For me, gw2 is if not the best, one of the best money-wise games i’ve ever bought. The number of hours i’ve got for the money is just amazing.
But, i didn’t play only pvp, i’ve played the 3 modes. If i had bought the game to play it’s pvp, i would think like you (i’m a moron for buying this thing), but i played the 3 modes till i got somewhat bored, after many many hours.
If u are bored of it’s spvp, try wvw and pve, there is so much content to see, and wvw is an unbalanced open world mess, but it can be a fun mess.
Months ago, in custom arena skyhammer maps, u could tag the entire enemy team and jump to death, over and over in the same place, earning ridiculous amounts of glory and rank, but its been nerfed, and u cant do it now.
Now they probably have some way that is worst than playing team queue, so i don’t see the point anymore.
By the way, everyone that farmed skyhammer kept their rank and glory , including me.
MM, it should be called “Dodge the Meta” rather than defeat.
This is the first game i played where there is an extreme and hard punishment for leaving a queue or a game. It’s also a game without any way of surrendering the game, no vote for surrender or anything, so u need to “eat” the full bad experience.
Atleast let the losers surrender and move on…
It makes sense to move more dudes to WvW, after all, even if spvp and WvW are pve sidekicks, atleast WvW is played by a considerable amount of players.
Also their decision making on balance is really weird, meaning, they do most of the balance with spvp in mind when it’s clearly the less played thing, they should balance with pve and WvW in mind.
By the way, it’s been months since anyone in tried to push the ezports, it was a good idea for the launch, tons of dudes bought the game with the ezports in mind, so it sold a nice amount of units. The bad thing is that the developers believed in it, it’s one thing for gw2 players to believe in advertising “next ezports”, because they know pretty much nothing about games, but for the developers to believe their own advertise… Months were lost trying to balance for spvp and giving away money for tourneys and stuff that nobody watched, i’m quite happy that they scrapped this ezports idea, now they can focus on what works, pve and a bit of wvw.
Warrior is OK because if the player playing it is AFK or death, u can kill it, so in order to win you have plenty of options (set their house on fire, kill him, take out its limps so he is unable to play, etc.). I’m unable to see anything OP about the warrior!!
I honestly don’t get this idea of requiring 8 wins in spvp.
Here is the thing, mmorpg’s work well with grind, grinding is mmorpg’s true source of energy and gw2 is a mmorpg (a successfull one, not the pvp of course), forcing wining pvp matches to the grinders, it feels stupid.
As we all know pvp is just a sidekick of the true meat of gw2 (it’s pve), it makes some sense to make them play some games in order to grind a bit, but making them win !? to pve grinders… Are we dumb or what ? Grinding by definition is a repetitive and easy task that u do over and over again, wining is not easy, even with the matchmaking!
Seriously, u are making money, u sold a lot and are successfull because u provided pve grind, do not waste precious resources in spvp and do not force grinders to win, and not that many pvp games. U can force them to grind 3 games or even 5, but don’t require wins!! Remember who pays the bill here.
It’s most likely not enough playerbase, even the best matchmaking in the world cant make up for a low playerbase.
It makes a lot of sense if u see it through the eyes of a pve player, and gw2 is a pve game with some sidekicks, even pvp is now played by pve players that saved it from an extremely low playerbase.
Pve players work in the sense of progression and pvp doesn’t have any progression other than cosmetics (and for pve players that is not enough, by far). But introducing stat progression is a no no, too many pvp players still playing, so unlocks are a good way to introduce progression (and u can eventually introduce stat progression when enough pvp players left).
I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Concern: When is Guild Wars 2 going to get serious about eSports?
Also, only 40%, wasn’t it something like “double”…
The goal now is to get as many pve players as possible to spvp so the playerbase doesn’t reach the point of no return and spvp dies. In that effort we have new rewards that can be used in pve and achievements. And it sort of worked, we have more playerbase, pve players grinding pvp so the quality of matches is way worst, but atleast spvp is not dead.
They’ve also understood that there is no point in dumping more money or balance into spvp, so i don’t expect any new modes or big balance patches.
And the esports thing, it wasn’t that bad, they sold copies for the esport thing, and lots of people had their moment of glory, until they realized that their viewership was ridiculously low and the glory was just an ilusion.
Don’t worry, in the next patch they will remove the ele from spvp, so spvp will be way more balanced.
None that streams gw2 spvp or make videos does it for the money, have u seen the views, even if they monetize every single video and stream it won’t be enough for a living. Not by a huge margin. Unless they do some campaign like, give me money or i will die from starvation (Save the pros of gw2 spvp!!).
It’s a lost cause and u probably already know it, but it’s a nice video.
Actually he is. Achievements are there so extreme grinders can have something to do every day. is clearly trying to get more people into pvp by giving rewards and achievements, forcing achievement grinders to play more than ten games per day so they can get the achievements. When compared to the pve dailies it takes a lot more time.
I don’t think that pve players and achievement grinders will make spvp any better, but atleast it doesn’t have the previous extremely low playerbase, now is just a low playerbase.
No, the reason is because people dont like it.
You know what saved pvp this las time, it wasn’t class balance or new modes, it was rewards. Meaning, dudes like you and me that care about spvp as a competition game are a very very small part of the playerbase and shouldn’t listen to us.
He is right, the idea so far seems to be balance the game mostly around spvp but do 70% of the new content in pve, which honestly to me is weird. It’s like Pve is the main thing but they also commit balance, which is a really important thing, to PvP. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, just commit to PVE arena net which is what works well and leave spvp as a sidekick.
From experience of playing the ele, there are 3 types (mostly) of ele.
The bunker one that does a worst job as a defender for the close node than a spirit ranger or a mesmer that can easily help in the teamfight with some cool skills. And for bunkering mid, guardian is the king.
The staff one that can do some nice damage but it requires not being focused, if there is a single decent thief or warrior, they will focus you, and good luck stopping a warrior with stability and condition immunity by throwing at him walls and conditions like freeze and cripple.
The intaburst one, can do a really good and mostly instant damage, but it dies quickly and needs to get pretty close to the target. It’s probably the best one, but it’s more or less a bursty thief without stealth. You go there, unleash ur combo to the target and hope it dies and u can escape from the aoe and the focus that u will get.
Right now the only reason to play an ele is because they are cool, if u care at the slightest about ur position in the leaderboards do NOT use an ele.
It makes sense that this passive and easy to use specs exist and are really good.
Right now the only playerbase pvp can appeal to aren’t pvper’s (those are only the remaining ones from hyped times), it only can appeal to pver’s, and you need to provide to them an easy and powerfull spec.
I think this plus the new rewards is working quite well and made a lot of pver’s come and play pvp. Of course, competition is kind of a joke when the best is the easy to use, but competition it’s been dead in this game for some months, so who cares. Atleast pvp will be something pve players can do to spice things up.
Sometimes the playerbase is so low that matchmaking can’t do much and places peple that should never play together, but since the only dudes queueing are a nice number of pve’rs looking for carrots and some remaining pvp’ers, nothing can be done to solve this…
I watched some “pro” (i find it hard to say pro when the viewership is 30 dudes and even with extreme advertising it will give 0.3 dollars or less) stream for an hour or so, roughly half of the matches were complete destroys were the “pro” team obliterated the other, the other half where against roughly same skill level teams, with queue times of minimum 10 minutes.
It’s probably a good idea in those obliterating times to not call the enemy team baddies or something like that, it’s not good to try to shrink even further the playerbase. But being honest, it doesn’t matter, whatever u do this game isn’t gonna to recover and you can give as many rewards as u want, but there is no way that will transform a pve casual player into a pvp player.
Once i was in a game where my team had 2 eles and the other team had 2 eles too. But since i have an ele and i know how op it is, i relogged with the ele, the other 2 players of my team had the same idea, but the other team had the same idea too!.
Before even the game began we all casted meteor storm, but since it was 10 eles casting it, the damage was so high it completely destroyed the points and even the terrain, leaving only a huge crater of incinerated earth. So we all waited awkwardly at the spawn till the end of the timing and had a draw.
Since then if i play ele and there is already another ele on my team i reroll to another class, most likely a warrior to avoid any op class with large amount of damage and aoe, since i know what eles can do and playing in a destroyed map is no fun!
Gw2 will never ever provide the kind of pvp that u seem to like, meaning a game whose focus is the pvp. Gw2 is a pve game with 2 modes to spice things up for when u are bored from pve, spvp and WvW.
Why do you think half the playerbase left spvp….
What i will ask instead is why in the end of the match it shows the rank instead of the position in the leaderboards of the player…
wow why zero score? O_O
Just out classed lol
but … 0 points !!!
what happened?i.e.
1 went home, got killed by their far point assault before capping home? O_O
4 went mid, got killed by 3 mid fighters? O_O
then they split up and camped both entrances? O_Oi mean what happened during the 4 minutes? O_O
They played 3 points off the bat, sending 1 or 2 to far, 1 home, rest mid. They won all fights and triple capped, then they watched spawns and counted how many went to each point. They rotate the same number to wherever you try to go and win each of those fights for the rest of the match.
Happy Kid with the mad BM, as usual. :P
Gw2 spvp “pro” players left are 90% pure kitten. I remember at the begining, when with my team we lost against really good teams by a huge margin and they still apologized for the bad matchmaking and tell us that we didn’t play bad.
Now is just dudes with ego issues trying to forget their live problems by inflating their ego, and of course, getting angry and mad everytime they lose.
I will stop flaming in solo queue when Anet decides to fix the game and balance the cheese they created.
U can wait for that a long long time .
I was in a team with playing schedule, i’m not the best player but i’m decent. Meaning I know the basics. They just got mad because they lost and in a matchmaking system u will lose close to 50% of the games…
But, class counts, I played warrior and after 10 minutes I was a better player than with the staff ele. And there is more, one of the best tips to climb the ladder is play something that can tank and do some damage, like a greatsword guardian, because solo ladder or solo team queue ladder isn’t about your skill, is about defending/attacking points, so class/build counts a lot.
Im top page of the team leaderboards and I can assure you eles are the strongest class in tpvp my team runs 3 eles and we win every game im 102-4 since the sec 10th updar
Yours truly Champion Fire aka Backpack
Mine runs 5 eles and we don’t even need humans, most of them are played by cats.
It’s too much to ask to play some games with a staff ele and avoid being called noob, useless, learn to play, etc. in every single match, to lose a match wihout one or 2 calling the rest of their teammates nubs… Hell i even saw a guy complaining against his team when they were winning by more than 200 points…
And there is people that even when they win must call someone a nub, so they start to call the enemy team nubs and stuff.
I’ve played some online games before, mainly stacraft 1 and 2, which have 99 times more competition, and even when u reached high leagues, 99% of the players aren’t like that. But here, even when there is like what, 10 thousand remaining, it seems that most of the remaining playerbase are guys with some ego issues that need to call someone else nub to feel alright.
Sure u can block them and report them, but u can’t block 50% of theplayerbase…
I’m sorry, i like my staff ele with my build, but i can’t play anymore like this. Moving to awesomenauts for some casual fun…
And by the way, why the hell the game still shows ur rank of farming instead of ur % in the leaderboards…
Warrior is op because gw2 spvp is about littles circles.
In a 1v1 u can leave the fight while he pops invulnerabilities, in a 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 over a cap point, u can’t, if u leave u lose, if u stay u cant damage him or even cripple him and u lose. Lose, lose…
Even staff ele is OP xD . One ele killed my entire team with a meteor storm while the 5 of us were focusing him. He then healed all his team to full heal with some water thingies and gave them 99 stacks of might each.
If u played sc2 u know that the win loss in a perfect world should be 50%. That’s because it also takes into account ur MMR and so in the enemy team there should be a player with somewhat equal skill as yours. In that game i had consistenly 48-52%, even when i improved a lot and reached higher leagues.
There can only be 2 reasons for a huge group of players not having a close to 50% w/l ratio, either the matchmaking is badly designed or the playerbase is low enough that matchmaking fails most of the time or both.
But, solo queue and even team queue when pugging, is more about having a build that can tank and do damage and some support, than actual skill, indeed one of the best recomendations to achieve higher mmr is to play a greatsword guardian or a warrior.
I NEED ascended for my WvW one man, roaming, 2 vs 2, duels, fights… I stopped playing WvW since the weapons came out because i don’t want to grind so much to be on equal stats than others. I enjoyed WvW because I could have the builds and clases how i liked and it was easy to get the best stat gear for it, with ascended that is no longer true.
And if 14% is meaningless, i suggest a way to find out, go to the spvp forums and post a thread about a new and cool idea for character progression, every spvp rank level will give you a minor boost to a stat till 14%. Since 14% is nothing and can be evaded and skill is what counts, i’m sure they will agree that it is a wonderfull idea.
Actually little fights in WvW are pretty good and enjoyable, and ascended is a must for that (14% is huge if u fight against someone that is somewhat of ur skill level).
Also, in pve, this new ascended stuff will bring problems. Let’s say they make a new dungeon, or a “raid”, or whatever, and since the best stat is X they design so with ascended is “normal” and with exotic is hard and more lengthy, and then u see things like: LF warrior/guardian, full ascended. And the full ascended requirement becomes the norm…
They’ve sold their souls to the carrot eaters and there is no turning back. New tiers will be added and new content requiring the new tiers will be added. The carrot eaters won’t stick around otherwise.
Also, all is vain.
The force is too strong in this one .
Well, good luck with that.
As a staff ele u can do some nice stuff, and other clases have some too. However, is extremely unreliable, most of the time u will use the fields and ur teammates will ignore them. Even with that, healing ur teammates by water field + all the blasts u have is nice.
BUT, what’s the point ? U have other clases that can put massive aoe damaging fire field and become immune to all conditions (no freeze, cripple or anything) and stun over and over till u die. Support in this game is mostly useless because of how overpowered are most builds/classes used in spvp. Whenever i play staff ele, it’s the only time i don’t feel i’m cheating.
And even more people posting how to balance xD .
How many hints u need to understand that u will be ignored ? :P
Another balance document… come on!!
How many hints u need to understand that you will be ignored ?
You want to be acknowledged, well, make a document about rewards in spvp, that will work well .
The rewards patch has certainly increased the number of people playing (or should i say farming…) in spvp.
Now spvp is what it should be according to its own merits, a sidekick for the pve, a place to try builds and stuff for free and to spice things up a bit with some pvp (and also another place to farm, in this case, only skins and achievement points).
I’m glad they understood what gw2 pvp is.
If you expect gw2 spvp to be a game about twicthy skills u can die waiting, the game is designed around hard counters and good team compositions.
If the best players of the world make a team and play with 5 staff eles, they will lose against an average team of players. Solo queue leaderboards for example is mostly a demonstration of how you play with a build designed to support others, not your skill (it is known that the best way to improve your solo queue leaderboards is to use something like a guardian, and the bunker one, not really hard to use at all).
If u want twitchy skills, u should seek somewhere else.
And that’s what spvp is, a way for casuals to farm more .
Good Job (i’m kidding, i know you didn’t have any options, it was that or die).
no, seriously, you all should stop.
combustion shot has already been nerfed.
it is really fine is working exactly as intended.
it is not hard to step out of the fire field to avoid the burning.again, guild wars 2 is a game for casual players.
the 10 dec 2013 patch has proved that.
more casual players are trying out sPvP now.more will follow in the future patches to come.
He is right at the second part, gw2 spvp is a game for casuals.
Of course there is clear balance problems and the best builds are also the easiest to use. But if we take into account what the game is trying to do, appeal to the farming pve player, it makes a lot of sense, u can’t force this players to become pvper’s, so u need to provide easy to play and effective builds for them, if u don’t they will be frustrated pretty soon and probably stop playing.
Yeah, i know, this dumbs down the game, so esports, competitive and stuff is even more of a fantasy than a reality. But, spvp is doomed anyways, this way atleast is a side-kick for the pve which is the real core of gw2(their choices where bad, death with honour or live with dishonour, in the latter atleast you are still alive, so i kind of understand their decision-making), so who cares.
I suggest a new document to try to create an easy to play and effective build for ele, it will maybe be read and implemented by, this one, won’t be.
Don’t worry, nobody would call you superhuman for being good at gw2…
It’s working as intended.
The game is mostly designed around builds, classes and hard counters. If u seek a game designed around mostly twitchy skills u should search somewhere else, this game will never provide that.
From 2-300 to 5-600, awesome, i guess .
It’s like when they said we doubled the pvp playerbase with our new rewards for pvp, yeah, that’s because u had like 200 playerbase, so doubling is easy and of course u don’t compare that number with the best numbers, when the hype was at it’s peak, because then the picture would be awfull.
That is the reason why competitive players rerolled a lot their class/build for their team, class/spec > skill, and that’s also the reason why i’m very good with the guardian, decent with the engi and awfull with the ele .
You can be as good as u want, if the enemy has a nice bunker, roamer, off-bunker, condi composition and ur team is u, 3 eles and a thief, most likely u will lose, and hard.
Expecting gw2 spvp to provide nice and enjoyable close matches is like expecting a politician to be more than a good actor.
MM tried the first, i died in 0.10 seconds from a thief xD .
if u thinking for staff roll with one of these,
I will try them, thanks, but it seems to me that the issue there is just that the enemy team doesn’t focus at all to the clearly robe mage dude with staff that will probably die in half a hit. Meaning, maybe against better teams u get focus down quickly, i could be wrong of course.