RIP City of Heroes
RIP City of Heroes
Demand, its been on the increase for a few weeks now, either people are stock piling for the update incase there are major changes, espically around scribing etc, ascended armor, and even getting ready for the last Legendary,
It usually evens itself out fairly quickly.
Just FYI,
The supply on the market as of this post is
The Demand is
Its always this way heading into a big update.
Demand is a pointless number unless you also examine the distribution of those bids. Someone or group of someones placed a bid of 250K at 40s57c, thus roughly doubling the number of bids and establishing an apparent lower limit to that could support ecto prices for the time being. Also the current high bid was 3s above that so this influx of bids had no impact to the trading range when it was placed. It’s a heck of a lot more expensive than a million bids at 2c, we are talking over 100K gold in bids, but it’s the same effect in terms of ginning up “demand”.
However since it’s a bid, that support can be lifted at a moment’s notice with no financial penalties to those behind this stunt.
RIP City of Heroes
So if 4/22 is post update that means it’s dropping next Tuesday. So glad you were all so straight forward answering this when asked … /sarcasm.
RIP City of Heroes
I think of it as being analogous to a CPU time slice in a multitasking OS, a limit that allows others to get a crack at the database when selling an object.
RIP City of Heroes
I think NCSOFT may have suggested the mix Asian look of Cantha wouldn’t fly in China and that was a target market NCSOFT was entering.
No issue making it more Chinese/Korean, just Japanese influence would be a problem.
RIP City of Heroes
It’s good to see that the notion that the limit is simply an anti-bot measure is dead and buried.
RIP City of Heroes
Actually GW2Spidy is probably the worst site for charts as their sampling of the market is fairly infrequent and inconsistent. Both GW2TP and GW2BLTC have roughly a 5 minute sampling rate available for the last 24 hours. GW2Shinies is every 15 minutes.
RIP City of Heroes
When players are saying “half an expansion” they are talking about value, that it wasn’t $60 worth of expansion in their mind but only $30. MO’s saw “half an expansion” as suggesting that they didn’t deliver on half what was promised during the HoT announcement Jan 2015 at PAX South.
Imo i feel they would make far more money if it was cheaper. Also that no slot for basic version fiasco for revenant. Both caused rage on community part. And lets be honest here, we cant really call HoT an expansion, its moree like boxed ls3/dlc.
Thing is people beg for expansion as Anet development was and is slow as kitten for unknow reason to us. New legendaries that was supposed to come in 2013, new professions skills over time and so on.. and yet here we are, 4 legendaries and elite specs (just one per class!) locked behind paywall and on top of that res tof legendaries is basically canceled. No discount for vets on price etc.
Many actually looking for april update in all gamemodes, if they fail to deliver i bet they will lose a large part of playerbase. We all know what how terrible S2 pvp for example along with op braindead elite specs. Its literally their last chance to get out of this hole.
Well we did get new skills and adjusted traits in the years before the expansion, obviously not as many or as build altering as you wanted but the issue there is always about balance.
They did eventually tell us in 2013 that new legendaries weren’t coming. Whether it was an issue of needing to set up the infrastructure needed for collections or that they couldn’t rationalize the manpower required while the game was only making cash shop income we’ll never know. This decision could be the result of the expansion NOT selling as well as they expected.
As for your last point, then there is going to be a lot of players disappointed because this April’s update will center around cleaning up/restructuring HoT so you could jump in game for a half an hour and actually get some progression/rewards. Sure there are other changes as well but nothing revolutionary and nothing in terms of playable content in core Tyria. Another pass at Fractals, tweaking systems in neo-WvW for play testing and lowering scribe costs. Also once PvP league is over another “balance” change.
But opening up the content taps, no we won’t see any of that until July the earliest. We might get a returning festival but nothing substantial outside of the HoT maps. Maybe I’ll be surprised.
RIP City of Heroes
While I would love to see old bids swept to reflect the current range of bids and item interest, it’s only a little annoying since most of the activity is among the current top 5 or 10 price points.
Updating your bids is a few extra clicks but I think they don’t want players to just live on the TP. I find updating my bids one of the easier things to do. On the opposite side, items listed for sale, well they actively discourage tweaking your price with the listing fee, so unless you are merely complaining about clicks required, the TP will still want it’s full fee every time you update the sell price on an item.
And that’s why 3rd party TP sites flourish, they provide the graphs. I would be happy with a transaction price range and volume for the last 24 hours. Even better if they split it between items bought with bids and items bought from sale listings. As it is, movements in price and supply and “demand” numbers can have causes other than a completed sale.
RIP City of Heroes
When players are saying “half an expansion” they are talking about value, that it wasn’t $60 worth of expansion in their mind but only $30. MO’s saw “half an expansion” as suggesting that they didn’t deliver on half what was promised during the HoT announcement Jan 2015 at PAX South.
RIP City of Heroes
Anet stated that they are okay with SAB selling but they are working on a fix. Furthermore if i’ve known of this before doing the weapon collection i probably would have sold some. Why are you to be punished when you excel at actual content in the game rather than market flipping?
They are okay with it now because it doesn’t impact the economy. If players were making loot directly from this it sure would have been declared forbidden with slap downs incoming. But since it doesn’t, just some players getting a reward they didn’t deserve by paying someone to let them get it, it’s Okay for now and if it gets fixed before SAB goes away, not all that important, to ANet. Makes the reward pointless as a badge of skill for the rest of us.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
1) There was simply no reason for Level 500 Food and Jewelry. It was the presumption of the players that these crafts would go to 500.
2) I never heard of any of these “promises”, just ideas bandied about.
3) While I myself enjoy underwater combat, I fear the vast majority of the players don’t which is why it’s sort of being abandoned. And I don’t have an issue that some utility skills don’t work underwater.
4) New Legendary Weapons dropped … for now. We did get our craftable pre-cursors for existing Legendary Weapons. Lets get the game back up on it’s feet first.
5) They have said numerous times that coming up with a way to make at least portions of LS 1 replayable will require a lot of work. They’ve never said when it would ever be released, just looked at.
6) SAB not being finished … I agree that finishing the last two SAB worlds, as SAB is limited time annual content, wouldn’t be a good use of dev time with the game in it’s current state.
RIP City of Heroes
“Player input” is what got us expansions, which is why we no longer have lots of monthly free content.
Ever hear the expression “don’t buy the cow if you can get the milk for free”? We were getting the milk for free and many of our fellow players complained long and hard about how they would rather pay for it because that somehow makes it better. Now we get less milk AND have to pay for it.
Player input is the last thing we need more of…
People were tired of tiny bites of content that was, at best, mediocre, and wanted a massive chunk of real content. Something on the scope and scale of Factions or Nightfall (not technically expansions, but functionally they were for most people), with all the trimmings. Don’t blame the players for Anet being unwilling or unable to provide that.
Pretty much. ’Tis why I no longer play and havent for ~1-2 years now. When HoT was announced, I got curious. But I knew better than to give ANet more of my money. And it would seem that I was right in holding off.
-Legendary development stopped…
-Dungeons are still untouched
-Guild missions are a joke.
-The Living World is not so living and doesn’t react to your choices
-Multiple small bits of content that I missed via LS are still not available for me to play(because I didnt log in during the weeks these were running? How awesome…)…Great so pretty much there are large swaths of content I’ll never see.
- Dungeons were declared dead years ago in terms of development so why are you surprised they are untouched.
- What did you think guild mission were going to be?
*The Living World was initially living because you had to be present to experience the changes. A destroyed Kessex Hills and destroyed and rebuilt Lion’s Arch were the results. There is also the area in DR that was rebuilt and now houses events.
I’m sorry, if you haven’t played in 1 or 2 years then why visit the forums?
RIP City of Heroes
“Player input” is what got us expansions, which is why we no longer have lots of monthly free content.
Ever hear the expression “don’t buy the cow if you can get the milk for free”? We were getting the milk for free and many of our fellow players complained long and hard about how they would rather pay for it because that somehow makes it better. Now we get less milk AND have to pay for it.
Player input is the last thing we need more of…
People were tired of tiny bites of content that was, at best, mediocre, and wanted a massive chunk of real content. Something on the scope and scale of Factions or Nightfall (not technically expansions, but functionally they were for most people), with all the trimmings. Don’t blame the players for Anet being unwilling or unable to provide that.
So something on the scale of ANOTHER GAME cause that’s what Factions and Nightfall were and were sold as such.
RIP City of Heroes
Except it’s not Nash. Those 4 threads running on two cores improves the efficiency of those two cores a bit. So it’s better than two cores that can only run two threads but we aren’t talking by a lot except in certain applications, that are often used to benchmark CPUs with HT.
RIP City of Heroes
“Player input” is what got us expansions, which is why we no longer have lots of monthly free content.
Ever hear the expression “don’t buy the cow if you can get the milk for free”? We were getting the milk for free and many of our fellow players complained long and hard about how they would rather pay for it because that somehow makes it better. Now we get less milk AND have to pay for it.
Player input is the last thing we need more of…
RIP City of Heroes
Well the game engine is “crippled” by non-thread safe data which makes dividing and conquer approach for multithreading the grunt work all but impossible, at least according to the reddit thread from the game engine dev from a few months plus back.
It was reveled recently on reddit as well that some of the very foundation of the game has common code shared with the GW1 engine.
It appears that the GW2 engine design goals were starting with the GW1 engine, split off the render thread making two cores manditory, allow some async asset loading and character model generation in support threads, and moving from Dx8 to Dx9 support with Win XP being the targeted platform.
Dx10 was out during development but Dx9 had the larger knowledge base on tips and tricks. Also while Dx versions up to 9 were evolutionary as in you wrote a renderer the same way, Dx10 was a paradigm shift and early Dx10 engines actually preformed worse than the Dx9 counterpart. Dx11 built on Dx10 primarily by making Dx calls thread safe so now multiple threads can use Dx calls without stepping on one another. There is still a bottleneck with single thread at the kernel driver level but that was the primary change that Dx12 provided.
So going to Dx11 would require at least an extensive change dealing with the whole Dx API. Then thread safing the game’s data to allow multithreading as an option, both with back end set up grunt work and the actual rendering. The knowledge base on coding for Dx10/11 is now quite mature.
So while incorporating these features in a GW3 engine, doing an upgrade to the existing one is doubtful.
The one advantage about the GW2 engine over say the UE3 in BnS is I can run with a number of my settings on high and get better performance in GW2 than I get with settings on minimal in BnS. While I would expect a major performance leap in BnS if I slap a proper gaming card into my system, along with an upgraded PSU, in GW2 it simply won’t matter as much, I will just have prettier slightly less dismal frame rates during events.
RIP City of Heroes
Well we now get armor sets when substantial new content is released. Which is a problem with the content drought. HoT contained a few that you could earn as rewards but players really don’t want to earn things, even though they say they do. And with gold to gems, players were milking dungeons for all their worth to pay for their gem shop armor anyways and therefore they were “free”.
RIP City of Heroes
With Intel mobile CPUs it’s not just the i5/i7 designation that denotes a proper quad core but the suffixes HQ and HK on current models (MQ on the previous). For instance the i7-6600U is a dual core with HT while the i7-6700HQ is a quad core with HT (and the i5-6440HQ is just a quad core).
RIP City of Heroes
Well, since guild decorations is not owned by 1 player, but by the guild itself, no player will benefit from this if Anet decide to double all guildhalls already crafted decorations. So I can’t see how this can open up for all sort of cases where players want refund.
My comment wasn’t targeting your suggestion on GH decorations but others who want a kick back of gold to compensate leveling scribe.
RIP City of Heroes
Crafting has a number of issues related to it being a profitable venture.
First, materials needed for low level crafting is also used for highest level crafting. The need for lower tier mats for ascended has made the cost of those mats such that unless you collected them yourself for low level crafting, it simply costs too much.
Next, speed of leveling means that the demand for say a level 27 crafted sword is literally a few hours of gameplay until you want a higher level one. This means there is no market except for crafting it for yourself, except standard drops will provide you with the gear you need while leveling up. So no demand.
Lastly since crafting is also a leveling process and that you need to craft to level in it, the market is flooded with whatever items are the cheapest to craft as everyone is crafting the same few weapon and armor disciplines.
So we have a glut of crafted items and limited demand at lower crafting levels and pricey base materials because the original material tiers as tied to crafting is ignored in an attempt to bring the excessive supply in check, something that worked too well. Those are the underlying issues as to why crafting isn’t a profitable occupation.
That said, Jeweler and Chef are currently the two crafting disciplines that cap at level 400 currently. Food buffs are seriously underused by the vast majority of players and jewelry only provide a minor bump in stats. Maybe if and when they bump it to 500, they could add something compelling to craft that would be high in demand that don’t use mats used in GHs, scribing or ascended gear so they can be profitable but I doubt it.
RIP City of Heroes
We aren’t reacting with hate, we are reacting toward the notion that a player is “owed” anything when a game system is revamped. It’s a can of worms no company wants to open because there is no stopping it. Were players reimbursed when many bought traits with SP and gold? Or when a crafting recipe is changed? Or a new source of materials is introduced so price plummets?
Very, very early on players realized the cost of scribe was seriously out of wack as a player crafting skill. I’m of the mind that scribe should have been a GH feature and not a crafting discipline but obviously it was a bone to throw at crafters for the expansion.
RIP City of Heroes
EVE has a council because of the sandbox nature of the game where it’s the playerbase that is behind the various “events” and not CCP. The council is there to make sure CCP doesn’t alter the base game in a way to screw up all the player generated content as well as adding features to support the same player generated content.
GW2 is a theme park style MMO built around ANet created content, closest thing to what EVE has would be WvW and PvP but that is still heavily managed by ANet. I’m not suggesting ANet doesn’t need more feedback from a wider sampling of players than they currently have to iterate ideas before dumping them on the rest of us, just not something as formal as EVE’s council. They did this with raids.
As for festivals, I don’t want to see festivals for the sake of festivals to fill time. Right now we have three between the last half of October and first half of January. That’s one about every four weeks with each lasting two to three weeks. We don’t need to fill the remaining nine months with annual festivals, we need new content as well as a few annual events like SAB and QJ. LS 1 did a good job with that, it just wasn’t persistent. LS 2 is persistent but tied to the launch of the expansion. LS 3 sounds like it’s a branch off of HoT which is a problem when the vast majority of your maps aren’t tied to HoT.
Having the majority of future content exclusive for level capped players will be a problem. It will encourage the mentality that didn’t exist here in the past that 1-79 should be rushed through to get to “the good stuff”. What happen to the notion that zones will have “fun” content for all levels (zone minimum to level cap)?
I would like to see future expansions be lateral is scope rather that exclusively level cap. Give us more areas to level up our characters through rather than a “different” leveling system for just our 80s.
But that’s my two coppers.
RIP City of Heroes
This was merely an information announcement about major changes that will impact player’s long term plans.
- Reduced scribe costs so you may want to hold off leveling your scribe.
- Heads up on Alpine returning sooner than later, based on poll results.
- Fractal changes are coming including two achievements being retired so get them while you can.
Players have always complained we never get a heads up and that is what this is, not comprehensive patch notes.
RIP City of Heroes
They just need to allow them to be tossed into the forge if it’s account bound. It’s the mail carriers in the chests that need to be tradable.
RIP City of Heroes
If ANet believes they will make more in the long run putting bag slots, bank slots, character slots and collection expanders on sale and getting the fence sitters waiting for a sale or wait players out until they pull the trigger on full price.
Sales on popular items do boost short term income but at the cost of future full price income.
RIP City of Heroes
Nothing wrong with Fortran. A lot of supercomputer apps are still written in Fortran, simply easier to generate massively parallel code.
RIP City of Heroes
We’ll get world three next year, I’m sure of it. Now that SAB is an annual “filler” content, they can schedule it.
The problem with the New Legendary Journeys is they wanted to make every one of them a memorable adventure. Sadly I think too many players simply don’t care about that. It’s a purely mechanical process to get the item at the end. That’s the conflict. ANet could spend a ton of time making each of these great but if a fair portion of those going for it simply don’t care, then is it worth the devs time.
A lot of the anger I’m seeing are from players who want “Push Button, Recieve Bacon” rewards where story doesn’t matter. They actual content might as well be the stark white room/low poly models of SuperHot. At the very least, the reward is more important than the story behind why you get the reward.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Actually I enjoy Desert, which makes me a minority. I think I can transverse the map quicker than I could in Alpine and by not having the home “owner” starting near the center makes more of the map up for grabs at the start.
Let the telling me I’m wrong commence.
RIP City of Heroes
You know its all PR damage control when they didnt even bothered to make world 3. Its just reused contest from.. i dont even remember anymore, 2 yr ago? Same for apline borderland. Not sure why some of you argue over it.
Because some of you didn’t realize that alpine was always going to come back. Because some of you didn’t bother to read Josh’s blog post about SAB and that they updated world two as well as upgrading both worlds to work under the current game engine.
I love it when players first believe that ANet’s PR was like watching The Three Stooges short with their missteps but suddenly on a dime turned into some Machiavellian master manipulator and all of these things were planned to interconnect in some grand scheme to keep us here.
RIP City of Heroes
MO has mentioned looking into all those armor skins that are no longer available and seeing if they can come back, somewhere. Problem they’ve said no new armors on the Gem Shop so … in game earnable somehow? PvP rewards again? Maybe expanding them into Fractals and WvW rewards? Meta reward in older high level zones?
RIP City of Heroes
19 days but it will now be an annual event. This is the kind of content we will be getting between LS instances and expansions I’m betting. “Cheap” to do but at least something to do if you’re interested.
RIP City of Heroes
MO wasn’t the director until Colin stepped down.
ROFL. Okay. you lost all of your credibility here.
It’s a WELL KNOWN FACT that MO was Colin’s boss.
Colin was simply the enthusiastic guy who was usually speaking in ANET’s name.
Yea he was a director, but MO had more power than him.
Obviously you’ve never worked in a corporate environment as part of the management chain.
RIP City of Heroes
I was really hoping for the aviator glasses and the wide rims but we never got them, in spite of them being something that was repeatedly asked for. No one was asking for flame and frost dye kits > <
Well they did bring back the Wizard’kitten and Bunny Ears, and not just for a day. Dye Packs on the other hand are known money makers although the RNG really sucks on nearly all of them.
They are a more affordable scratch ticket than the BL Keys are in terms of paying off.
RIP City of Heroes
Because I’m a software developer and have seen first hand when a new feature looks quite doable, gets promised, and at some point an insurmountable wall is hit that derails the whole schedule.
Good so we have something in common. I finished my degree in programing and softwar developing in 2004 and as a hobby I was a developer on different mmo private servers, working on both client and server side.
So I can, at least to some extend, understand how much work is needed to implement different kind of content.I’m not sure what your point was, as it had little to do with what we were talking about.
Even if the production is slow, the director of the company didn’t just suddenly come up with the idea to shut down the legendary weapon dev team.
Since, as a director, he was well aware how slow the development was going and how little were they able to do since 2013, they either:
- knew way sooner (so, let’s say, around the time when they were promoting this feature) that there will be delays regarding this feature and
- knew it way sooner that they will cancel it, since the team is being too slow to deliver things in time.I mean, what’s more likely, what I wrote above or that a company director didn’t know what was going on with not just his employees but the team that was working on a feature that his company was promoting for more than 3 years (Let’s not forget that as a director he also had to approve the promotion of those features, so it’s not like he didn’t know that the team existed)
And I’ve been doing it since the mid 80s and not as a hobby.
MO wasn’t the director until Colin stepped down. And again, I’ve seen information about problems not flow up the management chain until it couldn’t be swept under the rug anymore for decades. The last person who ever knows about the true state of a project is a company president, unless he’s also developing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the staff.
And while the notion of allowing players to pursue the precursor/legendary of their choice than relying on blind luck or grinding for gold (or breaking out the CC) to buy one is a good one, I think they realized they had issues back in 2013 so it was stuck on the back burner until they got this collection system up and running and experimented creating “journeys” with them before they tried again. So working on and off on them for three years, just not full time for three years.
RIP City of Heroes
People who think SAB returning is because of the legendary announcement then you’re crazy. Players have been asking for it’s return. Players have complained that they sold us a infinite continue coin on the TP and then SAB vanished for nearly two years.
This has been in the motion for months now and April 1st is the logical release date for it, that’s all.
Except….. It didn’t release on April 1st, it released on March 31st.
But timing.
Announcement of Legendary suspension: at the start of a long weekend that’s a major holiday. After 2 posts on the thread all red posts essentially disappear from both the official forum and Reddit. Not even Gayle posts during that time.
Then after 4 days: the announcement of upcoming changes….that will be in 2 or 3 weeks
Then the next day: Sab is released after a nearly 2 year absence. And not on a Tuesday, which is when most updates happen and not on April 1st, but on a Thursday.I see some managing of player reactions with the timing of all this. First the bad, then let us talk to ourselves to exhauation, then two good things back to back and an update on a non Tuesday.
Well, last day to book quarterly income and it would be odd? scarry? to release the Gem Shop items without SAB. April Fools, you thought you were getting it right? Not that they would do that. And it worked as the exchange rate spiked back up to 25 gold per 100 and will later, due to an influx of gem to gold conversion, head back down to the 20 gold per 100 range.
And do you really want to release a major, due to the size, patch on a Friday when you and I know at least one issue will likely sprout up that’ll need to be stamped out before everyone goes home on the weekend?
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
People who think SAB returning is because of the legendary announcement then you’re crazy. Players have been asking for it’s return. Players have complained that they sold us a infinite continue coin on the TP and then SAB vanished for nearly two years.
This has been in the motion for months now and April 1st is the logical release date for it, that’s all.
How about the other way around?
MO clearly knew about the legendary team issues for a while now (considering that they were only able to produce 3 weapons since mid 2013, and finish 1 additional weapon in the last 4 months)…
So instead of announcing it at the time when they actually canceled the team, he announced it a few days before a feature that a lot of players were asking for – so their hype could overpower the disapointment of everyone else. It’s not an uncommon strategy and definitelly not a tinfoil-type one.
Either way – people that are kittened won’t forget. The people that would forget are the one that aren’t kittened to begin with (people that are lightminded and don’t really care where their money is spent on)SAB is just a recicled content. The only new thing is copy/pasted mashes and textures pasted over guild decoration server scripts and copy/pasted weapon skins with a different color hue.
Oh my bad. they are also adding SAB auras. I can only guess, but I think they used a similar procces as they used when they copy/pasted the tempest water overload to the glider server scripts.Are you like stockpiling tin foil?
While the skins for the first three new legendaries may have been done in 2013, the grunt work of the “journey” wasn’t. What ever method they were looking at back then wasn’t satisfactory so they lumped it until HoT. Or is it your opinion that it was all ready to ship in 2013 and they held it for and expansion?
Whatever it still doesn’t change my point that SAB was in the pipeline for release now and just like how Alpine Borderlands were always going to be rotated back at some point, just sooner than later, this isn’t about throwing us goodies in hope to placate us about the recent news (well Alpine sooner than later is to placate WvW players but the HoT “New Coke” moment with WvW is hardly recent news).
It’s a common strategy. Give something good, then tell the bad news and give some more goods.
If it doesn’t calm down the community, at least what it does is make the hype temporarelly replace the disapointment.
I understand why you don’t have any reason to believe me.
What I don’t understand is why would you still believe ANET after so many failed fact stating (and using their statements as facts).
“we’re gonna do fotm leaderboards” “we’re not gonna do fotm leaderboards”
“we’re gonna rework WvW” " we all know that no player is playing WvW only" “we’re gonna rework WvW again”
“we’re gonna add bark cutting” “no we’re not”.
“you’re getting new legies in 2013!” “We said we would be working on them, we will probably add them ingame in 2014!” “Can’t do it. sorry!” “With HoT we’re gonna ship 16 new legendary weapons in small groups in regular intervals!” “no, actually we’re canceling that!”
“Fotm max lvl 80”, “Fotm max lvl 30!”, “Fotm max level 50!!!”, “Fotm max level 100 \o/”, “fotm rework!”, “fotm rework again!”
“Dungeon rework so you can get more money!” “dungeon rework so you don’t get so much money!” “dungeon reward rebalance so you can get more money!”
“Transparency! We’re soo transparent!” " We did a mistake, We can’t do everything we said we would. From now on, we rather not say much about our plans because we got burnt!" “HoT WILL HAVE SO MANY GOOD FEATURES GYUS!” “Sorry, can’t do it. From now on we’ll only say what’s coming out”The list is literally endless at this point.
Why do I still believe them?
Because I’m a software developer and have seen first hand when a new feature looks quite doable, gets promised to customers, and at some point an insurmountable wall is hit that derails the whole schedule of implementation.
Numerous times.
Sometimes it’s simply underestimating the work required, other times it’s discovering that changes need to be made in a lot more places to support it, and other times it’s a dependency on another group who is being pulled in five different directions and currently it’s not in yours. That’s the nature of developing in a live environment on older software with large groups.
So when, as it seems here, that the process of adding these new legendary weapons and their journeys are taking too long compared to when they thought they could have them done, I believe them. I’ve simply seen it happen first hand too many times on projects.
I don’t disagree with some of the things you’ve said. I think ANet has a tendency, because they want to give the players something, they releasess part of an overhaul of a system only to see the remaining development go mammary glands up and thus leaving the player with an awful experience, and you’ve outlined several. Fractal reset and the HoT WvW revamp being two glaring examples.
I do believe that quite often that a combination of “the telephone game” and the echo chamber of development that features players request get perverted often into something they didn’t ask for. And in the end there is never any play testing among players to inform them of that so the standard reply to the eventual outcry is “well it’s too late to change it now”.
Bugs in annual festivals that persist year to year because “it’s too late to change it” while the festival is going on. When the next year comes along, they only had time the alter some of the rewards and not actually fix the problems with it.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Really wanted a sale on collection expanders … which is why we didn’t get one because I imagine a lot of other players who hoard mats are waiting on it as well.
RIP City of Heroes
People who think SAB returning is because of the legendary announcement then you’re crazy. Players have been asking for it’s return. Players have complained that they sold us a infinite continue coin on the TP and then SAB vanished for nearly two years.
This has been in the motion for months now and April 1st is the logical release date for it, that’s all.
RIP City of Heroes
Counting the days until the April patch drops and there is outcry over the Alpine maps not being part of it even though MO says as much but too many are seemingly skipping over.
Alpine maps are coming back.
They aren’t coming back in the April quarterly patch.
They are being brought up to the “current game state”, whatever that means.
RIP City of Heroes
No new content, I guess…
Game over, man. Cheaper scribing, continued prohibitive cost to learn it. No scribe training outside of guild halls. They still don’t get it.
Scribe was a bad idea IMO. Should have been a vendor the guild unlocks and upgrades like everything else in a guild hall and is then universally available to buy various items from, essentially making everyone in the guild a scribe. As it is now if a guild funds their scribe and he leaves the guild or game the guild is SOL, got to train up someone new. It’s simply too expensive, a likely will still be, for an individual to achieve without a guild’s backing. At least not all the way to 400.
RIP City of Heroes
This is somewhat funny.
Legendaries were promised – but stopped.
New WvW was promised – released but now reverted (due to feed back).
Borderland maps were always going to be rotated between the two. Now it’s going to be sooner than later.
RIP City of Heroes
Whatever it is, I’m sure Anet realizes that this April update will decide the fate of this game. I’m not expecting a whole lot yet, but this update needs to set a road map on how things will be fixed/implemented. I’m just stating the obvious, but I get a little nervous with their track record recently…
The April update was already well in the release pipeline before this latest community outrage.
While the next update in July may start to show the change in direction, stating that the April update is the pivital moment is simply laying the foundation for their next round of attacks.
RIP City of Heroes
From MO’s post –
This week we’re completing dev work and starting integration for the upcoming Spring Quarterly Update, which we’re preparing to launch in mid- to late April.
RIP City of Heroes
This is how the community sets itself up for disappointment, reading what’s said and then saying something entirely different.
Because ANet obviously has no responsibility for confusion caused by releasing a post about “what’ gonna be in the April update” that’s filled with stuff that won’t be happening yet in April
. It’s called ‘bringing it on yourself’.
What is so confusing about saying we ask you two weeks ago, you told us bring back alpine and we will but not in this update cause it’s too late in the release cycle to do that cause we asked only two weeks ago. It answers a question WvW players have.
It’s not confusing unless you skim what’s being said.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
So, does this include class balancing?
Class balancing is a PvP issue. I do not believe this idea deserves any dev time because most of us would like to see content instead.
You’re only speaking for yourself, though. I want to see more content added too. Class balancing is a big issue in PvP, and it should be addressed soon.
A good portion of the player base felt wronged by the E-sports focus. Most players are casuals that don’t care about the elitists or try hards who want to fight other players. Most of us want to enjoy things as a community and work towards common goals. They tried to force this game into the E-sports arena and the community is widely rejecting it.
But it may be good for the bottom line if it brings in new players who buy the game.
You may not like how college athletic divisions are organized around football if you are a basketball fan but the money college football generates but in the end it funds the rest of a college’s sport programs.
Translation, if it’s good for the bottom line, it’s good for the game.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
All in one I can´t wait for the patch. Old Boarders…….
Which isn’t happening in this patch.
Hi all,
Two weeks ago we polled the WvW community about Desert versus Alpine borderlands. The majority of players asked us to bring Alpine back. We’ll do that. It actually takes quite a bit of time to dust off old content and bring it up to the current game state, so it won’t happen in time for the quarterly release. Instead we’ll launch the quarterly update with improvements to Desert, use that as an opportunity to get the community’s feedback on those changes, then we’ll swap to Alpine when it’s ready. Changing borderlands maps like this will disrupt matches in progress, but we think that making changes on live servers, where everyone can test, is worth the cost.
This is how the community sets itself up for disappointment, reading what’s said and then repeating something entirely different.
RIP City of Heroes
- Balancing – not mentioned
- WvW updates – not mentioned
- LS3 – not mentioned
- legendary armor and backpiece – not mentioned
- dungeons – not mentioned
….So what do we get, wall of text, with nothing interesting or even needed. Typical.
So needed content has been suspended, figures.
This is a post about what’s in the April update and nothing more. Expecting more is silly.
Balancing will likely be pushed out once the current PvP tourney is over, this patch may come before then.
WvW – still being worked on, we have some changes in desert for players to try and alpine is returning.
LS3 – never was going to be part of the April update so why mention it?
Legendary Armor and Backpiece – tied to the completion of the 3rd raid wing and PvP already. Again not ever part of the April update.
Dungeons – again, never implied anything for April’s update. Just that they are reconsidering restoring some of the rewards removed according to the AMA.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
You know I’m now having mixed feelings when I see MO starting a thread. On one hand it’s “yay, they’re talking to us” and on the other it’s “oh no, they’re talking to us, what’s wrong now”.
All these changes sound positive but you may get flack from dropping the fractal achievements. Nobody ever like when a reward they are working toward vanish just before getting it.
RIP City of Heroes
We are complaining that content we paid for is being put out to pasture so Anet can develop their next money maker. They need to deliver the goods they promised. I have no interest in making a legendary the new way but I know players who love it. So once again, it is not about legendaries but about Anet delivering on what they have advertised.
No, it’s about putting a minor part of the content we paid for on the back burner so ANet can keep the game stocked with enough new content between expansions to keep the majority of players interested enough to stay. If too many players leave then it’s a death spiral and it’s game over. Those are the stakes.
RIP City of Heroes