Showing Posts For Araziel.7201:

Why didn't we had an epic trailer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


You call this epic? Go watch what Rockstar released about GTA5 Online…

I call this epic…

Why didn't we had an epic trailer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I’m very tempted to edit that english trailer for laughs. Make it so when they walk out of the water to face Zhaitan, instead it is a full scale Mardi Gras celebration they are looking at.

if you could have * insert weapon*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201



Really would like to see a katana though.

Mounts (give me a chance to explain!!!!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


OH NO HE DIDN’T!!!!! I’d like it though. Purely cosmetic, riding a majestic Dolyak into the sunset in the beautiful Shiverpeaks on my Norn…. ahhhh

Ahhh yeah!!! Looking like Paul Bunyan. We’ll get them some day.

The want by players is huge. Most I talk to in game want them. There are a few that don’t. Too much money not to put them in.

Bought an item by mistake!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Would be nice. I’ve never made the mistake myself, but have seen others post about it. You should be able to trade them back as long as they aren’t soulbound yet. I’ve seen other games with that feature.

Stop asking for less rewards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I think OP is reffering to the Champion fix in the Pavilion. I at least asked for a nerf. And it was needed. Economy was breaking. – This should show what I’m reffering to. When prices of certain items halves in a few days something that’s not supposed to happen is going on.

Did the economist John Smith see this one? Not to put him on the spot,and this type of short-sidedness is present throughout all of arenanet. They never see things a few steps down the road.

This needs to happen with all t6 not just a few, gold flippers miss out, such a shame.

Yeah, wouldn’t it be nice if the devs added a t6 farm for each of the upcoming events to bring some of the prices down? Like say the next one was blood. One after that scales and so on.

Let those guys that play the market feel the heat and guess which it will be. It’ll be good for them. Let them have some real risk involved.

Dragon building in the August 2009 trailer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I hope one day soon after all the complaints about the content, Colin Johanson comes out of his office in anger and yells, “release the Kraken! Let all of Tyria know fear!”

Then he will go back to playing his own private SAB instance.

(edited by Araziel.7201)

3 words story -guild wars 2 version-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


in nudity’s shiver…

Do Legendary User Impress You?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I saw this awesome looking Norn in WvW the other day with Bolt. He had the armor dyes just right and everything to make his toon look great. I complimented him on it and asked how long it took him. He said no time that his dad bought it for him.

A little while later I watched him get completely owned by an up-leveled warrior. I was not impressed.

Will we be getting earring skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


That ain’t no earring. That kitten has a bluetooth. Must be Asuran made.

Stop asking for less rewards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I won’t lie, I do want the ridiculous champ farm to be nerfed. The idea that brainless zerging around should be so highly rewarding for people is terrible. Make people actually work and think for high rewards. Right now we’re just promoting inflation.

Ok so we want players to play content for fun, but we want them to work if they want items (which they can use to further their fun)? How about some of you get a job, then you can have all the work you want and then remember that this is supposed to be entertainment, not a substitute for the real world you don’t want to be a part of.

Jesus christ, some people…

ignore him, he is probably one of the TP players still kitten ed on the loss of gold from the t5 mats.

Lol! Besides the trolls they seem like the only other ones mad about the loot. Well, that’s the nature of the market, boys. Cut your loses and move onto your next big venture.

Mounts (give me a chance to explain!!!!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Mounts for me all day everyday! Love em! Put them in the store for 2,000 gems a piece Anet. I’ll buy them all. I guarantee you will make yourselves a ton of cash because almost everyone will buy them.

ANet doesn’t make money on gems, NCSoft does.

Sweet! That means we stand an even better chance of getting them.

Mounts (give me a chance to explain!!!!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Mounts for me all day everyday! Love em! Put them in the store for 2,000 gems a piece Anet. I’ll buy them all. I guarantee you will make yourselves a ton of cash because almost everyone will buy them.

Stop asking for less rewards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I think OP is reffering to the Champion fix in the Pavilion. I at least asked for a nerf. And it was needed. Economy was breaking. – This should show what I’m reffering to. When prices of certain items halves in a few days something that’s not supposed to happen is going on.

Did the economist John Smith see this one? Not to put him on the spot,and this type of short-sidedness is present throughout all of arenanet. They never see things a few steps down the road.

Put him on the spot for what? One t6 material falling in price? The market was hardly “breaking.”

Stop asking for less rewards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I’m not really sure why you keep harping on the pavilion because that was nerfed as far as I know and is temp content. OP was talking about the chests from open world champs and dungeon rewards. The pavilion needed nerfed. There were too many champs in there for that zerg farm. So you’re right about that.

Stop asking for less rewards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


There are people asking for less o.0?!
Everyone I’ve talked to/read has asked for more (i.e. why are there no 2g or 2.5g paths?)

Just a few on the forums. Same guys that didn’t want an LFG tool in game. Another one that had the bright idea of having fixed prices on the TP. You get the idea of what kind of people these are. Just guys that troll the forums more than play the game.

Champions are priority now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I wonder how many of these guys that make posts complaining about the champs are actually standing around in LA with their thumbs up their butts? All the while thousands upon thousands of players are actually in game enjoying themselves with the new rewards that were long overdue.

Thank the Six that Anet finally saw the error of their ways and added another way for players to be rewarded while playing the way they want to play.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


If Anet were smart they would keep it the way it is. Keep adding new skins in on the champs in updates. People love this. So many in game are enjoying the new champ stuff.

I’ve been leveling a new toon and run into people camping champs and it doesn’t effect my game one bit. I’ve actually stopped and had some good dancing and costume brawls with them out in the world. Good times!

Hang gliders (no, not flying mounts)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I guess I could just give you the excuse you’ll get from the people that don’t like cool things. Or their idea of cool is rainbows and purple wigs not this type of thing.

The game is too small, engine too weak.

Should GW2 have Capes/Cloaks Poll

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I need a cloak like nobody’s business.

Are champs any better?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


The highest price for one of the new champ exotics is about 300 gold right now. It’s worth it. I was wandering around Queensdale today doing balloons and came across the spider champ. People were camping it Everquest style. It was awesome

Superior Rune of Perplexity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Omg! What have they done?! There will be mass confusion…

World-wide Announcement for Major DE Bosses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


It would make more people angry with the wasted silver on a trip to the overflow.

Queen Jennah is a tyrant?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I found it to be pretty weird. Just what the hell is going on in this place? Some kind of “Running Man” or “Hunger Games” stuff or what? I still haven’t figured it out.

(edited by Araziel.7201)

Unique Custom Weapon Skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Was just about to suggest this myself as an alternative to the weapon dyes that a lot of players are asking for. Thought I would do a search first and found this post. I’m really surprised there wasn’t much interest in this.

I personally would hate seeing players running around Tyria with pink, neon green or whatever other colored blades they made. That’s a clown show I would rather not have in game.

This alternative would give players a lot of options for matching their weapons up to go with their armor style. Which is something that I support fully just without the wild color schemes.

Excellent idea. Would love to see this in game.

Mini Pet "Slot"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Araziel is clearly the only person who get it. This game shouldn’t be about fun or about ease of use, it should be about making stuff he finds ugly as difficult as possible. As if his insight and splendor weren’t already at unreal levels, he also pointed out how stupid it was that people didn’t want mounts in this game. I never head such a groundbreaking idea! He’s totally right of course, this game would be heaps better if we had horses and dragons running all over the place. Of course he’s so brilliant that he sees that the inevitable drop in FPS that such an update would bring is totally not a concern.

Clearly the only person more intelligent than Araziel is the Oscar Wilde level satirical mastermind who he’s quoted in his signature. Dear lord! Its him! He’s quoted himself in his signature! Now I don’t have to choose to idolize more! Thanks again Araziel!

Lol! No problem, you could always ask the devs to make a mini Araziel to add to your collection. I know I would pay a ton of RL money for that one.

Guild Housing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Hope it never happens. It would do nothing for the overall well being of the game.

Part of what makes GW2 special is the large vibrant cities they have created. Many of them are crawling with players rping, crafting, trading, using the portals there. Basically the main hubs of the game that let people know the game is alive.

I would hate to see that thrown aside for personal guild halls, guild cities/section of cities, or housing. Especially with some of the features you mentioned.

Giving people the ability to waypoint, use portals, trade, and craft, and other things from a guild hall takes away from the overall world the devs created. You’re basically creating gated communities that aren’t good in a themepark game like GW2.

Mini Pet "Slot"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Absolutely not. I don’t want a useless slot on my interface. Keep it as difficult as possible for those wanting to flaunt minis. If everyone had that, they would be more likely to pull them out more often. It would look horrible to see everyone running around with a mini not to mention the fps drop.

Some people don’t want realistic looking mounts, but want a bunch of dumb minis cluttering the screen. Lol, go figure.

Open world dueling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Open world dueling all day everyday! Can you imagine some of the fights you could get in around Tyria with all the beautiful terrain? Knocking people off mountains or down canyons. Not to mention the awesome movies you could make.

There are ways to implement this so that the guys that are still feeling that beating they took in whatever game they played before wouldn’t be bothered.

New weapons appear to be reskins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


It started with the desert rose if I remember correctly, but now it seems weps can’t escape this fate too. Most of these campion loots are just reskinned old things. Why is this happening? I know after a point an MMO runs out of ideas but….GW2 is not even a year old.

So, would you rather have nothing? Some of them look really nice.

I don’t think they put too much time into the champ loot because it wasn’t something they had planned on doing for very long. I’m sure they will add more to the loot tables after a while.

New Cultural Weapons.. ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


They look exactly the same as T3 Karma weapons.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you took the textures and recolored them to be different colors or something to make them unique?

T3 Sylvari Weapons, make the blue part emerald red and the light green part dark brown and black for example?

I was wondering what the difference was myself. Is there one? The ones at the event seem to be more pricey.

Thanks for the champ loot Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


So glad you guys tied it to a chest. And now I shall roam the lands slaying these vile creatures.

Estimating pop size based on vote tally

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


If roughly 16 million votes were cast, what does this tell us about the size of the active player base? Surely there’s a way to take a stab at that number (with some level of uncertainty). Personally, I voted about 500 times. How many times did you vote? Maybe this information helps.

any engineers out there good at estimating? Statisticians?

127 by me

My Birthday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


If this isn’t a shout out begging for free stuff…I don’t know what is. Lmao!!

Should Guild Wars 2 go free to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I think that the sPvP Portion should go Free to Play. On the PvE side I don’t think it should go F2P until after the major release in China and they need to wait until WoW goes F2P later this year. As far as sales and money is concerned I doubt that GW2 will ever reach the success of its predecessor GW1 which sold over 6 Million Copies. Not that GW2 is a bad game because it isn’t, but they did deviate from the GW1 Winning Formula quite a bit. There is too much good stuff coming out soon. GW2 is truly a niche game.

PC Sales are on the serious decline. X-Box One and PS4 will be released in months. GTAV, BF4, and CoD:Ghosts will be out soon too. LoL and Smite are blowing up right now. Throw in new big time MMO’s such as The Elder Scrolls Online, Wildstar, and the buzz around EQ Next and Titan are starting a fire. Sadly the future does not look bright for GW2

Don’t forget ArcheAge will be releasing within the next year as well. GW2 will be fine, but they are going to have to come with some serious heat if they want to stay up on top. Otherwise they will quickly fall to being just another run of the mill MMO.

Should Guild Wars 2 go free to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Hell no! We don’t need their kind here. We have it bad enough with the guys that only paid 60$ and whine around about things. We don’t need anymore freeloaders bringing the game down.

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


4. This game should be called My Little Guild Wars 2: Teamwork Is Magic.

You mean, My Little Guild Wars 2: Play alone and hope for RNG.

How dare you, sir!

There should be race/class based mounts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Mounts that are cosmetic have zero effect on the game.

My FPS during group events says otherwise.

Not sure who would have a cosmetic mount out during that since you can’t do combat on them. Never seen a bunch of broom riders while out at one, but ok.

There should be race/class based mounts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araziel.7201


These threads always crack me up. You get to see all these guys disagreeing with adding something new to the game just for the sake of it. Probably the same people that don’t actually support the game with real money and afraid they won’t be able to get one.

Mounts that are cosmetic have zero effect on the game. Hell, even mounts with a slight speed boost would have zero effect on the game. Why? Because there are tons of waypoints everywhere. My toons have perma-swift and I still use the waypoints.

Have faith all you guys that want mounts. They will be making their way to this game. The people with money want them and Anet will put them in for that cash eventually.

And no one cry about them in WvW because they can be disabled there just like many consumables are.

Water combat: great or suicidal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I love the underwater combat and landscapes. One of the things that made me fall in love with this game when I first started was how beautiful it was under there. I would travel all around just to check them out.

You are right though on some classes needing to be retouched for underwater combat to make it a bit more fun. My necro for example is hard as hell to get his DS charged back up underwater. On the other hand I have no problems with engineer underwater.

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Another thing that I really don’t like are those Sylvari weapons that are sitting on the T2 Asuran cultural weapon dealer. They are still there after a year?! Really Anet? No one could find the time to fix that yet?

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


NerfWars2, nuff said

You have to nerf things that are overpowered.

Why are things so overpowered though? How long was this game in development? How long was it in beta? How long has it been out?

A year after the game is released these guys still push a huge list of nerfs/rebalances after every patch. People get sick of that garbage.

Name me a MMO that doesn’t nerf anything, ever. Seriously.

We’re talking about the amount of nerfing from PvE content to class rebalancing. Name me one that has had more. Seriously, lol.

New Race or New Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


If they put in a new class I hope it is a heavy armor class to balance things out. Hopefully something that’s the opposite of the Guardian. Like a Dark templar/ Anti-Paladin. The game has a lot of these cool looking evil armors/weapons that would look nice on an evil magic using warrior type.

Any Plans for Exotic Rebreathers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I just tried to put a rune it works. I didn’t actually put it cause it wasn’t worth it but I got up to the confirmation dialog

Yeah, slap even a cheap one in there if you want. It’s better then no rune.

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


NerfWars2, nuff said

You have to nerf things that are overpowered.

Why are things so overpowered though? How long was this game in development? How long was it in beta? How long has it been out?

A year after the game is released these guys still push a huge list of nerfs/rebalances after every patch. People get sick of that garbage.

Any Plans for Exotic Rebreathers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Aqua breathers go in the same bin as mounts, dueling and a lot of other things for me. No, no, no!!

Thanks to designers for the little things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


I love going bald every time we put on our headgear. That’s one of the best little treats.

How much have you paid to play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201



and see zero reason to pay a cent.

dear odin, please let EQNext be awesome.

GW2 is alright. The big reveal for EQNext is tomorrow, buddy. 11:00 am is the stream. Yeeeeahhhh!!

How much have you paid to play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Nothing, I pulled a quick jack move from Walmart.

Really though I bought two copies and 2 gem cards. So $170.

(edited by Araziel.7201)

Guild Wars Movie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Umm I doubt very much that Peter Jackson would ever consider such a thing……

I am from NZ also and have seen some of his very early movies which were so low budget that you would think “why would you say that?” They were good movies but in all honestly he has moved on from those kinds of movies (low grade/budget) and let’s be honest GW hardly has the kind of following that LOTR ever had.

Lastly GW never really had a good story as in storyline wise. Mind you I haven’t really read any of the books but still…

Doesn’t matter, Peter Jackson would butcher change the story anyway.

“If you want him, come and claim him!” said Arwen Warrior Princess, never.

Anyway, I’d watch a GW movie even if it was directed by… him.

Yeah! Where the hell was Glorfindel?!

You mean Tom Bombadil (spelling?) surely right!????

I would have liked to see him too. And the real way the Hobbits got their Barrow-downs daggers. I was talking about Glorfindel though, he was the one in the book that took the Hobbits to Rivendell.