@Adry: Yes, any and all comments can be made to sound absurd if you make them all appear as if they’re being voiced by a child having a tantrum. I hope nobody shrugs off any game disappointments you may have in the future like that.
With that said – I can see your point when we, as the player base existing on these forums, sound spoiled and lazy almost all the time.
Expectations are a kitten.
telling from the extreme use of sms language and overuse of “funny” internet lingo I´d say it is not an imitation. And I think it is safe to say that about everyone has lost track of what point he is actually trying to make. So just close the thread :P
what point? there is no point except that i like the game….its just merely a discussion, nothing more.
not even that, i dont understand these huge problems. leave at the slight flaw? i dont understand, when i got bored i just didnt play. then the game got more interesting so i played….i log on when i want to play, when i dont i dont log on. when i wana kill stuff i pvp……you guys are treating this like…idk as if it WASNT just a kitten game lol XD. its a gaaaaame, its a tool for ur enjoyment, so enjoy it….dont COMMIT to it, its not a relationship….much less one to commit to.
i think the problem is that u all throw ur heart and soul into this thing…..its a game for goodness sakes, a freaking game lmao.
i honestly quit a while back due to the lack of excitement at endgame….dungeons were easy, a 10year old could be rich in this game, and the bosses were literally stand in one spot and kill stuff. now they are fixing these things along with many other things little by little. they are doing a decent job and i appreciate it.
i am guessing that the ragers NOW are those that stayed for the easy going, children friendly game that required little to no effort to accomplish anything.
dont get me wrong, too much of a challenging and u create a ridiculous learning curve that will DESTROY the entire community, but a little bit of a challenge doesnt hurt anybody. i like what i am seeing, except for a few things they need to work on, i like the direction the game is going in.
here i will sum up some of the QQs
“dungeons too hard cant play cant survvie omg its so hard, i hate a challenge, why do i play vid games if im not even competitive!”
“i paid 150 dollars for gold the other day, omg gw2 is ripping me off, how does THAT GUY not spend 150 dollars for gold huh HOW COME?!?!?”
“jeez this game HAHAHAhahaHAHA not even 1/10 of GW1!! idk why its called part 2 hahhAHAHh, wow i came here to play the exact same crap i did in gw1 but with better graphics!”
these are some disappointing comments ive exaggerated on. anyways if the dungeons are honestly so hard, i dont understand how i did the hardest dun in the game and found it a good experience for me. i thought it was challenging and i praised anet on their efforts. if anything….making parties bigger so people cry less.
work hard for ur gold and give it time….u cant be rich overnight. everybody just sounds spoiled and lazy about everything….the game isnt hard, never been, and never will…the few challenges are there for our own fun, so get ur game face on or simply go play some mindless game that requires little to no effort.
Yes, it is pretty absurd to stop doing something you don’t like. Now go drink your prune juice.
pointless and irrelevant comment. if they stopped liking the game and want to leave, that is fine idc. i just happen to think some of the reasons are really absurd. that is all =/.
i am not to farm, but yesterday i had 49silver….i did the easy lvl55 dungeon about 4times and had 4gold by the end of it……what do u people want? i mean seriously? LMAO
wow, u guys went all the way on this huh? lmao to be honest i dont care, play dont play, doesnt matter to anyone. the game is good and i will continue to play it, that is all. if u dont like it cause it doesnt respond to ur tantrums, then o well, that is ur problem. the game will never and i mean never stray from what the developers want the game to be. the most ul get are tweaks for player convenience, but if u want a diff game, lol yea then bye. u spent too much money on it? maybe u should reconsider where u throw ur money at next time? honestly, its a freaking good game to me and many other people, once it stop being good i could care less and i too will leave, but i wont leave cause my kitten-fit demands werent met. i hope you have a better experience in some other game.
Then why did you start this thread? You obviously wanted other people’s opinions about why they quit.
yea, but once i read it, i quickly became disappointed at the mentality of these people. really absurd sometimes.
of course they will unlock more……and no, the “playable” zones area bunch. they do need more level 80 zones though.
wow, u guys went all the way on this huh? lmao to be honest i dont care, play dont play, doesnt matter to anyone. the game is good and i will continue to play it, that is all. if u dont like it cause it doesnt respond to ur tantrums, then o well, that is ur problem. the game will never and i mean never stray from what the developers want the game to be. the most ul get are tweaks for player convenience, but if u want a diff game, lol yea then bye. u spent too much money on it? maybe u should reconsider where u throw ur money at next time? honestly, its a freaking good game to me and many other people, once it stop being good i could care less and i too will leave, but i wont leave cause my kitten-fit demands werent met. i hope you have a better experience in some other game.
Ok, forget advert…. this has the qualities …of an Info-mercial.
Wide eyed supposed Non-actor on the stage: And can you really get 20 g a day with only 48 % magic-find??? that sounds…amazing!!!!
Paid announer: Yes you can… and here, let me explain How…!!!! All you need to do is follow the steps I will outline, although No one else has been able to reproduce it John!!!
a day? are you insane hahahahahahaha!! holy duces XD ur crazy! i wish! anyways, ur being silly, i def have never made 20G a day….i have made 20G in one day after a while of gathering n stuff….u dont really need much….ever. i bought gold once or twice. once was for 100gems and the other time i….forgot how much =/, but it was low im sure.
EDIT: oh, but i have bought gems for skins!! i like skins ^^
(edited by Adry.7512)
Well… I tend to spend My money where I play. And My current opinion is…this game was awesome at launch…and each patch takes it further and further away from what I enjoyed. I think it is headed in the wrong direction. So at first I played, and didn’t buy. But… it is so hard to farm Gold consistently… that I saw myself Buying Gold with gems. So I decided if I am gonna spend money., I may as well spend it where I enjoy playing.
When I see that gw2 is headed in the right direction for me…….
I’ll return, and shop.
noooo you can make plentyyy of gold, doing dungeons and farming/gathering. and even if you want to buy gems, its simple, buy gem with gold when gems are cheap and buy gold with gems when gold is cheap. you can merchant this u know =/…..it just takes time, everything takes time. the best part of it all is that for the necessary thingsu really and i mean REALLY dont need much gold…at all. for the hard to get stuff….it takes effort dude =/….thats what the game is for, to make u spend time on it. either way, its way good now i honestly believe that its great and if u log on even once during the 2week events that will come, then u will eventually have a whole bunch of cool stuff to pick n choose from….a lot a lot a lot XD!! you probably just went about it the wrong way.
they nerf everything i find it truly a grind , they nerf every farming area and to gather has become more and more of a grind , to farm is to have them nerf once again , i do not see the point of having to grind for minimal rewards , i find this now insulting to the people who do exactly what you have described and still get nothing because anet found out and took the money the loot away from it all no one wants to loot a bunch of grey after they have spent 10mins -15 doing a world boss , it comes to mind you maybe new to this game because your version of how to do it right , is an insult js
i guess XD…..last time i sold the stuff i didnt need from the gathering thingy i got about 20gold XD, which i know isnt much…..but then again i didnt need much XD. remember it can also have to do with magic find, if you dont break down the materials you find, u wont get good magic find =/. my magic find isnt horrible, its only 48% though and when i mine materials, i get good stuff, but i got the infinite mining pick so idk…..the good thing is you buy once and ur good so yea, i dont struggle. its all possible if u try. just do things the right way, if making money is your goal, then make that your goal whenever you log on. idk dude, i dont struggle =/. the game is quite fair honestly.
Mine is 125 %….
I think you and I are playing different games.
HMMMMM -__________-, kitten then idk XD!!! what is it that you want though? to be super rich? this isnt that type of game xD!!! i always see prople look super cool in this game, so idk what it is you specifically want =/. but yea if u want to be super rich or something like that, yea this game doesnt do that =/….which is good imo. so maybe the game is not for u, or maybe u have a different mindset? idk, im sorry i couldnt help u =/.
Well… I tend to spend My money where I play. And My current opinion is…this game was awesome at launch…and each patch takes it further and further away from what I enjoyed. I think it is headed in the wrong direction. So at first I played, and didn’t buy. But… it is so hard to farm Gold consistently… that I saw myself Buying Gold with gems. So I decided if I am gonna spend money., I may as well spend it where I enjoy playing.
When I see that gw2 is headed in the right direction for me…….
I’ll return, and shop.
noooo you can make plentyyy of gold, doing dungeons and farming/gathering. and even if you want to buy gems, its simple, buy gem with gold when gems are cheap and buy gold with gems when gold is cheap. you can merchant this u know =/…..it just takes time, everything takes time. the best part of it all is that for the necessary thingsu really and i mean REALLY dont need much gold…at all. for the hard to get stuff….it takes effort dude =/….thats what the game is for, to make u spend time on it. either way, its way good now i honestly believe that its great and if u log on even once during the 2week events that will come, then u will eventually have a whole bunch of cool stuff to pick n choose from….a lot a lot a lot XD!! you probably just went about it the wrong way.
they nerf everything i find it truly a grind , they nerf every farming area and to gather has become more and more of a grind , to farm is to have them nerf once again , i do not see the point of having to grind for minimal rewards , i find this now insulting to the people who do exactly what you have described and still get nothing because anet found out and took the money the loot away from it all no one wants to loot a bunch of grey after they have spent 10mins -15 doing a world boss , it comes to mind you maybe new to this game because your version of how to do it right , is an insult js
i guess XD…..last time i sold the stuff i didnt need from the gathering thingy i got about 20gold XD, which i know isnt much…..but then again i didnt need much XD. remember it can also have to do with magic find, if you dont break down the materials you find, u wont get good magic find =/. my magic find isnt horrible, its only 48% though and when i mine materials, i get good stuff, but i got the infinite mining pick so idk…..the good thing is you buy once and ur good so yea, i dont struggle. its all possible if u try. just do things the right way, if making money is your goal, then make that your goal whenever you log on. idk dude, i dont struggle =/. the game is quite fair honestly.
Well… I tend to spend My money where I play. And My current opinion is…this game was awesome at launch…and each patch takes it further and further away from what I enjoyed. I think it is headed in the wrong direction. So at first I played, and didn’t buy. But… it is so hard to farm Gold consistently… that I saw myself Buying Gold with gems. So I decided if I am gonna spend money., I may as well spend it where I enjoy playing.
When I see that gw2 is headed in the right direction for me…….
I’ll return, and shop.
noooo you can make plentyyy of gold, doing dungeons and farming/gathering. and even if you want to buy gems, its simple, buy gem with gold when gems are cheap and buy gold with gems when gold is cheap. you can merchant this u know =/…..it just takes time, everything takes time. the best part of it all is that for the necessary thingsu really and i mean REALLY dont need much gold…at all. for the hard to get stuff….it takes effort dude =/….thats what the game is for, to make u spend time on it. either way, its way good now i honestly believe that its great and if u log on even once during the 2week events that will come, then u will eventually have a whole bunch of cool stuff to pick n choose from….a lot a lot a lot XD!! you probably just went about it the wrong way.
that is laughable , truly you just made my day lmao the wrong way they have nerfed everything how is that the wrong way ? lmfao you cant farm they dont want you to they nerf that too LOL you seem very new to this game all i have to say is good luck with your farming , and trying to gather anything rofl
what do you mean they nerfed it? you mean the super hard stuff to get? cause all the stuff i got is not hard to get, it just takes time…..why u crying dude? lol drop rate went down? sucks i guess, but i have no problem and i mean no problem getting what i want. then again im not so interested in the super rare stuff, just the good looking stuff.
Well… I tend to spend My money where I play. And My current opinion is…this game was awesome at launch…and each patch takes it further and further away from what I enjoyed. I think it is headed in the wrong direction. So at first I played, and didn’t buy. But… it is so hard to farm Gold consistently… that I saw myself Buying Gold with gems. So I decided if I am gonna spend money., I may as well spend it where I enjoy playing.
When I see that gw2 is headed in the right direction for me…….
I’ll return, and shop.
noooo you can make plentyyy of gold, doing dungeons and farming/gathering. and even if you want to buy gems, its simple, buy gem with gold when gems are cheap and buy gold with gems when gold is cheap. you can merchant this u know =/…..it just takes time, everything takes time. the best part of it all is that for the necessary thingsu really and i mean REALLY dont need much gold…at all. for the hard to get stuff….it takes effort dude =/….thats what the game is for, to make u spend time on it. either way, its way good now i honestly believe that its great and if u log on even once during the 2week events that will come, then u will eventually have a whole bunch of cool stuff to pick n choose from….a lot a lot a lot XD!! you probably just went about it the wrong way.
Hey, lets give it another shot, they have come closer and closer to perfecting their craft.
i see a bright future and no i am not a fanboy, never been. Either way, i think this game will become better than most of us expect it to become.
I’m not saying we’re gonna get more open world content – I hope so – but it’s unlikely we’re gonna get any less.
We VERY likely will get less. This is the conundrum ArenaNet has placed THEMSELVES into.
Think about SEASON 1. Which story steps did we have? Do you actually remember story steps that were MEMORABLE enough to justify a purchase? Most of them were just to PRESENT a character, many without ANY combat at all.
ArenaNet will likely have MORE story steps than that, or they wouldn’t have MUCH to sell. Using MORE resources for story steps means LESS resources for open world content. Which means, either less open world content, or less polished open world content.
Besides, ArenaNet itself said in the beginning of 2013 that they would FOCUS on open world content, and they have just told us that we will do this year BOTH story steps and open world content. Those two comments by themselves hint that open world will be LESS of a focus on 2014 than it was on 2013, hence it’s likely we will get LESS.
you sound like a person who just likes to complain, try to see the positive side of it, plus the promise that th content will continue to become more “memorable”, plus this is a great step forward.
I love the idea and paying for “missed” living stories only contribute to the balance. i mean common guys, they need something and we cant have everything handed over to us. i think 200gems for inactivity is fine if u wish to have that storyline. goodjob anet, keep it up, i hope to see a focus on PVP after this. the PVE is becoming perfect and all it needs is an expansion, now i would really wana see PVP being perfected too.
great idea, its perfect. this game is becoming more perfect, little by little. i always said, give it time, and time it has been given. this new update coming up is perfect, soon enough, pve will be at a perfect state. for ever new boss for every new living wtory, we will have that forever….and past living stories that were missed, can be purchased. fair enough. once pve is perfect….please focus more on pvp -_-. thank you!
btw i only care about 1vs1 pvp, idc about team battles XD
i dont have a problem killing a thief with my mesmer at all. the trick is simple, greatsword, staff, null field, and stealth. prob solved oooo and u cant forget…the chicken skill _, ik it gets hate, but with this weapon combo its useful.
which is better for pvp, thief or elementalist?
entire arm fists/claws – Thiefs, mesmer, elementalist (ele fists)
entire legs – Thiefs, elementalist, mesmer
Great Axe – Warrior, guardian
Blade and Chain – Ranger
from the website and other stuff i just read…..gw2 is doing amazing.
to be honest, if sales is what you guys are worried about, i dont see a problem.
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2014-02-14-guild-wars-2-in-steep-decline-in-weak-q4-for-ncsoft on this website though it shows the EU part of it….a clear decline happened. that sucks, but for NA its doing well. hopefully it picks up in EU and in china im hope it kicks up hard.
anyways to be honest i know nothing about the EU gaming community, so i cant say anything. either way im sure it will pick up.
(edited by Adry.7512)
here are the earnings correct?
when i said it is really good at the moment, i didnt mean on the situation. i meant that gw2 has a really good base to build from now in terms of the actual game. you have to have a base in order to build up, dont you think? either way, yes i know the situation is not good at the moment, but let’s see. if the game sinks, that will be their own fault, for continuing to make the same mistakes.
Guys dont be so discouraged, the game isnt going to end bad. At the moment GW2 is at a very good base line to build up from. the way gw2 is NOW could use a tweak or two, but all that is really needed now is an expansion. the chinese make a huge population of WoW and all they got was a single “mist of pandora” or w.e the name….u kno the kungfu panda expansion. The reason the chinese have to p2p is probably due to their economic status and their customs. The reason NA/EU doesnt have to p2p is probably due to the vast amount of people that can go out and buy the actual game and spend on gems (in china not everybody can afford nice things). when was the last time a game got big from china? exactly, the biggest mmorpg developers are US and Korea (these are the big dogs in the mmorpg world). What we MIGHT get, in an expansion, but not this coming one (maybe the second or third expansion) would be the dragon people (sorry never played gw1) from guild wars 1, with a few tweaks and cool stuff added to it. So there we go, its probably going to be a region, and thats it (which i would like). plus in the asian community in general (game-wise) the biggest focus is on pvp/pve in a competitive way, soooo if any influence comes from china it would be an improvement in pvp (especially WVW), which we all have been wanting., guys GW2 is really good at the moment, just give it some time and play for fun, dont despair. Once they let us down, then we leave, but so far they have been doing a decent job.
(edited by Adry.7512)
Thanks for the feedback guys. I really like this game and I would like to see it expand deeper into a more meaningful road. Im sure we all feel the same, right now I doubt that our opinions and posts wont matter since this is a company that listens to their fans, lets hope they maintain that custom.
One doesnt go into a virtual fantasy world to accomplish minimal or meaningless things/tasks. We want to accomplish what would be impossible in real life.
WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO WITH THIS GAME? seriously, all we are seeing are minimal and a bunch of times meaningless content. this isnt a hate thread, i am asking a very serious question. stop beating around the bush and let your fans know what EXACTLY you guys are planning to do, and we expect to see big content SOON…..veryyyy soon.
Yes the bosses are harder, yes the dungeons are harder, yes we can have loads of fun customizing our characters, but we need to see actual and i mean actual content. try to understand that the small stuff can only get someone so far, we need big content as well.
and in PVP…..we like the new pvp mode you guys added, it was cool, but….what about wvw? you guys dont realize that as much as you add to it, wvw has NO actual technique….its just go and kill stuff with a zerg. i enjoy a lot of your content and the fact that you can go into a vast world and do free-for-all pvp is really nice, but you guys need to understand, you lack a lot of necessary things.
as weird as it sounds, players need to feel that what they are spending their time on is meaningful….and no its not from the rewards they get. try to think about it in a more in-depth psychological way. for example, when one plays a game, what do they want to accomplish? its a fantasy mmorpg with pvp…..wouldnt the main attraction be some kind of goal where a player can achieve a fantasy stature and feel grandiose. a player needs MORE individuality in this game. one needs to be able to stand out and feel accomplished, and to be honest leaderboards are just leaderboards….LOL. they are just things for recognition, but not individuality.
think more of the individual need instead of the basic things, look more into the core and stop scratching the surface of what it means to play a fantasy virtual world ^^.
I completely understand what u mean. you are looking at the future hopes of the game instead of the current….and yes you are right, it seems its going in a not-so-good direction, and it all does seems meaningless, but thats for ANY game in general. for meaningful things, u need to turn to real life (seriously). ANYWAYS, yes i understand and i believe that arenanet NEEDS to make a big content change NOW. especially with the money they SHOULD be making from expanding to other countries, unless the business expansion didnt go very well.
read up on the game while you play it and discover all you need to know and i promise you this game WILL keep you playing, and keep you coming back to it. the best part is you can be a casual player as well (unless you wana go professional in spvp or WVW)….but if you just wana be independent and kick some butt, have fun.
ok in my honest opinion, GW2 is nr1 right now. WoW just has a lot of content but you know that game is getting wayyy stale. NOW as for MMORPGs, i played manyyyyy and so far i have to stay that GW2 is the onlyyyy one worth playing regularly. its a lot of fun and you should get into all of its details and fun events and all PVP aspects. the pvp mechanics r great and you actually need skill to be good (not button smashing). plus theres a bunch of customization options and they continue to come, so if you want to be some kind of collector of things, then knock urself out. its a great game and i suggest u play it as much as you can. o and it has challenging bosses and dungeons, enjoy and have fun.
is it? i been soooo busy with my summer term classes in my uni….ima try to do it tonight, but yea just wondering.
ohhh hahaahah ok, ty.
are there skins to win? is there a guide?
heres a better idea. a better guild system in WVW map. for example, guilds can team up and see each other in maps and make bigger parties…only in wvw
i already did that. all i got were my regular town clothes…..
Speak to the Black Lion Trader (Armorsmith) in the city of your choice. You will find your Town Clothes and Toys there.
i tried that, but i didnt get my boxing gloves nor riding broom.
after the update i cant seem to find my boxing gloves and flying broom….anywhere.
i dont want better base armor nor damage….i want better support skills and better counter skills, because honestly, in WVW guardians might be useful, but in spvp they are pretty low on the “useful” scale. in a group they thrive, but they cant stan their own ground at all vs any experienced pvp’er
we need more wing skins and wing back armor….really bad.
Anet REALLY needs to tweak it a lot. there are too many downers to these great ideas.
we do it in the mmorpg map (not the wvw nor spvp). NOW for a g vs g to start, a war document must be signed, once signed, then the 2 guilds can kill each other if the members are over lvl30 or 40. then the winner takes control over a certain region, and drop rates and rares increase for their guild members in that region (stuff like that). now obviously if the guild is a new guild, then no war can be started, a guild need to have a certain amount of lvl80 members in it including the guild leader.
PK is still NOT going to happen and should remain that way, but guild wars should happen with a very good and fixed set of RULES, so its fun for everybody.
this means we should have guild bases and a guild hall and stuff…..i just truly feel that guilds need to become something in this game….guilds arent important enough in this game….at all. its mostly just for funzies and convenience and stuff, but where is the dedication and real competition.
this game is going places….and it has HUGE potential. im glad i bought the game…..hopefully i can have more time in the future to play it…..life has me busy v_v…
you HAVE to be kidding….press ESC then go to options and at the bottom left shows the guild wars 2 population which is always an average of 25k-30k on each server. the same and/or better than before.
whats the difference between molten and watchwork pickaxes?
sigh seriously man……whats with this company.
Mesmer is a pain to fight, but its based primary on skill rather than what class you play. Each class plays differently with their own plus and minuses (ranger having the worst minus however due to pet issues). In retrospect 1v1 against any class is possible but it is determined based on player skill.
awesome awesome, back in the day it wasn’t like that….from what I remember.
back in the day most people did not know how to play their classes very well some classes were easier to learn than others. Since people have gained skill fights in 1v1 have become a matter of skill rather than class. Mesmers are hard to kill, thieves are just annoying but if your skilled enough you can counter them.
So you are saying me that, given two similarly skilled players with two PvP oriented builds, a Guardian has a fair chance against an Engineer or a Necromancer? (just to make an example)
Not complaining, I think 1 vs 1 balance is not important, but please let’s not lie to ourselves
so its a lie :<?
Mesmer is a pain to fight, but its based primary on skill rather than what class you play. Each class plays differently with their own plus and minuses (ranger having the worst minus however due to pet issues). In retrospect 1v1 against any class is possible but it is determined based on player skill.
awesome awesome, back in the day it wasn’t like that….from what I remember.
back in the day most people did not know how to play their classes very well some classes were easier to learn than others. Since people have gained skill fights in 1v1 have become a matter of skill rather than class. Mesmers are hard to kill, thieves are just annoying but if your skilled enough you can counter them.
phew nice….I guess its time I got back in the game…im so rusty though T_T….also im doin my bachelors BUT ill manage. >:) LEZ DO THIS U GOT ME BACK INTO GW2!!