Level 80 exotics all have the same stats, what you’re grinding for is the prestige of owning a hard to get set. None of it is necessary, but it’s cool to own things that not many people have. If you don’t want to do a dungeon or karma grind, there’s other stuff to do.
Exactly. And I did like how one of the earlier posters said WoW wasn’t a grind. You can do the same raid month after month after month and never get the drop you were after.
Let’s say 5% of a games players visit the forums, in reality it’s lower than that at around 2-3%. An even smaller % of that actually post on the forums. Now, you have to take into account that there are different sub-forums that players go to. In the end you’re looking at less than half of a percent of a games population are going to be vocal about the same topic. Now, let’s say 75% of those people are making the same complaint, you are now down to .375% of a games population are vocal about the same problem on a games forums.
Let’s say there are 2 million players for GW2, that means roughly 7,500 people are the vocal majority, again the numbers are actually lower. 7,500 out of 2,000,000 is really nothing. You can have the vocal majority on a forums but you’re still a pimple of the actual game, thus an extreme vocal minority overall.
Now, as I posted earlier in this thread there are indeed things that need to be changed and ANet is making changes to the game.
Farming: If you played GW1 then the “Anti-Farm Code” they put in should NOT surprise anyone as the same basic “code” was used. You could only farm the same area so many times before they basically turned off the drop chance. If you expect ANet to change the way they did things for the past 7+ years then you’re crazy. If you want to avoid the “Anti-Farm Code” altogether then you can go to a different area and do something else. That’s the whole point of the “code” to begin with. They don’t want you doing the same thing over and over and over again, they want you to experience the world. If you don’t like that then go play a different game, or create your own with your own ruleset.
Bugs: ANet fixes bugs quite fast. With the exception of the weekend, as everyone needs some time off, they have a bug patch for you just about every morning when you log on. If they haven’t fixed the bug you wanted then make sure to report it, and have others report it as well. Just because you reported it and several others know about it doesn’t mean that everyone else reported it as well. I’m sure there are a lot of people who don’t know how to report bugs. If you find a bug then report it yourself, then tell your guild/map chat about it and request they report it as well. The more people that report it the quicker it gets fixed. Some bugs are more difficult to fix so even if everyone reports it, it may not get fixed right away.
Exploits/Bots/Gold Spammers: As with the above section, report it and make sure that everyone else is reporting them as well. More people reporting = more chances that ANet knows about the problem. Like most MMO developers they probably do mass bannings instead of individual. Due to this it does take time before you notice changes. I would love for them to just ban all bots right away, but it probably won’t happen anytime soon.
Cultural Set Price: Again, they are expensive because they want the skins to be kept rare. They are not exotic quality because ANet wants you to get them if you really want to represent your culture. I am saving up for the Asura Set myself because I want to represent my culture. It is also a gold sink to ensure a stable and healthy economy. If you don’t agree with the price, or if you don’t think the set is worth the price, then no one is forcing you to buy it. If you do want it then save up. Even a slow earner should be able to get 10 gold a week, so if that person really wanted the armor then they could save up for a few months. This is a MMO and doesn’t have a sub fee so save up a little at a time and eventually you will have a full set.
Dungeon Sets: Same with the above post. Meant to be something you get over a period of time. If you want to grind for it and get it in a few days, you are free to do that. If you want to run the instances once a day then you will have a full set within 2 months. If you don’t like “grinding” instances to get the sets then you are playing the wrong genre. MMO’s are meant to last a LONG time. If you want a game where you can get everything in a matter of hours then this is the wrong game for you. You can easily get a full set of exotic armor off of the TC for 10-20 gold. There are multiple paths you can choose.
Did you accidentally click the “Hide Helm” option by mistake?
W2G Erebus, completely disregard the rest of what I said and go with what you did. I can use MS without having to worry about being retaliated against in any way by standing on a wall out of LoS. Each meteor can hit multiple people for large sums of damage and be a complete game changer that can make/break a siege defense. I also like how you completely disregard the portion about me saying things need to be better balanced.
In a siege defense it is quite easy to lay down a MS on a group of people and have them not move out of the way because they are focused elsewhere. I, in no way, said MS was overpowered. I said it can give the illusion of being overpowered if conditions line up, much like they probably did in the OP’s picture. Without having the full story it is mindless QQ that does absolutely NO GOOD to anyone and will NOT result in any form of balance.
I have the achievement for doing over 300k damage in 1 hit. Now that’s a HUGE amount of damage and, if I posted a screenshot with nothing but the amount of damage being done then the QQ about Ele’s being OP would happen in no time flat. Now, if you take into account that damage being done was to a critter then the picture becomes clearer. Do you see where I’m going with this. You need the full picture to understand what happened in order to find a reasonable solution.
@Moon. The way I read your post was you wanted to keep it the way it was now, which is the person with the highest +condition damage gets the DoT up. I do agree that there should be separate stacks per person because if you made a condition build you are borderline useless if someone else has more + Cond Dmg. I don’t think that should be fair.
Now, the way it is currently set up is completely OK in PvP. I think it should remain that way. Just needs the change in PvE.
For those saying condition builds aren’t worth it because they do less damage, who cares? I like seeing the geyser of numbers popping off a mob when I have all my bleeds going. You should be able to spec the way you want but the current set up leaves very little choice. You can have 1 condition player and everyone else needs to be direct damage. Limited choices aren’t fun.
Gw2 has one of the best launch in the recent mmo history. Their server IS reliable. You can literally count how many hours of downtime since release with one hand.
Another typical fanboy comment here. As for the first comment, glad it went smooth for YOU, it was the worst launch of a new game that i’ve ever experienced, that’s for sure! As for the second comment, well….depends what you call “downtime”. I mean, I couldn’t log in what so ever for a fair few days in the “early release” and then the full release, that definetely counts as “downtime” for me. That’s not taking into account the amount of flaws, bugs and other issues this game has which affects my enjoyment of the game, still now nearly a month down the line.
Either you’ve mistyped your comment, or that one hand you speak of is full of fingers.
The only time the servers were down during the pre-release lasted approximately 3 hours, and this was after the game had already been up for roughly 6 hours. Now if you weren’t able to log in due to a bug/glitch or something then that’s understandable, but the vast majority were able to log in after the servers came up after that 3 hour downtime.
Now, there are still bugs with the game, there always will be as well. ANet is acting as fast as they possibly can with fixes. Just about every day you log on there is a patch with bug fixes. The only game I have played that had a smoother launch was RIFT. Hell, several console games have rougher launches than GW2 did.
@ar so since by your calculations exotic is 10percent increase and that rune alone +5percent damage increase, and theres six so its 30 + 10 = 40 percent.
1000 damage vs 1400 damage, sure eq doesn’t doent matter?
Already replied to your PM, but just in case anyone else failed to grasp this I’m going to repost it here.
Superior Runes/Sigils can be placed in ANY item that is at least level 60. It doesn’t matter if it is White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, or Red (I think legendary is red), so long as it is level 60 then the rune/sigil can be used in that item.
Now, since any item, of at least level 60, can house a Superior Rune/Sigil you cannot take that set bonus into account without giving the same bonus to every other item that meets the level requirement. A level 60 white can get that same 30% bonus that a level 80 exotic can get. Due to this you are only able to use the base item stats themselves when making a comparison, aka the ~10% increase.
What you call “grind” is actually called “playing the game”.
Have you noticed that?
The reason it is a “grind” to you is because you are reward-focused from years of playing MMOs that have distilled boring activities into loot pinatas — you go out and do “this” activity to get “that” loot or you cannot do anything else because of “gear checks”.
GW2 is not that kind of game. Upgrades are extremely minor and you can do whatever you feel like doing at the moment and typically work towards multiple ends at the same time.
Of course, if you aren’t enjoying the game you can just take a break. It’s not like it has a subscription, after all. You should not expect any single game to consume every single waking minute of your life.
Yea, umm have you even seen the cost of dungeon exotics? A dungeon exotic set (just the armor) costs 1380 “dungeon tokens”. Considering you get roughly 30 tokens a run, that would net out to 46 dungeon runs.
Wait, what? 46 dungeon runs? I must’ve done that math wrong…
1380 / 30 = … Holy crap, that’s 46.
Riddle me this, in what universe does doing anything 46 times not seem insanely tedious? (Except making whoopy or eating jelly beans of course).
You’re playing the wrong genre of game. I think you want a single player fantasy game like Skyrim, Darksiders, Borderlands, really anything other than a MMO. These games are designed to be semi-never ending. You want an end to the game so go play games that have them.
Or, if you want to keep the caps as is… have the most powerful effect take priority.
See, that’s not a good idea. If I go as a scepter and use either Fire or Earth builds, they are all about conditions, fire being burning and earth being bleeds. Fire can do some decent direct damage, but earth is really all about condition damage.
The way you mentioned is how it works already and is not all that great. If I go with earth it is all about bleeds, very little direct damage. I like Earth when playing solo as I like getting 15-16 stacks of bleeds up and watching the numbers tick away. But if I’m doing a group event and there are 20+ players there, there will be 25 stacks of bleeds up non stop, but the only damage that I will do is from the direct damage portion as my bleed damage is overwritten by someone who has more +condition damage. Yes, I could swap to fire/lightning, which is what I do, but the way it works is horrible.
The only possible thing I could see happening is either allowing multiple stacks, maybe just for PvE and not PvP as it could cause balance problems. You really can’t have multiple condition players fighting the same big boss because of this and it’s really limits build diversity.
If I remember correctly they do/did the same thing in Aion, at least at the start as I don’t know if they changed it. If you are fighting a dragon it makes the fight take a LOT longer as well as there are usually 50+ people fighting them, if not more, but only the top +condition damage player gets to actually have his conditions do damage, everyone else is out of luck.
I didnt intend for this to become a flame war… I was just asking why everyone is so instant to jump on the nerf/buff bandwagon when the meta game hasn’t even established yet.
Can this get locked? The flaming is helping nothing..
That is what forums have become for just about every game in existence. Sadly the unhappy, vocal minority come to the forums whenever they dislike something. Yes, there are several people who don’t actually use the forums for that purpose, but generally the ones happy with the game are actually playing it.
Right now I am playing the AH which takes time so I’m watching TV and fixing dinner. Once my buy orders are finished then I’m going to salvage them and hopefully make a profit by selling the mats back. Then I’m going to go finish the last quest of my personal story. I skipped Arah because I knew it was going to be the place of my final battle and I didn’t want to ruin it. Can’t wait to slay the big, bad dragon!
I don’t think anyone here is saying things don’t need adjusting but when you come in and say Class A did Y Damage to me and don’t give a full story then you are helping NO ONE! My Meteor Shower wrecks absolute havoc a group of upleveled/undergeared players. Maybe not 17k+ damage in 1 blow but I see 6k+ (talking about glass cannon spec with 3 orbs) meteors hitting multiple people over and over again while I’m safely hidden behind a wall. The amount of damage 1 full round of a MS can do to a group of 20 players could be considered highly OP if people didn’t want to look at all the facts.
If you want balance then give all of the facts instead of cherry picking the ones you want to give. It doesn’t make your argument any stronger by doing what the OP did.
Agreed. 3 orbs + geared 80 versus undergeared boosted player = lots of damage.
If you don’t think larger guilds purchase influence scrolls as well then you’re crazy. If you want to be in a small guild you need to accept the fact that things are going to happen at a slower pace. If you wish to speed up that pace then you can easily do so, and it’s quite cheap I might add.
Not saying anything about one being op/up and all that, but what level are you? I’ve hit some upscaled people in WvW for huge amounts because I’m an 80 and have decent gear and they don’t.
I’m an elementalist btw.
Weird, I don’t get nearly as much coin or exp and half the normal karma. And no, this isn’t the anit-farm code people are going on about.
Yeah, you can put Superior Runes/Sigils in any gear as long as it is at least level 60. It doesn’t matter if it’s a common level 60 item or a legendary level 80.
I don’t get but roughly 1.5-2k exp per event. That is what I got when I was that level. I was getting around 5 levels per map by doing all of the events/hearts per map, sometimes more if I gathered a lot. Karma, sounds about right though, the copper reward though, not really all that much. I get 350-400 karma per event at 80, doing 80 events, 18-19k exp, and 1.5-2k silver. It’s a lot less when doing lower level zone events.
Yeah, chests are generally scaled to your level, at least for boss events. That’s why you see loads of people fighting dragons. The event reward itself, karma/exp/gold, doesn’t scale though which is what I was aiming at tweaking. :-)
Don’t know why it won’t let me quote but:
“BTW, gear matters hugely. Some of my exotic armor outclassed what I was wearing by 150 points per piece. My lvl 80 exotic weapons are hugely more powerful too.”
Level 80 exotics are slightly better than level 80 rares which are slightly better than level 80 masterworks and so on. If you have found a piece of level 80 gear that is 150 points higher than another piece of level 80 gear then please show it to me. Whenever I look at the TC and compare Exotics to Rare I see 2-4 point differences at best.
Base Damage differential is in the 100s, not to mention adding up all +1% extra crit damage from exotic berserker set, the number differential is significant.
Don’t believe me? try it out for yourself.
It’s been a while since I looked at anything other than gems. I believe that’s where i got the 2-4 stat increase. Crystal to Orb is incredibly small, but the price difference is 5x that.
But, as mentioned above, that’s roughly a 10% difference in stats. So you would go from 1k to 1.1k damage a swing. Considering how much HP level 80 mobs have, you’re only going to shave off a second or two at most over the course of the fight.
I’ve got plenty of gold on hand but I am in masterwork quality gear because, in this game, gear doesn’t matter nearly as much as your skill does. Hell, unless you’re increasing your damage by 50-100% you’re probably not going to notice things dying faster.
I help lower level friends out all the time, but I would much rather be in a higher level zone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with increasing the rewards to be more in line with actual level instead of effective level. Again, they shouldn’t be identical because the difficulty isn’t anywhere near the same.
It would increase the chance of higher leveled players in the lower leveled zones. Regardless of how excellent some of the lower leveled zones are, the amount of players in those zones are going to continually decrease over time. There are only so many people who are going to buy the game or roll alts.
I am NOT comparing GW2 to any of the following games used in my next example. WoW has roughly 9 million players yet you hardly see people in the lower level zones or doing lower level content because there is no reason to do so. Now if you look at RIFT on the other hand, when you go to a lower level zone, or mentor down or whatever it’s called, or do the scenarios for the lower level zones, you get rewarded based on your actual level. This increased the number of players in all zones, or at least I believe that is how it works as I haven’t played in quite a while.
Will there always be people who go and help lower leveled friends? Of course. That happens in WoW and it happened in RIFT, even before they added the changes. The number of players, however, continues to decrease over the life of the game. My proposed idea would help tremendously in keeping the game world feeling alive for years to come.
Don’t know why it won’t let me quote but:
“BTW, gear matters hugely. Some of my exotic armor outclassed what I was wearing by 150 points per piece. My lvl 80 exotic weapons are hugely more powerful too.”
Level 80 exotics are slightly better than level 80 rares which are slightly better than level 80 masterworks and so on. If you have found a piece of level 80 gear that is 150 points higher than another piece of level 80 gear then please show it to me. Whenever I look at the TC and compare Exotics to Rare I see 2-4 point differences at best.
I came up with a little idea about the downscaling after reading a few threads. I don’t want the downscaling itself to change in any way but I do see a point some are making.
If you are an 80 and helping out a friend in a low level area you are rewarded what you would be for doing an event if you were level 10 yourself. Those rewards are, of course, no where near what they are when you are doing level 80 events. This, naturally, leads people to not wanting to actually help.
My idea is to increase the rewards to between 50-75% of what your actual level would be rewarded. The reason I don’t feel they should match 100% is because even if you are downscaled you have an enormous advantage still. I can go down to the Human starting area to farm some cloth, round up 10-15 mobs, and AoE them down without dropping below 90% hp while a person that is actually closer to that level would suffer an almost instant death. Due to the lower difficulty level you shouldn’t get the full reward.
Naturally this would lead to more higher levels helping out lower level zones. I would love to go back and help kill that stupid Fire Elemental in the Asura starting zone, as I am sure many others would as well. I think it would actually be more in line with ANet’s philosophy if they did this as it would lead to a more active world and there wouldn’t be zerge groups running around the level 80 maps that then come and QQ on the forums about the “anti-farm” code.
Of course I am only talking about event completion rewards with this. A level 10 raptor should still drop the basic claws and not the 400 crafting version. I do believe this would help keep the world feeling healthy and alive as I get tired of hearing “Now you die” or being yanked by yet another anchor over and over again just to keep the rewards more in line with my level. I don’t want anything nerfed!
SHMWhen 10 fanboys jump on a post that brings up a legitimate issue.
It’s not a legitimate issue if it completely changes a core aspect of the gameplay that a majority of the game’s players bought the game for and enjoy.
You can’t say that with absolute certainty. This is your opinion and a point of conjecture. If something is broken it needs fixing or scrapping. I don’t care if its core to the game or not.
An example is (in my opinion) level scaling. It needs to either be seriously reworked or scrapped. The loot/XP/karma don’t scale to my actual level. So you punish people with a fight with no hope of a decent reward. It needs a serious fix like a toggle on/off, or adjusted rewards to level. It’s not working, its a system that simply keeps me out of the lower levels. That wa not what they had in mind when they made it. Another one, diminishing rewards. You don’t punish legit players for simply playing.
Not a minority of the players feel this way either. read the boards. Its flooded with this stuff. I guess its easy to dismiss everyone as a whiner, rather than admit there’s a problem.
my point, if its broke = fix it.
I do agree with you partly. If you’re 80 and scaled down to a level 10 event then you should get rewarded closer to your actual level. Now you shouldn’t be rewarded the exact same because even a downscaled 80 can completely annihilate level 10 mobs in no time flat. Maybe make them 50-75% of what you get for doing 80 events. I think that would be fair.
“I don’t want Guild Wars 2 to be WoW. I want it to be what it promised to be: a game that is fun to play. Such mechanics impede my enjoyment the game. Sure it might not bother some, but I doubt there’s anyone out there who actually find the anti-farm code fun.”
Again, if you’re not in a zerge group going around doing the same events over and over and over again then you’re not going to notice any change. You are getting exactly what ANet promised by doing multiple things within the game instead of 1 thing over and over again. By “farming” events time and time again you are doing exactly what ANet has stated they don’t want people doing. People who followed the game before it was released knew exactly that.
If you farmed the same instances/bosses, over and over again in GW1 they did the same thing they are doing in GW2. It is should be absolutely no surprise to anyone who played GW1 or followed the production of GW2 that they do this.
You can purchase influence pretty cheaply. I think it’s like 2 silver per 100. If you’re in a small guild you can easily get the same amount of bonuses as a large guild if you’re willing to dish out some gold. While leveling from 1-80 I started my own guild because I didn’t want to be in anyone elses and was tired of getting invites. I managed to purchase all of the upgrades I wanted by myself. There’s no reason to remove them or change them in any way.
Faction Armor: Meant to be a rare skin used for transmuting. If you want to represent your faction then save up for it and do just that! Don’t complain about the cost. It is there to give you something to strive after. If you don’t think the price is worth it then go after something else.
Anti-Farm Code: If you don’t just run around with a zerg group then you won’t notice any change. Every time I do an event I get the full amount of exp/karma/silver. I get a healthy supply of drops. If you want easy exotics then you can get a full set off of the Trade Center for 10-20 gold. It’s that simple. Don’t complain because you can’t just go run around with a zerg group for a day and get full exotics with little to no effort on your part.
Teleport Hacking: Report them that way ANet can work on ways to fix the problem. WoW has them still and it’s been around for years and years. If it was a simple fix it would be fixed already. There are always going to be players out there that try and exploit things whenever they can. Sad people are sad.
Dungeon Rewards: If you are running around with a PUG and doing explorable modes then you’re going to have a painful trip and you’re going to spend a lot on repairs. If you are chain speed running them, trying to skip as much of the content in each dungeon as possible, then don’t complain when they nerf it. They want the unique skins to take some time to get that way everyone isn’t wearing them in less than a month. Take your time and run with a coordinated group of players and you will have an enjoyable experience with little to no downside. If you just want to run them over and over again to get your set so you can then come QQ on the forums about nothing to do, then by all means go to another game. The amount of time it takes to get any unique set is absolutely nothing compared to the first Guild Wars. ANet said, multiple times if I may add, before the game was released that Explorable Modes were not meant for Pugs, so if you’re running with a pug and failing then don’t come and complain on the forums. Get better instead of asking everything to be brought down to your level.
Bugs: If you are experiencing any bugs, report them so ANet knows about them and can fix them. Yes, they are annoying, but considering almost every day I log on I have a new patch that proves that ANet is working to fix the bugs as fast as they possibly can. No game is perfect and expect a MMO, of all genres, to be perfect upon release is just crazy.
When you come to the forums asking for X to be nerfed because it’s too hard or for core mechanics of the game to change to suit your play style, then expect to get hounded by these so called “fanbois/ys”. If you want game A to be more like game B then why did you start game A in the first place when you obviously wanted game B still.
Generally, any rare that is really expensive is probably meant to be a rare skin that people use. Granted some may actually use the weapon itself. They are gold/karma sinks as well.
Prices will also always fall during the weekdays and then skyrocket, more or less, on the weekend. This is because during the week there are fewer people purchasing mats due to fewer people playing. When the weekend comes around the prices go up because demand goes up. It’s almost always a safe bet to buy things Monday-Thursday then sell them back Friday-Sunday as you should make a profit.
Sadly, I was like the OP when I saw the prices dropping. I knew they were going to go back up on the weekend so I sold my stack of Ori Ore for roughly 2s 10c. Today I check and it’s already back over 3s. Sad puppy was sad but that’s how it works.
Yeah, I was fixing to get into my battle suit portion of my story quest. Entered the area and bam, crashed.
If people aren’t buying gems with real money then the prices will go up as supply is going down. If a lot of people start buying gems with cash and selling them then the prices go down. That’s how economics work. :-)
Wait… so if I read this right you want to make less proffit. Let me know when you start a business and how long it lasts.
I’m fairly certain tne only gems availiable for purchase with gold have already been purchased by someone else for real money which they then decided to sell in game. The fewer people buying gems with $$$ means there will be fewer gems availiable for people wanting to buy them with gold. As supply drops and demand increases the gold price per gem will increase. The gems availiable for purchase via gold don’t just magically appear for sale.
I guess I just need to pay more attention. I do tend to do 1v1, or 1v# as I am 80 and several others aren’t yet. Makes it a bit easier to take em down, especially since I am in a support spec with defensive gear. Still, out of all the loot bags I did manage to check, I only got 2 badges. I’ll just chuck it up to RNG, sadly. Lol
I actually want the Invader set for dungeon running. I’ll pop some runes in with Pre/Tough/Vit and be set. Or Pre/Crit damage/something else. I love the stats!
I was just curious as to what the average drop rate for badges are. I kill around 40 people last night over the course of 2 hours, I could do more killing in that time I know, but all I managed to get was 2 badges. Is that normal or is that just the RNG god laughing at me? I get 20-40 for doing the jump puzzles which take 20 minutes so getting 2 in 2 hours from PvPing seems kinda off.
Do there need to be some balance changes? Sure. But really the majority of complaints are coming from people that go in in berserker gear in glass cannon specs. I play an elementalist yet these 1 shot mechanics don’t seem to happen to me. Then again, I go in with knights armor and soldier runes so I have a good mix of offense and defense. Get better and stop thinking just because there are no “tanks” or “healers” that means you should be going flat out damage! Call targets and focus them down one at a time, starting with ranged mobs. Manage your crowd controls and weapon/attunement swapping.
Do people die when I do runs with them? Of course. But if I manage to swap effectively, use my abilities the right way instead of just spamming them as they come off cd, and have the right kind of gear on then deaths are kept to a minimum. In a month or two, without too many tweeks, these posts will be few and far inbetween as people will have evolved to the point where they can do them effectively, just like they did in GW1. If you’re not willing to try new strategies with your gear/armor then don’t come and cry fowl and demand changes.
If what I read about them was correct they are soulbound on use, so technically you could just buy one off of the TC, if the information was true and as long as you have the gold for it.
You need a mix of both. If you only go with Toughness and no Vitality you’re going to drop quick, if you go for Vitality and no Toughness you are going to drop. You need to have a healthy dose of both in order to survive.
I’m almost 100% positive, oh who am I kidding I am 100% positive, ever server has players that do what the OP mentioned. Or are we suppose to believe only NS does it?
Normally I don’t fall for petty things like that but pray tell, what was incorrect with the grammar besides the missing comma before too? That’s right, nothing. But hey, when you lack a counter argument then go with petty insults about grammar. Tis the trolling way after all.
Edit: After reading your post with you not capatilizing I, mispelling though,making another capitalized, and several other grammar mistakes, it is obvious your grammar is horrind and the last person to say they have decent grammar is you.
(edited by Artorous.8573)
I read all the posts but I didn’t see anyone saying what you said. Exploreable modes were put in this game for a coordinated group of players, story modes for casuals. ANet stated that many times. If you want to do them with a pug then expect a hard time. If you at least have someone willing to target a mob and everyone else actually target it (ctrl +t ftw) then it simplifies things dramatically. What I have seen when doing story modes with pugs is generally everyone went after a different mob and things were painful, when I started marking targets everything went smoothly. Explain at the start it is Ranged then Melee and try to keep the Melee snared/cced and things get even easier. Again, most players just expect things to be faceroll easy. After a month or two people will get use to it and actually learn to play better. It happened in GW1 and will happen here as well.
I don’t think you read the OP. He/she is stating if you go in with glass cannon specs/gear don’t come and complain about dieing so easily in dungeons.
Elementalist. Was my first toon in GW1 so I had to go with it as well here. :-)
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind capes. I don’t really plan on getting more character slots as I’ve never been much of an alts. If I did I’ve got more than enough gold to get a few. I did like some of the skins they had in the shop as well. Might get them sometime.
Virtually every MMO I have played does it that way. If they did make it 1-50 they would still have set the top at 400 so it would be more tiers. In the end it doesn’t really matter. ;-)
If you think you are being duped you probably weren’t actually going to spend a dime over the purchase price to begin with.
I use Knight gear with Soldier runes. I am going to go after the Invader gear though as it has Soldier stats. I might swap the runes around then to give more Precission so I can crit. Need to check but if there is a Pre/Tough/Vit rune then i’ll probably pick that one.
Now in terms of Invasion gear I will say something should be done to increase badge drops in WvW zones. I killed around 40 people in 2 yours of playtime last night and got 2 badges. I don’t mind taking a month or two to save up for T3 Cultural Armor or Dungeon sets but my luck has to be quite bad for getting 2 in 2 hours when each piece is 300. Maybe make it where ever kill grants 1 badge? Still need to kill a couple thousand players to get it, but at least RNG wont screw you over. At least I get 20 or so from the jump puzzles.
They don’t “punish” you for farming karma. They “punish” people for farming the same events over and over again. If you spread it out and run events in all of the 80 zones you wont notice any “punishment” at all, but if you stick with a group and run around doing the same events over and over again then you will. ANet want you to do all the available content they designed, not just a small portion. Generally, not accussing you, people who do stuff like that are the ones who come to the forums and say there isn’t enough content when there is plenty, most just want to skip it.
Level scaling was put in the game to make all content challenging at all times. Now once you hit 80 and have a decent set of gear, Masterwork works just fine, you can pretty easily run through lower level zones and round up 10+ mobs and own them with little effort.