RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Any word on them giving cash refunds for those who bought gems specifically for the Flamekissed? I didn’t personally, just curious how they are handling this.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The reason these forums are so much more active with complaints is because the devs in this game are the most communitive devs out of any other game out there. They ask for your suggestions. All the other game’s forums don’t have as much complaining because the devs don’t exist on the forums so the community is just posting on those forums to communicate with the other players and not the devs. Just saying.
Um. The devs are nearly non-existent here sans the new CDI initiative (Which I am thankful for, thank you Anet!). Rift devs were way more active as that was my last major MMO purchase, and they would ask players what they wanted and it would make it in the game in a few weeks or a month, not 1.5 years later and still nothing like GW2.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Really? They can add a horrendous looking moldy Dorito over your head but we still cant even turn on our own names for our viewing pleasure? Why?
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This is your opinion, and I respect that even if I disagree. To have unique skins for some people is winning in a game, whether you recognize it or not, in their mind it’s winning. Open your mind, think outside the box that developers have created for you to play in.
I don’t think playing dress up is winning either, but I respect the fact that some people do feel that way. It’s up to you whether or not to realize that.
If we allow arbitrary and subjective criteria for “winning”, then every game ever made is P2W and the entire argument against P2W is invalid.
Some words have actual meanings, and they apply regardless of what some players wish they meant. “Winning” is such a word.
Those players may get more enjoyment out of playing dress up, but they cannot ever win by doing it.
So people that buy expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive houses in real life and declare it “winning” are somehow right, where in digital space “winning” has a different definition completely. Winning is in the eye of the beholder, and I don’t care about someone’s $200 pants in real life, but when they declare it to be winning, who am I to challenge their view on it if that is what they perceive to be winning.
You can’t win life by having money by your definition, but most of the world does declare having money to be winning. The definition doesn’t suddenly change in virtual space just because you deem it to be different.
Meanwhile, other people view winning in life to be having a great family, or being happy. There is no one metric to “win” everything by.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Just what we need, more joke weapons that don’t fit with any armor set in game!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Or they could just fix the population measurement metric so lower tier servers would be cheaper to transfer too period rather than lying to new players and new customers and making them think every server is Very High population.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The only games I have played with worse grinds than GW2 is Lineage 2 and TERA. Every other game had considerably better RNG and a much more fun and reliable loot structure. This is my experience with over 30 MMO’s played under my belt.
The game is grindy because it was designed to hold you here with cash shop fluff. It’s a smart business model, but a lackluster fun model. Not to mention the whole point of having a legendary weapon is thrown out the window when it can be bought for RL cash by anyone willing to just throw credit cards at the game.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Warrior – Torch or Staff
Ranger – Staff
Necromancer – Great Sword
Elementalist – Sword
Guardian – Axe
Engineer – Hammer
Mesmer – MH Pistol
Thief – Mace
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
How about of making minor traits in to major ones, and where the minor traits were, make it a major slot, that way we could replace some “useless” traits that server no purpose to our build, yet they benefit from being in that trait line (for example, you go in to that trait line for the stat gains, Reanimator comes to mind).
It would open a window in to making more builds to be honest, and more options are always good right?
I like this idea, interchangeable minor traits has the potential to open up more build choices beyond the 2-3 cookie cutter builds for every class! +1 OP
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
PvP isn’t winning for everyone. A lot of people don’t even play it. Winning in this game can be gold, skins, PvP, achievements, all kinds of stuff, and it varies player to player.
No. Absolutely incorrect.
You cannot win at playing dress up. You can only win where objective criteria are present for determining who has won and who has lost.
This is your opinion, and I respect that even if I disagree. To have unique skins for some people is winning in a game, whether you recognize it or not, in their mind it’s winning. Open your mind, think outside the box that developers have created for you to play in.
I don’t think playing dress up is winning either, but I respect the fact that some people do feel that way. It’s up to you whether or not to realize that.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Time gated crafting items can be purchased for cash/gem/gold as can legendary weapons, nice gem shop armor skins and unlimited use picks/salvage machine to just about everything else, saving you time and in game gold, i don’t see how gw2 isn’t p2w.
So .. how many players have you killed in PvP that you wouldnt have killed with your unlimited pick ?
Exactly .. zero .. nada.
PvP isn’t winning for everyone. A lot of people don’t even play it. Winning in this game can be gold, skins, PvP, achievements, all kinds of stuff, and it varies player to player.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This absolutely hilarious. about 3:15 to 3:35 haha…. “Ok turn back, ok take it, ok turn back, ok I want bag, ok turn back” Love it.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Subscriptions are all about making it easier for the publisher to get paid. There are no benefits to the users at all, and in fact, that model promotes lazy post launch development so the subscription model actually hurts players in the end.
F2P or B2P allows the players to pay what they want to while not feeling pressured to play x amount of time each month to get their money’s worth out of it. It also promotes active development since the game must add new things to get players logging on and to generate revenue. Granted, you can have bad active development (such as Pay to Win content), but those games tend to die once the players realize that cash is the most important stat.
Time gated crafting items can be purchased for cash/gem/gold as can legendary weapons, nice gem shop armor skins and unlimited use picks/salvage machine to just about everything else, saving you time and in game gold, i don’t see how gw2 isn’t p2w.
This is true, any game that gives you shortcuts for RL money is a p2w game, plain and simple.
To answer the original question in the OP: Yes, I would gladly pay $10 even $15 a month to remove the gem store from my own client. I have always preferred sub based games over F2P and B2P P2W grinders. The quality of product you get from sub based games is way better than content from any F2P or B2P game I have played.
Everyone has their own personal preference and I fault no one for enjoying GW2 as B2P however.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The time to ignore us is over – you`re in our world now.
So much truth in this. After all the PvE players are gone, the WvW players will remain until a better option is available to us. These kills are only a fraction of the repayment for us having to deal with half baked LS updates for a year and a half while our entire community was ignored.
The time of culling the herd has come. Bring me your loot bags children, and be enraged.
Ah, so much beating on their e-chests and pretending to be pwnzor.
I kinda like the WvW event idea, I’ll just take a break from gw since i have 0 interest in playing pvp in any mmorpg. If however some ‘too good to be true’ reward forces me to go there, i’ll be the one who just sits down when you lot arive. Kill me, I don’t care. But I’m not even gonna defend myself. I’m not going to give you fun by doing something i absolutely hate. Just enjoy feeling pwnzor about killing someone who doesn’t bother fighting back. A real pvp’er would be miffed if someone didn’t fight back. You, from your tone of words would probably simply go: “woo another kill, i iz so awesome”.
And Aeonblade, from what you write, you don’t care about culling the herd. Which already is a nonsensical statement, since pure pve players aren’t part of the wvw herd. There is no reason why you should look down on ppl simply because they don’t like the parts of the game that you like, or why you would even want to cull a group of ppl who don’t even want to come and play in your part of the game. Also, from your ‘…be enraged’ comment, it’s also pretty clear that you have no noble intentions of improving the wvw flock (since culling the herd is what you do to improve the quality of the remainder), all you want to do is troll and grief.
And you are welcome to it.
As I’m perfectly welcome to completely ignore your existance and that of WvW.
You are correct, it was a completely sarcastic post and I really don’t care about culling the herd. I just found his post funny and ran with it. Sorry the sarcasm wasn’t clear haha.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
This is much more important than fixing year old bugs and making the game more rewarding and fun.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Will not have a large hardcore following due to lack of guild/group queue.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I have had 10-12 BL keys drop in the open world/dailies/monthlies, not counting PS keys anyone can get over the past year.
Never even seen a precursor drop for either my friends or myself. I would say you have a better chance of winning the Fantasy 5 drawing than getting a precursor through RNG in this game.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
My condolences to all members of IRON and to Starscream’s friends and family. It’s never easy to see a good friend go, I have been there before and would not wish that sort of grief on anyone.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Of course the first build works better in group, I wrote as a first sentence in my post
however the OP asked for something viable also in PvE and I don’t find the 0 / 0 / 10 / 30 / 30 cleric’s to be the best in PvE
Personal preference ;-)
You are correct, usually I’ll switch to DPS Healway for PvE/solo roam because you only have to swap out a few gear pieces and still retain a decent amount of group support and self healing for PvE
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Hey guys,
I’ve just finished levelling my new Guardian to 80 and I want a build which is pretty cheap to do, and is primarily based around WvW Zerging content. Preferably GS/Staff, but also a build which doesn’t do horribly in PvE, nothing special though as I use my Warrior or Engi for that.
Do any of you know a cheap WvW Zerg build?
Feel free to use exotics instead of the ascended pieces of course. Fairly cheap build.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
Why do balance the tiers posts always turn into BG and JQ squabbling over who’s is bigger with SoR desperately clawing to remain relevant in the conversation. There is no need to derail every thread with this squabbling, please, this thread was productive before this finger pointing and mindless vocal positioning started.
It was simply a pretty good post about how we could have T1-3 balanced and now it’s turned into this. So sad that we can’t have a single productive discussion in this forum without it being hijacked by this kind of behavior.
This thread was mostly affecting T2-3 more than anything to begin with, even if SoR could use some alternate time zone love as well.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I’ll add one that some people seem to not know about:
If you see single enemy bowing to you, he’s probably looking to find a 1v1 fight! Whether or not you accept of course is up to you, feel free to kill him to your hearts content, but I have had several people ask why a single enemy would run up to a group of 10 or more people bowing
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I was under the impression that control effects make you actually lose control of your character, which immobilize does not.
Therefore, it is not a control effect
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
rangers also seem to be the #1 hated class in the PvE threads as well. Why not just remove them from the game?
Every MMO has to have “that” useless class that everyone hates. Unfortunately, it’s rangers in GW2
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
1 word: Outsourced. Not going to comment any further as it’s not worth the infraction I would receive :p
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I might have misunderstood this, but are you saying that what i see on my screen, is differently from what other people sees?
No, what you see is different than what the SERVER sees, but other players see the way you also see.
The smallest asura and the biggest norn have the exactly same hit box for the server, so make an asura doesn’t make you harder to hit, maybe just harder to see.
Weapons are the same thing, it scales with size but the reach of the weapons are the same no matter or what.
This is true, and important part of balance in any game. TERA PvP was quite broken because Elins have a hit box so small that it makes them the OP race choice.
All character models have the same size hit box regardless of size in GW2, thankfully.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Wow people still play WvW?
lel Wildstarr
Yes I’m sure everyone is absolutely itching for another WoW clone made by NC$oft.
Grats JQ I guess, this thread will be locked though.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
And thats why I will never believe it…rudeness that happened to me on the board and in game as I watched it happen. Glitch or not it has happened more then once I watched it I don’t need someone telling me I am wrong I know what I saw. Matters little I do not have to listen to the rudeness.
This guy is a notorious troll, I thought he had finally left, but looks like he’s back for another round of trolling.
No one can steal your loot or experience. It is literally impossible in this game. Calling people rude for trying to help you makes you look silly fyi.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Everything I read about is crafting a precursor.
Enough with it!
Get so many of that material, so many of that other one. It feels like a bad Japanese game.
So instead of forcing me buying stuff (T6 craft) or running a thousand world bosses, make it so I have interaction with Tyrian people. Make me use my brain, make me travel accross Tyria, make it take time so I can enjoy getting that precursor, but be careful: don’t make it boring or dull, I don’t want another Trahearne story. Use random wisely, make me go on a quest for once. Also, make it hard. Not huge-life hard, but i-have-to-use-my-brain hard. Make this part a complete adventure. See Indiana Jones (not the last movie, but the others, or even the Indiana Jones Atlantis game), make it like that. This quest should take roughly 20 hours and should not be doable in under 5 if you skip everything and kill everything on the first try with zerker. Also, it should be properly scaled if people do it together and most of all, it has to be exploit-proof.
If you’ve already finished implementing the recipes, just scrap them and rethink. Crafting is the way of the lazy both as developer and player.
TL;DR: Make a new game to get the precursor. Seriously.
I don’t why the sudden focus on crafting for everything lately, the lazy uninspired crafting system in this game causes mental anguish in even the most stalwart of players. Not to mention crafting wasn’t exactly profitable or popular to begin with, in any MMO.
Basically, crafting ascended and precursors is fine, but they need alternate avenues to get the gear for people who can’t be bothered to deal with the game’s crafting system imo. More power to those who craft, not knocking their style of play, but not everyone is a crafter Anet.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
There are sexual differences in the races
The only difference between a male charr and a female charr is the face, tail and fur. Everything else is exactly the same. Same goes with asura.
Yes, and most people either don’t care or like it.
Bingo. I played Mithra in FFXI because well, it was a sexy humanoid cat lady. Charr? Not so much, only a face a mother could (begrudgingly) love.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
You say griefing, we say war.
WvW players get poor loot and are forced into content they often don’t like just to get the very weapons they fight with. Long have we been the second class citizens of guildwars 2 and when content is added for us, its usually when something (orbs, quaggans) is taken away.
WvW keeps this game alive. The transfer fees paid by wvw guild migration are considerable and as structured-pvp is rapidly dieing out, wvw is where the pvp side of this game is headed. When Wildstar comes out, WvW will be what holds this game together, or what sinks it if a better home for us is offered. Its about time we got some kudos for the things we do to keep the pve side of the game alive.
So I say unto those venturing into the edge of the mists – come armed and come determined enough that when you fall, you get back up and you hunt out the one who felled you so that you can drive him or her from the mists and into the hands of Grenth himself.
The time to ignore us is over – you`re in our world now.
So much truth in this. After all the PvE players are gone, the WvW players will remain until a better option is available to us. These kills are only a fraction of the repayment for us having to deal with half baked LS updates for a year and a half while our entire community was ignored.
The time of culling the herd has come. Bring me your loot bags children, and be enraged.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Friend joined the game 1 month ago. I mentioned how I use dungeon tokens to “throw greatswords away” in the mystic forge. He decided he wanted Kudzu (he plays ranger), started doing TA for the gift…threw 4 longbows into the forge bought with TA tokens after he bought his gift…got leaf of kudzu on first try.
I almost quit the game entirely….not a fan of RNG or the current precursor / legendary system. I think precursors / Legendaries should be earned and not RNG or bought off TP.
This best describes why GW2 is leagues behind most other modern MMOs in item development. While the rest of the world removes RNG in favor of time invested = reward, GW2 goes full tilt into ripping their loyal customers off.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Why, in a game focused on vanity progression, are 95% of the skins so ugly?
The best question, which remains unanswered a year and half later.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
There’s a lot of potential in EotM, so I’m cautiously optimistic…
However, I’m still waiting for some content that really shakes things up such as:
– New playable race
– New profession
– New utility/elite skills
– New dungeons
– Player housing
– Raids?
Yea, that’s what most of us are waiting for I believe, but we take what we can get. Personally, I’m glad WvW is getting some attention for once even if it I think it may be detrimental to actual WvW.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
What would you get from champ farm from Queensdale? I tried a few times and it was extremely boring and the loot was bad. The color bags were annoying as well. Please enlighten me why so many people doing that.
Little effort, good experience, easy loot, decent money.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I really don’t care either way what they do personally, I won’t play a beast race in any game if I can help it.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I’m not a dog person or a cleft hoofed midget.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I have high hopes for EoTM, but no group/guild queue, LS story elements forced into PvP, and server grouping system all has me really worried honestly.
Will withhold judgement until I actually play it though, but some of the concepts seem half thought out at this point in time.
Looking forward to seeing it!
I’m not worried about the LS elements. It’s true that they weren’t in the beta, so nobody really knows what they are like, but unlike previous LS elements inserted into WvW these elements are specifically designed for a WvW map.
Even if they do turn out to be terrible, they’ll only be a part of the map for a limited time.
The grouping system came from beta tester feedback, so if it doesn’t work … I guess blame us?
The grouping system may be great, the main thing I’m worried about is without any movement between the “teams” one team will end up stacked based off of which servers are in said team unless more randomization is added to the tiers, because as it stands most green teams are going to stay green 90% of the time currently. This may also influence future transfers based off of EoTM rather than WvW and end up messing up the WvW tiers further than they already are.
I would appreciate any sort of clarification you could add by the way if I’m wrong in thinking this might be a problem as I was not a tester. Thanks in advance!
I hope I’m wrong, and I do still look forward to seeing how this plays out as I said
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
“Is this just a cash grab move by you since it cost 1800 gems to transfer to a very high server. "
This is correct. Only T1 and possibly T2 actually have a “Very High” active population. Other servers have far less the more you go down the tiers.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I think this idea is reticulous.
+1, gave me a good morning laugh!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I have high hopes for EoTM, but no group/guild queue, LS story elements forced into PvP, and server grouping system all has me really worried honestly.
Will withhold judgement until I actually play it though, but some of the concepts seem half thought out at this point in time.
Looking forward to seeing it!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Confirmation bias is confirmation bias. Getting reeeeally tired of it.
I’m confused, what does this have to do with this thread? Pardon my ignorance in advance.
As applied to the subject of the thread, confirmation bias would mean that people perceive rangers as causing the problem because they are predisposed to blame issues on rangers. If one expects something to be the cause, it’s pretty easy to find “evidence” that that is so, and to ignore evidence to the contrary.
I know what confirmation bias is, I just don’t see how it applies to this thread. Regardless of what people think, Ranger is a broken class right now. Plain and simple. Every measurable metric in game reflects this. I would love for Ranger to be viable again, as indicated in my signature, nothing would make me happier class wise honestly. That being said, all you do is cripple yourself by playing one right now when nearly every other class does the same job except better.
adjective: viable
capable of working successfully; feasible.
“the proposed investment was economically viable”synonyms: feasible, workable, practicable, practical, usable, possible, realistic, achievable, attainable, realizable; More
Rangers are viable in every aspect of this game.
Are they the top class or the most efficient class in some situations? No.
But they are viable. There is not one part of this game that a ranger that knows how to play the class will fail at.And even when rangers are underperforming where time matters, (and this is only about how much time something in game may take), it is a very small amount of time and really makes no difference unless you are doing speed runs for the most possible gain per hour.
If there is truly some other issue that I have missed here please point it out because I have certainly not seen it in game.
Then you just haven’t played with Rangers much versus other classes that outperform them. Nothing else to say really.
So even after I provide you with the meaning of the word you still choose to be ignorant.
Well no surprise I guess. People just really are sad.
I have an 80 necro, 80 guardian, 80 thief, 70 warrior and working on a new Ele.
Again, the ranger class might not be the most efficient class for some areas of the game but they are more than viable.If you still refuse to see that then you are correct. There is nothing left to discuss.
Give me your figures on dungeon runs with and without a ranger in the group. One that knows how to play. What is the time difference in your runs with them?
Give me more proof than “I say it is bad so it is” and I will agree with you.Until then I will stand by my statement above.
I don’t care about dungeon runs or PvE, I play for WvW. I don’t care about definitions, I care about the truth, and the truth is Rangers are not best at anything and can be replaced by other classes that do better.
Posting definitions to words everyone already knows doesn’t make you sound smart by the way. It just makes your argument look weak and make it look like you are reaching for any reason whatsoever to back up your argument without facts beyond a definition that has nothing to do with the fact that other classes do what Ranger does only better. Call me ignorant all you want, it won’t change the opinion of the majority of the player base that Ranger is less than useful in nearly every situation.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Haha, good post. I’d be a Warrior/Mesmer mix it would seem.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The best way to beat a melee train? Bring a larger melee train than theirs
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Confirmation bias is confirmation bias. Getting reeeeally tired of it.
I’m confused, what does this have to do with this thread? Pardon my ignorance in advance.
As applied to the subject of the thread, confirmation bias would mean that people perceive rangers as causing the problem because they are predisposed to blame issues on rangers. If one expects something to be the cause, it’s pretty easy to find “evidence” that that is so, and to ignore evidence to the contrary.
I know what confirmation bias is, I just don’t see how it applies to this thread. Regardless of what people think, Ranger is a broken class right now. Plain and simple. Every measurable metric in game reflects this. I would love for Ranger to be viable again, as indicated in my signature, nothing would make me happier class wise honestly. That being said, all you do is cripple yourself by playing one right now when nearly every other class does the same job except better.
adjective: viable
capable of working successfully; feasible.
“the proposed investment was economically viable”synonyms: feasible, workable, practicable, practical, usable, possible, realistic, achievable, attainable, realizable; More
Rangers are viable in every aspect of this game.
Are they the top class or the most efficient class in some situations? No.
But they are viable. There is not one part of this game that a ranger that knows how to play the class will fail at.And even when rangers are underperforming where time matters, (and this is only about how much time something in game may take), it is a very small amount of time and really makes no difference unless you are doing speed runs for the most possible gain per hour.
If there is truly some other issue that I have missed here please point it out because I have certainly not seen it in game.
Then you just haven’t played with Rangers much versus other classes that outperform them. Nothing else to say really.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I don’t think so. A Warrior with a staff… doesn’t make much sense
How does a warrior with a staff make any less sense than a Ranger with a greatsword, or a Guardian with a scepter, or an Elementalist with 2 daggers…
Did you ever played table RPG? Ever?
All the time since I was a kid. Have you played them? Ever? Read the whole thread. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be able to use them, I’m saying Warriors should be able to use staff.
How people derive that I’m saying they shouldn’t be able to is beyond me.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
There are some pretty cool ideas in here, thanks for the read OP. I recommend everyone else read it as well, the dungeon token ideas are great!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
People who want to run with 20+ are zerglings, no matter where they are playing. Anyone who has fun doing that is a zergling by definition.
Someone got rolled.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
That isnt roaming. That is a mob without a purpose. Roaming is solo. Mobbing is what this is. Just running around with a large group (not zerg size) and just killing random things.
Kind of like how 20+ man guilds in one blob classify themselves as “havoc”.
Since when is 20 people a blob? Maybe in T8. Most WvW guilds T4+ can run 20+ on any given night. That’s a good GvG number, unless you specify you are doing small 10-15 man / havoc teams imo.
Liked the videos btw OP, thanks for posting
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
Magic users typically use daggers because it’s usually a sacrificial weapon and typically favors the darker or spiritual side of magic.
I never said they don’t or shouldn’t use them. I just stated that a Warrior using a Staff to crush something makes just as much sense. Same with the Rangers using Greatswords. People are awful touchy in here.
At it’s base, a Dagger is used for poking the same way a staff is used for bonking imo. Whether or not they channel magic is irrelevant.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.