Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Where is the better 3rd party candidate? For the two parties to ridicule and call crazy.
And to cheat out of the election.
For those who don’t know, Kormir is the 6th human god, but she wasn’t always a god. She was once an allied NPC of the player in GW1 who let the player do all the work while she received the ultimate reward. If you’d like to know more, this video explains it all:
Or you could just vote for Gnashblade and see it for yourself when he unlocks it as a fractal.
I don’t think I need to explain to anyone who Trahearne is.
So we run around on Southsun getting barrel rolled by karka and dodging mines in Canache’s layer only for Kiel to arrive once the work is all done and take the credit for all our work and taking praise from Magnus.
Then we run around finding the murder suspects and working with Marjory to solve the mystery of the Dragon Bash to once again see Kiel steal the credit.
Finally we invade the Aetherblade Retreat and take down the pirates and stop their ship from escaping (while Kiel talks nonsense about needing us to jump up a bunch of platforms to unlock a door for her, she is absolutely useless – remember Rox and Braham in the Molten Facility? Those guys were helpful). At the end of it all, pirates we defeated leave behind their ship, but it’s not handed to us. Kiel gets it. Once again, the NPC gets the rewards for the player’s hard earned work. To add insult to injury, based off the foundation of the player’s hard work, Kiel is put in the running for the Captain’s Council while we run around waiting for the next thing she is going to take the credit for.
It’s great that Kiel wants to put a discount on WP costs, that’s really useful for people who don’t have an air ship to fly around in. It’s a real shame the player didn’t just defeat a bunch of pirates who owned an air ship, that could come in real handy as an alternative to WPs.
With Kiel’s track record I don’t care who her opponent is. Anything is better than supporting the legacy of the third coming of Kormir. Well, maybe Trahearne isn’t better.
If changes have to happen in the SA traits, remember that this is not only our Stealth oriented trait line. It’s also our healing trait line. So instead of adding more traits that deal with stealth and removing the few that don’t, find a GM trait that works on healing or reducing damage somehow :p
Examples :
- “Shadow Form” receive 50% less damage while Revealed
- “Shroud of Distress” heal yourself (1000 HP?) when a blind opponent misses an attack on you (internal CD?)
“a GM trait that focuses on healing” you mean shadow’s rejuvenation? :P
WvWers are mad at PvEers for taking up queue spots. PvEers are mad at WvWers for camping the JP and not letting them complete it. This is awesome, lol.
Really we all should just be pointing the finger at Anet for putting both parties in this position in the first place.
I don’t think it’s really constructive to drive the discussion towards the definition of ‘griefing’. Let’s talk about the actual problem.
What i see here is PvEers’ having bad experience, both in getting their living story achievements and in their first taste of WvW. And let’s face it, living story(and associated achievement hunt) is a PvE thing, or at least mostly received as one. Otherwise, ANet did something horribly wrong in either marketing them or composing their contents.
I don’t think the important part is whether Devon agrees with calling this ‘griefing’ or not, or what the intention was when designing Obsidian Sanctum. If your contents, designed to give players fun, are aggravating this many people(very consistently since release as well), something went wrong with your design. Are players just playing it wrong? Are they being wimps? Doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. If this many players don’t like it, if they are not having a good time, you did something wrong.
Why do players have to fight about how it was meant to be played? Shouldn’t those kind of stuffs be clearly communicated by the game itself? Why do we see so many people who let their enemies pass to ‘do the JP’ when it is a PvP zone? Why do we see so many people, even WvW and PvP players, hate on Obsidian Sanctum campers? Why does playing the game as devs intended causes finger pointing? Why is the map so inconsistent with the rest of the game, in that it brings people of conflicting goals and expectations into one place, promotes one-sided unfair fights, often followed by grudges and people calling each other ‘griefers’? Why was it frowned upon to do JP when there is a queue before? If this was to be a part of WvW, why was it split from EB? Why is my post so kitten long?
I just cannot fathom how all the competent people in ANet shipped this full package of confused design while the rest of the game is shimmering with all sorts of smarts. I am sure, for someone who worked hard enough to have a place in ANet office, there could have been smarter ways to do this.(both designing this map, and introducing WvW to Living Story crowd.)
This is coming from a WvW player, before anyone goes ‘go home pve-er!’ on me.
tl;dr – guys don’t fight, let’s blame anet instead!
(edited by Yid.3024)
No… thieves would like more viability in other rolls… and complain that they don’t add much to a team composition (go check the thief forums). That’s what most thieves WANT to be able to do. However that doesn’t mean that the current stealth/burst that thieves have is unbalanced. They are actually on the weaker side even in 1v1’s once you get to a higher skill level (why I don’t often play mine anymore). The two are not inherently mutually exclusive.
So what you’re saying is if you compare an elite thief player vs an elite player of another class in a clear 1v1, the thief doesn’t have much of an advantage?
Well, yeah, we all know the classes are balanced around tPvP. This has little bearing on the state of the classes in WvW.
I see wars regularly destroy thieves all the time, Necro’s too, guardians, mesmers, engi’s, ele’s, other thieves and even a couple rangers, although i think they’re usually rrr so meh,
Thief only has one advantage and that’s ppl being all scared when things go invisible, get over that and it’s just a fight.
This is coming from someone who’s pvp experience doesn’t even go back as long as wvw itself, I’m not that great, i loose fights all the time, thieves run like 3/4 fights, if they aren’t tower humpin.
r4420k+ blazetrain
Roll a thief, get farmed by them or leave the game. I thought Anet’s position on the matter for a year made it clear for everyone?
Do you really have that much trouble? That’s really sad. I take my engie, guardian and my uplevels where ever I want in WvW, and have zero problem with thieves. What’s your excuse?
Part-time Kittenposter
WvW is about many things, but one of the biggest of them is siege weapons. We will continue to make changes and additions to the game to make siege weapons more varied and more interesting while also changing other aspects of the game. But it will always be a game type that uses siege weapons and uses them a lot. It is part of what makes WvW unique and the strategy involved is important. And before you mention it, I have died to many, many arrow carts.
It’s a shame that you have such a limited, noncompetitive view of open world fighting. I don’t know if no one at Anet played DAoC, or if you were all just god awful at it, but you are missing out on so much potential because you are so focused on driving wvw into a mindless zerging siege fest.
If instead of intentionally pushing the skilled players out of wvw you had encouraged small group play, GW2 would have the best roaming pvp scene since DAoC, but instead it’s a joke.
But hey, on the upside, maybe if you continue to ruin wvw more and more with every patch, hopefully eventually you will be forced to actually put some resources into spvp.
In fact I would love to see all venom traits on the same tree. Merge Quick Venoms with Venomous Strength (there are multiple utility skill families that get a bonus on use on the same trait that gives the 20% cooldown reduction) and put the result where Quick Venoms is, then put Leeching Venoms on the spot that Quick Venoms just fred, and finally make Venomous Aura (or a mix of it and Residual) on the 30pts for Deadly Arts.
“Shadow Arts” and Venoms aren’t related to each other in concept, everything venom related should be on Deadly Arts and mixing the traits with each other would help with them
I’m a longtime Venom Sharer and while I love the build, I would love this change so I can invest in other traits and trait lines.
And create a new grandmaster trait in shadow arts that has to do with shadow arts at all.
A trait worthy of grandmaster btw. Any ideas?
LOL! Thanks I needed a laugh, good video. Sucks that there are always so many bugs in the new content.
Actually, this is less of a bug and more of an extremely poor design choice, given their other design choices…
Basicly they’re doing some of the biggest NO-NOs of programming server<→client systems… Such as NOT having diffrent ends performing calculations for the same thing… In this case, your client sends your ground target, relative to where you are… But it isnt actually sending your current location… So the server uses your last sent static coords with adjustments for the relative movements it has recieved since… Now here’s the kicker… Packets DO get lost, and the relative movement ofc, isnt done in realtime… That means the server will ALWAYS have a diffrent location that it uses to calculate where your target is… From where you ACTUALLY are… That means the targetting, will always be off… That’s something you dont normally do in programming…
You have EITHER the server OR the client decide both things… Having the server do it, has some performance issues… Letting the client do it, has security issues… So that makes some programmers not very experienced in client-server systems think it’s a good idea to go with this design… The right design for this “problem” is however, to have the client always do the calculation, but not TRUST the client providing the data. Such as have the client decide what happens, but also have the server VERIFY the input… Such as, the client always decides how it moves and where… But have the server verify if that movement is possible… Say every second, it checks your speed, and your locations a second ago and checks your location now, and sees if it possible that you could have moved that distance given that timeframe, which stops speedhacking… Doing the same for checking terrain is also possible… This eliminates both the main security issues (as well as makes a system available to be easily expanded with additional security checks of this type) as well as the performanceissues, because it’s the server doing all the main calculations, and the major benefit, is that you will never rubberband (classic MMO thing) and the server will never missinterpret your targets or similar…
The problem in this case, is exactly these problems… When you’re jumping short of the target, it’s the same as if you had rubberbanded… As in the server pulls you back because it sends out new coords that you “should” be at, based on the relative movements from your last sent actual coords… Now dont get me wrong… This design choice also has its virtues, Im not bashing that choice… Most MMO games choose it because the method I describe, is more network and server load intensive, meaning they would need more server capacity to handle it, and bigger pipes… And it would also mean it would require faster machines to handle the client, and more bandwidth for the clients….
The thing is, as I said before, they are seemingly too much of beginners in the client-server programming, to understand the weaknesses of their prior choices… When making the choice they’ve made with the network design… One HAS to understand that this WILL limit some other choices, such as “Dont do ground targetting for precision dependant things, such as movement”… THIS is what the devs have forgotten in this case…
In this case, it’s likely a sideeffect of some mass recruitment in the creativity department that doesnt know the limits, combined with programmers and designers not understanding the consequences of the choices. Or that the poor dev that was given the task of implementing this, knew, but didnt dare advice against it for some reason… (that last one I’ve sadly seen waaaay too often ;_;)
Hi! I saw a lot of people having trouble with this ability, and so to clear up any confusion I’ve created this handy guide on reliably reaching your destination, with no hassle!
Hopefully this guide will prevent any troubles you may have had in getting some of those pesky crystals, and may even teach you how to be a better player!
It’s amazing how the GW2 community finds a way to complain about getting better rewards.
Not to say you prove my point perfectly but when you make pots like this you show a deep lack of knowledge about the game and the meta…..
The added rudeness is just to complete the picture of a good % of thief players.
That is maybe a sign of a class being effective with no effort at all.
And the best part is the class has even a high skill ceiling…..figure if a bad thief player can be effective, how much is a good one.
Really? How would you act if day in and day out for almost a year, layman assaulted your skill and integrity, baring witness to persecutions ranging double standards to slander.
If and other class in the game performs a high burst it’s automatically because they’re skill. See 100 nades. People act like Thief is some god class when in truth, the only thing people can accurately claim thieves accell at are minor WvW objectives resource gathering and map completion. No one will choose a thief in anything PvE if a guardian or warrior is available (or just about anything that’s not a ranger). Some commanders disuade thieves from zergs because they’re “rally fodder”, and in TPvP they’re a real contender for 7 or 6th place in the tier listing.
So tell me why we should not be more then a little tired of it all? Especially when you have classes like Guardian, who have the entire game handed to them on a silver platter and catch zero guff for it?
Part-time Kittenposter
Anet, Can you please either release all of the abilities at once, or at the very least allow us the ability to reset them, the way we can traits. Trickling them in 1-2 at a time like this is horribly inefficient, especially when your still making changes to them.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
I can see how it would be a really fun mini-game, akin to roller beetle racing in GW1. However I don’t see myself achieving anything with it as I can’t be competitive at all; everytime I use a skill, I rubber band back to where I first activated it. Alot of people seem to be having the same issue. I don’t have lag issues anywhere else in the game.
Is this being worked on?
Protect him at all costs.
Whats the kittening point in this if npcs have no kittening cooldowns and no kittening pattern they use their skills? If its random, you could have just simply put it to talk to the kittening npc and hope that you will get achievement, instead of wasting my time. 3 kittening hours and there is not a slight patter that indicates how to kittening counter god kitten Adnul.
Yeah, kitten your luck based bullkitten and do something that actually requires brain instead.
Im 100% sure he is cheating.
I was keeping track of him belching, but he was able to interrupt my water after drinking only once (i.e. he did Belch-Drink-Belch).
Adnul Irongut cannot be beat. The math simply doesn’t add up. If he’s constantly spamming his special ability the math says you will run out of health before his. Please fix this Anet.
The closest I got his health down was 25%
(edited by Korval.3751)
Well we can either have slow quality expansions released once a year which have good maps, real armor, real story, and new skills/races/classes
or we can have tons of really crappy content with rushed incomplete rewards
guess which one Anet chose…
Here’s her very extensive guide.
I’m somewhat surprised with the way crafting works. This update adds Celestial craftable items, which IMO is great… But, the system feels somewhat grindy. We need:
- To get Quartz crystals. Those will be permanently available to each character who finishes the BofFW meta event, on a per character basis, through a node on the personal instance that gives 1-3 crystals per day. They can be traded.
- 25 Quartz crystals are needed to craft a single Charged Quartz Crystal in a Place of Power (the skill points). Those can be made only once per account per day.
- Each Celestial insignia/inscription requires 5 Charged Quartz Crystals. Which means, it will take at least five days.
So to make one Celestial item, we need:
- 5 Charged Quartz Crystals, which means…
- 125 Quartz Crystals and 5 days, which means…
- At 3 Quartz per day, more or less 41 days…
Doesn’t this feel somewhat grindy to get a single item? It isn’t a matter of having something challenging to do… It’s just time gates.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Just wanted to hop in and mention, again, that the AoE cap on player skills is a technical limitation. Were we to increase that, skill lag would get considerably worse.
Bad programming? DAOC had much more server calculations 11 years ago, on supposedly much crappier servers
On the good side; at least it isn’t forced upon you like Last Refuge. :< /sigh
Hard to Catch: Shadowstep away and give swiftness (12s) when you are disabled (stun, daze, float, knock down, launch, knock back, sink, or fear). This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
Why is this so useless you ask?
- Doesn’t break disables. This point is very important. I would much rather have this trait off and use a stunbreaker when the situation arises, than to be shadowstepped away for a mere headshot daze and have to use my gapclosers to get back on the target.
- If you are stability stomping someone and that guy uses any form of CC, you WILL be shadowstepped away and get your stomp interrupted. How clunkier and counterintuitive can this trait get?
- When a teamfight arises on keep, in Forest of Nifhel, stay the hell away from the border or you WILL be shadowstepped outside of the keep.
EDIT: Tested a little bit further and if you stay on the Clocktower’s cap point 50% of the time you will get shadowstepped to the tunnel below and lose the cap point because of that.
TL;DR: Traits are suposed to bring in versability, especially a Grandmaster. But all this trait offers is limitations. Reducing the trait’s cooldown won’t make it better, it will just make it worse as it is.
I’ve added a sugestion box to the trait, hopefully we can get a Dev absorb some of the sugestions or atleast explain why is the trait worthy of a Grandmaster tier if it’s so unreliable/unpredictable in its’ current state.
Please keep the discussion constructive and assertive. No dueling bragging rights in here.
Sugested Changes so far:
- Next skill’s crowd control that would otherwise disable you is negated. (75 second cooldown) – Quickfoot Katana
- Change it to a very short range shadowstep + stealth – Grimwolf
- Attempting to dodge while immobilized/stunned/etc will teleport you back X range – bobross
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
There is a fairly small percentage of armors in the game that are nice, but there are way too many that are ugly. The gem store armors generally follow the trend. I know they must have a number of artists responsible for armors. I also assume that one or two artists are likely responsible for the best armors and there are some artists that just can’t make armor that isn’t ugly as sin.
This really is the notable weakness in the art dept. The game itself is beautiful and full of detail. Fashion is difficult. A very skilled and talented artist may still have zero fashion sense. It’s well past time to get the fashion impaired artists off of armor and onto something better suited for them and actively search out game artists who have a solid portfolio of fashionable game armor.
BTW, IMO, both Heavy sets are by far the best of the gem store armors. The original medium armor was decent, the new medium armor had potential but was ruined by the chest. Both Light armors are just plain horrid.
(edited by Fiontar.4695)
I’ve been wanting them to add new armor skins to the gem store for ages, but these are just hideous. I’ve come to the conclusion whoever is responsible for the design for GW2 gear doesn’t share my aesthetic. Plus, female Charr and Asura sharing the male model armors is just lazy.
I main a light armor class and the light armor skin is UGLY. No way am I spending 800 gems when the original armors skins were 500 at launch.
They are ugly and most players wouldn’t be seen dead in them!
Plus Anet not my favourite games developer atm…
Just like airing a pilot of a show in the same time slot as the Olympics. Nobody will watch that new show and it will not be renewed. Much like this system of buying skins directly.
They are ugly as sin and nobody I know would be caught dead wearing them. Looks like we’re back to RNG boxes after this event.
Honestly, we never got an answer as to why it was never reverted. Actually, we never even had an answer to why it was bumped up to 4 seconds in the first place.
So we were left to speculate, and the general consensus was that it was added due to WvW thieves abusing the game culling along with stealth. Culling in WvW has since been fixed and they reverted that change. But only in WvW and left it at 4 seconds in spvp which never really had the same issues of culling abuse in the first place.
All I can say to that is: ????
And we lived confused ever after. The end.