The t3 light needs a fourth dye slot for the goggles/arm. Everyone knows that.
Make this thread huge so Anet sees it
If your ears remain erect for longer than 2 hours, please see your doctor.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Just be patient. Several krewes are already hard at work perfecting the formulation for an Asuran metamogrification contrivance in an attempt to correct the Eternal Alchemy’s only mistake. Soon the only race will be Asura.
Congratulations! You have just exhausted 20 years of luck!! Take care !!
Legendary SoloQ
WvW Coordinator
Oh it’s gets better, so this “league” is actually a glorified achievement. I can’t wait to see what lovely objectives there will be on the checklist. Kill the grub 100 times, kill the centaurs 100 times etc etc.
We’ve actually just recently added the tech to add an achievement for complaining on the forums.
Player homes would make me so happy i’ve always wanted to have that in a game.
“More peoples play human and Norn race”?!
I can’t belive a GW2 developer told that , to explain the persistent trouble with charr armor,sorry.
If he told that for real , i’d say give us the change race scroll.
I’m an asura,but i would use it too ,cause weapons are INVISIBLE on the asura race.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
You could salvage 10000 exotics and not get a single Dark Matter, in theory.
you still get… LAUWAARELZ
I’ve been playing since launch and I’ve wanted a Fractal Sword as soon as Fractals of the Mists were introduced into the game, but the fact that despite having done over 360 Fractals and still not having a Fractal Sword is really frustrating, pure RNG is horrible to be honest and I think this could be easily solved with a recipe involving materials acquired from the Fractals themselves, there are various items obtainable inside Fractals that become useless after a certain point and they could get some more usefulness through Fractal Weapons recipes.
Can I have Mr. Sparkles for my birthday instead of boring human lady please?
This is what I heard is well. There are many reasons why they should not do this:
1. Not all GW2 players live in Germany… this is incredibly unfair
2. If you are going to give someone a prize for attending a certain event, don’t make it bound to that person so other people can at least buy it
3. It belongs to a collection and it’s very frustrating to those who have worked hard to collect all the other minis.
Please please please please, if you are going to give these people something at least put it on sale in the Black Lion for other people to buy a week later. That way its still special because they got it early, the other players can still get it, and money goes to the game. It’s a win-win-win!
Mr. Sparkles is best golem (sorry Hobo-tron) and deserves better!
Someone please tell me this isn’t the only way to obtain this mini
(edited by Aguri.2896)
I agree. It’s a minor irritation but it adds up.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Please make them ungreetable or move them away.
I know it’s trivial but it’s one of those things that’s been grating on my game design flaw radar since launch and affects every player except those filthy rich enough to have permanent express access.
It’s like if Walmart greeters were to step in front of you while you were browsing shelves to ask you how you liked the weather.
(edited by Sol Solus.3167)
Plain and simple, let us buy a guild upgrade which gives members 10% more WExp for 24 hours, just like PvP influence/Magic Find/Kill Exp etc works.
I have an idea and not sure if its been said already but it would be nice to have a 3 slot toolbar. I say 3 slots cause 1 slot for food, 1 slot for potions and the 3rd can be a misc slot for other goods. This way we dont have to open our inventories when the food and potion timer goes off.
Great concept, good for an exotic 300g dagger but not a legendary
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
More town clothes!!! MOAR!!! Give us more choices to chose from!!
It would be nice if we could transmute them in the Mystic Forge for the better ones…
Daily reward again on level 80…another basic transmutation stone. >.<
With 8 lvl 80’s l have close to two stacks of them. I’ve kept hoping Anet might decide to allow some kind of trade or ability to transmute/exchange for lvl 80 transmutation stones. It would be nice….
At least stop giving the useless things to lvl 80’s…please??
Copied from what I posted in another thread with a similar topic:
What they need to do is lose hotjoin and make:
Ranked TPvP Require rank 15. 50 glory for a loss, 250 for a win.
Unranked TPvP (this is where you go if you’re a nublet) 0 glory for a loss, 150 for a win.
2v2 Arena
1v1 Arena (Because solo play should always be an option, and it’d be highly popular since every class has 1v1 builds.)
Outcome: The pvp crowd is more together, and there are more options/modes, not 3 copies of the same thing (hotjoin, solo q, team que)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Dear Anet,
pls take the Arena from Crab Toss Minigame ( ) and Add a simple Deathmatch System for 1 and 2 PlayerTeams.
How much work did u have to spend on that?
I think u Guys have a exra Team for sPVP?
What did they do? Drawing new Minimaps?
EDIT: Think on the Gamers who only play GW2 with 1 or 2 Friends… They dont want to create 5Man Teams!
(edited by Earlsimmons.7490)
I planed carefuly my colors and style. In my case is white+light blue (NOT VIOLET)
I am owner of Meteorologicus that now perfectly fits my style (My zephyrite cap has same light blue effect).
Changing colors to violet/purple will ruin everything!
Do not do it!
/more animations
(edited by Septimus.2714)
Plus a combined version like Greatswords.
How bout some decent looking Legendary weapons for a necro or the evil elementalist. I’m not gonna wield a rainbow staff or a stick with a globe on it. I think we need a dark and light version of each legendary.
My argument against the scrolls as they are now is that they will very rarely aid the character that is celebrating the birthday. The scroll will most likely be given to an alt.
“Happy Birthday Timmy. Here is a bike with training wheels.”
“Thanks Dad, but I’m 25 and I already drive a motorcycle.”
“Oh well. Give it to your son. Happy Birthday!”
The real and final stab in the back was this. Not just that they didn’t give us random minis and we got 8 Jennahs, but meanwhile, they add 42 new minipets to the gemstore. Jennah for tease, and if you want your GW1 present, you can have it, just empty your pocket for it.
I hope ArenaNet will start to make logical decisions at some point after they left behind their ‘GW1 didn’t exist and we ignore every loyal veteran’ mentality,
Fear The Crazy [Huns]