(edited by Adry.7512)
(Greatsword and Mace/Shield)
Ok, your guardian has little HP, but a good amount of def, plus a surprisingly strong enough offense to deal sufficient damage. The holy guardian’s BEST attribute is its heals, AKA why its called “holy” guardian. Each and every heal raises your HP significantly and your dodge/rolls heal for over 1k HP each roll/dodge. You’re biggest focus is in close combat, VS a distance-type player you use your greatsword to rush to them with your number 3 skill and bind them with your number 5 skill. Anyways, here is the main game starter, you start with you greatsword and use you number 3 skillbar move, within that second activate your number 4 symbol move and number 5 move (you can press the number 5 skill moves to drag the enemy to you and drop them), if the enemy starts moving, drop them with the number 5 skill move and activate you number 2 greatsword mvoe and stay on them (you can move with the number 2 greatsword skill), then switch to hammer and use the hammer symbol skill and the number skill, you can start attacking with hammer and your hammer skills heal you. THE TRICK WHEN USING A HOLY GUARDIAN is to know how to use your F1, F2, and F3 skills and know how to manage swapping weapons regularly during combat. when you have your greatsword equipped, you have less heal and do more damage, but when you have you mace/shield you have more heals and less damage, so you have to know how to swap between both during combat. if necessary you use your shield moves to push away enemies and you get healed periodically at the same time…..most of all the skillbars you have heal you constantly when used. The other nice thing is your 6-0 skillbars, the number 7 skill creates a small shield that heals you and prevent enemies from attacking you, but you can attack enemies, and the number 8 skill turns all the Conditions you are suffering from into boons. You’re actual number 6 heal skill is OP (overpowered), it will heal you completely and its usually not even necessary during a fight since you are constantly being healed, its passive effect removes conditions and the other signet improves heals.
Number 6: Signet of Resolve
Number 7: Sanctuary
Number 8: Contemplation of Purity
Number 9: Signet of Mercy
Number 0: Tome of Courage
Zeal(30): IV, III, XII
Honor(20): III, X
Virtues(20): II, X
Like i said in combat description, everything is focused on heals and high defense with significantly high enough offense.
3 Runes of water/monk = focused on heals and boon duration.
3 Sigils of Superior force = focused on dealing higher damage (all other sigils are useless for this build).
Cleric’s Amulet.
(edited by Adry.7512)
2. Mesmer Shatter Build:
(Staff and Sword/Pistol)
The main focus is to shatter clones on the enemy and only do close combat with sword/pistol with the combo i will describe below, then quickly going back into long range combat with shattering.
You mainly start off with a staff, with that staff you quickly press the number 2 skillbar move and the number 8 skillbar move at the same time, then shatter them, within that second cast the numbers 3, 4 and 5 (5 is an AOE targeting move, so aim it). Do not switch to gun/pistol yet, make sure to create more clones and keep distance from enemy and keep attacking, if needed use stealth and rolls/dodges. once u switch to gun/pistol you use the number 3 sword skillbar move which sends a clone to your enemy, then press it again wen the clone get to the enemy and teleport to them, quickly activate the number 2 skillbar move and shatter all your clone with F1 during that exact time, then dodge-roll away and daze with pistol and cast the pistol phantasm and switch back to staff and attack with combos.
Pretty much the same thing as with the Illusionist mesmer, except that you use the number 5 Staff skillbar to replace the greatsword’s number 5 skillbar and the tricks with the sword/pistol remain the same.
Number 6: Ether Feast
Number 7: Blink
Number 8: Mirror Images
Number 9: Decoy
Number 0: Time Warp
Domination(20): V, I
Dueling(25): II, X
Illusions(25): III, I
Good offensive Damage with high Crit and Crit damage.
Main Shatter Boons: Might, Vigor.
Main Shatter Conditions: Bleeds on Criticals from illusions, Confusion, more damage percent.
Mind Wrack: damage increase and crit perfect increase
Killing illusions make enemies Crippled and confused.
Phantasms have Fury.
4 Runes of eagle.
3 Runes of Divinity (1 goes for underwater mask).
Berserker Amulet.
3 Sigils of accuracy.
Hello guys, my name is Adrian, i am a good pvp player, but you wont find my name in spvp leaderboards since i never bother to make a team to raise ranks. Regardless of leaderboards i decided to make several useful builds from all the classes i use to pvp.
i have seen several builds, but none are really very effective, if anything they are a cheap knock-off of mine. My goal is to help you, and increase you’re possibility of winning a fight and hence help you have more fun in pvp. These are, in my opinion, the best possible builds for these classes.
now let’s begin….
1. “Illusionist Mesmer” Build:
(Greatsword and Sword/Pistol)
now for this build the strategy mainly revolves around always maintaining no less than 3 Illusions in the battlefield. A very effective approach (the one i usually take), is you start with sword/pistol, activate the phantasm from your pistol and the clone skill from your sword (dont use the sword clone to teleport at the beginning), then quickly daze your enemy with pistol, dodge to create 1 more clone and change to your greatsword (this must all be done within an average time of 5seconds). when you change to greatsword you use the phantasm from greatsword and the number 2 skillbar, afterwards you continue to attack and thats when u can become creative.
When the enemy becomes a bit dangerously close, thats when you use your clone teleport skill (it will have recharged by then), then use your sword’s number 2 skillbar move, you can also use the stealth skill to the right side of HP to maintain anonymity. YOUR ROLLING/DODGES CREATE CLONES, plus you also have the number 8 skillbar which creates 2 clones.
you may think its a disadvantage, but no, i find killing thieves easy unless i am not paying attention to them (AKA im killing other people and not focused on thief). Here is the main strategy….they mainly have 2 stealths, one is a short one that can easily be countered by creating clones and dodging, or using number 5 greatsword skillbar, then theres the refuge skill which makes them stay in the stealth circle until its done, this can easily be countered by a sword by slashing randomly within that circle, also by number 5 greatsword skillbar move and number 2 sword skillbar. Eventually you will see how easy killing a thief is.
Number 6: Ether Feast
Number 7: Mimic
Number 8: Mirror Images
Number 9: Decoy
Number 0: Time Warp
Domination(20): III, V
Dueling(20): II, X
Inspiration(25): VI, V
Illusions(5): nothing
+30% Phantasm damage
Main Conditions (most effective boons are bold): Vulnerability, Bleeding from clone crits, cripple from attacks and from enemies killing your clones.
Main Boons: Phantasms have fury, vigor, regeneration from phantasms, speed boost per active illusion, illusion skill recharge faster.
3 Sigils of accuracy = crit chance
2 Runes of lyssa/nightmare/lich = condition duration
Amulet of berserker = damage/crit/crit damage
(edited by Adry.7512)
ok races i wana see…..
i wana see the polarbears!!
i wana see a type of canine class since we have a feline class…..no not werewolves.
i wana see a dragon race, like a cause of the dragons’ reign.
and of course i would like to see new classes.
Anet knows that “big balance patches” are a horrible idea.
balance changes should always be done in small increments to minimize the number of interactions that need to be re-examined and to allow the meta to learn and adapt.
yup and very tru.
I just hope it doesn’t cost them the game. The forums have become much more negative towards PvE content and only a small % of players actually still PvP. The game was growing and doing well when they were focused on PvE content, I don’t think they should be switching focus.
The focus have been pretty much split. While the artists have hammered out new maps and events for PVE, the balancing focus have been squarely on SPVP. Never mind that whatever programming resources they had on hand was working on WVW culling for quite some time.
I wish they would do a major balance pass patch where they fully split PvE, PvP, and WvW skills. The differences between them make some classes crap in one area and completely OP’d in another. I think a major balance patch would go a long way to helping the game in all areas.
i believe ur on to somethign really good. in terms of skills, i believe they should leave the current skills for all worlds, but for future updates, they need to focus skills solely for spvp, pve world, and wvw.
bad vid so i thumbed down.
on topic, based on title alone:
I haven’t touched sPvP since beta but with custom arenas coming in and providing a way for me to scrimmage with guildies.. it has definitely raised my interest enough to dive back into it.
exactly. i wont lie, GW2’s is by far the BEST pve experience in any mmorpg. i cant wait to see wat they will do for pvp.
i trust arenanet, the thing i see they have ever really done wrong, is how they made spvp leaderboards. the only reason i dont like it is cuz to get good in leaderboards u gotta make buddy buddy with every1 and only hang out with the “pro” crowed or get good with a certain set of people and never switch party partners. then the person gets ranked individually as if it was all him/her, wen it was only partially him/her lol. they base individual rabnking based on tourny win/loses instead of contributions giving to a game (AKA top player scores awarded), and/or kills/deaths.
my hope is that arenanet realizes their mistake in spvp leaderboards and they add to it.
(edited by Adry.7512)
I just hope it doesn’t cost them the game. The forums have become much more negative towards PvE content and only a small % of players actually still PvP. The game was growing and doing well when they were focused on PvE content, I don’t think they should be switching focus.
no ur wrong, PVE players r jsut worried. listen, trust arenanet. this is a new game, its simple, they r currently satisfied with the pve content, so now they r focusing on pvp. once they have pvp organized and have enough people keepin pvp structured and competitions held accordingly, then BOOM back focusing on pve, new patches, new stuff, and prob an expansion by then. dont worry, they arent fools.
here is wut they need dawg, yk yk yk….ok add more slots to traits (dats a must in future UGH). aight aight sec ima get my koolaid. ok back, so look here, they need more right side of hp skillbars foh sho no questions asked yk. they need to make a highher lvl cap in future, adrian but dungeonsssss. SO? make more lvl cap dungeons. adrian but legendariessssss. SO DAWG? make legendaries lvl up with a player or make new…better looking, legendaries. wat else wat else wat else….hmmm ok ok here we go, they can add a new bar to dash, so instead of 2 bars u got 3 LOL and that all i got for improving pvp player-wise. now as for world-wise….they need to put competitions back, YA KNO? dead serious man, people wana make dat money, u feel me? also make dualing available in pve world. man just my idea, so relax yk? put ur opinion on here YEEEEE.
OK they NEED more skills, its a must, UGH! but ye add more traits too, u need more in-depth traits.
(edited by Adry.7512)
Correction: They’ve been focusing on sPvP. They are finally ready to release (err, beta test) a couple of massive features that they have been working on for many months.
UGH YUH! u kno wut it iz, u kno wut it do, u kno wut is smell like. yuh yuh, i am happy as squirrel nuts with this pvp thing, i cant wait to see arenanet’s vision on GW2’s future pvp.
YESSSS, FINALLY!!! once they were satisfied with the pve (for now), i knew they would quickly put their attention on pvp. first with the leaderboards, and now with custom arenas for pvp)! personally, i am very happy now
. i cant wait to see what other ideas they will come up with
! if any1 has any ideas on what will come in the following months or rest of the year PVP-wise, plz post it here. ty
! also if you have any ideas, plz post them here.
well guys i wont bother mentioning this anymore unless i get a reply on this thread….but i am 100% right and there is no way i can be proven wrong. dont get me wrong, i am sure PLENTY of you r ok with this, but i take pride in my pvp skills wen i pvp….i dont take pride in how fast i can fill up my friend’s list.
here is some wisdom, no1 goes into team pvp tournies to lose….no1 unless they r afk or RQ lol. u cant base ranking on teams to begin with (even though the topic is about ranking some1 individually on a team effort) because no1 joins a team tournament to lose, lol they go there to win, lol meaning that in the end every1 jus wants to win and therefore it should always be based on individual kill/death/top player awards/games played and never on a team win/lose rate cuz since every1 is in the same page and same playing field i wana win field, then whats left? what separates them? what makes them different? its their individual skill, AKA what they should be ranked on.
(edited by Adry.7512)
no one is responding to this thread? ok, so you are all happy with having an individual ranking based on something that you only partially participated in? do you feel proud in knowing that ur “individual” ranking is not based on ur own individual skill to excel? that your ranking is based on what your team does instead of you? lol i would feel ashamed, especially knowing that if i am the only person left playing out of my group, then i either become a “noob” useless in tournies or i would have to go on a huge mission to find another good group to do tournies with regularly. idk if u understand that ur insignificant in leaderboards once ur team starts quitting or become a bit inactive, yet you are ranked individually as if it was u alone who made any real progress? HA! for all you kno u were partied with a good player that helped u raise ur ratio wen in reality u did nothing urself; thats another possibility.
therefore in conclusion i will never base some1’s pvp skill lvl because of their ratio and/or leaderboard ranking. because that person’s pvp skill on leaderboards is on how good u can gather up people and make a party to play with on a regular basis, not on how good they actually are in spvp…..hence leaderboards just tells me who i should party with….they might suck, but ik that person will be able to make a full party in seconds, SO leaderboards is a party matching system that helps u get in contact with people who know people, and HENCE why leaderboards is a social network.
(edited by Adry.7512)
lol i just told a couple of my friends and they think its ridiculous. the leaderboards ranking system for spvp is ridiculous and completely unbalanced. the game isnt encouraging u to pvp. its basically saying, “hey BUDDY u get a team and make sure their good and only play with them, if not HAHAHAHA u shouldnt even BOTHER”. lol its silly, u CANNOT rank some1 individually on sometin that they did not earn themselves, it should be team ranking.
You’re asking for them to destroy the validity of the boards just because you personally do not wish to put in the effort required to put together a team.
You are not barred from competing. You are not restricted.
You know exactly how to get on the boards, and you know that the method involves winning games.
A kills leaderboard would be meaningless, as it would be measuring something irrelevent to correct tpvp play. Winning is what matters, winning against people who win. That is what the board measures and that is what the board should measure.
Find 10 other people who also want to rate on the board. Replace them if they are unable to reach a reasonable skill cap.
the fact still remains that i am getting rated unfairly. i am getting rated individually on sometin that requires a full team effort. it makes no sense. they should do it based on teams and have a team system, in the end of the day i am gettign rated individually on sometin that is not for an individual alone
(edited by Adry.7512)
its bad and not fair. here is the trick to being top player in spvp, makes a full party that u always play with, only play with them or most of them or dont play ever. with that party, get good and play constantly until u improve and get good ratio eventually.
and now for people like me…
explain how to play to every single team member each and everytime u do tourny, then hope that they follow along and dont do awful. if u have an afk player, u lose, if u have a RQ player that leaves….u lose, if the forgot wat they need to do u lose, if they “disagree with ur methods and tactics” u either give in to their method or dont, either way u lose cuz there is disagreement, if u get super tired of explaining strategy each and every game and therefore stop explaining then u lose, if ur teamsmates cant rez/fight then u lose. LOL
i was lucky enough to find 1 player to play gw2, but he is a bit meh and got bored and he always gets bored of every single game lol, sometiems he wans to play tourny and other times he plays sometin else or doesnt play anything at all…..lol.
PVP ratio should be based on kills/deaths alone and if u wana rate on contribution to the team then it should be top player scores awarded vs total games played
i wont lie, this would favor me due to the fact that i rarely ever lose a fight especially in a 1vs1, and my top player scores awarded destroys my total games played, BUT it is the most logical way to rate some1 on leaderboards, i mean seriously -.-
(edited by Adry.7512)
The game lacks a lot of depth.
If they had things like player/guild housing, actual guild vs guild, an enjoyable WvW map, balanced PvP systems and classes, and a s/tPvP system that wasn’t totally isolated things would have a little more player interaction. But the way things are right now, if you don’t like WvW you’ve got nothing to do all day.
correction lol…..after u reachy lvlcap and got a lot of cool stuff WVW and SPVP is all u got lol :P.
this game has amazing pve Arenanet…..but it doesnt have a competative nature and not many pvp options. a lot of people think they get bored at end-game after their lvl80 (or multiple lvl80s) cuz the end-game for lvl80s is small in the PVE world, but the reality is that it isnt…..its pretty big, but there isnt a lot of pvp to go around so people dont become completatively addicted to the game. make the game competative guys, you need it.
(edited by Adry.7512)
the game is amazing and fun. the PVE experience is great and fun to do. the PVE system is truly genius and this game makes other mmorpgs boring and repeatitive.
the BIGGEST problem is that the game has no competitive features in PVP. PVP never changes, there arent many PVP options at ALL. WVW and 1playing mode in SPVP is all u got. no ARENA BATTLES, no cool new types of PVP playing types like that PVP tower idea i posted……no competitive PVP atmosphere.
my WISH list isss…
a Party Matching system.
Duel options in PVE world.
MORE PVP game modes in the Mists.
a lot of breathe-taking Dungeons in the end-game.
i am an awesome Sylvari. i love being a tru offspring on the Earth….THAT GLOWS IN THE DARK, YEAAAA!
Are you trying to insinuate that TERAs combat is inferior to GW2? GW2 has everything else on TERA but its combat.
the combat system in tera is meh and boring, but yes, it is its best feature. if u want a better combat system that is similar to that, then go play RaiderZ, but i prefer the combat system in GW2. GW2 combat system is much better and its fun…for me :P. anyways, yea, if u wana talk about combat system i would say that RaiderZ’ combat system is wayyy better than TERA’s IMO. TERA’s combat system is soooo slow and blahh, theres no tension, theres nothing to it, but spmminm spacing, and spammin again.
Arenanet needs to make a party matching system and quick. it would be very useful for every1. i dont have a problem goin into world chat and looking for players to party with, but a party matching system would be a big boost.
TERA will ruin GW2 combat for most people, but then you’ll be conflicted because they each have corrections to each others flaws if only someone could smoosh them together : /
i will have to disagree….i have to force myself to play tera for more than a couple of minutes. GW2 has no comparisons with TERA. if anything its the same for any other game, GW2 ruined the fun out of other MMORPGs.
same with me and TERA online….i cant bring myself to play for more than 5minutes….its just ur regular stereotypical mmorpg. gw2 kinda killed the fun out of other MMORPGs for me =/. not that its a bad thing, but wen u wana go look at other games and u get that “MEH” feeling, yea lol.
do you have to be a certain rank to get into leaderboard? cause my scores r always good in tourny, but im very new and stuff so im only deer rank, but ya my pvp skills r pretty boss wen i fight people in tourny.
@Xavori: no need to be condescending, particularly because you are only 1/2 right. For the PvE leaderboards, he does have the achievement point value, but the sPVP leaderboards do not provide the information for the player’s placement.
@Adry: 3rd party site: http://www.gwshack.info/?region=na
ty that was actually informative….unlike some1 else lol.
how do u find ur own name on leaderboard? do i have to scroll through pages and pages and pages LOL?
ok, I was recently talked to and was informed on the situation that most players feel cheated on. they feel cheated on the fact that monthly (or yearly forgot) competitions in pvp would be held (as promised) and they never did this. also that the game would be competitive and PVP centered…..but that also never happened. ok, I understand, I still enjoy and love the game though, especially its pvp aspects. here is MY question, now that the developers have their living story and other things, will you concentrate on PVP? yes its a great game and yes you did well, but you need to give the fans what they want. we need more PVP options, we need competitions, we want a competitive PVP game that is respected like or more than other games that hold competitions and so on. please apply a lot more effort into pvp, please and thank you. don’t get me wrong I enjoy the game very much, but this is what you have to do regardless.
hahahahaha people in this game complain a lot. I love this game, but what would bother me about leaderboard is if its a team-effort thing instead of an individual thing. like I myself played these many games and got these many top player awards, or if its a team thing then its o I won this many tournies vs I lost these many. I cant be blamed for getting partnered up with newbs, or w.e the reason may be.
OK, are the ranking based on how good you do individually or as a team? don’t get me wrong, nowadays I rarely lose a tourney fight, but this is my question. for example, I have 250 games played and I got 400 top player stats awarded…..I got top player stats based on kills, assists, map stuff, etc…problem is that my teammate Anthony and I get partnered up with reallyyyy bad players sometimes, so why should we have to have a lower rank due to other people’s lack of skill or attention or w.e the case may or may not be. every now and then we partner up with this dude named raiden….sometin, he is pre good, and there r others as well, but those r people that just happen to party us because we r good in tournies and killing other players. therefore…is the ranking based as a team thing (like u won THIS many single-match tournies vs u lost THIS many), or an individual thing like oh I played THIS many games VS I got top player awards THIS many times.
Have a Blue Peter badge……
YES! i will wear it with pride K! T_T proud!
(edited by Adry.7512)
this game is the best mmorpg on the market atm, lol no doubt. i personally love it and pvp’d for 6hours straight today….i won almsot every single tourny today whoooo!
the game is doing very well and i love it.
my top rank scores in pvp r officially higher than the games i ever played. i got an awesome pvp set OMG drool. i win almsot every single tourny i ever go to…i rarely ever lose when im pared up with Anthony. what else what else…..well tournies r SUPER FAST NOW OMG YESS! i get to a tourny instantly or within a few mins like 2-3mins. i love this game….i pvp’d for like 6 hours straight today T_T……but i had to stawp, im getting addicted to this
i would too if i wasnt narcissistic! i do have a tattoo of a wolf with tribals and stuff but it looks sooo good on me. i want a gw2 tat, but its a vid game…..>.>. OH! how about i get it on my car. u should all show ur love for GW2! its a MUST! i DEMAND IT!
obligatory responses:
A) ahhh more jumping puzzle?
B) “i hope they fix/balance the game first, stop wasting time and effort on this kitten”
C)no pvp update/fixes? i quit
D)no WvW update/fixes? i quit
E)more grind? i quit
im sure ur a very special person to many people ^^!!….but i dont like u.
You sound more like a quaggan who’s eaten too much sugar at Easter
Glad to hear ppl are liking it tho, I’ll go have a butchers in a min
sob sob :<……ok, i wub it!
at least you have skins.
Engineers got screwed on the skins…. again
wat do u kno about 8bit world epicness funtime, huh poop man?! i want it foreverrrrrrr!
please, o pleaasssse tell me its forever :<!!!! PLEASE! cause i saw its from april 1-30 :<!!!! why would u make a super cool feature and only leave it for 1 month whyyyyy :<! acts like a lil baby gamer i wan it foheva and evah, i dun wan yoo tu take it ouwt :<!
(edited by Adry.7512)
so many SWTOR comments….that game is super bad, like lol its a reallyyyyy bad game.
just play GW2 k
I thought it was as well. Right up until I didn’t :P
After I got my second to 80 and geared out within in 24 hours – I realized I had nothing left to do except start the next alt.
Haven’t logged in for 3 weeks
wrong and silly. if thats why u play mmorpgs then why play them ever? go to war, go do team pvp, go make money and get a legendary, make a guild and make em famous and do guild stuff, do living story -______-, i can go on, but i already gave u over a year’s worth of content. enjoy
shut up. the game is not worth a sub-fee not cause its not good enough, but simply because NO game has EVER been worth a sub-fee. WoW just got lucky cause it came out wen mmorpgs sucked.
idk, but all ik is that im never spending real money on this game again, nuff said.
I open 20 box and got one ticket, and bought greatsword
idk im getting EXP/honor/crafting/etc boosters…..also a lot and i mean A LOOOOT of black lion mining picks/axe/sicle thing. also the bag fulla gold, the backpack stuff, dyes, just a buncha gabrage
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LOL….200 dollars and still nothing, i will stop now XD.
sorry for being such a noob, but i have no idea wat RNG is. if some1 could respond, plz. i keep buying the keys but im not getting anything XD.