that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
…it wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be (I was expecting it to be a terrible experience because I made the mistake of reading these forums beforehand). I actually ended up really enjoyed it.
I quit GW2 right before HoT was released (because of HoT). I came back to the game 2 weeks ago and got the HoT expac since it finally came down to the $20 price point I always believed it was truly worth.
I went right at it, and in those 2 weeks I have almost 100% map complete on all HoT maps (not quite 100% on 2 only due to not prioritizing the poison spec and still needing the leyline gliding spec). I’m at level 38 Mastery rank, almost have my elite specialization collection complete (just need exalted mining). I’ve gotten almost all of the achievements done, the notable exceptions being ‘gold’ in those minigames, which I’ll probably never strive for. A quick mention in map chat for help on some was always answered and help provided, like a mesmer to help get an egg to that frog in Verdant Brink in under 5 secs, for example.
It really wasn’t hard as soon as I realized this isn’t solo content. I’ve blown through almost all of it in 2 weeks. I actually enjoyed most of the maps (surprising even myself) because they weren’t flat plains like every other map. I found exploring more engaging than the core maps which tended to just be run in a straight line to whatever.(soloing hero points because nobody plays this game anymore).
I’ve seen this sentiment a lot, worded in different ways and I just pulled this one from another topic. I don’t know how people claim this. I really don’t, unless you purposely are avoiding other people. Since I was gone 2 years, my guild disbanded and my friends gone. I did everything above with no guild or friends. I’ve done the metas successfully a number of times now, got all my HP’s using LFG and getting into HP trains (excepting the poison spec ones). I use LFG to get onto populated maps even when not needing a train or meta. There’s quite often LFG’s for achievements as well.
I was worried about getting HoT content done because I had read comments like this one before starting, but there was no issue whatsoever and always found people and groups to do the content with. Map chat and chatting with the people that help and groups has made it a sociable experience as well.Anyway, thought I’d post up a thread that was a more positive experience for someone returning to the game and getting the expac.
This is the same experience I have seen the most in the game, with the exception of the low expectations(most people don’t even know the forum exists). I’m glad you are judging HoT by yourself instead of letting entitled criticism to stop you.
Please improve UW content. It is beautiful and unique. It deserves a rebirth.
They said they weren’t interested in adding more professions, and said Elite Specs were the answer to add new gameplay to the characters from here on.
They also stated that adding the Revenant was important to get the 3rd heavy armor type profession. Which means that, IF they someday decide to add a new profession, they would need to add 3, 1 for each armor type, to keep the balance they were searching in the first place (Or to make a profession without relation to the actual armor types…)
So the answer is, IMO, a fairly sure NO.
“Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways,” Hazzikostas said. “While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what’s in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there.”
Originally, Blizzard took out flying in Warlords of Draenor as an experiment, and Hazzikostas says he would have bet “slightly better than even money at the time” that they were going to bring it back eventually. But as they played the expansion and watched others play it, they discovered that they liked the game better without flying.
“The world feels larger, feels more dangerous,” he says. “There’s more room for exploration, for secrets, for discovery and overall immersion in the world. At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying. We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.”
IMO everything here could be applied to mounts in general, not only flying ones.
And to be honest, WOW is the apex of the generic, repetitive, rigid, shallow and toxic MMORPG. For me, is the best of the worst. Anything that makes GW2 closer to that monolithic brainwasher of eternal grind is a mistake.
As I have said before I dont think the engie should have normal weapon swap but rather the ability to choose a “free kit” as weapon swap. So your weapons would for example be p/p + flamethrower and you still have heal + 3 skills + elite available to choose.
I like this idea. I don’t know if it is a good idea, but I like it.
in HoT it takes you 10min to figure out a way from the ground to a location 50m higher, in PoF it takes tyou 10min to run a (mostly) linear but longer way with just a few mount-jumps. I really don’t see the problem of less waypoints.
This is exactly the reason I don’t like PoF approach. It transforms a game that compels you to explore, to think and to try again into… pressing “forward” key 10 minutes (Or not even that, if you know where the autorun is)…
In fairness, you haven’t experienced the full PoF approach. You’ve seen one horizontal map, which explores the capabilities of the raptor. There are other mounts with other abilities and there will be terrain to match those abilities and test your creativity in using them to explore the map. Do you expect to just press forward or auto-run on the rabbit mount? What about the wolf that teleports and can turn mid-teleport? Does that sound like just pressing forward? This is a case of reading too much into a thing before you’ve seen the whole picture.
I truly hope you are right.
Remember the big dragons can spawn lesser dragons as avatars/liutenants/extensions of himself.
This is interesting.
If there were an armor which gives you 150 power, 150 precision, 150 condi damage, 150 expertise and 150 concentration, with the prefix “Steaming Pile of Idiot”, would you use it?
in HoT it takes you 10min to figure out a way from the ground to a location 50m higher, in PoF it takes tyou 10min to run a (mostly) linear but longer way with just a few mount-jumps. I really don’t see the problem of less waypoints.
This is exactly the reason I don’t like PoF approach. It transforms a game that compels you to explore, to think and to try again into… pressing “forward” key 10 minutes (Or not even that, if you know where the autorun is)…
Maybe I should rethink my stance on mounts after reading this. You already lost me with the word compel.
If a giant rabbit, a teleporter jackal, a hoverboard turned octopus and other animals save me from entering another tangled depths map ever again, I gladly welcome my new mount overlords!^^
Sorry, english is not my primary language. I’m probably wrong with the word.
How do you say something that is defying yet fun, vs something that is spoonfeed-ing-ly boring?
in HoT it takes you 10min to figure out a way from the ground to a location 50m higher, in PoF it takes tyou 10min to run a (mostly) linear but longer way with just a few mount-jumps. I really don’t see the problem of less waypoints.
This is exactly the reason I don’t like PoF approach. It transforms a game that compels you to explore, to think and to try again into… pressing “forward” key 10 minutes (Or not even that, if you know where the autorun is)…
IMO the two ideas are not incompatible. But returning Claw Island ONLY as a lounge would be incredibly distasteful.
In this case, I think If you want 4000 gems, just buy 4000 gems. I don’t think the Ultimate bundle is worth the extra money.
For $80 – Standard + 4000 Gems purchased separately
For $80 – Ultimate (Standard + 4000 Gems + Additional character slot + Identity Repair Kit + Spearmarshall’s Presence + Lily of the Elon Permanent Pass)
I’d say it was worth the money compared to purchasing Standard and 4000 Gems.
You are right. I didn’t take on account the intrinsic value of the extras, just that most of them would be useless for me. My bad.
IMO the reference to the mythic rat king is the more clear reference for Skritt design.
Skaven are too evil, warlike and technomagic-able. Also their aesthetics are closer to dredge than Skritt.
Skritt alien way of thinking, their love for shinies, the somewhat good-natured innocence they usually manifest, short attention spans and lack of long-term memory, and their general tendency to adopt whatever they see as own, even when they don’t understand it, sounds to me like some of the developers liked L5R’s Nezumi. (Skritt even seems to be uncorruptable by evil magicks, like Nezumi were shielded from Fu-Leng’s influence!)
PS: Also their names are more similar to official Nezumi than official Skaven.
(edited by Ardid.7203)
Too complex to create a real opinion, maybe. Or a too long post.
IMO the idea you suggest is great (I love fluid systems that are designed to be dynamic from the core), but needs to be part of a game from the beggining . Trying to implement it today would just create a balance nightmare.
Hope they use this kind of logic in the future, along dyeable weapons&backpacs, single type 3d riggs for armor, stat linked condi cleanse&running speed&attack rate, reversable story trees, etc. GW2 is a great game, but I believe GW3 has the potential to be simply epic.
IMO a game that wants to get to many people have to choose the lower common denominator. Since technology is still expensive and the prime lower common denominator is money, it is ok they don’t target rich people with supercomputers as their principal consumer group.
Come on, let us choose our own launcher images. The new purple raptor rider graphic is awful. It looks like it has a color palette of about 8 colors, maximum.
think wut u wanted was something lik this?
note, i just seen it, i’m not the maker
I don’t like that much the current launcher, but Balthazar in brownish…. ugh, that is UGLY for me.
In this case, I think If you want 4000 gems, just buy 4000 gems. I don’t think the Ultimate bundle is worth the extra money.
You need to understand the change you propose simplifies some task but complicates others. Activating gyro with “swap key” in exchange for having to drop a kit/bundle first is not a real improvement.
Believe me, I don’t like losing an elite ToolBelt skill, and I certainly hate getting more and more inputs added to an originally very streamlined and well designed game (The “ancient magic” extra button is just awful to me).
But the “swap button” is already linked to very clear and logic actions, namely “droping” and “swapping” (And “cancelling”) things.
Which means it could NOT work for F-Gyro, but it COULD work for Photon Forge: engies only use the button to drop kits and bundles and PF is not compatible with kits, so if the button were used to enter PF in all moments except when you have a kit or bundle equipped, it wouldn’t be that bad. You’ll need to double tap to enter from a Kit into PF, though (release kit, activate PF).
Frankly, they should simply add the “profession mechanic” button as a bindable key, that way I would link it to “stow weapon” key or some other low-use key and be done with it.
They have repeated ESpec are not improvements but new choices quite a lot of times. However the base professions keep living in the low tier for the most part… nothing new to see here, really.
I really don’t like “Pure DPS” classes. But. Since engie is in a place were ANYTHING seems to be better, I will not complain about Holosmith. With some luck I can make it work with rifle and FT. Maybe.
It’s not perfect, but isn’t bad either, IMO. I think it isn’t relevant enough to waste time on it, really.
I know I will play season 4 anyway, so I know I’m going to buy the expac. Since I’m already decided on that, why not get some little extra perks?
So I’m going to prepurchase PoF soon. Since the new product doesn’t seems that great to me (Mounts, pff…), it will only be the standard version.
Rifle should gain some benefit from heat levels. The weapon has a long time needing some love. Just making Overcharged Shot unreflectable would go miles toward making engie more diverse.
Hard Light Arena would be OP if it could apply to allies as well. I can understand if it stays as is.
It should apply some boons to allies, just not that strong ones.
IMO, everything can be justifiable with some imagination. Updrafts are quite common in real deserts, while ponds and volcanic activity can be almost anywhere. Poison could also exist in different places (I’m sure some of the new foes will be venomous). I don’t think this is about lore or mechanics, but only about development and money.
I can understand HoT masteries not being used right now, given the nature of the adjustments Anet did to give relevance to mounts (not adding, but replacing). What I cant understand is why they did take that route in the first place.
Is the 3rd expac going to use the same strategy It seems to be used here (make old masteries useless to give new masteries relevance)? Will they give us yet ANOTHER way of doing the SAME movement across the new maps? Will it invalidate mounts so they can reapply the same basic mechanic to another thing (vehicles, elevators, magic portals, giant tentacles, etc)?
I really hope I’m wrong, and indeed the new maps offer ways to keep using HoT stuff, (And the 3rd expac offer ways to keep using mounts too), but right now it seems pretty cheap to nullify your current horizontal progression to create a new, awkwardly similar, horizontal progression someplace else.
Does gw2skills have its contents updated to account for the last balance patch changes?
Problem is, instead of proposing a new addition to gameplay that in combination with what already exists creates more choices, PoF is actually banishing any advancement obtained through HoT masteries, replacing them with mounts masteries.
Mounting is not a choice, but a requirement, and an artificially created one, which also depends on eliminating previous choices.This is expected since PoF is standalone and doesn’t require HoT. If PoF zones required HoT masteries then HoT would be essential and not optional.
I’m not speaking of requiring HoT, but about having HoT masteries still playing a role as a parallel route. This way someone who bought both expansions can play in more ways. You can use the rabbit mount to go up that cliff, AND you can also use that mushroom; you can use new gear from PoF to confront that new boss, AND you can also call an exalted helper to back you up; etc. HoT is not required, but is also not forgotten.
Right now it feels like they wanted to erase HoT from existence while you are in Elona.
Would make sense to ban first generation elite specs form the new expac maps? I don’t think so. The logic should be the same with masteries.
The weapons also should have copies in the client, AFAIK.
How do you solve the obstruction it causes to OTHER players? Raven glider is one of the worst visual cluttering offenders in the game…
Problem is, instead of proposing a new addition to gameplay that in combination with what already exists creates more choices, PoF is actually banishing any advancement obtained through HoT masteries, replacing them with mounts masteries.
Mounting is not a choice, but a requirement, and an artificially created one, which also depends on eliminating previous choices.
The traits/skills are for 0-50 and 50-100 heat. One of the traits also allows your Holosmith to gain a third tier, from 100-150. Maybe that’s what is happening?
Engie is not as its best, but it is far from garbage. Some of the new changes have had a very warm reception from many players, so you can say it is generally better than the last few months.
That being said, the meta seems to have suffered a lot, specially the marginal area where Power Engie was still relevant in PvE hard content (Raids). Condi engie suffered too because the change on the food boons, but this change affected most professions, so it somehow balances itself.
I don’t know what you think, but to me this looks fairly close to a cape…
If you are making this thread to help confused people, IMO it is important to clarify what is the cost for salvaging and what is the cost for identifying.
When I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be about making Norn more distinguishable from humans….
THIS. +100000000
The OP didn’t used the word “Casual” in the opening post to clarify his point and elaborate a clear question.
Quite the oposite.
He used the word “Casual” to give an artificial weight to his general opinion in the thread through a false sense of representation of a certain “group”. Then left an open ended question to generate debate.
His specific definition of “Casual” came in much later, when the thread had already devolved into a fist salad.
I think I get your point, but IMO you are not delivering it the right way.
You are proposing that Stats should ALSO influence other things, making dinamic stats intevene where actually only fixed skill numbers do.
This IMO is a good idea, because it would make stats more relevant and choices more interesting. I have myself proposed that Healing Power could become much more relevant if it where determinant in condition removal.
This is NOT, however, something instantly related to balance. It would influence balance, making some things easier to balance, and other harder, but it will not balance things right away.
Still, is a good, rounder and more solid approuch.
A possible mechanic I think could work to do this:
1- Copy Character Name, Proffesion, Level, Map Completion and other similar, not story-related elements. Save them.
2- Delete Character. This would imply to lose all soulbound and story originated stuff.
3- Create a New Character.
4- Give the new Character the saved elements.
5- Fill a “Quick Story” Form: you only select the choices each chapter gives you until the current level and it doesn’t give you any of the rewards you’ll originally get.
6- Release the new character for use.
I’m not saying this should be something. I’d rather see people bond with their characters thanks to a meaningful play though their story than change the character past on a whim. But IMO it CAN be done.
I have never left rifle. It is my favourite weapon. But I would like to see some real synergy between the new elite spec and rifle (All scrapper ever gave me was more might with juggernaut… nothing for weapons except Hammer)
Do we have any info about the other weapons gaining anything from stacking Heat levels?
Don’t get why people are saying it is useless for PvE. In dungeons and raids and even open world events you can use it to revive teammates. Sure it’s not a big deal, but saying it does absolutely nothing and is completely useless in all PvE is quite the exaggeration.
Lets rephrase it then. It doesn’t do anything remarkable or needed in the overwhelming majority of PvE content. Thus becoming the less interesting or useful of the elite spec mechanics.
I don’t hate the F Gyro because it doesn’t give DPS. I hate it because in the narrow content it is usefull (non PvE, for sure), it is also fully dependent on your teammates screwing up.
If you can’t aim your character in the direction you want to go, and then press auto run and go afk, then it is not casual. It’s not that hard to understand. You also have to use more than skill 1 and dodge. It is just not casual.
So your definition of casual is AFK!!!!?
“Casual” is a mindset, or more aptly put, an approach on how someone plays the game. In simple terms, “casual” defines their motive and drive, as opposed to being serious about the game, or hardcore. Truth is, being “Casual” is irrespective of skill or time played. As how many hours someone invests into a game or how skilled they are at playing a game, have no bearing the mindset they have or how they approach the game.
In short, a “Casual” is not looking for a something serious that they have to work at or treat like a job, they are looking to escape into a fantasy world as someone might take a casual stroll in the woods to escape the daily grind of life.
By following your definition, I’m a casual.
I get into Verdant Brink, I equip the fun build I enjoy the most (Flamethrower FTW!), jump from a cliff and begin to search for any close event to participate. I run across mobs I don’t want to fight, and surprise those I want to kill. I can prevail fairly often, but I’m killed often too, so I begin anew, usually in a different direction, following any of the outpost stories because they are just amazing.
Sometimes I just fly around from air vent to air vent, and try to discover ways to get into the canopy without using the copters, just because jumping puzzles are fun. I love exploring.
Sometimes, I cross routes with a commander or a zerg, and join them because zerging is also fun. I participate in meta map events when I see people preparing them, they are also fun. Taxi-ing is more complicated than I like things to be, that’s why I don’t do the metas more often.
I have leerned a lot of tricks, discovered many places, all while playing around for mere fun, without plannning, without using metabattle builds and without taking any part the game as a job. (In fact, the very first reason I don’t do Raids is because the organization is too demanding).
I LOVE HOT. It is challenging, fun and amazing to pass through. It keeps me engaged and active, while central tyria tends to bore me. Does this fact, suddenly, make me a “Hardcore”? Hardly. HOT is truly friendly to casuals, by the definition you posted. IMO you didn’t give it a chance, OR have mixed your arguments.
Amazing art, boring demo.
Raptor is great, and answer various fears I had about mounts:
- Moves faster but also very differently from the player character, weakening the blow against exploration builds.
- Single skill doesn’t force any new combat meta.
- Deactivation when interacting with npcs and nodes avoids the visual clutter typical in other games.
However, the need to give mounts a purpose impacts negatively the rest of the game:
- The map feels flat, forcefully enlarged, and boring to navigate. There is no challenge to exploration, just bare distance.
- Mission locations and terrain gaps spread across the map with the sole purpose imposing multiple long distance travels, so the mounts feel “useful”.
Gliding was a natural, fun extension to exploration. Mounts clearly impose an artificial limitation to environment design and playstyle.
Please, not tonics or outfits! Armor, please, simple pieces. Please.
The complaint is they seems to be (Nobody can be sure yet) making superficial changes to please a majority of players in the first few days, instead of significative changes to please a majority of players in the long run.
I imagine PoF will appeal to fans of HoT and they will have a good time.
Doubt it. It negates two of the major parts of HoT: gliding and vertical maps. Only thing in common are non face-rollable mobs.
Tigirius, the Function Gyro is well known for being very useful when your teammates or foes are DOWNED, to rez or stomp them at a medium distance (900). You need to first target them, then press “f”. You can even double rez (Activate first your Gyro from a distance, then step up and rez too).
However, the Function Gyro DOESN’T work in DEFEATED characters.
This renders it almost useless outside Player versus Player situation, because NPCs almost never get downed. So it is a ten ton crap mechanic in PvE.
TLDR: good in PvP, useless in PvE. If your foe or mate have their heads on the ground, the Gyro doesn’t affect them.
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