attunements. That is, activating frost bow replaces your water skills and you can switch to fire, use fire skills, and then switch back to water and the frost bow is still there.

There is no other way to make conjures viable short of making them deliberately overpowered just to get people using them.

conjures are in the same bucket of design fail as dragon’s tooth, the skill that is designed to miss its target most of the time.

downed state is bad for PVP

Guild Wars 2 Problems

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


However they are a small group with limited amount of resources. So it takes time to fix all the issues we are currently seeing at the moment.

But that’s the real question: why is there a lack of resources? why is class balancing such a low priority?

downed state is bad for PVP

Discuss The State Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Just give us a new scoring system based on population and give us a score DECAY. The longer you hold something the less points you get.

I think you mean the other way around: The longer you hold something the more points per tick you get.

The other positive changes they could make are:
1) dilute the rewards for taking objectives by the number of players who participated (discourage zerging).
2) make every kill count towards the score (re-balance scoring & ticks) to promote player clashes over karma training.

The one addition to WVW I’d most like to see is a PVP/PVE dungeon along the lines of Darkness Falls in DAOC, which changes ownership based on which server controls the most X and essentially functions as:

  • a reward for the leading server, and
  • a balancing mechanic that removes some of the dominant server’s players from the battlefield.
downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

Hate to say it but..

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I think the real weakness of mallyx specs is vulnerability to boon stripping combined with lack of a stun break.

downed state is bad for PVP

ANet seriously nerfing arcana?

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Elemental Atunement … probably should be baseline.

Yes this is the only thing that makes sense, EA is a class-defining trait.

Their goal was to decrease the dependence of Eles on water and arcane but all they’re doing to making 20+ water 20+ arcane the bare minimum instead of 15+ water 20+arcane, the exact opposite of their intended goal. It’s kittening kittened.

downed state is bad for PVP

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.

How about all that unused skritt/centaur territory?

Skritt/Centaur Mastery are next year’s content.

downed state is bad for PVP

[sugestion] Glyphs

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


all excellent suggestions IMO.

i particularly like the idea of GoLE producing an aura, some nice potential synergies there.

the only thing i would add is that glyphs feel like they need another trait. perhaps drop the new damage-on-interrupt trait to master level and add a GM glyph trait?

downed state is bad for PVP

Adrenaline has been BUTCHERED!

in Warrior

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


warr has just been spoilt with 100% adr all the time without needing to spend a single utility or trait slot. now you need to devote some part of your build to adr generation.

this is still a far better position than e.g. Eles, who need to devote 4 trait points to both water and arcane plus 1-3 utility slots just to make use of their class mechanic and survive.

downed state is bad for PVP

Why is PvP supposedly "poorly designed?"

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


For me it’s poorly-designed because the game mode just isn’t very fun.

The things that kill fun for me:

  • downed state/rally mechanics. Not appropriate for a PVP game.
  • standing in circles being more important than winning fights

2. Mechanics, class balance, and depth. ArenaNet went for a streamlined simplistic system for esports and balanced around fast action. The problem of course is that fast action doesn’t leave tons of room for strategic or skilled play. Their continued class balance is absolutely laughable and when PvP players see that a dev can’t handle the most obvious of class balance changes quickly, they leave. The game just lacks a lot of depth that provides for counter-play. The slower caster times and casting knockback in say WoW allowed for some good counter play. The tons of different skills and mechanics in LoL provide lots of depth and the casting times/animations for lots of skills provide enough time for decent counter play.

and this ^ — a general lack of any kind of cerebral depth to the combat, spamming abilities outperforms build-crafting and careful use of abilities, no real counterplay, very few real build alternatives.

What disappoints me most about this game is that GW1 had build and tactical options in spades and the combat & build system had a real cerebral depth and quality to it that this game just doesn’t.

downed state is bad for PVP

HoT: The Good, bad and the ugly.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Am in the same predicament and I also find HOT to be really really grindy. The entire appeal of GW2 is that it was very casual-friendly, but HOT seems to have left that model behind and locked the interesting stuff behind a grindwall.

So grindy in fact I expect the next thing to come out will be to buy hero points for real $$$.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

Tempest: What is the desired role?

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


The last thing i wanted was another close range support role, so tempest literally could not have been worse in my view.

Bad concept, bad implementation.

I would have liked a highly mobile ranged control oriented caster with minimal support, that could have made a decent alternative to staff in wvw.

downed state is bad for PVP

[Ranger][WVW] traps should be 900 range

in Profession Balance

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


The 600 range of traited traps is a major drawback of trying to run traps in WVW.

Compared to similar AOEs such as wells (900 range), necro marks (1200 range), ele staff earth #2, fire #3, water #4 (all 1200 range), guardian’s purging flames (900 range), the 600 range of traps seems fairly unreasonable.

A traited range of 900 or 750 seems more appropriate. It would also be nice to see trap traits in a more appropriate trait line, as condi utility traits don’t really make sense in a precision/ferocity trait line.

downed state is bad for PVP

Please make new wvw map optional

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


So ArenaNet isn’t adding anything that doesn’t already exist in the current WvW maps both EB and Borderlands.

Except that they’ve made the central goal of the new WVW map a fedex-style kill-ten-rats PVE quest…. worst map design concept ever….

downed state is bad for PVP

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Downed state does nothing for the “team” game, all it does is heavily favour numbers over skill.

The side with the greater numbers always wins in an open-field standoff, simply through greater capacity for rezzing.

It sucks.

Rezzing ought to break on any form of damage in PVP zones. That would fix it without being overly punitive.

downed state is bad for PVP

Is balance even a possibility?

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Actually I think the balance in GW2 is pretty poor as it’s clear they only balance for the top 25% and more-or-less disregard the bottom 75%, which I think is ultimately detrimental to the game. They did this in GW1 too, but at least there you had much more control over how you could build your character.

They could eg: decrease the damage of 100 blades by 15-25% but make it usable while moving, or decrease the upfront burst of backstab by 25% and add a bunch of stacks of bleeding with decreased CD — point being to soften the edges of some of the more obvious IWin-vs-noobs buttons while still keeping the overall power of the ability roughly the same.

downed state is bad for PVP

If you want your game to be E-sports...

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I don’t think this game will ever be e-sports while it has such big watchability turnoffs like downed-state, excessive particle effects, and the conquest game type.

Anet’s apparent lack of interest in player issues like game balance & build variety definitely doesn’t help either.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

one with air trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I can’t be the only one that thinks this should of replaced Zephyr’s Speed for the 5 points in air trait?

Most ele’s are running perma swiftness and the real waste is the 10% 5 point trait imo

Yep and nearly a third of Ele traits are total garbage.

downed state is bad for PVP

[WvW/PvP] What's not OP?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


The first thing would be deleting the damage component of Lightning Flash and making it a stun breaker again. That would be a buff to elementalists while also reducing the damage of that combo.

Agree, the lightning flash change was a net step backwards.

Let’s face it though, changes to cantrips are the least of Ele’s worries. Glyphs, signets, and conjures all need attention a lot more than cantrips. From the PVP/WVW perspective of course.

Moreover, I’d rather see the skill floor for Ele raised, even if it comes at the cost of lowering the ceiling. The std deviation of Ele performance is larger than any other class (IMO), which is always going to mean it is impossible to balance well.

Case in point – the series of sledgehammer nerfs that took Ele from “best” PVP class to “worst” PVP class in the space of a few months.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

WvW Livestream on GW2 Twitch Channel

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Nice to see WVW get some attention. IMO the sooner Anet gets that WVW is where the real PVP in GW2 is, the better.

downed state is bad for PVP

Woah, now I totally get Living World!

in Living World

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Eve online has a better “living story” than this game or any theme park game ever could, because the story derives almost entirely from player actions and events.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

Staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I’d much rather have Air #1 become a single target attack and #2 become chain lightning, and both actually hit hard.

Strongly agree that staff needs to gain some semblance of single target damage potential & yours is a good suggestion for sure. Staff air #2 surely does suck in terms of opportunity cost & effect.

The suckiness of staff air #1 vs a single target (it’s fine vs 2+) needs to be addressed as well.

downed state is bad for PVP

Best PVP Class - 1 January 2014

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I think the one thing that might put engi into S tier is Automated Response. It’s an actually useful version of diamond skin

Fixed that for you.

downed state is bad for PVP

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Disappointing they still haven’t fixed sword #1

downed state is bad for PVP

How will the patch notes change the meta?

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I don’t think the changes listed will change much:

  • 20+ arcane is still required for playability
  • 15+ water is still required for survivability
  • glyphs still suck
  • conjures still suck
  • EA is still a fair bit better than any of the GM traits
  • staff still has 19/20 AOE skills
  • sceptre still laden with crappy skills: DT, SS, fire #1, water #1

I can see S/D and signets being a little better, but survivability will be an issue.

Re-distributing the stun breakers is good.

More than anything, I would’ve expected to see trait changes that reduced the dependence of Ele on attunement CD reduction from arcane and dependence on 15+ water for sustain and condition removal, eg: Earth 30 = reset fire and earth attunements on using a signet, Air 30 = reset air and water attunements on using a glyph.

Pretty disappointing IMO if those are the real changes. I really hope they aren’t.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

2014 is now half gone...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Personally, I think it’s simply a case of the Living Story + Cash Shop being so financially successful for them they’re not really concerned with much else. They ask themselves, “why bother with X when Y is already working so well for us?” And because there isn’t a great answer to that question, most of their resources are allocated accordingly.

This. If the game is not eventuating the way you’d like it to, then don’t support it. Don’t spend any money on gems and discourage your friends from spending money as well.

downed state is bad for PVP

Rev condi clear

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Yep i think they went too far with condi vulnerability. it’s not much fun to play classes where you’re forced into a cookie cutter build because there’s basically no choice in condi removal.

downed state is bad for PVP

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


If ArenaNet had just said “this is the revised offer: vets get free slot with pre-purchase”, and not added the misleading, disingenuous BS about “veteran loyalty” then I wouldn’t have made this thread.

Even without saying the words “veteran loyalty”, veteran loyalty is implied by your suggestion of them saying “this is the revised offer: vets get free slot with pre-purchase”.

A reward for vets is a reward for veterans who remain loyal to the game by prepurchasing.

I think you’re just caught up on the wording. They made this new offer in response to large outcry from veterans about not getting a reward for their loyalty.

By bringing up “veteran loyalty” in their community address they’re saying, hey yeah you’re right we’re gonna give you something for being loyal customers and sticking with the game for so long.

Just coming out and saying, “oh yeah, so we revised the offer and current accounts can get an extra slot” could just as easily come across as a quick shushing of the complainers. “Here take your character slot and move on, thanks.”

Any kind of statement they make could be interpreted a few different ways. Both good and bad.

It’s never been about getting something for being loyal, it about existing players getting a much worse deal than new players, for the same money.

downed state is bad for PVP

Downscaled Content is Far, Far Too Easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Compared to GW1, the AI seems pretty appallingly bad in this game, my friend couldn’t get past level 10 saying it was faceroll boring. He’s right… why is the AI so bad in this game?

downed state is bad for PVP

LB ranger is seriously underrated in wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


IMO warrior LB is a lot stronger than ranger LB for WVW due to much stronger AOE, & more useful CC. i think that says a lot.

downed state is bad for PVP

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972



Where is that healthy gamestate now ?

As far as i can tell the new maps are pretty much a flop on anything below T1 status of population.

new maps are a flop on T1 as well, after night after night running around fighting noone but bad AI, i think the guild has given up.

downed state is bad for PVP

Talk about elitism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


→ break the homogeneity problem of COF speed clear groups.

  • buff + nerf 100 blades: reduce damage by 25%, but make it usable while moving.
  • give slave driver a knockback.
downed state is bad for PVP

Thoughtful criticism of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Yes, so the only actual improvement in GW2 is the persistent world, and even that is still somewhat instanced as you can only get from one zone to another through portals. (See WoW for how to do it right.) The only other advantage I can think of for GW2 is the AH – and that’s also not nearly as good as in many other MMOs. Everything else in GW2 is worse or at least no better than GW1. That’s just… sad.

Yes I really think they made a colossal mistake in leaving out the best parts of the original game: the skill depth & variety, the amount of build choice through secondary classes, skill capping, elite skills, mobs using player skills with decent AI.

As with any software product, the bits you replace have to be better than the bits you’re replacing, and in GW2, they aren’t.

downed state is bad for PVP

Tempest that we have is the one we will get

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


they can’t not do anything after the near-100% negative reaction after BWE1, they would just look ridiculous. There are a number of things they could tweak to differentiate Tempest from being just another version of D/D… i’m semi-hopeful.

The real question is what on Earth gave them the idea that copying the close range support role of D/D combined with slow, easily interrupted overloads with crappy effects were ever a good idea?

Imagine how much work and $$$ could have been saved by releasing a video preview of the spec months ago to gather feedback?

downed state is bad for PVP

Facet Of Light changes.

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


This is the worst proposed change. rev is already annoyingly vulnerable to CC, this will make it worse.

Um,..stability on roll+grandmaster bulwark that makes stability double in stacks+adept master traits that generate vigor.

revenant is the most immune to CC.

Because noone would ever think of boon stripping/corrupting before CC/bursting right?

Rev is the most immune to CC versus noobs, sure.

downed state is bad for PVP

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


sPVP was dead at release, roaming small group WVW is the real PVP.

downed state is bad for PVP

Prepurchase: To everyone still deciding.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


mmmm sorry but I think gw2 is really a non grind game.

everything u grind for is something u dont really need to play the game.

Acended gear is the only grind factor I admit but what else?

um, kinda everything:

  • you need to grind dungeons to get dungeon armour/weapons
  • you need to grind events for karma
  • you need to grind WVW for WVW rank
  • you need to grind PVP for PVP rank
  • you need to grind the world for world completion
  • you need to grind for legendaries

not saying GW2 is a grindy game, it’s not, it’s very casual-friendly, but it’s a themepark game at the end of the day, and themepark games are only ever about grind. you only need to play a good sandbox game (eg: Eve, Archeage, Darkfall etc) to see how grindy all themepark games truly are.

downed state is bad for PVP

Blog on upcoming changes to Rev Class

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Revenant and thief are both constrained by essentially the same mechanic - energy - so why is high auto-attack damage bad on one but ok on another?

Hammer #2 is totally op with a 2sec CD, but no mention of it.

I don’t get it.

downed state is bad for PVP

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Buy another character slot and you won’t have to delete a toon.

You missed the point.

Why do existing players have to pay $60 to play the expac when new players pay $50 and get the whole core game thrown in as well?

downed state is bad for PVP

Allow us to pick our 5/15/25 Traits.

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


the entire trait system is in need of some serious revision

I agree with you there.

I also agree. The game would have been so much better with no trait tree and a pool of skills for each weapon from which players could choose.

Pooling all the 5/15/25 traits into 3 buckets from which you could choose would be a good first step towards giving players more meaningful build choices. Another obvious candidate for improvement would be allowing players to equip another utility in the elite slot as a lot of classes have really crappy elites and/or elites that don’t fit into builds at all.

Instead of being so conservative with changes at this point I’d say it would benefit the game a lot more if bolder changes and balance changes were made more regularly because let’s face it: the ultra slow approach is still producing huge metagame changes and tons of bugs/imbalances are slipping through.

downed state is bad for PVP

(edited by scerevisiae.1972)

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Where is written in stone that everybody is looking for extra slots?!

The expac comes with a new class. It’s one of the few things we actually know for sure that will actually be in the (rather under-contented & overpriced) expansion.

It seems perfectly reasonable to expect that everything needed to enjoy the content of the expansion actually comes with the expansion, right? In the same way when you buy a new car, you expect to be able to drive it.

Therefore, everyone who buys the expac, should get a character slot included, no further questions or qualifications required.

downed state is bad for PVP

Ground Targeting Wars....... Fix It Please!

in WvW

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Spoken like someone who only plays ranged. The meta hss definitely shifted towards ranged.

downed state is bad for PVP

Herald's horrifying ground effect

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


In a game with already overdone spammy ground and particle effects, let’s add another ground effect that will have nearly 100% uptime so the player can’t see what field they’re standing on…..

downed state is bad for PVP