Showing Posts For Black Iris Flowers.3418:

Aurene's Father

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Forgive me if this has been a topic before, I didn’t see one.

Does Aurene have a father? Asexual reproduction is uncommon in advanced/complex creatures; presumably it takes two dragons to make a baby dragon. We all assume Aurene will be like her mother Glint, but if she indeed has a father he could greatly influence her powers and abilities.

Slightly off topic I really want Bubbles to be female. All the other Elder Dragons seem to identify or be referred to as male (ie from the wiki: ‘Though its gender is unknown, Jormag is referred to as male by the Sons of Svanir’).

Glacial Gauntlets making a comeback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Let it be true, they were one of my favorite pieces in GW1!

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

^^I’m hoping we get to talk to Jora’s spirit, considering her brother Svanir was the first corrupted soul we know of

Buying a Second Account

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Why do you want a second account? (just curious)

One/Two handed - inventory slots.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

0/10 agree, please don’t unnecessarily take my inventory slots

Soo no quarterly update??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Weren’t the quarterly updates in January, April, July, and October?

[Discussion] Your Main Issues With The Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

If they would finally release the new legendaries, that would be great

Phospholuminescent Infusion 5000g?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

That’s true. Looks like there’s only one at 5000 for each for a total of 4. Those, however, made have been put there in hopes of a sale later when supply drops and prices rise as fewer ToT bags are opened. An investment later in other words, even if it takes months. That’s how many TP people make so much gold. They list high on items such as these vanity cosmetics and wait for the market to spike to that level.

Read my next post. It looks like they are there to (hopefully) catch the price spike as supply drops and prices rise. It’s a reasonable supposition. Chak egg sacs sell at 10k gold and Queen Bee sells at 2200 so it looks like one flipper is hoping it hits 5k.

As the lister of the 5000g infusions, I can tell you that this is what happened.
I expect these will eventually be worth that much (probably 6+ months), figured I might as well list them now in case someone REALLY wants a precision one and buys it.
Before I listed those, there were no buy orders or sell listings on them at all.
wish me luck!

Don’t mind me, just trying to fathom having enough gold to even pay the listing fee

I’m not the best economist

Suggestion: Rebalance Legendary Journey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

So, you want me to have to create a new character every time I start crafting a legendary? Or at least I have to level a new crafting profession?

I maxed out my crafting professions ages ago, and some of them took dozens of gold. I don’t think your complaint about them being too expensive is balanced out by making people spend more gold to level the same crafting disciples again.

[Winter's day JP] feedback, suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Agreed. Trying to get the shoulder piece was frustrating enough without being able to get into the instance you needed

need this !!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

And I thought we had ostentatious wings kitten son

Favourite weapon skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The Corrupted weapon set (icy looking with frost coming off of them)
Super Adventure Box Skins (Kaiser especially)
The spirit weapon skins? Not sure what to call them

Superior Rune of the Scrapper question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s just incoming

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

That works, actually. Being stationary in GW2 means almost certain death much of the time. Only true masters of stealth and evasion would even attempt to use a weapon that requires holding still for relatively long periods of time (i.e. >1s) to use effectively. Pretty kittene for PvP though. I assume most people wouldn’t bother, even if it had a guaranteed one-shot kill.

Maybe toss in some inspiration from Overwatch as well, specifically McCree’s ultimate: an attack that will always kill what it hits (players and normal mobs; interactions with advanced mobs/bosses, TBD), but has a cast time relative to the target’s current HP. …an “Ending Shot”, as it were. It fits in with the Thief theme too, literally stealing kills with this move; as your allies reduce the target’s HP, your ending shot speeds up.

I’m loving the concept I just worry about the PvP aspect of it. People would either complain that it’s OP in it’s 1-2 hit capabilities orrrr say that it’s too weak in skirmishing combat

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As how it was mentioned in the discussion made about rifle thief in the thief forum:
Powerful long range weapon + Stealth = Recipe for power creep disaster.

Ideas for balance that?

Maybe a ‘revealed’ affect after certain skills, high initiative cost, some kind of sacrifice cost necro corruption (ie: Recoil- take damage or a daze/stun affect when using ‘X’ shot)

Is anyone else lagging?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I couldn’t even log in earlier

Logic of stats barriers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

So, if you don’t think the stat combination warrants the effort, just don’t do it? Some players might find it worth it and work towards making that gear. If you don’t think the stat difference is big enough to justify the effort why do you care? How does it affect you? Anet gave more options and as they were new and unique, they are harder to get. When HoT launched do you think people should have been able to walk in and buy the armor stats?

Maybe you agree that’s how it should have been, but it would have felt off to me. I’m okay with working towards new gear if I find it worth the effort. The only point I can agree with is the pearls and lillies being so rare- that’s been a problem with ALL gemstones since amalgamated gemstones were released.

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Oh god, no. I fail hard to imagine this ingame. And how this would fit into the Thief class. We are neither snipers nor Jhin from League of Legends.

I’d like to have some focus on the basic idea of the thief class – and not driving it away like ArenaNet is doing right now by killing our profession’s identity. (Loud) rifles would be kinda off. I know the 1,200 range is for many a very important aspect, but I am not really sure about that…


When I think rifles and thieves I picture Deadshot. Line it up, fire a few powerful shots, be gone before anyone is the wiser.

Logic of stats barriers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

If I understand correctly, your grievance is the cost of materials to make the gear, yes? I don’t believe these were very expensive to start with. The cost of insignias and Amalgamated Gemstones drove them upward. I wouldn’t say it’s poor design but rather that the materials need to be more available (higher drop rate, new sources, etc).

Idea: Metallic Dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Ranger and Thief are great candidates to have rifle in future specializations, also, mesmer having access to rifle would be unique too, as using them in a magical way rather how the rest of the classes use them.

Ranger was my initial thought for rifle. I hesitated to mention it since ranger has three two-handed weapon sets already (longbow, shortbow, and staff) and it would be nice to see more one handed combos.

Thief however.. a Sniper spec would be awesome and finally give the profession a 1200 range

"Eye of the Storm" in WvW Zerging

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s a stun breaker, as far as I know one of the only stun breakers that affects yourself and allies. I personally don’t use it as it’s rather situational

Spheres of influence and spectrum of magic

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Backtracking to Primordus being able to create Risen- even if he COULD, would he want to? He’s been doing things his way for 10,000+ years I see him more likely to enhance his own minions instead of figuring out Zhaitan’s way. It seems effortless but maybe creating minions is a skill of theirs that’s been honed over thousands of years. Plus Zhaitan had all the bodies of Orr. Up until the recent there wasn’t anyone on the Ring of Fire islands

Want to return, is living story necessary?

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

HoT frequently goes on sale, you could get it for $25-$30 instead of $50 if you catch it at the right time

Tyria story from the beginning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Destiny’s Edge quick version :

Logan (human), Caithe (sylvari), Rytlock (charr), Eir (norn), Snaff, and Zojja (asurans) form a guild to fight elder dragon influence. They go around and kill a couple dragon champions. They hear from their buddy Glint that Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik is awake and off to kill her for betraying him (ie breaking from his Kralky corruption because Glint don’t need no master).

So Destiny’s Edge canters off to protect Glint and kill Kralky when Logan gets a call from the love of his life Queen Jennah. Jennah’s all ‘Logan people are trying to kill me come help’ and he tells his guild mates ‘bye guys my lady needs me’ and rides off into the night. The rest of the guild is like ‘erm maybe we shouldn’t fight and Elder Dragon a man short’ but Eir is a confident she-norn and goes ‘nah guys we got this’.

So Destiny’s Edge sans-Logan fight Kralky, get utterly wrecked and both Glint and Snaff are lights out dead as door knobs. Snaff was Zojja’s mentor and Zojja blames Eir for saying that they should still fight. Eir doesn’t think that kitten is very fair (but also feels guilty at the same time). Rytlock blames Logan for ducking out on them; Logan takes offense because he was saving the woman he loves (whom can never truly be with him because she’s Queen oops). Caithe is left trying to get everyone hold hands and sing kumbaya but they aren’t having it.

The dungeon story modes show them all eventually making up before Mordremoth pops awake

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Urgoz from Cantha was a hunter, he could have the shortbow. We could see things like splinter weapon and vampire weapon skills from ritualist come back. Maybe even turret like ghosts?!

Ooo, I like the idea of Urgoz. Perhaps the focus could be AoE environmental affects in tribute to Urgoz’s Warren mission. Maybe in the form of traps (long range target trap skills would be beautiful)

Rifle and Short Bow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The rifle and short bow weapons are available to the least amount of classes (warrior and engineer, ranger and thief, respectively). It seems odd to me that these are available to less than a third of the classes while the staff is available to 7/9. Perhaps its just me but I’d like to see these weapons become more widely used in game. If anyone agrees, has thoughts to share, or has an idea for elite specs with these weapons please share below!

Given the lack of mid ranged options for Revenant I’d be open to a short bow elite specialization. Not going to lie though I’m struggling to come up with a character ‘legendary’ enough to become a legendary stance to match. I loved Pyre Fierceshot in EotN but as I said- not sure if he’s special enough. Melandru being a goddess certainly would be but I don’t believe it was said anywhere that the human gods are in the Mists. Plus I can’t see other races (cough cough charr) channeling a human deity.

Need Gear advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I rarely run power stats for ele, I find strong condition damage or precision/ferocity to be better routes to take but that’s just me

That’s pretty rare in my experience. Most eles I know either run pure power or mix of power and celestial. That doesn’t mean condi’s eles are bad, it just means you’re a bit special.

It suits my play style better I have my build set up 20-25 stacks of might at all times, that helps (PvE speaking of course, I don’t run condi in PvP)

Ah sry — I’m always wearing WvW glasses and I forget there are other game modes


All good, conditions are horrible in any setting against real players given the amount of condi clears everyone runs right now

Pistol elite spec?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I can’t see it for an elementalist. I know elites are about bringing something new to a class but eles are so magic oriented that bringing in machinery just seems off

Need Gear advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I rarely run power stats for ele, I find strong condition damage or precision/ferocity to be better routes to take but that’s just me

That’s pretty rare in my experience. Most eles I know either run pure power or mix of power and celestial. That doesn’t mean condi’s eles are bad, it just means you’re a bit special.

It suits my play style better I have my build set up 20-25 stacks of might at all times, that helps (PvE speaking of course, I don’t run condi in PvP)

Any Heavy Leggings that isn't a skirt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

My female warrior wears grasping dead leggings. There’s still a cape/tail thing though

Need Gear advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I rarely run power stats for ele, I find strong condition damage or precision/ferocity to be better routes to take but that’s just me

Need Gear advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

This is the basic build that I run (I didn’t fill out all the trinket stats). My armor is dire stats, warhorn is celestial, scepter is legendary so I can change the stats but it’s usually high healing power, trinkets are either celestial or something with either high condition damage or healing power.

Yet another Elite Spec Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As a future elite specialization, what if an entirely new weapon was introduced to the game, and was available to all classes as their new elite spec? Each profession would use it in a different way and have a different feel along with the usual new skills. It would be difficult to find a single weapon that could feasibly be used 9 varying styles. I’m all for 2-3 new weapons spread across the professions (ie one new weapon per armor class); that would increase the difficulty and workload of making new skins though.

As many others are I’m interested in seeing new weapons in the game- but with Anet’s style it seems like elite specs would be the best way to introduce an entirely new weapon option to the game. Thoughts?

Next Elite Specializations - Introductions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I would love it, the effort into lore and story line make me love this game.

But I can only manage the forum whining of "how dare you quest lock content!?!??!?!’

"Legendary" Trinkets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Can’t even use two of those Rings since they are Unique which by the way makes no sense if there’s no second Ring incoming.

You can always infuse one of the blood ruby bands. Infused is considered unique from non infused so you could equip one of each

(edited by Black Iris Flowers.3418)

Crafting and Loot Drop systems seem to clash

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Except for the fact that it will take you years to acquire ascended gear in any way other than crafting. I’ve been playing for 3 years and I’ve literally had a single ascended drop.

So, in this way, we don’t really have the choice not to craft if we want ascended gear. Crafting is the only surefire way to acquire it. Please don’t tell me that we have multiple other options, because we simply don’t.

3 years and a single ascended drop means you don’t do Fractals. I refuse to believe your RNG is so bad that you haven’t had more drops in all that time. Trust me, next to crafting, Fractals is the best way to acquire ascended gear. I have 9 ascended characters and 10 sets of ascended gear (that’s full ascended gear, so armor, weapons and trinkets). Only 3 armor sets were crafted (for the Ascended Accoutrement achievement), the rest is obtained during a period of 4 to 5 months of daily (high level) Fractals. I crafted some weapons but most were also drops. And I’ve some drops outside of Fractals, though I admit that this last option is too rare to build up one or more full ascended gear sets. You do have choices, but that’s not to say anything will drop anywhere at any time.

Yeah, I refuse to believe it too! I’m all the way up to level 82 Fractals and I’ve only gotten that one ascended drop (from fractals, coincidentally). I heavily considered contacting Anet and telling them that my account is bugged with an RNG from hell. I even have 93% MF.

I suppose I assumed that this was normal to acquire only one ascended drop in this amount of time and that everyone had the same luck as me…. but I suppose that’s not the case. So, fractals and crafting are the options.

Scale 82 doesn’t really mean much.

The thing not mentioned is that while fractals have a decent drop rate for ascended that is from the tier 4 chests. That also means MF means absolutely nothing in that regard. If you aren’t doing the t4s then it’ll mostly be some infused rings.

93% MF was around the point where I noticed that rares actually started dropping rarely as opposed to never so I wouldn’t expect too much out of MF regardless.

The fractal masteries make a big difference too, the second and third tiers improve and give bonus rewards from chests and encryption boxes

That one mushroom HP in Tangled Depths?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Why do you need that hp anyway? If u don’t wanna do it then skip it there are tons of easier hps to do.. even some that are easily soloable once u get some practice

If you’re going for map completion on all those maguuma maps for legendary crafting or something, then yeah I agree it’s a problem but honestly just join a hp train cos that’s how I got mine

Pride of achievements. But, as far as map completion goes, you could get it from the heroics notary

Bloodston Fen Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

This is why I don’t hang around Bloodstone Fen >.<

Future Legendary Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

awkwardly hides Meteorlogicus behind back

Nah I love Meteorlogicus for my Ele. She uses scepter/warhorn so Meteorlogicus/The North Wind work perfectly together. I just hope some of the new weapons will be elegant rather than large and flashy.

(edited by Black Iris Flowers.3418)

[Ele] Official Ele Forum Guild

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

- Name- Black Iris Flowers
- Role- Tester/Student/Teacher (see below)
- Game mode(s)- PvE, Fractals, (some WvW and PvP)
- Realm- Borlis Pass (possibly switching to Fort Aspenwood or another world soon)
- Other info

I’ve mained an Elementalist since launch (and in Gw1 before that). I specialize in Scepter/Warhorn (where teacher comes in) but am rather inexperienced in Dagger/Dagger-Focus (where student comes in). I played staff the first year or so, but it’s not my style. I love PvE and solo a lot of HoT areas with my ele. Personal Fractal level is 80 (getting the AR for higher). I do some WvW, mostly solo roaming but I’d love to spend more time in groups. I played auramancer in PvP for awhile but haven’t been into it since the spring. Elementalist has been my main since I started playing GW, excited to join!

TD community unintentially toxic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

That doesn’t sound like a toxic situation. It sounds to me as if some people have irrational confidence in a map that started organizing earlier and aren’t willing to try on another map.

It’s toxic because those organizing full maps know full well how many people are in other maps (they can see, for example, 15 out of 40 people in the squad are in their map and are told their map is full), but choose to leave it on LFG anyway. This, being one squad of 4 (each lane does it) and each squad having over a dozen players not on their map indicates to them there is enough interest to support at least one more map doing the meta.

But since the optimal move for the organizing map is to try to stay full and the individual player to try to get into that map, and that leads to a worse outcome to the players not on the map, it becomes toxic to the game. It lowers interest in at least that one HoT map, and for players who spend 20 minutes trying and failing to get into a full map leaves them dejected and soured on the game.

It’s like a modified version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

You’re getting angry/irritated at the stubborn nature of humanity itself, not the game, you realize that right?

(suggestion) Make vanilla Elites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s an interesting thought, well thought out with a lot of potential. I wouldn’t nerf the minor traits a whole lot but having a vanilla elite would make core builds more viable.

However it’s the allure of something new that gets me interested in elites. If we could get both without suffering, awesome, but I wouldn’t sacrifice fresh content for upgrading core traits.

Anet, pls change female GS wielding animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I made my warrior tiny for this very reason- I think it’s hilarious when she moves the giant weapons with ease

Warrior elite spec idea: Corsair

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I could see the parrot as an elite skill (similar to the ele skill to summon a greater elemental) but not as an entirely new mechanic. I’d probably want to murder my own parrot if it was constantly talking lol

Berserker's or Marauder's?

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I’m reworking my warrior after returning to play for the first time in 8-9 months. I tried a condition burnzerker build after HoT came out, didn’t like it, and stopped playing warrior after that.

I’d like to switch to a burst based power build for multiple game types (going to try it out everywhere but raids). Would you suggest Berserker or Marauder stats on my armor? (ascended armor just going to switch stats). Or something else entirely?

I’ll be using Axe/Mace for one weapon set (or axe/shield) and was thinking Hammer for the second but I’ve heard it’s no good now- I wanted it for the stun/push back/knock down. Is hammer still a viable option?

The secret map of Maguuma [Speculation]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Maybe there will be tunnels left over from Rata Novus, or more research centers. Total shot in the dark but I want them to have a place similar to the Infinite Coil Reactor in Mount Maelstrom- where the Inquest study dragon minions. Rata Novans have SO much research on the dragons it’d be cool if they had a place to observe the minions


in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I play power S/Wh for pve and T4 fractals. I prefer it to D/Wh due to the better blasts and better solo play. I use Fire/Arcane/Tempest since I just like to reduced CD on Arcane skills to grab 2x more Blast Finishers and the CD on all attunements.

How’s Condi scepter play compared to Power scepter for PvE? I didn’t like the idea of losing OL Air as a damage option or Air in general.

I’ve always preferred condi damage, haven’t run raw power in quite awhile. It’s definitely better for longer fights like champions or HoT metas (to get the burn and might stacks high) but the damage output is great. Air skills I switch to when fire skills on recharge. With the might stacks +750 power bonus it still does pretty good damage. Then of course the air skill 4 on warhorn is the best cc bar breaker in the build. I’ll take another look at the arcane line next time I don’t need the healing


in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Scepter and Warhorn seem to get get a lot of hate for Eles so I’d like to share my build to get thoughts and opinions on my usual build, as well as discuss why scepter/warhorn aren’t very popular (together or independently).

My build is for solo PvE play but also run in Fractals and (very tentatively) WvW, if you’re capturing camps/sentries and not fighting other players. Does not PvP well.

Goal : Maximum might stacks through skill combinations and use, traits, and runes. Might increase in damage output allows for more defensive stats that increase survivability.

Traits :

Cleansing Fire: Condition clear or Conjurer: Gain fire aura when picking up conjured weapon (if you like conjured weapons)
One with Fire: Fire auras last longer and grant might when applied
Pyromancers Puissance: Each skill used while attuned to fire grants might

Unstable Conduit: Apply aura with each overload
Invigorating Torrents: Auras apply regeneration and vigor or Tempestuous Aria: Shouts grant might and apply weakness
Elemental Bastion: Auras heal allies

The third trait line can be traded to fit the situation. Typically I use:

Soothing Ice: Gain regeneration and frost aura when critically hit
Cleansing Wave: Remove a condition from you and allies when attuning to water
Cleansing Water: Remove a condition when granting regeneration or for group settings, Powerful Aura: When granting an aura for yourself, grant it to nearby allies

Utility Skills :

“Wash the Pain Away!” -Best heal skill imo
“Feel the Burn” -Instant cast, can be used when stunned, grants fire aura
“Flash Freeze!” -Can be switched out, I use it for aura buffs
Signet of Air -Passive 25% increase in speed, stun breaker
“Rebound!” -Aura buffs, can be switched out

Equipment :

Armor Stats :
Dire Insignia; +Condition Damage, Vitality, and Toughness. I like the defense boost for soloing HoT areas
Scepter is Meteorlogicus and I change the stats to fit my situation
Warhorn is Celestial stats
Trinkets/Back Item came mostly from drops and vary in stats but most have condition damage as the greatest bonus

Superior Rune of the Aristocracy :
+25 Condition Damage
+10% Might Duration
+50 Condition Damage
+15% Might Duration
+100 Condition Damage
+20% Might Duration; gain 3 stacks of might when using a heal skill

Runes of the Aristocracy come from Caudecus’s Manor. If you don’t want to run the dungeon of reward tracks, Runes of Strength grant the same Might duration increase but attribute to power rather than condition damage.

Superior Sigil of Corruption
+10 condition damage bonus after every kill. Max 25 stacks

Superior Sigil of Bursting
+6% condition damage

Might Stacking

Fire fields: Overload Fire, Wildfire (Fire skill 5)
Blast finishers: Dragons Tooth (Fire skill 2), Pheonix (Fire skill 3), Sand Squall (Earth skill 4)

Each combo grants 3 Might stacks. More fields/finishers can be picked up from Conjure Flame Axe

Fire skill 4, Heat Sync grants 3 stacks
All skills used while attuned to fire
All fire auras. Fire auras can be obtained from: Overload Fire, “Feel the Burn!”, “Rebound!”, and Conjurer trait if it is used

All the combined effects offer a near perpetual 25 might stacks (+750 condition damage and +750 power at level 80) for myself and constant application of stacks for my allies (particularly in close quarters).

All opinions are welcome! (sorry the post is so long!)

Day 1. Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As for the eye color- if you meant you didn’t find a way to change it, It’s a select bar on the bottom of certain pages (eye shape customizing) similar to skin color on the bottom of the face page Welcome to the game!