Showing Posts For Black Iris Flowers.3418:

The Bifrost for Incinerator

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

How is dagger being forced? Staff wasn’t nerfed at all it’s builds are still viable

Daily event completer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Having just local events probably helps running speeds and prevents server crashes, but I can’t say for sure

For the second expansion [Elite Specs]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

There’s a lot of pressure for the devs to top themselves with each new elite spec. 18 new elite specs is a lot of work and would take such a long time to develop. Personally I’d rather have one new spec each and get the expansion sooner, than have two each and get it much later.

Nobody ever said the devs had to “top themselves.” It’s perfectly fine for different elite specs to not quite be on the same levels of power so long as what they try to accomplish is different.

I agree it would be a lot of work, but we do have a couple of things that can help;

1. They aren’t developing the system from scratch like they did for Heart of Thorns. They already know how elite specs actually function, so now it’s just the mechanics/art.

2. They aren’t developing any new professions.

So, two specs per expansion might be pushing a bit, but I don’t think it is unreasonable. Granted, I’m not a developer, so I can’t guarantee that.

But, if the new elite specs aren’t at least on the same level, a ton of people would complain. That’s the gaming community for you. No they aren’t developing new professions but they will be developing new concepts and systems that go with the new expansion.

For the second expansion [Elite Specs]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

There’s a lot of pressure for the devs to top themselves with each new elite spec. 18 new elite specs is a lot of work and would take such a long time to develop. Personally I’d rather have one new spec each and get the expansion sooner, than have two each and get it much later.

Power Creep Has Entered The Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

They’re called ‘elite’ for a reason. I think the vertical growth of elite specs are meant to mirror the growth in mob difficulty. Harder areas = more powerful abilities. Of course they get used in all parts of the game anyway, but I didn’t mind my characters getting stronger. It felt natural after being in the game for so many years, like the next step in my character’s story.

TD community unintentially toxic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

So what do you suggest they do instead?

Anet - You need to fix this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I never understood people that kittened about all the things HoT players get that they don’t as a free account. Literally the game is FREE, be happy with what you get when it’s practically a gift. As for the restriction being removed on holidays despite RMTs, holiday events are when they’d be the most active and would swarm.

Can we stop with the tonics and minis please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I wish we had a tonic closet, similar to the finishers one.
Add a tonic to the closet and it’ll show how many uses, just like limited finishers.


I've Finished The Privateer Set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Nothing special, plenty of people have all black lion collections (or at least all minus 1 or 2 completed)

You’re right, how dare someone be proud of an achievement

Congrats OP, hope you find a new collection!

weird rune: wait what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

You TAKE 7% less damage, you don’t DO 7% less damage

auto deposit all materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I would suggest to add an option to the inventory: auto deposit all materials. That would save a lot of time/trouble since you don’t always notice when your inventory is full with the AoE auto loot. An option for auto salvage could also be added. Both would be possible to enable/disable by the player. That could also be a mastery, like the auto loot.

Why do we need it when there’s a salvage all and deposit all option? Auto Loot is different, it allows you to forgo the proximity normally needed

TP let all type prefix to be there

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s an incentive to buy HoT. It won’t change.
Time to buy HoT.

are you telling me, HoT people can buy/sell in TP those prefix?

No, but it keeps non HoT people from being able to buy them from HoT players

Fix your rewards in collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Yes I read your post. My answer was that they have a purpose and a value to people who get a cosmetic aura. They allow the aura to be switched between characters and to be salvaged out and resold when no longer wanted. That may not be a useful thing to you it’s a useful thing to everyone who buys and uses these auras.

The reward of this collection is an ascended accessory, you wouldn’t be able to put an aura on it

Fix your rewards in collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I completed this collection simply because I’d already made There With Yakkington: A Traveler’s Tale (it counts towards the collection as it shares a skin with Koss on Koss) and at the time the main way to get accessories was through laurels. Perhaps it’s outdated now, with so many options for obtaining ascended accessories, but I always thought collections were simply for people who liked collecting. None of them have great points or rewards to balance the price of getting them.

Removing armor weight restrictions (Revised)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I think they prefer to make outfits to put in the gem store so they can profit

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I like the concept but not a fan of the armor itself. But I’m known to hate heavy armor so I can’t judge too much

Mad King’s Labyrinth update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Now people can spam their 1 skill all day! Anet’s plan to make everyone zombies for Halloween, literally.

gets more challenging content and more loot

Thank you Anet!

Can we get a Via Infinitum?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I’ve never played the other game, but would this be a group activity or something you could solo? Does it pause when you leave and you come back on the same floor as you left off?

Looking for a different class to play.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I suppose, warrior might be the closest from the classes you already play…Or necro, but necro is a bit boring in pve. I don’t play warrior, but I think it is the least passive class, with no weird gameplay attached to it (sry ele and engi I just can’t come to truly love you )

I mained warrior for a long time, it’s really fun with the elite spec to get great burst damage. The main drawback is lack of healing/defense (which is why they’ve been rare in PvP, at least the last time I played). It’s kill before you’re killed. BUT in PvE I still love my warrior. Axe/Torch and Longbow for burnzerker

Mid-Tier Halloween 2016 Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

My only goal is to get the candy corn node and greater candy corn node upgrade for my home instance- not because I need the material, but because I like having things in my home. So around ~10 candy corn cobs. After that I’m just selling off all my candy and hoping for a good ToT bag drop. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Where did the pumpkins in the labyrinth go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

How long ago did you do them? In the same map instance I believe they take til daily reset to be interacted with again (wiki just ‘after a period of time’)

Legendary Armor and Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

That could be a really fun addition to legendaries, I wonder how complicated that would be implement. If someone is willing to buy and add the sigils why not?

100,000 Trick-or-Treat Bags 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Where did you get 100,000 ToT bags? Just farming and buying? because kitten

Another act of discrimination towards thieves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Do a regular stomp like everyone else.

how about instead ill get 17k+ base hp like everyone else?

If i get stealth like everyone else +1

play mesmer then, you get both plus spammable defensive cds and clones

The impact strike chain doesn’t do the finisher right? It’s a skill, you need the finisher as far as I am aware

it performs the finisher animation and it consumes my limited finisher charges

Ah, my bad, it’s been a few updates since I’ve PvPd

Looking for a different class to play.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Necro is great against the new dragon minions- lots of chill application to make them vulnerable, aoe damage for the hoards, and tanky if you get swamped by a group

Another act of discrimination towards thieves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The impact strike chain doesn’t do the finisher right? It’s a skill, you need the finisher as far as I am aware

Skills not bassed by weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

No warrior in the whole universe use shield, that is a fact, go and play pvp, wvw even in pve, no warrior use shield, stop trolling around

You will still have/use the same skills but different weapon in your hands that is all, weapon will be cosmetic cast and/or skin in your hands and that is all, but perhaps yes so many animations and modifications would need to be added

And i think people want to troll…warriors using shield….i bet if i ask a screenshot from your warrior you will have a GS as main weapon or hammer and a rifle or longbow just in case range…ill lleave it there as suggestion


What’s the problem you’re trying to fix?

Personally, I don’t think it makes any sense to choose a weapon independent of weapons skills. I mean, this does have practical implications for competitive parts of the game to … I see a guy with a sword standing at range … and he’s pummeling me with ranged attacks … WTH?

Mesmers use a GS and are in range…bye

I think the OP is saying, you pick a set of skills, you pick the whole bar, not individual skills, and pick the weapon you want to use that set of skills with. So, eg, Greatsword could use Longbow set of skills, or Hammer set of skills, etc. It’s just cosmetic, though there would have to be lots of new animations added I would think.

Yes, and yeah maybe a lot new animations for fix and make sense would need to be added

You made this thread in discussions, and yet you are completely dismissive of opposing opinions. Might I suggest adjusting your expectations?

Not that this was the point of the thread, but plenty of people use shields. My warrior uses axe/torch and longbow, but shield is plenty viable in many game modes. Not sure why that’s such an issue to you.

Skills not bassed by weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

That would be a balance nightmare. Skills would be nerfed to the ground because in combination with other skills (ie, someone equipping 4 daze skills) they’d be OP

Next Elite Spec and Elder Dragon in LS

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As per the Primordus already being at the ‘effect’ stage, so how can we squeeze enough content, we already have confirmed Jormag activity in episode 2, and we can assume Kralkatorrik is also active as his minions were a part of the ley line magic-surge pre events. So we’ll (hopefully) get material for all three dragons. And maybe Bubbles too. Hopefully Bubbles too because I can’t see a full story arc for just the Deep Sea Dragon.

Travel Tonic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Do you mean like the magic carpet and broomstick?

WvW is Forced on players crafting legendary!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Is it being entitled to say it’s a kitten design? I honestly don’t rly care that I have to wvw, I make too many legendaries and don’t give enough of a crap about achievements that I had to wvw for badges anyway. But this reward track is so terribly passive and long. There’s no efficient farm, no way to speed it up. It’s all locked behind being there for a million years with boosters capping a momument/killing a sentry every 10min and/or more daily crap (as if we don’t have enough of that already). TBH by defending the reward tracks you’re just sabotaging your own gamemode, especially if you’re on a high pop server with queues.

A million years with boosters?? Ha! It’s only 5 hrs. And takes less than 10 minutes to build full participation. You do care or you would make these largely exaggerated claims.. and no it doesn’t hurt the game mode and I am on a high pop server the farm is faster than any Pve farm that is for sure….

Sure completely misread what I wrote and add more salt lol. At least it’s amusing.

How did I misread?let’s look over your main points.

You say you don’t care you have to WvW, but complain vehemently.

You say that the Reward track is long. Equivalent to a million years as you put it,

But it only takes 5hrs minimum with boosters and 8 hrs max without, yet is a slight fraction compared to the farm of Map completion.

Saying it sabotages the WvW gamemode, yet to get it you have actively participate at least every 10 minute by either capping a Sentry/killing a Doly or take a Shrine that can be used for Bloodlust seems to help out slightly so not a total waste..

No salt I am just stating you guys are blowing this out of proportion for entitlement when this has been a requirement to WvW since launch. And it’s one of the fastest materials needed besides dungeon gifts..

Read over my posts again. I never said pvers shouldn’t have to wvw. I only responded to your salty bs of “how the pvers don’t care QQ”. I still stand by that it’s a horrible design. Timegated stuff rarely feels rewarding and I find the whole thing extremely boring. While map completion is just as bad, at least there’s a sense of progression, but in wvw it’s just doing your time…

And how is it not “just doing your time” in PvE for map completion?

Because you’re actually doing smth, not just waiting around. Defend the system all you like. It promotes afking and keeps WvWers from actually entering wvw.

To get any progress on the track you have to be actively playing which isn’t being afk. Nice try. You have to do something to progress the reward track in WvW. And when you’re playing WvW, you’re a WvW’er. Maybe only a temporary one, but it makes you one.

To get any progress on your track you have to play wvw for a very short time and then you can afk for hours. Are you seriously going to argue with me that’s active play?

After 10 minutes participation drains, after 15 minutes it afk kicks you to character select.

No kitten, I’ve done this before you know. Do smth every 10min like cap a sentry or a monument. Still don’t see how you would define this as active play.

I must have lost track of this argument, are you complaining that you don’t have to play in WvW to get the reward track? When you didn’t want to in the first place?

If the problem is it’s boring, find a zerg or build a character to solo camps and try to get into it, rather than complain about it.

WvW is Forced on players crafting legendary!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

For them to be truly legendary weapons, I think it makes less sense to have them bound to a single game mode. Sure it’s more convenient, but the purpose of legendaries is prestige and effort.

Just effort rly, if it was to be prestigious there would have to be some actual difficulty behind obtaining them and you wouldn’t be able to buy them with a creditcard.

Which is probably why the new legendaries can’t be sold on the TP

WvW is Forced on players crafting legendary!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

For them to be truly legendary weapons, I think it makes less sense to have them bound to a single game mode. Sure it’s more convenient, but the purpose of legendaries is prestige and effort.

Legendary I can make profit on by selling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

My suggestion….

Make Eternity and sell it. I did. By Making Eternity and selling it, you get to keep 2 legendary GS skins, even though you can only hold 1 at a time AND you get to buy a 3rd from the TP. So 3 Legendary skins from 1 skin sounds like a good deal right?

I thought it was when I ended up with Twilight, Sunrise, Bolt and Infused daggers in one day lol

They think all the legendaries are so ~super~ ugly though.

OP if you’re farming most of the materials rather than buying them then you’ll have a great profit, it’ll just take a long time

*Spoiler*About Mursaat and Exalted.

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The Exalted were created, not born, so I wouldn’t call them a race. They went through rites and challenges to become light energy encased in golden armor, capable of hibernating as long as it took until they were needed. With Mordremoth awakening and Glint’s egg being retrieved they were revived to fulfill their purpose of protecting her legacy. My guess is, as followers of Glint, they heard stories from her or her prophecies about the evils of Mursaat and therefore that’s why they’re hostile to Lazarus.

Companions die a lot

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

In the last story step for Out of the Shadows, Rytlock and Marjery LITERALLY STAND THERE AND DO NOTHING during all the boss fights. This is ridiculous; there isn’t even something blocking them from reaching the fight or keeping them busy like in LS2. They are literally in the middle of the battles doing nothing and being ignored by the enemies. It’s completely immersion breaking and non-nonsensical.

Must have been a glitch, they fought with me when I did it

High DPS solo PvE classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I run a might stacking build on my tempest. Scepter/warhorn has the most fire field/blast finishers that I’ve found. Traits in the Fire (One with Fire, Pyromancer’s Puissance) and Tempest (Tempestuous Aria) lines as well as Fire Shield- aura from fire overload- add to the stacks as well. I run this as well as Runes of the Aristocracy to increase duration and end up with a near constant 25 might stacks.

Since the DPS increase is so high I can afford to run a more defensive third trait line (water or earth depending) and Dire stats. Survivability and DPS are both great I can solo a lot of HoT areas no problem.

If you don’t want to run Caudecus’s Manor or the PvP reward track to get the Runes of the Aristocracy, Runes of Strength give the same might duration bonus, but the stat bonus is power rather than condi damage

Making Hall of Monuments assets available

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Great, I got all the feedback from GW1 vetrans, sad thing is that GW2 only players probably doesnt even know what Hall of Monuments is and wont bother with this post.
Well… Whatever.

You asked for feedback. I’m sorry you don’t like that others disagree with your point of view. The summary has been:

  • It’s currently possible to get the rewards via the same methods everyone else has used.
  • The game makes it possible to solo and a large fraction of players did so even before GW2 was announced, so it’s a moot point how many people are playing. Still, there are a substantial number around 24/7.
  • ANet offered the rewards specifically as a way to honor GW1 veterans.

I can understand that you want the skins. What I don’t understand is why you don’t want to play GW1 to get them, like everyone else has done.

All feedback is welcome, but when you ask for feedback you want it from variuos types of players and when the feedback is from GW1 vetrans only, its getting generic and predictable. I would like to know what GW2 only players also think.

And like I siaed, i think that 4 years early access and freebies is enough honor. they can make GW2 only players work hard for what you got for free, why do care so much?

The HoM rewards are less about how much work they put in and more about loyalty. They’re an achievement and reward for being with the company so long, travelling from the first game to the second. If it means that much to new players, they can buy GW1 and earn them, but that isn’t the point. They’re items and rewards of GW1 veteran loyalty plain and simple.

White Mantle Badges

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

We’ve kind of known they were alive since release.

It’s literally point blank stated. In the human PS, in Brisban, in the Silverwastes, in the raid, and now here.

How are people only now getting it. o.0

Excuse me then, ’they’re coming back to relevance’

Well Done Arena Net... You got me hooked!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Whats is so exciting on those stupid mini events`?

the hype that they’ll lead to new and more exciting events

White Mantle Badges

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

White Mantle Badges are dropping as junk trophy items from the Champion Bandit events.

They’re aliveee! Or someone just really likes collecting antiques

The Elder Dragons/Six Human Gods

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s probably been pointed out already BUT- the two groups have corresponding counterparts. The Elder Dragons are older, is it possible that the gods were created to combat them for spheres of influence? Or to take over those spheres while the Elder Dragons slept? After all the gods disappeared around the time the dragons’ and their minions started stirring.

Balthazar, god of war, fire, and courage.
Primordus, Elder Dragon controlling earth and fire with lava-esque minions.

Melandru, goddess of nature, earth, and growth.
Mordremoth, the Jungle Dragon

Lyssa, goddess of beauty, water and illusion. Before the fall of Abaddon she was goddess of ‘unspecified elemental power’ rather than the specific water
Kralkatorrik, Described as both a hurricane and a sandstorm and creates the Branded, chaos like crystals

Grenth, god of darkness, death, and ice.
Dwayna, goddess of healing, air, warmth, and life.
These two are where there’s some discrepancy; Grenth could potentially fit both Zhaitan and Jormag. Grenth is Dwayna’s son, maybe he took over both of their spheres of influence while she represents their opposites? (warmth rather than ice, life rather than death)

Abaddon, god of water and secrets. As the Elder Dragons are far older than Kormir I’m considering him as part of the Six rather than her
Bubbles, the mysterious Deep Sea Dragon


Suggestion - Rich Plant & Wood Nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It never made sense to me either why there aren’t rich sapling nodes. Ore seems to be more plentiful anyway, considering you can find it underwater and underground as well as on the surface

Oxymorons and Contradictions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Iron Marches

No Iron Ore

Drop rate for HoT currencies and keys

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

^^In addition to that, VB has by far the most events of any map

Why can't we buy crowbars?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Thus there’s no downside if the price is set right. Just to clarify what you’re saying.

That’s barely an issue at all.

So long as the price is set high enough then I don’t see an issue. With how much currency that I have been getting though, it’d probably have to be between 30-50 per crowbar. Even then, I don’t see why it’s necessary when events reward so many crowbars now. Is there something that these airship crates drop that people need a lot of?

Airship oil is the only item exclusive to airship cargo as far as i am aware

Bladed Vestaments

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

many many people do VB. in addition to the meta end reward, you can also buy bladed armor boxes for 500 airship parts and 1g. It may sound like a lot but if you play the events a lot you get plenty of airship parts from the rewards and cargo boxes

EDIT to add: you buy the armor boxes from mastery vendors

Aye but not the vestaments do they? Unless that changed with patch?

I just double checked, they don’t have the coat box. Sorry for the mistake!

Pick one elite spec alone to play

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Of the new ones i have used Daredevil sticks out as most fun.

Druid was lackluster poor damage and healing, Tempest is horrible as all ele because they are tissue paper, scrapper is as usual weak but still the pinnicle of engie which is quite sad.

I have yet to try the rest.

I have to disagree with this. My main is tempest and if you’re built right you can have high survivability. With the shouts and overloads you can have a near constant aura of some kind that can grant regeneration, vigor, protection, and straight up healing. In solo situations I use Tempest, Fire, and Water trait lines. Water and Tempest give me the auras for regen, vigor, and healing to keep me alive while Fire grants might stacks to keep dps high.

Bladed Vestaments

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

many many people do VB. in addition to the meta end reward, you can also buy bladed armor boxes for 500 airship parts and 1g. It may sound like a lot but if you play the events a lot you get plenty of airship parts from the rewards and cargo boxes

EDIT to add: ignore what was above, I was mistaken

(edited by Black Iris Flowers.3418)

Why can't we buy crowbars?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Just to be clear.. you don’t want to/‘have time’ to do the area’s event but you want the area rewards anyway?

VB has by far the most events, ~7 per chain with 5 chains in the area (not counting nighttime), and with the new system you can get anywhere from 3 to 15 crowbars for each event. AB and TD have far less which is why you can buy the keys and chak acid.