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REMOVE Immobilize STACKS from WvW please.

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Honestly I could nor disagree with the OP more. Why should imobilize not stack? Everything stacks more players more danger. Damage stacks aswell, why should a cc heavy strategy be punished while a damage heavy strategy is not.

Why should people choseing to stack imobilize have a disadvantage with that strategy over people chosing to stack raw damage e.g. multiple killshort warriors?

Why is cc being criticised whereas mindless damage like greatsword 1 on warriors is not even mentioned?

[Venom Share] Something you may want to try

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Go to try 20 0 30 20 0 with ambush trap and thief guild before speaking!

Gets hardcountered by daggerstorm you will kill yourself….

[Venom Share] Something you may want to try

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


We are not talking wvw here, my earlier statements are aimed at spvp only.

Thieves guild is bad please do not even mention it. If you can not see why then sorry you are hopeless as a thief.

For wvw you can get all the stat combnations you like not so in spvp, in wvw thieves have no problems whatsoever and there are tons of good builds.

Spvp is where thieves are in trouble, I did not have the time to test the OP build yet, but to me it looks like a decent idea albeit I might modify it to suit by preferences.

Until now in my oppinion only bleed heavy support builds are good for spvp, face it SWORDS SUCK!

[Venom Share] Something you may want to try

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Sigil of Hydromancy is rather bad on a stealth reliant build because the aoe on swap breaks stealth same with the bleed on swap sigil.

I`ve been searching for an idea to make d/p work in spvp for some time the build in the OP might be the way, I must admit that the idea of d/p without any crit did not occur to me. But it seems natural to make a d/p control and cc build the set is ideal for that.

[Venom Share] Something you may want to try

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


This seems pretty interesting, thanks for posting. I like going without crit, having reliable damage seems preferable to the rng in my view.

Speed runes or maybe even grove runes might work good with this.

I am not sure aboutthe heal venom though in general HiS seems superior due to the condition removal.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

What kind of build will you play now?

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


WvW and PvE d/p and sb as I do now with 33% more initiative since I do not use initiative regeneraiot traits, it will be awesome.

I will test out 30 points into acrobatics atleast in spvp with d/d and sb conditon damage builds.

To add to the traveller runes discussion I can say that I consider runes of speed to be superior the extra vit helps a lot aswell as the increased swiftness uptime. Those are also cheaper especially if you make them yourself.

Personally I do not think much will change (atleast for me and the builds I like) s/d was bad anyway (compared to warriors in the same “role”)so why bother to QQ.

My condi steal thief

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Seems good, I play a hybrid/power based variation of a steal build that works quite good so this should do at least decent I think.

Long range on steal might be needed in your build. Having no offhand pistol is always bad since you lack the “hard interrupt” headshot provides. So steal is your only interrupt if someone tries to ress a downed enemy. That might be a problem.

S1 Rewards, awesome

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


I mean it.

Dolyaks are awesome! They are the backbone of pwnage.

A life-size one would be super awesome.

S1 Rewards, awesome

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Best item in the game is the miniature Dolyak!

I named mine Betty III, I know she is special, she is no ordinary miniture Dolyak infact she is a Miniture Giant Mutant Space Dolyak.

Finally a Dolyak that follows me around, albeit a small one.

[Build] P/P - The Leech

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Though I think the idea is interesting I do not belive this build will work, basically you will get 2 shot everytime someone attacks you since you have very low hp and next to no defences.

The lack of condition removal is the next problem.

I think you will not survive long enough to actually kill someone.

(edit) even if you can get health regeneration rates as high or higher than warriors it will not help high regeneration also needs high health so you have enough time to let the regeneration do it`s work.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

So WvW Warrior will get another boost...

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Eh I’ll complain about it after I’ve seen it in action. I haven’t had an issue killing warriors in 1v and 2v situations. I might just have gotten lucky though.

I do love your atttitude towards challenges.

I did not wish to complain either, my point is that there will be another skill for warriors introduced to the game that is by far better that what the other classes get.

I kind of envy the build choices warriors have…

And the VS and SFR guys do not count anyone can beat those in small groups…

So WvW Warrior will get another boost...

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Strikes. So poison him.

Unfortunately this will not work due to healing and condition removal via shouts etc.
Basically it is next to impossible to get conditions to stick on warriors if you are not a engineer.
And even if you could get permanent poison and buring on a warrior he will kill you before your conditions eat through his enormous health pool. (If you are not an engineer.)

Together with shout healing this new skill will be insane since it provides yet another imunity aswell, they will not only heal but also take no damage while this is active at all from direct sources. Yet another oh kitten I messed up but no problem I can go immune button.

I know I should not have killed that warrior on top of garrison while the enemy controlled it and ress the mesmer after that, I probably just caused another series of buffs to warriors and thief nerfs…

General Thief bugs (as of the last patch)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


1) “Blinding Powder” is not cnsistently applying stealth. The animation plays the blind happens but the stealth is not applied, neither the translucent character model nor the buff icon appear and judgeing by getting hit other players can see the thief.

2) Master Trait “Hidden Thief” basically same issue as above.

3) Getting hit while evading with “Roll for Initiative” and “Withdraw”, especially by sequence attacks like “Unload” the full number of hits happen despite the “evade” on these Skills.

4) Dodge rolls not avoiding attacks.

5) Mesmer greatsword 1 attack and elementalist fire ball ignore stealth, getting repeatetly hit in stealth by those attacks even when moving those attacks follow.

6) General missfireing of attacks, amimation and sound of the attack play even the “hit the target sound” the target is not moving or dodgeing but the damage does not get applied. This especially concernes “heatseeker” and “cluster bomb”.

I hope someone actually reads this, if so thanks for your attention.

Nightmare's Within- Just got personal!

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Logan? You can get Logan?
Dang… gotta replay it until I get Logan so I can cut his neck off with an extra blunt spoon…

I’ve been “bluntening” my spoons for this since the beta, I can not wait to do this…

Does anet hate glass builds?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


if you play a thief, reroll please <<< that is message i got from tower

i love when ppl say, make another build… no matter what build you run thieves ARE glassy since their survival is non existant almost

stealth through? ayee……. can’t stealth through aoe

i did make it to the last instance but basically by walking over other ppl bodies

tbh i can deal with poison and other crap, but devs obsession with confusion really kills any content for me lately

Sorry to break it to you, it is doable as a thief solo, I did it solo all the way up and the last instance aswell, just joining random other solo players as we did the events to open the walls to the next levels. Actually stealth is a huge advantage in there.

Maybe it is just you…

Awesome content, dangerous npcs that actually require some tactics and strategy, no oneshot AOE next to no imunities and still dangerous, FREAKING AWESOME STUFF THERE!!!!

30 seconds of reveal?

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Hahaahaa! Outplayed!

Yet another plea for a Steal Rework

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145



Leave steal alone!

Honestly leave it alone!

Nothing to see here, move along folks!

lf build "Ninja nurse"

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


I know here was topic about this build, but I can’t find it. This might be my play style after 10dec balance patch.

Ifyou are serious read this carefully then use your brain to make your own build, the secrets ofthe ninja nurses are not easy to optain.

The basic idea is not to put out raw numbers but decisive actions, interrupt stomps hand out the right boons when it matters and grant stealth and healing when it matters.

Build basics are 0/0/20/20,30, gear needs to be hybrid damage with lots of vitality, do it ninja style do it in a way that even your team will not understand why they won and be as “indirect” as possible.

laets tiart

Nurse power !

The D/P "permanent" Stealth conspiracy

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


“Smoke Screen + HS = 15 secs of stealth”

how are you getting 15 secs of stealth with this? I only get 8-9 seconds.
(thats asuming I take off the trait that gives 2 init when doing each HS, because thats how its going to be after dec 10)

You might want to read the trait descriptions and reconsider your build, I do not say you can get permanent stealth for free with d/d like with d/p at the moment but you can have it.

Create your own build…

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


My 50 cent…

They way initiative regaining by Black Powder and Heartseeker works now needed to be changed basically thieves are able now to gain long periods of stealth with just 2 buttons and effectively no initiative or cooldown cost, anyone with half a brain saw that nerf coming and it is needed, if you do something you pay in initiative or cooldowns that is the unerlying design principle, you do not get stuff for free. NOW PLEASE TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT WARRIORS APPLYING THAT PRINCIPLE.

33% more initiative regeneration: HAHA to good to be true, no complaints there.

S/D is overrated and a gimmick at best, we all know it, warriors do it 10 times better. The gimmick now gets removed no big deal. And the return part in conjunction with the on crit initiative refund was basically another “free” move, the only alternative to the upcoming changes would be a drastic increase in initiative cost for the 2 skill.

Damage and initiative are not the problem thieves have, nor will the reduced uptime on vigor have any overwhelming effect, basically you can spam evades and dodge without vigor traits anyway.

The problems thieves have are simple, no reliable way to get stability and/or protection without Lysaa runes or useing daggerstorm canceling (both severely limits choices in your build).
In a lot of aspects of the game there are situations where it is absolutely crucial for you to stay on a spot, ride out a damage spike or when even 1 knockback will instantly kill you. This is why the total imunities some proffesions have are so incredably strong, having no damage migitation (protection) no way to directly avoid knockbacks etc. withoutmoving (stability) or a absolut imumity (this should not be in the game anyway, especially if you can still use skills etc. during that imunity) is a huge disadvantage, one can go without 1 or 2 of the above options but not without all of them. Just look at rangers they have it even worse because of the very same reasons plus bad mobility.
So give us one or two of those options. (I suggest traits like: Gain protection if disabled for 3 sec, instead of a random teleport that will just kill you, or gain stability for 3 sec when you fall below 33% health on a 60 sec internal cooldown…).

The D/P "permanent" Stealth conspiracy

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


I can permastealth with d/d without CnD…

If you think d/p has it`s strength in stealth you are mistaken, the point in d/p is that it has 2 different finishers a combofield and a “hard” interrupt.

With the incoming changes to initiative d/p will be even better, once people start to understand that initiative regaining traits are a waste of a slot (and they are even now) our happless victims will stand even less of a chance because everyone will stop ideling away in stealth, the thief QQ will go to even more absurd proportions.

WvW Season 1 Week 1 [EU] in numbers

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145



Please add “total time owning the outmanned buff” in the next one.

Sic em cannot be dodged

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


It will also prevent shadow refuge (or mass invisibility) from being used to save downed team mates, it will make downed 3 for thieves and the mesmer downed invisibility and it`s clone totally useless, the implications are far more severe than any of the previous posts indicate.

There is the actual value of this change. Stealth was the only sure stomp save in the game. It had no counter play. Really I don’t think it is that big a deal, because if you are a Ranger what are you giving up for “Sic em’”? Probably a spirit. While having a counter play for stealth is valuable the spirits are the crutch that make most ranger builds viable right now, and on the whole I think that the spirits actually carry more value.

There are multiple counters to stealth as a “stomp save” already in the game (like AoE knockbacks).

I do not really want to complain about Sic’em in my previous post, as this might actually help rangers who REALLY need love in group fights (and I say this a somome who plays next to olny thieves). But this change introduces a mechanic with a lot of inpact and I wanted to stressthat nobody seeems to get the full implications.

I do think about not saving rangers with my shadow refuge anymore in wvw form time to time, just to make a statement you know…

Some thoughts on D/D Dual Skill Death Blossom

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


D/D is a hybrid damage set which workes great. The fact that 3 and 4 are finisher moves allows you to apply other conditions than bleeds (if you know what a combo field is).

Above posts are a good example for not understanding the actual strengsths of the D/D set and all the suggestions just a call for simplifications and would lead to D/D becoming a one trick pony.

Personally I am against all those suggestions.

Sic 'em cannot be dodged

in Ranger

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Shouts are aoe effects as I understand it the reveal will be applied to anyone within the 3000 rage the shout has, it is centered on you not the pet you are doing it.

So if I am not mistaken you will break any stealth or invisibility in that area for 4 sec once every 40 sec and will prevent restealth for 4 sec. I might be wrong so wait until later….

Sic em cannot be dodged

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Any ranger worth a single copper will use it, it will counter all stealth usage at low hp as a last line of defense for thieves no matter what the build.
Anyone with even half a brain will use it when the thief is at about 30% hp and it will next to always ensure the kill, especially in spvp focus fire situations this will be a major problem.
It will also prevent shadow refuge (or mass invisibility) from being used to save downed team mates, it will make downed 3 for thieves and the mesmer downed invisibility and it`s clone totally useless, the implications are far more severe than any of the previous posts indicate.
As a thief I do not like this at all, on the other hand this might just be the last straw for rangers who are otherwise completely usless.

I just wonder what the counter to all the invunerabilities in the game could be since everything needs a hardcounter…

Good luck rangers, you will need it, once the number of thieves drops (and it will) you will be useless again.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

WvW - How would you improve

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


-Borderlands Bloodlust reduced to +25 stats per stack.
-Finisher score reward for Borderlands Bloodlust stacks trippled.
-Defense against Guards and Guard Leech stat bonus reduced by 50%.
-Superior sigil stat boni stacks limited to 10 stacks for WvW (e. g. Superior Sigil of Bloodlust).
-Siege damage against players increased by 50%, Arrow Carts apply “chilled” in the mastery aswell as poison.
-Trebuchet mastery trait “corrosive poison” doubles all incoming damage to golems if they stand in the “cow cloud”.


(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

Does anything beat a competent D/P Thief?

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Usually equal skill and equal gear will lead to a stalemate if both players avoid overextending and avoid the hard hitters of the other. I am talking from a thief`s perspective here, if your opponent has a decent build and the same gear level as you have you will not be able to finish him without taking extreme risks and having a kittenload of luck(I do not consider getting away alive with the other guy alive as winning).
So what you do to win is you use the enviroment to your advantage, there is no easy recipe it dependes on where you fight, use everything npcs cliffs critters, strave and jump turn and DO NOT PANIC. If the envitoment does not favor you move the fight find a pillar and hug it your live depends on pillars recruit.

If you are a ranger forget the statements above you will never beat a decent thief 1v1 you guys have my pity.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

Does anything beat a competent D/P Thief?

in WvW

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


I am sincerely asking if there is any spec in the game that can actually beat them in a 1v1?

Everyone has encountered the roaming D/P Thief that can smoke field -> leap finisher, refuge, etc. They do enough damage over the fight to kill almost anything that isn’t a pure tank, can shadowstep out of stuns and stealth to reset the fight at any point, drop conditions while in stealth and regen health.

So does any good D/P thief think there’s a class/spec that straight up beats them 1v1? The only class I’ve heard say they beat them is certain Mesmer builds (I have heard both the perplexity rune and phantasm mesmers beat them), but I’ve also heard some D/P thieves claim to beat these classes too. Obviously one of them is mistaken.

Obligatory Disclaimer: Please do not post if you have no idea what you’re talking about. Yes, I too have killed hundreds of Thieves, but it’s because they don’t know what they’re doing.

Death Blossom

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


DB is what makes D/D possible to play with hybrid damage builds it also makes D/D playable for certain support condition builds (evade!!!), just because you do not use it with burst builds does not mean it is misplaced.

edit: It`s not just all about the high numbers, you know.

Red Jounz RKO WvW solo ....^^

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Those opponents…

What server is that?

What Am I Missing About Shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


You are missing a lot, so here comes at short guide to thiefs and the reasons why short bow is obligatory in any group fight.

Permanent poision on a unlimited amout of targets with 4 accompanied by permanent area weakness provided by 4+2 (this is bordeline overpowerded in wvw weakness + healing reduction kills zergs), on demand spammable blast finisher with 2 (just make sure you hit those circles provided by your friends for extra pwnage, priority for this is water fields > poision fields > light fields > chaos fields > rest), on demand chainable evade with repositioning on 3, movement even if imobilized on 5, best sustainable AoE damage in the game with clusterbomb, the ability to shoot around corners with detonating cluster bomb in mid air.
Combo fields, procetile finisher and blast finisher on the same weapon!!!

In short: GET A BOW

Basically the essence of thiefs is that we get tunneled into certain weapon combos because those are way better than all the others, basically you have to take a bow or you will suffer, just as you have to take pistol dagger or you will suffer.

Consider the finisher and field options of your weapons of choice combos ALLWAYS win out in the end (especially cross class combos). I hope this helps.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)