RIP City of Heroes
RIP City of Heroes
So, my experience is that this market is drying up quickly.
Funny enough it is still unbalanced. Actually it became even better then it was month ago.
Currently average profit from fine brown dye increased to 10-15s per dye (25-30s per dye that salvages to 3 (average) pigments that sells for16s 16*3-15%=40s )so with 24 different fine brown dyes and their daily supply around 100-150 units per color you can get ~300g/day if you relist buy orders fast enough to stay on top. Strangely enough ANet still not nerfed that salvage business.
While you look at coin profit per dye I look at profit percentage and brown dye isn’t the best investment if you have X coin to spend on dyes that you will salvage and sell for profit, it’s best to get the best percentage profit rather then going for the windfall from an individual dye.
RIP City of Heroes
In the combat log I think for every 25% down in HP of the golem.
RIP City of Heroes
1) I never thought so but it seems your question relates to PvP.
2) Well there’s leagues so it’s fairly active at the moment.
3) There was a major revamp mid April and the Alpine maps have returned. They are currently experimenting with two worlds per side so the less WvW populated servers have decent populations to play with and against. I find that WvW is quite busy since the April patch.
Plus you need a tad thicker skin if those first two posts you considered salty relative to reddit. You also have to realize your title is frequently used to troll players who enjoy the game where an opinion is asked, given by many helpful players only for the OP to declare the game is still a failure and everyone who replied are idiots.
After a dozen or so of these, yeah people come off as defensive.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Only hint I have besides just about everything in PvE gives XP is that critters that have spawned a while ago grant bonus XP. So go off the beaten path and hunt there.
RIP City of Heroes
The only issue I see with dailies is for players with level 80 characters who own HoT but are not actively playing on a character that’s level 80 or has ever entered any of the HoT areas (other than the guild hall). The daily mechanism doesn’t understand that and simply base the dailies on the level of you highest level character and if you own HoT or not.
I had HoT since launch but have barely scratched any of the maps there as I’ve been slowly leveling a Sylvari, doing both the PS which I’ve never done on any of my characters to completion, LS2 and then HoT. I don’t even have core Tyria map completion yet on this character, or at least waypoints open in every zone.
But besides that I agree with most everyone else here. Dailies are quite easy, even soloing in WvW, to accomplish.
RIP City of Heroes
I think course leather is a side effect of the new bandit mini-content. Plus there is a big dump of course leather sections that you can make squares from so that’s where the squares are from.
RIP City of Heroes
Submit a bug report. Perhaps if enough players do it will get on a QoL fix list.
RIP City of Heroes
Too many players have been taught in other games that jump duration impacts height and it’s a tough habit to break. A duration slider to adjust how long the jump is held before glider deployment could be a way to keep both functions on the same key.
RIP City of Heroes
The statement in the conference call is ambiguous at best.
- Earnings from the expansion weren’t up to our expectations
- Lesson learned
- Next expansion will be coming soon
That’s pretty uninformative. It could mean they hyped the earning from the expansion it too much to the analysts.
Basically NCSOFT are fairly clueless in their predictions in NA/EU markets. They didn’t think GW2 would as sell as well as it did in 2012. They thought WildStar would have sold better. AION and Lineage 2 in NA is barely better than WildStar currently and they already handed the running of those to titles to 3rd parties in EU. BnS is doing well enough considering it’s F2P but it’s more a fighting game dressed up as an MMO. And at some point it will catch up to the version in Korea/China.
RIP City of Heroes
When something returns to the gem shop it spikes on Tuesday and generally settles back down to a new level. April 26th is a good example of this. In this case is a slow march upwards.
It just caught my eye when I looked at the chart an hour ago. Didn’t dredge anything up on the blogs, patch notes or gem store listings that would drive this in my mind.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Does anyone have an idea why? The 2 Gold Daily went in April 19th but it looks like May is a steady march up wards. Up roughly 1 gold per 100 gems over the last week, 2 gold over the last two weeks. And it looks fairly linear on the month scale here.
A sign of returning players? Ideas?
RIP City of Heroes
Not really. I know some prominent Twitch streamers don’t don’t play on 10. Maybe due to stream software compatibility issues. Even here we have a weekly thread in Technical asking about Win 10 and this game.
Until we are have a series of predominate games that show significant improvement with Dx12, we aren’t going to see a rush to upgrade.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
And the problem with using steam is that it only gives you players who use that service and actually took the survey. Not to mention it’s based on whatever they consider to be “active”.
Survey is simply permission but at least that sample starts with those who game on PCs rather than using every PC on the planet as a starting point. Since nearly all new PCs ship with 10 that skews the “adoption rate”.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
I would personally wait. The new 1070 and 1080 are coming out soon and are going to blow even the current Titan X out of the water for roughly half that price too. I can’t be sure of your situation but I would highly recommend you wait and purchase a computer with one of the new cards when they come out.
Just take that as a side note. Regarding your question, I can’t speak for Alienware hardware but the specs are on par to play GW2 at max settings. Some situations in WvW will still cause major fps loss or latency but there isn’t much we can do about that.
Which is good advice if the OP wasn’t asking for opinions on a laptop.
RIP City of Heroes
For those who weren’t around during LS1, these are similar to events leading up to parts of the LS. For instance trees around the lake in Kessex started to get clear cut before we even got the inkling about the Tower of Nightmares going up. We had refuges heading to LA through the Wayfarer Foothills before what is now the Molten Boss Fractal was a LS event there. It’s a means to generate … interest in a future LS.
RIP City of Heroes
You all realize that this thread will be closed if you all keep on this rail. There is another thread devoted to the debate about the suspension in Legendary Weapon development.
RIP City of Heroes
Case in point:
Mike O’Brian On Legendary Weapons
Last year we talked about plans to gradually build out a second set of legendary weapons through live content updates. That’s a big responsibility. We have a team of six developers working on that, who could work on it for years to come.
Of course that quote was made in March 2016 well after HoT went live and was sold to customers. I noticed you underlined the part where MO said it could be years. I don’t recall Anet ever stating such a thing when HoT went on sale. It would be one thing if they had stated the new legendarys would take years to develop up front but they didn’t. This was only stated a few months ago when they decided to shelf them.
Here is what Anet stated about new legendary in October 2015 before HoT launched.
It takes a lot of work to craft these legendary journeys for release, so rather than take the time to develop the full set before releasing any of them, we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game
I don’t know about most people but I don’t consider canceling the new legendarys until some date that is still to be determined or may never happen at all a regular interval. Unless of course by regular interval Anet meant something like 1 legendary a year.
We’re going a tad off track here since I highly doubt the Legendary Weapon change significantly impacted GW2’s income for this quarter considering when it was announced with a week left in that quarter.
And from what I transcribed from the conference call, the only “lesson” that NCSOFT learned is highly debatable since they never said what that lesson was. Just that it was a lesson learned.
RIP City of Heroes
As usuall I do beleave in Anet that they will do good, now it is up to the players and not keep the grudge from HoT.
I don’t know about keeping a grudge but if a company takes my money then doesn’t give me what I paid for then I’m most definitely going to remember that the next time they ask for my money. I’ll consider any promised advertisements for things that will be added later as “vaporpromises” and not to be relied on.
Well I can understand that and I where one who felt cheated like that I would not buy atleast a pre -order, I would rather wait. That’s different to what I meant. I meant I hope people are so angry that they will not even consider looking at Anets titles anymore.
I didn’t preorder HoT and sure as heck won’t preorder their next expansion. I waited until I read about the mess, weighed my options, and finally after a couple of balancing patches, coughed up the $$. Would do the same with another expansion.
Let’s face it, people who preorder are not competent consumers.
The only way you can convince me to preorder would be to offer something of immense value (permanent bank slot, legendary weapon, legendary armor set) not something cosmetic (My Little Pony backpack with sparkly fairy lights that have a constant glow affect). I don’t play a game to look pretty as I’m not a 10 year old girl.
I wouldn’t say they weren’t competent. GW add on campaigns and expansion were relatively well received. The “free” character slot and “half price” gems only available on the pre-order were suitable carrots to those who already own the game to pre-purchase it.
E-sports was a means of advertising, nothing more, and along with the P4F release was a way to bring in more players to the game with the hopes some number of them would buy HoT. Last quarter’s conference call stated that was where the game income fell short, the conversion rate of P4F to paid player. Now whether you take that as they were satisfy with the active paid player upgrade rate is up to you.
RIP City of Heroes
I hate that ban and suspension has become interchangeable. If you are banned, you are gone. Everything short of that is a suspension.
RIP City of Heroes
Sorry but using one website (e.g. Steam) to represent all PC’s is wrong. All you do is record those who took the time to complete the survey who happen to use Steam. I’m pretty sure it’s not representative for anything but Steam users.
True but if there is a better survey of what PC gamers have I would like to see it. Until then we know that this is a large survey of gamers PCs. True FPS players will likely have better rigs and are more likely have a Dx12 setup than someone playing FTL and Stardew Valley. But in an absence of any information than wild speculation the EVERYBODY is playing on a Dx12 system now or very soon is just that. Steam simply gives us a inkling of what gamers have.
RIP City of Heroes
We understand that Steph, but it’s not an easy fix no mater what you have read about Dx12 or even Dx11. There are often design decisions made way back when a project is first started that severely hampers adopting new technology or design principles.
It has been said by the devs looking at and who have worked on the actual game engine code that it is not easy. Yet you do not believe them. They are hog tied by some of those decisions which at the time seemed perfectly fine to them so the core engine could get done quickly. NCSOFT once said that GW2 was coming in 2009-2010. That didn’t work out so well.
While what you suggest would benefit the player from ANet’s perspective it’s a matter of time, cost and if such a change is worth the time and cost. Will it bring in more players, today, if it was Dx12?
And if you check the Steam hardware survey you will see that users who have Win 10 AND a Dx12 compatible card isn’t as large as you think. Only 40% of players are running Win 10 and less than half of those are using a Dx12 compatible card. If less than 1 in 5 PC gamers can take advantage, that too factors into the decision to devote the manpower toward improving the engine.
look I know I am a gw1 veteran. a lot of gw1 player where waiting for gw2 and they though it would be link to the first game . it was said no it wont because gw2 will use a new engine. also a lot of gw1 player left because gw2 was taking to long to come out. now the answer is that it cannot be done because gw 2 is the same engine that gw1 with heavy modification.
as for the steam I must not read the same article then you do. the majority of their player are using windows 10.
Windows 10 64 bit38.18%
Windows 7 64 bit
Windows 8.1 64 bit
Windows 7
Windows XP 32 bit
Windows 8 64 bit
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 10 is now the preferred OS for Steam users Vista 32 bit
Windows 8
Windows Vista 64 bit
as for compatible dx 12 card The latest Steam statistics reveal that 56.35% of Steam users have Nvidia GPU’s, while 25.5% use an AMD GPU and 17.77% use Intel GPU’s.
most of those card are compatible with dx 12. NVidia card gt 430 and up very long list of dx 12 compatible card..amd:
AMD Radeon R9 Series graphics
•AMD Radeon R7 Series graphics
•AMD Radeon R5 240 graphics
•AMD Radeon HD 8000 Series graphics for OEM systems (HD 8570 and up)
•AMD Radeon HD 8000M Series graphics for notebooks
•AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series graphics (HD 7730 and up)
•AMD Radeon HD 7000M Series graphics for notebooks (HD 7730M and up)
•AMD A4/A6/A8/A10-7000 Series APUs (codenamed “Kaveri”)
•AMD A6/A8/A10 PRO-7000 Series APUs (codenamed “Kaveri”)
•AMD E1/A4/A10 Micro-6000 Series APUs (codenamed “Mullins”)
•AMD E1/E2/A4/A6/A8-6000 Series APUs (codenamed “Beema”)as for intel graphic it is in the processor of the pc and if you have 2 card dx 12 use both of them as one what ever the brand or capacity. so your intel graphic card power will be added to your NVidia or amd dx 12 compatible dx 12 card.
and if you tell me well some people could be using only the intel card on their system intel graphic is good for hd movie you can use it. but lack fps for game and most gamer have a NVidia or amd card. and if you do not have one you can get one . those old NVidia gt430 or old amd card are now cheaper then before around 46$. so it should not be a stopper for even beguinner gamer that do not know that having a dedicated card for gaming is needed for the fps.
And I said it was 40% in Windows 10. But that means 60% aren’t. That’s a plurality not a majority. And if you look at the chart, center top labeled Dx10/11/12 systems. Win 10 & Dx12 card is only 33.52% of systems (already corrected my previous post, misread the breakdown) so 1 in 3 are Dx12 ready.
And I’m fully aware what GPUs claim to support Dx12. Although I would love to see Dx12 vs Dx11 benchmarks on all of them to see how many truly support Dx12 fully. If IRC even nVidia’s 9xx GPUs doesn’t support all the Dx12 features, at least as well as the recent AMD GPUs. That’s one of the key features of the 1xxx series from nVidia, full Dx12 support. So GT 430 may be Dx12 capable, doesn’t mean it would make a significant difference over Dx11.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
At least we aren’t fixing signs.
RIP City of Heroes
Well some people are OCD about the layout when all the slots are lumped together. That’s why I simply avoid it by leaving bags on.
RIP City of Heroes
Which is why they have conference calls. Fortunately it appears that forced window upgrades have forced the site hosting them to no longer use Microsoft DRM so I can actually play the file on other players, not just Media Player Classic.
And that disclaimer is standard boilerplate with non-audited quarterly numbers. It’s a “we think we got all the numbers that matter but if we forgot one … sorry”..
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Moth wings are different from butterfly wings. And they are in the glider skin panel for preview.
RIP City of Heroes
It was put in because of the opposite complaints from people that didn’t like how it rearranged their inventory ordering.
Which is why it should have been an option. But I show bags so I see no difference. But there are people who are thanking ANet for the change with the minor gripe about needing to rearrange their inventory again.
RIP City of Heroes
We understand that Steph, but it’s not an easy fix no mater what you have read about Dx12 or even Dx11. There are often design decisions made way back when a project is first started that severely hampers adopting new technology or design principles.
It has been said by the devs looking at and who have worked on the actual game engine code that it is not easy. Yet you do not believe them. They are hog tied by some of those decisions which at the time seemed perfectly fine to them so the core engine could get done quickly. NCSOFT once said that GW2 was coming in 2009-2010. That didn’t work out so well.
While what you suggest would benefit the player from ANet’s perspective it’s a matter of time, cost and if such a change is worth the time and cost. Will it bring in more players, today, if it was Dx12?
And if you check the Steam hardware survey you will see that users who have Win 10 AND a Dx12 compatible card isn’t as large as you think. Only 40% of players are running Win 10 and less than half of those are using a Dx12 compatible card. If less than 1 in 5 PC gamers can take advantage, that too factors into the decision to devote the manpower toward improving the engine.
EDIT: I misread the chart, Win 10 + Dx12 card is roughly 1 in 3, not 1 in 5.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
A little BnS rant. I played it. The game itself is great (and Lyn are the best.) The cutscenes are so much greater than any in GW2 (excluding GW2’s cinematics that are as great.) But. Translation into English is horrible. The voiceover is garbageous. You practically have to mod your client with JP or KR voiceover version not to cry constantly (with several exceptions). Its incarnations of TP and gem exchange is prehistoric. The game is NOT for casuals, you have to keep evolving your equipment or no one will ever party with you.
So. I bought HoT. I did it for the elites. At first I felt forced into it, because PvP was being horrible, in WvW I had a disadvantage (and shield gens wouldn’t work for me.) I enjoyed the core, played living world season 2 to try it out before buying the rest of it, so I didn’t expect much more than that. When I first heard my character talk, I melted. ANet actually managed to surprise me (in a positive way.) Verdant Brink looks so great and radiates the junglish theme so well. Music’s also good (and I am the person who would want Soule’s music everywhere.)
All in all. If ANet didn’t touch PvP (in terms of power creepness,) all would have been well for me. So what I meant to say is that BnS will probably implode in EU&NA some time soon, since it is a flunked localization and that I still retained my adoration for GW2 despite and at the same time because of HoT.
BnS made me appreciate GW2 all the more.
RIP City of Heroes
From the conference call.
Thanks for posting this.
Per my post, directly above yours, note that they did not mention as lessons learned the lack of new PVP content, the Hot maps being too hard or too few, the mobs hitting too hard, WVW maps being changed, the Master of Monuments being broken (twice) after working for years, the loot being the same as always, the price being too high, no free character slots, or any of the literally dozens of other things listed in this thread as suggestions of what they probably learned. I.e. no in game fine grained details were discussed at all. It’s finance people talking to investors, not gamers to gamers.
Like I said, it’s about revenue expectations not being met by HoT.
Their fix? Have another expansion sale in 2016 to get more revenue. Likely at the same price, same size, same freebies, etc. They moved devs from Legendary development to expansion development to make it happen this CY.
Exactly what I said they would say. I’ve been to a hundred of those, at least.
They didn’t mention specific lessons at all.
A: And in the case of GW2 right now also the revenue there seems to have stabilized however with regards to the first expansion pack that we had launched, the performance was not up to our expectations. So we have taken this as a lesson and right now we are in the process of preparing a second expansion pack for GW2 which we are planning to launch as soon as possible.
It’s entirely up to the listener as to what the lesson they are talking about is. Was it suggesting it would do better to analysts before it was released? Was it they need more frequent expansions?
In the 4th quarter conference call they stated it’s under performance was from a lower F2P conversion rate and the solution was to entice more of these F2P players to get HoT. I saw that as the reason we got core Tyria gliding. Every glider in the skies of core Tyria is metaphorically towing a “Buy HoT” banner behind it for every player who haven’t yet bought HoT to see.
Everyone who have HoT could enumerate a list of issues HoT had. But at this level the people tuning in don’t care about the individual issues in a game, it’s all about “do you have a plan to fix what ever the reason is and see it doesn’t happen again so we can anticipate a nice spike in revenues?”
RIP City of Heroes
Nobody ever said crafting precursors was going to be cheaper than buying one off the TP. What it does is put the acquisition of a particular precursor into the hands of the person wanting it rather than others (TP) or RNGesus (drop or MF). It’s about agency.
RIP City of Heroes
Their map could be full. Just tossing that out there. And I take it they didn’t try to join you in your instance?
RIP City of Heroes
From the conference call. The first portion is going over the power point presentation. The only mention of GW2 was the increased income year over year (+52.6%) is still reflecting the expansion release last October. This portion of the call lasted around 8 minutes. Biggest dis, not talking about Wildstar at all even though it’s broken out in the PPP.
Next 3 minutes was a statement of what’s coming, mainly mobile, MxM, Lineage Eternal and others, nothing that sounds targeted to NA/EU market. The thrust here was that 2015 was a flat growth year relatively speaking over 2014 but 2016 will see revenue growing. The solution is to keep the development pipelines full.
Q: (impact of BnS NA/EU revenue) … and GW2 expansion revenue that appears to be falling a bit. (this all leads to the question about meeting 2Q estimates and how BnS, GW2 and yet to be released games will affect whether these estimates are met).
A: And in the case of GW2 right now also the revenue there seems to have stabilized however with regards to the first expansion pack that we had launched, the performance was not up to our expectations. So we have taken this as a lesson and right now we are in the process of preparing a second expansion pack for GW2 which we are planning to launch as soon as possible.
Q: If you look at the expansion pack and the revenue contribution in the 4th quarter, I think we are aware of what the total impact has been and why it was so however if we look at the 1st quarter surprisingly again it seems that the performance has been okay. So where has the actual revenue been derived from? For example is it that the contribution is coming from the actual box sales or is it because in terms of the in game items sales that this area has been strong? And in addition to that, and you did talk about this a bit before, but what is your outlook for the 2nd quarter in terms of the performance for this game?
A: So for GW2 if you look at the 1st quarter revenue of course due to the expansion pack that was launched in the 2nd half of last year, there was some contribution from continuing box sales however we would have to say that the larger contribution was from the in game item sales that we have seen which have actually been very strong, so as we have had in game events there as been revenue related to that which has continued to drive performance and we do believe that this is a trend that we will see continue going forward. As time does pass however we do believe that the overall revenue may weaken and therefore to prepare for such a situation that is why we are right now preparing the 2nd expansion pack which we are planning to launch soon.
Excuse the run on sentences and questionable punctuation, the translator doesn’t really pause for sentence breaks.
Those are the two questions and answers that deal with GW2. The first, “the lesson” may mean the boost in income the expansion created so they should do another sooner than later.
The second seems to qualify the 2nd expansion as something to release when revenues decline. “Soon” may simply mean we aren’t going to wait two years of decline before starting one in earnest. The AMA told us that roughly 1/3rd of the devs were on the expansion while the rest are on the live release.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Wait. This is a letter to investors, about revenue. The lesson learned is about the amount of revenue that an expansion will bring in, not the why’s of it. They overestimated it. They will now have a shortfall for 2016 yearly unless they get another expansion out this year, to make up it. The shortfall is offset a bit by slightly higher than expected item sales. Most of the people who bought the first one will buy the 2nd, most who didn’t, won’t.
I’d like to see a report about the conference call, but I doubt it will be about the details of why HoT didn’t sell, particularly in game details. The game had already lost lots of players (see revenue before the HoT sale), so the buyer base was smaller than launch, and some extant players did not buy it. It will be about other game launches, etc.
Most of the call will be about how to make the revenue promises for the year, including another expansion sale. The people moved from Legendary development to the expansion are to speed it up, not make it bigger or better.
Except that wasn’t what is being talked about. NCSOFT made 27.5% profit last quarter, 22% for the last 12 months.
And you are going to force me to transcript the ANet questions with your misstatements aren’t you? Well have nothing better to do for the next hour.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
The performance of HoT was not as expected.
This is pure gold. What did they expect given the state of what they released?
What did they expect 4 maps with terrible grind, poor and rushed story and little to no content that was heavily time gated would do?
I wonder what lesson they learned.
Because they are talking about the expectations before HoT came out. This was out the expected injection of income from the expansion, not how well it did 1Q16.
RIP City of Heroes
It’s not even that. It’s simply for whatever reason treating the TP like an NPC vendor rather than spending to couple of seconds to put items up for bid. Beyond that is understanding the intrinsic value, whether it’s salvage value, collection value or contents value (ie bags and their ilk).
RIP City of Heroes
Well they started with the GW engine and built off of that.
RIP City of Heroes
I farm the TP for items that I salvage and sell for profit. I do it so I can play the game how I want and not focus only doing the content with the most gold per hour. Now I can “waste” time doing map completion or story or all those less lucrative aspects of the game where I don’t see anybody playing.
RIP City of Heroes
It would be nice to hear what specific lesson(s) they learned.
Yea but this was the home office, NCSOFT, talking to an audience who wants to see earnings growth. Not ANet talking to players, they’ve already done this a lot since the start of the year. Analysts thought that expansion would translate into a huge amount new income considering how well the game did at launch. That didn’t pan out so the their forecasts were off and they really don’t like it when that happens. They simply care that NCSOFT recognizes something was off and that they are doing something about it.
RIP City of Heroes
If the mini isn’t bound to your account you usually can toss it into the forge. And I assume you aren’t going to get a bound mini out but not sure.
RIP City of Heroes
Looking at GW2Efficiency that has over 70K accounts registered, the players who have over 100K gold have been playing the game for over 10K hours. That implies they have been here since the begining and if they had the wherewithal to speculate and let the natural inflation that occurs at the start of any MMO economy, they could have made a killing. Add to that they likely took advantage of the days where you could run Dungeons all day for rewards as well as keyfarm to eventually get BLTC skins to sell.
Remember TP farming, making a little gold from each player times a lot of players, is very real and it doesn’t require traditional flipping or supply manipulation. Just a more complete understanding of the value of items that players simply right click, sell immediately on the TP.
RIP City of Heroes
Hoelbrak is waaaay lower than 3C. It has ice statues, and that probably means temperature never goes above 0C. As such, minimal temperatures would be roughly around -40-60C, fluctuating to maybe -10-15C during year.
-3 C, not 3 C
Also -40 to -60 C is -40 to -76 F (for Americans). Hoelbrak is in the mountains, not the poles nor in the stratosphere. I’m thinking Alps.
RIP City of Heroes
Wouldn’t consider the achievements in LS2 as “easy”. Also some of the collections rely on luck to fill completely, ie Koutalophile.
At least you didn’t include the diving goggles.
RIP City of Heroes
I think Drant has done this, Behellagh, using the APIs published by ArenaNet.
Oh, my bad, thought it was another “we need a key chain” thread but they did a visual mock up.
Reading. Need to do that.
RIP City of Heroes
Mike O’Brian had a statement about this on reddit which was essentially, got loads of other work to do, this isn’t even on the list.
RIP City of Heroes
Income NOT profits. There is no profits reported on a per game basis in these reports, just profit for the corporation overall.
RIP City of Heroes
You are aware that some players wouldn’t set foot in PvP for all the tea in China. Or in this case clovers.
Then play the login game or buy the coins.
Gw2 has the biggest portion of entitled players among games they believe that anything they want should be dirt cheap and if not then be forcefully made that way but at the same time anything that drops at loot be worth hundreds of gold. lol
Which I do but it gets a little tiresome when people think that PvP is the easy solution to these type of issues. It’s not a matter of entitlement, just the presumption that everyone plays PvP so it’s a non-issue.
RIP City of Heroes
Even if the “bad word” is in the middle of other or a string of words.
RIP City of Heroes
second expansion as soon as possible which means q3 or q4 2017 in my opinion.
gw2 still doing fine and things will get better with LW/LS back next update.
wildstar goodby.
blade and soul doing much better than gw2 for now but i think the revenue will drop.
Not really and a quick look at the regional numbers can place a range on how well BnS did in the NA/EU market.
The NA/EU income numbers include all of GW2 (as China is folded into royalties), Wildstar (only available in NA/EU), NA Lineage 2 and NA AION (EU versions of both games are run by 3rd parties so are also reported as royalties).
In 1Q2015 after subtracting out GW2 and WS, we get 3.125 bn KrW that represents NA Lineage 2 and AION.
In 1Q2016, again after subtracting out GW2 and WS, we now have a whopping 28.935 bn KrW. Even if all of it was BnS, GW2’s income was 30.557 bn KrW. BnS is likely 3-4 bn KrW less so around 25 bn KrW which places GW2 post HoT 2nd quarter income at roughly 20% above BnS’s 1st quarter in NA/EU.
That’s my back of the envelope analysis of how well BnS did Vs GW2 in the first quarter.
RIP City of Heroes
You are aware that some players wouldn’t set foot in PvP for all the tea in China. Or in this case clovers.
RIP City of Heroes