So normal players/players that do not know exploits before they are nerfed does not have a chance to get legendary...
in Crafting
Posted by: Artorous.8573
I’m just curious where anyones proof that exploiters are the cause of the price. Even if the people who didn’t get banned for the cheating, the chances they got precursor drops from the forge are incredibly low. The people that exploited enough to get banned had to delete everything they gained in order to get unbanned, so none of there’s would be around.
People use thousands of cheap level 75 rares when they have the absolute lowest odds of making one in the forge, and that is from ANet’s mouth. Say you use 3000 of them, as has been suggested earlier. At ~20s a pop that’s several hundred gold. ANet said the best odds are from level 80 exotics. I’m willing to bet you spend a lot less total by using exotics, sadly most are still going to go with level 75 rares thinking it’s the better choice.
I doubt they will be for much longer.
Remember, ANet said the highest chance of getting a precursor is by using level 80 exotics. You may end up spending more on rares in the long run then you would by just saving up for the exotics instead.
Really the only decent thing about crafting, at the current time, is the amount of exp you get from crafting. As it stands you’re better off selling mats and buying gear for half the cost.
You gets 10 levels total for maxing out any given profession, so if you have the gold you can hit 80 without killing a mob. From my experience it’s roughly 5g now for 0-400.
Name one thing that is profitable. Berserker’s Exalted Coat was at a 30s profit margin this morning and by the time I had to go to work this evening it was undercut to right around -40s profit. Same for the Berserker jewelery. Hell, I even went with custom ordering everything for the least amount possible and still had people undercut my items to the point where it was not even close to profitable. I’ve checked every recipe I have for both Tailoring and JC and there isn’t a single thing that I can craft where I don’t end up having a loss from just selling the crafted mats instead.
The one thing I was using to make gold on was buying Mythril Ruby jewelry off the tc, salvaging it, then either selling the mats back on the tc or making ruby orbs or the exotic jewels. They are now not worth it as the prices of crystals/rubies have bottomed out and jewels have been undercut to the point of not being worth it. I would have thought these prices would have gone up with the mithril/ori node changes but they have gone down a huge amount since then.
I’ve also checked the price for all the weapons and food and there’s not one that can be crafted for a profit.
I made at least 7g from crafting last night.
Most crafting isn’t profitable because there is much more supply than demand. The trick is to craft things that are in high demand but not yet in high supply because they require recipes that are purchased with karma.
And as more people discover those recipes you will notice fewer and fewer items that have any margin for profit. When a person discovers a new recipe, like the triforge amulet, there is an initial profit to be made but eventually the masses find it and everything plummits.
Having both systems in place ends up hurting the economy of the game a lot but I think having either a) server specific trading posts or b) losing all progress upon swapping professions, but not both, would actually help in the long run.
The base game has 5 character slots, each character can do two crafting discipline and there are only 8 of those. Resetting progress would accomplish nothing.
Not everyone makes alts but what you’re talking about occurs in all MMO’s, yet only GW2 has it where virtually 0 items can be crafted for a profit. Give it a month and there will be even less, if any at all.
The only reason to take up crafting, as it stands now, is to get the gifts needed for a legendary. You spend money to get nothing in return. You would think as crafting mats decrease in price you would start to see some return on your investment, but that just doesn’t happen.
I don’t believe, even for a second, that the prices would sink to the same point if it was only server specific. I can’t think of a single MMO where that happens, excluding lower tier items as they almost always are crafted for a loss as the game goes on, but top tier items almost always make some form of profit.
Mostly I think making money from crafting is about watching for trends. For instance right now a lot of people ( chefs) are complaining about vanilla beans being unavailable or hard to get or w/e. I had a bunch of them so I sold them for a larger profit now then I probably will be able to in a week. Shrug.
Exactly my point. The cost for the crafting mats themselves was higher than the price you could sell the final product thus meaning you are losing money from crafting instead of just selling all the mats.
At first I loved the way the TC was across all servers and I loved the fact that you could drop any craft and pick it up again without losing any of the progress you made. However, after a month I can see it’s going to be horrible for the game economy in the long run.
People are getting undercut by a hell of a lot more players since they are shared across all servers, instead of just competing with the players on your own server. Most seem to not understand that they are selling for a loss instead because they just want that item sold.
Due to not losing any progress when swapping professions you won’t be able to make any money even if they add new recipes as everyone can master everything so all they have to do is swap, buy mats, craft, then swap back with no risk.
Having both systems in place ends up hurting the economy of the game a lot but I think having either a) server specific trading posts or b) losing all progress upon swapping professions, but not both, would actually help in the long run.
I went ahead and maxed out my Tailoring as, at the time, I was able to make a slight profit off of some of the exotic armors. By the time I finished getting it to 400, started at 3, and crafted my first piece the profit had been undercut to a net loss of 20s per craft. Took less than a few hours for the 1 piece that I could find, where the math came out ahead, to drop to a loss.
Due to the node spawn change it’s next to impossible to make any coin with JC anymore as ore prices keep going higher and higher. Oddly enough the price of gems is going down since the change which baffles me as less nodes means less gems but for some reason ore is going up and the gems are going down.
You really can’t make money with cooking either due to prices already being next to rock bottom.
Sure, you may find a recipe that can make a few coin every now and then but undercutters just come and wipe out that profit margin in no time flat. In a few days, maybe weeks, there is going to be absolutely nothing that you can craft for profit.
I finally went ahead and maxed out my Tailoring as I did some maths and I could make a slight profit off of some of the exotic armor. I was able to make about 5 silver on a Berserker’s chest piece once, now the cost of said chest piece has been undercut to the point where it’s a net loss of 20 silver. Took less than 12 hours for that. Bags cost more to craft then they are actually worth as well.
So that means Tailoring is now useless to make any gold, JC is worthless to make any gold, Cooking is worthless to make any gold. I’m sure every other profession is useless for making gold as well but I’m not going to waste another ~5g to have absolutely no return on my investment.
Like what? lol.
Food? Nope, better off selling mats.
JC? Nope, better off selling mats.
Any form of Armor? Nope, better off selling mats.
I have found all of 2 things that you can actually make 1-2 silver off of, but they cost 50s-1g to craft and even those items are starting to plummet in prices. There is just no real point in maxing a craft unless you’re going after the Legendary items as the mats sell for more. I’ve found several items where it’s actually a better deal to buy the crafted item, salvage it for the mats, then repost on the TC as you can actually make more money doing that. Hell, it’s really the only way I’ve made the gold I have.
If anyone can find anything that you can actually make a profit off of by crafting instead of just selling the mats by themselves, please point me to said item. The most I’ve found I can make out of any of my crafts is a few silver, if I’m lucky, for something that costs 50s-1g, and even those are starting to drop below the profitable point.
I get that people want to sell things so they undercut but anyone that actually wants to make any form of gold off of crafting is screwed as there is just no way to do it. If you go out to gather all the mats yourself to craft the item it seems like you’re making gold but when you can sell the mats for twice the price to craft then just buy the item for half the cost then it’s kinda stupid. If you want to post it for a price where you’re going to make a return on your investment that item is just never going to sell and wills it on the TC until the game servers are closed down.
I was just curious if anyone has actually found anything that they can craft for any form of profit at all? You don’t have to say what you’ve crafted, I’m just curious if there is actually anything that you can craft that you’re not better off just selling the mats and buying one that’s already been crafted and is being sold for half the price it costs to make.
Once ou get to 390 it just takes a handful of the exotic recipes you can purchase from the vendor. Cost me around a gold or 2.
If memory servers you can substitute a coin for any missing item to forge it. Say you really want a upgraded staff but all you have is 3 to toss into the forge, add in a coin and bam, there’s the 4th. I would strongly advise against doing that though.
As for crafting unique items for anything below 80, I highly doubt it.
I love the way the TC is shared across all servers, except when it comes to crafted items. Would there be any way to change it to having crafted items only being able to be sold on your current server, instead of being across all servers. Sure, having all the extra players being able to purchase your crafted goods is great, but I can’t really find many, if any, that you can actually make money on by crafting instead of just selling the mats and buying the crafted item at half the price.
Maybe have Crafting mats be shared across all servers and everything else based on your home server, precursors world wide as well since they are so rare. Crafted items just keep going down in price and I just can’t see them ever going up due to undercutting thus making crafting neigh useless.
I’ve checked several items and I really can’t find many that you make more by crafting that item instead of just selling the mats. Hell, some items you make more by buying the crafted item then salvaging and reselling the mats back on the TC and, let’s face it, that’s just not right.
Yeah, it’s not like people are just going to buy a random amount of gems. If I’m wanting to craft a Mystic Salvage Kit I’m either going to buy 250 or 450 gems but the way it is now I have to play the guessing game. Start at 1g, move up 50s, decrease 25s, increase 10s, decrease a few copper, market refreshes so add a few silver. Just let me buy the amount I’m after instead of causing all the trouble. Why it was set up this way to begin with is beyond me as no one can possibly say this way is better than just entering the number you want.
Check the Sig and be amazed.
The OP can just save up his gold and buy a legendary once everyone else has them and decide to start selling. There, problem solved. No PVP required, however, you’re going to need a LOT of gold so better start saving a month ago.
Condition builds are pretty bad for anything other than solo play until they change the way conditions work. 25 stacks max and only the top condition damage player gets to do any damage. Having said that, going pure condition and skipping out on power altogether is a horrible way to go about building our character. You need a healthy dose of both, even if you want to focus more on conditions.
Give elementalists Ride The Lightning as downed state skill too.
I would swap that for the snare any day. Seriously, what good is a snare when melee are going to be right on you already and ranged couldn’t care less. I often wonder just what they were thinking when they designed the abilities. Sure, Mist Form is good, but only if you can survive long enough to actually use it.
I was just curious as to why you can’t just type in a set number of gems you want to purchase with gold. Instead you have to continue to increase/decrease the amount of gold you’re willing to spend until you get to the number you actually want. If there is a way to purchase a set number, instead of just typing in the amount of gold, please let me know as I’m tired of increasing by 1 silver until I find that magic number.
Even if you have 250% MF it’s not going to really help you all that much. Let’s say a mob has a 1% chance of dropping an Exotic, with 250% MF that’s only bringing it up to 3.5% chance. You’re better off wearing gear with better off/def stats so you can kill faster and live longer.
If more people realized the starter world bosses actually gave loot chests that reward you based on your actual level, not effective level, I bet you’d see more people doing those.
Talking about bosses like the Fire Ele and Shadow Behemoth. If you’re 80, even downscaled to 15, you will get level 80 rewards. Pass it along folks. ;-)
Ice dyes look great for white, Iron looks decent for black. The blackest dyes I’ve actually found are Midnight Fire/Ice, fire being the cheapest.
I use Sapphire Blue and Midnight Fire on my Ele and this is how it turned out.
Blasting Staff + Meteor Shower = Entire area covered with Meteors. There is no hiding from that so Ele’s win by default, even with 500 clones running around.
AoE’s do not have a cap as to the number of players/enemies hit. Anyone that is within the range will get hit with it. There are some abilities, like Meteor Shower for Elementalists, that hit random spots on the ground but it doesn’t matter if 0-10 people are within its area, it will hit nothing or everything.
Edit: I retract that statement. Didn’t realize they only hit 5 players for beneficial targets.
Why are there healing builds when healing gived you nothing?
in Elementalist
Posted by: Artorous.8573
I use all combos that are available to me, and even after all that #1 Water on Staff is also healing, and without cooldown.
There is no “free” time where I don’t focus on getting my team/group healed.
You are better off swapping to Earth to get everyone Protection Boons when you’ve used the 2 healing abilities on the staff as Protection will save a LOT more HP then the messily amount given from Water Blast.
I only go to water to use Gyeser/Healing Rain, and I only drop them when Arcane Blast is good to go for the finisher, or to drop Frozen Ground.
Yeah, I hate manning a Ballista during a defense and racking up multiple kills only to lose all the bags if they finally manage to break in. Either auto loot or send me the rewards in the mail.
ANet has said multiple times that explorable modes are meant for a coordinated group of individuals. That doesn’t mean you need a voip program as the in game chat works just fine.
I would go into detail to answer your questions but I already have a nice, long answer in my signature. Read the Dungeon Tips link and you should be set.
PvP is PvP. If they are camping then bring back an even larger group and wipe them out.
PvP Defense – Staff
PvP Offense – Dagger/Dagger
PvE Dungeons – Staff, I like support
PvE Solo – Dagger/Dagger
PvE Group – Scepter/Dagger
I hate the other off-hand, really only like the #5 Earth ability for it.
I go to Rata Sum, not only because I’m an Asuran, because all of the crafting stations, bank, trade center, and guild bank are all right there in the same area. I go to Lions Arch if I’ve been in WvW, but Rata Sum has by far the best layout of all the cities!
I just wanted to respond quickittenhat the skin=proof of your skill and that others should beware of your dangerous status and such. I couldn’t disagree more. This isn’t skill. This is time. All that this skin says is that you put in the time. What requires so much skill to get? Some people already have them because they put a lot of time into it. I’m only playing 8 hours or so per day which isn’t enough time to get it done just yet. I will get them faster than a lot of players who cannot put in my 8 hours per day. It doesn’t mean that I have any more skill than any of them. It just means that I’m able to log on much more. These skins are truly nothing but skins. Someone tried to brag to me that they had one already and I just said congrats you have a very high play time! It doesn’t impress me or make me jealous like in games where only a slew of players could get these types of weapons even after months and months of trying because it was HARD to obtain.
Then I guess we wont be seeing you with one. These weapons have amazing skins and if you just want something so you can be a demigod then you’re playing the wrong game.
YEAH! they gave up after back capping us when we were pushing Shivers Keep a few days ago lol. 2nd and 3nd place server should stop trying to fight each other and hard flank the winning server keeps. THAT alone will slow NSP a little.
Would make things more fun on our end. Half the time we have people, myself included, telling others to let them cap something so we have something to do every once in a while.
I don’t condone any cheating, naturally, but to say that’s why we’re winning is crazy. Borlis has tried taking Borlis Keep many times only to find I spent the better part of the day building loads of siege weapons. I usually build between 10-20 Arrow Carts, 5-10 catapults, and sometimes a ballista if I can find a decent spot that’s hard to reach. Even if you do manage to break in there’s sooo many siege weapons you can’t possibly hope to take down the lord.
If you guys actually tried to fortify your keeps when you took them then maybe you’d keep some, but you don’t. You go and cap something then run off to the next one leaving nothing behind. If you don’t hold it, you don’t get points.
I wish you guys would try to attack Borlis Keep. I spent a couple gold building sieges all over the place there just so we could keep that thing. Sure, sometimes Borlis manages to break through, but I’ve got more sieges on the inside just waiting for them. Muahahahahaha. Maybe I should start doing it to Anvil’s keep as well since Borlis seems to have given up.
Doesn’t have all of the weapons, nor are they in action, but it does show a good bit of them at least.
It’s always been RNG, like most things with the Mystic Forge. Think of the Mystic Forge as a Casino. Sometimes you may win big, but in the long run the house still has the upper hand and you’re still going to lose money.
^^ LOL, over-react much?
Agreed. It’s no different than Divinity runes. I still wouldn’t use that neck. Sure, it may have more stats overall, but it has less stats of the ones I actually want.
Plus, how the hell is this P2W when everything can be gotten with in game currency.
The salvaging one I can see being useful but gathering ones suck. I used a 25 use mining pick while gathering orichalcum. On my normal run I get anywhere between 2-5 orbs, when I use that blmp that is suppose to be really good get 0. I normally get 6-10 nodes, depending on the reset locations so the mining pick lasts 3-4 runs and none of them ever get any orbs whereas the regular orichalcum pick gets 2-5 during the same span. Now I just destroy them to save space.
Try jumping in WvW too. Tired of you guys not putting up a fight. Lol
He formed the group so it was his rules. If you want to do the run then you can start your own group with your own rules.
Lol, have you ever been to most games forums? Do you know why they always say “soon” or “in time” when people ask for X or Y? This thread. People like you who take dates very literal.Now, before someone jumps on me about “every patch is Monday!”, yes I know this lol. But what if the dungeon doesn’t get fixed tonight? What if they didn’t meet that deadline? How will you react? People would be furious.
People do this even when developers give estimates, which no way gurantees anything, nor should this really. As a developer I know sometimes estimates are wrong. GASP! /people look around in horror. And sometimes we don’t meet those deadlines /someone faints in the crowd. Why? Because it may simply be not ready. Which would you prefer? A finished complete and thorough tested fix? Or a bandaid that gets tossed into the build in order to meet your life threatening deadline?
There is a reason why companies are beginning to not be so “transparent” and have “open communication” with its customers….Be above this.
It will get done when it is ready and no sooner.You mean like the band-aid they threw in called the DR? Yes i get what you are saying.
I work in the IT business as Project Manager for 20+ years. If i announced a deadline, i meant it and i delivered, no exceptions. It is part of being professional and respecting your customers. I don’t lie to my customers and i plan with enough buffer that i can deliver comfortably. I am not talking small projects, i mean projects that involve millions of customers and 40+ countries a month.
I highly doubt you worked in IT. Things happen in the every line of business and unless you’re willing to push things out the door with problems, not talking about unforeseen problems, then you’re a horrible employee. Companies don’t just delay things for no reason.
I use a GTX 550 ti and I never go below 50 fps, even in a full scale siege in WvW. It cost less than $150 and will run the game better than your $3000 card. Hell, I built this pc for 1/5th the price of that card. At least do some research before you waste your money.
If you don’t like the endgame idea that ANet put forth, which was known for years before it released, then you shouldn’t have bought it. If you want a game where you just log in to raid, or curbstomp newbs, and nothing else then go back to WoW. It’s that simple. Ou people complain when a game is too much like WoW and you complain when a game isn’t like WoW. Just stick with WoW for crying out loud as that’s the only game you are capable of liking.
youll be ok once you know the dungeons by heart.
its not skill, its knowledge.
That’s PvE for you. No matter how complex the design is, once you learn it then it all becomes easy. Even Heroic Modes in WoW are easy once you’ve done them a few times.