RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
If GW2 has a traditional Trinity system, what would the game be like?
Pure speculation discussion, so feel free to give your belief of what the game would be like with a traditional Tank/Healer/DPS trinity system.
(excuse the title of thread. limited character prevents title detail)
Better, would have strategy and thought process beyond stack zerker gear and stack on each other and snooze through the game PvE wise. I think it would make WvW more interesting too if you actually had tanks and healers. Either way the group queues are the same with our without trinity as we have seen, either way if you pug you wait 45 minutes in LA. If you have a guild groups are easy to come by, trinity or not.
Hmm if they put the same effort and time in Duneon encounters with a trinity system like they did with our release dungeons now, it woulnd’t be different. There would be the same broken and unfun encounters like we have now.
The Lack of the Holy Trinity is not the problem, the broken mechanics and the poor AI are the problems. You need to nerf the absurd damage spikes, implement an AI, scale toughness better, remove over half of the HP from some bosses, give them interesting mechanics and more.
I see the potential with the new System but I can see the mistakes Anet made with them, and they have to adress all of these problems to make this System work and if it works good, we will have a combat system thats better than any Old Trinity System you’ll find. But it would be hard work for Anet, and they have to adress the problems quickly and without flaws. But GW2 is now one year old and time is running against Anet. The longer it takes the more people will lose faith in their version of MMO combat.
I should explain at this point of the game, I agree with you. They would have to completely overhaul mob AI to implement the Trinity system, and I don’t think that is something they should do, even if I do prefer trinity combat.
A huge AI overhaul is needed either way regardless, but I wouldn’t want them to put in the trinity and slap a “fixed” sticker on the side if you know what I mean
They way I look at it, this year is the final year they will have to fix dungeons/PvE meta, which is why you are seeing changes coming down the pipeline so fast compared to last year’s lackadaisical balance patch schedule. I look forward to whatever system they decide to implement moving forward, as long as it kills the zerker stacking meta.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Anet, you have a gorgeous game, and I want to see it! It’s frustrating having to pan around your toon just to get a good view at your surroundings. We could barely even see the toxic tower from the ground, or the queens pavilion, or the zephyr sanctum. Not to mention any large world boss.
Before you make any more amazing content that is gorgeous to look it, please implement an ability for us to actually look at it properly! It’s a feature in most MMOs now days and can’t possible be this hard to implement.
Fix now please! I want to see Tyria!
Lol if you want first person view go and play shooter games or simulation games not mmos .
I don’t see a problem with giving people tunnel vision. Will just make killing them in WvW that much easier because they see half of what we do
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
“I just wish they would give warriors some more mobility.”
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
If GW2 has a traditional Trinity system, what would the game be like?
Pure speculation discussion, so feel free to give your belief of what the game would be like with a traditional Tank/Healer/DPS trinity system.
(excuse the title of thread. limited character prevents title detail)
Better, would have strategy and thought process beyond stack zerker gear and stack on each other and snooze through the game PvE wise. I think it would make WvW more interesting too if you actually had tanks and healers. Either way the group queues are the same with our without trinity as we have seen, either way if you pug you wait 45 minutes in LA. If you have a guild groups are easy to come by, trinity or not.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This post is about legendary weapon skin, their actual utility in the game and the possible variation the devs could add. So far when you run a legendary you are stuck to a single possible skin per weapon and either the skin is utherly funny based (aka unicorn browny bow, disco ball etc) either its super serious (aka Twilight sunrise, eternity)
What i propose here is Anet adds a new legendary for each weapon to fill the gap so here are exemple
New hammer = baseball bat
New greatsword = a lightsaber
New Rifle = a toy gun that look like a minigun and play a similar animation
New sword = Likely another variant of the lightsaber
New axe = A woodcuting axe with a lumberjack gimmick joke
New mace = Something that looks realy epic… like idk youve seen the mace of molag bal in elder scroll? We need something that will look treatening
New staff = While rainbow is cute its not what one could call very serious… there need to be a darker counterpart to bifrost
New longbow = Give us back the stormbow, shooting lightning arrow would be cool
New shortbow = likely something based on the wind and its speed i easily see a gimmick here of a bow faster then the wind
New focus = Something serious, Having a planetary system in your hand doesnt strike me the same as what would be if i was using well idk… a black hole? Or an energy ball?
New Spear = give us voltaic spear back
New pistol = hey what about a desert eagle skin that looks pristine as an alternative to quip, id definitively like to look like a character from an action movie
New dagger = ok, a dagger made of fire is somewhat a little off world what about something that looks like some edged weapon from the underworld, something with a reaper theme.
I’d prefer them to add some serious looking legendaries to the game rather than more joke weapons honestly, but it would be a start I guess for some new skins
They already have enough joke weapons with The Dreamer, The Moot, Bolt, etc.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Listed from Most to Least imo :
- Warrior – Been leveling one recently, this class is the king. It can do it all, from roaming, to havoc, to zerging, no class is better hands down at the moment. It’s almost a requirement to have one at this point in the game.
- Guardian – My original main, guardians have gone through a few ups and downs since release, but for the most part have stayed a strong contender. Best Support hands down, most healing and boon application, not so hot at roaming unless you specifically build for it and then you still won’t win all the time.
- Necro – Wells wells and more wells
- Elementalist – Good support, great for groups and pretty good at roaming even after the nerfs.
- Mesmer – Veils and Time Warp, One of the best roamers if played correctly
- Thief – Doesn’t bring much to a group, but the best roamer by far and wide. Any time you get in trouble you can just disappear. You never lose, just live to fight another day. Venom Share isn’t bad, but thieves still lack in the group game imo.
- Engineer – Situationally useful. Pretty good for keep defense. Doesn’t really excel in any area.
- Rangers – The forgotten class, low dps, useless pets, minimal group support. Decent at roaming when played by a skilled player.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
Now this idea I like. When you leave fractals it converts the gear to Exotic quality or something. That would make this game much, much more enjoyable.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Just like the real world, the rich get richer and poor can go suck an egg if they ever want to get anywhere in life.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The game already has enough P2W elements without adding straight up leveling to the gem store imo, but I know several people that would use this feature either way.
It will probably happen several years down the road when population is lower.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
WvW is actually a lot of fun.
It’s too bad that most people on Blackgate apparently don’t know anything about WvW (bigger maps? transfer off lower population servers to higher population?).
styx, you ever play pre-Frontiers DAoC? The RvR zones were huge, all of them different worlds, large lands that required careful travel. GW2 WvW has managed to have everything in a small repeatable instance which can make for easy (travel-wise), quicker turnover. That’s not a bad design given the overall point structure.
However, it has more of the feel of a WoW/WoW clone mini-map, than something, I dare to use the word, epic.
As for population, BG is a family. Haven’t seen anyone on this thread advocating transferring one way or another.
I haven’t played DAoC but I’ve played Guild Wars 2. A lot. Much of the WvW maps are fairly empty. I wouldn’t mind if they did away with waypoints to increase transit time but spread out what might be less than half a dozen people across larger maps is a lil’ divorced from reality.
move to a competitive WvW server
Move to a competitive tier
move to a competitive WvW server
I’m not making fun. I understand after being on Blackgate so long, your family telling others to transfer to higher tiers has just become so natural to you that you don’t notice it.
Incidentally, my server is also a family. Keep that in mind.
I respect that, sir.
And realize that in GW2 my experience on a high pop server is different. I have played multiple MMO’s over the last almost 14 years where that has not been the case (forced transfers, merges, and decimated population.)
Was not trying in anyway to diminsh your experience.
I get exasperated with “just transfer” remarks because that may solve the problem for a few individuals, it does not address any of the core issues.
Sorry about all the snark. There’s fewer posts comin from the lower tiers, so I try to be extra loud!
Hehe, another thing to keep in mind is DAoC’s entire end game was based around RvR, so you have several hundred people in each realm at any given time, as well as having fewer servers total I believe. The population was much larger than WvW has ever allowed in GW2, so the bigger zones seemed more full.
[A guard from your guild’s keep has been killed with 177 enemies in the area!]
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Good job people.
We get someone that will work on communicating with as and at once you start attacking him and complaining, and claiming that they don’t care and so on.Why do you think Devon stopped posting in the first place?
Agreed, no need to drag a single person under the bus when it’s a company of 350 people. Give the guy a chance before you start beating him with a stick please
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The lack of communication means they haven’t got the foggiest idea how to progress with WvWvW and Devon Carver’s Absence means he has lost the balls to face us.
Don’t hold out much hope for WvWvW.
so tell me, how many MMO’s have you developed?
I fail to see how that has any bearing on this conversation. Developer or not, the problems in WvW have been glaringly obvious since day 1, the fact that nothing has been done is heartbreaking because the entire game mode is a mountain of gold buried underneath 2 inches of tengu poop.
Still waiting for the return of Orbs of Power/ Relics
Still waiting for EoTM for better GvG areas
Still waiting for a fix for reward disparity between WvW and PvE
Still waiting for broken classes such as Rangers and Engies to get some WvW love
Still waiting for new borderlands maps etc. etc.I’m not complaining by any means, just stating the obvious that a year and a half later with nothing done on this is disheartening and is losing them players in the game type. I get that they have to test, retest, and make sure nothing else is broken with each WvW update, but the pace of the work being done is glacial at best.
the point is obvious, developing takes time. I’m going to school to be a dev, RIGHT NOW. Though I may not be out of college and into my field yet, I will say that the things your asking for take time. Unless you’d rather them rush the implementations and cause even more problems? Its a no brainer to me. Be patient, because complaining doesn’t make anything happen faster.
I never stated that it doesn’t take time, just that we should have seen something beyond the Bloodlust mechanic after a year and a half of work. Of course it takes time, I just think they need more manpower invested in WvW.
For instance, Mythic, with a smaller development team, was putting out RvR content at 3 times the pace of Anet’s development on a much smaller game type, WvW. Glassdoor can give you a good insight on why Anet is falling by the wayside and why companies like Mythic were able to do more for less.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
The lack of communication means they haven’t got the foggiest idea how to progress with WvWvW and Devon Carver’s Absence means he has lost the balls to face us.
Don’t hold out much hope for WvWvW.
so tell me, how many MMO’s have you developed?
I fail to see how that has any bearing on this conversation. Developer or not, the problems in WvW have been glaringly obvious since day 1, the fact that nothing has been done is heartbreaking because the entire game mode is a mountain of gold buried underneath 2 inches of tengu poop.
Still waiting for the return of Orbs of Power/ Relics
Still waiting for EoTM for better GvG areas
Still waiting for a fix for reward disparity between WvW and PvE
Still waiting for broken classes such as Rangers and Engies to get some WvW love
Still waiting for new borderlands maps etc. etc.
I’m not complaining by any means, just stating the obvious that a year and a half later with nothing done on this is disheartening and is losing them players in the game type. I get that they have to test, retest, and make sure nothing else is broken with each WvW update, but the pace of the work being done is glacial at best.
EDIT: Adding to this, calling devs out is not acceptable in my book, and I don’t think it has anything to do with them not wanting to face us, so much as not having enough development going into WvW period. It is no one person’s fault, and to lay the blame on Devon is childish imo.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
It’s something that was heavily discussed in the CDI- Horizontal Progression thread. I do believe they plan on opening up more weapons to more classes, but no definitive answer was given as far as I know.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I just feel maps and towers are dammn to small and easy to take, the rest is the only thing i like in the game.
Now this I agree with. The fact that you can fit all 4 maps in GW2 into one realm’s map from DAoC says a lot.
I mean seriously, one of the great things about DAoC was the size and scope of RvR, which is one of things really missing from WvW. It would take you 20 minutes to run across a single realm’s RvR map in DAoC, whereas you can traverse and entire borderland in about 3-5 minutes in GW2.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
More Strategic???.. you really haven’t played WvW a whole lot for sure.
Strategic WvW passed into the ether a year ago.. today all that is left is Zergwars and PvD. there is nothing more than someone shouting “X” server is at “Y” tower 30+ and a blue tag answering on our way, stack and go…
I play almost exclusively in WvW these days, and have been for nearly 10 months now. It’s much more strategic than any other game mode currently. Move to a competitive tier or find a good guild.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
As a member of DB, I would really like to match up against a new server that can better compete with our around the clock coverage honestly. Would be nice to see some new blood. Nothing against Ebay and BP, but I know they are tired of fighting us due to our presence in other time zones.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
One of the things I have disliked in MMOs is the constant buffing/nerfing, and the constant having to change rotation, spec to meet the flavor of the month.
I’d much rather have NEW abilities then to have all my abilities reworked. Although my main toon is a ranger here, I have always played wizards and mages in games before. In the big MMO I specced for arcane when nobody played the spec and I enjoyed the play style. I played an arcane mage threw numerous buff/nerf cycles, but then I finally grew tired of it and quit playing MMOs for a few years.
I tried several other MMOs before trying GW2, but stuck with GW2 because I liked the elegant combat system and animations. In my book, if you don’t want a gear grind then expand the talent trees and abilities and release more permanent end game content.
Well said. +1
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I keep hoping that ANet will start allowing players to help design new weapons and armors. It’s been suggested so many times on the forums, it seems impossible that they haven’t seen at least one of the threads.
EQ does this very successfully with the Hero’s Forge where players can create weapons to be sold in the in game store. Generally, they look a lot better than the developer created ones, and this way we might get some weapons that aren’t so fat they look like they need a diet as with every other high end weapon in the game currently
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
people that think that GW2 is a grind fest have NEVER played any other MMO , lol
you can get ALL NEEDED gear with in a few dayz of hitting lvl 80 by running dungeons!
witch ALL give you guaranty TOKENS to buy some of the best gear in game..LEGENDARY WEAPON = 100% look and bragging rights
Ascended items = MINOR improvement to stats but not needed AT ALL!I have 4 lvl 80 ALTS FULL geared with EXOS cost me about 20G a pop.. sure they look UGLY but took me 5-20hours each to get them fully geared? ( before gold was easy to get ) now it would probably take me WAY LESS time.. ( can make 10g/hour by farting )
if you think 5 to 20hours of game play = GRIND FEST then do your self a FAV and never play MMo’s again!!
HEll i think it takes more time to unlock all the weapons in Call Of Duty!!! lmao!!!
This game has a steeper grind than nearly any other main stream MMO currently available. The only difference is it’s a mostly cosmetic grind, sans ascended. The only 2 I can think that are worse are L2 and TERA. And at least TERA got me excited about gear tier upgrades.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Check out the CDI discussion on horizontal progression, it’s something they are looking for in the future such as additional trait pages, trait mixing etc.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Stumbling around for gw2 art, i came across this:
Please.. make this happen!
P.S. Apparently the suggestion forums are now stuck in archives?
Yea they want suggestions posted in General so they actually get seen, no one ever went to the actual suggestion forums afaik.
Cool weapons btw
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Here’s our current status on granting the missing Season reward chests. If you’re still in the same region (NA or EU) as you were when the Season began, you’re in situation A. Otherwise, you’re in situation B.
Situation A (still in the same region):
When the Edge of the Mists map is released, it will come with a code fix to grant you the appropriate Season reward when you next load into any map on any character.Situation B (now in a different region):
We’re still finalizing the solution for this issue. It will be in soon after the Edge of the Mists map. Current setups we’re looking at are along the lines of talking to an NPC or loading into a particular map; either would be with any character.Thanks for any patience extended while we work the kinks out of a new system.
Appreciate the response for those that didn’t get their chest, but maybe next time make the chest actually give something of value too Just a helpful tip!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Or an easier, quicker solution is to create a new utility skill – The Blob Bomb.
It could be universally available to any profession and be equipped like any other utility skill. (Or they could give it to Rangers and make them useful for once,
) It would simply be an AoE with damage that scaled based on how many players are within some range of each other.
- Anet has made new skills already so that’s not a problem.
- It wouldn’t create performance issues because it’s not lifting the cap on all AoEs, it’s just one skill.
- You could still blob, it’s not forcing a game play style, there will just be a risk to blobbing now (as if there were no AoE cap).
- Can’t really think of any.
This isn’t a bad idea, the only con I can really think of is what if 4 or 5 people use it within a second or so of each other and cause a massive lag spike.
+1 for an idea I have not seen before
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Lol, you couldn’t even come up with a single argument to try to defend yourself…
Your first sentence was a pretty good indication that you dont know what you are talking about and its not worth having an arguement with you.
He’s right, and comments like this just reinforce his point. I understand people probably don’t want to grind for a different set of gear, but this meta is killing this game.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I think it’s a mixture of role play and dissatisfaction with the ranger class. I think.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Lol, you couldn’t even come up with a single argument to try to defend yourself…
It’s usually what happens when people have no good argument against something.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
But what are the alternatives? No stat increase and an entire segment is disenfranchised. Big stat increase and another entire segment is disenfranchised.
That’s why they compromised and I don’t believe that the biggest percentage of people are disappointed with it. I’d have been far more disappointed if the stat difference was huge. As it is, I’m quite happy, because I know I don’t need that armor.
It’s all a question of percentages. There’s got to be some threshold. Anet certainly annoyed a percentage of each camp, but what size percent and how annoyed they are will tell the real story. If they chose right, most people will stay and play. If they chose wrong…well that would be unfortunate.
So for you, you don’t feel disenfranchised because the stat change was small. I and many other players, on the other hand, feel completely disenfranchised by the fact that they put ANY stat increase on it. So we’re going to keep complaining, to try and keep the game from making a further slide in that direction. You can feel free to keep popping up in our threads and chanting “you don’t need ascended gear”, okay?
If they had just kept the stats the same as exotics and had the infusion slot for AR I feel like a lot less people would be kittened off about it, me included. Just ignore people who say ascended gear doesn’t matter, because if you are in any way serious about the game balance, it is currently something you need to work for.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
This is an amazing idea, +1 from me. Would help distinguish bad from good commanders when I’m not running with the guild or people I already know.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Why would the penalize players for playing WvW the way it was meant to be played, large scale PvP?
The answer is here :
Everyone who plays WvW has encountered the zerg, either as a member or as a victim. The zerg is an important part of the game, but it shouldn’t be the best strategy for victory.
An important distinction should be made between large, organized groups of players making strategic strikes and mindless groups of players running around in a mob. The former are deadly and effective. The latter can be deadly at times but tend to be sorely lacking in strategy. Our goal is to continue to encourage organized large groups while giving small, tactical groups the necessary tools to put a dent into larger mobs of less-skilled players. We think that it can be fun to run around in a zerg but we also think that the game should be about tactical acumen and skill more than sheer numbers
June 5, 2013.
No improvements since this post.
Since then they have come out and said they wouldn’t be changing anything on zergs. That is the whole purpose of EoTM in development now (as well as overflow of course), if you don’t like armies and sieges, go to EoTM when it’s released.
That being said, I’m not opposed to removing the AoE cap to make people spread out more, but if you think that will kill zergs it won’t. It didn’t in DAoC, it just made positioning important rather than inconsequential.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Because the more they make you rely on the TP, the more casual players have to rely on RL money to spend to have fun and be successful in game. It’s ingenious really.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
Scepter AoE #2 is one of the easiest skills to dodge in the game, even though it is high damage. Operator Error.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I see people stating that the game is CPU bound/limited all the time and this somewhat mystifies me. My system is running an Intel 3770K (not overclocked), 32 GB of memory, and an Nvidia Triton graphics card. I have a 30" display running at 2560×1600 resolution. I also run max settings on everything. Yet when I run the task manager in performance mode (on a 2nd display) it doesn’t indicate anywhere neer 100% cpu utilization. Indeed, it’s more like 30% on four of its logical cpus (threads).
When in Lion’s Arch I usually get in the neighborhood of 30 fps. Not great, but acceptable.
Well I can assure you the graphics card isn’t responsible for 30fps in LA, because I have a much weaker card (GTX 660) and I get 30FPS on max settings in LA.
It’s a problem with their engine, not our hardware. The most CPU utilization I have seen on my i5 is around 50%, so I’m not sure exactly where the bottleneck would be other than the processor somehow under heavy load when I haven’t monitored it.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This thread reads as “I don’t want it so nobody else should get it either!” stamp feet pout throw tantrum
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I’m sure they will let you replace gear once berserker gets the bat. They did it for MF, I don’t see why they wouldn’t when they finally axe the zerker meta.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Why would the penalize players for playing WvW the way it was meant to be played, large scale PvP?
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I didn’t come to play Guildwars 2 until last summer so I’m newer then many. The reason I came was because of the quality of the combat system and yet more casual play. One of the things touted by Anet was there was not going to be a gear grind.
I played the world’s biggest MMO and as we all know its a gear grind every major patch and each expansion. I didn’t mind the gear grind, in fact I enjoyed seeing how far I could go with my gear.
There is a major gear grind here in that yes there is less levels of gear, BUT it takes longer to acquire each piece. Between all the methods of gear acquisition I sometimes averaged a new piece of gear a day in the other MMO, in fact I reached top 5 gear score several times during my stint in that game. Not because I’m an ultra skilled raider, but I was skilled in finding out what gear I needed and how to get it.
Here in Guildwars 2, all but a few of my items were from crafting and to a lesser extent laurels. Like that other MMO I’m one of the better equipped, but really its a matter of grinding out the materials.
I dislike the RNG setup, because so many of the nice rewards are useless to me as a player. I go months between any loot that is useful as far as gear goes. I wish I could give all the ascended gear that isn’t useful away to friends or something. Or just don’t give it to me at all.
Oh wow an ascended chest! Oh crap its just locker bait AGAIN….
Well said. There isn’t enough difference between gear tiers to justify the mind numbing months long grind for it.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Looks the same as my single card 660 that runs the game on max settings.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
As I have not experienced Dueling in previous games, I am having a problem understanding.
- A duel is between one player(or team) and another aka Player vs. Player. Isn’t that what the PvP part of the game is all about?
- Why should they bring the game type of PvP into PvE? Isn’t that what WvW is all about?
To me, PvE is about helping your fellow player not smiting her bones to ashes and dancing on her grave.
I guess I just see it as a conflict of the idealistic purpose of the individual game types.
You can’t use your gear in PvP.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Amazing, good to see at least 1 tier having a competitive match up these days
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Mesmer or Guardian. Mesmer got that purple
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Well, you just exposed a good side of Net Neutrality I never thought of, sub fees would severely limit the amount of bad communities that form around F2P and B2P games.
I don’t think it’s ever going to happen though, no one should worry.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Dat feeling when you get like immenserly hyped when you see a ascended ring at the lootbar in wvwvw (I never do fracs or any pve XD) and then you realize you cant use those stats on any of your charachters…. Healingpower/condidmg/toughess..
WTB Vendor that let’s you trade 2-3 pieces of ascended gear for one you actually can use.
Heck I don’t even know why they wouldn’t let you swap it out 1 for 1 honestly. Would keep players from being locked into builds and promote experimentation and build diversity if you had a vendor that would swap pieces out for you.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This is just someting that i always liked in games, and sometimes i miss it in guild wars 2. The game it self is already awsome but why not add duel in open world and WvW maps? Always fun to duel people you meet
I don’t see why they wouldn’t as long as an option was in the game settings to turn off duel requests. Personally, people running around challenging to a duel all the time is annoying and not conducive to having fun, but as long as I could turn duel requests off I don’t see why they couldn’t do it.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Tequatl is too far in one direction in terms of difficulty. I’ve done the TTS raids. I have to get there an hour before the overflow fills up, park there. I don’t have to be on TS, but given that it’s mostly TTS members in the overflow, I know they all are.
If they want raid content, put Tequatl in an instance. I like difficulty, but this much coordination for an open world boss is a little silly. I think he could be scaled down quite a bit, still be difficult, but still be done by a regular zerg. Especially given how we knocked Zhaitan out of the sky with technically a group of 5 (no, I don’t count NPC’s) and his lieutenant is busy destroying everyone.
We didn’t knock Zhaitan out of the sky with a group of five. A highly specialized energy beam that was designed with anti-dragon magic was employeed to do this job. That megalaser was designed by the Asurans to do exactly what it did. We didn’t actually do that. The crippling blow was made by a machine that came from one of the Asuran personal stories.
You’re arguing semantics. No one felt “heroic” knocking Zhaitan out of the sky. But given how difficult the Tequatl fight is, I guarantee you feel pretty good after a victory.
Why is this a theme? Teq is a standard MMO raid dragon…At no point with the right amount of people have I seen it fail. It’s just more zerg content. You know how I felt the first time I beat the new Teq fight? “Well, that was another boring fight, won’t be bothering with this again on a regular basis.”
Zerg content? It’s the zergs that fail. Coordination and taking battle roles (gunners, protect the guns, protect the batteries, etc.) are what win it.
I just…I don’t even see it. I’m sorry.
There are various phases to the battle, right? You can’t just zerg the dragon and win. People need to man the cannons, and others need to be dedicated to protecting them. The laser batteries need to be protected when the mega-laser is charging (the undead try and wipe them out). That requires designated groups moving to their assigned battery then returning as the laser fires. In no way is this a fight you can simply zerg through. The mechanics simply don’t allow that.
I’m not asking you to explain the fight, I’m asking why that requires any coordination beyond knowing how to play the game and having situational awareness. It’s a really easy fight.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
They buy gold with RL money or flip the TP. Some people actually grind it all out or sell dungeon runs, but that’s the long road less travelled for sure.
Basically if you wanna look pretty, pull the wallet out. It will save you months of heartache.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Tequatl is too far in one direction in terms of difficulty. I’ve done the TTS raids. I have to get there an hour before the overflow fills up, park there. I don’t have to be on TS, but given that it’s mostly TTS members in the overflow, I know they all are.
If they want raid content, put Tequatl in an instance. I like difficulty, but this much coordination for an open world boss is a little silly. I think he could be scaled down quite a bit, still be difficult, but still be done by a regular zerg. Especially given how we knocked Zhaitan out of the sky with technically a group of 5 (no, I don’t count NPC’s) and his lieutenant is busy destroying everyone.
We didn’t knock Zhaitan out of the sky with a group of five. A highly specialized energy beam that was designed with anti-dragon magic was employeed to do this job. That megalaser was designed by the Asurans to do exactly what it did. We didn’t actually do that. The crippling blow was made by a machine that came from one of the Asuran personal stories.
You’re arguing semantics. No one felt “heroic” knocking Zhaitan out of the sky. But given how difficult the Tequatl fight is, I guarantee you feel pretty good after a victory.
Why is this a theme? Teq is a standard MMO raid dragon…At no point with the right amount of people have I seen it fail. It’s just more zerg content. You know how I felt the first time I beat the new Teq fight? “Well, that was another boring fight, won’t be bothering with this again on a regular basis.”
Zerg content? It’s the zergs that fail. Coordination and taking battle roles (gunners, protect the guns, protect the batteries, etc.) are what win it.
I just…I don’t even see it. I’m sorry.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Tequatl is too far in one direction in terms of difficulty. I’ve done the TTS raids. I have to get there an hour before the overflow fills up, park there. I don’t have to be on TS, but given that it’s mostly TTS members in the overflow, I know they all are.
If they want raid content, put Tequatl in an instance. I like difficulty, but this much coordination for an open world boss is a little silly. I think he could be scaled down quite a bit, still be difficult, but still be done by a regular zerg. Especially given how we knocked Zhaitan out of the sky with technically a group of 5 (no, I don’t count NPC’s) and his lieutenant is busy destroying everyone.
We didn’t knock Zhaitan out of the sky with a group of five. A highly specialized energy beam that was designed with anti-dragon magic was employeed to do this job. That megalaser was designed by the Asurans to do exactly what it did. We didn’t actually do that. The crippling blow was made by a machine that came from one of the Asuran personal stories.
You’re arguing semantics. No one felt “heroic” knocking Zhaitan out of the sky. But given how difficult the Tequatl fight is, I guarantee you feel pretty good after a victory.
Why is this a theme? Teq is a standard MMO raid dragon…At no point with the right amount of people have I seen it fail. It’s just more zerg content. You know how I felt the first time I beat the new Teq fight? “Well, that was another boring fight, won’t be bothering with this again on a regular basis.”
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Maybe the other members of your server are tired of losing every week and are more interested in having some fun, instead of hugging towers and arrow carts in a desperate move to stay in Tier 3.
Dropping down one spot would be the most popular move in NA right now, as T4 is miserable with the SEA heavy DB; while YB can’t provide the fights that T3 servers crave.
Oh god yes, would love to fight some servers that could at least compete with our coverage without burning out for a slim victory like 1 week ago.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.