Showing Posts For Baldric.6781:

My experience since last patch with warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I’ve com back and played some solo’s with my favourite class, warrior (don’t worry, when i play with it i always ask for forgiveness from the rest of the team).

In the first tourny, i waited a lot more for the tourney than i remember, maybe 5 or 6 minutes. My team got destroyed, hard, by a premade with 2 necros, i couldnt do anything more than die from massive condi aoe’s. One of the players from the enemy team even said sorry for this game.
I respecced into a lot more condi cleansing, hoping to overcome the condi’s, but the next tourny, guess what, 2 necros again, this time i survived a bit more, and we lost too by a great margin.
Finally i played one last tourny against, yeah, 2 necros and a engy, nice.

I’ve never felt this useless with my warrior.
Can u show me any warrior builds that works with this new extreme condi meta ? And please, not a condi warrior build xD. Thanks in advance.

By the way, matchmaking system seems to be broken, maybe i got bad luck, it’s just 3 tournies.

formed a team with friends! OOOOOOWCH.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Sc2 managed to find my place accurately in 5 games. So it can be done.

The key here is pain ? Just get a knife and cut yourself, it will make u stronger!! No decent game will make u lose 20 games in a row, not even Etrian Odissey does that.

Coming Soon :)

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Soon is any moment between now and the end of time, probably closer to now than to the end of time, but there is no guarantee that you will live long enough to see the features.

Shame i can’t do the same in my job and i have to actually give accurate dates, but not everybody can be a game developer…


in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Lol, they will destroy WvW to try to add variety to death spvp xD.
Confusion mesmers are popular, add torment, I can already see the rule in WvW clans, minimum 2 mesmers condi per party .
And condition thieves, i used one of them for some time in WvW, stopped because i was nearly unkillable (true that i couldn’t burst but condis eventually kill too ), now with torment, lol, can’t wait to try it. You move, you die, you don’t move, you die too.

June 25th patch: new hope?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Give torment to warriors.
You can’t go to State Of the Game, say that u want warriors to be able to force enemies to stay in melee range, and then give that condition to thieves and mesmers, don’t troll us so hard!

will gw2 pvp sell any expansions?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


SPVP is a bad investment, it requires a complete redesign, with some core thinks that need to be changed (for example, AOE is out of control, they know is out of control and yet they did nothing, because AOE is a core design of gw2 spvp, you need AOE, it’s bad, but what u gonna do, redesign a lot of weapon skills ?)
So they can pour all the money there, make a pvp expansion with a lot of redesign and maybe get some success (MAYBE), or they can make a pve expansion with more boxes and win real money.

Right now they are doing the right thing, generate as much hype as they can for the spvp side, keep telling everyone that their working about the issues (which is true), try to make some money with arenas and avoid talking about any ETA’s at all, because if u don’t say when, you are never lying. For example, they can say that we will have warrior balanced, when it’s ready, and because there is no ETA, it will happen sometime between now and the end of the universe (nothing guarantes that you will live long enough to see it, but it will happen, if not in this universe in some other ).

The staying power of GW2's PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


That’s the thing here, the core of the game is fast paced combat with lots of teleports and movement. That means, lots of skills per second and people moving all the time trying to avoid Line Of Sight. That means, a mess, really hard to follow.

The same things that made it so unique are the same things that made it very niche and very anoying to watch. Most people that like to play a mess play quake, not a mmo. And from a viewer perspective, it’s the same, i rather watch a sc2 game where i see the development, the choices and the mistake/success of each player, with enough time to talk about it, than a chaotic teamfight of gw2, with it’s cool fast paced fps style.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Bit of context on that image, dude with fire hasnt even reached 10 games yet, he hasnt played since october and even in october he clearly did not play much (r10). Whatever his hidden rating was it couldnt be high since we we had only played 4 games with him in total. Matthew was maybe r900 (also very few games played, he just came back from inactivity since November). Me, Dukey and Mikey were somewhere in the r500s at the time, (Dukey and Mikey also just got back to spvp after a long break). As a whole all of us are fairly low glory rank except me (so our experience isnt very high) and our ranks vary from 500-unranked.

So why exactly did we get an instant pop against Onibawan who are all top 60 players on the board? Its not like we waited, I just hit the que button and got the match. Like where do I even begin trying to explain what we should do to win when I have played who are playing a class for the first time or havent spvped in 8 months.

The matchmaking is still broken, that or your game is so dead theres nobody for us to be paired against so it had no choice. Either way it isnt very encouraging for this game nor is it reflective of “competition”.

(Also they found it funny from a balance perspective that an ele could tank for so long with just spamming a bunch of heals and dodges, but I suppose thats a topic for another time. Still, I am going to find it hard to convince people to play this game properly when it is in such shambles some times from balance, match making and lag in tournaments)

Maybe for u it was instant, but we don’t know how much Onibawan queued.
Maybe the matchmaking system is broken and bugged, or maybe Oniwaban waited for 10 minutes or so, and finally the matchmaking broaded the search and found some top 1000 dudes to fed Onibawan.
Since matchmaking isn’t rocked science and it’s been around fairly long, i will bet it’s the latter, which is worst, because there is no patch fix to that.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


He is probably talking about hotjoin, 1 vs 1 seems too crazy, even for gw2 tournies .
But he is right, u cant expect new players to wait 10 minutes in queue because the playerbase is low, it will be even lower if u make them wait this much.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Sure, but how much will you wait, 10 minutes, 20, 30 ?
What about a rank 1 that starts playing, will he wait 10 minutes ? Or will he stop queueing and go play something else ?

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


You, evil people, don’t deny the skill of spam wars 2 .

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Well, u can patch whatever u want, but if there is only 6 low skill level players queueing, you can either make them wait or put them in som games.
No match-making system can make up for a low playerbase.

Please, god add gear incentive to PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


He is wrong of course, gw2 spvp won’t be any better with stats progression.
There are various reasons why spvp failed pretty hard, isn’t esport viable and is only played by a very small part of the whole gw2 community, core reasons hard to fix that require a redesign of the spvp that will never happen, but the lack of stats progression isn’t one of them.

Yet, gw1 had a way for pvpers to get gold, gw2 should allow pvpers to get some gold, exp and karma for pve and WvW.

Stop matchmaking from grouping r1s

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


You are expecting that a patch will solve this issue. The think is, if there isn’t a huge playerbase with lots of every-skill level of players, it can’t be fixed.

Even sc2 matchmaking system with way more players and way easier (because it’s a lot of 1vs1) gives sometimes weird matches.


in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


There is a ton of games without spectator and leaderboards that are a success, believing that because now we have this features people will come again is just plain wishfull thinking.
People stopped playing because they think other games are better, simple as that, probably because teamfight are a complete mess of aoe and skill spam, and classes do weird things, so for example, if i want a close-combatant, fast and able to survive at close range i will take a war.. an elementalist…
If you enjoy a good laugh, read their ideas about pvp before gw2 came out.


in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Devs know that the game is an aoe and condition spam with a lack of variety, too fast and too chaotic to cast properly.
But what can they do, it’s the core, aoe and condition spam aren’t some minor mistakes, they are gw2 core, u cant get rid of it. Better to develop gw3 and start fresh.


in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


The thing is gw2 pvp is played by what, 10% maybe 20% of gw2 entire (remaining) playerbase ? Most people play pve or wvw and maybe, when stars align, some pvp.

Let’s be real, gw2 pve and wvw are a success, they bring players, money from the cashshop and some new copies sold. Pvp it’s a fail, not a complete fail, some people still play it and maybe with the private arena’s they will make some money, but for some reasons it was played a lot in the begining and eventually most people stopped playing it.

And now there is this weird idea that because we have spectator mode and some true spvp believers make some tournies it will flourish and become esport, without fixing of course, why people stopped playing it.

So forget balance, forget new modes, forget gvg, forget rewards, forget all those amazing mechanics (clones, near-permastealth, teleports), forget the aoe spam/particle festival, forget warriors, etc.; gw2 spvp development team proudly presents esports hype.

May 28 Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Surely they’ll add the PvP content next month, I can feel it.

Hilarious…. and true .
Thanks for the laugh.

Thank you for great matchmaking system

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I think that the 41 guardian isn’t as happy as your are .

PvP 3 wishes -what do you want most in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


1. That people stop saying esport every 5 minutes.
2. AOE toned down, without destroying the existing balance.
3. Build diversity, or should i say, allow more especialization and less builds that do a lot of things.

AE makes this game skill less and pointless.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


They said more than once that AOE’s are out of control. Anybody that has played some teamfights know that it’s an AOE spam party. I’m pretty sure most devs and players will say, yes, AOE needs to be toned down.

So why they did nothing ? Well, it’s not a skill, it’s some core part of the game, tone down it and suddenly all the balance flies throught the window.

So AOE sux, but it won’t go away any time soon.

Forget Esports- Matchmaking is still awful.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Or the people queuing is so low that the system uses whatever it has, even if it knows that they shouldn’t play against them.
No Matchmaking system can make up for a low playerbase, and that’s probably the reason why they didn’t split the queue between solo and premade.

so tired of 5v4

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


It happens a lot, sometimes even in minute 0. Someone says “Oh, premade X, bye”. 5 vs 4, then somebody else leaves, 5 vs 3 , one time i managed to get into a 5 vs 1 game xD .

NcSoft about gw2 expansion.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781



“NCsoft’s latest financials are out, and show a 49 per cent fall in net income on last quarter, but a !!!322!!! per cent rise year on year.”

So they sold like freaking crazy, and now they need to live with the micro transactions. I don’t think the company is going to die any time soon :P .
Although a PvE expansion can’t be too bad (a pvp one will be a way to lose money, and most companies try to avoid that).

A guy who thinks too much

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Trying to build the house from the roof it’s usually a bad idea, or useless at best.
We have a unsuccesfull pvp game that by casting some games will become a succesfull pvp game and also an esport that will have sponsors and all that stuff.
This transformation includes some kind of magic or probably mind control, i guess, the idea is to mind control people via casting so the playerbase increases and everybody starts believing that gw2 spvp is awesome. Sort of the same way HBO does with its series, like the wire, i’m sure it mind controlled me because i couldn’t stop watching it.

By the way, it’s not working well with me, i tried to watch some tournies but instead of start believing that gw2 spvp is awesome, the only thing i saw was sparkles, fires, and plenty of aoe lights. Maybe i have some kind of resistance against mind control, being mind controlled by HBO series is probably the cause.

GW2 sPvP is a big fail...

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


What happened ? An easy one. They tried new innovative stuff everywhere.
So, mmo’s use a lot of instances because it’s easy to balance a fixed number of players. tries to be cool and puts a lot into open world, obvious result, some stuff is extremely easy and some is imposible, because u don’t have enough players at the moment.
Mmo’s use trinity because it makes sense (guy takes damage, guy heals the others, guy deals damage, pretty straightforward and simple) and u can balance around that. tries to be cool and only allows for a guy deals damage, with some a guy heal other guys, obvious result, all becomes a dps festival (ask pve guys about the warrior). Funny enough they allow some tankyness but only in pvp, it seems to be not allowed in pve.
When u die in a mmo u die, wanted to be cool, so when u die u don’t really die, and worse, any player can revive you pretty fast, obvious result, imbalances appear because of the downed state abilities and 2 vs 1 became much harder for the one.
Mmo’s use stealth, but they only allow it for certain characters and moments, because they understand that fighting against air is not really engaging. tries to be cool, so they allow stealth spam, obvious result, duels against thiefs become air battles, where u fight against air most of the time, and worst, win, sometimes u win and u don’t even now. And thiefs become stealth dependent.
Mmo’s use some kind of resource for skills, mana, energy, whatever, tries to be cool and uses 90% CD’s, obvious result, battles become a CD battle where if u used the CD already u lose.
Mmo’s use armor and vitality to know the tankyness of a character, so u have huge dude with freaking steel plate everywhere, u know that dude can survive a lot (it makes sense). tries to be cool, and give minor significance to armor and vitality (dps does 8 ks of damage really fast and armor doesn’t defend against condis) and give a lot more importance to boons and condi removal, obvious result, u have a robe dude with the lowest health-pool of the game being one of the best tanks (thank god not the best) and the dude with the best hp and armor becomes a squishy glass canon that can’t survive any decent focus. So in gw2, if u want to be a tanky dude hard to kill and dealing some damage, u should create a wa… mage guy!! nice.

It seems when they where designing the game, they said, u know what will be cool ? Let’s put a lot of new stuff everywhere (not tested stuff of course), so say everything cool u can think.
When u do that, some ideas will be not bad, a lot will be bad and some will produce comic results (like the tank-mage). As a test MMO gw2 is good, as a strong MMO with good foundation, gw2 is terrible.

Will tPvP Ever Reach E-Sport Status?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Probably no.
But u know, weird things happen, and the probability is close to 0 but not 0. Who knows what will happen, maybe it’s true what some believers say and this game has huge potential, or maybe it’s just a game that almost nobody likes to play and/or watch.

I can only talk about my experience, and as a game to watch, even with observer mode and a comentator, the game seems to be a chaotic particle aoe festival with almost 0 build variety (so most of the time it’s hard to tell what the kitten is going on and the pregame comentating about the teams and their builds is useless when u’ve seen some games, they could say, well this ele is runing the same spec we already explained 30 times, so, well, that’s it…).

Rank 1 Player is inactive.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Don’t know about other game, but SC2 last time i played had a point ladder system with a pool of extra points. U get some extra points to this pool per day, the amount is the same for everyone. If u win a game, as long as u have extra points in that pool, u get double points. It was a nice way to encourage playing atleast some games per week to use all the extra points.

We can only hope that gw2 doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel and be innovative again.

Balance issues threatening the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baldric.6781

Baldric.6781 wanted to be cool, innovative, sweet. Let’s remove the trinity, let’s build the mmo paradise, u don’t need to heal, u don’t need to tank, u don’t even need to specialize.

So in the end, we have have only one thing needed for parties, we have dpser’s that need to survive by themselves (no tank, no healer) and that’s it.

The funny thing, is that in pvp there is a sort of tank/healer, and dpser’s, and tank/roamer, and dps/finisher. There is specialization, u can’t win by playing what u want.

I BEG you-separate group queue and solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Lol, tickets again xD , this thread is hilarious.
I understand the AFK or leavers, sure a punishment “1 hour unable to queue” is OK, but do you want to punish people for not being good, really!!??
The thing that is probably happening is simple, there isn’t enough players queueing at the same time of enough skill levels for the match making system to work. There is no match making system that can make up for a lack of playerbase.

PVP dailies broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


That and the “spectator takes up player slots” are pretty hilarious. You got to admit that gw2 bugs are always outstanding.

Custom Arenas April 30th

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Well what did we expect ? It’s a gw2 part played by what, 10% of its players, with no way to get some money from it.
They are doing the right thing, if u want to host some tournament or whatever, pay for it, and 10 $ month seems a cheap price, considering this arenas will be a guild or a team effort (5 players, 2 $ each, doesn’t seem too much).
It’s not going to make gw2 an esport (gw2 will probably never be an esport) , but it will help fund the developers and help create private tournaments, it’s a good idea.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Fun things i learned about the engis in forums:

- HGH engi is the ultimate bunker.
- A warrior is better than a mesmer against a HGH engi (nerf warriors, seriously).
- Tanking engis melt bunkers that dare to come close to them.
- A dev said that HGH engi is going to be nerfed, true story u heard it here first.

Why are Condition Builds < Berzerker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baldric.6781


In pve sure, zerker is the way to go, anyways, most bosses one shot so there is no point to go for toughness or vit, just get more damage to finish the boss faster, less boss atacks, less change you won’t dodge one of them.
Because let’s face it, it’s a core issue, they wanted pve doable by every spec, they didn’t want to force people to have tank or healer, so no agro, no healer. In the end, because there is no agro and no healer, it’s just dps and dodging, that’s it, so you learn the boss tricks, dodge them and dps them.

That Level 1 may be a Level 35 reroll

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Uh how do you do that without buying another copy of the game

You just buy another copy. Another login, basically. seal of approval.

Matchmaking is Awesome

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I like it because every one on this thread assumes there is a pool of players to choose from to get an average rating. My guess is the system is what it is because of the lack of pvp player base, hence it uses what it has.

This. This systems aren’t rocket science, i’m sure they have something decent, that even tries to put you against a premade if you are playing with a premade, it’s just that there is no matchmaking system that can make up for a low playerbase.
By the way if u want to be high in the leaderboard don’t ever play solo, stick with ur premade team and only with ur premade team, and if u really really want to play solo, buy another account ( will be happy ).

Is HgH really OP?

in Engineer

Posted by: Baldric.6781


It doesn’t matter if it requires more or less skill, it’s probably overpowered because it gives you too much (condi cleansing, condi burst, might stacking, range aoe, boons, with some luck protection, and decent armor). Sure you don’t have tanking, good mobility or more than one stun-breaker, but as a roamer, the build is too good.
They should probably nerf it, and when they do it I don’t know what build i will play in spvp, the others that i tried seem to be way worst.

How to read that % personal rank ?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Yes, I haven’t done enough tournament pvp games, 589 games and 311 wins is not enough for leaderboard material. Even though some people on leaderboard haven’t played in weeks and have 7 games 4 wins.

Well if you want to be in the leaderboard, dont ever solo queue, get into a good team and play only with them. Play what u know works and don’t try new builds, let others do that.
For example, I know 2 dudes on that leaderboard that don’t team with pugs of their clan because if they do they will probably lose games and drop rank, so they just play with their team and that’s it.

How to read that % personal rank ?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


that means 20k people play tpvp x’D

Seems right to me .
I honestly don’t believe there is more than 40 ks gw2 players that play tournament pvp. Of a total, let’s be conservative, 1 million of gw2 players, 40 ks is next to nothing.

That’s why i laugh hard when people at the mists talk about the “amazing pontential” of gw2 spvp xD .

Leaderboards seem a little shakey

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


In theory, if u played against way worst ranked players than u, u could lose a lot of rank just by losing one game.
But a good matchmaking system will avoid this extreme matches and make u play against somewhat close teams.
Either because the matchmaking system has some bug or there isn’t enough playerbase to make the matchmaking system work fine, it seems to be some problem with it. If the matchmaking was working well, almost everybody should have a W/L ratio close to 50%, and that’s far from reality.

Will soloQ and premades be seperated in tpvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I’m pretty sure the already existing matchmaking system tries to put premades vs premades, it’s just that there isn’t enough premades playing, so instead of making the premade wait for 10 minutes, the premade plays against randoms.
No matchmaking system, split or not, can put a premade of ranking A against a premade of ranking A if there is only one premade of ranking A queueing.

Spliting the comunity will most likely kill a lot of premades, tired of waiting or being stomped or stomping .

But separate rankings for teams/solo are a good idea.

The age of the engineer?!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Don’t worry, when they nerf the HGH build, you won’t see engis anymore .

Why would one solo Q

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I play both, and sure playing solo is probably lowering our premade rating, but honestly, who cares about a number of an unsuccesfull pvp game with no esports for now and for years to come.
You need to be a true gw2 spvp believer to care about it, and it’s pretty hard to be one when reality is so harsh; one can delude itself to believe that what he does is good and sweet and true, but it’s hard to delude oneself that blue and green are the same color.

no sotg this month?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I would love to see another sotg, about the new and amazing upcoming soon stealth features .


in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


So how about that GW2 E-Sport scene?


Leaderboards... for real this time

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


If they separate premade and solo, with this player population, queues will become an issue again… Honestly, I don’t think there is any way to save gw2 spvp, leaderboards may make come back some players, but that’s about it.
No more than 10% of gw2 gamers play spvp, it’s a failure, a bad investment. If I were some kind of boss i will do the same, keep promising and keep some dudes working on it, so this 10% of gamers stick around, atleast for some time, and anyways, they won’t probably leave, they endured months and months, they are true believers.

PvPer's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


I’m sorry you are working for a web about something that doesn’ exist.

State of the Patch (March 2013)

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


If you take in account the pve, it makes a lot more sense. In pve, haste is used a lot to end boss fights in seconds and warriors don’t need any help there. Also, eles and mesmer could benefit from some aoe damage. Of course, a nerf to warrior and a buff for ele mesmer it’s not the best thing ever for pvp, but for pve is pretty good.

People complaining about gems

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


So needs to invest serious amounts of development hours into pvp, make everything for free and wish very very hard that the game becomes way more popular so they make money (and this will happen with a mmo that started it’s downfall already and with a part of that mmo played by maybe 10% of the players, or less).

World experience acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Well everything right now encourages zerging, one more thing won’t change things too much :P . I will still roam, even alone, behind enemy lines with an engi .