Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet we watched a mesmer port ppl into inner. And then KN cap it less then 5 minutes later?
about 2-3 hours ago commander Azel from [MoM] knocked down your gates, trebed down your inner wall and wiped on inner.
you may also have noticed a large number of corpses that hung around after, they were not afk, and neither was the thief that rezed them.
due to the large amount of time spent dead, most of us dc’d or got kicked for inactivity so the Mesmer had to port us back in.basically, it was a ninja hours in the making
and i forget,
all hail Sam, Scumbag Ninja thief extraordinaire
LOL @ this. Sam (from PiNK) has proven to me yet again that he IS the most patient thief there is around.
I would have hung around to help you guys out some more on BG BL but TC BL was taking a hammering from Kaineng and we had to leave fast. I did arrive a bit too late to help TC BL because we lost our garrison not long afterwards.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I like the laurels/daily idea.
Keep in mind that dailies existed before laurels did. They were not as rewarding to do and I had no motivation to complete them.
With laurels and the rewards they bring, are now motivating me to do my dailies again. I know it will affect other players in a similar fashion.
The end result? More active players for GW2. That’s good news!
Also, how can you not like the rewards that the daily offers? I’m wondering if you can find pre-cursors in those exotic boxes…..? hmmmm interesting.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I just tried this and it works perfectly for me thanks for sharing.
Until this, not even the -nopatchui method worked for me. Appreciate it.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Same thing is happening with me. Frequent lag spikes… and frequent disconnects. Seems to happen every 3-10 minutes and is random (I also get the same error code as MarauderKing).
Have had it disconnect on me around 10 times today so far in a short period of time… can’t play the game at all.
Please look into it and fix it Anet.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
It is my wish that one day…. all forms of exploiting and hacking will be frowned upon (even by ex-hackers and ex-exploiters)
A fair fight is a good fight. No one should have to result to fighting dirty just to score a few points. Keep it clean folks – the victory feels much sweeter that way!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
A toast from the coast! Thanks for the exciting match up friends and merry xmas to you all (BG & SoR Included)
In particular to my Tarnished Coast brothers and sisters. We’ve done pretty well so far and I’d like to thank you all for your continued support and remaining confident in the face of adversary regardless of how many we may have on at any given time.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
What an exciting match up! It is literally neck-to-neck on points and it could swing any which way ~ I’m loving this
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
My advice would be to hold off from completing this until the next patch rolls out
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
My results:
2 tries for the Endless Toysoldier’s Tonic success!
8 tries for the Endless Princess Tonic success!
1 try for Endless Ventari Tonic success!
2 tries for Endless Golem Tonic success!
and I ended up with the Endless Griffin Tonic
TIP: Make the mini of the endless tonic type you’d like. Because when it comes to making the endless toymaker’s tonic. Even if you fail, you’ll end up with an endless that you like in my case I made the Griffin mini and ended up with the Endless Griffin Tonic
EDITED: To update details
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
(edited by Azelroth.6801)
Just 3 tries and I got the endless Griffin. My first endless tonic.
Elena the griffin is totally adorable. I’m wondering if it has emotes like:
/dance, /laugh etc etc?
Can you please test it out and report here? Thanks
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I wonder if the latest patch has fixed the endless toymaker’s tonic recipe’?
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
So there’s a double RNG aspect to the creation of these? (from endless x to endless toymaker’s? not sure if this is intended… it could possibly be a bug??)
That’s pretty nuts man.
If you’re going to try for an endless toymaker’s tonic… try to hold off until all toys have been revealed and see if it gets patched to be 100% sure fire thing. It could possible be a bug… we’ll have to wait for a dev response on the matter to see because I doubt they’d introduce a double RNG mechanic to get the endless toymaker’s tonic.
A dev post on the issue would really be nice!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I wouldn’t consider this griefing at all – it’s a legit tactic.
The reason why is because when you get downed while carrying a gift it’s almost impossible for your team mate to pick up that gift with your downed body directly underneath (without having to revive you first that is) which means that a substantial amount of time is wasted trying to revive you – when that same time could be better spent having a team mate pick up the gift and resuming the play to the drop off point.
I think this is actually a smart idea and a legit move to drop it away from your soon-to-be downed body.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
That was awesome!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Amazing. I didn’t even know there was an MF recipe until this thread alerted me to that fact.
For those that are interested.
The endless tonic recipe is:
50 x Wads of enchanted stuffing
50 x Drops of magic glue
1 x Frame (of the type of toy you’d like to make)
1 x Glittering dust
Place all of these into the Mystic Forge and out comes an endless tonic (please not that it may take several tries to make it)
Credits to ArrowNin for the info (princess doll endless tonic video):
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
(edited by Azelroth.6801)
People are exploiting the break out event by rallying the 10 needed players and then once the event happens – they instantly port out to another border land.
What then happens if the commander is solo’ing a tower by myself (although he doesn’t make it very far)
Not only does this happen but if you successfully defend a break out event he instantly respawns in under 5 minutes again! this is crazy and it needs an appropriate cool down.
I would suggest between 30 minutes to 1 hour would be appropriate.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Thanks guys I appreciate it I thought we could only get items to trade with the merchant in LA + craft mats – but I guess there’s more to it!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Does the bell and endless tonic even come in the giant gifts?
I thought they only came from the rare winters day boxes? Could someone clarify this please?
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Nice video
I just made one too:
The ending shows you the way to the secret castle located within the jumping puzzle also.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
My video on the the wintersday jumping puzzle:
It does also feature the secret castle inside too enjoy
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Another question.
Are the resulting skins you get from the Unsafe Wintersday Gift account or soulbound? Or are they able to be traded?
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
The concept for break out I can understand. However, it definately makes WvW feel like less of an achievement because it’s like giving away 2 free southern towers (1 to each opposing team).
The implementation needs some further tweaking.
1) The siege + players already get free buffs from the commander. Please get rid of those silly defensive bubbles.
2) Break out events shouldn’t trigger so frequently. There should be a cool down of at least 1 hour. This prevents constant ping-ponging of southern towers.
Those 2 points are the only ones that I can think of at the moment. I’m sure that there are a lot more but I can see the break outs annoying a lot of wvw players.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
This is another awesome feature with the latest update. I was hoping they would also have a collectibles area for dungeon tokens as well but we can’t have everything now can we?
In a way I do understand as well because 250 would be the highest acceptable stack in the collections area and more often than not, we have multiple 250 stacks of the same set of tokens so the implementation would make it a bit strange…
Thanks though Anet this was awesome of you guys to do.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
10 pristine fractals = 1 ascended ring (of your own choice) this is epic!
Check out the vendor inside FotM for the full list.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
This JP is perfect in terms of overall difficulty. I love it and didn’t even notice the platforms melting at all?
How long do you have to stay on the platform before it melts?
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
We added the pristine relic to afford those who haven’t been able to get a ring the opportunity, and for those hoping to get a specific ring the ability to do that.
Honestly Robert this is the best decision for Fractals by far. I and many other players thank you sincerely for this change. It’s very welcomed.
I can definately breathe easier now huzzah!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I’m with you on this Fox.
To be fair I had to run 18 daily fractals just to get 1 ascended ring and it wasn’t even a ring that my character could use.
So this non RNG method is brilliant work and a welcomed change for myself and many other players who struggled to get their first ring. This change means we can actually get the ring that we want.
In 10 runs – c’mon there’s no need to QQ about that. This change is simply awesome!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Some of these changes are brilliant! I have been looking forward to the changes to the fractals ascended ring system for a long time and this will make many players happy.
Also the other general enhancements and tweaks are very welcome.
Thanks for putting up the patch notes early Anet Really good work!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Hey folks.
I thought I’d create a thread where players can discuss hints and tips to share with each other within the community.
The tips only need to be relevant to GW2 and could be about anything in general.
My tips:
1) For jumping puzzles – disable double tap to evade (in options) and bind dodge to an actual key (I use the left shift button for dodge) this allows you an easier time when doing jumping puzzles due to not accidently pressing a key twice which would normally make you dodge right off a platform.
2) If you did bind dodge to a key such as left shift as I have done – you can also perform a pretty cool maneuver that I love to do, a somersault jump. Whilst running just press the JUMP key + Dodge key (make sure you bind it to a key first) at the same time. Your character will them somersault whilst jumping and it looks pretty sweet.
This move does consume endurance.
These are just 2 tips that I’d like to share with you (and I will update this post if I can think of anymore) and I’d like to encourage you to contribute your own tips for others
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I’ve had this happen to me before quite frequently.
My solution is to close the trading post pop up window and immediately reopen it again with the BLTC shortcut key which always seems to fix the issue for me. Try that.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
There are certain areas that are just outside of the ‘spawn’ zones that are exploited quite frequently by less then honorable wvw players.
I do hope Anet fixes this asap because it’s the ultimate troll move.
There are also other areas that are legitimately deemed spawn zones and that to me is considered fair game and I have nothing to say about those sections.
I would post pictures of the areas that are exploited but it would just lead to more exploitation so I’d rather not.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
The Alt + F4 fix is most definately needed. Too many sore losers use (and abuse it)
It’s a welcomed change for sure.
The other ideas also seem pretty interesting. Overall, I can’t wait to see these implemented although I do have a few reservations about the break out mode which may end up getting exploited somehow.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Muahaha I love jumping puzzles and that picture is 100% guaranteed to be a new jumping puzzle.
I can’t wait! I hope it’s as challenging (or even more challenging) than the Mad King Clock Tower!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
lunartic I would consider you a lucky person
I have run 15 daily runs consecutive and am yet to see my first ring. So I’d love to see what Anet brings out next to improve this system.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
MF used to be effective in garnishing better quality loot. But since the last few updates it doesn’t seem to make any discernable differnce anymore.
Some may say RNG is RNG but I really feel that MF is no-where near as effective anymore (as compared to how it was back then) so I did away with it entirely. Now I use 0 MF and still get decent results loot wise.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Well kitten #8230; if people that didn’t even log in for the event got one – why doesn’t everyone who DID log in for the event not get one?
That’s extremely disappointing Anet…. I seriously hope there’s a delay in the mailing system because that just ain’t right.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Is this really happening or is there a delay with the mail….???
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Just be thankful that you got anything at all man.
You had a chance at it and that’s all that matters. Be thankful for receiving your items and learn to appreciate it.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I fear for the worst – lots of people still haven’t received it and I’m definately on that list
Although I do give props to Anet for coming through on their promise… so I’ll wait until tommorrow to see what happens?
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Wait people got the bag even though they weren’t even there?
Yes. Also some people who were there didn’t get the chest. So I’m hoping that patience will play a key role in this…. I pray this to be the case!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Probably everyone will end up getting a chest. Give it some more time man I’m still waiting too!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
They’re fixing this in batches guys and they specifically mentioned it may take up to a few hours to get everyone sorted.
I have a feeling that they’re doing it by log-ins for the event which in a way is quite fair when you think about it because some people couldn’t log-in for ages and only got to do a portion of the event.
Congrats to anyone that managed to get a precursor I hope I get as lucky!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Thanks Anet I think you have restored faith in your company from a lot of players.
I’d also like to take the time to thank you for doing this as I know it was an issue that affected a great number of players and I was also the one to instigate that massive thread (which can be seen from the lost shores archives) on this matter.
So a job well done guys – seriously, it does mean a lot to us and we thank you for stepping up to the plate and making right of a sticky situation.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
This has not been forgotten. The solution is coming down the pipeline and should be live this week.
Thanks for being patient.
Thank you for taking the time to notify the community about this Mark – it’s greatly appreciated by all
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Thanks for this post but Anet needs to get on top of this and fix this particular fractal as it’s broken big time.
They fixed up the exploits and caused further bugs and now the colossus fractal is majorly borked.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Jumping issue was fixed! <3 Anet.
Also there was a lot of unlisted bug fixes and exploits that were patched that weren’t listed in the patch notes.. especially in relations to FotM.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
It’s not that I hate Trahearne…. I just dislike his voice acting as it irritates the heck out of me :p
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
We wanted to give people that retro Guild Wars feeling, where there was no jumping.
LOL now that you mention it – it does bring back memories!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I have just tested this out and it indeed feels broken.
They do need to look into fixing this ASAP as jumping is one of the game’s main mechanics.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast