Showing Posts For Adry.7512:

Can Winter's Heart and Poly Stack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Just as the title states. Can Wintersday Heart stack with poly? I want to mix the colors.

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


My hope and dream for Xpac 2 is that Anet will be able to deliver on what they advertise. Please no more grandiose announcements on what the next xpac can deliver only to be told they are “stretched too thin”.

It would be nice if at least 95 percent of the content is available on delivery day and not have advertised xpac content released at some enigmatic time after launch.

Yea they really messed up on that one. Luckily Anet has been making a big comeback. I sympathize with Anet, they went through difficult times. I’m sure that next xpac will be really big at launch, but something tells me that whatever continent comes with it….it be explored through content updates. Remember that Anet doesnt just throw a entire world map in with some cute little designs and a ton of random quests. Each map in this game has a meta, currency, sub-objectives, etc etc., which is much more complicated than your typical MMORPG map.

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


For PvE, it is mainly used as a glorified LFG.

World Event guilds, you could use LFG but people find using guild to group up likemind players are way easier and convenient than using LFG.

Raid Guilds, you could use LFG but people find using guild to filter the players is better than LFG unfiltered spam.

Guild Missions? It is a convenient excuse for people to claim guild still has its use but it also easy for anyone to create a guild missions only guild and open it to everyone to join on ad-hoc basis.

Social. This is the only usage that still has humanity feels in it. Yet, the above 3 outshine this social thingy. Only the minority cares about social while majority is simply convenience and rewards. Even this social thing don’t last long, especially if the guild is only involve in PvE.

For WvW
Honor and glory, camaraderie of long hours, a legit expression of guild pride. Sadly, only in WvW, guilds retain its traditional feels simply duet to nature of the game play.

For PvP
Glorified PvP team of 5 person, sometimes 2 – 3 teams.

Very good. Personally i retired from PVP a while ago when i became a casual player. In the PVP side of thing, idk how useful guilds are. I will become pvp oriented once i acquired the desired skins.

(edited by Adry.7512)

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I think your thread would be a lot better if you described what other games do different with guilds that addresses what you don’t like, and would also work in this game.

Other games are more narrow than GW2. Meaning; less options and less things to do so people can usually meet with a common goal more often. We are speaking of a completely different species.

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I don’t agree with most of this, although Guilds do need some basic functionality additions like improved UI, notifications, guild mail etc.

You don’t actually state what you mean by making it more personal or more relevant, nor are there any suggestions to improve the system. What is it precisely you are looking for?

Ive seen much disappointment in players towards guilds. I have attempted to join all sorts of guilds and every time i have also been disappointed. I am not looking for anything. This is a post informing players about what guilds mean in this game. Which would be a social network for whatever you would like. Kind of how people talk in map chat, well guilds is just another version of that with minor perks.

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


This game….besides the title….was NOT developed with guilds in mind. Anet went through many many struggles figuring out a platform/blueprint on how to deliver content, while not submitting to the copy/paste methods of 95% of all MMOs. They did such a good job, that even WoW started copying Anet’s methods of content. This being said, not even loyal PVPers were able to stick around throughout this harsh period of Anet’s history….simply because many aspects of the game werent getting the development/adjustments needed to please the masses. PVP is now finally being perfected and built upon, but guilds havent. Nowadays guilds are just a means of socializing with other players, and to find an easier method of locating things to do. There is no such thing as having one guild. you will be heavily disappointed if you try to dedicate yourself to one guild. There are small and personal guilds, but for the majority of the time, ITS HARD to find ANYONE willing to help you do anything that you want to do. Whether its fractals, WVW, SPVP, dungeons, you name it. Everyone is doing their own thing or doing guild missions. Maybe in the near future developers will try to make guilds a more personal experience, and more relevant. At the moment many other aspects of the game are being worked on right now….the most latest being SPVP.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Don’t put your hopes on a new class. Now that we have 3 classes of each armor type, I don’t think we’ll ever see a new class in GW2. I could however imagine an elite-spec for Warrior specialize in brawling. In GW1 we had a pair of daggers that looked like knuckles, which could happen here again.

I’d really like to see the long overdue overhaul on underwater combat, a playable Largos race and an underwater city. But that’s more likely to happen in expac 3 or later. Expac 2 will be about Primordus and Jormag.

wow i love what you said about the warrior and the daggers of gw1. They speculate that the next warrior elite will be a double dagger class called spellbreaker….which sounds a lot like a brawler to me.

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Hey everyone! Down below i would like you to state creative ideas for the next expansion. Maybe feed some inspiration to our developers! Whether its new interest masteries, weapons, elite specs, etc.

Personally, I would love to see the “walk on water” rumor that has been going around via leaked info. That would for sure make this game nr1 for life….for me. Other ideas can include a double jump, run up walls, floating (added to the gliding mechanics maybe), and other mechanics.

Additionally I would loooooove to see a brawler class in the game, whether its implemented by using fists or claw/blades.

Edit: For future stories I would really love it if they were to add more depth and backstory to it. a story without depth is pointless to read.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Having a look at GW2 long-term results.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Well….this game is by no means a money milking game….seriously these guys make no attempts at draining our money. That being said, yes sometimes they annual can go to the lower millions, but thats fine. As for the future of the game….its very very bright. This game will go on for many years to come. The potential is very big.

Ad Infinitum Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Thank you!! you all feel my pain. both of you are exactly right!

Ad Infinitum Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I think that next time I am FORCED to LOOK for randoms to help me do something, I WILL quit. The only backpiece legendary in which is am forced to look for people WILLING to do fractals with me and on top of that people who ACTUALLY have a clue about how to play. Idk how many times I have attempted to look for a party to help me to timed jade scale 20. its Been like a week (im a casual player, so my free time is minimum). I could understand if i would need to play scale 20 and get a drop….but something so specific. ANET I dont think you realize exactly how….“experience”….your playerbase is. its mission impossible over here, and i dont play with friends to help me, and guilds are useless in this game…..sooooo, could you please create another way to acquire it? its very easy to acquire….except for when i am FORCED to rely on others.

VERY Disappointed About Winter's Heart

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Well most of you do have a point and I understand. It’s just dsappointing to me that they did that. Just seems like they had no idea on what to do so they just made the best item for the holidays only available through RNG. At the end of the day it devalues the item cause in a game with such high population, by the end of the month, such an epic item will drop is price drastically cause of how many people obtained it. If it would have been through HARD WORK the item would lose no value and it would be harder to obtain.

VERY Disappointed About Winter's Heart

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Every year there is a holiday with a cool skin you can get from completing achievements, so on and so forth. This year, you have put a holiday only infusion item, but instead of the item being acquired through…..hard work, you have put it behind a wall of RNG gambling. This is not right and i am very disappointed. So basically there is no incentive here except buying a bunch of Wintersday gifts and opening them over and over and over until MAYBE receiving ONE before Wintersday is OVER.

[Suggestion] Assistance rewards/daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Hello everyone!! I would like to point out an issue many of us have. You may find guilds completely useless, unless you’re doing whatever the guild asks of you? Ever find it unnecessarily difficult to find a decent party to help you with a task, without a mess load of people who have no clue about the party’s goal joining the party?? While this is no ones fault….well development did make guilds not very meaningful in this game, but in the end it’s not intentional. Here is my suggestion; a mentor/assistance reward track and/or daily. What do I mean by this??? It’s like a lfg list, except that this would be looking for assistance. Players who need help put up their issue/goal and a player who is knowledgeable takes on the task by joining the party, and every player who joins the cause through said list, will be rewarded after mission is complete.

Of course this idea can be modified and tweaked to work better in-game, but I believe we NEED this, for inexperienced players and for players who require other experienced players to assist them at a task.

Remove Armor Weight Restrictions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I AM ALL FOR THIS!!! This would be yet another thing that makes GW2 unique!

u find gw2 story any good?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


No. the lore is great…in concept. The issue is the way the story is being told. the story is very simple with obsolutely no depth, or very little. I have faith that arenanet will figure out a solution to this very hollow story telling soon.

Next xpac incoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


With the general pacing that we have seen in Living World Season 3 I was wondering if we can expect an announcement about the next expansion sometime soon. We are coming up on episode 4, which is likely the halfway point and if you figure 2 months between each episode it would give us about 10 more months.

Maybe there is info already out that I missed, seems like a logical question at this point though.

Yes it is logical, but so far only leaked info has surfaced.

Current State of the Game and Future Lore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


To be honest, this game finally has itself figured out, and it seems to have a very bright future. So bright, that i heavily doubt there will ever be a GW3, just like there will probably never be a WOW2. The reason why there is a GW2 in the first place is because gw1 simply couldnt offer what the developers wanted to put out. Now the current game is doing great and i see a vast amount of potential, even more now than when i first started. There is one issue….the lore. Now that the lore has become more evident, I can clearly predict that the future of the lore will be very complex. We are talking about a lore that focuses on a universal system, energy, life/death, and a very deep concept. This is not your typical kill the traitor, war, deception, copy/paste lore….this is a complex universal truth we are talking about. My worries are that this game will become too complex for writers to continue. What im saying is that, unless the main GW2 writer is a very knowledgeable person, with a really good idea about how to develop the lore, or we will see major writer’s block….eventually.

Please make nightfury into an infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Yes please!! We all want this

Dueling in spvp or arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


Custom arenas can already go from 1v1 to 10v10 …

PvP doesn’t really seem all that successful despite the prizes. If that is not true then maybe they should work on that perception issue first.

Yes, but sadly that custome arena nonsense is just a watered down version of what almost any game has, especially nowadays. Customs arenas can be used to many different things but not this. Why do people need to pay for a basic feature? You know what I mean?

Dueling in spvp or arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Adry.7512


Okay I can understand that dueling in open world is a pain. Even though if you centralize it then it really shouldn’t be a problem, especially if you can toggle “accept” or “decline” dueling invitations. Instead, why don’t we take advantage of this and create archetypal structures to breathe more life into this beautiful game by creating dueling arenas. Which would basically have a lobby in which people can enter rooms and duel 1v1 2v2 or 3v3. But if you want to save that time, anet can just create these gaming options in the mists aka spvp. Let’s be real guys, the gaming community really likes people. Customs arenas and guild arenas aren’t going to do it. Add more option and fun into customs arenas so people actually buy it and add a 2v2 1v1 3v3 option is normal arenas. This is suppose to be a serious game, especially if you got 200000 dollar grand prizes. Can we please have this? Some people want to hone their skills in 1v1 and 2v2…..without buying those token or whatever for custome arenas.

The Depth I Want to See

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


So, first, there is no player housing in the game. I don’t expect there to be player housing at any time in the near future. It’s not a feature. That’s why it’s “terrible”.

As for making content that varies from class to class or even faction to faction, that creates a lot more work, because everyone isn’t playing the same story. You might believe this is possible for this company with this budget, but we’ve seen no indication that it is possible.

You already have blurred vision from drunkenness in this game and it’s fine. Nor do I think that adds depth and I’m not really sure why you do.

Hahahahha well to me it adds depth because it’s a nice side feature that adds more to the experience. Yes it sounds silly but it’s the little things that count. Don’t get me wrong this game is great and top tier, especially after MO took charge.

The Depth I Want to See

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Those are some horrible alternatives compared to what I suggested.

The Depth I Want to See

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Hello! While i like this game very much, there seems to be an obvious lack of depth is certain areas. For example, the player housing is pretty aweful. In a game as top tier as this we should be able to purchase property. Another areas that is lacking in this game is our professions system. There is no depth into our professions, how about bodyguards, or royal guards. The sides we pick such as the order of whispers have zerooooo depth. I would love to see more involvement for the teams i chose, like maybe a bunch of side quests for loot and skins….anything? Maybe be able to apply for my race’s army or legion and actually do something. maybe have a merchant profession and transport goods from one areas to the other? Or farm and make potions…..hell i would even be happy if we could actually get drunk off of the alcohol in this game, and walk wobbly. There is a huge lack of depth, even in the lore. I like this game and I see that they finally found their blueprint, but its time for issues like these to be taken seriously and get to work on them, before we all feel that we are playing a hollow game with no substance.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Soo no quarterly update??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Why hasn’t there been a quarterly update announced??

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Brawler/Martial Artist PLEASE

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Well im going to write this down only because Anet listen to its fanbase.

- 1vs1 Balance
- The option to duel other players in PVE maps
> Duel Arenas
> Outside of town
- Game changing Mastery mechanics
> Running on water
> Very high jumping abilities
> Mounts
> Flying
> etc
- A finished product
- New dungeons that offers lore for the area and its inhabitants
- New raids of course
> In castles, Towers, Flying landscapes, etc
- Full legendary armor/weapon sets
- New masteries
- New weapons types (not a full set, just a few here and there)
> Scythe, Great axe
- New weapons/armor sets
- New ranger pets
- New necromancer summoning skills
- Dynamic, OPEN WORLD final boss fights
- A polished product with minimal/no bugs
- Bigger maps so we dont feel like we are boxed up by mountains
- Connect small vanilla maps together so they dont look so small….its a big deal
- More dark/gloomy maps look Orr
- Maps with interesting environments like a desert hint hint
- Im sure we can all agree that we need MORE VARIETY OF SKINS! Heavy shouldnt always be bulky, medium shouldnt always be trench coats, and light should have more mystical clothes….or something.
- More back piece options
- Destroy LA again and re-do it entirely, its so childish looking….
- New elites
- A martial arts elite (AKA Brawler) PLEASE GOD!

(edited by Adry.7512)

Arena Net when does Halloween event stop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Speak for yourself! i cant wait till it ends. Everyone is obsessing over farming these tric-or-treat bags, which makes it really hard to find groups to play other content. Ugh i hate that mindless and repetitive farming. GW2 got me used to metas that has a story and events leading up to events with a big fight at the end, screw this non-GW2 style farmfest that comes with Halloween.

LS2 pretty bleh so far

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


LS2 gets better the deeper you go into the story. LS3 is even BETTER! Now remember a story only gets better the more you go into it and the more mysteries that are unraveled.

When is the next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Some are guessing November 15th since episode two released eight weeks after episode one.

Thank you

When is the next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Hi everyone, when is the next quarterly update?

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


i doubt it, that we will ever see Cantha/Elona happening

Explain your logic please.

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Crimson Clouds.4853: OP… I really don’t understand the logic in your argument.

I don’t understand how you can make the conclusion that Cantha (in particular) is coming because we’re receiving new maps more frequently. It seems like a lot of “what if”s stuck in series rather than any evidence or logic? Where’s the truth in your prediction- objectively speaking?
its a prediction not a study using the scientific method, just an opinion based on multiple factors. Cantha is a fan favorite and we will need to expand sooner than later. It’s an analysis of time.

HoT was a bit of a flop- I can’t imagine a new expac being released any time soon because of that fact. I don’t think as many would pre-order expac 2 unless faith is restored in a lot of amazing LS content.
i clearly stated that we aren’t getting an expac anytime soon because the previous one was rushed and from now on anet is calling all the shots. Trust me faith will be restored and before the next expac comes, all the content you will have will be for HOT exclusive players, making the hot expac in my opinion worth it.

People were assuming that the first GW2 expac would be Cantha… purely because the first GW1 expac was. But it wasn’t. And like a lot of players have said, there is evidence to suggest that they will steer clear of Canthan stuff in general because it doesn’t fit the Asian market and is seen as insulting/appropriation.
Cantha needs to be created regardless. Anet can’t simply disregard the existence of an entire continent. What will happen is that the lore and theme of Cantha will get reworked because eventually they have to release Cantha. The continent needs to be created from scratch anyways and the lore needs to fit the current timeline so they can do that from scratch too. Also it doesn’t need to be related to the Asian/Eastern cultures, just another human race with a Eastern themed architecture. Hell they can use this to add multiple new races and creatures. Regardless Cantha is a must and since they have to create it from scratch anyways, I’m sure they will address any issues and prevent them.

Slightly unrelated, but I guess it must be a cultural thing? I don’t see people getting vocal about Nightfall being appropriation of Africa, EotN/Shiverpeaks being appropriation of northern europeans etc. I understand that the GW universe has taken elements of different cultures and stuck them together- is that what is inflammatory to some real life cultures?
All games take ideas from different cultures. So many games will have a resemblance to some type of culture in which the armor style or architecture will be themed according to what inspired it. This game is no different.

(edited by Adry.7512)

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Unless they say that Zhu Hanuku is the water dragon champion, I dont see us going there anytime soon..

It’s either one continent or the other, but we going to one soon enough.

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


fyi Cantha is simply too racist for today commerical reality.

Cantha is basically what we call cultural appropriation. normally this would be fine if said culture is poor and you can just ignore them in your business decision, however with GW2 now having chinese servers, it different from GW1. can they really afford to make a Cantha expansion without pouring 100 of man hours into fixing the lore in order to make their chinese customer happy that the content isn’t kittenting on their culture like in GW1? i doubt it.

remember why there is kitten in Divinity Reach, because the chinese hated the kitten up Cantha theme content that was meant for it originally… bring Cantha back is possible, but it would take money to hire chinese staff that could make the material look authentic instead of the cheap cultural knockoff that it was.

You know who else has Chinese servers? Wow does…and in their eyes Asian people are pandas. Anyways yes they will regardless have to create Cantha from scratch cause it’s a new game entirely. I’m sure they won’t offend anyone, so long as they use common sense when creating its lore.

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


If i remember correctly, Cantha was dismantled because it offended the market in Asia for grouping all (Eastern) Asian cultures into one mega continent, and Anet was forbidden from making references to the Canthan continent / culture. The Canthan district was permanently destroyed in Lions Arch and I don’t think there is one in Divinity’s Reach. Even if they used up the entire map in Tyria and Elona, I think we would sooner go to the scrapped Guild Wars: Utopia map than back to Cantha

Aren’t all Asian cultures on a single continent called Asia though?

^ this made me laugh. I wouldn’t be surprised if he/she didn’t know this

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Anet still has plenty of space left to work with in Tyria…

One map per episodes, now add up the maps left to uncover in our world map and divide it by the amount of episodes given per year and that’s how many seasons it will take for a complete Tyrian map…more or less. Okay? Okay.

(edited by Adry.7512)

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


If i remember correctly, Cantha was dismantled because it offended the market in Asia for grouping all (Eastern) Asian cultures into one mega continent, and Anet was forbidden from making references to the Canthan continent / culture. The Canthan district was permanently destroyed in Lions Arch and I don’t think there is one in Divinity’s Reach. Even if they used up the entire map in Tyria and Elona, I think we would sooner go to the scrapped Guild Wars: Utopia map than back to Cantha

Highly doubt that will stop them, just like wow didn’t care about turning Asians into pandas and grouping them into one continent….at least when creating Cantha in sure they will take the time to create a beautiful and culturally rich continent

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Noooo we will get another continent!! Watch!

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Additionally I would like to thank Mike for making the decisions he has been making. If their blueprint for delivering content doesn’t change, then this game will become far greater than how it was ever predicted to be. We have many outlets of story and lore, plus content to play hours on end. After several years into development, the content will outlast even the oldest games. Any game can be great with the right vision, stability, and direction. That’s my opinion

Edit: think about it, current events, every map having meta events and bosses, raids, living story seasons, expansions, PVP content, mastery skills, etc….after several years into development we will have so many options we won’t know where to start.

(edited by Adry.7512)

My Cantha prediction is coming true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Recently I made a post stating that in about 2-3 years Cantha will be coming with an expansion. A few people stated that no because we have too many maps to explore and of course with anet’s trend of adding a couple of maps per expansion, it made sense that 2-3 years might be too soon, but that’s not the case anymore!! As suspected, anet has learned that their method of delivering content was obsolete, and are now putting efforts to deliver A NEW MAP FOR EVERY LIVING STORY EPISODE. Not only that, but they are stating that they make all the decisions for gw2 and that they will not be pressured into releasing an early expansion ever again, which would explain why they individualized themselves last year( or was it early this year?). Anyways they are holding off on the next expansion until it’s perfected. Meaning we might have to wait at least one more year before the next one. At the speed they are going, and then wanting to hold off on releasing an expac early, could this mean we will get elder dragons in living story seasons instead of per expac??? Meaning that there is a high possibility that the next expac may have Cantha and most likely by then all the Tyrian map will be explored.

(edited by Adry.7512)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I pray Cantha comes soon cause we really need it. Since they will be adding a new map per episode, that means that by late next year Tyria will most likely be complete.

Villain in GW3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


What are any of you newcomers talking about?? Just because this game has a number 2 in it and because gw1 was too outdated, it doesn’t mean we will ever get a 3. In fact when asked this question they said that this game will never have a part 3, but instead they want to make gw2 continue on for a very long time. There will never be a gw3 unless some form of technology gets invented that would make all previous games obsolete and unplayable.

Class for the next expac PLEASE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


H2h weapons would fill a close ranged fast martial weapon that some what missing but a club will fill this roll too. Daggers are close to this roll but they tend to be more magic and sword is more of a def weapon. A maces is a slow close ranged martial weapon.
So its not realty a class your looking for but weapon types and the roll they would fill.

I need a weapon style that speaks to me. I’m sure if they implemented martial arts master, it would definitely become a fan favorite, unless they do a bad job with the development of the class.

Class for the next expac PLEASE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


OP ask yourself what niche would this class fill in the combat meta? What would they do differently that any other class can’t already do?

Next ask yourself why would we need a whole new class when the thief already has its roots in martial arts? The thief came from the GW1 assassin which was THE martial arts class of the Factions expansion in Cantha.

Very good point. Well I see the thief more as the ninja and the martial artist more as the….martial artist from the Asian themed continent. Remember that ninjas and martial artists played very different roles in Asian cultural history. Now in the meta, the martial artist would focus on counter attack, such as an interrupt with a daze/stun, with less of a damage output than the thief, but more counter attacks and time based play style. This could serve a purpose of delaying enemies while a team snatches a few points. The class would be more based on survival and counters rather than very high damage output. I imagine that in a 1vs1 this class would excel, but in a group battle or if outnumbered, I imagine this class would serve as a support with high survival capabilities, but insuficiant damage output to kill many enemies at once, unless played really well.

Edit: another addition could be knockdowns, dashes/dodges, fast dps, and immobility cancels.
Main buffs could be quickness, fury, superspeed, and defense buffs.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Class for the next expac PLEASE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


this would be better as an elite spec, and there is a dev approved post with hundreds of suggestions in it. i suggest you post it there.

as for a new profession, i definitely think 9 is already more than enough, and this is too similar to thief and daredevil. it would encroach on their territory in the same ways revenant and mesmer already do

I definitely see this being an elite spec for thief, but the thought of a martial arts master class sounds more culturally appealing.

Class for the next expac PLEASE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I think fist type weapons would work well for several of the professions, we don’t really need a whole new class for it.

In the mean time, have you checked out the Daredevil elite spec for thieves? The new weapon is a staff, but they also gain a few bare hands attacks in their utility skills. Not enough to fight that way constantly, but it allows you to throw in an occasional weaponless attack.

Hmmm not really. Think about it, martial arts master includes weapons too like in ninjutsu. Therefore you can have a martial arts master class, and then the fists can be added to other classes but with different attacks that pertain to that class. Like for example the warrior can be called the brawler, instead of martial arts master. The theme for martial arts master can be based on counter attacks, with high mobility, and dps.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Class for the next expac PLEASE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


CREATE A FIGHTING CLASS! PLEASE!! I really would love fighting gauntlets as weapons. I mean its just so powerful for me, I personally find martial arts as a very beautiful form of expression. This game is amazing, but it wont be complete to me until you implement a martial arts master class….maybe when you release Cantha? Or right before you release it? Idk how you do it, but please make this happen, it would also please your Asian/eastern fanbase, including westerners that really appreciate martial arts and its culture.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Theory: Cantha is coming in a few years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


There is some sense to it. Some areas are ruled by dragons and their magic, making it a very dangerous place….as for other places, I hope they add them to big content patches.

Theory: Cantha is coming in a few years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I still think it’s ridiculous that gw2 only has 1/3 of it’s predecessor’s world. It’s like having a sequel to wow that only has access to Kalimdor and nothing else.

I find it dumb too. :/ and making you wait ages just to explore what’s right in front of your face.