Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.
^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here
understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.
That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.
You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.
Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.
See how that works?
so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.
See how that works?
Well done in completely missing my point.
I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.
Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.
i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.
Do you honestly, believe your words have any value to him either? The fact that he tore down your arguments and threw it back to your face should mean he doesn’t consider your comments of any value as well.
Also please use proper capitalization, it makes your points clear. Stop using lol in the middle of your comments it makes you look childish. Finally, use “your” not “ur” this is not texting or a facebook page.
of course i dont think that. i am not egotistical enough to believe my words have any value to him/her lol. i simply dont care unless he expands on his thoughts, i stated too much and all he did was reverse a few words here and there as if its a big deal, idc lol, he has stated nothing. i completely understand his point and i agree, but in reality he hasnt said anything…at all, concerning the problem being stated LOL.