Showing Posts Upvoted By Morrigan.2809:

all the loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


There was the event nerf.
Then the dungeon nerf.
Then the champion train nerf.
And now the crown pavilion only gives you two greens for 40 minutes of work.
And this, this really makes me doubt for what purpose all those nerfs were made
(img of the gold announcement below) for source.
I wonder whether it has anything to do with China release? Though why to divide the two regions even if you’re planning to nerf the NA and EU version to the ground?
I know what I’m going to be told “you shouldn’t be playing for loot!”. Well what else is there at the moment? After two years every dungeon I’ve done to death. Every zone has been fully explored ten times minimum. Even with the new fractals I’ve done all of them a few hundred times. Burn out someone would say. But burn out is not the problem. The problem is where the nerfs are leading. And adds like this get me worried.
I know that I shouldn’t bother with it. After all there are a sea of other MMOs out there and I can just leave for one until this one adds something new. And I will probably do that. But what I’ve seen yesterday left such a bad taste in my mouth that I can’t keep quiet.


Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shift Focus.9083

Shift Focus.9083

Why do you think heal-o-tron has to be paid x amount of donations (coins silver-gold+) from players to start an event “boss blitz” to get achievements?

There’s a surplus of money in the economy and they’re really kittening people off by the way they’re handling things, trying to get rid of all of the gold in the economy (which will most likely never happen), nerfing champ bag loot, nerfing any profitable farming spot you can think of; what does that leave us with? dungeons? You can only do 1 path per day to get “rewarded” so they don’t encourage farming a single path in a dungeon, They DON’T want anyone to farm at all, pretty soon karka farming will be nerfed in some form or another, if it already isn’t nerfed, just saying it’s a pretty dam big turn off with all of the nerfs to farming in this game.

I Love this game, don’t get me wrong, I love the beautiful graphics and art, but they really need to make people happier and stop taking away what makes a lot of people play the game, to get loot and feel like they’re getting rewarded for their time.

Queensdale's Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


You realize the the QD train nerf isn’t the first train nerf. FGS’s changes now result in a lot of standing around waiting for champs because they grouped what’s now called ‘The Trio’. It’s not about new player experience. It’s about nerfing, pure and simple. Taking a 50,000 ft view of what’s been nerfed and what hasn’t, there’s only a few play styles that haven’t been significantly nerfed, if you disregard the constant build nerfs. Wow, I just wrote ‘nerf’ six, now seven times. Anyway, each patch brings about a player base that logs in and looks around at what remains for them to do in a game that once was wide open and free. Apparently, the current player base likes to be told, quite often, how to play the game, what’s approved play styles, and how much loot they should take in a day. Wow, I play the game to get AWAY from reality.

Why I miss Vigil Keep being the "hotspot"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I think they should’ve left LA destroyed, forever. It was a nice reminder that Tyria is in danger.

I also miss the racial cities being populated again. LA was just very boring compared to ther other main cities, even Ebonhawke, to me.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dkspins.4670


It is still ridiculous when 2 people are in a party and they get split up when wp-ing from Malchor’s Leap to Cursed Shore while doing map completion. LOL

Reading patch notes, Anet has not even addressed the Megaserver issues with RP, Guilds & MIssions, etc. let alone party splitting. I truly miss my server and server pride, being online with guldies at events without a huge hassle getting everyone in the same MS. by the time taxis are done, the event we were aiming for is over. ::sigh::

I absolutely loved GW2 and would be more than willing to go back in time to a year ago, when it was fun (less lucrative perhaps but more fun.) Pre-ascended, pre-talk of legendary gear (i.e. grind), pre-shaky box, pre-achievement chests. Players were more congenial, rezzed NPC’s as well as players, and seemed to care more about the game than the loot they were getting. Jungle Wurm, trying to rez, yet dying myself despite the 50+ players there – not a one tried to rez anyone. Sad days indeed…

7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger

How Much More Casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thereon.3495


First off this isnt a ‘Im going to quit….wahhh wahhh wahh’ thread. Just me venting a little. Feel free to click the back button at any time.

Ive spent a long time hoping GW2 would bring a challenge. Two years of playing and the main reason im still here isnt that im having the time of my life, no. Its that im keeping the story fresh in my mind, participating in events that ANET throws at me in the hope that sometime in the not so distant future ANET will bring content that isnt just handed to us on a plate, with a side order of gem store.

Today I realised that this will never happen

So whats different about today I hear you ask? Not a huge amount if im honest. Its just ive had that moment where it has all slotted into place. The horrible truth. What was the final piece of the puzzle? Being able to buy past Living Story skins using festival currency.

What is the point in completing content for skins anymore? I mean give it 6 months and it’ll be back for you to buy. My backpiece, the Fervid Censor, took a lot of time and effort to acquire. A year or so later and its available for a few hours work because someone moaned that they wanted all of the stuff. Why complete WvW Season 2? I mean give it until Xmas and I can pick the skins up for a few hundred Magical Fairy Tokens.

This set my mind racing and the horrible truth reared its ugly little face. ANET want to give all of the people all of the stuff. It makes great business sense right? People ask for something, they give it and said people play said game for as long as they keep getting the stuff. Content will get easier because people cant deal with failing and will moan at ANET to reduce the difficulty. Gradually GW2 is going to be reduced to the MMO family’s immature cousin and forced to sit at the kiddies table with the likes of [insert Facebook game names here].

Ive defended the game to friends, guildies, strangers and my family dog (he was more interested in licking his crotch though). I cant do it anymore. Ive seen the future of GW2….and im not in it.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I’m sorry, but I just love how so many players SPEAK FOR ANET and why they nerf this or that. You have no clue, honestly. These are your opinions only, nothing more.

I feel sorry for those whose only pleasure is seeing others unhappy.

Kythan, I understand your confusion. In every LS content released, it is all made for zerg play and huge groups of players, which to me, with all the nerfs, is counter to some of the things they do otherwise. I say this as the Queen’s Jubilee opens again… that is the very “event” that got me started on zerg play. Until then, I had been happily just playing the game, completely unaware that you could even have more than 4g in your bank account.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hedix.1986


Day 31….

My fellow survivors and I are still adrift on some forsaken ocean, forgotten in the wake of the Megaserver apocalypse. Morale is low. Many of us didn’t make it this long, leaping overboard with broken spirit and hoping the fates would see to give them a better life in the great beyond.

With nary a devpost in sight to offer us hope I fear we will not last long.

Day 31… Megaserver nightmare continues.

It’s been a while since I visited a Temple. It seems like the 6 gods have forsaken us on this overflow-ocean. At last, Malchor has truly been “left alone”.

We lost many when we encountered the Kraken Wurm monster. As we rushed to face the challenge that might give us hope in these dark megaserver times, by some invisible hand our friends were torn from our side and we ended up in different realities. Brothers and sisters in arms scattered across unknown dimensions, cursed by the hardcap-bug never to be joined with their loved ones. Scenes of chaos still haunt my sleep.

Last week we spotted the dry land. My heart leapt with the hope of seeing firm server-land again, my dehydrated lips dreamt about kissing the solid ground… But as our guild-raft approached, there was a queue at the shore and the Blue-tagged natives refused to accept the PvE refugees.

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

(edited by hedix.1986)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyops.5894


Day 31….

My fellow survivors and I are still adrift on some forsaken ocean, forgotten in the wake of the Megaserver apocalypse. Morale is low. Many of us didn’t make it this long, leaping overboard with broken spirit and hoping the fates would see to give them a better life in the great beyond.

Our supplies have dwindled and soon we’ll have to draw straws to see who will be eaten for the others to survive.

With nary a devpost in sight to offer us hope I fear we will not last long.

I’m certain the captain has been lying about how much fresh water is left. I don’t think I’m going to make it.

NSP Why bother?….

Older Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whitz.7246


A young 67 and first MMO

Patch Next Week!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


We meet again…


~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Patch Next Week!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


Yes, we’re in a dead period; however, they’ve explained why we have this dead period. They are focused on China. It’s not like they aren’t giving us new content because they have none. We’ve been told we’ll see content once China launches. So it’s not like we’re in the dark and wonder what’s going on. This was sort to be expected. How in the world did people manage when they had to wait 18 to 24 months for expansions? We can’t even manage like 4 months….

Yes, we want content. Even I am excited for new content to play. However, for the most part people have simply been asking for ‘something to do.’ SAB, BotFW, QG. Busy work. They are giving us precisely what we asked for… something to keep us busy.

I can understand that people want content. I really can. However, people need to be a little less…needy? kitteny? entitled? I really don’t know what to call it/them, they just need to learn some patience.

I agree with you, sort of. I think the problem is that there has been so little communication about the problems and future of the game (the trait system, the megaservers, all of the problems that existed before the feature patch) that this feels like a distraction rather than an acknowledgement of requests.

Again, I’m not complaining here, I think it’s great. I hope they roll straight into SAB after it (though ideally I want SAB and the gauntlet back permanently and think the game would benefit from it). But if a load of people are asking for answers to really serious questions, and you come on stage after weeks of silence and instead of answers offer them something they’ve already had that you took away from them in the first place well… reactions aren’t going to be that positive.

Older Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

This pirate is looking at 50, and keeps on sailing. Remember…

Old age and devious will beat youth and enthusiasm every single time.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

How do you "casual" ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


How I casual?

Spend time in the 90% of the game that ArenaNet thinks isn’t worth rewarding with level 80 rewards.

I loved “Play how you want” as one of the design philosophies of this game. It was so true at launch. I could follow my bliss through the game, doing whatever facet caught my attention, completely without goal, and still get rewarded.

Over time, ArenaNet abandoned “Play how you want” in favor of "Rewards should pull people into certain parts of the game. I slowly became less casual. I started farming for the first time in my gaming life. I did the crafting grind to 500. I TP flipped since that was the most efficient way to get cash, even though I find it tedious an dull.

I finally realized I wasn’t enjoying the game any more. I took a several month break.

Now I’m back to playing casual again. The trick is to ignore what ArenaNet wants you to do in game, and do what you want to do.

[Suggestion]Player Housing :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieNoodle.6503


Housing is awesome! I could imagine thousand of ways they could implent it without any issues. They should add portals to a ‘’ home world instance ’’ – a big chunk of each racial area where you can place your own house inbetween other players houses.

And you can pick between the following:
Human houses – Shaemoor/DR
Sylvari Houses – The Grove
Asuran houses – Inside of Rata Sum
Charr houses – Black Citadel?
Norn houses – either in Hoelbrak or somewhere outside
AND FINALLY – Lions Arch themed houses – which are more neutral towards those players that do not want a racial looking house and area.

I mean, this idea could be a great thing for ANET too. Not only will they give more features to ALL of their players, including lvl 80s. But they could earn a big chunk of cash on it too.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lakdav.3694


to be fair it is the core mechanic of the open world content now. Thank you megaserver.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sturmruger.3920


So there are people that sit around thinking of killing the train off by lowering the loot value. Some want to do away with champs entirely. Where is it exactly you want these people at and why? Forcing people to do something YOU want is NOT healthy for the game. They will leave rather than be funneled into the narrow gate to do what YOU want them to do. I suspect the greater issue that is not being talked about by the vocal minority is that they need bodies elsewhere in the game and they think by killing off venues that attract masses will cause people to meander into those aspects of the game. It wont work. These people either dont find those aspects of the game attractive already or they simply do not have time for it. All you will do is cause the truly casual players to go to some other game for kicks.

It is my belief that the ones calling the train people elitist jerks are really the elitist jerks themselves. They arent interested in being cooperative. They dont truly have the games health as a concern. If they did they would be looking at why the train works and trying to emulate that into the rest of the game. Say what you will but log in at any time of day and that train will be rolling which is testament to its popularity and thus defies your selfish logic that it is somehow flawed. The fact that so many high levels show up to derail the train demonstrates the true nature of what is wrong with GW2. These people arent marching to the beat of your drum. They are doing what THEY want to do and you simply cant handle that. Now imagine if the rest of the game worked as nicely as that train does. People coming together regardless of guilds and now even servers to accomplish something. Something that can be achieved reasonably without some jerk telling us all where to stand and what to do.

Not everyone is a professional gamer. We have lives. We live outside our computers. We want to be able to play the game “our way” too. We dont have timeless hours to plan for a very technical encounter. All we want to do is get in here and have fun, meet new people and blow some things up. Its very relaxing somehow after a day at a real grind to come home and slaughter a pig over and over. Sometimes I think these people that rant about this or that just need a job or something.

You want this game to live and breathe? Find ways to bring everyone together like the train does. Its not noobs derailing the train. Better than 90% of the genuine noobs run with the train when they learn what it is I would wager. Its the established level 80 elitist jerks that are looking for their in-game fame that ruin every game like this. I would rather make all champs regardless of zone level unable to be killed by that solo lvl 80 that is just trying to be a problem for everyone.

You know why the train works? There are no gear checks. There is no meta spec for gear. A lvl 5 character can get the WPs for the train and show up and tag things and its worthwhile in terms of XP, reward and camaraderie. They dont have to join a guild. They dont have to do anything if they dont want to. Its the truest sense of freedom in the whole game.

So these people arent in your guild building your castles. They arent in WvW following your commander tag around. They arent in your world doing your things. Big deal. Put your big boy pants on and move on. We need more people like these, not less. Some of us just want to have fun and if that goes against your ideal way of doing things…maybe you are the one with issues, not us.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sturmruger.3920


I disagree with the perceived need to eliminate the trains. In fact I would like to see trains in every map. Queensdale is popular because it feels alive. The train is part of the reason for that. Instead of trying to make yet another dead zone, Anet should look at why Queensdale IS alive.

Yes, people that run the train can be rude when “their” champ is killed ahead of schedule, but more often than not it is because the person(s) that killed a champ out of order are goading them into that response by proudly announcing in mapchat their clear intention of disrupting the train. Either way you are talking about a handful of people on each side making all the noise while the majority are silent about it and move on. I suppose the high level vigilantes that feel a need to disrupt the train are trying to liberate those people into a type of gameplay that suits the vigilantes needs, not the individual. It is rarely and I mean very rarely that the train gets derailed by a new player as is being portrayed by some here. Its almost always the “Ill play my way” level 80 in great gear doing the service.

So a new player gets to choose to run a train where they receive help in achieving something they would otherwise be unable to do or they get to learn how to be disruptive, uncooperative and generally unliked. Its not like this “hated zerg” just marches all across the map killing everything in its path. The trains course is very select and precise. So much so that it is easily grieved by those who adore being disruptive.

The people that run the train work together to accomplish something they would otherwise be unable to do. The train is fun. I love that high level characters can mix it up with new characters. Thats something that is sorely missed in many other games. Ive met some really great people running these trains and for me thats what its really all about.

Some of us work long hours. Its hard for us to get involved in any kind of guild or dungeon running. What we want to do is spend that hour or two having fun. We dont want a grind. We dont want to plug in to a second job. The train IS fun. Odd as it may seem one of my favorite parts of it is the pause waiting for boar. All kinds of silliness goes on there.

Active challenges in GW2 and in Wildstar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bewhatever.2390


In Wildstar closed beta, was sailing through the lowbie zone doing quests (humorous artwork, some humor in the quests themselves bringing back memories of WoW at first release) when I found myself in combat with a mob with 20x the hp of those around it. Did not adapt quickly and it wiped the floor with me.

Assumed this was like the elites which wander a few of the lowbie zones in WoW classic, an intelligence test for awareness of what’s around you and avoiding elites.

Then, as I became more accustomed to Wildstar combat, I was able to solo one of those mobs. That’s when it hit me: Wildstar, like GW2, is very much about individual skill, evasive movement, knowing one’s toolbox and using it creatively. And that Wildstar has outdone GW2 in this space.

GW2, in turn, is trying to bring in these annoying large drill-team encounters, reminiscent of WoW and RIFT raiding, but using the (surprisingly limited) capacity of a zone rather than an instanced-raid-size cap. I think this is a fundamental blunder on Anet’s part, because it’s trying to bring in a playstyle that fits the gear-centric WoW/RIFT game fundamentals, rather than the player-skill-centric GW2 fundamentals. At least Anet didn’t import the guild/social-fabric shredding aspects of WoW and RIFT raiding, although Tournament is doing exactly that between GW2’s worlds.

Back to the point at hand: GW2 has an awesomely better world, and far more beautiful artwork, than Wildstar will ever have. If GW2 evolved bringing more solo or small scale player skill challenges, and evolved making spec and gear choices richer rather than “simplifying them for the Asian market” as RIFT did, it would play to GW2’s strengths and provide content for the higher skill players… particularly if the rewards were commensurate.

Active challenges in GW2 and in Wildstar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.7420


It’s a pretty fundamental philosophical/design difference.

WildStar has been envisioned from the beginning as being a game that was trying to feature the kind of difficulty that existed in MMOs (even the leveling game) prior to WoW’s expansions. The concept was to create a game that was, from the very beginning of it, tailored to meet the needs and desires of the most hardcore, high-skill-cap players in the MMO community — a group which often feels like its needs are overlooked in MMOs these days. So, WildStar from soup to nuts is catering to the most intense, hardcore, high skill gamer — that’s it’s own niche. I think it will be successful in that niche, but there are many other players who play MMOs these days who are moderately skilled at best and are not hardcore — they will be punished by WildStar’s design, and will not find it rewarding —> and, that’s okay because they are not WildStar’s target audience. The most hardcore, skill-cap oriented players are what they are going for.

GW2 has a completely different philosophy behind it — the idea here was to appeal primarily to the casual gamer by eschewing (for the most part) endgame progression gear treadmills, locking substantial content up in parts of the game reserved for high skill-cap or high time-cap players, and so on. It’s a design that, from the get-go, was certainly destined to alienate the hardcore, high skill cap contingent of the MMO community, precisely because the entire design here is not something that revolves around their needs, but rather the more average, moderate skill, casual player who wants to play for a bit, have some fun, have easy seamless grouping, good QoL features and so on, and then log off, without feeling pressured to do anything in particular to keep up with everyone and mot be left behind the curve and become a social laughingstock in a video game.

So, as far as I can tell, you can’t really get two games that are more philosophically dissimilar than GW2 and WildStar. Almost 180 degrees different in philosophy and intended audience.

If i could make a wish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


If I could make a wish, I’d have a hidden camera and microphone to access all of ArenaNet’s design meetings.

Creepy, but there it is.

If i could make a wish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaal.7235


They would get rid of the megaservers

I don't like doing daylies anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Monod.3562


I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately.

First of all, I’d like to point out this for the current state of dailies –

Not many choices, not much variety.

Here’s what I’d like to see, for the PvE choices, based on the new lineup.

(every day)

(three day loop)

Kill Variety
Aquatic Slayer
Veteran Slayer
Champion Slayer
(four day loop)

Personal Story
Story Dungeon
Activity Participation
(five day loop)

Mystic Forgesmith
Karma Spender
Laurel Vendor
Costume Brawl
(six day loop)

Skill Points
Group Event
Event Mentor
Puzzle Jumper
Puzzle Discoverer
Ambient Killer
Condition Applier
Condition Remover
Skill Interrupter
(random loop?)

Ascalonian Event/Kills
Shiverpeak Event/Kills
Krytan etc etc
(basically all the region specific dailies, random loop?)

That would be eight choices a day and I think a better variety.

There, now I can stop thinking about that.

Do want this outfit, ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Great, a schoolgirl outfit. Now we just need angel and demon wings and we’re set for a Korean release

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I don’t know if you know, but you can right click on the player in your party and join their instance. Just an FYI. I do it all the time when I’m roaming with my guildies

That has nothing to do with what I was talking about unfortunately, or it would have been really simple. I’m talking about the effect the megaserver system has on allowing hundreds of other players to join in on community events. It takes ages to get everyone in the same overflow this way. And our party doesn’t exactly allow hundreds of players.

We want it to be easy for players to join a community event. We just want to tell them where it is, and on what server. And then when they show up, they should be in the right overflow automatically to join the event. If that isn’t possible… then how is the megaserver system an improvement? This seems worse than what we had before.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ICEing.9237


Here’s what it comes down to:

Yes Anet is busy and understandably so. Especially with the china release I hope they do an excellent launch and wish it well, and they are under some pressure.

But the FACT that not ONE staff member can take 2 minutes to type something like “We have read and considered the feedback about the feature patch, we will work something out after the china release” is ridiculous and almost insulting that they can’t spare 2 MINUTES to at least HINT at us that we exist and our feedback matters to them. We deserve some sort of answer.


[Dark Renegatus]

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romo.3709


Okay, so they should simply not have said anything at all then?

1: ArenaNet says nothing and people demand that they say something at least so that we know that they have not left the game.

2: ArenaNet says something and explains why they are not talking much at the moment.

3: People complain about them saying the wrong thing and we are back at #1 again.

He’s not even talking about the Feature patch which the whole conversation is about. He’s saying that he’s busy so they don’t want to get into another CDI. He hasn’t even mentioned the Feature Patch once. Making this completely unrelated answer to the topic, but an answer defending a CDI that was bashed in one of the posts. That’s all it was.

Saying something is saying something of value. If a developer came on here and wrote “Orange”, would that be satisfying? They did write something, but how is that related in any way? It’s not, which in a way is the same as staying silent, or probably even worse since it might look like they’re mocking us.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: storiessave.3807


I think the options were this or server merging. Think about which of those you would rather have?

Server merging.

Because the population on some servers was just fine pre-Megaserver, thank you.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romo.3709


Please note that this is their first time opening the Mega Server. Think of it as a rough draft. They’ll fix these issues, I’m sure. Putting players/friends/guildies together in one server seems difficult to do though, don’t you think. I can’t imagine how to even program that. But regarding the lowering the caps, that is an easy change. So can anyone here give an example of how to bring all friends/guildies in one server without passing the map’s cap by ten fold? (example of having a super super large guild of course).

If they do it based on their “guild size”, how would they know how many of his/her guild member would be there with them? So assuming 100% of their guild would not be good. Any ideas?

Quote taken right out of their “reveal”:

With the megaserver system, players won’t be separated into different copies of the same map based on the world they selected on character creation. Instead, you will simply arrive in a map and be assigned to the version of that map that makes the most sense for you as selected by the megaserver system we’ve developed. This new system takes your party, guild, language, home world, and other factors into account to match you to a version of the map you’re entering. This will increase the odds that you’ll see the same people more often and play with people of similar interests.

Does it work the way it was presented. I’ll help you with that answer: No.

And how’s that a draft in your opinion? It would be a draft if they were still testing it. If they just rolled it out only to some maps and monitor how it works. But they already rolled it out to every single map in the game. They didn’t bother actually testing if their “smart new system” work. Rather everything was basically devoured by the whole thing. They were supposed to roll it out slowly and be done by the later of this year.

“As mentioned in the original blog about the megaserver system, on April 15 we’ll start by rolling out this technology to level 1–15 maps, the PvP lobby, and major cities. Later in 2014, we’ll expand this system to the entire game.”

Did they take their time in slowly implementing the system, making sure it works? No. The whole thing took them roughly about a week. That’s not testing the waters, seeing if it all comes together. It’s just splatting the whole thing everywhere. Nothing has been adjusted to this day. And rather than hold back and address issues presented by hundreds of people on forums, they just kept going.