He shoots, he scores!
no….not at all.
nothing changed, bosses still drop nothing good,
Opinion, Shadow Behemoth was fixed to drop Final Rest. They also drop guaranteed rares, and have better loot tables than before.
my answer: cool final rest (i guess)….rares are nothing to me…..sooo is SB the ONLY boss u ever fought/looted? lol wow
instance/dungeon bosses still drop nothing good,
Opinion, however with your wording I’ll let it slide as their loot tables haven’t been adjusted.
my answer: not an opinion….it feels like nothing good and u sell everything u loot to an NPC unless u have a need to keep those worthless items.
epic armor still doesnt look good except for like 2 different sets….woohoo for variety, 2 sets wowww thats a lot.
my answer: every played other games and seen their selection? yes its an opinion, but then again
PVP hasnt changed, at all, like at allll, they added a map called spirit watch, nothing special, but thats it.
Opinion, lots of balance patches have come in to change the sPvP meta, WvW has changed slightly, as well. WvW ranks, culling, EB JP a separate map, solo roamers have more of an impact than before, etc, etc.
my answer: nothing special, just regular updates to keep a game from being considered “dead”….very small small things, the only real change were custom arenas and well, u gotta pay and continue to pay for them…..when in reality its nothing special.
dungeons/instances still look poorly thought-out and has no creativity.
No matter what people complain. AC was super easy and the best thing to farm on a daily basis. Was changed to be more of a challenge and everyone started whining that it’s not worth anyones time anymore.
my answer:….so i guess your agreeing….ehhh ya idk what kind of answer to a quote that is, but ok.
welllll thats about it, o and you can keep ur hopes up for the coming updates starting july 9th….maybe stuff will get A LOT, A LOT, A LOT better. who knows, lol maybe ill actually start playing again…..but then again theres a good chance that nothing good will happen.
Yeah, your opinion sounds great, especially that last part.
my answer: i been playing from start till i quit, idk if u noticed but ANET follows a pattern on all their updates and as always its nothing special.
who knows, lol maybe ill actually start playing again
Oh my, someone who isn’t playing is telling someone else who isn’t playing what is happening ingame! So reliable!
my answer: there has been nothing done to the game since i left except for dragon bash….AKA one of the content updates (for the living world) that only last for a short time and disappear forever and ever. people dont wana have a small limited time to play something…..ANET needs to stop adding things just to take them away….
one more thing, i did log on for d bash, but i only did it for 1 day…….didnt keep me any longer than 1 day….well less than 1 day.
…..any more brilliant things you want to say, so i can respond to them?
(edited by Adry.7512)
this is no where near the best MMO, really farrrrrrr behind the best. it is different though
LOL, you read one incredibly hyperbolic post and you’ve made up your mind.
Seems like your mind was already made up before you made this thread.
could you tell us what part of what i said is wrong or untrue? i will answer back if u manage to respond.
Just realized I posted this for the first time in the wrong section; too many subforums x_x.
Anyways, tl;dr I got super stoked for GW2 on release, got to 80, felt like the game lacked longevity/variety. I’m huge on PvP, felt like it was lacking in some areas.
What’s changed since the beginning to improve GW2? I noticed its ranked pretty high on a particular MMO site still, i’m wondering if it’s worth giving it another looksies.
nothing changed, bosses still drop nothing good, instance/dungeon bosses still drop nothing good, epic armor still doesnt look good except for like 2 different sets….woohoo for variety, 2 sets wowww thats a lot. PVP hasnt changed, at all, like at allll, they added a map called spirit watch, nothing special, but thats it. dungeons/instances still look poorly thought-out and has no creativity. welllll thats about it, o and you can keep ur hopes up for the coming updates starting july 9th….maybe stuff will get A LOT, A LOT, A LOT better. who knows, lol maybe ill actually start playing again…..but then again theres a good chance that nothing good will happen.
(edited by Adry.7512)
It is not all black and white. Haven’t you seen the 900 shades of brown you can dye your crap?
i laughed hard.
well i played, now im bored again due to lack of options, everything is black and white in this game LOL…..so i quit again byeeeee!
ok ok….this will make me log on, finally a PVP content update, but still…..nothing new when it comes to TYPES of games =S…o well ill check it out.
But to be honest, GW2 is a good game but it still is the typical MMO. People come and go, but for the most part you’ll have more that leave to play the next thing.. That’s just the nature of this genre.
ur right, but that wouldnt happen if this game was actually good…..in reality the mechanics of this game and the pvp is great, but the people running this game are complete noobies.
once again, idk what the big mystery is about why people quit…..no content in pvp since launch AKA the game’s pvp has been untouched by the developers. dungeons look horrible with a really bad style to it…..dungeons feel like if ur in a tasteless location that looks uglier than anything else in the game. dungeons and bosses drop nothign worth your time, no creativity, no nothing, just a game that pretty much has you repeat the same doodoo. “ohhhh but adrian dinamic quest” uhhh ya ok buddy they are the same thing and nothign special, the game forces you to repeat the same shores over and over, nothign is challenging, nothing is creative, nothing is fulfilling…..the only good looking armor from a dungeon are from 2 dungeons out of the whole game…..random bosses drop nothing good…the list goes on and on and on AND ONNN
I’m kinda dissapointed to see how GW2 turned out. Why? Because they told everyone they would make the next level mmo. Instead they copied WoW. The only thing they nailed perfectly was the leveling system. But on top of that all they told they would put everything that was good in GW1 into GW2. (manifesto video)
GW1 was a next level mmo. I can’t seem to find any other mmo that is like that. It was unique. That’s why so many people loved GW1. If i play GW2, i miss the instanced areas, i miss that i only needed 20 levels. I miss the teamwork. I miss the drop system, the way how you get good looking items. I miss how PvP was. Balthazar points, the huge deck of skills. & omg! The dual professions :o (ow & GvG :oooooo,, GH !!! Alliances!!! i’m trippin here)
Looking to GW2 it looks way more like WoW rather than GW1. Like: traits = wow masteries, single classes with each their own set of skills. Trading post = auction house. Open world. Big bosses with high HP pools. Long time required to level. Mining, woodcutting, etc.. Lack of skills making you use the same skills over & over again like in wow.
Some new things that are new but i dont’ like: Paid waypoints, RNG, grind for items instead of challanging/hard content. Dodge to counter the dmg of EVERYTHING instead of taking the correct skills to counter your enemy.
The only next level things i found in GW2 was: leveling system although i rather have max level 20-30. & Jumping puzzles.
I would like to know from u guys that played GW1, what u think of GW2. But only comment if you did PvP alot or did speedclears or Solo farming. Cus i don’t want people commenting that played GW1 for like a few months and actually didn’t know what the game was about.
GW2 is bad and a waste of money….AKA why i havent played at all after max lvl and Zero content in pvp has been added since…..launch. have fun, but once ur max lvl LOL ul quit within a couple of weeks and never come back.
I hear a lot of complaining that people quit playing GW2, and from the personal experience of my previous 80-man guild, that’s true. After two months since the release I was the only one playing, and after almost a year I’m only one playing.
So my question to you is, why do you think people stop playing Guild Wars 2?
ok they stop playing because once u reach max lvl, all u have to do is kill the silly bosses that drop nothing, do reallyyyyyy bad designed dungeons that are super ugly and lack creativity and strategy, the fact that they have never added i mean NEVER added any content to PVP at all lol NEVER. so after u reach max lvl u play pvp, u own everybody, get super bored and quit forever. the game is dirt, simple as that.
oh and also, the dungeons drop nothing good and the only good looking armor u can get from dungeons is the flame legion armor from COF……are u serious? LOOOOL SO BADDDD
wow what an awesome new idea, too bad i wont log on for something like that. walks away like a boss
any1 else have any thoughts on the game?….
u want a result? quit the game, the game is bad anyways so w.e :P
solution…..stop playing the game, lol the game is bad now anyways.
u see no problem becasue u dont care about the situation. idc wat the excuse is and no1 who is bothered by the lack of respect cares about any excuse. you dont charge your OWN players/customers for a simple and common feature given for free in F2P games and P2P games, especially wen its the ONLY content they have added for spvp….ever.
it’s called paid advertising. Your guild name or your name will be posted on global server’s list, making you visible among all players.
garbage and useless feature. you make a name for urself by owning…end of story, also no1 will care about who makes a room. also if they would add enough to the equation in spvp leaderboards then people would care about that too, but everything arenanet is doing for GW2 is bad.
i much prefer getting basic features for box price
yup, but they r making u “pay rent for content”
Remember theres no sub guys. I much prefer optional payment on non mandatory features+ free everything else to forced payment every month
it was sarcasm, obv making it p2p would be horrible and wont make them money either because the game lacks a competitive nature to keep enough players hooked
Other games let you have a private lobby for free
Also people probably wouldn’t be mad about paying if there was a way to sustain an arena through playing the game(EX:earning the tokens somehow).
there should never be tokens to begin with, might as well make the game P2P cuz they are already renting the content. what they r doing is disrespectful
My only gripe with custom servers is how lame they are. That’s what anet has come up with in 9 months to add to this lackluster pvp scene? No automated tournaments, no new game modes, no sense of progression? Just custom servers? Feels very meh, I personally won’t be participating.
exactly, no1 should buy these custom arenas, its bad marketing strategy, unfair to players who like pvp and have seen ZERO content since launch for spvp, and its down right ridiculous making people pay for basic content. is it the players fault that they didnt think of making gamerooms customizable for rules since day 1? no its not the player’s fault its the developer’s fault. LOL “adding servers costs them money”, solution is simple, delete every server now and make Hotjoins be able to be created by players with their own set of rules. done, but what arenanet is doing is just disrespectful.
Milo I’m sure if you had to do the work to create such rooms you wouldn’t call them basic features
it really isn’t my problem
Just because a game shares the same title does not mean it’s gonna be the same game and have the same features.
we have less of the features we need and they are making us pay for them? this is the business model of a f2p, not a b2p.
lol not even, i play f2p games and their content is free, most f2p use the stores for costumes and funny stuff and sometimes OP stuff that make it P2W (pay to win), but i never seen a free game make players pay for basic content unless its a F2P game that used to be P2P but had a horrible income and became desperate.
end of story is…making people pay for ridiculously basic content which has been the ONLY content added to spvp since launch is ridiculous.
and you get the same type of custom instance when you open a dungeon, however we’re not getting charged for running explorable mode, do we?
I must have missed the ability to create custom dungeon runs, sounds fun though. How do you do that?
you pay for it….the only difference is that u can stay in the same map, and change the number of players allowed in. its so dumb, yet they make u pay for it and then u have people like jaall who has no idea wat he is talkin about speaking positive about this.
There have been a lot of good marketing strategies but the problem is good marketing strategies can look very bad on the company. Can’t fault them for knowing how to make money though, and could be a whole lot worse. Also this game has had a fantastic release compared to most other mmo’s out there. I’ve played a lot and I literally can’t name 1 that has been this amazing in its first year because of bugs etc, and a patch every 2 weeks with a fairly major patch every month is almost unheard of. I really think this game is setting the bar. But yea I agree some marketing strategies come across as greedy, but then same goes with every successful business.
not greedy, just bad strategies. they can use the gem store for so many things that they arent doin =S.
I don’t feel the need to make a difference, I like this game the way it is like most people seem to. If you do want to make a difference then the best way would be to apply for a job there because the way most things go on here it wont be changed, especially not when their money making is involved, and when nobody else really cares that much.
Consider these arenas like overflow servers. At the end of the day, they are different servers whether you like it or not, and the ability to custom make your very own arena with whatever rules you like just adds to the cost of maintaining them. Whether you think it’s worth it is your choice but like has been mentioned they are not necessary to play the game, only an addition. Like paying for xbox live gold membership when xbox live silver is free. A lot of companies do it, not just ANet.
=S i guess ur right, but in the end its just bad marketing, for a game that could be big. put it this way, since launch the only free playable content they have added r those silly stories with an item to collect lol, o and sometimes a dungeon. thats it, SINCE release date, they basically have done nothing to the game except lose the respect of their fans by adding horrible marketing strategies.
making players pay for making a room and selecting how many players play in it for spvp shouldnt exist…..it doesnt for any game that has pvp and has pvp rooms.
EA makes players play $25 a month to rent BF3 servers. Rending BF3 servers is the only way players can set their own match rules. So…yeah.
It’s a petty thing to fight for that I think is pretty set in stone. I find it a little weird that this is what you fight for when there are so many better more unjustifiable things ANet have charged for that will have more of an impact. This addition to the game however is in absolutely no way compulsory, pretty cheap and guaranteed to give you arena time, also completely justifiable. Also it costs money to host any server in any game, whether or not the game charges for that is their choice, and could be a whole lot worse. While console games such as call of duty have online multiplayer in which they don’t charge for it, there is still a cost for them to provide this service, bit like paying for your broadband service, only bigger.
Server =/= game rooms
game rooms = channels within a server
you sir are a genius sarcasm. o and on your make a difference topic, ur hilarious, how about u go make a difference….o wait, no u wont LOL.
it is balanced enough for a 1vs1 unless u play nooby low tier classes with a bad build.
stop being such lil girls
Actually I think you’re the one acting like a lil girl when you named the thread “not playing until…”. This feature costs ANet money because it’s like hosting a whole new server for arenas. I don’t really think this is your game though if such a minor inconvenience annoys you to the point you stop playing, so you probably are better off quitting.
wrong, its called standing up for wat u believe. if i act on it, i dont think it makes me submissive, like u for example.
lol i did quit, but i enjoy the mechanics and so i am fighting for it. is it hard for you to understand? also players making pvp rooms doesnt cost money unless they dont know how to host their own game. making pvp rooms doesnt cost money, where did u make that up.
(edited by Adry.7512)
Last time I checked every game that has dedicated servers “forces” players to buy servers.
not a server…..not even a channel….or maybe it can be considered a channel, but def not a server. shhhh
guys its not how much it costs or how much it doesnt. stop being such lil girls, the fact is simple…..arenanet is making people pay for somethign that should never be payed for. one thing is making u pay for an actual custom arena where u ca be creative is one thing, the other is making people pay for a simple 1vs1, 2vs2. 3vs3 gameplay. and they arenas go away if you dont continue to pay, so plz lol shut up and realize the facts. idc if the price is 2dollors, or 50 cents, its still ridiculous because of the thought alone.
until Arenanet stops doing the pay for content strategy they think will work, but wont. making players pay for making a room and selecting how many players play in it for spvp shouldnt exist…..it doesnt for any game that has pvp and has pvp rooms. its silly thinkin u can make people spend money to be allowed to select how many people can be in a room or even make the room for that matter….
(edited by Adry.7512)
well i found myself goin to bed at 11am today……played gw2 since 4pm yesterday. ok this is becoming a bit dangerous, so im taking a break, got addicted. PVP and PVE, it too guud im out.
ok guys, every server is on very high population status and others r full. lol ok we need more servers.
Im starting to think you’re trolling now.
lol my personality is naturally trolly. anyways, ya i see wat u mean and the guard build is bad, i really dont like it and liek i said i am goin to make a new one. anyways, the other builds work perfectly for me and it gets a lot of kills, i dont struggle ever even with my ranger, as for my necro lol its pre OP. regardless, i sugggest and even encourage you yo to make a guide of your own, please. this game lacks guides and stuff, so you would do some good by making a guide. as for any1 else who may comment on my build being bad, then they have never tried it, unless they talkin about the guard build. works great for me and i take any challenges to prove it. anyways all of you should try and make a guide for those who dont kno how to pvp, have fun.
I do have several guides of my own…
And I’ve tried similar things and that’s why I can make small assumptions without trying your build specifically. Sometimes I don’t always see how somebody’s build works exactly and try it for myself, in this case I really don’t need to.
As I said I will definitely 1v1 your Guard build if you like.
LMAO! can u end ur fixation about my guardian already? wat part of that build is bad and its a mistake did u not comprehend hahahahaha. anyways u r allowed to vs my mesmers or my necro….my names are Vicious Calibre, Serpent Queen…..and i forgot my necro’s name, but yea i wont vs u with a messed up build that i clarified is bad, i will sit u on throughout 10rounds with either one of my mesmers or necro. anyways just whisper me n stuff wen u see me online
LOL@TERA i hate their combat system, its soooooo slow omg. i love the gw2 combat system, much much better.
oops….for the illusionist mesmer build i meant to put VI and V for insperation….so many typos -.-
Im starting to think you’re trolling now.
lol my personality is naturally trolly. anyways, ya i see wat u mean and the guard build is bad, i really dont like it and liek i said i am goin to make a new one. anyways, the other builds work perfectly for me and it gets a lot of kills, i dont struggle ever even with my ranger, as for my necro lol its pre OP. regardless, i sugggest and even encourage you yo to make a guide of your own, please. this game lacks guides and stuff, so you would do some good by making a guide. as for any1 else who may comment on my build being bad, then they have never tried it, unless they talkin about the guard build. works great for me and i take any challenges to prove it. anyways all of you should try and make a guide for those who dont kno how to pvp, have fun.
Have to be honest, these are kinda bad builds. For comparison here are some things I’ve used in tournas, they’ve worked for me and maybe you’ll get some ideas on how to improve your builds. This thread opens up a good discussion in build variety.
Shatter mesmer: http://tiny.cc/nlrcww
Bunker guardian: http://tiny.cc/4prcww
Roamer thief: http://tiny.cc/b3rcww
Terror necro: http://tiny.cc/m7rcww
Bunker ranger: http://tiny.cc/9gscww
Roamer warrior: http://tiny.cc/rkscww (outdated, but this is what I used to play, looking forward to patchnotes/new build options)
nice nice, you’re builds look good, i just dont like them. maybe in a strategic team battle they r very useful, lol i can make a good team-based build, but my builds r like a lonewolf type of build, i destroy people with it and meh, i dont find persona all that useful, yes i have an extra shatter BUT, i like wat i replaced it with better, it works for my style of gameplay. about ur necro build, i like soulmarks as for everything else, its either the same i got and for the ones i read that werent like mine, i didnt like it, that prot from wells is guud i would never take that out..
Domination(20): V, I
Dueling(25): II, X
Illusions(25): III, IDunno how you take persona without 30. maybe it was just a typo. And im not trying to start a fight in game or otherwise. Just trying to give some tips. If you really want to 1v1 that’s fine i suppose although that really doesn’t prove much of anything.
i take it sometimes, and sometimes i dont. personally i dont find persona all that useful for mt shatter build, i do have as a result a fourth shatter in my combo, but thats not my gameplan, it all depends on ur style, it is good though, i just dont ever find it necessary.
I’m only going to comment on the Guardian build, I know you’ve said it’s inferior to another build you have but you also said the build is very good. I would like to challenge that claim as I can see how this build would be extremely weak in both tpvp and hotjoin.
Obvious things you need to know:
- Dodge rolls heal for ~half of your healing power not 1.5x (in pve it’s ~1x)
- Your hp and armour are too low so you can be busted easily, you don’t have Renewed Focus or Shelter to deal with it either.
- your damage is low and your secondary heals are low
- The Zeal tree has no good traits above 10, except when spec’ing for spirit weapons and has no good GM traits.
Your Runes do not synergise well with eachother and they seem to go completley against the style of play you’re trying with the build.
Mercy isn’t useful because of its crazy recharge and they nerfed the stun break with 4s recharge it used to give. Sanctuary with ground target is much stronger than Signet of Mercy for resing allies. That being said you didn’t put any traits into strengthening your Sanctuary so its long CD and short duration with no ground target make it almost useless.
Contemplation is your only condition removal apart from the Resolve passive (technically you should be running shelter anyway so it ends up being your only condition removal) and you haven’t spec’d it either, sometimes it’s a good addition to Pure of Voice and Virtue of Resolve condition removals but you haven’t got them either.Any decent player would be able to defeat this build and if you really want to 1v1 me with it go ahead.
I don’t want to dishearten you but you need a lot more practice =(
no no, i said my builds r very good and will get u a lot of kills, but i said my guard build is pre good, but has too many flaws and u only win depending on a good situation, AKA its jsut a support class at best :< i dont like my guard build at all its floaws after experimenting with 2vs1 1vs1 3vs1, lol ik all its fauls, its not good, so im trying to make a new one. lol comment is right up there somewhere if u wana see. sorry about the guard build, i was very disapointed with it, i thought i ran into smetin similar to wat u guys might call a “monk” build from gw1, but it was a fail, too much of a support and not veryu effective in damage, BUT maybe if i make it a healing condition build, MAYBE….lol idk the guard’s best build thus far is an offensive condition build with crit and high power, with a greatsword and scepter/shield ORRRR a a different one i am experimenting with. idk ima keep testing cause the offensive build (not this one posted) is good, but its soooo simple :<.
(edited by Adry.7512)
But i do applaud the attempt, and encourage you to try again when your more familiar with the classes.
o and i do accept 1vs1 challenges, just dont expect me to let you choose wat class i use, but i will use an exact build from my guide to challenge you. like i said, ik i sit on every1 i fight, feel free to challenge me.
Not trying to be a troll here or anything, but those builds aren’t very good.
Phatasm. Disechanter is miles worse then both null field and arcane thievery.
You don’t take illusionary persona in your shatter mesmer build either.
Your guardian build seems quite off too, especially if he’s trying to bunker mid. But i don’t play one of those often so i won’t critique that much.
Your necro build is terrible. Sig of spite is un-usuable. Traits are off by a ways too. Trying to do to many things at once.
Ranger build is prolly the worst of all. Longbow+shortbow is a terrible combo in pvp, they lack synergy, and leave you nearly defenseless when focused.
Apart from the builds being weak stand alone, they offer no team synergy, which kinda defeats the purpose of making a team composition.
But i do applaud the attempt, and encourage you to try again when your more familiar with the classes.
yea the disenchanter skill is a mb, i already fixed it in-game and took a pic i just gotta update it in thread. as for the rest of the illusionist build, it would destroy u with ease. i replaced the disenchanter with mimic.
yes i do take illusionary persona into my shatter build, it destroys my enemies and there is np with the shatter build. my shatter build is the best possible shatter build.
my guardian build is the only one i dont like, i am fixing it atm.
my necro build sits on every1 i fight and i stack easily 15+ bleeds and i dont die.
my ranger build is based off of me wanting to use a short and longbow and it is the best possible build for using those weapons, no other build would surpass it if they use a short and a long bow (they can rival it though….maybe).
but heyyyyy dont mind me, make a build urself, i doubt it will be any better than mine. ty for ur feedback i hope u liked my reply.
(edited by Adry.7512)
Quick update on the situation…..all the builds are very good, except the guardian’s, it’s a pretty good build, but i saw a few flaws….after several tests (in pvp he is good, but depends on situations)….so PLZ disregard the guardian build i am currently reverting back to an old build and trying to make it as OP as possible.
and replace the illusionist mesmer’s number 6 skill with mimic.
thank you.
(edited by Adry.7512)
Looks cool, but you might be better off if you used hyperlinks instead for all of the builds; the current format is just a bit clunky and awkward, to be honest.
o thats fine, i linked pictures to the traits, skills, and trinkets…plus other stuff on the thread. all u really gotta do is click the picture if you dont wana kno the details from me.
No, I’m not sure you understood what I was getting at. The problem is that I look at this post and all I see is a wall of text that I can’t focus on for more than five seconds.
o, i see lol. there is not much i can do about that XD
Looks cool, but you might be better off if you used hyperlinks instead for all of the builds; the current format is just a bit clunky and awkward, to be honest.
o thats fine, i linked pictures to the traits, skills, and trinkets…plus other stuff on the thread. all u really gotta do is click the picture if you dont wana kno the details from me.
i hope u all can benefit from this, i put all day today into this lol…..ENJOY AND HAVE FUN!
5. Ranger “Sniper” Build
(Shortbow and Longbow)
Well with this build, i promise you, you will hit harrrrddddd! Regardless of you’re high damage you are squishy (AKA low defense), so you’re biggest focus is to keep you’re enemy slowed while you do high damage to them from a distance. Even if the enemy is rather close, you can easily slow them and gain some distance rather fast. You’re pet does a lot of damage and slows down you’re enemy. Both you and you’re pet have high damage plus high crit chance and crit damage.
During a fight you will mainly start with you’re longbow. You will start with the longbow, then you will activate the F2 skill with you’re pet wolve while at the same time gaining distance from you’r target enemy, use the number number 5 longbow skill to cripple enemy and within that second use the number 4 (if you havent already) longbow skill to launch you’re enemy backwards, follow it up within that second with number 3 and then at the end number 2 skillbar move. Once the number 2 longbow skill move is finished quickly switch to the shortbow and quickly apply the skill numbers 2, 4, and 5 within a very short time, then activate the number 3 shortbow skill which pushes you away from enemy and grants you swiftness, also remember to switch pets if you’re pet dies (both you’re pets apply chill which slows the enemy). All the 6-0 skillbars are backup during battle, the traps slow the enemies and the elite skill gives you a significant boost, then you’re heal skill, heals you and you’re pet.
Number 6 skillbar: Heal as One
Number 7 Skillbar: Frost Trap
Number 8 Skillbar: Spike Trap
Number 9 Skillbar: Signet of the Hunt
Number 0 Skillbar: Rampage as One
Marksmanship (20): III, X
Skirmishing (20): I, V
Beastmastery (30): V, I, IX
60% Duration Increase for Chill.
Grant Might to you’re pet when you Crit.
Conditions Inflicted by you’re pet increase (chill).
Increased Longbow range.
Cause Vulnerability.
Swapping Weapons: Grants swiftness and Fury.
Pets do 30% more damage when they Crit.
Swapping Pets: Grants Quickness and Pet swapping recharges 20% faster.
Pet Skill: F2 Recharges faster, all pet skill Recharge 10% faster, F2 for canines causes cripple (wolf is a canine).
2 Runes of Svanir/Sanctuary/Ice = Chill Duration increase (frozen)
2 Sigils of Superior Ice = 30% to cast chill when you Crit an enemy
Berserker’s Amulet
(Owl and Alpine Wolf)
(edited by Adry.7512)