Showing Posts For Alberel Leonhart.9640:

If You're Having Trouble With Canach...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

When I finally got the map I noticed other people who did it alongside me didn’t get it. It seems it’s bugged for some people but not others in that regard which implies it isn’t the event itself that’s specifically bugged now…

By the way you actually have to do damage to him and get a reward for the event to get the map. I noticed some people who thought he was bugged simply because they hadn’t actually damaged him.

What do you do when Cannach isn't home?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Same thing happened on Desolation. Had a bunch of Asura all trying to get into Canach’s bed!

New Dungeon... So Much Grind

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

It doesnt reset if you stop the run does it?

No it doesn’t. Your highest difficulty reached is saved to your character and when you next enter you can choose from any of the difficulties up to that one (as long as everyone else in your party also have access to it).

All die to come back

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

They’re trying to get rid of the waypoint zerging seen in all the other dungeons. This actually functions like GW1 where if a players dies they stay dead until the whole group wipes (unless you can rez them).

Karke Slayer 44/50 tier 2

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

There are periodic invasions taking place around the world it seems. I got a mail about an invasion in Caledon a short while ago.

Once we get to the island there will be Karka everywhere there anyway.

So now what?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

You have to examine the jetsam until you it mentions a crate, then examine the crates until it gives another unique message. After that exame the smashed barrels then grab a crowbar and open the sealed barrel. Take the bag you get back to the event NPC and from there it’s quite straightforward.

The Lost Shores meta event guide.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

The next step is to fight Cannach in Garrenhoff (Kessex Hills); he’s in one of the houses on the upper levels. Unfortunately he seems to be universally bugged.

Tracking Noll: DISCOVERED

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

He is there, I’m currently on the next step which is bugged… so no rush finding him anyway.

Canach Bugged Crystal Desert

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

He’s bugged in every overflow I’ve tried. He just stands there and takes no damage.

Bugged NPC's - Who and which server

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

The map tells you, it actually has the waypoint name AND POI name on it, it’s not in LA.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Be glad you actually got a reward. A lot of people got disconnected and relogged into a different overflow where it had already ended…

Zojja appearance glitch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Yup I’ve had this since the patch too. It seems to be treating her as a player and disabling her head armour during cutscenes.

It’s a bug but bald Zojja is also somewhat amusing.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

All I want from those chests is the pets, and possibly the new breather skin. Plenty will drop during the event though and prices on the TP will plummet so I’ll just buy on Sunday…

Lost Shore in a nutshell

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Hope Leviathans do more than just take a beating in this version… (and how did they get there in the first place?)

What leviathans?

If they’re referring to what I think they are, the Karka appear to be the Leviathans from GW1. It seems they’ve been driven to Tyria from the Jade Sea though, which implies Bubbles is indeed in Cantha as people suspected.

"What do we have to do to change this???"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I think it’s safe to say the change is happening. The thing is this isn’t a progression treadmill like some would claim until we see another further tier added later. Much of the outcry over this is that people are now concerned that they’ll keep adding tiers.

Even if they were planning that I imagine with the response to this so far they’ll think twice.

own House

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I spoke to Colin Johanson about this at Eurogamer last year. It’s something they want to do and it sounds like it’s planned but that’s as much as he would say.

I don’t know why more games don’t do housing, it adds a whole new dimension to gameplay that gives players a lot more reasons to play. Just don’t do it like LotRO; EQ2 and Rift are the games to emulate here.

Remake GW1 a good idea or what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I’d give it a day before everyone complains that there’s nothing to do once you hit level 20, that Obsidian armor takes too much grinding the same areas, and they NEED stat progression otherwise it’ll die …

The reason we’ve seen that in GW2 is because once you hit 80 and have your exotics (which doesn’t take long) there is no further way to progress.

In GW1 hitting level 20 was effectively the tutorial. You still had hundreds of skills to obtain and ‘perfect’ stats to farm for. You still had hours and hours of missions and quests (you hit the cap about 30% of the way through the story). You also had a huge variety of viable builds to experiment with and have FUN with. With the later addition of the title system players had even more to work towards.

Unfortunately ANet gutted all of these progression systems in GW2. You generally unlock all your skills before the cap now, all equipment is automatically max stat for its level range/rarity, each profession is forced into one of very few builds, and titles might as well not exist.

They basically removed the elements that gave GW1 its longevity.

'Vision of the Mists' not Ascendant?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

What they need to do is normalise the expenses involved in obtaining exotics by reducing ones like you give in your example. Exotics have wildly varying costs involved; some are dirt cheap whilst others are ludicrously expensive. It makes no sense, especially in light of the arrival of ascendent items.

Who thinks ascended items are 'Exciting'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

An hour a day after work? Well good luck. At best we are seeing that on your time table, if you do NOTHING but the FoTM dungeon run… you will be doing it for 90 days before getting your first piece of Ascended. Hope you REALLY like those 9 maps and nothing else in the game cause you dont have time to do anything else…

Lol, I love all these people still quoting the 90 hours thing that some guy literally made up. It is MUCH less than that; the number of tokens per run increases with difficulty and the items have a chance to drop randomly as well! Please stop with the made up numbers.

Lack of story content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

So what you’re asking for is a linear quest-based grinder? That’s one of the things GW2 was trying not to be…

If you think the core content delivery system of the game is a ‘big time waster’ you might be playing the wrong game. /shrug

Patchnotes are too vague

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

To be honest some degree of vagueness with regards to content changes is a good thing.

When the devs tell you absolutely everything about the game and explain the mechanics of every little detail it stops being about fun and just about playing the system.

Keep some mystery in the game.

Please stop buffing Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

And just a fair question, what would you nerf in the warrior class as it is?
Something that won’t make all players shelve the class for indefinite amount of time?

No one here is saying to nerf warriors. They don’t need any nerfs.

Compared to the other professions though they’re in the best overall shape. They have the fewest bugs and one of the highest damage outputs alongside a very solid variety of builds (including support options).

No other profession can be said to have all that. Guardians come close but their traits are a mess compared warriors.

ANet needs to start prioritising professions for fixes based on which are most in need of attention. The necromancer got a lot of attention in this patch which was good because they had the largest total amount of bugs (it was over 100 iirc). The ranger was in an equally bad shape though yet the devs didn’t give them anywhere near as much attention (despite promising to). If they had left the warrior alone and prioritised the ranger maybe they could have seen more fixes.

tl;dr – Warriors should be low priority for any bug fixes or balance changes as they’re currently in the best overall state. ANet needs to focus those resources on other professions in more dire need of attention.

Underwater battles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Mesmer and engineer are probably the two best professions underwater at the moment. Most of the others see an exceptional drop in damage output.

As a tip for mesmer though, use the spear for the illusions and the trident for ranged attacks. The illusions on the trident aren’t that great but the ones on the spear are incredibly potent.

Please stop buffing Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

so warriors get 10% dmg buff on longbow and added some projectile finishers and a fix on a tooltip for bulls charge for the patch, while most other classes get a large list of bug fixes and adjustments. clearly Anet favours warriors

10% damage buff on our least favored (for a reason) weapon, and some projectile finishers for those all important underwater weapons. Elsewhere in the patch:

Thief backstab builds in WvW can still 1-shot a dozen people simultaneously, since the nerf didn’t affect them. Mesmers can still portal 500 billion people, ele’s can still use all 750 of their weapon skills without needing a weapon swap, guardians can still bunker well enough to withstand 4 million warriors beating on them, necros got buffed in a major way (they maybe needed it) and rangers got ignored (which they also needed)

Yeah, you keep singing that old tune “woe is me, woe is me….”

Err with regards to the ele point… you realise number of skills has nothing to do with any concept of strength right?

Ele’s are basically forced into bunker builds due to their poor survivability, yet ANet tackles the issue by nerfing the bunker build rather than giving players incentives to use other builds. That’s just bad balancing.

Warriors are the only profession that didn’t get nerfed this patch. Actually they haven’t been nerfed at all since launch. Be glad.

Where are the capes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

The back slot was originally intended for capes but they removed them in one of the very early closed betas from what I heard. Supposedly they had severe clipping issues. I dunno if they’re scrapped or just being reworked, hopefully the latter.

Who thinks ascended items are 'Exciting'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I have to laugh at the people that claim to know how long it will take to earn the tokens for the ascended equipment. It’s pretty likely the number of tokens you get scales with the difficulty which kinda throws all those ‘calculations’ out the window…

Please stop buffing Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I agree but it’s not so much that they’re being buffed, but rather that they’re being given any attention at all when the other 7 professions all have higher priority bugs that need fixing.

Isn't warrior a little bit OP in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Warrior is PvE easy mode. I find them so incredibly boring though that I can’t take advantage of it…

Naturally the only class I can enjoy is the ele, who happens to be one of the weaker ones at the moment.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

The agony system is really going to require a level of resistance which its mandatory for group leaders to know what kind of gear their members have in order to form successful groups or raids.

So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Feel free to give input as well people.

Gear score is what I would like to avoid.

I don’t like telling people that they can’t join me or that I can’t join others because they/I don’t have a certain type of gear, or some other requirement, so we can just try and enjoy the content of the game. I am pretty sure you wouldn’t like that either.

No gearscore, ever s’il vous plait, and let this be the last tier.

Well, I would like to enjoy the content with everyone as well. But if there is someone without agony resistance then I will need to filter them out so I can enjoy the content.

It’s a downside really but it is a necessary evil in order to enjoy this wonderful content ANet has made for us.

The highest you can set your scaling level for the fractals is always the highest common difficulty level for all 5 members. If someone doesn’t have agony resistance gear you’ll know about it because you won’t be able to select the correct difficulty scaling.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I dont know why people are getting bent out of shape over this ring, it’s not even that good…unless you want all stats?! Berserker is higher dps stats.


People are calculating allocated stat totals without taking into consideration if those stats are actually relevant simultaneously.

A couple of points:

A) Most players use specialised builds that favour a small number of stats. This means that the current ascended gear we’ve seen is NOT ideal for their builds.

B) Runes/sigils are baked into the equipment which means we have NO way to customise those stats. Again this makes the old exotics potentially better.

C) Ascended gear means we lose rune set bonuses. There are a number of builds that are entirely built around these set bonuses which will not work with ascended gear.

The ascended items seem to have a higher allocation of stat points at a rather hefty cost of customisation and specialisation. I still think people should wait and see.

Combat lacks: anticipation > dodge/block.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I brought that up early on when I started playing that combat feels like it’s stuck between two worlds.

If you took melee combat and removed all ranged, made all attacks anticipatable you’d have a proper combat system that makes ‘sense’; “big sword is coming, better get out of the way”. The way ranged works now is simply “blow for blow” just like any other traditional MMO: “big arrow is coming, better get out of the way, oh wait it’s following me. Never mind”.

I think the best way to summarize the combat in GW2 is that it’s “counter intuitive” this is because it’s trying to be combat from two very different paradigms.

What’s odd is that some ranged attacks you can dodge and others you can’t. The one that REALLY annoys me is that rapid fire golem laser thing. It is impossible to do anything about it unless you have an interrupt (which are always on long cooldowns) as the golem tracks your movement. Having to eat that on an ele or thief is extremely frustrating…

What's up with having a 3 day event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

He’s not complaining about new content, more that its a specific timing issue? Why is it only 3 days? Why is there a 1-time only chain during the last day? A large portion of the player base will not be able to participate because of other obligations and setting up event schedules like this effectively says “Play the game or miss out.”

For the record, I’m pulling a double shift tomorrow, likely out and about on saturday, and have obligations every sunday. I will miss this sunday’s 1-time only event chain, and any future 1-time only event chains that they decide to have on sunday. I’m going to miss out on this event completely. I’m one example of what the OP is trying to get at.

There has to be a moment they ‘switch on’ the new zone. This can only happen one time. Thus the event is one-time only. I thought this was rather obvious…

You are not listening AneT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Your last point is the real issue here. They are completely disregarding player concerns when it comes to class balance.

What seems to be happening is they are focussing on fixing ‘bugs’ that give unintended benefits to skills (such as the blast finisher on evasive arcana). The trouble here is that a lot of professions are in such a bad state these ‘bugs’ are the only things propping them up.

Going forward ANet really need to try to offset any future bugfixes that affect class balance in some way. If a bug is fixed that makes a class weaker then they should buff something else to make up for it.

Rumors about fractal drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

We don’t actually know how far you can get without infusions so making any claims about that is pointless.

Rumors about fractal drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Naturally everyone conveniently ignores that the number of tokens rewarded scales up with the difficulty so the numbers being thrown around here are grossly over-exaggerated…

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

If ascended gear had been in at release would you all still be complaining? I think most of the complaints are coming from people with full exotic that don’t like the fact they’re not top-tier any more. I understand the frustration there but I still think people need to look at this as a new rarity and not a new tier.

They explained it pretty well in the dev blog: the rarity levels had a gaping hole between exotic and legendary, they needed something to plug the gap. They’ve already said this stuff will be obtainable in WvW as well so the people whining about having to run the fractals for it have nothing to complain about.

Your second paragraph, and their blog, ,take absolutely no sense. The stats on legendaries are the SAME as exotics….so how does adding a new tier with HIGHER stats plug that gap? Now ascended items are essentially exotics and there is a gap between ascended and legendaries.

Are they going to add another tier to “bridge the gap” between ascended and legendaries now?

The gap isn’t in stats, it’s in difficulty to obtain. That’s what the blog was highlighting; player get decked out in exotics stupidly easy then have nothing to do but farm for a legendary. That wasn’t their intent. They claim they didn’t expect people to get full exotics so easily (naive I know) so the ascended gear is filling the gap between easy-to-get and near-impossible-to-get with just hard-to-get.

If they add another tier beyond ascended then I’ll take my words back but I still see this more as them fixing an oversight in terms of giving players something to work towards.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

If ascended gear had been in at release would you all still be complaining? I think most of the complaints are coming from people with full exotic that don’t like the fact they’re not top-tier any more. I understand the frustration there but I still think people need to look at this as a new rarity and not a new tier.

They explained it pretty well in the dev blog: the rarity levels had a gaping hole between exotic and legendary, they needed something to plug the gap. They’ve already said this stuff will be obtainable in WvW as well so the people whining about having to run the fractals for it have nothing to complain about.

The precursor scavenger hunt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

The scavanger hunt was never said to be in this update. It’s something they said they were planning to add later on to make them more fun to obtain.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Wow people. Just wow.
Look, did anyone honestly think that they would fix every bug and buff every class? It’s 7 pages of people complaining either A) they got nerfed or they didn’t get fixed as much as they thought they would.
We got a ton of content, a new dungeon, added drops in a number of places, and increased game rewards to finally get people out of Orr.
And all people discuss are the class changes.
And a few rules for MMOs: If something works extremely well, it will get nerfed. And any bug fix or change in the game will break something else.

Yeah, I don’t like everything in this patch. I don’t like a lot of it. But honestly, how is Anet supposed to listen to the community when every change is met with such hostility and negativity?

Sigh, you realise that the majority of the changes were pointless right? Every profession has several major issues that need attention and yet the devs (yet again) ‘fix’ something that no one had a problem with.

That’s the issue everyone is getting fed up with. They aren’t addressing anything the community cares about. Instead it’s tooltip changes and inexplicable nerfs to professions that were already suffering.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

“What is needed” is subjective. Every patch addresses someone’s issues. They won’t always be yours, or mine, and some are harder to ‘fix’ than others.

The thing is most of the ‘fixes’ they make are actually unwanted by ANY of the eight profession communities. They keep ‘fixing’ things that no one wanted fixing and consistently ignore the major bugs for each profession.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

If that’s the case then how do you explain other MMOs that manage class balance much more efficiently and, more importantly, faster?

The pathetic number of changes we see each patch is entirely due to a lack of people working on the issues. Very very few major bugs have ever been fixed in this game, even since the very start of beta.

If having more people working on it causes complications then they need to communicate with each other to prevent that. Communication seems to be another of ANet’s problems though…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I personally think most people are taking the 2 people thing way out of context.

These people are realistically doing little more than adjusting numbers on skills.

If I spent 40 hours, one work week, just sitting there tuning numbers on skills I would get ALOT adjusted.

I could understand the way people are acting if they had only 2 people trying to graphically design new abilities, animations, and everything else…. but all of that work has been done already.

These guys are basically play testers / number adjusters at this point.

No, if you read Jon’s post that mentions it he specifically refers to bug fixing AND number changes. They have just two people working on skills and traits. If what you say were true we would actually see changes at a reasonable pace…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

So wait, GW2’s entire class balancing is handled by two people?

Did I miss the update were GW2 became an indy production or something…?

I think Jon’s going to regret revealing that detail to us. It explains a lot though. They’re understaffed for some reason.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Yeah, we want huge, sweeping balance changes on top of all the broken and buggy stuff! Don’t bother getting everything working as intended and see how your intended balance works, that wouldn’t make sense. If fixing the bugs afterwards unbalances everything again, do another huge sweeping balance change!

The slow going is frustrating me too, but do you even hear yourselves?

You realise most of the changes people are calling for ARE bug fixes?

Every patch since launch has been fixes to minor bugs (many of which people didn’t even know about) whilst major bugs continuously go ignored. There are traits that don’t work, traits that cancel each other out, minor traits that become redundant with certain major traits in the same trait line. These are the things ANet should be fixing but instead they fix things people have never complained about.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

They also nerfed traps for rangers. Don’t forget that part. No other class has the right to complain as much as the ranger does right now.

Very true, whilst seeing no fixes to the things Jon Peters said would be fixed.

The hilarious part is their spirit ‘buff’. The spirits have a 10s internal cooldown that means ANY increase to proc chance won’t actually make a difference. The fix the spirits need is the removal of that internal cooldown.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I don’t know why people are whining about Ele’s. The only thing that got “nerfed” for them was Tornado. Builds based around conjures aren’t viable anyway, so nothing else got changed that is negative.

Also, Necrofavoritism, anyone?

Eles got evasive arcana nerfed so they can’t use it as a blast finisher any more. It was a primary means of stacking might and considering how underpowered the profession is they relied on those might stacks to actually be worth a kitten

To be honest this example highlights the real issue here: ANet are fixing bugs that effectively nerf professions without compensating for anything. On top of that they never seem to fix bugs that would cause an increase in strength…

Warrior changes in 15th Nov patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Warriors buffed AGAIN? Rangers and eles (two of the professions most in need of attention) are getting consecutively nerfed and screwed over, and warriors are getting buffs?

If ANet wants to know why people are quitting it’s things like this.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Thief backstab spike builds were barely touched and they got minor buffs in other areas.

This is bizarre. We have quoted statements from the devs saying they were going to nerf spike builds and redistribute the damage. They’ve done no such thing.

We also have quotes from Jon Peters specifying ranger changes to shouts and signets. Guess what? They don’t exist.

And why has the ele tornado been nerfed again? It’s already considered the worst elite in the game!

ANet REALLY needs to stop with the nerfs until they’ve fixed the bugs.

True Progression - Skill Variants

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

I like this; it gives a new progression system but doesn’t increase overall power of any given build (or not by a lot anyway). It suits the design philosophy for GW2 very well.

Easiest Overall Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alberel Leonhart.9640

Alberel Leonhart.9640

Roll a warrior, equip a greatsword, press 2.

100 blades is literally a one shot kill for most mobs for quite a while into the game, and their 5-signet build is effectively god mode until it starts to balance out later on.

ANet apparently wanted them to be the ‘easier’ profession which they certainly managed, though I still think they went a bit overboard. In PvP they’re not so bad as players can and will dodge, but in PvE they’re stupidly overpowered.