Why would you waste a block or invuln cd on backstab? thats not outplaying someone thats wasting your skill which is a fail. BS can be avoided so easily by simple movement, even keyboard turning can cut the bs damage in half, yet you want to waste a block skill? and call that skill? Use the block skill on CnD then you’ve negated the damage from cnd and backstab, plus the vuln cond and the blindness that goes with it, AND stopped then from entering stealth and forcing them to waste HALF their init, with one block skill. THAT would be skill, what your doing is a fail
it is not a valid balance issue because you(the person who is calling for the nerf) said that if the nerf was put in place that not even you would be able to play the thief in that condition. you would need to move up from (what you seem to think is the top of the skill ceiling) and practice to even make the spec function propperly.
this would cut everyone who is below the skill cap out of playing the spec all together.
if you do not consider yourself high on the skill cap.. then asking for a nerf that would make you unable to play your own class is illogical and deserves to be derailed.
or has another motive.
i.e. you were on another class and got killed by a thief you thought you were better then and dont think you deserved to die.
or you think its too easy for thieves with less skill then you to kill people.
just stating it again.
you..(a person who considers themselves a good thief).. would not be able to play the thief after the nerf you are calling for is put in place.
so… even high end thieves would have trouble compensating for the nerf you are asking for.
the only reason other peoples skills get put on cooldown is because they do not use initiative. none of our skills get put on cooldown when used.
the skill that did get put on cooldown is whatever you used to get into stealth. that is the ability that gives you backstab.
Yes, most of our skills use initiative, which serves as our global cooldown mechanic. When missing those skills, there is opportunity costs involved.
Backstab does not use initiative, however, and can be used immediately after a miss/block/evade, so missing it has very negligible opportunity costs for us. Therein lies the problem.
I think you’re talking about point B and negecting point A.
The current topic of discussion is Backstab and how miss/evade/vul affect it. Before we talk about that, we need to go back to point A; stealth. How did the thief get into stealth? There are serveral options; heal, utilities, and weapon sets.
This should be where the oportunity cost comes into play. The majority of the time, stealth is either achieved by CnD or BP+HS. All of these skills cost init and with CnD it must hit the target at 120 range. But you as a thief player, already know this. The cost is paid up front via init and Backstab is our reward.
A thief can continue to Backstab in stealth until it does damage at which time the reveal debuff is applied. Since the thief is not dealing damage when the attack is block, miss/evade, or invul, the reveal debuff does not trigger – this is how the mechanic works. Is it balance? Yes, please see first two paragraphs for my reason but to repeat it, we already paid the cost to use Backstab.
(edited by Sifu.6527)
so let me hear your idea kaon how do you see a thief playing. any miss of an attack causes unstealth plus reveal debuff.
imo this causes every single stealth damage ability + sneak attack to be next to worthless or an after thought to your spec.
this erases backstab thief as an option completely and also changes theif stealth to a defense only ability or a movement skill rather then a way to attack.
I think it will come down to the rewards from participating. If they can find a way to let guilds that participate get guild merits as well to spend in their guild then I think it will help ease things over. Maybe if a guild starts it they get 10 merits and the guilds that participate get like 2.. or something like that.
That way small guilds can still build up their influence to run the event started by larger guilds and still get guild currency to spend on the new guild perks.
Also if the rewards are not good enough for these events then the population will not be tempted to help the small guilds or larger guilds.. but if the rewards are there then guilds of all sizes should be able to gather enough people to help them complete the mission.
According to this, all classes have a 4 stun breakers, with exceptions being Ranger who has 2, and Mesmer who has 5. One of the thief’s stun breakers is haste, which is counter productive. Sure you can break stun, but after you will have no endurance for the duration, which makes it counter productive in practice.
My proposition to you ArenaNet, is that you remove the stun break from Haste, and in return give it to Blinding Powder, for those of us who would rather not sacrifice our endurance.
— A Thief
The reason is this: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decoy
It’s the same skill, except Mes also gets break stun. Why Thief shouldn’t, especially considering how long the cooldowns are on their break stun utilities (Shadowstep, Roll for Initiative)?
I agree. Real markets have regulation for a reason: because once a group accumulates enough wealth, they can use it to manipulate prices with false scarcity.
Too much laissez faire approach from the devs here imo.
Matts should be account bound on purchase.
I’m going to say this I’ve played 900 hours over the past 3 month and half. i haven’t played the TP and I’ll tell you this I’m not 20% close to getting my legendary. So for the people not playing the tp and just playing the game, getting a legendary is a far away dream.
I started going for my legendary actively at around 600 hours.
I’m at 750 hours and 75% done towards Bolt, one of the expensive ones.
I do not play the TP
You are doing something very……very wrong.
That is all
Then tell us Mr Ath, how do you go about earning your gold for your legendary without playing the market, because 90% of us would be very interested in that.
Power farming. 2-3G per hour guaranteed, regardless of loot nerfs or not
So your telling me that if say I wanted to get 100 charged lodestones I should power farm for over 100 hours, doing the same thing over and over again.
Lol thats not fun or entertaining thats slave labor.
I’m still trying to understand the logic in relation to Anet’s Gem Store item releases.
As I see it:
They want our money, we want to give it to them.
They throw unrequested and bugged town clothes at us, we keep our money.
1,000’s of players begging for some armor skins, and we get backpacks.
I understand many people have bought town clothes, but those who bought head items can’t even see the item that they bought due to a bug that is as yet unfixed and has gone unfixed for months…notice there was no head item released with these new town clothes, that’s because the head items are still bugged. :\
Though don’t get me wrong, I like my Tiger Charr backpack, but I didn’t even buy gems for mine since the Tiger Charr backpacks are on the TP for 6 gold since they are a rare drop from Black Lion Chests…while the really, really plain brown Charr backpacks are Gem Store only and cost much more than that. That should have been reversed. You want our money, put the good stuff on the Gem Store so we will buy gems with cash to get the stuff we actually want.
It actually seems to me that Anet doesn’t want our money and instead intentionally goes out of their way to not offer what 1,000’s are requesting and would pay for, and instead spends time creating and adding in things that nobody has asked for and very few seem to be buying. Their behavior just does not make sense to me from a business standpoint. Having no monthly charge to play, I would think they’d be putting priority on offering goods that are highly requested as to keep generating income, while also putting priority on fixing the main bugs that are affecting people on a daily basis. I really feel Anet needs to sit down with itself and have a heart-to-heart, think about what it’s done, where it is going, where it should be going and what it needs to do to get there…for all our sake, as I want GW2 to be around longer and be greater than GW1 in all aspects. Also…I miss actual “Guild Wars” in Guild Wars. I don’t know who decided to scrap the foundation for the title of the game, but I don’t think it was that great of an idea, though that might just be me and my opinion. Anyway, thank you for the fun times playing so far Anet, I look forward to another couple thousand hours.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Okay, I been thinking a lot on this, and more and more people start ask me for guides ect. is this something that would interest people on these forums? It’ a lot of work to make it if no one wanna see it? I’m thinking on commentary to the videos explaining builds and which counter moves we can do vs classes? So all in all, it would be How to PvP by me? I know I’m not the most skilled player, but I still got a general idea of most stuff going on in pvp (WvW and sPvP, dosn’t matter much, the theory is still the same)!
The question is, would people on this forums like this?
WvW Roaming movies!
They have already said they are going to be adding new ways to obtain them.
How about you just be patient, and maybe even realize that ascended stuff isn’t the end game, its an optional path to take in gearing up your character.
Yes, let’s be patient for something they said back in November. It is what now? March?
They’ve added two new Ascended items since then and guess what? They gated those as well as the first one. They didn’t make them obtainable through other means. They gated them straight from the start. What’s worse, is they admit it was a mistake to gate the first set of Ascended gear. But they did it two more times after that.
So when exactly is this supposed way of obtaining them through other means going to happen? Or are they going to keep gating all Ascended gear being introduced, and then after we have a full set, they will make other ways to obtain them? So by then, we’ll have a ton more currencies to add to the tons we have already, and then other options to get Ascended gear in probably 2014.
Yeah, let’s just be patient for that.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
It use to be really easy to sell Guild Wars 2 to my friends but …it’s so difficult now.
Everything sounds amazing, but when they start asking about “end gear/content” and I have to explain them it takes a minimum of 12 weeks for 2 accessories, a dedicated 20+ days of dailies and 1 monthly completion for a necklace and 20+ dailies from Fractals (unless you’re lucky with RNG) for 2 rings.
They look at me like “Are you serious?” – It’s a complete turn off and I can’t even defend you, Anet.
The most powerful/credible advertisement is word of mouth. Consider what kind of “words” are coming from our mouths recently.
What I’m saying is, please reconsider how your “gear treadmill” is earned. We understand “exotic’s were too easy to get” but please, this is not the right direction. If Ascended will be apart of Guild Wars 2 forever, add more fun ways to earn them that doesn’t involve a Daily. Maybe that means actually adding challenging content.
TLDR ; Dailies/Weeklies are not a quality way to earn end game gear and it’s NOT quality content. If someone asked me what Guild Wars 2 end game was, I’d tell them Dailies (Dragons, Fractals, Dungeons, Daily daily, Monthly, Guild Missions, etc).
Please go back to the drawing board, Anet.
I love your game but I’m concerned with the direction you’re taking.
OP loses a duel to above poster using D/P and makes a thread asking if they are gonna nerf it because HE perceives it be OP because HE lost to it lmao. Example of many threads in thief forum.
look I’m not here to judge whether anet do the right thing or not,
but the way it looks, what they’ve been doing is tackling-the-‘easy’-stuff-first-and-leave-the-‘difficult’-part-later kind of mentality
the problem is, the rate of them creating new bugs are way faster than resolving it
at this rate, it will be a very a long time before they will start to address the ‘difficult’ things
i’m very familiar with software development process and i’m not sure if they actually have severity ratings for all these bugs
they really need to tackle all the severity 1 issues first before they start to bother about all these medium/low severity, cosmetic kind of problems
just don’t get your expectations high for the upcoming patch
ranger’s real issues will not be able to be addressed at least in 3 months time
anyway, as per my earlier posts, i’m not actually a ranger anymore. but i really have my sympathy for the rangers for the state they’re currently in
If traited, the steal ability is marginally useful I guess, but even then its a complete garbage compared to other class abilities, and in no way defines the thief as a class. Its nothing but a teleport with a random buff or debuff, and with a long cool down.
Besides, the ability don’t make a whole lot of sense, since its not actually a steal. Whoever heard of a thief stealing feathers from a bird, for example.
Maybe its more useful in PvP (I don’t PvP a lot), but when running dungeons or events I hardly bother to use it. I bet 10G its the least used class ability of them all.
Let me try to explain it more clearly. It started with your reply to :
Omg, it’s begun, it was backstab, now unicorn, next " omg did you see that thief run around in circles, everyone was confused and just watched him so he took no damage!!"
OMG Thieves have confusion now? :O
Yes with the Prayer to Lyssa spell :o
The answer is a 4 letter word that starts with JOK and ends with OKE.
After months and months of reading QQ topics about thief i dont take it as joke. This little joke can grow to another huge QQ topic where ppl will cry how is thief OP. Thief is victim of nerfes almost on all patches all these nerfes have source on QQ forum topics so pardon me that i dont take it as joke. There is nothing to laught for me.
Btw its not only about this confussion. This topic is beautiful example. Thieves have found some new good “unicorn” build and what happened? On forum is QQ topic how is this new build OP, how thief can kill small army and cry for nerf. Every new thing on thief which can be good for PvE/PvP is only target of crying forum topics.
Really pardon me that i dont laugh and have no sympathy for this “joke”.
(edited by Runcore.5107)
Gosh, don’t you know anything?
GW2 is an MMORPG, which means it has to be extremely boring and use generic snorefest game systems that have been proven to rake in money by the other large MMORPGs that have existed for 6+ years.
You can’t spell INNOVATION without MMORPG…
Oh, wait…
gw1 had just as many players as wow during its peak. would it have been so bad to steal some wow players and bring back All the gw1 fans who left after a year or 2 of eotn? and just leave the game ply alone adding the world dynamic events and closing the single person instancing? several years ago when gw2 was in development all i remember them saying was they were gonna change the graphics engine not the entire game im just feeling let down and depressed that gw1 is gone forever.
(edited by oney.5067)
There was a LOT in the most recent patch that obviously was more or less completely untested, ill conceived, and not fully planned. This is mostly because it’s created far worse problems for many classes than it purported to solve.
For thief, nerfing dancing destroyed whole builds and toppled an already teetering balance among the weapon sets. That’s a MUCH bigger issue that’s a lot more work to solve than any problem caused by the damage dancing was doing. And, it needed to be solved BEFORE dancing was nerfed.
Same kind of thing with mesmers. Sure, tossing a phantasm through a wall was completely absurd and needed to be fixed. But, the way it was done just put another class on the “obstructed” list. It’s just worse for mesmers because one phantasm is about 75% of their DPS — assuming it’s actually possible to become unobstructed. As you all know, there are many spots (eg. AC burrows) where range is obstructed no matter where you stand.
Obviously, in that case, the obstruction issues needed to be resolved before creating a worse problem than the one you tried to solve.
Now, we’re in a state of “oh, we’re busying working on the event” and thus won’t see any fixes until late January. Not sure about y’all, but I could care less about the events when the game has bugs like these.
- Im posting this again because my previous post was locked, so this time I removed the post issues, would this post be better on the bugs section ?
Here is a video that shows the skills:
-Needle trap
These are rectangular AOE skills which doesn’t work as intended.
The video shows the issues..
If you have experienced this issues, please post.
previous replys:
Yeah the aoe of our traps should be fixed, because isn’t rectangular but squared and only in the center of the trap.
Wow, i really didnt know about these issues. Ok yes I dont use the skills but this game has been out for months and this is an amazing find.
Yeah, it is the reason I haven’t even bothered trying to think about trap builds.
Thieves have trap utilities?
I’ve never seen a thief use one. No wonder I never knew this information.
I thought they only had signets and venoms.
The separation between PvP and PvE exists for a reason – so that skills that are relatively balanced in PvE and overpowered in PvP can be nerfed in one side and not the other. Why then was Dancing Daggers (skill 4 on the off-hand Dagger) HALVED in strength in all formats?
This makes the S/D set even more useless and severely cripples S/D, P/D, and D/D Thieves in PvE. The skill was one of the few great skills in a PvE Thief’s arsenal.
Can you please revert the nerf for PvE, Arenanet?
1. if youre broke and dead -> no way out (late Time in a low populated Server)
2. later levels -> insance travel costs
3. helping people in lower areas -> noty the costs to get there arent worth it
4. map completion -> you travel to a low-lvl area the hearts give you just a fracture of money you actually needed to get into that area, if youre on high lvl
I love greatswords. I have a greatsword mesmer, and a greatsword warrior. Something I’d love to see in Gw2 is a greatsword thief because it looks B.A.
For many players, vertical progression of stats, however it is achieved, is a commodity that is necessary for them to enjoy playing an MMOG. I don’t believe vertical progression is an inherently bad thing (although some make that case), or evil; that’s just what a lot of players like, and IMO there is nothing wrong with that. There are literally scores of successful MMOGs that are predicated upon that philosophy, including the 800 lb gorilla known as WoW.
Indeed, in the weeks immediately after launch, we saw quite a few posts in these forums from players that had maxed out vertical progression and complained that they had “nothing to do”. They loved the game graphics, the DE’s, WvW, the lore, the map checklist, but unless there was vertical progression in the game, the entire rest of the game became boring and not worth playing; that is because, for those players, vertical progression is the ingredient that makes all those other features of the game ultimately enjoyable in the long run. It’s like taking the necessary, special ingredient out of a recipe; without it, the product is edible and visually appealing, but not worth going out of your way for.
Now, flip that concept over. For many of us, permanently capped vertical progression is that special ingredient. No, it is not how most MMOGs have been baking their cake over the last decade, but there is a number of us who have been looking for, and waiting for, just such a game. Some of us are casuals who are tired of playing games we have no hope of ever maxing out characters in. Others are more hardcore players who are sick of the gear-progression treadmills and want a more relaxed, less time-consuming MMOG experience. Still others are those who want an MMOG where competition between players is not permanently skewed by never-ending gear score differentials. Many others are frustrated with gear or stat-gated content that prevents them from experiencing areas or events because they don’t have the best, or specific kinds of gear. Whatever their individual reasons, many players either stopped playing MMOGs entirely or were tolerating their current MMOG, waiting for some AAAMMOG title to come out that baked the cake their way and capped vertical stat progression entirely.
Stat-progression players may not understand why stat-cap players would want to play in a stat-capped game, but the least they can do is accept and respect that a permanent stat-cap is what we need to enjoy an MMOG. In the same sense that without ongoing stat progression many players lose interest in a game, many of us have no interest in playing a game without a permanent stat cap regardless of what else there is to do, regardless of how gorgeous the graphics and regardless of how interesting the lore may be. We were willing to tolerate an endless list of game issues because, frankly, we have no place else to go. This is the only modern, full-featured AAA MMOG that had promised a permanent stat cap.
When you attempt to make the case that GW2, up until level 80, was always a stat-progression game, you miss the entire point. We were willing to tolerate a relatively easy (or at least realistically attainable) effort to get to max stats as long as that was the end of it. Many of us would just prefer zero leveling and stat progress whatsoever. I’d personally rather just be able to log in, dress up a max character from the get-go, and then go have fun pursuing horizontal content (cosmetics, non-comparable skills, lore, titles, event leaderboards, sideral progression systems, PvP, WvW, etc.). However, I and many others were willing to tolerate vertical progression up to a point because we knew that it would end and we would eventually have maxed out characters to dress out in various costumes, gears, weapons and builds and enjoy Tyria in a leisurely manner. That was the whole thing for us. That GW2 also had amazing graphics and a variety of other revolutionary and evolutionary concepts baked in was icing on the cake – but the most important ingredient by far was the stat cap.
This system of easy progression to a permanent stat cap to pursue horizontal content is a monstrous success in League of Legends. Games like Oblivion and Skyrim and the massive mod industry that sprang up around them show that players are very interested in exploring horizontal content even after vertical progression ends or becomes meaningless. GW1 showed that such an MMOG could be viable. To argue that MMOG’s should have endless vertical progression, or always have had vertical progression, is to address the very same fundamental perspective that GW2 was supposed to break free from and be a radical departure from.
A permanent stat cap is as important to us as ongoing stat progression is to many others; without it, there’s no reason to play the game and no significant enjoyment to be derived from it, regardless of what else might be in the game to do or enjoy.
As it stands, the current Tier 3 Cultural armor price is extremely high. Clocking in at 119 gold for a full set, it is nigh impossible to attain this set in a reasonable time without grinding. I’ve given this a bit of thought and i can only see two logical solutions.
1: Lower the price (reasonably)
At the moment the jump from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is about 2.7x in terms of price. The jump from Tier 2 to Tier 3, however, is much larger. Around 15x the price. My solution would be to reduce the price of each piece to anywhere between 7-17 gold per piece. This would mean that the full set would cost around 70 gold. This is high enough that it would maintain exclusivity of the set but would still cut a sizable chunk of the grind and monotony out.
2. Raise the gear spec
Let’s be honest, when you churn out 119 gold for a set of armor, then realize you still have to hit up dungeons or find another 20-30 gold to spec out your character to full exotics, it’s a bit of a kick in the teeth. I would also find it equally acceptable if the current price was maintained, but the gear spec was raise to exotic level.
I have no intention of ditching the idea of Tier 3 cultural armor but I feel that the prices, as they stand, are unreasonable for a game which claims to have done away with the grind. In this sense, I guess a third option could be to create more viable ways of earning gold which are fun and non-grindy
Cultural armor price is unreasonably high. Raise gear level OR Lower total price by 30-40 gold.
I’m interested to see what the rest of the community makes of my ideas so feel free to post replies and maybe we’ll get a bit of discussion going
@Mods: Sorry if this is a duplicate post but my searches found nothing on this topic. Also, if you think this belongs in the “Suggestions” sub-forum, shift it.
Screenshot speaks for itself.
Sorry no, the screenshot doesn’t speak for itself. It’s a picture of you dead with some numbers, with only your word that you were built as a bunker el at the time (and from what you’ve provided, 16k HP isn’t much of a bunker build at all).
Elementalist = are known in ALL games to deal damage or be support.
Just because in game A elementalists are known as damage dealers doesn’t mean that elementalists in game B should be damage dealers as well.
And no, I should not have to run in a group in order to not die. I have no problems taking on 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, and even 1v4 at times. But yet this thief comes along and pretty much 1 shots me? I say one shot because 4 shots don’t even matter since it was less than a second which means I have NO time to respond.
So let me get this strait. You think it’s fine that you can 1v2 1v3 and even 1v4 people, but when someone 1v1s YOU, thats OP. And if you were on your own, you kind of deserve it. I don’t care what class/build you are playing. WvWvW is meant to be a group event. Anyone wandering around on their own deserves anything that happens to them. If you do need to travel on your own, ALWAYS make sure you have a finger on your escape/stun break ability. If you computer really is as powerful as you claim it to be, you should have no problem reacting to the first sign of damage you take (again, to the DAMAGE you take. Don’t wait to see the [insert class] before you react. Until they fix rendering, waiting to see something before reacting is just asking to be killed.).
kitten, I got bored one day…made a thief. Used just the sword. No offhand because I’m a player like dat. Just popped in and out of fights with 2. Go in…land some aa…pop out. Surprisingly, worked. I don’t understand “Stab” skill though. It costs 4 initiative and does less damage then your aa. Like wtf were they thinking? I would play thief if there was a kitten greatsword skill set, and a god kitten katana.