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To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.

Do you honestly, believe your words have any value to him either? The fact that he tore down your arguments and threw it back to your face should mean he doesn’t consider your comments of any value as well.

Also please use proper capitalization, it makes your points clear. Stop using lol in the middle of your comments it makes you look childish. Finally, use “your” not “ur” this is not texting or a facebook page.

of course i dont think that. i am not egotistical enough to believe my words have any value to him/her lol. i simply dont care unless he expands on his thoughts, i stated too much and all he did was reverse a few words here and there as if its a big deal, idc lol, he has stated nothing. i completely understand his point and i agree, but in reality he hasnt said anything…at all, concerning the problem being stated LOL.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.

Completely understand. Just as your opinion/words have absolutely no validity to me, either. You state your opinions are based on ‘fact’, therefore it is up to you to produce that ‘fact’ that you speak of.

Do I really care if you ever do that? No.

Just another opinionated blowkitten the forums……like the rest of us.

(See my sig)

there are no facts except the fact that devs said they want to avoid a gear grind fest like the gear grind fest they have with WoW. lol, you think ur making sense, but in reality ur making me feel bad for u. stop this nonsense there is no point in what your saying.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


What exactly is it about the HoT expansion that you think will improve the game’s culture? Or make it less repetitive? I’m not sure I’m following.

the expansion will also greatly focus on the pvp aspects of the game, allowing a player like myself to branch off the repetitive cycle and possibly add some of my own flavor into my overall experience. you understand? as in, if i want to focus on pvp, i will do so in my own way, with enough variation to take my path my own way. there is no way for me to create my own path in this game.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

Well done in completely missing my point.

I have friends in game that don’t treat this game as a ‘casual’ game, so based on their actions, I can leap to the illogical assumption that this is not a casual game.

Would love to see some links for your ‘facts’.

i understand exactly what you mean lol. you can look up that devs dont want a gear grindy game for yourself….its not hard to find. anyways, if you can provide any reason as to how this game is the opposite of what i mentioned, then hey i will respect that, until then ur word has no value, at least not to me.

(edited by Adry.7512)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


guys remember that the problem is a lack of cultural variation!!! the lack of it results in robotic repetitive gameplay. all my hopes are in the expansion, in the PVP and guild aspects of the game are going to get a huge content increase. with guild housing and such, i hope that the cultural aspect of this game will deepen so i dont have to feel like a robot doing repetitive content.

the main idea behind this thread is me and many others disliking the robotic repetitive aspects of this game. culture will (I HOPE) expand, as guild systems become vastly more complex, PVP adopts more variation (1v1, 2v2, etc). yes of course this game has a buncha stuff for u to do….OBVIOUSLY IT DOES lol. that is NOT the problem. the problem is the lack of feeling that goes into these mediocre tasks, hence killing my intrinsic value towards these tasks. my individuality doesnt exist when i play this game due to lack of culture, lack of community, lack of everything that should matter in an MMO. at least single player games get you attached to the story and the characters in the game, this doesnt have any of that, nor has it ever expanded on its culture. having a guild in this game is a joke LOL. which is why i am waiting on the expansion. lol all you people do it repeat obvious things to defend your topic which in reality isnt even what i am talking about, your responses are completely objective and lack any form on critical thinking. as for those who understand the sentiment, thank you and yes i your point.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

That is your opinion, and nothing else…..and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But, you have absolutely no facts to back up your opinions/assumptions, no matter how many words you capitalize.

You’re basing your opinion on the actions of a few of your friends, and on your own personal experiences, and then taking a huge illogical assumption that this is what the game is about and what the majority experience. But you don’t stop there, as you continue to make broad and generalized assumptions in how the devs feel about the game, and what their true intents were.

Well, I have several friends in game, that by their actions prove the exact opposite of what you’re saying. So, I guess that means that I can also take a huge illogical assumption that this is how the majority of players feel, based on a few of my friends’ actions. Then, I guess I could come up with a whole different vague generalization on how the devs feel, and what they believe the game should be and how it is played. Oh yea, and the devs love hazelnut breves with double shots and whipped cream while they’re working.

See how that works?

so you deny that this is a casual game? you also deny the FACT that devs didnt want players going on a grindfest for new gear every year, even though they themselves stated it? i am taking actual things and branching off from it. the branching off part is assumptions and ideas, but thats it.

See how that works?

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Majority of players in game don’t even READ the forums let alone post on them. The whiners are definitely in the minority.

^ i see a few posts like this so i will answer for every1 of them here

understandable. how many players play the game casually? AKA what the game is known for. when you play a game casually (me included), you touch it once every 2 days? maybe an hour here and there and then u play a bit more on a saturday? do you get what im saying? those that play it regularly, well then that’s nice, but i am sure you can agree its a casual game. i can imagine that the devs wanted players to pickup on content immediately when logging in and not have to go on a gear grind fest every year, but do you believe they intended for the game to be picked up so casually? on those boring days when u say “meh, let me turn this on for a bit”. i know plenty of people who have touched this game, including co-wokers, friends, etc. and even those who like it….find themselves not really playing it anymore. i will be pretty clear, i have seen the most garbage games that require you to pay HUNDREDS to have any fun in…..still running with a player-base. LOL yes there will ALWAYS be people playing this game, that is not the problem. yes it is successful cause they did a lot of things right. regardless, there is an undoubtable feeling of emptiness when you play this game that for SOME REASON does not keep the average player consistently playing. its a casual game to leave on the shelf and pick-up every once in a while when you get bored. its not a game to quit entirely, this game doesnt provide that sort of system, so full-blown rage quitters are rare.

(edited by Adry.7512)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


the game does not offer players to adopt an individualistic role in the game. this game puts no value in individuality, it puts all its focus on team-based activities. therefore, leaving mediocre tasks that offer reward to the lone individual, which is every single player, unless the player has a team to play with ever single day for the whole time they are online. the same is said for the game’s PVP, the lack of value put in individuality and individual manifestation of skill for classes are really bad. each class forces a role on every player who plays the class, which really narrows your options and forces you to play with a team if you want to even participate in it’s pvp. it narrows your options even more when the game forces a SPECIFIC build on every player, which essentially annihilates the option of trying to create a build to begin with. sadly, since players are forced to play a role for every class, they also will not be able to compete in another field outside that SPECIFIC expertise. therefore you will never be able to do anything and be good, or at even grounds in terms of individual skill, with any other class. overall the PVE and PVP has no individualistic perspective put into its creation. i urge and even warn the developers to stop this group mentality for everything they do, if they want the game to really pick up. group mentality is good in a game, but it also needs a big chunk of individual value in it.

let’s be honest, the main idea behind the expansion has previous work put into it, but the content and everything besides the main idea was kinda rushed. please guys, no more rushing, focus on what has value. ik you guys listen to your fans, dont change that trait, it’s what has kept your company alive, it wasnt luck, it was an open mind.

EDIT: even if you are GREAT and have great potential, it is all destroyed when you are forced into a specific and very LIMITED role of gameplay.

In Addition: i have several level 80s, but what if i want my guardian to go toe-to-toe with a thief? its impossible, complete disadvantage. i want the specific skills for classes to remain, but i want those skills to be useful in a broader sense, as in, it would be wise to allow EACH and every class to stand its own ground versus all other classes. hence, balancing out the playing field. also, an official 1vs1 or 2vs2 option in pvp and pve would be NIIIICE?

The beta portal is grinding.

No its farm, you dont NEED a portal. Farming is for self profit which is exactly what you get out of being one of the few players that get a portal. Grinding is something you need to get like exotic , that is a very very soft easy grind. Ascended is optional and not required for anything except high level fractals.

And how the hell does the game not offer any individuality? You have TONS of armors and weapon skins to choose from and dyes hundreds of them! You can run builds that are off meta and crazy sure they may not work well in say pvp because the current player made builds may counter that style but thats on the player side not the dev side. If you want a crappy game with no classes go play Everquest landmark, a game that failed before it even launched. And it seems to me you dont understand the fundamental concept of an MMORPG , Massive MULTIPLAYER Online ROLE PLAYING GAME. AND WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MEDIGUARD IS A HARD COUNTER TO THIEF BURST BUILDS LEARN TO PLAY PLEASE BUT A CONDI THEIF STANDS A GREAT CHANCE OF KILLING A MEDIGUARD. It sounds to me like you want a super op ultra class that can faceroll everything with 0 skill involved with some kittened shiny gear that you ALONE have access too. and 1v1 arenas do exist go check the lobbies, hell my guild is doing one this weekend. There are even offical tournments every week and month for all for 1v1 and 5v5. You just seem out of the loop. :l

possibly, you might be right. anyways no i def dont want an op class, please none of that. i just dont want to feel like a robot when i play this game.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


basically what i am saying is that this game needs a lot more variation so i dont feel like a robot when i play it =/. im sure a lot of people feel the same way, even if they dont realize it. “why does it feel grindy”, “i got bored after i hit lvl80”, “when my friends stopped i just quit”. well its because this game forces a robotic form of gameplay into its playerbase, and i think it needsm uch more variation.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


If this is a serious topic, perhaps you, the OP, would like to state what you mean by an “individualistic role.” Bear in mind that this is an MMO, and that some content, indeed some entire game modes, are based around group play. In such a game, it makes sense that some things will require multiple players.

Players do play alone sometimes. Many solo PvE and exploration. Some solo dungeons, the ultimate small group PvE content. Some solo roam in WvW, the large scale PvP mode. Others hold points in PvP, while the rest of their team does other things.

So, how are these things not individualistic? If you can make a case why, then you would also need to provide an idea of what an individualistic role would look like. Because, frankly, while there may be a clear idea in your head, it did not make it into this thread.

The examples given in the OP create confusion. About the only thing clear and constructive there is the request for 1v1 and 2v2 PvP. As to the Guardian v. Thief complaint, I have to wonder what this is in aid of. I’ve killed thieves on a guard, and been killed by them. The difference in those fights was skill. There’s also complaints about rewards, and a statement about lack of individuality within professions. All of this needs to be expanded on so others can tell what you’re saying. I’m not prepared to decide one way or the other about your complaints, and I do think some clarification is in order if you wish the topic to be taken seriously.

very well said. ok i will explain my feelings towards this a bit further. when i play i dont feel i put myself into the activities i do. everything is narrowed down to what the developers force upon me. when i play, everything ends up going in a circle, SPVP, fractals, dungeons, world bosses, etc….then rinse and repeat. understand? where is the individualism in that? of course, you add your own individualistic aspects in everything you do, but where can i be freely me in what I DECIDE TO DO?? i cant become individually good in SPVP, its impossible, there is no 1v1 and no 2v2 emphasis on it. in WVW, its a different story, but regardless, when you get a fight in which both are around the same skill level and have the exact same armor, can you say that any class you are using will have a fair chance of beating the other class? classes in this game are sort of set in stone. most players find themselves doing exactly what is constructed by ANET for you to do, there is no straying from that. if there was more individuality then maybe i could put importance into pvp and eventually maybe even create a guild with divisions in which people learn under more experienced player. sadly, there isnt enough culture in this game for that, its all based on a rinse and repeat structure which really demotivates me.

(edited by Adry.7512)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Where are you coming from saying the clients are not happy? Did you look at their sales record? Can you back that up with something other than the voices of the few forum goers?

You’re a minority. The game is successful. It’s not changing anytime soon.

your putting words into my mouth. re-read. also, please dont take minorities out of the equation, its quite bad to do so. on top of that, what part of “Anet continues to change the direction of the game” slipped past you? i would be happy to explain. you seem to not understand the bigger picture. please restate what you said more constructively so i can better discuss the topic with you.

Edit: what is funny is that your perspective might actually be the “minority” in this subject. anyways may i ask what argument are you willing to discuss? what evidence must be presented to someone who isnt saying anything? to ask me to back it up (i would guess u mean evidence), then present nothing, but a poorly constructed opinion?

(edited by Adry.7512)

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Imo, for a pve focused game you can’t expect pvp to be so balanced, to every build or class be equally good against any other. Anet wanted it like that, wanted every class to have the ability to play all roles, and it didn’t went very well (overwhelming majority of useless traits, stats, gear….). At first, I was excited about the idea of freedom of build, but it turned out to be “Jack of all trades, master of none.”
Plus, how can it be balanced when they mostly focused on rushing new insignificant stories past 2 years. Still, abilities are more balanced for pvp than antyhing else.
I agree with the lack of ‘’value put in individuality and individual manifestation of skill’’ tho. It ultimately killed my motivation to even play, but Anet seems to be happy, constantly praising brainless and skilless, chest collecting community they created.

your not really stating anything. its a PVE focused game that wants players to go pro and compete for grand cash prices???? jack of all traits master of none? how about master of a class that can also stand its own ground versus all the other classes which should also be “masters” of their class? Anet was not happy due to a rushed expansion. if clients are not happy, i am sure a huge company with a rep to maintain wont be happy either, hence the continued change in the direction Anet is taking. anyways i understand your lack of motivation…i have been also left with none.

To answer all the "why GW2 feel grindy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


want to avoid a long read? here you go! this game doesnt allow me to create my own path, or my own legend. it doesnt allow me to branch off the repetitive rinse and repeat content of this game. what i want from any game i play is to create my own path and follow my own legend. in this game i am nothing more than a grey blob just like everybody else. that bothers me. i cant see myself doing anything different from what everybody else is doing, not even a little bit. lol maybe if i give an extra hop in a jumping puzzle? or i am more successful than my team in a fight? lol, there isnt much of a difference between me and everybody else….at all.

the game does not offer players to adopt an individualistic role in the game. this game puts no value in individuality, it puts all its focus on team-based activities. therefore, leaving mediocre tasks that offer reward to the lone individual, which is every single player, unless the player has a team to play with ever single day for the whole time they are online. the same is said for the game’s PVP, the lack of value put in individuality and individual manifestation of skill for classes are really bad. each class forces a role on every player who plays the class, which really narrows your options and forces you to play with a team if you want to even participate in it’s pvp. it narrows your options even more when the game forces a SPECIFIC build on every player, which essentially annihilates the option of trying to create a build to begin with. sadly, since players are forced to play a role for every class, they also will not be able to compete in another field outside that SPECIFIC expertise. therefore you will never be able to do anything and be good, or at even grounds in terms of individual skill, with any other class. overall the PVE and PVP has no individualistic perspective put into its creation. i urge and even warn the developers to stop this group mentality for everything they do, if they want the game to really pick up. group mentality is good in a game, but it also needs a big chunk of individual value in it.

let’s be honest, the main idea behind the expansion has previous work put into it, but the content and everything besides the main idea was kinda rushed. please guys, no more rushing, focus on what has value. ik you guys listen to your fans, dont change that trait, it’s what has kept your company alive, it wasnt luck, it was an open mind.

EDIT: even if you are GREAT and have great potential, it is all destroyed when you are forced into a specific and very LIMITED role of gameplay.

In Addition: i have several level 80s, but what if i want my guardian to go toe-to-toe with a thief? its impossible, complete disadvantage. i want the specific skills for classes to remain, but i want those skills to be useful in a broader sense, as in, it would be wise to allow EACH and every class to stand its own ground versus all other classes. hence, balancing out the playing field. also, an official 1vs1 or 2vs2 option in pvp and pve would be NIIIICE?

IN REPLY TO A PLAYER ASKING ME TO EXPLAIN MORE : very well said. ok i will explain my feelings towards this a bit further. when i play i dont feel i put myself into the activities i do. everything is narrowed down to what the developers force upon me. when i play, everything ends up going in a circle, SPVP, fractals, dungeons, world bosses, etc….then rinse and repeat. understand? where is the individualism in that? of course, you add your own individualistic aspects in everything you do, but where can i be freely me in what I DECIDE TO DO?? i cant become individually good in SPVP, its impossible, there is no 1v1 and no 2v2 emphasis on it. in WVW, its a different story, but regardless, when you get a fight in which both are around the same skill level and have the exact same armor, can you say that any class you are using will have a fair chance of beating the other class? classes in this game are sort of set in stone. most players find themselves doing exactly what is constructed by ANET for you to do, there is no straying from that. if there was more individuality then maybe i could put importance into pvp and eventually maybe even create a guild with divisions in which people learn under more experienced player. sadly, there isnt enough culture in this game for that, its all based on a rinse and repeat structure which really demotivates me.

basically what i am saying is that this game needs a lot more variation so i dont feel like a robot when i play it =/. im sure a lot of people feel the same way, even if they dont realize it. “why does it feel grindy”, “i got bored after i hit lvl80”, “when my friends stopped i just quit”. well its because this game forces a robotic form of gameplay into its playerbase, and i think it needsm uch more variation.

(edited by Adry.7512)

why does gw2 feel like a grindy f2p?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


and by that I mean the nickle and diming grindy feel whenever you want to change your character’s appearance or have more than character 5 slots or more bank slots or….etc. Like I paid 50+ USD $ for it when it originally came out. Played since day 1. I’ve got like two, TWO pieces of cosmetics I’ve unlocked (like the special ones you can apply for free) . Seriously? There are f2p games with more cosmetic options for less time spent.

Sure there are random loot crap unlocks. I’m talking about looks you’d actually want on your character. I know the token thingys arent too hard to grind but they’re still a grind. for a paid model I should be able to change my appearance on a whim.

why? its simple, this game has no culture and no value on individuality. that’s why. anyways, let’s hope that this problem changes over time.

game art vs the actual game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


LMAO i love how you look at loading screens and compare the art there to the ACTUAL location. hahahahaha the art looks so breathe taking then you see the actual place and ur left like this “-_-”. lol i want an environment that you can actually sit down and admire. believe or not a game will feel wayyy more amazing just by the environment ur in. a lot of time i will leave a good game cause the environment alone doesnt make me feel anything.

community improvement idea; App

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Anet why dont you create an App for smart phones so players can do things within game via the App. obviously not play the game, but small things. for example, chat with guildies, customize their character, look up player stats and win ratios, and other stuff that you can imagine would be important.

Problem with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


that was a pretty jaw dropping post Ardy.

ty! i like speaking my mind XD

Problem with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


5v2’s? Many? Well, maybe don’t play hotjoin but unranked.

I’m sorry but every single game with pvp has a meta. In gw2 we can be glad it’s sort of balanced unlike many games out there, for example WoW.

You’re completely wrong about not improving your individual skill. Yes, pvp requires teamwork but that doesn’t mean that there is no room for self improvement. Maybe try to find some other game that has 1v1 arenas.

of course there is improvement, but not individual NEARLY as much as team oriented. yes this game is pretty kitten unbalanced and there are several problems, and yes i meant 2v5 towards hotjoins. anyways your comment has no substance to it, you arent even stating anything, all u did was minimize everything i said. anyways PVP in this game has a lot of problems, also since u wanted to mention WoW…PVP in WoW get a fair amount of compliments….its one of the very very few good things left in that game. anyways, in regards to GW2, there is an extremely vast amount of room for growth.

Problem with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


1.) Better balancing principles such as deleting z-axis garbage and skull crack instant cast compared to overcharge instant cast
2.) Frequent balancing updates instead of waiting for months
3.) Actually separating Courtyard from Conquest to GET CASUALS INTO THE GAME instead of using Turret Engi to get casuals into the game.

Oh wait, we have none of these at all.

well i hope bearing through their horrible PVP structure will pay off. my fingers are crossed for the expansion to really focus on PVP content and changing its current content to enhance the feeling of player individuality in PVP.

Problem with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


i tried going back into PVP (i used to PVP a lot but i stopped for a long time). i found that in general game rooms are now 5v5 which is good, but there are many problems. a lot of times teams are super unbalanced (like 5v2), and your team mates just let you die. also there is a huge balance issue with classes. the problem is that this game forces you to follow a specific build, the build THEY want you to adopt. here is a question….why have an entire team developing traits if all we are going to do is follow a linear path dictated by anet….why have an entire team on this task if there is no complex combination of anything? also i see that this game doesnt seem to understand that classes are too unbalanced, yea i know there is a gray area, but each class should be able to defeat any other class in this game. obviously each class has their advantages, but its ridiculous in this game. another problem that i see in SPVP and WVW is that there is no individual skill required. this game forces you into a team and individual skill is neither recognized nor required, you are forced to find a steady team to pvp with or u wont enjoy PVP. in WVW individual skill isnt valued here either; its all zerg and destroy, there isnt even a big emphasis on using environmental tactics for conquering areas. the PVP in this game is really really really off, there is no progression. when i say progression, i dont mean the dailies you guys make us do so we HAVE to PVP, but i mean there is no self progression in pvp. anyways i really hope that after the expansion you guys manage to understand where you are going wrong and manage to fix it, plus add a lot more PVP content (well ik there will be a lot of pvp content). the problem is that the system that you built your pvp on….doesnt work, it just doesnt work. adding layers to a broken system wont make it good, it will still be bad, you need to consider changing the entire thing.

(edited by Adry.7512)

ANET i would give ANYTHING for....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


its funny how all the people who have said they SHOULD have exclusive items….HAVE these items, therefore failing on adopting another person’s perspective. LOL I found that funny, props to those who have the items, but understand that other people DONT. like I said, it should be very difficult to acquire them cause we missed out on it, but it should not be impossible.

(edited by Adry.7512)

ANET i would give ANYTHING for....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


One thing I’m really starting to get annoyed by is the events in this game.

When a new event happens it’ll add something to work on that is really only doable during the event. Look at the blades backpiece. It’s so hard to get it now because of it’s massive need for blade shards that aren’t easy to get apart from parking 10 characters at no so secret jp.

I hate one time only events that MMO’s seem to be all about these days. One time only events that give out things so people can feel like special snowflakes and show off. It aggravates me.

i see we have an extrovert here

you’re mad at an MMO because you didn’t play the game at a certain time they made an item available

you’re mad at people who got the item because you didn’t play the game at that time

the problem isn’t Anet’s or the other players’ fault, it’s your fault because you didn’t play at a certain time, or you hadn’t even bought the game yet, the people who played at the time had every right to that item, you however do not, it’s how Arenanet rewards it’s loyal fanbase

How is that being an “extrovert”?

Being an extrovert just means being outgoing, socially.

It doesn’t have anything to do with whether, or not, you like “exclusive” items, which are only available at certain times.

In fact, I would have thought an introvert would be more likely to be against them, as they tend to dislike showing off (and show-offs).

LMFAOOOOO ikr, I laughed when I read ur reply. hahahahahaha

ANET i would give ANYTHING for....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


One thing I’m really starting to get annoyed by is the events in this game.

When a new event happens it’ll add something to work on that is really only doable during the event. Look at the blades backpiece. It’s so hard to get it now because of it’s massive need for blade shards that aren’t easy to get apart from parking 10 characters at no so secret jp.

I hate one time only events that MMO’s seem to be all about these days. One time only events that give out things so people can feel like special snowflakes and show off. It aggravates me.

as long as the item isnt impossible to get. idc if its superrrr hard to get, as long as its possible for every1, idc how long it takes nor how many things you have to find and forge. i actually forged my blade ascended backpiece long after the event, it took me ages, but i did it.

ANET i would give ANYTHING for....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


the horns/halo in season 1 (the ones you can add other head armor to), and the teq wings!! PLEASE OMG PLEASE!!! make it available for us to get PLEASE!!!! i will NEVER quit this game if you manage to make them available

If GW2 went subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I don’t pay subs for games. Period. Yes I can afford it, but it’s a matter of principal. I don’t like feeling like my account is held hostage and that I have another kitten bill to keep up with. I don’t have a problem spending money on games. I’ve spent hundreds on GW2.

But it’s important that it be my choice and time without feeling like no matter how much money I dump into it, it will never be mine. I buy things; I don’t rent them if I can avoid it. And a game is something I can live without.

Even as attached as I am to this franchise, as soon as it betrays the customer relationship we had, it’s as dead to me as my ex-wife.

Hate to break it to you, but you’re not buying your part of this game, whether you also rent it, or not.

They can end it whenever they like and actually, if you don’t also rent a game, that is potentially more likely to happen than if you do.

It’s not like buying a physical object where, if you pay for it outright, no one can (lawfully) take it away from you.

ok thats all nice and dandy, but in the end, all ur efforts in a sub game are first off repetitive, second of all….not worthwhile since u need to constantly pay monthly for its use. lol sub games r a scam for people with nothing better to do, or for kids who thinks its the best thing ever. would you have paid monthly for kingdom hearts 2 when it came out? no right? its because its not built on a scam, lol sub games only thrive on repetitive copy/paste content to keep players on the hamster wheel. i prefer this game more…in pve and pvp. plus pvp is going to be a focus in the expansion so i am hoping for BIG things.

Why would the non gear-grind premise have to end just because they charged a sub?

Subs don’t have to mean grind, just because in some cases they do.

you either dont seem to grasp the idea and logic behind what i am saying or you are trying to prolong a pointless conversation. i understand what you mean, but all i can say is….consider your options if you plan on making a game, it might end really bad for you.

If GW2 went subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I don’t pay subs for games. Period. Yes I can afford it, but it’s a matter of principal. I don’t like feeling like my account is held hostage and that I have another kitten bill to keep up with. I don’t have a problem spending money on games. I’ve spent hundreds on GW2.

But it’s important that it be my choice and time without feeling like no matter how much money I dump into it, it will never be mine. I buy things; I don’t rent them if I can avoid it. And a game is something I can live without.

Even as attached as I am to this franchise, as soon as it betrays the customer relationship we had, it’s as dead to me as my ex-wife.

Hate to break it to you, but you’re not buying your part of this game, whether you also rent it, or not.

They can end it whenever they like and actually, if you don’t also rent a game, that is potentially more likely to happen than if you do.

It’s not like buying a physical object where, if you pay for it outright, no one can (lawfully) take it away from you.

ok thats all nice and dandy, but in the end, all ur efforts in a sub game are first off repetitive, second of all….not worthwhile since u need to constantly pay monthly for its use. lol sub games r a scam for people with nothing better to do, or for kids who thinks its the best thing ever. would you have paid monthly for kingdom hearts 2 when it came out? no right? its because its not built on a scam, lol sub games only thrive on repetitive copy/paste content to keep players on the hamster wheel. i prefer this game more…in pve and pvp. plus pvp is going to be a focus in the expansion so i am hoping for BIG things.

If GW2 went subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I don’t pay subs for games. Period. Yes I can afford it, but it’s a matter of principal. I don’t like feeling like my account is held hostage and that I have another kitten bill to keep up with. I don’t have a problem spending money on games. I’ve spent hundreds on GW2.

But it’s important that it be my choice and time without feeling like my account is being held hostage, like no matter how much money I dump into it, it will never be mine. I buy things,; I don’t rent them if I can avoid it. And a game is something I can live without.

Even as attached as I am to this franchise, as soon as it betrays the customer relationship we had, it’s as dead to me as my ex-wife.

well said.

If GW2 went subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


i would quit in a heartbeat. the only reason i play this game its because its so casual and i can ALWAYS pick up where i left off. i never bothered playing WoW for very long, i got super bored of it and the only reason people P2P that game its because the game keeps u in a grindfest…..and even WoW has lost a lot of popularity….once other games (like gw2) started coming out. a lot of WoW players are actually from other countries….a lot of em. anyways, nowadays sub games never make it far, the only reason WoW did, was cause it got super super super lucky at a good time when MMORPGs were horrible (at one point runescape and WoW were top games….LOOOL).

Hit 80; Now what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


You guys probably get a lottttttt of these posts, but I just hit level 80 on my Thief, my first 80, and I’m kinda overwhelmed on what to hit first.

I need to work on crafting, as I haven’t done any at all.
Dry Top? Silverwastes? Dungeons? Fractals? Map Completion?

haaaalpp ;_;

ok, dont bother wasting ur money on ANY weapon skins that ARENT legendaries. save ALL ur mats, gather up A LOT of money, dont use ANY weapon skins u get, just sell them when the price goes up. get a legendary, get ascended back piece, get a condi build on ur thief, solo WVW with ur condi build. have fun. thiefs are fun for pvp….not for pve XD lol, so have fun owning in wvw and in spvp (spvp is more balanced). as for the rest….do w.e u want mannnnn

what about outside the jungle???

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Adry.7512


will we be able to use gliding and other abilities outside of the jungle’s environment? if not, then i really wouldnt feel like i accomplished anything, if my achievements would be so restricted to a certain area.

so THIS is what everyone waited for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


You can’t be that bored and done with the game if you took all that effort to post and follow the forums. Also, your gold and materials are not account bound.

i am bored, i play the game therapeutically, you know, just gathering stuff to make cool weapons. the only reason i was doing that at all, was to get ready for what i thought was the NEXT BIG STEP that anet takes. i never keep my gold, i use it all on making stuff.

so THIS is what everyone waited for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Point of no Return was always going to be about the Living Story. The big reveal about Heart of Thorns is going to be at PAX south. People are expecting that to be an expansion, not Point of no Return.


so THIS is what everyone waited for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Best episode in the Living Story so far, that is MY opinion.

Can I have your stuff by the way?

OBVIOUSLY IT IS! lol are you serious? hey let’s do this and maybe u can put it together. i give you a very small meal every day for 2years, you are badly nourished and you get very hateful/angry. all of a sudden i come at you with a basic meal and all of a sudden you think im amazing and how wrong u were to judge me……just because i gave you a basic meal, not even a good meal, nor anything fancy or out of the ordinary….jsut a very basic meal.

get a dog used to eating scraps and he will love you when he gets a better piece.

so THIS is what everyone waited for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


my stuff is account bound…..also, dude……really? just another personal story? thats it? dude just make a comic book anet! it would have saved you millions and millions!! ok gg i saw the vid, nice, it seems like you put thought into it….BUT THATS IT???? thats the BIIIIG hype? just another personal story? its been monthsssssss

so THIS is what everyone waited for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


that required months and months of planning? this is the big “point of no return”? well, im done. enough, i really am bored of these shameless efforts. that is MY opinion.

Editing: guys, its ok, i confused the point of no return with heart of thorns. NCSOFT TRADEMARKED HEART OF THORNS!!! im super excited. my wait might JUST be worth it. at first i was like WAIT WUUUUUT? THATS IT? i honestly thought the whole company was going to spiral into doom, but then i looked up heart of thorns XD!

(edited by Adry.7512)

Upcoming PvP Tournaments!

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


YES YES YES!!!! now they starting to do it right!!! player vs. player, 2vs2… vs. team! YES ANET UR GETTING IT RIGHT!!! now increase your options in pvp lol….also expansion level content PLEASE!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Make it a gem store item they have to buy, 1000 gems. If you don’t have it, you can’t duel. You have to have it in inventory and active to send or receive duel requests. Having it active gives you a visible dueling flag.

Have the item have a preset of some sort that sends the duel request to a person. If you ask someone to duel who doesn’t have the item active also, they won’t get the request.

Hahahahahaha, o they BETTER NOT do that hahahaha o noooo, that would be it for me.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


As long as it is consensual only and there is a default decline option that must be unchecked in order for one to receive duel requests.

exactly what i had in mind….yes cause obviously without that option we would have a spamfest of requests.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


people hating on dueling because they dislike competitive games…..its NOT PK…plus we have PK in WVW…its dueling, therefore its quite simple; you dont like it….DONT do it. simple right? those who LIKE it, will do it, those that DONT wont do it….SUPER FRIENDLY FOR EVERYBODY!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


can we please….PLEASE have a dueling option already? i mean REALLY! its a basic standard in mmo games….its been a long time guys, dont skip out on a dueling system….its NOT that hard.

Why is this actually a thing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


lol@the OP. its a cat’s butt….ull live.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


If they want to go big an expansion is a must. They also need the money to keep things running, and I doubt the LS and the gems will offer such like an expansion would.

if they are intelligent people, i am sure they think the same. UNLESS, they also happen to be out of the box thinkers….then maybe they have something in a grand scale, that is different from all of this…..maybe not….idk.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


You just can’t kowtow to unreasonable. I had a business. Some customers I worked very hard to maintain. Some I could care less whether I maintained them or not. The customers that always had a complaint or a problem…not necessarily worth the time and energy, or the blow to morale. If a customer became obnoxious and started abusing employees I’d gladly show them the door.

There are always going to be unreasonable people. People who get their hopes up and then blame the company that they got their hopes up.

No company can or should base their policy around these individuals. It’s more hurtful than helpful.

very true, but it is a sign that a company that WILL spiral down and fail, is also a company that doesnt take its customers into consideration, especially when their customers is their main source of income. dont forget that…..yes there are plenty of unreasonable people, but there is also a lot of people who make valid statements. its also true that people who stuck with this game THIS long, despite its disappointments, are people who feel strongly about the game. these disappointed people….their opinion matters, even more than those who are contempt with the game. the rest……well they already left, and onto the next game.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


ok on the real yea they made a BUNCH of mistakes, but you CAN tell they are trying to go big in the mmo genre. they WANT to be a big dog in the game, and the tournies are imo the best proof i can provide, plus the advertizements. yea the LS was a nice idea…delivered horribly, but let’s see if they can pick themselves up. i am excited to see what happens. if they are smart they WILL listen to their fans and try to deliver content appropriately.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


expansion on January at pax enjoy all i know we have to wait 23 days from now

link please.

Here you go.

There’s not much to it. Basically, there’s a panel at PAX South where they will be talking about a new paradigm for how an MMO can expand its universe.

So it’s actually an announcement that an expansion is emphatically not imminent, but it’s not totally confirmed yet that the announcement won’t be a paid box or digital download including a new continent, new professions, new races etc.

ah i see, ok thank you.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I spend enough money on the gemstore as it is, I do not want to spend another $50 on an expansion. With 3500 hours of gametime, I still have not manged to set foot in 80% of the dungeons, do more than 1 full fractal, or do more than ~170ish pvp matches(just got wolf rank a couple days ago). I’ve got more than enough content to meet my gaming needs if they continue putting out living story content as they have been. (though I would like the living story pieces not to keep ending on cliffhangers)

……..what? what do you doooooooooooooooooooo? honestly ima just put the troll stamp on ur forehead and be done with you.

So, someone who doesn’t play the way you think he should is a troll. I see how it is. If you were to step out of the box of your own experience, you might see that there are possibilities you hadn’t considered.

your right that could def be true, but then he probably does A LOT of wvw, or other achievements or focuses a lot on pvp. still though, he makes it seem as if what we have is plentiful. what he has to realize is that most people are NOT like that. most people want to take the WHOLE game in, not just focus on a few aspects of it. so thats why i called him a troll, yes he could be telling the truth, but the way he says it is deceiving.

“The way he says it,” is all about his personal playstyle and preferences. He made no comment about others. Nothing deceptive at all.

You might want to hold off on claiming to speak for, “most players,” if you dont want to be guilty of what you accuse others of.

it is an estimate. wouldnt you say the average (AKA most) player has partaken in multiple aspects of this game…..especially after 3k hours? its a mere estimate. yes he didnt say other players have the same experience as him/her, but neither did he say the opposite. its a word game, and can be seen as a player saying that there is a lot….lol wait wait, idc anymore, bye. this topic doesnt deserve so much attention =/. lets us just…let this go

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


expansion on January at pax enjoy all i know we have to wait 23 days from now

link please.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I spend enough money on the gemstore as it is, I do not want to spend another $50 on an expansion. With 3500 hours of gametime, I still have not manged to set foot in 80% of the dungeons, do more than 1 full fractal, or do more than ~170ish pvp matches(just got wolf rank a couple days ago). I’ve got more than enough content to meet my gaming needs if they continue putting out living story content as they have been. (though I would like the living story pieces not to keep ending on cliffhangers)

……..what? what do you doooooooooooooooooooo? honestly ima just put the troll stamp on ur forehead and be done with you.

So, someone who doesn’t play the way you think he should is a troll. I see how it is. If you were to step out of the box of your own experience, you might see that there are possibilities you hadn’t considered.

your right that could def be true, but then he probably does A LOT of wvw, or other achievements or focuses a lot on pvp. still though, he makes it seem as if what we have is plentiful. what he has to realize is that most people are NOT like that. most people want to take the WHOLE game in, not just focus on a few aspects of it. so thats why i called him a troll, yes he could be telling the truth, but the way he says it is deceiving.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I spend enough money on the gemstore as it is, I do not want to spend another $50 on an expansion. With 3500 hours of gametime, I still have not manged to set foot in 80% of the dungeons, do more than 1 full fractal, or do more than ~170ish pvp matches(just got wolf rank a couple days ago). I’ve got more than enough content to meet my gaming needs if they continue putting out living story content as they have been. (though I would like the living story pieces not to keep ending on cliffhangers)

……..what? what do you doooooooooooooooooooo? honestly ima just put the troll stamp on ur forehead and be done with you.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


GW2 has provided new content. The chosen method for new content delivery has displeased some players. Some people like story. Others like treasure hunting. Still others like to delve into mechanics. In many MMO’s, story is secondary (or non-existent) in comparison to treasure hunting or new ways to play the game (e.g., new skills, professions, races, etc.). GW2 is a little different in that regard.

The same type of content is unlikely to please those different groups. Living Story provides story, for those who like it, and (at least in Season 2) new zones with reward mechanics and somewhat different mob mechanics. The new zones have pleased some treasure hunters. Those who like both story and treasure hunts are going to be happier with ANet than those who like only one kind of content.

Those who like to delve into mechanics have seen very little added to please them. However, this group was always going to be disappointed with GW2 in the long run. One of the GW2 design imperatives is to streamline skills and abilities to simplify balancing. That essentially means reducing options. Adding new mechanics expands options.

We might still see new races or professions. We might also see new weapons. However, unless ANet decides to move away from limited options, then new race(s), profession(s) and weapon(s) will simply be new ways to do the same things our characters can do now. For some, these potential additions will do the trick. Others will tire quickly of them. Whether they’re worth adding, anyway, will depend on the cost versus benefit to do so.

What’s so is that every MMO forum contains a demographic that believes that that game has not provided enough new content. Every single one I’ve seen, anyway. While such complaints have the potential to hurt the game, a given development company is only going to produce new content so fast. Usually, the most disaffected are going to be unhappy most of the time, returning to demand more new stuff soon after the last update. Games can weather that kind of complaint. What they cannot weather is when the disaffection grows to encompass many demographics.

Have we reached that stage yet? Nobody knows, really. There’s usually at least one expansion thread near the front of General Discussion. There’s also one of several other types of thread that commonly reoccur. Regardless, I believe ANet is listening. I believe they take the complaints seriously.

An expansion is what many people, as cited by a massive poll taken on the gw2 community. I think its very reasonable to suggest a decline is sales is people losing interest in the game because the living story doesn’t provide enough content. There are several threads on the forum and reddit about this, and they have only gathered more since Season 2 has come to an end.

Many people? Yes, I don’t doubt that there are many people complaining. However, what percentage of players does “many people” represent?

I’d like the “need expansion” complaints a lot more if people refrained from making armchair predictions about the game’s financial health to bolster their demands. It really isn’t necessary and detracts from the thread because people focus on that rather than the desirability of an expansion. ANet/NCSoft know a lot better than we do whether the game is healthy or not. You don’t need to tell them.

just replying to correct one thing; i am sure that MOST people feel displeasure for how the game is implementing content….especially how its NOT implementing content on very crucial aspects of the game, including PVP.