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Condi Mesmer setup?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I’ve mostly played as a power mesmer, so I’m not too familiar with the condi setups. I tried the famous PU build, but it didn’t really stick to me. Probably just not familiar with it, but it felt too safe and I couldn’t get it to be bursty.

Would rampager or carrion gears compliment a mesmer? I want it to be flexible so I can play around with traits.

Please nerf Heartseaker.

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Wasn’t there a pvp setup with traits and stats, that actually worked with HS spammage? It was a troll build, only used the mainhand dagger.

My spill on why thief is not fair

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


1) When a thief is invis, they gain a huge advantage over others. Sure they are not damaging, however they gain first strike. Basically, if timed well they can catch you when you are completely unprepared and deal huge amount of damage killing you in 3 – 5 seconds.

No other class has this ability, you can even see mesmers approaching you.

Element of surprise is one of the thief’s essential weapons. The best counter, expect it coming. Save stun breaks, save counters, and stay aware of your surroundings.

2) Thiefs have huge healing power. Withdraw is a 15 second heal skill that dodges and heals + many blinks. Unless more then 1 person is shutting down a thief, they are unkillable.

1 on 1 the thief cannot be killed, as they have many escapes on a short cool down.

That insane healing power offsets the glass cannon build of thieves. Without it, a thief dies almost instantly.

3) Thiefs can scout in wvw, you are free to roam into enemy territory, kill yaks and even snipe small groups of players. It is not hard to kill 2 on 1 or even 3 on 1 in wvw vs noob or average guys. It takes much higher skill for other classes to do this.

Arguably, any class can scout WvW. Thieves are just the favored because of their array of escapes from dangerous situations. Thieves are great at scouting, but how much do they assist in zerging? Aside from spamming SB 2 for blast finishers?

4) Thiefs are able to give long ammounts of AOE invis. This gives large groups of players a first strike advantage, which is totally unfair and usually means the group wins. Look at 2v2 5v5 battles that are coordinated with thief.

Long uptime on AOE invis….hm, I can’t counter that argument, aside from saying you have to stay in one spot for a long time to get that.

A small havoc team can benefit, but in larger fights, a mesmer is much better suited to make the group invisible for surprise attacks.

5) The class itself is cheese to play, it’s never been to easy to kill people in spvp, i literally backstab, blackpowder autto and heartseek and almost all class is dead even warrior and gaurdians who are tanks.


Unless you’re a bloody engineer with all those CC…..gosh, I hate those guys….

Please nerf Heartseaker.

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


He might be on to something….I do remember awhile back there was a specific trait and setup for 1 hand dagger, and HS spammage. The funny thing, it actually worked.

But I don’t know if I’d like increased initiative for HS…it’s great for running away from outmatched fights..

Rate the Asura Name Above You!

in Asura

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Zoozuu: 7/10 – It’s a pretty nice name, but really twists the tongue.

Here’s my fire loving elementalist, Avkii. She loves the power of fire, yet she attends the college of Static. Go figure.


Sonic Tunneling Tool not working in wvw :(

in WvW

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Odd, instruments are usable in WvW.

Huge ruins spider overscaling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I killed her with another guildie – took something like a half hour.

Although, I think she was fixed at one point. When I first ran across the spider, the fight wasn’t something exceedingly memorable and I forgot about it.

Rifle for Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I wondered why thieves didn’t get a rifle with sniper-like skills. But if you think about it, thieves are usually quiet, stealthy, and shadowstepping everywhere. A rifle in this game is noisy and cumbersome.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I’m glad other people like it. XD I prefer the more ‘serious’ aspect of this game – but I got nothing against those bobblehead tables. Try it with a quaggan tonic.

I tried a few sips of the stuff just for kicks. Seriously, what did they put IN there?

Gauntlet Chances Drop Record

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Another 224 chances, and another favor of the pavilion. Oh joy.

I’m getting bored with Boss Blitz. What’s another way to accumulate tickets? Before I just throw in the towel and farm the gold I’ll need?

5-gambit builds?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


After watching another fellow thief defeat Halmi with 4 gambits, and half the time I usually took with 5, I’ve switched to doing the same. You don’t need to backstab with d/p – just keep auto attacking. Also, haste covers the time Thieve’s Guild is in cooldown. I think it also works better than TG.

Now if I can just get tickets as fast as I can kill Hammerfall, that’d be great….

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

One nerf that would make you quit?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


You know what would be very painful? If they nerfed Basilisk Venom. Longer cooldown, shorter duration – so many thieves rely on that utility.

Remove down state from PvP/WvW

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Seeing how some skills can burst serious damage (one backstab can slice off half the target’s health) I think it’s perfectly fair to give people a chance to rally…

Countering Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Yes, I understand that the Mesmer uses AI as a class mechanic. However, shatter specs require a large amount of skill. Phantasm mesmers simply summon AI and run in circles while blocking and blurred frenzying

Noooot quite…. both shatter and phantasms require timing coordination. Phantasms never last long. The only time you even let phantasms live long enough to ‘do all the work’ is if you’re out solo – when you need extra support to mitigate aggro.

Denying yourself of one of the class’ abilities will deny yourself from a useful weapon. You play thief – You don’t like stealth spam, but I bet you still CnD to get a surprise daze. It’s the same with phantasms. If you just summon phantasms, and don’t even shatter them, you lose out on a damage burst, a blind, an interrupt, and a distort.

You haven’t played mesmer yet, so don’t deny the mechanics until you’ve had the time to test them out.

Remove down state from PvP/WvW

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Really, what is so bad about it? It adds a bit more challenge in outnumbered fights. And if you rally up, you get to come out with a vengeance.

I need a good dps D/D thief build

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Wow, much rudeness. @Hydro, the trait system only takes 1 point for upgrades instead of 5 now, and you get free refunds, so you can play with different builds. If you made a brand new character, you’ll have to unlock the traits – either buying from merchants or doing events.

General build for a D/D is 0/6/6/2/0. Go full zerker to make up for the difference in damage. If you feel too squishy, use valkyrie.

Oh, and we have ferocity traits now, instead of critical damage. It sort of works the same way. The more points you dump in ferocity, the more you get out of critical damage – not a flat value anymore.

D/P is so gimmicky!!!

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I’ll agree, it is a great set for duels. Probably because I’m quite used to d/d that d/p wasn’t difficult to swap to.

$100 says there is no guildie, just a disgruntled player who got stomped.The guise of “lol me terribad but thief so easy and op and gimmicky lol” is paper thin.Nice try though.

Actually…you were the necro weren’t you….

Mmmm…nope. Here’s a lovely picture of my thief. I don’t even play necro.

Can I have the $100?


(edited by Arikyali.5804)

Countering Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Personally, I’d suggest a zerker-shatter build against thieves. They can hurt, but it’s a very high-risk/high-reward playstyle.

I play both thief and mesmer. Mesmer against thieves, it’s a lot of reading your opponent’s strategy. Mesmers lose out on thieves in terms of mobility. Try S/S and GS, and play around with traits. Since thieves have plenty of shadowsteps, this denies the GS from being effective in damage output – but it’s still great for CC.

(And, to fellow mesmers…thieves don’t have to be stealth spam. S/D thieves are more mobility/power setups. Thieves who spam stealth sometimes can’t do anything BUT spam stealth – pretty predictable in fights.)

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

D/P is so gimmicky!!!

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


-cries- I hate it, but it’s helped me win so many matches.

I was playing d/d and s/d, dueling a guildie necro. After he switched to a Minion Master build, he kept beating me. So someone suggested I go d/p.

“But…I don’t like d/p. It’s so…gimmicky. It feels gimmicky, it plays gimmicky. It’s just – gimmicky!”

“Just try it.”

…Fiiiine, I went d/p. And won. Plenty times.

Gosh darnit. Why does d/p have to be so effective in 1v1? That aoe blind and shadowstep facestab is just so…beautiful.

Actually, I’m terribad with d/p. How many times did I accidentally let myself get revealed by BPing from stealth? Or waste a basilisk venom on a headshot when I meant to throw a dagger? Goodness gracious, and I still won?

So……gimmicky. Gah.

One nerf that would make you quit?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


If they removed the trait ‘blind on stealth’

Or, ‘regenerate health on stealth’

Or, ‘remove conditions on stealth’

…Actually, I’d probably just switch to sword. Nevermind.

How do you stop perma stealth Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


The poor rabbit…

My ears!!

in Asura

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Has it always done that?

Yes, it has. It’s been like that ever since I used the total makeover kit – which was quite a long time ago.

I would really like some "sexy" gear skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Yes female body looks better and is sexualized. That’s why skimpy clothes fit well on females and not on males.

As a male you want to show off the upper body only ( assuming its a public place) but a female can show off everything .

That’s why I said , beside from having the ability to hide the chest piece in this game, any type of other “skimpy” clothes would look weird on a male.

I can’t help but just cringe at what you’re posting. Your generalizing definition of men and women made me cry inside. Not all women flip over bare-chest Mr. Muscles. Not all men flip over voluptuous curves. What looks better, is completely based on preference. Every person has a unique definition of what looks nice, and what doesn’t.

Female body gets sexualized in games, because it sells. It objectifies, and sometimes, it’s offending. And female gamers don’t want to play a toon designed to appeal the specific fantasy of one audience.

By the way, a female can’t ‘show off’ everything…How many women walk topless down the street?

Leveling an alt is so much more tedious now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Tomes are easy to get for a level 80. And I bet (or at least hope) most people with a level 80 would know the basic game mechanics well enough to pug their way through and not drag others down.

Other option, do map completion on an alt. 1 map easily makes about 5 levels. It’s a lot more fun if you distract yourself from watching the EXP bar.

I would really like some "sexy" gear skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Arguments for skimpy armor will always bring up debates between male and female looks. The gaming industry was heavily centered around appealing to its main audience – men. It’s only fairly recent that women gamers are also taken into account.

If it looks skimpy on a female, it should equally look skimpy on a male. But that’s not always the case.

What everyone is asking is:
-more variation on male medium and light armor designs
—-Robes for females equal to males
—-Skins for males equal to females
—-Less trenchcoats for males

-More ‘pit fighter’ heavy armor designs for both male and female
—-Remains practical, within a fantasy game

-No obscene/offensive designs that would bring in an R rating

Can we all agree with this?

How do you stop perma stealth Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


It doesn’t feel like my Focus wall is pulling them any where. Does any stealth come with some sort of stability? Lots of times on ledges I’ve seen thief to stealth on a ledge, I focus pull them, and they are still on the ledge…

Stealthing doesn’t give stability. Where exactly on the ledge are you trying to pull them? If it’s at a keep or tower, there is a little wall that keeps players from being entirely pulled off. You need to pull them in certain corners of the building, in order to get them.

Edit: Snap, I just realized this thread was necro’d…

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

5-gambit builds?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


d/p also works. Just BP-auto attack-HS-move around-backstab.

I’ve been using the 5 gambits on hammerfall as an excuse to practice effective backstabbing.

I would really like some "sexy" gear skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I might be the minority, but it’s refreshing to play a game that isn’t focused on skimpy armor. It’s one of the factors which led to me get GW2. I can safely play a female character that is not perverse in any way.My female thief fights, talks, moves, and dresses like an actual person.

This is a big thing for me. I like gaming, but I don’t want a character that’s strictly designed to appeal to hormone fantasies. I want my characters to look beautiful. I’m not here to watch half naked players run around the screen. I’m here to kick butt, take names, stomp enemies, and chill with friends.

Appreciating human beauty is vastly different from what the mainstream MMO designs. This is 21st century, and boys are not the only people on the internet.

It’s also nice to have a game with a mature audience. I think the lack of skimpy armor helped contribute to that…

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

Gauntlet Chances Drop Record

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


..I was thinking I was unlucky, since people got their Lyssa dropped around 500 chances. Then again, at least I seem to get a guaranteed drop every 150.

…I just wish those favors were worth more on the TP.

Gauntlet Chances Drop Record

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


So, I’ve been at the gauntlet arena, trying my luck for a Chaos of Lyssa drop. Here are my numbers:

Total Gauntlet Chances: 823

Favors of the Pavilion: 3

Toxic Backpiece Skin: 1

Mini Toxic Hybrid: 1

No Lyssa drop yet. I’ll keep trying until I’m bored of killing poor Hammerfall. Has anyone else recorded their drop records?

Edit: This is all post-patched.

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

Chaos of Lyssa Drop Increase

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I feel sorry for the people who spent a lot of gold for the recipe…

…And I envy those who sold it to them.

Reporting player for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Where can I submit such a ticket? I know you can report players ingame (which I did), but I also have recorded video feed of the incident.

Do I simply submit a ticket through the support page?

Your Signature Weaponset?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Sword/Pistol and GS – It’s my favorite setup, but I do switch weapons/gear/traits, depending on what skills I’ll need. I make it a habit to carry one of each weapon.

The one I use the least, is probably a scepter – my timing for optimizing it for shatter is almost always off.

Thiefs biggest counter

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I believe a shatter-zerker-sword-mesmer can counter a thief pretty well.

Ironically, shatter-zerker-sword-mesmer is the main class/build I play…even by knowing what to expect, it still hurts…

Build advice - WvW Commander

in Guardian

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I can always use the cleric setup for pve/havoc, or for non-commander zergs.

Is the shield a viable choice for guardians in WvW?

What's your charr war band?

in Charr

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Aciera Moonflare – Iron legion, of the Flare warband.

Soldier stats for thief

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Let’s just say I happen to have the resources to spend for making a soldier set for my thief. Now, what kind of traits, weapons, runes, etc would compliment this in the best way?

And what could I possibly use a soldier set for? Dungeon farming, perhaps?

The Meaning Behind The Ranks

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Just some fun. Each rank has a mascot, so post your meaning for them.

Rabbit: I run away fast.

Deer: I run away really fast.

Dolyak: I don’t need to run…….as much.

Wolf: Hunting – Er, PvPing with the pack. Alone is suicide.

Tiger: Mmm…Dolyak meat. Roar.

Bear: You want some of this? You want some? I’m a big, husky bear. Come at me, bro.

Shark: Dun dun – Dun dun – Dundundundundundundundun LOL PWNT!!!!

Phoenix: I am awe-inspiring and magnificent. Bask in my glory, you mere mortals. Bask I say, bask.

Dragon: I spent way too much time in this game.

Your favorite weaponset

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Interesting, I love D/D as well, but every other thief I run into prefers some variant of S/X. Although, S/D is my weapon swap.

Subject 7 with meta

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Well snap, that actually worked. Thanks.

Subject 7 with meta

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


That’s…it? seriously? Don’t even need a mainhand weapon, and it dies in the time limit?

Full zerker, I assume.

Subject 7 with meta

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Has anyone managed to defeat Subject 7 with the meta achievement, of not killing the other slimes?

The other slimes die off pretty quickly with reflect skills, but I can’t tank all of them. And I can’t find a suitable set up of distortions and interrupts to negate all that damage.

Easiest gauntlets and gambits?

in Living World

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I found Doobroosh with five gauntlets to be a piece of cake. But I have noticed: gambits or not, you get one gauntlet chance per ticket spent – meaning you don’t actually have to fight with gambits to get more drops?

The rare goodies are extremely rare. Your time would likely be better spent farming gold (e.g. dungeons) and buying what you really want. Just trash the tickets.

I’m beginning to agree with this. The Lyssa back piece was the only one I’m after; but if it’s not dropping, then I might as well not bother.

Irritating ingame question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


This kind of stuff is borderline harassment. Several of us female gamers do not want to put up with lewd whispers from random strangers. That behavior and attitude drives us away from games. First of all, it’s creepy. Second, we came to play a game for fun, not be socially targeted and singled out, because we’re women.

I hope this guy got a wake-up call that this is the 21st century..

Easiest gauntlets and gambits?

in Living World

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Is the Chaos of Lyssa backpiece still bugged?

Easiest gauntlets and gambits?

in Living World

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I have plenty gauntlet tickets left, and I was planning to try my luck with farming the rare goodies from the gauntlet. Seeing as you get more rewards with the gambits on, what is the easiest combo of gauntlets and max gambits?

My ears!!

in Asura

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


But it’s such an aggravation to look at, whenever I’m in combat – which is quite a lot of the time.

Your Top 3 Favorite Mesmer Skills. Why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


There are so many mesmer skills I love. I can’t pick only 3.

1) Time Warp – so versatile, so useful. It’s great for PvE, and I’ve managed to use it offensively in WvW zergfights, to turn the tide of battle.

2) Signet of the Ether – when this skill was added, I almost never went back to my older heal skills. Constant regen, refresh my phantasms, and a heal? Yes please.

3) Blurred frenzy – an ‘up in your face’ sword attack, that still gives distortion. It combos so well with the sword mainhand.

Death Blossom: Useless?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Again you do not USE d/d alone in a condition build. You use it in conjunction with p/d and it works great as part of a hybrid build.

You are trying to compare it to the direct damage of the backstab. You compare apples and oranges. It is not intended to be used as part of a power build.

D/d is the only melee weapon a thief has that stacks bleeds.

What are the traits used for the d/d hybrid? I’d like to see them.

As for ‘comparing’ backstab to condi, that wasn’t where it fell short. It was the waste of initiative to damage output – same reason why spamming HS is deemed faulty. Death Blossom doesn’t hurt, even with a build that supports conditions.

Death Blossom: Useless?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I’m afraid I’d have to disagree with the D/D condi. A guildie of mine experimented with it, but 1v1, it still lost against the D/D backstab. The waste of initiative wasn’t worth the damage output.

If there actually is a condi D/D that can match up with backstab D/D, I want to see it. Right now, the only use I can find for death blossom, are tagging enemies, and being a whirl finisher.